Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 May 1916, p. 7

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101a la fesr Joh:n R. ýC h Z-'h :a$ tiuîi take plate in the Rï. C cmeeaî r Childron's bats, regùlar value 60c. tu 76c., reduced le 35e. ýàturday, May 6, at W. G. Waltres'. The trout seasen opened on Mônday, aud a number et entbuslesý soimed Uic opportunity to take a bolIw 'to ti y their luck. Cel. J. E. Farewoell le al- ways oeeoe those te spend iy Day ln ti pepular sport, and ibis year was ne exception. The choir anud youug, people et the ]Baptist church beld a social for the Im*-nbers out the churcb and congrega- tien o09 Monday evening. Abv-nt 60 People were lni attendance. A sgplendid pregrani was rendered. Among those from other congregatlons wbo teck part iveme Mrs. T. L. Rewe atid Mires Kathleen Nicholson. Games were play- ;ed laI er, and refresbments served. o.Ou*ftial yer lejuse t lod, -îmaanmuerp,'uritâ, »u$lmgt *re 7011 pauitrie jmurpm 00wiSA, pau fieb&lane te esn'y forudp I meoto- -UP las rvenge *a-ithon yu Tabernacle 5 WASTE PAPER DAY. The V. 0. N. have decided to hold a Waste Patrer Day on Monda.y, Ma>Y 29, wben waste paper and magazines w111 be gatbered and shlpped te Toronto, the proceeds to be devoted to V. 0. N. work. Keep ail your waste paper, newspapers and magazines until that day. Further pariceulars later. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Sunday, May 7. 1l a.r.-Duett, *'Jesus Knows," Mrs. W. F. Law, Arthur Lynde. Solo-"My Redeemer and My Lord," Mr. Arthur Lynde. 7 p.m.-Anthem, "The Lord is Great In Zion." Duett-*"My Robe le Christ," Mis Eva Bell and Mr. Artbur Lynde. i -0- METHODIST TABERNACLE. Rev. A. H. Foster, pastor. Sunday, May 7. Morning service-Anthem, "Just As IArn." Evening L;ervice-Anthem, "'Lest We Forget." Trio, "Nearer, Stili Nearer," Mrs. White, Mr. White, Mr. Ayres. The pastor wili ocrnPY the pulpit bnth services. Good value lu lawn mowors and gar. Bassett's New Store de0los a Gel a fmee saruple copy et the May J eweler and Optician Issue eof1'.acLan's Magazine ai the lu1 the Bleck witlr tihe Ialcony Gazette aud 'h ronicle office. Afier yoil ltrok S. Soîhrend 1t, If you Ilke it.-and youmre sure 1 t.--Notirnay gel a yeamly subecription WHI rLiY, - ONTARIO for $1.00, regular $1.50, If youre ai- rvadN a sultecriber le the Gazette and m ChronIcle. The best detective stery of ____________________________ ithe NYear, "Behlnd the Bolted Door," starrs tIn May MaeLean's. Gel a copy. WV. C. -T. [u., I)onÊt Iiss jr. The animal rnepetirrg et the W. C. T Mlenis rfadyto-wear cuirs at lowisl U. wilI be hield on Wednesday, Nlav 19, ir d .6 Vatr.i -Iu te Agricultumal Roonim. at 3.30 p. î-:x î-:ù -NCY <CLASSES. ;~ IM. Thre Sujîtm. of dîfferent deîrartments T nrrh ietdrrn o are equest-ed lut rring reporis of t ie t ~ rrained ýfor Office pesi- year's work. As rîrere m-111 be eiec- î'slsesrrbenfrnd tien cf otfilcrs. a trull a R endance I'f t .sefra lse acbigfre a.rgently reqresed. Ktndly brlng your - %ýf 0k for special short, effective The largeat werk shirt made, 60c. !Surprise Soali rppts cours s ln stenography, 'Typewriting, Harry T. Thompsen. wrar'r,-rsand Acours Ir Sthaws Business ALUTIG, AN.\COTt7. Setools, lormniro (tnl tîrose witir two 0 ThearrIonof lcoolle tia cfana-,or morr. cars triuh rlooli iraînîng are CIMNLCUT UY eota rt tonio l lrrinis hngof adnr- wng adinitiod ror ilits sîreclal m-ork. Thre Crown Attorney bas hie bandas colly aihllg a i tghmins etdire --4--pretry fîril cf blrsinesp Ibis spring. bmlyai an r-îrlngthean liet te ofthe - What wlth luqueste upon uniimely -Orln ndneti besatan ie bele tdeathe. commen police court cases, .down le a crvature as Inemt as; a log of and serionrs moral offences, there seemes Wood, tibough euh lliving, as evideuced -tetcemhigeanplmc.Fo tsy bils breattrtrg and puise. The brain .- Uxbrldge Township Ibere cornes la the orgari cf the ni, and without - a charge et Incest dgaiust a ftier; cntering Intoail tire mental tacurlies I a Wbitby yeung manaIs accused-ot a, we may disettes gerierally tihe trcwers of serteus crime againsi yotflg womnan; action, perception, judgn,-nt - con- prîsoners wbo bave escaped from the science, foresiglrt, pcwer of self-me- clrstody cf the Provincial Gevemumnent eraint and self-direction. Action and while empioyed on work aI the Hos- perception are poss;egFod ty corne of the, piral for tihe Insane-ibese are some et Lîgler arimas 10a genIe extut<ranthre cases te corne up for bearIng tbey are hv mar. i. t rîraîr lias grenIer soty wowers of forestgi. mresonIng and 6 *judgmerrr. s hlch dletngisîr hmii from FUIPTHER SITTINGO0F CORONER'S ail curer helngc arnd raise hlm above JURY. tbem. The noareottc action cf alcoholOnmoessinfthjuymp- appearatIo -oine on alîrrost sîmullan- - One o nre siontthe Jre mpan- th ,eoufsly>.,t'- sFlnttqtacin Littiejobu infant wn.s beld on Friday aIt ire;t te rnîrkod ire il, and çnly be- , ~ o~ afternoefàl is. The Crown had beca ,cornes stIrriolerO rriant ac- t~S endeavoritig te locate thé mothor et tbe tien ip urslr1anr 0r eder dead cbild, but the besi that could ho Pruuùu'.I 1 r uvtctt Crf doue %vas te mecure tbe prestence et ber tut-y",Jili, 1'!., win sister, Janet Corbman, wfho re- The largest work shirt made. Harry T. Thorupsen. soc.i LUUAL MArrflIN~ 1 J. MeINTYRE GOT CONTRACT. The contraci for tbe waterwýomks sup- plies for thre Publie Utillîlea Commais- (Jet or prîces fer poulîry1 fence.'sien fer 1916, bas-been awarded te, J. Pringies hardware, Mclutyre. 0 PRINCES8 MAY LODGE, DAUGH- Tire report cf liheanual vestry ineet- TERS 0F ENGàLAND. Ing of Ail Saints' Cburcb bas been beld Tbo ruembers efthie Red Cross Sew- over until next week ing Gid, ln connection wltb Princeose 0 ~May Lodge. have terwarded a bale et Penmau's Underwear ai W, G. goods to the Red Cross Society, Toron- Walters'. t.e. the contents botng as follows: ô 24 dozen bandages, 6 y"aston&; 15 Sec advt. et Ail Saints' Pariah Guild dozen face towels, il dozen bandkew- ,&zaar on page4opsie chiefi%; 4 dozen piilow cases; 24 b.d We bave a good electric vacuum pins. cleaner te ent, $1 per day delivemod te your bouse. G e M. Rîce. CORRECTIîON. Mr. R. A. Hutchison bas purchaeed Ini laut weekls Issue et the Gesotto the largo brick esidence ot Mm. Geo. and Chronicle a cernpai*oni wu mode Cormack, rd.thie corner et Byron and bPtweet the tal rates ore t o ove Coîbemne Streets. ofetWbitby and Oshawa, pelutins eut -o that Osbawa bad put ln a severag Newest ciassie sirees for upring ai systeal ou tho local lmproVemegt Plan, M. W. Colline' ca.sh sbee store. wbereas Wbitby'm ystein WUsPut La -o- ail en the gonerI siaseesieflt làa. The Domestic Vaccin Cleaner, 50c. wbicb accounted for the blgh rate. "Ur per day, dcli-vered. W. G. Wallons. j act shouid have been potaitetiout, boy.r ---1ever, that accomdlng te tatit l'té Eastern Star Led go No. 72. 1.0.0.F..t sewage disposai plant andtihie trui w-il parade te divine service on Sun- sewersMm 0114 ho nstaldOU ont*iLi day, Mlay 7, ai 3 'clock, ai Ail Saints' onui assessuient plan, Mn id UYIatera. Cburchi. 11ev. R. W. Allen viii olecate. andIlinossien,119mdi strieM ««b#1 0o-put lanSU local liuproîfmt&uiia See oui, extension laddrm. Price neuf P ringle's hardware.~ The County et Ont&Mro 014 01mb' Aà> aociation sw1I1 bold their repilar inentbly meeting Wednesday, M&Y 10,1 fibe audfterlam et the Publie 7.hbrary1 ai 4 P.M. 11 Quality shoos at 10w pricesa atM. W. Cellins' cash sboe store, Whltby. Crompten'e and D.' Agd A. con*it soc. te $5 ai W. 0. Waltmrs' Mme.Stanton À. Baker vil netre- 'cciv. againuntilOctober,- ie Iregular rmontittimeeting of-**t WhltY War ReliefSocluty*iii ie lu ltiiCotmUcflC2Mmbur« tA egi ternlo, m iat80o'Oe bdtm esit lie tv m iâvtai te t WasaaUwubd t W.*. - W$*t semblîes Almim se closeay unir. one maiglît easily be confused. Janet Corbman told whai she knew et ber slster's whereabouts, wblch wasu't mucb. Almlra hsd vtmtied ber la Toronto du.ring the early part ot April, but she had loti ater a wcek te look fer a position,- andi Janet ba.d'flot seen hem ince. Janet ale gave Mme interesting InformatIon regardlnx oth- or points whieh thre Crows u aInvem. ttgating. Mme. Altred Hartricit wu aime on the witnoss stand tor.a short trne. The Crown s eeUh holding lthe tu- qrrost open in an eradeavort- t loeath Almira oerbman alias Littiejohu. and It lis possible aise that Afredi Hartrlck yl ho calleti. FOR SALE, $2,000., Frame house, 8 roonlo, 1% etol'eye mtont foundation., goot icellar, divideti for tutnaco tOWiiwatem and # anivter system; aise good born.a; stiated on Breci street eeUtit, em«erSt. John Si. BuildinWg ln gooti mpair. APPlY ho W. G. 48tewart, R,.R& 140. 8, Oohava DEÂT!! 0F bma BWK RT. on Moaday, la O(ma"vA Roit Mr&- WM.. ay, of wIMty'pfIM "* war atter a lengliuy 0Wsa izzln whitcb Ofl opereIma s veme Mieeri. àM..-"y MhadQ» ogeat u o umoths u&0, mat sa'iMt1 st. ré- coTer, fiva WU iid lo0l t 0 p«, mei gata -b0tt te veekaso. Ray ui*tIutlB vs Qt Oit t.tt Oid [i-u1 e ubut 6'"a , BRAN-In Wb -dto, on Sunday, APril 80, 1916, John 9yan, Ila-hlm SOth Ail eqea drnsd.tIrât wa>'.a IMOGS FOUiHATCHINO. eund y Sc oolBliter Campines, $1.UO for 1a. Indian Runiner Dutks, $1.25 for 12. JRhode Island> Reds, 60c. for 18. stan tu effdta andsheBarred-Roeo, 50e. for 13i otnd h M end , andsepastédavay Phono 82, ?Ira. Geo. Allin, Wbltby4--46 Herblusband.wbslaemp¶olred at ing- Bros.' tannery, survives Wlitb thîeId iiiP A tT =4ai chiidren. Thé tuneral wua held 109000 PLANT on Wednesday afternoon, DEATH 0F FORMER WIITEY MAN. FOR SALE JonBrythl, who was ln business ln____ Whit.by yesrs ago* diod ln Toronto on Sunday at the age et 80 years. He was F- aI adlt well-known bore, and will be remem- C..abbages, eal n ae bemed by tbe eider residents, ho having Cauliflowersn eariy and late. beoh ln the tinsmitblng business, A strange coincidence ls tbe tact that bis Tomatoes, all ieading varie- niece, Miss F'annie Bryant, died ln Wblt- ties. by on the same day. TH-E DIAMGND THÈ APRIL BIRTIISIORE D IAMOND i.tic eminerai uni- vernaily recognized a@n chief ELong irecious stonem ; it in the hardent, the mlost imiperiahiabie, and algo tbe mont brilliant of minerais. Thene '1naitien alone haie rmade it upremie ait a jewel ince eariy imieà, and yst the real brilliancy of the atone i.n et dis- p'ayed util it hai% been faceted by the art of tihe iapidary j and tbis wai oearcely dpveloped bef ors the ydar 1746. A I)imond eut ilu 174(1 wold be ju as brilliarr nt lii116, or lit 2016. A Diamoîrd ptirlanetilai a right prie@ i. an imperishable luvesmnent. Lt us hslp Yeu savyowurMosy. SPECIALSFOR Cilanln SOA P, 25c. > 3PACKAGES Lx 25c.- Peppers, sweet. Celery, in variety. Apply "TH1E ORANGE". Whltby PHONE 127 W. A. VOUNOG Civil Engineer, Topographical Survey, land drainae, subdivision destmning, --. w ~Uaan,, NIjW's worm Ohocolates, Nysi'a Worm Lritenghs, 'Nya'm Wo~*~Pos~Nyal'm Worm Syrup. Prit., 25 cent. each. Wbâ"-aà hild in not ell snd there isne noapparent reatue», worOim are ne doubt the trouble. These four NyaI Remcd- lessotain the marne active Émodicinal itigredients put up i» difhpeat - - Lob jepleassant te take, barrIegsend miure .tq expel -tbese intestinal parasites. Worms are a very prevalent affliction of children and thre indications of tIroir pregence are varioues-offensive breatbirglrbwl, gratin'h teetb, spasmes, talking 'in the sleep, feverish- nes adet1liiemoness, loge of? flesb, are »almost -sure indica- tions. Wherinany of theïse sycmptoms are noticed it is well to give a treatmnent with a Nyal Worm Remedy. -WI-IITFIEILD'S Iî DRUG ahd STATIONERV STORE WHITBYO ONTAIIIO sole Agent for Ryai preparmations.j FOR SALE. Reughcast, bouse, 8 rooms, goed lot,j wltb fruit. alto ibreo goed lots te bei sold ffr buildiing purposes. Apply teoi. Mre. Fairbankd, Breck St., Wbitby. plans and drawings, etinuates, etc., on RET contract werk., Contracttng. I Ã" ET Box 243, WHITBY. A trame cottage on Byron street, for- ___________________________merly occupled by Mm. Wm. Correil. Apply at Gazette office. For Sale, To Rent, Etc. HOUSE FOR SALE. FOR ALE.Ten-moomed bouse, 34 acre et land, FOR ALE.garden, ail kînds fruit trees. House Six roemed trame bouse, 3-piece I as new Pease tumnace, new batbreem, bath, electric ligbt, furnace, bot and electric light. Ail ln gond repair. Ap- cold waîer. Apply J. H. James. ply D. Galbraith, Port Wbltby.-tf. TEÀMSTER WANTED. Marrieti man preferred. Apply te E. R. Blow, Wbitby, Ont. FOR SALE. Twe large ruge, 9 % x 12 4, and oe bedreem suite completo, al lun iret- clase condition. Appiy ai Gazette effice. . HOUSE FOR SALE. Two-storey tramae bouse, aine roome, good cellar. Apply te Mis Robson,, Byron Street.. RUG FOR SALE. An Axmiulster rug, hi fimt-lasa con- dition, sîze 10 ft 4 ln. by 9 tt. 9 ln. Used only a short time. Apply ai the Gazette Office. FOR RENT. lu the village et Brooklîn, a t'rame bouse, wjtb stable, an acre et land and orchard. -Apply te Henry Banner 2391 HOUSE FOR SALE.j Front St. East, Torento. Rougb cet, 8 roome, aIl modern con-j BANDMNW TE. veniences, large trame garage, good, On ail Instruments, for the band et gardon, large and smaîl fruit. APPlyIh e 182nd Baitallon, Ontario County. ou premises, Byron St. soutb, almosi! Apply te E. G., Ha!ell, Bandmastet* opposite Presbyterlan Cburch.-tt. WbItby, Ont. -f t SÈCOND AD 000K ST-OVE-S Personai Mçntion. Miss Mary Ruttan viuited ln Ban- croft last woek. Hia many frionds are pleased te sec Mr. J. J. Feley about tewn after bis severe Ill'noss. Miss Poarl Goldring la an assistant ln Mr. E. R. Blow's office, aibd le study- Ing telegraphy. Mr. W. A. Holliday, etf'I'uronto, was ln town visit.ing bis mother, Mms. T. J. Holliday, over Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Downey bas returned from a iengthy visit with ber daughter ln Philadelphie, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard B3rown and young son, spent thc Easter lielidaye in Peterbore, witb relativeb. Mr. and Mme .Wilbur DlIngman, ef Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Perey Mason, on Euclid St. Pte. Anfibrose Desmond, wbo enlisted with a battalion ln Winnipeg, vieited bis parents this week. Mme. T. J. Hofliday, who bas been visiting ln Toronto for several yWeeks bas returned to town. Nim. Victor Smith bas moved te Portý Whitby, and w111 occupy the bouse own- ed by is father on Dufferin St. Miss May Granger and Masterl Fred Granger bave eturned to Scarbomo atter visitiug their grandmother, MrB. James Smith. Mr. Harold Elliott, of the Signallng Corps, Ottawa, spent the week-end, witb bis aunts, thbe Misses EUlott. Re ex- pecte te go overseas about May 201h. Mm. and Mrs. Farewell, Miss Max.1 well, Mme. Ge. Rose, Miss Cormack and Mises Maud Mnnées attended the annual luncheon et Traf4lgar Daugb. tors, at the Quecn's Hotel, Toronto, on Tuesday. MACHINISTS. Lathe banda, or geod mechanice wanted for sheli work. Have opcning for twenty-lfive men. Good wages. Large, well-llghted, comtfortable lac- tory. Permanent employment, with good opportunities for 'advancenient. Transportation pe.id. Splendid town fer familles. Apply by letter, giviImg expérience and previouB ompioyment. Immédiate engagem*ent. Peterboro Metal Produtete Co., Peterbmr, Ont.-48 WE HAVE -PURCHASED the, endire stock cf ýsecond.Iband -cQok stoes cf tbefb'> f 1< Ge. Wander, - BoorStreet, Toronto, 1 Ad, I s J FOR YOIJR.SIJMMER KITCHEN. and iethis to- ilue -a u~. ztbe prervises t16To erst rçt ebal p 1 q

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