O - s i." i t n il 't-, - -~ - i.. - r pot-at-ces.1 Net long aro, se t-erest-or-y goos, threr knew t-bat tiese aock Of the exlsoo-un- rs instsat unas nro i urt*Saa pet» d a-Ut Canadiens discoyeredt-bat t-be Gar- reeCUn tlugapi et-ti tremof uat-,r-' -at- t-bey wM aCtfag 94 t-Iir MM eW4 'Pt-" sttlrs a ~sma * ~ Manse had, ln somne vny wbclly unes- t-hmi-t bael by t-he r-eing screwsI Iittative; tissut ser bouet w'as *qup- -4oo WhnMl un.Pecteti, tappeti a Canadien t-mois outti affect the propeller->tad«e for' pedi iy private p.t-ieq'b=u motives ft-ebsefoyl telophono vire. A ceanect-lon hat an histt-at ai tisougis t-le vat-vere cf patriotisi, >er c staiet-Ig~~ Bri, », If When Mswîeil petern..be«matie wil teGrm ol r ania.Tiser-e vas a gingilys incriuiluting -t $ti's-rioreTabo Lnon reiples tln ber coolcbook it-vi wi t teulls.'rnotbe Grtranchez. .'r0sbp av aîep iS t-. h. ,rt-.t ekWata4usrdtIu<t-f -mo1 uraat~ b. a catastrophe when se.finds the able t-o bear ailofeth~eoers1paaahgï bors ne Slyawptiebgn e'broiassftt Tse 1 We bM brt b o*uli IiO thU sy thr ta&M »UItkO r-cram bas sOured.5h. maY1 ou t-be teipheae lint-bat- vlelplt. lkmespeeti; wMleW froua below came, v e tothitir duat-h ul@pve. -e wêlh-ie*sM eté'en ud t-bat- the famiiy likes t-beTisere vas a Wood tiaI cftconsterna-rt-he ecatter of engin.,s utideuty jles.f 0Rwev.,bkr&s uhe uw"tisings btter t-ban wbat sho baditUon when thb e t-mg ofthte linseed frosi t-heu bd andi runùiâgýWld. UMooT rd by r. C;W 1 V" 6b, plinSMti. ca cf siowed tiiae il hb been t-apped sud*f Dauhlng tlie vater trous h0eye,0%utOf "uiobratoe tatua ea- ea*.--r« on cu o suar ndt-h. tiret- imposewua t-oeut- ti eG*.Cra. stadfor-ya abaqthhe k bdes 04 so. e s é ~ebw, wher. ,a ÃŽ oui~~~~~~~~~~~ cpofso-elgoeter lt1anvr.ACanadien coloner. 5e- dock. Two mm a eoste hm, but lierWi tiiyIîq lai epbeaAslbe flel 'ilPM~m~êsl tagetlber one ar noaselaI! ups cof ever, biai a b~ otonu>$u. 1. .-.dotigrutirad tsedeeoomanti raJ pq* -WWU. vaü» tii-ýaMud h>s> 1ýq»bd tour au4 *,teapoonN fulesoda, cloves, thesematter s:wObyha&ua tïas nt o tti le am to -h <etetth ffl! qieimion andai utmeg sand add It t-o laid a deep plot te profit- by i*m cir-, forerijItunnL 0»of.t» t-,mu 0 Wf rMI a* --r' th* au0gro alteuiiteiy ith ei cup oft umstauaco. b :dpa5pdý M o~aqI-ugf~eUs on - i11,04 7 ,Mr psitk. Chop a couple et raisins, - At- a certain point, t-b. Canatilans nho r-ma& st-ao-ua.m»'terWi Mlmle fbie adve am ~ ~ t-be O#-ete -hhafarpo lu 1had Rutsed i m n u5i t-be Gor- iop t-b. ledaier that W d t-o tle poohestt &M dt-o mixture. Fr-est-vit-h a man ti-ue&ialt-i eploelon vi"dW- 4»t-&er- eok toiesbt-mbat a bullUt, me"tke~et -hela Mo e bea ru~,t éboeolat-e iclg. ton-ma. heu t-he Cauradimaangn&eai Mplered bis tigu, Stti - vate IM , tmea"- wa10Os1 W lt&* CWyPdi«Btotegg wljlâs a . eut- etfiore. WIt-bt-bher-dbtâi d epw*Wtey. -hi,% r-seboaer-tin' mt-be LN* ýy et a Pr o up of g,-nt- Add [a a ulat-ung jusourder hassai fsem1iyeuMt- of ert-rluoo4 .in~ 1ft - a a sr. mmi-main lu Isiia fourt-b etfor as atueSThfe Gequmsw tit aêUP efter- bina..AS h.eaubti t-lie top ftr-msietl-t ___» mnooý-W bi-Ãï t40*lot soda bau beau die ko I o urieta tertrî- k M oe h eg.Wh m t IriU fy rM a ti tapoonful ef meltéc41 beau diaroyereti. The ortit Va" Iver-etoblt&.Se-r-eerso Cýw. Theonstitia cup ot <tour ~a t-lut the at-tacts aboui bo e " I rs 04, Ot Wed eberries. in a&'t-be ver-y point- umaer vbelt* lie.was utM AMserve vit-h vanilleasaue la Csatilan miné.. lu- e- .uiu Ctêu1ie.-.-Bhst Lwo ,gg ditnkw about 'Use m A " - -br0I *, Ieusatit a cup of sugar, a lîrofllng 'y thbe Inforum*tIouiebtie *oub'mur sa, hl aecup o#et r -Uthe telsoua. wrl, t4h. Getmss hhat eapoonful eelln u rueplauïm-ed usrpr-e for tho*r n asti ,ut-meg. baSb- geee. lW~-I NIL or0(14 Claiwhlp 4 elue 9w-tmpý -in»gr, alowir, bait a t-ber w**%wott-g fer t-la CuaUeas &ÃŽ_( -'in inti -ï riiftarY preparation aud tborough- i- Thnere' a Subtie Charm nesLz,' anî& single-handed, set their eff orts at naught. Both England aiid about the dý1îcious Tiavourot A L NE HA DtuN o M.CrnefrNAMe ta or ~~called for resource, . ability, and cool Frmkn 1'm gre. We tke pleasure in extending ~ Th*apue fa rai irate ufeitaon. A J J I I' ~ ~ i C ptu e (erm ii(The End.) CIIAPTER IV.-(Cont'd.) ceiveti the butt of the heavv auta- TO N I H T TA Esi k , o o e , B 106 For two tense hours he lay quetly nmatie pisfol full across his forehead,-ohe upes v.hile the Cocob drove at full speedý and 'sank back without a sound. Crane, Where a Former Generation showed ~' ~ f uv, Thisfla our s u iqueand neye !o nd hrough the black night. Then he drc'pped safely over intu the steelWîd . i n cheap, ordinary teas. Let us mail out. A samother of rnisty rain ha4 ilyto clinb down, 1 nteedy fexerv iig corne up, andi the wind was rising. A The Cocos, now almost behind the when everything costs -double whatFEEE ORSR you ac sarnple. Black, M ixed or Green. better night for this adventure could' transport. had bati headway, ani lay' is used toi and four times more than hardly have been imagined. He feit! walloiving in the 'rhoppy seas. With you can attord to pay, what a boon the speeding ship make a sharp turn, a blinding flash, a search-light f rom to live i a city without taxes! Are ~emn h niiulB aq one feels a railway train take a' the transport was brought into play,' there such hings? you ask. Most cer- cuv. And off to the îee, almost envelopingz the disabled vessel in a tainly alyi h1wrGra S ~~abreast. be caught sigbt of the battle- briltiant glare of lght; andi the big TXe is Orson, in Sweden. This to tuo bmevst Iship's searchlighits playing like a gold, ship nrwung round toward ber, hardty minicipality lias its ordinary city ex- -poeoft en pencil on the mist. Bebind her, five hundreti yards away. A hoarse' penses, but it imposes no taxes. ennomd faint yellow spots marker the posi- ice camne across the xater, asking in> Moreover, the local railway is free togvrmnay h a tion of the transports. T yhad good Egis,'Wat's the mttr eer itzeand the lsno sonthhbatisgfeh taken no precautions to makThe t e nglis for telephone service, schools, chbare-V' ora.HradsGra lights, so secure did they feetl I these Crane fumt>led on the fluor of bis ies, and the tike. hrr i oeepcat oal w ater. cage titI he foun ti the loo lous's m eg - A l this ils due t e the w isdom of ath s k d. H s ow d he '~oI-rtd Rripa. <ip t 'uga <'reared itha hat cp sonhecpanse fevien.Cocos's captain rpbone; then'lie bellowed a reply: former generation, who planted trees -redfrdromteR He had bead- 'This usf suaiachostilewthGerman ctorpedo-eamoneaitnttheehavailableh'-'rouanhosilithethe torethe oUnitete aStates, gownth ieveth C n. rSuî.-Troecup for. ne-of butter. Then add haif a CUP of ed to cross the wake of the last trar- boat. Senti fifty nirmeti men in your re.ruit that during the past thirty &~ ao fteEpr.Oeo thirri coq)r sgar. one-fuurth cu boit- soda crearo, a teaspoo(nfut of soda, two port, at least two miles behinti the boat.'yrstb wnatoieshvstdLpapots ashtinGr tcu..une CilJp (l e1r tatîlespoon tablespolonfuls of mutasses, spice tu battleship. In this weatber lie couidl They ivere shooting at him nom, over £1.000,000 wortli of yourg trees tatadhl cpec fcnoppeu onet easy range m-ithout being dis- Bulr ets rapped snharply on the stetan tii ber, while judicions replantrngs uie rn satiuet ai.'. twi,) tailespos ginger. NIlx wlosat asn. Mxsf niad1* . ayecmatsri m-anut Fid risis. ix oftandcovered. Then be would hurt bis st-ack. Thon one tore through Iris have provided for a simitar incorne ln t<rrl- iu urder gvn îtwt ropfini a spo.xln. Thesse wilt keep torpedo, and race off .at fuît speed forearni, and be aimost tost his mega- the f uture. .' senti Th l4i, no@al itntaslreia ttlng time. to the rear. Some minutes must, phono. Ho dropped lower in bis cage. Then there is M onmarlon, in the VII ae o b '~ ~w Blte i vuryslow Sour Urran i-illing for Cakes.-1 elapse bofore the batttesbip coutti get! Men were swarflhing aroundtilte Midi. F;ance. Here not onty are - ua"honatteSat"s BRI' in vey li) hip a hait cul) (f s or cream and: ber bearings and toi-n round; mnean-! boats on thre traasport's decks. The' there nu taxes, but the tumbera ontbeislransoe tha eW ou(hrltr-tw rieaI l ivi,%f a ru îr of porder-ed 'rugar and; white lus tremennlors sped would <avits swung uut, boats dopedt- cmuallnsare the feuat vassa wbo kne l' rf Caltir-twoea'1hi'if a r et lf'1lanriwhdaimnnts, uhuip- carry hini welt beyonti the reacir ut ber the water, and men tumbted into t-btm. eace- person a srnatl annuity. Therefotbsmai"flean 01 ' 0e ag rns r , 1 p wt nfrai-bffe - rclghs. le migbt Two hoattoads pushed off anti st-arted1 are onty !reven electors in this halteatybor" Wli1î rit c r-ea ti ttUh In ie o.-Iirssr vo nalf a tea-spo<r)n-, et-rn toat ber out of t-he way tiren for t-be Cocos. su, to avuid sanytbiro tike 'ivalr" yheclI tidhernc - tl- '- 'tabitîlooners sugrr tlhon hijr r-InlOi-ar- uehi c r-ra-ti aur-ports. arc tbirty CGermans here wbo witl figbt council, says London Answers. Blln ni--i liprunes intrr this, lino glis ]as i t 'nuria n twrr ut sou(If mIlk wnlakat treotermiin Mr e, hutdCaeaTee ee eunt teievst h lclSrMpAtkn .. htwrfsacmttas týil r iIarlvfirirer-> and i tiir-nt' r c 'u nr'IlrI 9 re tables p on ful trf ruoitedi Swiftly andri slenti t-bugray wraitb to tho deat-b." He was getting v ry Nearer bomne we bave the island of1 wbo 1 tbe aut-o ftb etrcr irîrno rrea. Or serve i uter arr-i twrr 'or three egg- Err-:tore drrwn on the placiti shlp, witb ber weak nôw frora loss of bltoti, an(d be Jnnisbmurray, off t-be west coast of of warfare sinc] airs"eist tinwogti oada V, puerieti"re '< l0a- er It(ughiq r-t urrusi,' 4aRiuecl t' uttîX',the sr'îre of hundi-ots of unsuspecting hu- leanuti baek exhauFtet in the sheît-er:Iretanti. Here t-bre are no t-axes, War"-his bok "aaal ln h yia nesa D t-ai tr'r t h r rrrhr r1n)osruirut- horror for the Armenian anri ives. Doubtic-s t-be troupers cf t-ho stack. But when a fusillade cf simply because the fourteen families1 ders," being t-b] fiiisoyo h uns nase. L~ tc., t.-\ tînt il time ti reo. r frultckrng lu thre saluons, wait- shots bt-oke out betow-as t-ho Cor- who live on the istanti resotutety re,- Canadian Exetionr oc. SrRem r nwr.Vr C, - i- (ornstarch 1Pudding-Touone h 1 - 1 i- eni aecuae oe rs o a. l een eottoMax Ailken ià isi aCnda r,-1 b I ing .grap or r i ir'and pa'<li lo risk e ping 1 lps. p î'tr . ing for theo u ge -c a o f aps, ltte m , un th espboats ,coura ige, spe- 1ue Lo c a v In a eent o r teor t e- ateio- e s n f t b e . t e m rl li n h r a t t'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i ar00rri :îrh (tr ntt tr -t rut pntinrr %111w r it aro't- ar s<'rinar at hinîlwa preparing their slipped a fresh ctip of cartridires into celtector statedti -at ho coutti nut get Wittiam Ait-kenwh cthmn swi--at ftb ta- sitltarins rail t ebath. C'rune aw- t-be brigbt hic revolver, leaneti over t-be etige, anti a boat on the maintand t ak iitraNe Pt raititeis gorue, thio ir t it 1 rire li :li sai 'ltspdi lr vz rw ail rih-cmenced hotn own uo hm1t heiln nsà an ern alibkn s s ar-rir îîe-rîi lnirîr nt r'rosprtlirg ft-i (t: thiýrut-lineofrîtt-ho sip, now a A volley of -bots answered, anti a reti coltect-ig rates. At a meeting of t-be! for Asbton-une-ye sne11, rsiguo nams m il lil rtn ritt. tf il-il e (Yandl l<er O r-nî.rrri ralkes a vry gr.-ri tlir - ' rhaIt mile away, became distinct. fiame seemnedtto sear bis brain. Ho Sligo Count-y Couacit it was stateti ant on the oitra fth a orees hw -evleo f rtî'rt'-ptrIrrîr <'il l.ii trii i nng frrrsruçs.lrit rr(ppeîi back intît bis pit-, fumbleti crumnplc'd down on t-be bodiy outh-e Ger- that soîre years ago t-wo officers of waS accePtedasheofci"rod-vlaln eeysftbem 011. ' IrI ) rratrl vt\ twir<pt- ain(]pi'rV -r t-lrr-utl tiriirb frr hizi-vt-cb, anti fixotieager eyes naianlookout, anti knew nu more. 1 the counicil, wbo tried t landi on t-be or" to t-ho CaianFre -ectnao oetsu In ý ý, oortdlNt ili lod zsrrdcn'atv n tetred-r lie recovereti consciousnesa witb t-be'i iand for t-be sanie purpuse, were or1ý i,-. ? ,Il rr"-lr"i ori tir ros A lI ,,ttn xsiq huiler feIr kr'rprng Thre). îroti stili anti ready at their sensation cf lying on sometbing cotti stonet off t-be shore by t-be inhabit. . 4 __ esapradsrpino 01lihgae renrdritirtîr titi il(.sain-oe tthe porthole-cov-er. anti bard. Some oe st-alking. 11e ants!t r Cr 'rrtç taprrrriak- TIr, rr- n , firr prlî-h fri truorare <rue at th(, tube lanvard. There w-as a' openeti bis eyes cautiousîy, and saw ________ ATESSI ElLN ihd0TeGraswr tan 'i' r-ltlo -rrriirnand, thre over <'titi iack t-be a Fbip's surgeon in wbit-e, turing <'0v iDLVRSIAHN LW. ihPi - Empîoy Women. mangiethtai bu manity in the nwasr spofleti hnitiN of oildrtpeiwu g aitr aitlcuw.**ml asottm t 1.ri t. is f ,-apri ai, hesl laktire Brit-ish army ant i nlvy. 'Musrt Makie Germans Realizo That t t'- 'i t "rî lxtottr-ri (f t uirîr -r eth .s-tIe i rlairgo quanti- shap,- 'tartoti out. A morment pas-ei; "I thin k he witl do vers' nirely now, The Brie mriettio tvîiist itter. duot irnc -ny rsotior lars. twa af1 brei nt-ewa-rgnlee,"tbesreo alsyigsVc-ryl tpam bepBriorTssii--bleous, u bstd omainia tie ; thi' lose thci fla\ ihait moarefultyedbatt.heocularigentatt-be thearureoaswt-beyins artetimot-ofpa t" ' r' ta'rIdrt irrur, fo utr, u .tabe li-'rsaii sait wîll runke rurrtv but hrîrmloss. - Crane's hands bridge-d "Ho was most extraordinarity trîcky. t The foltowing are ext-racts from a1 changes which th a aefcigi -uplt-pbasc hi -rri'tct-as oas ou ci urtanbler- finttrorns ras 'rnort-h as glrss. - hiF "itcantibe tiroppeti back flat- bave removedth -e buliet trom bis let-ter sent by an American living in tire capital, antiepcal ntb ae -eFrnhcnoraani uni rirtb filvle trirpo-'birtci ar-lt (Iac,-sarrtpalrer is bot-r thain 'ruhi- face. Tîrro as a blinding abîrulder, andth-bse in bis leg sud, bondon t-o a New York frienti: andi eat-iug boue.Teft sii--eplecdeiani oae t '-<-lerlIq e-* rier- ri ir ar e tnlrrh ta sc(rur kettie wrr.ir. fia-h ar-d aroar thal bieat-on bis ear- arm passedti -rough cteanly. The! The idea ut st-arving Ger-many -out-ficantchange s-sth raicr u io- oiiw .Tosg (<IrI rrarr 'd andtcîr î 1. Fruit rtto-more imporrrt-ant at ritumrs:'lie air -%,\a ,fuill<if flying wound in bis beat harely touches t-be' is absuri, for t-be conquered t-errrti-y st-oad cf broadatlb.Tot-otaelodt hknuan vr I "til-lit-os. iputl rne inchr apart- r'Ir kfttas thre rpr tnt-radtancr's. aplinters. A box rolleti upon hbu, but- skuti, andti h-ink there is rnc con- alone worked by Russian prisoners, d'ht-e Wafa sursst,-bn-h ii..fr.lihepove seî r.-o Iasrtd ne iht uveri. To reorrs-ehoo lar-kiug t-bat baF ho <truiieti f roe anti leapedtito t-b'e- usion."1 witt suppiy euough for th-h cuming a-o fhus -e"obt" aotboigitopee -emse i o Ptas c Thrio ri hot>i~ )eeou piir-i o u c lîrh ng use -inega r . fl or. T e forw ard endi f t-e deck Therell be som e cussin' s OOt"ri year. O n y one of tw o thing a w iIl cati schnaps after 9 p m , th l sre s a t i g t t -rriri'-er<. f-r'r.tor tcs~ons Tn>t'hitr-usbes sirutI1o u l ifppotinluwas gone, t-be bull at- t-bebows aptit spoke up Crane weakty, "if you don't. tbe war, t-be second dependent ou t-beday", t-he fattesdlq b bikg "t emdfedsr - t"- -r -rt tr eas-rrrrr eprr', onliii rtîtrrg t-rr '<cca u<rraly toidisin- andi twist-ed. Tire ha'cbwayladder -get- me off t-bis beastty cott table.">flrst. cf beer, t-be srnae c tr-tre, -a -eFec oes -rnît rr -oi-11 rnuIonrrrrî t'rîli rr a1fort t-tirn. ttas t-cru away at t-be flour,but- stîil He convalesceti rapidly on buard "Firt-Brute force anti a superior- t-be diminution ttb ua upy hehro fbrus 4' tie'.Wor<- "urîfri lytirt"î n Tht- gnpon lrrireker'p-r goos over ber hung ,suspeadeti. le leapeti andtih -e Dauntless, wbore ho occupieti a it-yir men. anti, finally, t-hl iapaac fth t -a -ehg-xlsv h fil s-ý-ît ant îroîrîr't mrel ns îuch ýtorolodsupplie every dti t-o atoiti caught it., drew biisoît up, carrying a cabin eagerly wacat-ed by one et t-be -Scn- eoui.wat fII rrls iart oi irold l at least erre ILup M'artoheavy box in bis free hanti, andi1junior 'off icerîr. During t-be voyage I -eale ytIe~rt eo-tInstoati cf"kosan"bt-ntbeodeian dygta-ari r' -ingzocige (if qaur-r heli g-in l Ino<rng cannoti vegzetables fer acrambleti eut on deck. Mon wr PteRdSea, oSuezndt-boast-rat-e their overwhî1igsproit atri o floir 'i. Fry-y uet, iidd nitar(l, andi crean soupa, t-be tiquer shoutt i e di.,-,yrunaing anti catiing out- in t-be dark-t-hrough t-ho aunny IMediterr-anean, lie'anti therehy hring t-be German people trenches,; insteag fofrn r-trukî hpv-'qt-n "k in it oni lx-th joires. AI- carde<i 1r ls. Ho sw-ung close to t-be tee rail heard in dotait. how t-he German crew't-e their sneIfe lotsr on eak otivr wtlrirr;ngwaterhou Worn taile aapkina are usetul for'anti aéed t-o t-heat-era. As he drew had fougit like cageti rats tilltht-e last t-bore wil lie a popular rlsing againsi, be la diacussingmciegisa -oIths aiiutsblne rnn -ttv fit-e minrutrs, riiuçe beat- andi itryîng t-he tetture, srbeupreparing ÃrInearho sawtht-at- gru 'asalso man wasdown. 0nly taen had been't-ho Kaiser and t-be war tords. fron. Ad r'- abspaei h at-Sae <'l' -tr'tbre ri r. Tisisgo<îfor the salati. mount-et bere, t-he crew standing st-if-i taken alive, overpowereti in a hand- "The tiare for t-bis la net yet ripe, rosa. Wait-ressoshvtenln nw hr aacascsoyc flrc'îess cocker reerpe. itofore sor-- Thick blotting paper under doilies fly at- at-tent-ion. Ho dotigeti behinti a, t--hand strugglo. Sinco their cap- The German people have boon fed up ia Berlin, but te eemiî o-raigc -ohpieec in' aiul iflikrl cie-hItteapooi -ill prs-eut- but- disires f rom marking, steol vent-ilat-or funnel, seizeti une uf' ture t-bey had maintaineti a sullen 1 with conquest anti their deotis cf fiaed t-o establismnswihsott ttjmeiit -i rte e1 ait- at rr aiep.-Id-t-etbe.tb bmsfr-1isbx nt trukssiec-we uetoe-1bu- -o vlrunti--byae mn-wt -h et rablehgltoerter or uvo -bth mgi tb 'S. elcags t-o ýrof essora inst-rt.ct ýe Unit-ed SGerman 1Street profossor work cf -ein t-ho public et thiag ia bis pria- raaay t-ho ,at-e. [gth andi t-be ef- ýertufenit. indiviti- ranch as it before as heace- mnb anti o human ,la t-be ver. The d devast- I Serbia, 1 izatiehi'm trocities, 'ai a»d ]un bas side cf s appre- rumanlty )regnalile an indi- ýster. Ia uf t-bis une as- tvas pub- moviflg bhen: ed, and in wiad- another sent four- Ls ovor onrades Lzeti, anti ýd tooked that fol- saw ho- rbegan r uf dead r'ondered insatiate discever- eîls Were -Lie watts tirer- tine it pass it, when t-o t-he oue who, a future - cf, V- -if 1- -i il NO w 31, Redi of h at t oven and Wrn am dè-- crs' tiE Gel Eut mia pilý t o r gre ")Ut IMi Jr-- k-à - f i il