Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 May 1916, p. 2

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B SUNDAY 04-PMAY'7 aléthwrt rett& giveuai________ CA ý*4tbéfr àMa ww .*4ébd Simple Trtm Street Butta. dIeftIé " attura for tb.m. Tour Aithougi the.fashions are stifl un-Lesmon V,-Tbe Mlsmlenarles of Ain- lmihd litnai ztr rival» h.vacu- dergolng changs-and lefore siimme? tioch, Acta 11. 1980; 12. 25 to e leaner for pleklg up uiioniad' lua irly here, w. shah probably find 1.1.Gle et «W tdiuI, W aZittSVwaTd hoi blemany novlties whlch have as Pet not 3.1. odnTet $q "ee them ta uomtbng of values put in &à appurance-.for Streetil ,t.2.1 I t u < t(ii d uor ulm ortt. d , at 4 mt, stlu~es, rufftlie wlred hepV re 19 h takes un back to One day, ao t tre y aa ao 4! O@w'i* mausrt leck* ~' ~' pociets, areActe 8, 4, the. narrative being rei;um- Dick and Dorthpaedtteril W aeolymd Élni ! the rIg.e oti bouse for evenlng and ou at thnt point. The disciples bad %vay crossing wieo lerwyhm we obav unul mdeina o! value.o hely ate oobeyed the Lord'. commnand, Mat. 1. from downtrt. l neHrii a it o. whtled ago f valeude, O ga t es WhnLchCnelEte ine-23. Travelled-The verb le regular- the gateman, wo v:oei e-' li. W. stihi .pend mnont of e«Ch rAodpos ly used of "travelling preachers" ln tonkewadoewast.igtth day throwng away wor both buds neasActs. Phoenicia-The long seaboard door of hb4li ltWbuea hycm 'wastell material. The chie! end of The plg n ume tls plain t.o whlch Tyre and Sidon belong-,aog man ine. time began has been tb many of Uiem, seeni 10 be designed o admit making these spurious pound notes? ed. Antioch-Of Syrin, flot the Pi- "My," saidUnllîr ,"btbi destroy naturni resources, and the with the idea of concealing aiender- The Mýagistrate-So Y sidian Aritioch of Acts 13. 14. It was parcels for littefk tb.cryg! »skl te-b kt in fyar fi dce fthere. î, bt atserv qsaniy e il ,ft cneal TIc Prioner-WelI, your Worship. lt struck me that there was suCh n large and important city. I "weiî. you e. ic xlind w Wd ean i huseii asothe sprnimre. lan ovy erve endance ! feab. or oneal ashortage of the genuirie artlde.-From London Opinion. 20. Men of Syprus and ('yrene have been soin fothbiada for thea iusfaci ofthrowing um'ore sance, et bus acnsid fe thf.edjaktor i-n- - --- -were countrymen respectively of Bar- pariy.' fory th Wan f nor tIcpesron l ti.c.wth a icltu st is ed tejave tenabas and the "Simon, father of Alex- "Wýhat jbirhy prt? ake *" hnfrtepegr flo-wt as asdsihl bv hýThe ordinary silk girdie no'w measures iLodr d's ross Pch', i d thenin- 'wn herack I g spe -n -%a .normal, and the full, fan-tait coat, at least four inches in width at te- i a de r ods fs " h o arri d n t he ri > n hi r i s h o kd u Igsl-a-pa.pleat.ed or flared; Puch a modal, while narrowest point, 'and at its, widegt, of- utoseafns ischm'qak In jiousecleaning one'a brain, one tbn fromn ine to twelve. The widest'fl HfE~AL'r ingfui te a itaemsluson. mm ek- "The baby':~ pleu )rty ometimes fanda an idea, and woaders point ia directly in front, the~ point as iheba atsedraxig"' Ourit htIe B1y Oi nw i What te dq wit.h It Howv to get an a rule coming dowri ove tIhe fron* taheGercan ewdrads. hodîffiultihre" to'-morr, iw'rgon t] aUdition in the problem. Everybody thc skirt. Ia some instances the peint '*1------------- about Greeks (that is C;entiles) iVChmtefnetbîha at bw'. . st uI o Icextendq both up on the corsage and, 'ltiîat ever was. la n u%.W e u opdl thaht Cornelius vas the first Gentjlc "e sanDkw hv altf don eow ti o cuselenthriî A Sditch la the Side. cneî sj înî mî nAt toYs. atees on b i alable inspiration from door to door onblw hsocore.;ntig cneta. slalympedn t osndt U oleesudn igtBllbosmore or less thoa the quaint, fascinat-. It may be a very-'Ëlîgbt and Mmr- 15. 17. It also seem.e strange that ' se ak ihtre ade. êr take olege stdent orma zinooksiag bodice of our grandmothers' daye. entary st.ab, like the stick of a pin, or* Ant;och lad already wilnessed sudhfote az pl ace subhrcription fr gz ine.l thso the ribbon girdîca are trim- it may, be a senslation like the tearitig'an extension of the Faith to'Getitileq, Tiku ht u! e nl These are likelymcd at the ends with wide rash ends,1 of the fiesh or the rasping of a file at ve sîîould have in Act.e 14, 27 whatit'r'mc lar to bdy ntoe with 50lreta ply gathered stralght to the belt and eaclb indrawing o! the beth; it may îooks like the report of a novai fact., euld ca1 ha o! weU-sthmed wthsolagea N forming a hli tunic effect, with ib- mean nothing of consequefide, or it But there le no nccessity to maike Act.;- "'kî cantyuhv m?'ael o eltubdrecipes of the wsy t, ~ bon ruching et the bottom; or agrain, May point to thc mogt seriotis trou- 11, 20 falcarier than the time of the sciheabomna Peter's visit to CSsarea, and tIc in- ed r tahdt h i iîntccetc l boia oo v Eovn ntw îl hln~mhavealwae bcn don tha new<c . gird encds, are g tced le knes caithi-eî is toreo eepi-fuaefo At 4 7l o e îghtwoud b resrdd nea cime ~ nd re trne bok o thmealesfuiconitin tht te yungdocor sntil.. Thediflculy u tI ma- "ee,' aded ick '~ durc 'x'oy- -lalv hlpu thm i tbir iîjutçll us when yeur nx iti fay cornes, we'll Platn a-real pf.rty for Uncle Hirarn did nôt Iaugb this time, but Iooked down bard ot thc bright eyes; raised to bis. 'II can think of SoMething bette" than that," he said et lae. "Do You know Aunt Lizzie Wheeler, who lives almoit out to, thc North Road school- house, witli oniy a housekeeper 'for company? Well, sIc will be aightyr yenrs old next Mlonday. She ha. been too lame for year- to get out o! the hmuse. If you waiftl to make i.n old person happy with a birthday party, just take her up somae flowers or a cake, or any littie thinpr, to s;how her tInt sorne une remembers and cares." '*We'll dIo it!" cried T)orotmy. "And I 1lncw that Bv'ssce Fuller and ber brc>ther Toe, uand( Madire Bowman, and T-ed Ilot standa 1Tý- of othcu'e will go with uis." ,rlien ,he and Dick ýbairrie1 home, 50 fuIl of tic, idei of a lithday surprise fur Aija'.hLizzie Wheler that they al most forgot the morriuw's party for littie 13'lly. Tliat vas Iow it hban Dick and Dr)oJ;Vy an]d ozcn of their young fnicnds rmt: formed a sort of biltbidv <Club. enfl thiir parents have tor it would disturb thc sleeping batsM'eolu. Don't(11fîe1ma.I'd mseet nw for it mgît rab-e ic thick veneer o! ,2 trimmings, rash bows, rosettes, and ail Greek for "a stitcl in thc sida." ha- eve been ailequately cxplaina< ny !Çndn ut vr 'vey tIfinge ~~~~~~~~~~forme of rihhon trimminge are tre- lu. je nt necessa' y to descnibe tIe Pcihap-, a very ealy copyls. intro edusyfvoc.naueo tcpina cet"Oh,.,duelb.je ecue l ut h i *itdas"chcl]IJcellrm V g'legig ohveobr dii. Time o! grctigsreranft- at1 ' "Wn lave t"hue î oeotna]ouoecnmatr I tr' funcral tbay must ramain foril ~<Nîrrow beîts o! leather, antelope, for almost averyone knows it l>Y per- fu.lt, about Cornelius. hnyuyugfîi o;btcre-nQ~o I rgtdyctu I ~~eacendants. il ~~~~~~~~~~~suede, Iuck and oth er eofî-finisecd ronal experiance. Ordiaarily it leste 1 Tcbn]o tcLrdhsan o e etout ftchb'o aigdydli)lsbogtm l l Siqualitice, are used as a finish toe erge oaly a short lima, and, althougl un- 01(lrTstamnt phrase. nnturaîîy re- ~'~ . a -fock or tailored quit. Wool embroid- nleasanu. whila it endures, il is, like tIerparties. sud paroButlaheîeopasttttre Inovath iondont-atIcan ferleonf 4 est ehvl u h od "Tbnt's ;too la, a]Drth.T:ti1u 1etncm ul inovatImion] of ntth nvferlneno!- ery playe 9-n important part on girdîe s sasickass, soon fuoti nafe eu nd o! bIe verse is almost cent-ainly "What fua you ms! Nw fsurs*nbb]ytw. ofpeevish l fogies wh rpadfuj ton, bciag ueftly Inti )duced to tend las pessed. Perhaps thc muet com. Jesus. Su incvitebly and unconecinus-ý cI] who cruîp an] flut- tcî a ~n&,e o! sharp contrasîtoesuit or mncue« ttîl I ial yd h 'NwTeaetwles ter and fret when a change le pro-zz mo as fasic l t11ieI ,l ote lNwTeaetwies ped Hegosimpatient la bis local congcstion o! tIc pleural or mcm- - traineul to a luouror et comnuromî ising9 Presumabl y tîroui ueo I po ak n ewsdr!ud( radicaliftn. Forgctting t-he adage of - -~- A very popular Russian hlouýe drese brance, thet covers the longe an] lincq the uniq<ue Godhead o! Jehovuil, ap- hets." S)eparate-1aî eaî h oî îti usntcrs]id the. flies 'caught with honey. Aot, with le illustrated lare, fashlonie] or crepa theccîet walls. 'Just as you maY pls lis special titles tii Jestus, R9a, awor<l, su mmoral n~] xeu 5<LiOa oe vinegar, he spoils hie chance of mak- 1 Georrette and, satin; it le sashed with sec now an] tIen a little arcar Of un'atu.cu o! course!I ence in GuaI. 1. 15.TIS(1'TUO RE In i ceeprevail by gettiag bull- ~-~ thc Georgatte, la a graceful knotted redes or roughaess on tIceskin 22. TIc church-Noticc how bhis 1. Laid tîcir Inc e . si heddadtikngh a ar h girdle. Thc f rock o! serge and or- somewîere, se a similar are. ma-y Oc- universel term. denotiag the wîole, Taxt Studie forFcrar27vre point by a dow,%nright assult. TIen h - gan]y le an adaptation of ires cur at some $pot on the pleura; wvhea body o! Ilose seho "lova tle LordlIRxsa mas as C îtubbornees lemet> wîl etuborn- -Pearl GnI2e. j îltIhappa ne, the opposa] -urfaces Jesus h-i sinnccriîy and tUutî," I WeeTtudenKlei nuadtemnsothspaesCWlALThese patteras may be obtaincd get dry an]d (onont play smoothly le qualifueîl by thc local- designation. K EIT INIG RNC.ruaIrtmutopron clash, an] île net resul!t le nuUity, for f rom yotir local McCall denler or from against each othar; the resuIt is paui It. may be further naurowad toe elbrtctrtr n]ng lonely virtue is overborne by mai- À The MeCaîl C., 70 Bond St., Toronto#'< ]uing te movement of braathîag. ichuth meeting la comaona's buse, Swedish I>rcfesoSasGrneAchrg]gaelcmnyaa citt vote. Ont. Dept. W. Another cornifon cause us* a 'ligît and thle plural "churches" tItis be- Not TeId TriAbuWa. E ayfodstbtonaîl 7u~ - congestion cf tle spleen; tînt. is usuel-: comes possib)le. lu. le a Inter exten- The higest o mca rowe vry Adptatio cf aPoirelModel. THEiRWAY TOHA'INESS. theic ause of the stitch that. cOiei51sica, but pcrf ectly natural, by ,,.hiel, The impressgionla I emn Tc eotl copn ddacftionfusaiairet ob *h THE fter nuniiing or exerci-cing toc -eori eseak o! an organiza] union of people arc livingloaedfo l hrynowaays o euiga alec g. necthîe worîindnegorceptgaheifoIdrewow fromth îliLtiet creature et whom eha teingto angles, asostraîgltens Het le lappenul ing. I wbcyonkedt0Ibmuchuurc]. bacausa tîey wcono-ofuî] netha looks over the top o! his coller. h out curves mosb effectivcly. - ThseeoeaYong Couplte Strt e.- aln e a infuhul m eals nl] tati,- uhonits. hor oua]tognesthe Mhy n-,j oundrewl a is net oniy tle siuggar] Ihat goe:i lu cents, originated by Mme. -Paquin, wii epn, n l Rsî- an] it would net be parti miariy in- disI Church," "the Roman Churcl," i Swedish professe ParkHguddmdm-blîc Thr r gentfrwsm.inl allb probabiiity be tle feature Of~ "But they lad le keep up appear- teresting, eltier; il le enough te sdy etc. OnIy we mu5t le caref ul te ai- j wlo visite] GerayrcnWoareodtiscfweltr..o iii. enV for wlsdcm. the spriag an] sumnmer tailorcd suite ances," tIc otîer woman declarcd, <that exorcise increases tle rapi]îîy o! Iew ne aarrowau' definition of "île ltour' o! observato."e epet I oieo c]Grae Arhe tnitotc ealto b cenurteach- enaI. ive] ofbayonthunnd'oplesai a an]re inn rnvlt pr a the circulation; a.nd Ia-t causesasit- chitrch" tIen tînt wîich depende dh!tIc shops, lain e tuclaîen- ewrtstl]odrigI Are_____ The Chartoibg oSummerhSilk Frock lie d e y i o thesb troub le. ad tic congestion, fret f the iivcr an] personal ioyaiÎy le Ch iI. etauranits know noh g" sys Pi - er .a wi n i prs of t otl .i 'fes or H aglun]. W e a e ! ____Te___igSumr ikFrcs 6 h di] tIey-wlat appear - thon cf the spleen. Thc er.velop- 23. The grace-To Bannbas frn]ormeawces they"hn esn îiow las. a__ _ _ _of te_ _t et h -1' - rstanns h cre w o u n e] aOE UNMCIIT. W ae o heuhyejydtences. lte woman opposite asked. 1ing meranceqc icl e r teih'one imprauion ma-de byr Ihis massogiydned hmcfaw.leavmtthrdatbyen WOMEN TU eaN inCHINIe -St"Weazlave ofochehorounggoly e djoyed com!ort and becomingneàslo! île The otlrwoh stared. or thereby, an]d hU7fbaa u oeea. a IIc l mzî found tîn he srsi t theentoregct Worklng for Brltssin la Constructing simple one-picce frock of silk to e lt 1"Why, tlhey lad te live te sOmoe x- apiratlen (whicI tIce4*ercise makes -wcalth cf Gocî'ebounîy which had people la nignornec vrîig sabd b Acroplne Pats, adisappean f rom îview even for a -tn tla ck terfinsddteeepel' thaxi usual) the dist3nde] etom- le n potine] on so mlniy uaiikety pe- tînt mugît givenst ncneirt Teewre obal <summer. Thcy are being used for h&t le aey w er blown wlt. and- Overaile] Icathen aproned, capped tle street, for tIc bouge, and forer1 h relO liv.l acenegboho a i e re n.iyo el l rpItla mdi.,haverreto-ese ny notefrejrfleci." icpcr ceti] attrnacti en latfer m glsesefmore poputar tlah for the past sea- 'o"îe oa posite Insisted. ;but the. neeves refer it to the le! t Ride man'r," joy. ExIorted-Hlis own upa crcpytIcFanfrtrNectevrml attrdacThtivfe icn twraheafr nw;ta]'ane ae so oiehotatono(ct I 1ahr.heu ata eiwthsatin. Th fodla Iccapswn elgîteen womien are heing t rained lanton or twe. Plain, crisp taffetas arc "lTîey ouI thoughtt Professer Haglufnthewas amazed tefarse. cdanby the soldions -exhoatauon" atct tIi.Notînghm <nglu ~>Hhlîateusein hur aahinin, soi cepes wee mrely keeptig up wlthp4..izh', nevoupeople, therefore, oftcn tiînk 4. 86). Il was his preeminent gift. aprea] railvrtefntpean aueig. "cecoil fh Nt ilWmmen'sSevcean reeeChnefoulards eanu]anddidn't kuow how foollîl It was il ie iu tIhenert.. Thc pain may le - Thc next vergese hows us wby "ex-article entitie,"Assnaen lldnorîm tcbi& workihor os t o me' evceadc î eCie, hnt d 't fodi. Buea hnîe' kille] engineering prnt.ed silike lu elecked and flowiied Bwlcn 'Finthecu ffidl.'îe right ide, alîlougu lIatislaes hortetion' or encouragement" went go -Wnr," whicl to t edrshwtc Work of weldlng Joints and fne angle affecta. Mme Callotmouds us a 'th wht ould t o n iveinîl'fente case; il la tien cause] by f ar wîen it came frein hlm. He 'v-as British Goverumn a udr]cela]dmpoue sokt eddfrtecntuto fclarming littIc modal O! plain navy glume an] tî.y lad te keep up tudr îemporary congestion au] disteation'<net a migîîy genile Paul;but leo-ten cormore E1lîe îs !<edclne yhs n As ai a teyar taîe]t-e o-blu e taff eta, combine] wthPopa- el- ct." lo! Vie liver. Sometimes thc reuble'lad tint winsome kin]liness au] tînt fonce was thtaeh]aow sm-îlcmp. i fa as pine4are raonte w-,aur silk; il bas a full, gatheme] skirtj iit ail depends upon what you cal1 laeinthc diapiragix; tien it je owing transparent faith an] spirltuality pTic fospGei wr il]wtu horpr nstn a oftepan le adauitcrself-respect. Ienu maintaunine"to lamnerinso! that muscle, aind feels: whicl made lia words atoaie. Pur- p gThendwsa ateel hc e !tecipi i tories, where Viey reccive the sanme c Vepli bu, u aquit pex -ltd cm otwunc l p as mon. TIc womnan wielder le sage and bustie effect o! the Pompad- boub by not golag lu debi t f tlY'like il-e dan of pain the sufferer froni posa--Note the &treuslaid on tie wxll ên ua apaneyl pnîenwbtb emn ntcc~a siiotier Instance of woman's adapta- cur silk, lunis sofb, délicate colorings. oyez. An] t wasu't ueceesary r reumatiâm. oftea el u l m r Or ll r us cko e Ellma ue yGra1rm "ntengt~be't bIlty to work îeivdt eotwihtettog oteutmwoe own : whea tlcy are surrendere] officeris an] tîcrcvln ia," ci s ap !Wteeg c Ue pvie. IcbdseranOfy ledJea ainl c ic sîdceve those may b. Iknow a couple- Wh' tl 'th-î-"]11d bar provine.Biowlle with a faer noyc> ng& a f oc.Th lesadfouis] îwo rooms eut Ona ide aîriet Fore6ordinary stt , est wthGodwil o the rest'gave aaybodywilaornayss. laproerwcolifr sautFhenelt ia itca me stf ldy portion of tic waist arc fwît n wn o h u>s~eepf lu iteni perbapa a little rubbin# or e warm l 24. Addd unto t-le Lord-TIc of Justice lie oe"sy Poesr-tetccmadatfrbte rias .111. acahsiag wax. Thougl ber i lawn, an] the blt-girdie isn18e.]over' wilI the few bits.!ofurn[ture t ol i i.tetet it-prs ugesVntbcLr Vn ala lt eev,"Ii e anW rprotected by rogg o! colon- the busit an] bel] la place wsth rhoul- coul] atTord to, by. Most 0o! bld-r in ne.].]. If, lowevcr, Vie pain, per-! îacreasseshIls welbl by Vie one trot- h t the Geraspol a . Smvi Cag a e]gas a mn o! bright aparke km- der stapi. jwddlng resenta were packed SWS J stj the trouble rnay bere.serlous, 1 sure le coveti to obtean. stsabm rsçto obte ubl ar]j uo ber face an] neck. but -.shi bee anny numier of intereat- sas not su tale for tebld 1oniet.- plcuriey, for escampîe, or pneu- 25. Prom the imaitich Christian o!tithe war by i oeuatadiagia vrtigGra besthem net, non obviousiy does lng loevclesa coalce or trc-place Teywce evra slls wa rous -mona,-aad bth femeii cswiemsinme i]bc s]t ok succcsfu Isuewa plintros -s lebegrslugo!issiorn în ber ýcouipexion. jdi'es effects which etrongly apeti whehth'er mntfmilabut will tal hlm doctlon te lia]out juntinlupains, as Jesus ent out the iwelvc. ital Viepro4esrbdwtadco rme ai ~rir e Sbe IBwe, Mies an] hammere steel,1th many. Thcs. are of tapea 7<,wliAbhVieyewman, Woot j licd' ei . abouewtheper snd tie women* weldcns' wonkuhtýJeoniIsaia]retagetexnirthe houl] bvave o thaVey pitl» he. - Yth8 Joice] la Paul'a sup4nior gifla Barua- lu Sweden. Itlicineteea t st hnelt net 9116d, i4th a lundred lou]oror s -satnsco areut aTheétGeruit, rodocqtar wheave tong t ceyunatom » Sdiscontacm clanoS t etlbutti nrvs !'piacng telsc rtcapes introduced awouîd." ba. hesuggthoesieblt sna- ed 'etaéc enwlcbut are nafee].jutl eofe-- A ayrtey dhdu't min] lb NeyerFst Nuls Afler e Full Meal. ibao. eelsit ueion so tiel ske iw ic Swde1 oud90emasJeté iaaWoward, the principal, de- Betla and Girdles Attis la Fayor. edSigb t eutofe~ting marrie] on- IBlk for bulk nutb jpo taia more'- bas ha]d dfficulty lu fanding bîîm, a cl ~ l em]a t ett I oubc esa rgn c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f thes iaimnye tc.woe, h ii11 iA te a b s lary." uuiet in ter food] pub 'tbo>ugh iu tablierea aRo n Tvid doman ual te"won bWo. One a! Vie ont iterstiui5 deailu "nid thelr fricudà cornetao aay PauI'e as a Romanel eved donim ai.ieî t ome tbm?"stance, an] theirfocod ndue s oven'-citigen, was a welI-kaown an.. But'OD e d d o M o ta d thÎ:r 'Mk anre ae anâ4 8hi. ! rmr.couceairate] tsth beose. Dut a Jew who sent-is briIiIetson awey M ) ealé,eam tot*1 utlsc, utive u s. swonhe g et-fthef nbbisi wu suet LN-AGIXAIDS ITALY. adsfû riba - api, teen u sutsàai tic m lta meal, t<>yte cuneiil td ode lc- èe r v j lie bTiat> pmctee piaces ce n0w bur4o enitbltry paum.perversi= on ol th Mi W ol vrcril ~ x t r'1e 7 Felht.s e Crr ntuem m r klz dulse M u»an alredy fullt4tomac, an] la the ý-de.t Ofth le Naarena." We uMay - Pr « 70blgca l eCrr t mrle1=t W d aud oee tc uos cf- vey seroionudI<iê b.hie %rý 1 lw* net eutan] living ' r hr>gtyldpn4f . Ais rettihi cf Vie mussiop o! Baron Nutta Siculd foret4h t5D tiOIc$nVrypêabi u a rai.. .~mnuef lb. e.land not 6s êlily%*O0 AFÎViIt <G L 'As Iron 1apnt mes u i oW& rsltoft he a s s z, ot arne LU " t e b t ois- b?? <*b$>. ; ,4'u' iiime ta bWa u b r -~ r aT *fw n lte n r duPaceformérîy Italian , mr ! tiîpita '<K.,nat.' î nia». sarpenal ifmt wuti W at aomatlmes;t 1»Uth.y went, shoul 3aIwy 0pée tISd,,j x vl, i jgsatSrmtinîyo w utato Ib IRtilt ý1îN ' lt w" M th à -mon ~ ~ ~ ~ II~ eatI _ a SeoIet ieBIU~ nttitei csls- lime n the hday, happi- birth- ves o! ycars. known when bo be LTY. uptivas 1. ýru by cct 15 repent usei an SUnit- by 14 aie ton- cictilge ,ho su!- i ve--or ri which Russian ange to soldiers ig bent- c] are la the. 8. The mia un- ]d with deecrib- uic an] ions o! vitI the epi]emic, Lho spot- nany ef ,ge auni- -e repat- warfare, ,! May,- icn RUa- ne. n Rusa n, since t tic new Iceording s, takciag iFlanin, net only lairs itend, au&, yi in dîs-- r - -ocon rit cftc»m ,u 1 ba y Keue. rIlsu titr - - - - -- t '-i I 'i "deru 'p 4 1, 4 - i - - j - i

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