TIE~ZET1 17V1RNIL Compound Syrup of tHYPOPHOSPHITES A Strenirthenirig and Ixuvig- orating ton ie, Blond Builder and Nerve Builde- up the sayitein, Cureq tluin Rnd watury -blond, Nervoum heIi *l che, Norvous p1rostr'muIi, ~Sleessnems, etc A rtlùiile rtetorafmue aiter La (irilpo. $1 per botie J. E. WILLIS Drugqqlt and eptîclan Ni 1-1)1<AL -A t 1, Brock St. a Wbitby.1 TI-- M tFî or-Q AI 'iv T liele ea>et A tIî i-(otiili- 13-w c "Scrantonl Goal" I ne S a dard 1oott- Rut1t, feri.sMo AI i t - rat is t , t irit- Egg elld t s i ' b fivS a ) bettrg Chesinut tutI Peas i r rat t> I t tttiftil itu, gt t-eq euesGrassa Canueli.--i t griti- st iirjtur-i ononîthea outhie t hé y, liiii. 1.lii tetitu. 1titi- eit-Iity titi>1 lier tre-st&,l1 i enutas. Georges eli Cumberlasnd, tit liIliu; v-iai A? I gtii-sem f - are titi-- liua 'i1t-t sl.uui tl'-- a hîlit ii4)1 dueivotiy 'u'ti;" us imrt tidti ar.ttttt . R.LO1W@ Wki:ly1 Bell phono 9. Home phono 14.- 1110H SCOOL GRADUAIES Ai P~î îîîî-lt-p ira.ilà t f o m î, ..stqit ,'Iî 8lît t "îî l lît4 retti% ' h i "l'pI s1i0 Coliltjiî.- îît'.-l (Poim IbelI liard i, K14 i i tftP itltu --tittti "i 1i tutu,>- N tr fit >tt I m wimli s liqu'i flem S v 11)4)ls, J. I4C)WELL JA~MES C.iirtd r, Piîldêr and ( ontractor. Plans tir:' t' t tutti st hutes ftirnlshed. Sash ulîtrsa nd frarnes. Agent for Brantford RoolinO BOX 467 WIITt'Y Phoael4gi Marriage Ltgenses. t A. H. ALLIN. 'I Issuer of Marriage licenses. Corner drug store. WNhltîby. N o witnesses required. 1he Opeater Canada Improvement A Land Co.. Ltmlted WhItby * Ontao Real Entate Deaier., Et. teoi Msuiged, Rtente Collected, Firet Louius ArranIMd, lrepertueoi bought sud ,oid. Pforem4 apply HUsd4Office, Brock St. Bell Phone 1 3. lItd. Pltue s70). t Officemal Works Opposite gowla Bru.. Whttbi MONUMENTS of il DeuWs iad I&MutJ ept la Stock Ut wilI payr pu to «Ili at otr works £84 inapecio fer @MLe3f - INTERESTINO NOTES ?ABOUT- THEf COUNTY I3BTTALION5 182ND I3ATTALION. The company proceeded out the Brock Pte, 0. Nichoils, iwho la home at Road, and hâd a runnlhg flght froro Sunderland on a two weeks' seedlng the 3rd eoncession north to ,the 4th turfough, ha* four brothers ln khaki.. and' then two Unes east. Lit4it. Grier- One of tbeltt. Pte. WlIi, 19ln the son had charge of the attacking party, trenches. The others are Sert. H. which waz annoying the column mov- jNieholsa and Pte. E. Nicholis, of theing out north and east on the 4th con- 1l6tb Battalloir. and Pte. J. Nicholle, cession. Returning. a similar scheme of the lO9th, Lindsay.- Pte. 0. Nich- was carried out, with Lieut. Major in 0119. being the eldest, expece to hav charge of the attacklng party. Thle hie hre brthes I th lSnd Ive Whitby detachment of the 182nd Bat- hlm e a as three urtesl h 8nles an talion took par t In the morning acheme. thirtppn cousins in the t,'enches. Capt. Every commanded the column ail Col. (ockburn, assisted by Mrs. Par- day, and Major Moody acted &as um- sons and returned Sergt. Durrant. and pire. the 182nd Bat talion Baud, le carryîng Lient. W. D. Harding and Sergt. E.1 on ant active recrulting campaigui this Caivert were both successful In pase-' week at the followlng pointe-. Sonya, lng the examinations at the School of Mlanilla, Wilford, Zepphyr, Goodwood, Musketry on April 15th, and have been ThisIs licsecnd ast eekof contyawarded certificates. Thisdse ecoîtnd caasgu, inîf acuxftThe foliowlng have bec-n taken oni the for the jturpose of lntroduclng tue trength of "C" ComnpanY: D. Miller, foriîd t) Slu aliof ntdciUrnatde of Pick eri n gA. Balley, Toronto; W. Ing )tfiï,rto te vunty fron ýlit .i _ rubb, flrooklin. iî~~,t 111î~r t>t iecut n. rîx wh ch 'l'îese ineu of '-C-' Company> who ai- ioi nwii inr t t ;btu t tý viiti n th -deTid ho 1' I lit Ft'hrtiarN. aud 1, À îti kti tiifctti~ March hate hoee successfill lu qtîalify- tut.ý hu tiobteu rt'çrtîtt. ttis lu g tls Sergiauts 1R. FiaOsland (;. B. or su- Ire eu s ut iiling for au iit ceasflinlithe ,t ahi lh- ttriiii it e i e bate i i d i ( USîîîîî tit tof t-oliîii ux sigitall*-rtî to 1-4 per ,i lhtriecx Itit) tttt tt te '1. anit where they have b~béllitd.tep *may, In proper ewl-*t uie to sleep at their -boaï%big j.tuâe« or, homes, but wlthûouùt nUens tatii Battalion. The two bubleat--'4L Oýp -the rodte wlU be the Transpovt Offier, Lteit Charles Cowan, sud tbe Quattermaster,> Capt. P'alrhead. There was some diffieulty about the 24th of' May. The Dieeotors of the lji. bridge- Pair were mosIý,nxtous to have the Battalion--at UxbiÎdge, Tihis wau Impossible, au It wolfad have 'delayed the Battailon thtee <ayn,.-and, woùld have kept the Bat'tion 'longer at Uxbridge ttan at aù iithet. place. The sehedule brtught th'. Battallon We tween Port PerrY lefO1th u It could flot be exteo tit h boys woild bo on ati 18 uabUvotte march on the holiday. a-nd 14 then proposed tb stop at Port 0if-on- the 24th. Then the Brool Pn'r DIti-etors Sot busy and said It w 'f.ýpùiî their Patir. and as they were 'dating ail their profits for Red *ét<4 PirPome,' and they offlered to ge i ieclai train to transport the B3attâlit44o1m Port Pect ry to Bà rooklin on Àhieoning juf the 24fh. Thîis watt-:g'twkb1e tte i Bat, talion, but it w#ÀiOtp4WbIe to arrange for tbe special tralf>'iT the Batfai. loti wviil rémain lui e_ Perry. The afîternoon of the 24ffi-,01à May wlll be ohne;rved as a holIdaYJyy the Battallon so as not to aitract y persuu f roma i'xbhrldge or flrook!Iln'air9. The Motor Amhulanbe.ii be formai- y lîreseni f o the 13-4fallon by Mes- srs. i{îtcison and Pèrguison on thei 241 .Nas su Port Peh!e. This wlll he y Do Dot De mWse l gfmis. we dgi wt v ui au; Vi i« -tsî'4mtuiiILJw« uum met employ Il-s. Caamutlvv» in i-ho Coui- hu beT on Mond a ai m na mldo "s hoebi ammbseMmi tteoOn. ..Wiiupstl mm o e 0parOt-Lvbs y vilTht- Tressurer>s report for the month cKiwuas foilovat tAtIy mVtV PSha4>8b Cshon hand---------.... #.53 A Cas amiffliReit-tdfromin40 lilipt 0f lusonds...... ... 22 Reeeived freinm Xi oêer York. Pi ........... ....20 Prom Mite Boxes... ... 2 .64 Prom Modei S&-o01Ul Mb e om Miss Neeweans ....1 L76 JOS. flil& kI Misuras roo . .......2US misiss Aederon'sroom ..LOI Totial Reeuosipbs ........ $ L1flIYSA~INO Expesditures for coiplir Md -l À etick vi tWt'OeetVl k~ tUIIMK TWHUTBA - ~ ~.,e"sdâl*.&fà w mmt_- t DMMaion fd 19 pairs 'et oke ro Adlt 1..dt.î. i»ble Cla» t bislist- oInet Tabemasl. On hai, Fer îSeeoê u to#ml. 10 'wqmns dresses 'iù boysi bloUse. Whiïu *Ur utm. CUL ta éaasa IThe Creator Canai Ilornc Phonie 70. andi thence f0 Uxbridge down the "ith concession, arriving about 5 oc'clock. VERDICT ,SSIDY INQUESI linimen-t. Affu.r he left the store. Mr.- Allun asked lus c-lerk, who knew flic man. t! be thouglit he wanfed if for lin- Iment. et4iwas the rppy. "Hie In a boozer and dope fiend. lie wii drink if" t Mr. Allîn said that the m-ait came lIn i-o lita store a feu' days ialer for more- methyiafed spirits, but i-bis fime he (Aluin) refused -o st-l If to hlm. say- Ing. -You have had enough from bore.' Mr. Allin saiti that tht-rt la no re-r striction on the- sale o!frnethylaiedl spirite. anid Caaeidy wouild probably be able i-o gef Il eashly. He 'aieo saidi thtut meflîelated spirlits lit ordlnary alh cohol w1th wood uiapbtha added to make If unfit for drinking. -He mai that white it tenflot as poisonous as wocsd alcoh0l,it WoUld ýbicaimait cel; tâit-to have -vï?ymOfohe. lt, ft Mr. Thos. Cueuhion, proprictor o! the >- Royal Hotel, and. Mr. A. Bandel, o!fliche Whitby flouse, were not able to furnish any Information fa the jUry. Neither of i-hem knew Cassidr. Albert Booth, barfeader for Mr. Cuj11 sien, shid he knew Csssidy, who wasa cuatomer at the Royal. He wsu net at the hotel on thle day bt-tare hie death. i -Tht- Crown eadeavored i-o aneertain where the sumaoa!$14 bld euthnile heur Casidy -Was - around town Ie. twet-n fhe fime of gei-fng his pay and gel ng home. The sum 0f $5 wuas dai- ed fo have been ps.ld bacli on a -blan ho had receired froau mnoffcer, but $9 was stîll unamcunte4i for. Boothi and Caesidy owed a small aMt-t-oit atheb Royal, butIt lb30aaSOU11 uiad at- tit lime o! bis death. . LW. Poster, btfU"ret tse Wind- soir, wuscallel to Produes tthe bar aê- oual book t& wbioh ,Cbhargesoouts la the. Windsorbar ae40 i Ti the diaappeerslii< 0ùf lePnsid U ( unaceoçnbedfor. Dr. XOMcUtIty. addrseslig lb jury. breîght s 0<to heurt Üigum G0et New Spring Footwear Now! Stlect a pait of $mart Sorvkoeablo Boots Shoos or PUMPS - from our ample assoit ment of New Spring Models, and -y( U will have style, quality and value. - ?Fhere's a shc-e fur every- occasion for men, women- and children. Each is su- premne in style, superior in f wolkmanship a4id 'qtality. Fruitoc. irSai dS-evilce. Qulck De9ery. -P#e RIgh-t. -, taUiMd bsqg.g.trsst. Hliiwus bà gba aMd ito -olm "s gb&W suad dvets sd hea, 'e a ih101\ niii i reria dt hi -. eui adit, ' %rl N-.wlitrtit-> r(Irtîtrld on NMay more central and mwILI'allon- teachert .1, E.tt,,îat k tilt IluSoîtiliOntario as Well as ln Nortità ~1t~ it lt~ Strgt-tfîtiitt1i-1te-t i l. tîi C<tt -i tîrîttii i orgile i t'etarioatnd. l itrch îv,-si lion t Ilt \ \ i ît tntou t uttui-o i lia - .ti ni ist tif li- 1 l it' udt'rland, and cal 1afnt[dora for \t t it N sît igot -st rrg t E.C Gi ; Ii frt hh- i..ist t't ('tti ragç i>-titsIc and u ndifich about Il a.m., F'i'lday. I 9th Itay. slitiîtw'îî i i î P -r .a ti J sinaittz uiitî itu tî rl-tk t fori-titi tut lit-tni. Of ~ttet VttIl uqNiI lfiiî. VittittiuttatndiT. t --t--, mt:il andi Sitttiitintiti st \ uossi t hit-ld-ui is-ziaree-d friiu-I------------- titiît-oi frot tispetlial iiiirstsiii itis - oliaiv ttJ R ~ JJ r oi- traiin iti Crtl*il 1-i- Ltii(Ir tif ' C" l' - J R " E U Toli rertîrtît-st r ti ' '-tias 1ia-t-ii trtuîîsft'rr*etinta-t'a frîîttt~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ li-ttti oia- s;tiuttd titi lias bc. iln1i tui l 1)h No. 9 piatoutti t ba-l; is tt-î- ltoilttîl;ir ipirttis traisftrred frontî-"Co_ Oshtawa. tf0 i Iti' :-ii-tu.l1tt%..1the 1ilalnstr:ghsThs rti.> (" C. i)Ioj%.et hejury on thedleath of tel11 i i r Sat îî Il f r i ta>afruoonit 217 -out, i y luuiontîder grt-igitiu. Ca..Cassîid', fn hth apt auxt ,r ioltisto iipla-u a soc- .t oa rd of itiicers. - cotîslsting Of bIs death at. the haine-o! Mrs. 1-thakînr tutu iit- offîtlittal i tilh tht- 116111 T- .Niaitîn Nootiy. t'ait. Etery and Lituit. on Tuesday imorning, ;lday 2nd, 1916,1 f<t[or. 1. iilatetMl ait at iigli oli t v nipt ou ittued titsday 10 Inuuire huila f rorntouer-îuid ulIgence inlnilcjor and ah tli- iti o f tC'las Casstiy. wtio was other spirits.- t-i tt. i - ig t-switi tit- btand. iitirit-d mwIl h nililit tury lhonons hast Tii trs- Ti hr u t;qk *"dý'1ntgv if lle n- ay.Thi shrt utconcW everdict sums lit 'tiIltit r ut î tk tutti itihave o!etits'-ectda a. up the finding o! the jury on Tuîesday lt-r--' -t -'-'~ tt tii' t-ttnîttsoltkliiortnt'kTii" oituiîghelie-usticias -evenlng afler three isittdng. No blame if t 1 - 1 - i 1t tluitfroint lita Nt i ticpnt ' nnefo j 'onai. -couid be attached to 4ny known per- l'te. G.Brow. Ge. Filay, soli. The man's deatkwe quite evi-1 i iiujlii tutittt ri- li auonltatsKt-une, Tit-y liai , eben tak~ing the dently cauiaed b>' R to-i free Imblbiuig Pil -ti onit ir ituitcit. for te itir -ourse atut ' xbnidgt4. o lurcmle Ohmtyae tii-tt -t-t tr t-tnu lut ttit-tns Tu-ougit the- kiiidness of thie XOT.C.0flqocmbnd whmi-yad tiiourli iii:' tiut ' tr>' liu-tI H.-oftU i-,rail> of Toronito, iîaversacks rit. W i ru-t- i NLu- lI.l. j in littrne bt-ing loatit-ti 10 the meni of the- A second sittIng of the Coroner's F S- lo-.P.ubppil -liith Batialion for use on the cotinfty jury on the death of -Chas. Cassldy, Fttt .1- ltait là liriuwd froinu 0% -tt'.soldier, of the llGth Btaln tiI" ttk.îitn- lie tits liten tii uhei No credit is tolue given under anr belId on Thîurgay ev4'ng. May tfh, lioîtiatfortuawuekstîneroln ~cIrcunustanCes on behaîf of the- 116f h when aeveral wtiessej4w*re examined olîtinafiuuu10 tii- îgunUt ttal. 1 WilI1041 a, order lu- wrltlngastted.-fk.$#:ot.de servi tu'. frôui thb>é çolotie#< the- Adjutatit, or tht oso- iti' lietn.toîcîisoed tîfi-Qrtcnt r.M r. M. Finigan, proprietor o! the- lo- t--ru îand nîtie, f Illit ast- <,o. ofrte NOTES ON THE 116TIl BATTALION cal liquor shop, and his son George, lI2îi'd 0. S. littallon, . E.F.. are bits- ROUTE MiAltCl. e cld.Nthrotemk w ily enigagi-t iii îînu'îaing fotr a coucrti Lady Mackenzie bas presented the- Ca8sidy by sight, but bot were quille lIo lut lieid oi t uýtirday t entiig. iltCUounty Bat talion wlthi a fine îittie Ford certain that hle had obtained ne ilquor9 Iilfroin tht-m oui tLhe Sai-urdÉay preyious to I Iîilttit Tlîe% antîripatu' hnî'lng a Motor Truck, with flue box paiufed the &bis death, when he had a bettle of arge tai- it ,utdtuc-. and hvliaieîre. ru-giteunt-il olor--blue. %lutuNi-ta 'c-i-M~rga.Copeearnennsfrcoi ig. tchell's Heather Dew whi8key. They1 pare anexcllen prgran. Cmplte rranemets or cokig. aid ne soldier was served or ailowed1 Sevurtut Torontlo antists are on the bilietung and tratisportiuig the mEUl hi ca td hyhdbcnvr listai d atiire to be asslsted by soute of have but-eu made. Farmers are volun- alu er so . aitd thy hd u a er th littet local lait u. The- Toronto art- ttu-ci uigt-anus tiail iO t- hp in imovîngpatcurf0osvehirl. is t (pi thte programméu art: Kelly. thie' the baggagt-. -etc., of flhc Battalion. 1 Mr. W. L. lanson, of the Windsor vu-utitoquist, wiîo fa inimitable in bis The boys are eager i-osiart the trek. Hotel, and hie two bartenders, il. W. nuodu- of i entriing; Burt Lloyd. roach Niagara, and complete their - Foster and Robt. Shields, aloo positive- crailr oa t Miss Crane. soprano trantng on thia aide of the wat-r. 1 ly declared that EJasidy got ne wbis- soltist ' Simtart Barker, banitote: aiso The 116i-h Baitalion goes f0 Niagara.. key ut the Windsor. Foster and l-larr> Rh-t. w-ho laq bot an enfyrtainer for an advanced ceurs-seof Instruction Shielids knew Mlm perwonlly, and uaid tandt piiuuisi. btfore proceedlng overseas. They.wiii tht-y did not tliink he wus ln the bar TI.ls <oui i-tn\%Il have a decidedly haveteh grouad ait Niagara occupied Of the WIndsor On the day preCedfing illtun-tit as tht-rt ivili be a feni tast yeur by the- 37th Battallûn. bise dcafh. but bu-Iweu'ut uwo of tht- 182nd of- Lady Mackenuie may be-ai- Beaver-1 Col. Farewell endeavored »ta tn ficerit Lieuilenanf.s Paftton anid MeKis- ton on St-rday to tor"nliy present If Cassidy had owed an atecount at th. Bock. 1 ber moi-or truck to the Bat talion. Windsor, but both battenders sal net. Tht-ne are algo a nanîber of other art. At Uxbrldge on Sai-urdaY ifternS@f, Richard McMilbI aad Wslir l*ew- liis s boni the cottmîttet- are endes- May bth. at,:2 .m, lte colore donated son, drivers for Mr. PFiantauu.iII ot voniig io secure. btlal the detahîs jby the Junior i4elef Club Wit De loir- know Cassidy, but bothiartefl that lav-e nItubten ftnally seftled. M iallY presented to lte Battalion. Mr. Finigan wss careul -not. toa aow The plan for reset-yod sets-iwil ho Wheii the Baffalion reaches Oshawa bis liquor to gel mbint e Possessie-of an Aiiin'u druug store on Saturday. i-ho on SaUUrday. te 27th, the- Chevrolet soldiers. lHe would net et-ou diEiv. lîthmt.Car ConP&nY. will present oflé-of tbelr tw bouses where ooldtirsureboardlug. Procet-ds la aid of the- Wh tyCoin- beautlfuul five pasenger cars. mal the This ended the sitttng, but Ms aeVtr- parti of the- IStnd. ladies a large mauis e W lthe Battalon. ai other pople sesuel flliy 10fin II6TH BATALION. wfla exîecfedthe Battallon Win @M- nîibu ulu noiiun dorm 11T ATLO.berk ai- WbUtby for NIAgSM ' Vfal- asade nti ?IIygIg a Ion Friday tesat-C- Company parti- diu-, May 8oth. ctpatu-d hn an ail-day tacticai seheme. Wheu men rt-atheh.valridns ownà AtTuesay fevena'session m'U.1 A-. M a.ilo ruggfsw, s aleWU s uce bu *g5 tars S l. 4t be mOoqr WAR RELIEF 5A»S""'thCIETYèM"l QI101 DOIN GdAÉJD WOf 1%11[N j trIly, m" porclsAqd a oint odlby ting 0fI *rtUgb**Meiit1 Tht- regular morlthiy mestn o 4 2 l*opltda sirts. Pi OERTIES. FOR RENT NEW HO IE, containitig six rooms, three piece bath room, verandah and balcony, large cellar, furnace, and sewer connectbon. Rent, $1.00 monthay. OUNGALOW, six rooms, thîee piece bath room, open grate in livinz room. Rent, $12.00 monthly, NOLISE, having seven roomfz, ten acres o.( land, number of good fruit treeS, ct-w and horse stable with btrng, etc. SuitbIe for teamster, market FOR SALE DWELLING, one and a half storey rough-cat; large-, well-etul-ivated gzar-den, with raspberries and hîuit trees. PrIce, $1,POOO. Should none of the aLove mr'et % o r requirenyents, contsult our Wi-t at the office of da Improvement and Land Co. Limited - i - 4 - i - .4 - t i gardener or milk de-aler. Bell Phone 193 M ".- l ý IMU m- W LI*- ýýf ýý Rentp $1.5,00 monthly, WHITOY9 ONT*