Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Mar 1916, p. 6

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This Advertisèm.n t me Iatuct you to the-ý tfCt 9ckeft or T he'Green Seali Or CtIARLB8 EDMONDs WALKC 'Àutbor et "neh. SIhoe Ble,% "Teii.Pten..ter "7,0 "T'he Time Loch," et. quread Ite elinho iturned. t leold torm Wo ajibol writing, the klnd thât wau iln vogue when the ring ~LL was made." Ho pulled his chair up te my deslc and oh the back of an envelope drew .sN à the character on the. ring with wlth à ~ t penciL t.tOw otn i "In the ancient Chines. writings," water but doubles the olsaé s N i. k 'r 4' ¶4< 1> 4 - 4. Qi .4, -. prrî-i rtlttrgie niumte win scekiag I "Ose nît tLue>'crme teu >' rostifore his, -rusit*-,the Par iEat, lnr i.Wohm'arRugeCo i- Ie'-<-dhieuipici. iX' in'i- ltthe clark. - s tell me tient was a Mauin lathe. the . rn84t40ç$ nîuigt""te Ti.trl tah4 n.B Ct-ent of (CIcr>' Souli. Pitcl wo-$hslop wlio -migilt tll me soething PloY iÙý descnbliln e Mot Ordinar>' tee.aTaheabatk - it mae m One Bu iti CUch ripped t cui-ylt, c saucepar - about my diemand. 'What "dees of everday - s litVW«ite ' ,arhaveine t aer, uLon a î¾ht- wit ame uai cisiwaen ircl oo tî4î>moral courage(liaI clianarter. wantl?'- wa> ai>'final question. lt, ww « >t*uIrace 01 ,Otu-dffien umtil tendcern. a unotiersacucepan have i-es tbe hlghest o rder o;> ho nt for nohn atahI uétub W18O1w h1 1mudpleriso mlodî,« i nothg twothet.ea thiiîtin, bdade o(to a b -:- a n'. pime ano îpoo>~ eookng w-asucs <uba blde fasd wi-manhood;-,(lie courage tu I vuiuteing evena alittie (huag 1.Me . fiUl(*Wm t b IOS>-detalb tb4 pape r klG; re;aak«fobah Ifîle îî t.v cnî <f ii.l"i twaet>- jut;t, tic courage lu Uc honest, tie formiation. 'H-e Scre seektIng >>OU, iybasaryteisialie ,mw7mng .du. cn-k o la xoeghi-ceyn; gaer hast mintesabainlî(cîcelnyiccti c torage lu nealat lempteliot iiheaya Lue'. gey-s I.-'If Ie>.aiiW ai rr f*tiâtthe ?ao..hl "wry,-ha,Jeiusd tiheBoiasrp>y MeIt four tul'-.ousbutter, ai tll i. ourage Un iauopex sduty. bluody flnitÇubbauoh u n f"ttting baW b"à t»u r ï4 ofuti rnes Mt Firlr n owmnh4 ehrrt ~ -- '- - - - - 51 lonesft tradier, t.iow -hilma' .ce .> - lirw',as rI n artdul#teeI'Wvlce, nhav e t '- - '%u.-y Sworvu b>'the. shades of his'- WVSBt autJqultY, wbUII lii Y V 4olirtn>t. PfdLt15t ltlistirleusanacexscca- for a tliousuid u@hagMe.t I nwial.ttrniing to the ucWeghbuin1Ç owietîg 1 t '-- 1rsi o pneratioi. bat-that h.e ould voiw taci Dm m 1t SS#I+tn1S vrorarutkuç $rattr tai ftw bio teoutin.' t 5, »a e.uobur4-f* 854 am $. hm"tus.Et tiwA*ieateî iien In' «gaUrrd»lusa kwa wod mi-s*ota SIMut »#th 81am14 tvr e rtbe u«onfte t *W lrr !tl ZbsIroiê"W "ke tfr SP Si-O aPtim-ante 0rftx*e*l ffien "auraa IWof thetht»Stj ermi ~~ with <'!odm çb s auut'p #i1le gtmai sut frtMh * $11 r ioortt the do.!>wv. Na c ithge "of 14»rs?'sas Lh i « IM. « f the «.I tu athtour"lld&pt I -heteI" t,-te1ati Illanc'Mapige andi ottier Corga st-at-chli, iujg t tt*p.- )t" r.l jcs.uq ths4 e'unt4J m,, to19,d prtid5e.' l ttt.ot*t I 0 ï"uWiiou t. 1 W** »N Winii th lkan te flhî a ww e9n ftm - *M ai Lm t" i» b ô h* a Sstuni 4 %Mdie,' 'death.'" IÉe qutckly drew' an- Mialtr CHAPTER XXVIII. Cont'd). to keep the place secret. "Its at Tao- other and qulte dissimilar character, woeoe but e rey asoluely n te lnn~Itb1eflavHie alliance wlth iny father came fu,' says he; an' as -far as gettlng at "In modern Chines. tht. means the ,,* but e rly bsoltel ontheinW tbleflaour about ia thie most naturai way - im- lit was concerned, ho niîgit as well've saine thing. But any Tao-fu man and quaity to niake you a permanent custoMere aginable. Both men wero yIdng and said the North Pole, or tho Tower o' would recognize the othe or n W. AIle~e ofer o gve hiaIfrt tialfre f3 enterprislng; Strang had a knack of London along with the. crown jewels. enough.'"- you will drap us postal o Toront . B i g i p portulities for finaiai~ ~l "Initheiii djys n bo knew any- (To b. Coninued.) II Y R uue b ! sc youwfl dopui a oita toToono. 13 roftan heha th tme tothnsabotake T-etcontr t +--k_ _ _ - ____________ _____time wspelywlltk m f-n' theyko ' e itl o.EGYPT 18LOYAL OBIAN up by bis business, but h. bai nome T'he country's sprinkled over with ueSasC ntyWlNoWlcm capital which Strang iacked. Besides, lamaseries-homes o' tiie Buddhîst RlrSy onr ilNtWîoeGIN D P E TG leradB 1 -f ofte ee ere espeak Chines., monks an' nuns, y' know. These Tureo-erunan Attack.IL1lttemr hf which, Strang told us, "&teve and I lamaseries are usually perched 'way The following Interview with Sul- picked up as es as swearlnp."t up on some mnountain-peak, an' the tan Hussein Kamel, of Egypt, was oh- THE DOINO 8AMRDB o!te mpead 0 Lao Wing Fu the two learned ta lamas, being a suspicious, Inhospit- tained In Cairo by a Ne'w York HeraldTH WOL.lcmtv W8fit know through various business dents. able set, don't invite ealls from correspondent.Pafi.îisoyafe Wetutdhmmr hnms tagr."Turkish domination was a curse "Y eswaont w I~~~f1I~~~r~~~Lf ~Chinks," Strang explained "o "Well, the lamasery o' Tao-Fu was to, Fgypt," said the Sultan. "hI has Lord Nortlifeo h atPse ' odyi om agi e ue rmustn't get the idea that he's an out! ini a elass by Itself. Âges ago it been a blight to every land subju-thWabyTs sn ot crokbecase o is't.He hatched out e brand o' belief that stir- ,gtdadbl o ~n yteO-'rwbge n ugr mn'yot crosaIt and liershist1oryd adandd as the yeare Os Whaf Conipliestes Ceoking' tablespoons flour, seasonirtg with sait, siinpiy goges according to the Chink< red up aIl kinds o' persecution f romi memntis. ]'.ook at countries like Rou-Cony.ihvmeefwCa It R tic Pleasant to sit down te a celery at n ed pepper. Add cet- way n' looking et tiiings, which isni't~ the ortiiodox Lamaiste; but o' late mania, Greece and Bulgarie and con- ba neve uîse h r o atClrYet dinierof oild supfrid cickn tysnd milk mixtures; cook five min- s white Man's by a whole lot. years its creed had begun to trickle r trast them with Turkey.Inai b dm ,- tatoeand suu te r ed chke n t' ry n e ve . o several years, white I w s down through the rest o' China. "The. greatesti object. lesson in the Canadien G zete Lod orh lfe he w , c ni u d L r baeGrtiusadcsemdapl e-u e and se rve. "Fpntmain or kKn yhaqatrsraigoe h hl onr ni lifpo ty. Buttfrom the pocint uf view ut the Cr1eBaara Cea.On vn mkigHok-ogtyhedqathesredigovr h wol outr ntlwoîdt te etienais o heonhefprpieoeo teaodondms ut nvtrme nev womiani %%ho does h-t- own work, this grape julce, one and one haîf tes- '1 was still Samuel Wellets. But like it developed into a powerful secret question of preserving the integrity nLodrPalMisa:>h ~udhaetodh sort or a motil ilivulves too romplicat_ spouns granulated gelatin, one-hall the bad penny h. was, Steve turned> society, haif -religlous an' haîf -politie- Of the Ottomnan Empire is to go by Far-seein epewolo oteaoffo hswr and hlngwa eavyne Ppsu ar, pe'k ken' abontthhehandstofhithehPacifist i. Theyr'-outmelikngalgreethstar iri i ed rai citTc-cl'-i pemeute>inas Iîiiise ng, one-haIt cups haycream.Pat is lend me in a pcko' trouble with Jesuits, Yeuou !Xouas> hro ugh Hu t Cnsary inoSe.ia heh fri>, icciaig ani sieaning are il 1>, cçver gelatin with coîd water, and the Britishî authorities. It wu-; a met-j "Those chaps believe they have an ugricutie hthv know that hi rvdntoso a-mn.Terslso infl4 414 ci,;i-(liere nal that isnîçst dift when it has soaked five minutes dis- ter- o' opium running that 1 needn't 1 perfect right tu kili anybody who'si successfully shaken off the Turkish adria, Ausirala e ,aad ot a olcin be fiu? ci'ccîtnîîfi)ui-einbolig aertAdaunrdani o nt br.moe ha t eyitovs on 'rnanond n'yo cn eeyke ad ouse ifnee iie, ic AriaGra Bitîn FaneBe- a Bitin Btnand c%(Lii i Iiail îei wit h such aneais whern meiteil, grape-juice. Stir.mx the first lot 1 ever shipped to old Beef how a gn o' men with politicai am- fiels ap epe et bite1!>oriilte hocej ucwe coi niHarwick et Honolulu. He used to' bitions, who catn persuade a b idCrsshpy p ee. grey wim nitaywi cuyapsto saiiy e iinns thr . gifcvrtsric.Btfo.tewhenr it ha> barely begun to thieken, run it into Frisco'in the. hold ut hi> enough following o' the populace tothe old frontier I meen, and et Mus- manboodthta>bnthoh th teDmio.Fr hec > 'ttlîc-ctsevie itJ f4lteol te grege With 'mcn en about cey apaPcayou bgn to e e e ge test o atetuisi W gran;îrc i %tîcc coiccc eircwn hcusewîiik fouI ti ncreamn, whipped stiff. Pour in-iodschooner, teMary Kenton. Thet 'm e tey>tapanaha bei d- ra peke ht ure fave~~r>o lic n,~c tr' ivfi riiTt-nt 'rcitin t molic andi lct stand a few bours was a good many yearseago, but seej thing they're a Mmnd ta go after. lTe 'cadence ia the filth, the uncultivated ha haenth uiier cddvatf ifean t i s. a ugage, Courtlry Style.- Separate together. Mary was the deughter o' fester with Tao-fuism, an' eside f romIstructed of petroleum tins. Go from 'Canada and tn te oiin fot aesrîsî P i. '1 tot posiblie tcc serve as easily a >' ring ccf tresh park sausages, prick Reet's partner, Anthony J. Kenton, an getting within reaching distance o' Alexandria to Smyrna and contrast were ta haersnirvotaastimsnrnn prb a nîcl ;'ti Iîcîei, caîeî, teraciîicîeac-h sausage with fork, put ail in old-time Frisco merchant an4dpîllar o'> the diamond, the ides o' trying ta ap- those two ports. If the Germans b-Enadweaw wcedan nthvemtrnwotou the cîîe w pan with oligwater to lv htw gpin ecu h fii '4 hi4 calst icii i'~it i te ri-fe iîel' -r, ancd Cook siuwly for fittetn was Meyer Harwick's mother' Anth- didni't just exacti>' fill me %ith en-' idea ot a return ta Turkisbrett the things htteG'mn r u- itIgs i4 et u ~iii t'y thc' &i ncî- 14'- -nîticures. IrtiiiiantI lt sausges'ron>' J. an' Beetfounded whst it nowthusiasm. hacgin arseu n reta bing theirickhasattt1 'i ee fi-v a'Y mi n i nte us. Pr uwan le. ave the Kenton-Hardwick Company ,the 'There'd tien considerable talk atliGutthwemas gib e ros we n dbe cae e atmsacito.t c itk aaasad fr 44îirdc44(Vcut granîirnccthr-r, t, i'iliciiiIlto ecliîcc'can~c chnii eaclv liat haking dish filied with biggest importing concera of Chines. the Engiish Government seading an' with their matIe>' hordes te atbackthtascttem ea>.o-ya aope'en ci alymaslied potatues. Arrange, an' other Oriental products in the U.S. exploring part>' lattiTibet, ait' teta ttute'hv atterraoîg'Trigated itrtbt ltiwi- acsn tbrîrirttri-tîitt he (lic]. i'erha eaîy- t uIsAh'bhthereayt-hdave ,- teeinstch tie andin oresa retcr lttinc tat onv lnttic -Pc tri clic ietat %%-lien she gnsattssgcin row, sîcle b>' ide, on top Beefan' da ntony's oth cas.îeutaendnegota tonshad een andec %vaY faculty, their power ot seeing things leinw 1igf pctatois anti bake la bot cîven until long ega; but 1 own neari>' haîf o':at Pçkin for several inanths. Lao as the>' are. have- tougt ai otcif ad:wrt' itr' fC bhc'irc- hel, ai ' tittl sc' ciicl ncct tiiz;ri"eçare well tîrowned. Serve la the .Kenton-Hendwick stock, besides 1seid lhe had it straight that if the cx-, "The German newsPapers Sa>y, " ,Ypres, Fesuetat îecyaerO,0 ciie ,cl sh i 1cmh ddfltn sgic ihb, garnished %vith paraie.'. ookiag atter the Eastern end o' the peditian ever started, Sylvester Wouuldjemarked, "that the Egypt'ians are se battieflidawih iilve a te'pouton t iMOt) or'le Vrmngin kittheis htif coccingat -ded l'ork Roast.--Four pouncis bsingess.b Hcomn.1e an' bis ite bad>eagcn ta get nid of the Eaglish, espe- ttue as retrta Wtrîo.ecrduoiae. biiîîccrcîil 'iccilecl litinci 4hCitepiile spie-e, ccii nion, eîght sweet "ee adiksfrueaeî 'tentr 'tighywr ~ut nesalî sned, atthe pcotry 1>see -Belgium, adtnaa naRsia men'iit, p ct uc-4, vet-g s ticsa ileveniCadan FOtf VCi cii c44 kcltc'cter.Threpotat.oes, fittur, sait and pepper-. opium, an' he'd soonen have anybody to get somewhere close to Fao-tu. ing with sedition and that even>' Mos- Canadn ow tnî o ecyan-WMNI A àqu l coeltoele- STeekprin-kie meut with sait aud pepper! think bis§ father'd been a pirate than!"'What la tt you want? I1 by an' by lem will welcome the armies ot the to tgetcmeca aaiy %v'sas isi (it'bak(1witerin hic didrtîgrwihinan.wPaceinrost- hahveeh foad ut Bu, phaw akudt.o juhai,.butas popl ofimmns coragoA ilionRepaceMe twirnaî,s takeil lîcans, bakeci pctatoeq ing pan anti wb.n fltcun has hrownedThat used ta b. the proper wray o'! "Je is like thia, illustrious On.,' andi vitalit'">alaI. anud it Icuked ;nrîtlting were senveti. acid piiit ot but water and spices tied> making money quick; il unly nceded he says: when the expedition stants, "Sa much the better for us, if the 1 Niiv.iîibcecr w mi>'preer<li- in cheesecioth. S511e. tnian over ment e littie nerve. Why, your tather an' I1 vant to go with it. Your friendship Germas delude tibeselves adnoione.mrdb' usa tlanwm- ae feret ii i'.dsi if cftooking utl the sanie anti bake three haurs, stig reel>' 1, now-But we haven't time ta go mb owith Kwam Ferris cen get me a bi1Fotl-ii bigrhe o ndhep U Iîo-n thboltti rptito aeduo hm h mccii. wc will tot fuluow(bis plan if wîhau-lii a.Furortrme' ht.lt s nerrte. no heLha- ahate herdoafl. u, ,-cme henesthtth-a)miintob tane nresb wO ai-,willing tlc <onserve our time antI lie addeîi, if'necessary. Split pote- "I1 lied ta light Out o' Katîgkong, an' an an' Drupe dialects. rc- uihea ait' ofaome8,OO,.?OOvanaferedtrosea1 pnrz.W iifeunlu estosaetitiput la pan witb meat, hait it was a good man>' montha beture C ' That ougit ta make it easy, tien,' aditlitAeian p uIttoit a ic l onnbtincase. Te aeu faIlttw the aite-fuiel mieal and carry oint hour befone ser-vinfz tie. Makewas free ta camne an' go thene openly. r 1 told him. 'But why you want to go arnditelint to s ite o p ublithte ito tewrit aicfiettuIo ae fwudu n gtîl>' cbîîckitcd cof process at a time. alal Thene's s prso' Ciawiere' ail'* I as,'is tiose,>me.' a iln osaeoel htw otew gra4v trrîm tquid inpan. sm at hn t~Egyptians look on the English as 900,000 e.Tatnw a l.ey nyi hsias rci Fiintne erar nn iel8 ,uT 'apioca. -(bue anti cne-half I m >till nemnembered as Sam Willets;> "I-e sat stud>'irg a bit; then hbi. friendsansd defenders. We know hvn t fetaloe h -rd i> n onl tl' ira w>iclit - ttgcon lie a baked ut neoeqatrcppeae but for the masî part I'm Jim Srnanswen made me sit up anl' pey stric t we should hIi.be osf lettPeigi fpodl. Sucitila oneie, a ncast. baked o'upohreater,. une-quarter s hup preparard Stne4lg, h, *ý"' cren t lbait:,abpet eeae okdtapioc-a. pincli ut SaIt, Suger tu teste, t'JooeBan. atenin.S>, e-'Tee r hig reiha Outr .gis om ao 'raa a arrcIdguni 1"r':sîgaessn ablncsa 1ta iiaictetxgîtl-ttoel fruit as; needed. Sliced apples, canned' "Major Hectur Sylvester was a ta tuis world greater than diamonda: epThEnlshaebnintentewo hrwci, iti ils PotI in th.etcven, anti e or tu-eau peaches or pineappie can b.c ran>'o' >'our ftbler'>, though I'd the greateat of thern lit% ai. the a1 a pat what tic>' certiainl>'are now-a nesult thatteRsinnwpprgetsl-arfc nti làeked puddinig. Ilta jucit las easy to used for (bics dessert. Place liberal neyer gat acquainted with him bill l h aiaery a' Tao-fu. i want it.'t !bîessing te Egypt. ,which wenehtet eeyitrit hs ltaatd t btitl vtîton tiinp ncf ten aoî'e. tolayer ut fruit ia bçttom of smalî pud- time o' the Tibet >pAii.Peter 'NoUunless yqu're a pretty bigI "I am certainly gratified with the 'cd in Canaaaten a-opaetkn aeo h ie - Iding dish, tîugar te teste, and if Sp- B. Fernisan~' arajor Sylvester were in, gun among the Tao-fs'Iai,'e measures that have been teken for et the topoehnbu tae(4r ftcmn e h ri Again, (lier.e icithe steamer tiîpner, pe r sd d ite a set tnat a rough beach-comber lkeYu ever hope t.-aeeed in sucb alesthee defencea of my ceunIr>'e aad my Iin now discussing the futureu reîa1tcns1the tif opeofncdcokntrhens where Sasc V e, e a le ýl i ' d.ytT u ti- P u tw>.er, P " -- l " . o u b le bo ie r. e d n b ' av n ' h n a i e y pl ' e , ~ w n e p e. M ore ti a h a t1 a co n >C a n a d a a u s a h ro i e i l w c a Peut n aîcleaicînt eer onil h-- tW aîe-r..ttr in tpiocaanti caok with, though o' course Peter B., an' te makge sure of an Idea, he'd given'drt in tii. efficacy of tiose mesaures.r evidenti> att he oeaou h or pud t intcî c steani coa tk a e ton e .. until c lear. Pour bhila ve n fruit and j1 w ere togethe n a w hole lot la a m e.1 Y ou m ay rest assured that G reat Brit- Canadians. T i a t Ru s a E p n- Cr c e a a k n c g aThei s ae the boile diewhchbako until fruit 1> donge. This eau beibuqingess way. The ime came, thougli, I"'There la rnuch,' h.sasys, 'that ain, for the sake of ber colonial cm- couteas ol or5,00msi aeciobe pnr is prefenabi>' eooked iniorle lange told b>' trying wibh straw. Serve when* the two o' (hem together had use i must remain unspoken betweea me an' f pire, wilI make a supreme effort to railway ras. hc hvebuatciidr adwnh>I i-ost tandcl thon meals- arc- delîctous sauce'.,- they> did! te b. the source o' spiritual guidance, Egypli. She will not stop utaI u> sacri- eutal sysiemsdae akgwb-rom mnad b> u -Iî came about in ttus w-a':Fo for the Thrice-blessed One's-childretc. fiee of men or mon.>'. For this is'thon the- 'o h uî hs otsEe eehn iltp clet i î'd h' V' iiiic zîou sbold int . ears, off an' on, I'd been heariag I hold a com m ission. But this m usb vital, I have n ott hbbc s lg te t appre- cannot c -e ta R ssa ud o e up f m l Go e m nî r Ifhe re frYiig, i sbecit tnieke X hen stewing apples add a few uwas said ta be somewhere up lu the "'Enougli,' I se>'. 'l'Il get wordfoeiguiain, el o r inlernItnrofth"qie vatrn-alta-cioth.Acodntattits th eu linocut whoily a fried meel, 'cbopped dates; the imnove-ment wil Kham country':It waa kept as a sort ta, Kwan Fernis at once.' - r Tic>'inrvahioniograboueyout cd befor tic war (bor as a tniod steak, accouîpauied with be isurpt-isiig. o' fetiali in one o' their lamaseries.' "Stx days later Peter B. Fernis, 'whcaltiu-ilyu-ancîtrlm-00wmnwrigl tnied pointues, t nieul pepperq or toma- NMît-tai-si mixesi witii wsrm watet- It was a rough atone, but worth the Lao Wîng Fu an' I were sitting with FINDING WORK FOR REFUGEES. chiner>'.Thywn ta ko ttindpoasosi aI toges, tirfiltrer vegelables w'hicb cant andi a pincb of sait keeps its colon for pickings of a province. Neyer get our heads together la my room etrmnîf'uig cpit'oCad.bok otthsube lice -cuîledlon thbb top of tlie tuvcent nmcmv days. anything ver>' definite, Y' understand, Lue>' Chang's. 200,000 Belgfians Cared For ln Great T hi upieteale r is-dtben aaltao Spalîisli kfmm ow twtg) f hîi 'cu uwiiî oftîctncm'vt'steina tram lbhe coller titmnes at ail-juat word lier. an' abut Syl an' I've hatisomo talk aboutMr hn2000Rlinrfg. t(5taan'o uiinas fIepaou ci ncote (baltlîhey try i'egetabgtaîluîg <if a citb c-ast. Moord (lier.000while I w'as tradiagt a wit th' matans donul lie on- 100 pclms w-iciha>tip-ore rrud thderenhte plas Btradtnr tii.s ame diamonc&' Then lie wenb aefudsiîeiaEgan cnemniin lrn bcwr.b ntu h aci usre wilt'atheimut . afndic,> ancet, iknboles ceuc.c-esfmî 1tcci ihss.hi gtt obcn.ha.vr' nt el.ehw etresb.r .ivsiî fthi ontyh'th1ahne> f-(i an oat>1tets u bosat ~p1 i,~< w w iMw0 are as would mines. Mger. 150 years on the. map Yearl sinco .nscortttieîtal ýeard on the montha aine rId's tongue. in the worid's i go b>' lb will 'tadians wha husiastic over i Nontlicliffe, -ha contessesi y and kept 1 aiasinonti a dark firme- "Our Da>"' as finaucial s t-o help fin- ew ligits ain ore (bain a ave been an andi an ad- confessber mc. Some- f Canada I blt (ho future h' andi South, m wrnig (bey tihe wanlc tion, at na- .acgen airn>' ami> in tho ila sentIs lier steti out ut a it w4ill bc- a WORK. iii Civil Life ntered wibi s Swar ha> Inn- have learneti attendingthe 1 Samariten ýdertaken the k soldiers flot ,a ly in even>' but elso ou t field hospi- t the front.'- n bave shaown s work, while nursing are andI families nt and have )up andi breacl pie ta thc ýarten schoolci for soIdiers' eea providosi SPet-ial work- ýcit> w.omeu. Ist.i and otier aployecs (1o thie qoldiers. jurit puthlsi- aniouci brades -. Silice war rlas been anti in man- Cnow .vteken lti iiow take fil ru bu tîy I j' t>' r>4 in 444* cii 4,4*4 W 4 dii 1:'- Pc lrh dit tai thi it 1>4.4 1'1 i. tri lin 4,, 1> H i-r' 144 ai> t,, ira mi idj <*4 fl îh fln th V c .11 "r.' a'- y4] ira li~ T» ru 1t $2 t .i TI (r (-jr a' ~rt tii a r us pe uT au il) a $41 'i t

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