Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 May 1916, p. 3

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or -he pwer to do UN BA thhip <nih ro-food that suPPioe the peatest amount TRIUMPHIS 0F BRITISH DOCTORS o teg-iingnurmt Alir ~ 8with the least tax up)onthe It in useless ta tell a bard workini ATI TitE FRONT. SOmnan tu take life easily and nott ta vorr-y. EveryPr wornan at the head of ~ brne ecrygIr boff Ices, shops Recovervies Fronu Wounds as Itesilt of 1 lantl factories is eubJected to more or IonîAtnbnNîee tês;worry. Tha'me cannot he avolded. 4npAteio-tqs' ~ut it liq t he duty of every %voman and Work. ~very girl to save her strength as Strange as It may seenu, a godier c lti'uch an possible, andi to buiid up ber bdywuddn.îteBii Ue ý%yst.em Si meet unusual demand;. lBerlnFac qahâecaceos- htturù heaith depends upo It.To nFac a ee hneo e gixad aaint abrea-don i beltbcuring prompt and skilf ut treatment. Usebbod metho eptrhb. ed ndtherehy enormousiy enhancing hit, Ke bood ius be ept ich redan chance of recovery, than hes the civil- ~urc. To keep the blood in this condi- ea h et îh reosac Ion notbint., cen e<iuei1Dr. Williiams'tient ln any rural part of Englaîud. It !rlnk Pille. Tbtcy strengtbcn the"eno v wtntebon9 fb tierves, remtore the appetbite, bring the qntydwti h onso u low of healtb 10 paliid cheeke, and mian capabiiity to dr-op a fuliy equip- nevd eerg tolistesepeole.ped bospital over the spot where la neteen rg to lissten tpeopl. wounded soidier faits, but the British amen cannbuttelwcay e ou w their army medicel service bas gone 8as tteghouadndut tepacay dkeapupth eur tothis as h. bumaniy possiblee» tzenth nd kep way isese y Unletsethse enemy fire is sucb that re- the occasbanal une of Dr. Williams ecue laeout of the question it will pro- Pink Pille. Mre. A. Rhodee, Hamilton, sietencsa> ramn of tbe nt., eays: "A few years s.go on corn- Most gkilied surgeonu in considerably htg ta Canada, working long baurs, ltes rne than couid heppen in ordin- nd clone confinemsentbhegan ta tellir ie rtsa ,no orsod pan me. 1 wae co<npletely run down, witea odanorepod nd finally rould do no work. 1 wa8 These peaceful victorien of e ter-' Rs w.i, ad feoit headaches, did flot rible war will probehly not be cbron-t Çse erand etteltgeter eyIcIed for rnany monthe ta corne. But digestive organe. Shredided Wheet Biscuit contains ail the muscle-making material ini the whole wheat grain- WBAT l18flOINCOltN OVEIR UN 111E STITES. Latest llppenIngs in nit flepublie Coudened for.Busy the most perfect food given Bosto childrezs are te have 118 bYiurros fromn Mexico to ride ln the to man-made digestible b 1parks. stearn-cooking, shredding Chicago annaunces that It cen ac- andbakng. Cotais m re comimodate 50,000 at lbs bathing afidbakhg. ontins ore beaches this summer. real nutriment than ineat or For driving hie borse whiie drunk, eggs and costs much les a weaitby Atlentic City man wa Being ready-cooked and ent to jail for thirty days. ready-to-serve, it is the ideal To take cane of an bld horse for the rest of hie 11fr, a $14-a-week Sununer food. Delicious for IIoi)oken barber je lefi $82,000 by breakfast, for luncheon or his aunt. any meal with milk or creamn,- The City Commissioners of Pas- with fesh frits.îslc, NJ., have passed an ordinance or wth reshfruts.prohillting l*he serviug of free lunch lu a saloon. Made in Canada. The Treeeury Department et Wasb- ______ -ington announces a $5,000 cheque U-relaxing cane. And a mîîîtary sur-1 frorn a New York resident to con- geon deserves aOIlthse satisfaction he Fclence fund. cao btan. N ~vrk j hader han A Mi uneapolie hotel guest took off bis, because 'ast shell wounds ne- %hite bad wn elay nts ed e ie quire constant ant i elboratie dîlneesîng i jand s husavaoi hued b that absorbe much lime and caii 1w Gojealor usian.1ofMiahstq perfortned only l'y the surgeon hlm- oeunorh eCllalloi, oiMa abil!un-te self. 1 .o 1h ii ioin Bil"Sn 4WtII Ind New Strength Thrèugh the Usge of Dr. WilIIInms' pInkPrIS. Festua Cerem-the nlaI fre- sud lie 4* arl u ut bléwell bolled. 15o M- d t5 Mýof &W 'dissolves qulehly ia a of> 01bot wowb5 t ýwga WO iand, vitS crean andi augar, ssk"atss-ponibta ue. cw #oý dgllcious baverais. t*mtll.,,M # i g Mdet ýtfI N Botb tomesam' er. <pW *e on"*4~'~b oss cab .out tisewm #«,09:E DA NCER. TUI >5 U P . Internat 'nr xdna.crl tI out pain by our hcMe îreatm.nt Writ u betore too iete. Dr. Beilmara MliOe Co.. Lilmlted. Colllngwaod. Ont BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Malied Irec ta a»y édress b A5gT01'Uthe Authat Pioeser H. CLAY GLOVER. V. S. gIilNmdisIls 18Wsst 3lostt,Nov To1 l ste for 60-69U arvls Ut.. Toronto, Ont. DEAFNES8 18 MIeIERY lknnw becausei1 wam Deaf ant i d Hsd Noises for ovsr 80 yej te. MI Invisible VsAnti-meptic Est Drums rteu my bear- IV in and etop ead Noises,and ilido it tor you. Ihcy are Tiny Mesaphones. Cannot be seen whenw t Easy topi In, enity in takte out. Are "Un-een Cati. forts.' Inexpensive. Writefnr Booklet and EnD oaworn sattemtt fahop1recOvere4 - my berinx. A. O. LZO4A RD sutrie228 1 5O5th A ve. - - N y, Olu from a Boue Spavin. Ring Bone, SSplilt, Ctsrb, Sie Bouc, or i miier trouble and gela horse going sound. It ats mIdIly but quckly and good re- suite ane liting. oeas ct blister or remove th. hale ani horse cen be tvorked. Page 17 in pamphlet with each boutle telle bow, $2.00 a boulee delivered. Horse Book 9 M tree. ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for mankinti reduccu 1'ainful 8wlrlline1 -- isegel GlanJa,Wena. Bruise&,Vatimcveinsi heals Sorcu. Alizys Pain. Wi li ll yous moesil yen write. $1 and $2 a botle at dalaraet Mdel .US.,.,triai bm 4w IotcS»s W.F. YOINS, P. 0. F., 618 Lymars Sldg.j Moniruul, Ci% ,-.,- al tal"n'lasyt in heeI am nned o rt a o rc odntaence n1preparea. lThe eafp eet eS trobl wtanemnen ate dc-grave aperation finds binuseif on the The volume of the work cen be da3 to erei a oodentaberacle Ïoifr mornewa eeia, and nfe t- edcydteni wtheefar te traitn nne O av iolation of fire îawu.iN VEI.ase on stabbrkn yth - ~orngfo srn wekewlbot 1l operating table within t'hree or four 'ugdfor h et hta neca eiiator Knox nî ait]oher promninen1opnlrîg of the mthbx ý.ln anyrelef, decdedto dop be ,tion alone 2.600 casvalties were dealtop doctar and teke D)r. Williame'Pilnk t eureofhe -ein hvtbeIns thace with the day afbler the battis of Loos. Republicanq assaRled Pre.sident Wil-I Pille. Very soton 1 began ta notice a 1 wnimiere tave be ekuInsance-s i of these surgeons bave made son aitlthe Grant day dinner of the Reeeive BettIen Pay and More Con-, CARRY THEIRONBTB weeoperations t h kl n b mreqCtl nPtsug change for tbe% boîter, andi by the tlnme .imen have been performed within great sacrifices in uinîertakitig this AenîusChurbPlUbîg I by Employes ln îngenîoua DevicsfrSldesDs >1 hail ueed a bal! dozen boxe's of the toad a hafhr(i f b the Inflicîjtinwork for thein count-ry. \'r y fe\v of Edwerd IJnlphini, of New -YOrk, Munition Mlli. lyde ra ae Wnmi I w n in enjaylltg the best of thern are paid more tban $3,000 a was fined $1 for 'blocking traiTit'payd i ot he wound.I ~f beaiîb. i have never bad any re- year, anti numbers of them couid hile argulng abioul'neutralilv' with llardly less remankabie thon the An active seyvc xhbîo l ea turn of the mickuese and nover felt Surgeons the Mi*oqi Famnoug. easilv make ten times thlit anînunt ina Freuchmen, Nvho dlsappeared. sqifl transformantion of England loto heid aI Knightsblgl bnoe botter lu my life thani do10 nom, , gi*e ThR attention le tiot of th, impro- preclice ab home. . u emn'as kiiied and 38 oitber a poteerful militany nation has been whlch are dlspl-e bureeol- iny experience, therefore, ibat it nayvlsed, rougb andi ready order. Cln the Incidentelly, cesualty clcaiaig tg a- passenigers injurel wben a strevt car the sulent uipheaval Ihet has placed the genious deviesfo th cofr, be u'q(l for i' h erei o ter, o nt! h atetfn.% iis li ions bave other uee.They consti- In Fincînntaîl, (t., Ijunt'pet the track civil rvork and the industries of theIlsealth eand eefet ffieranmn Ye o e r.'N aam'Pn il n operatlng theat ce, equipped h ute rosI camps for saliers aflerlong nIhers sale o!n elgrthese articles goeinthehanqsif la fonde frnt tfram any nroadîcino dealer or by mail 'the beet anti masi recent, eppliartres. RpelIS in the trenches. T1by r-ill kep (hClarle!s Il. rMansfieldi, engineer of Tt bas beenilestimaied frein officiel othe laftiedCssndteOrr Bt t) ent a ox r sx laxe fo ani l th bade f a apratng ur-e mn sigbly oundedl, and aflen a a Nt't- havai train which kllled five fgrs tia herexw( ne f uliy 2,000,000 of t.hn ofitishRusm $250 from Tht Dr. Williams' Meli - gI of tbe rsi aorter. And,. mb the few weeks aend him backthbis regi- passeIlgers ai Bradford, tees lndicted more women lu active ornploymont on Among the devcsosaela mi ciue Coi., lront ville, t)rit. teavntg !rgular ment perfectly fti. If neî-essary, they 't Providence, RA., fur man.slaugbîer. March 1, 9iOll, thon ar thebcocrres- safety razar lthetwl ieaiyIaaj baond haehe n visitra aonuîting ill fit, hum teiti a set a! false teeih, Afier vatbily calllng twonty Pas- ptn'nda ly 12 month- carlier. More.- ealisîcoat pookEt.ecmat lbt augnd f urn it reputaton. Per- moult11ed on te spot.- andti hey w-ll tors ta a Poîcreon pîtîpit, vacant' tw'a tver. tiso numior le increasing teek cres h ertr of "eaCrUld -- tiietVLS týNE. hsole contimfor tanI tnufrtgfrom i hipools ta bis rifle.cd Ilui getiiug a preacb-,r from Iowa. K-,v v assee! wtmen, including pendteree, atcls Ileltel, oidire Naki- ianial lii- ie Ili pralt or tise ites trine gldy F ram the castilty clearing station Two hundreti peuitenliary prison- l.hose prev*ourly rcgarted Fas eisured a ordor taobe 1 ldesl onceslu Fn ranice. (o! vtmen ln the teori. Ttfact, apari a pLut-ettle taken ecuber tu anc o! the ens ai Lansing, KE _a..utinmpted tota nud trei-toý-do, are adding la the total. writelan tise daikecmisinpni froni oltsifie diqturiantceslise patient big hase hospitols <r tii Englandl The nmt,!î)Frai iell, of Topeka, sus,- T1î- cou Is roisching the rematest han- case and eloctrlclrs aIboelgu Army <iitesalttg tise litisnîlgiiht t vtll lie lu a rtclase tbase bas piais tiiffcr only a littho froin penteti otmurderng ton-ycar-oltl lits as eeli as the quiet mnarketlotens, ounlisepaper, bhee aeldTs front soy tisaI îuanly hundredi (if ui Lontdon hopitai Naturaillysucli(tus- an]'hot la mospitl. ecepitisaifre-Etin lbermore andTise women end g irl ae rspod-inua all cantee.soe t1ecs la1 F(is r oi iler lte narrbedl I-ent-h virlsIrtnesttitc*.lbl eno m-queutlv tise buildings teere ti rrde- ia oirmycats - u. Tetonnacmbizn ual ald etIetsryIse aluce the e xpeditittnar uc-l tutie i f a f (Io 1 tis f Iafuî ~-gned .for sucishtur po5e. Otherxvige tiirte,,er od dugiter for tlig it arniy, rnyta serv'e therever cri al gne, ix h sfrcne yfrelrddmon tîiîng for-year-old lellinngcorialroadyr in Fron-e, antid tutreeof other,, ilhitepital, aidtr on istncereertistey ha ve every appliance knotwn ta lies, vct-inw-ib a cane, two of tiree they are mo-t needed-even tt thesaend ae ckerbord hav bo-nttggtafa- o ei t&~hgitn sî-n euCCbîlice. li any ovent, tise man',.;judges lu the Speti.il Ssessions lu bard] laor of the tllling o! the saoit. A elbd hedlgs o ft erelly knawil aven in Loîndlont Sttmner.j.csîrtve l',y eur.mNv -,or.le (f patîs ta Englouti is easy and comfori- New- York decîdeil. ISucb changes inthe national, cons- live. aiea la frtels ae fbt lv te Tbommiaenplan t, but thera îttal.If ho le unailtie la lk hl ie u J.ohnBarotti, of Yttnkers, N.Y., R -mnrc'ai antiindustrial aphones are salts for disintin' roo r tiVivesabocoptratioti itybututht uigbth.1, whecled on ta lise hospîtal ship lyitug candidate for atirellzation, tlitinalurally creaiing considerable read- dispieyed. A trecîgblw u joril,' haie tiîlrt-iiitnttion of 0(lîîvil etmpîts finue ltho sugst near tbe hospîtal. On board ho le Ju1stice Plaît ibid tise United States juelment of social condt'ions, with the merous tises eactiscsatulou 'eettlitgin Faî, - h(tut tht-w-ar i 'ttkuizttikssris ,listb acofrtbe swinigbng bcd- w-as ruled isy "King Wilson." Laler resul h tisItise Yun[W.e'TCtls lei shaner tia esarwi overi r. - allendcd by -doctors and nurses, hocovrectod bis entwer and wa% madetie nAssociatiton, Wmen Unio s Ia ou oaeadteî u 'lt ire laîea! -. ie .tom Jpessihle. antd histtiry o! tise 1nî- ci.h1t i r %voswire and dig up amcdrie od Teo-eifarofTuuit ycus iii \rmy Msttinl Ctrps tiunlng this and h. cheered by thse visions of tise e citizen. .amsLrr Wa- sufi'rags-.t organizatIons and scores o! >'tpi-toitre ttn.ltleral lmusenîanl for wuîr le certain Ii to e v-ycsrefulvconvalescent home taetehici ho is be- Mrs. HenryJae mrWsh women's clubs are confronted wlth :knitws fno Frnch, exn-ptirig tise lit stu.lued l'y aIl nattons wbtt have fltot ilîg soent. j ngtoa, of Ne Yack, je pilntIff and mnany I1Ow prableme in helpixsg te care CHILDH ODAIMETS Ile lttlie lbasIlîicked up silice lie vet tfrnbdtise raiRing o! a igreal Miracles o! Conufort. idefendent lu a docuble divorce cas'e. for thet- iousands of wornen e-ddeuly' came t) ir;itie, ant i bisweebheal ~ Ausnncifarce Hr uesand le n direct descendant throwu mb e anew eavlronment. Io!csdhe knîîws nott fL'.tltischavevhistt Tomm tiogs rageet. r ie ae n eof Joh n Washington, brother of Arn- Thse Initial Dîfficuity b limenta r mah ha aih ycannaI e haeld, it is au open secret sisip tonrlise man ta spend bis cois- ericas tIret president.bumot!thnarcuedymne tisaI lis preseul s;trength le more Iban valescence ai; earbis home as pos-- To be deait with bas heen that etiderangoment e01.soac i oe - 'i. - fîfleen limnes that il n'as atthlise h- cible ln arder ~ te bîihîn easy reach housing tise workers ln the munition els- Theretorote bna hs ru 8M%(EI A[.slI1A.ginning a!flthe tr, anti ils equipment of bis friendB. White ong the shIp ho s[ factories. AIT sorte of facterles haro hies tise stomacsm tbekpset StIA' Sit)ITAG IN USi iA. ilieiy mare perfect. Tise manuel' le asked whicb part of" Engiaad ho e lD L f e been requisitioned la the provincial j and the boteels eue.T eII Big itirance in lrbces o!fIBIs Tobltoils torig a ha1b ude y teisies te gp ta. When ho arrives et tomrns up and dewn tise country,,atigcioùi ay.OnTb -and Laoadry Grades. the expenienres af a moldier frorn lie Southaempton four ambulance traînasen uly li caiiing for large drafts ofi workers lets. Thousandaa oheshv 1nmoment ho is teaunded. are lin waitiag. and hoIle;tison 'sent on Sn sl 'f'ram ou;aido. Lodgings haxe beon' proved tbis. A, n sm aMs t)wbng tu bise siortage of ails an d Field Dreesing ln Kit. Use one geing neareet ta bis own li fard t-o find, and of course, following IThomasB.5HelmesBlaiî,N. b fas is rie !sap n utnaha home. These trains are miracles o! al] Iowsa o supply aid demnand have tentes: "Everymterl isocly -advancctî eionmously. Fine scent'ed Every Britisis soldier carnies e field ingenuity and coin! rt. Diren tvitis BUT DODD'S KIDNEY PIJ.LS CURt- heen costly, cross if lb.>' couid be; uses Baby'a ws Tbe01sweal SOap now cosb six or set-eu imes as îIresming ast part o! bis kitýI.tilfledrill- such cane tisatishe patient le practi- E E Ot>ErL. fctnd et ail. Raiiway wmuica- consider thetitevr'betmdcn itsucis as beo re lishena. cd im hlm t Oiat ho Musat appiY thia cally unasaken, holes la a canfort-"lion wtelh places et any distance havelfer c.ildheod imet. h ait Latuntiry soape aI the bcginiiing o! himseli on g'-t sotie One els~ta a ppiy able cet stili under tise cars af nurses - h een uneatisfactory-, especilaiy for are soid b>' mdcn oioso tise teay osý., obotut 3 cents a Poud it attise irst moment passible. If ha and doctors, whie everythlng acces- 'MNra. Haiquist Tellis Just Why S5e la thiose On the nlght shifts. Oniy la mail at 25 centsabxfe TeD.I ai tt-loleqale, bt lo teyar pir h o ereacbed ho lsatteddta' ai sar in t andIncse Se needs trieat- ~ nes 1teGadCn-the langer centres af population har Willams' ModcieCBebile at 16 tla 1l) cents. Meanîlme foneigus once hy tise regimentai doctor, tebo ment almost as perfectly as lhougb deFmFianK eR ofeedy Gran. dnay beets ervaic eipram hsor livig e a n saaps hav'e licoubroughin, a.bub tisese. tvanks cigisî up in tise trenches. Tison dbe were la haspitai. Iy eenof n el seli for as; mucb as 15 cents a pound, dile sîrelciser bearers corne and place Inb soins cases o! aligisIt olanda tisa Pilla. Idistanfce.L NetTatKd- thougis very infenior, cantaining anly -hlm on a stretcier, tebensce ho îî speed tekthîci a man is takto e Bnoî,Sst. a si Se Thousands upon thousands ot on Bore 2 pa colo! ats nacid t tie avaceddresln Engiand la extraordiay. In a ce- w~, omen and girls worm suddenl i Cpan-WalYuwatsob In lise lest few w-coke liese ap lion, cent fight a main'as wouuded i h Usetcal).-Mris. P1te Hl.qust, B weii >- lierfnog~to nioe msantufacturer&; bave found il aimost Ilet qiîlsa short joorney. Iu feet, ertmonilag, taken tea aclearing ko ns ethee e imbe- them rertiès femltheaurn iga n te' r s1avea'n nhneoc aa impffl. ible toget rawmaterta, and narly RI everelutionsdreaKidlweth-Pilleevanln ioce0 9try ty Pire, andya et rb.d àube inposbl a e rt mtrfr, n nalyal ies t-hnaae el îh-istation, and by uigist tas ln boRpiîaî *,, ..dytotel teYo;r aid contr wer mhsaf te u saine of tise largest aaap tvorks teicis in tis anrge! lise enemy>' ire. Itt i atSheffild, bis home ton! , munietion e"f osentes>actorie.s bave been .rseted oaAkn-htaalngtfr formeri>' deall. oniy iu cartesa] lois are nai unusuai for a soldîer to beho nside' "Aboutrtmans s cnvais- , ~M Haîquiîst îuictr oyhgueplaie, a 'ir- tt;but m-asdmrmsetm tin ie l ttycaidlt'rafeeo~cwiise nSaro bswuu.AtThe ptintr"About cnvâts-Tho mns fcueo ib xlsvs now lat Iftheycondelvera fe oie wthinan ourof ie wund A ce,,t home unalthoroughly cured. Inu sayt, -My littho girl vae taken Ili i tltnet permilted ln Use lctnty et hos. that lcid. a rit h eery oesagewa dthprlo- sufferlag frein a cemplalat ljke rsee- 'tise grippe. E8h. vas alec in b.d for T'refre, cani.eesshadtote b.10M vided wiahaeamayi, caefuli> MailpAt- j tiams1here rmassage l: requime, thre weeks vitb pains ln Use joints. tabllshed close to auch- workisasethait îachis mli aeul ÃŽPed uvolgtamuto okisbu-T"wre solea nd eift the vomen wouid net ha"e te go long M EALI.TI E CONSC('IENCE. operaing tiscatre, tehere operationa etoflfclal, ho h seul loa a"command de- I Sb. b.d'cmmps in hermuscles, se distances for tbefr m" and am ivé an urgent nture-such as tise arrea »adpae nub >.lt it vas awtui isard 16e ber tosoit~«dsiaaube ato y Wbat IDo tise Chldren DIrlk? oeeerae epraA> otoid~ v isowhn quit. wc4î, he o st ~home aandfrUsdoneSlie Aarnd k, . ..l. pam o Tisere are limes tehen mtsr o'by a turaqut---an b crred ut o eh ave, and by ttiUre Mt expires ahe was, able te b. &round ber mii A COhauY fer WelceM 99six naî J , aetmee «Qv fat er feda ise oung ter hoeîlsorgWeunda are aIsoe eeaned aid redress- ta le se4ut@îy dt ta talc. bis place beeime bas ais a me off i la ca. Perbaps tM ima d.«m««»lloi avo,~ 'is ttè eu I ed hors,, fractures more cemfôntabi'la lise uflring lins fagala. fii»eW b 0»t.- 'JiIj tthi ie>' kisê te echildren sisouîdflot atljtsted and antl-t.taaua nerum ---t Iln>'uthgevoboeso! od'si huaretubd y ue ama ,< *--- +- - -_Kidey Pillaegthe vas -sweflas eveag4d I tl an facUOr tW*o oer tr VU have. Perbapa ltlinsotie nicisdessetacnted.Nearby 'are Ivo dugouts IDAN*hR RNC. fo, as la ber lit.. 8h. ias bun sA -eoiony 7teurbe0 ilers va ettèdiOW>pg 30VO but more oftea ItleI.tee or ceffes. viser, tise patluats eau b. removed if 'N ' LK RNC tste nd aid ts-ibis>'ieme." l' o ng se~t t*mbe. Ã"W. itl is botter te have sotie dsilclous, t-he ahelling becomes tee bul for sale- Brtst pddayTise afIer-etfeÇts of gip re iMb M2 t0*WrM bol !ood-delnk that you eu talcs >'ur. ty. Aid if a patient caispot sa»N' uc Mai>'of BWi11aseditie r Forcmore te b. drmeaddthmsathse dhésess I ins l b a tre u eail i dnuglah self and food to, yeur chîldeen, con. mvedfurUser ho eau b. kept î 1t n iiSul e. tselt. 'ritl a becoas theygen» ' jVI*b a pedsetly .Q*4lpp.d bILtob - à sacleus that 'It vIii elp andd strenlis - estibn until ho Improvessuffikleatiy. IThse contact visici thse Indien troorse -act on v.ak hiday ad pt tisam eut reutouromess*a s-sa li saisi« o btnyrhrthn.Tise niait poiast tethe casuait>' isar- have vils veuter U ltreligion and- of sr'rklng order. Me.1""-*smare -hespteL As, seas tises.pis. Md ~~-- Au Eaatmn lady ss>s: "1 usibIs. Tises.are slttuateil as f utsîsasdurlng 15,1v stay %'tb the bise cause ef rhti u uesalt, be6, bien aîpreved th is nsWb4 - at coffee many years ln epîte o eti - I. ear the firlng fines in consistent w1lS Britlis etpedilloay force in France, dropsy and aumnero .5e.dWasisb. oiW# .rgaiiis#ostalc. UP *6 " hui9t eicblen tisaI t lai ured My ier't.ua sys- safet>'. and tisey are sia> ays ndirect May' have a fanr.ehing effeet on tisa Tise eue sre w" 'te avoid t tis t 11 'apm*tkilsfr tisaslàboisaof.1.bo"# ald tenu and praducied Mns>«evous hend-. touch is hstise base eltiser b>' rail or religion and habits of lise peopleet ofasp lthe ktdnel tsd op Md "'bht à <Iib .pi.yai.7 achs. (olSte sd cll. re au- zood read fer automobiles. Bière1 ladia. 1do lie.r m. Tise bo.l vag f. psi JUrlou' te mai>' potns, especli>Y' tise patient comes uisder tise cisarge A correspondeal t f *. Asodatild tus klm. bfallby ab Io vu'i <% t d» chhildren, becausot, th cosaielis o! Use finest tmsgeo sEnsiaad m raPaes v aitoa'ud b> Britishé .di... Pins. isubtle. poisonoua deug, calleiue.) poid.-thtse ln ntroa- e wSrflt 't- r X- r '.Ç M s s Il TAX O1q MATcREB NOT NEW. 1@A01 FOR THOSE LITTLE EUtII$h Statemmea Mlorruwed ldes Sbises. De.wiwe. carna o..: der At snoe aulyUte& & .1W CUTS FrOID U. S. la 1871. usua. .WSDvo.rp,*, It lu awme Ssaler to apyly This ian nt the firet limne that a ro a.I Br1tigh Chaneer of the Exehequer EWING M.CI B 9UPFLU han trled te raine money front the tai- Supertor Noeeies Sie. Shutae ation of matche«. The proposI ai wu bbin s , Seite )c, for sur « put fo"rd by Robert Lowe (miter- Superio supplies oe.,. Hausil on, On U 'Vaseline wa SdShbooke)>n 87. ]e BANrim Dr suggstel ahalfenn stmp n boes NTID. XPEIRIMNCIM VCOAkBJ Carbolated penny on boxes of 100 wax matches, Wa«aPad.eI7b orfue, ecue oy er moeinaC,73Ae deSretWest, oron aristocratie." HHe estimnated the# tho ADIS WANTED TQDO & Amild uttiseptie. Tt keept the tax wotild yield for the firet year LJan llght riewinitatet ?lêýÀèl eut&clen ad hepe bemte hal.spa ure, good Pay wor4 sent any di~ cutckasn hepehemohal U650,000 ($2,750,000). tance. Charge« pa id Senp a tame fei 1 Sold in glass botdles mnd handy The idea was borrowed from Ameri- particulars. Nat1ron-l etanufaelorir tiun tubes nt chernltsa nd gen- ca, which at that time made £400,000 -opay.Moft4a crai stores ererywhcre. $2,000,000) a year fhem the tax. AKERS AND I BKlES FTIOLP E Waute& Otonre. APPi Candl Refuse substitut«. Ilum. Mr. Lowe~s reason fer suggesting It resd Co., 180 Avenue R., eoronto. treted hookiet freecon requesi. was thatt the "cost of matches was nuso T E D NT ,N R E 0 inappreciable that they were wasted M Tran coo,1IJur oom &ué I a moit recitiesa and dangerous Kitchen Mal ds wanted for Sanitartiuj way." lNe suggested as the motte o T GelÃŽ1 Ontrintndo.Hmwou the new stamp "Ex luce lucelium" CHESEBROUGH MPO. CO. (out o! llght a littie profit), and he rom 84ME. (Conmâmd)t'hloulght this more appropriate than AUTOMOYBILlO BLItqINInSSAr~t) NEZW 1ase cli.bes Ave. Mqoe 1 the usual rathier watery device of a Garage for sale; Qerl n tadc'IO7 loa' Ak'jts of repajlng. w . Halewes. jt,?! The match tai w»s regarded in 1871 IOnStE. D FOL I as afrivlousmeaare, aithough I R ages. Somne sery fine bullai, dbe wao at firet favored by Parliament. APr,,,-, . RA* tIlileeple. Abbtottrd.UU ENG IS WO ENproceslon of tatterod matchmakeru 5uwu&mau 105 DAM. DESERTING CITIES gave th cupde graetehema. fies for saMle N tuP ure bu no bf oe tia proisofthe tl w* The mont unefvjian ntersatiU dut>' atamp printed In a paie blue, gepiausIf e rZ*5. N'ul fii 2.0.00MR OI RDE U-and now become ver>' rare, had been pnY. 73 West 4 tee orn4 -e- - I } iL' F A iý

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