Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Mar 1916, p. 4

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lpÂO*. OIR A Savingo Department la conduated si every Branth oft b. mnk wher ePWof1 3.00 and upwarda are 'reoelved sud Intéruiat ilourrnt rates mdded. It la a sage and convenlent dopomtory for your money. OSHAWA 0 . N. HENRYs ' NEW C ARVGE alld Paint Shop I N CON NECTION with our new garage we have Ninstaltd an iip-t -d ite paint shop, with an ex- urt bod, painîte-rmn ch Li~ and are ncw prepared t..i do ail kmnids M o lv' painting on autos, carrnagles anîd sleighs, etc. Get Our Prices The di ivin, seasr)n is about over now und you aire thînking about putting your c ir away for the winter. Run it in and have it washed before doing so, as leaving the- dirt on spoils the varnish. We are prepared to overhtul ail makes of cargi, îwd can also store cars or winter. Our Garage Is Meated ami Pire Proof. -SAtISFACTION 0GUARANTEED. r1- "-t mi' i. - Inîd. phonie i i Je LUKE t9 SON WHITBY Bell phone 10 Ti-IE PIRE SAL e WVhile smoku-t gonds, sucb as canned salman, carn, peas and toinatoes, thuit are perfect in uualty, are beiuig uoid beîow cost, some of their neighbors on ubu' shel-es that nave arrlved since theliePre, synxpathleticaliy offer f0me riîce -tiiernselves also. We, thenefore. turIng the ensulng week. wiil give bargains i max»' linon untoucliet by the tire, Scores ai broaruis have been soId t, aIacrIfice pricea durîng the hast week because ai amake-na injury by fire. We stili havo scores ta seli iromn 10c. Up, An Idea of the h-argains we aire otering maty be had tram the cuotation ut a few ariicles: Piekages panu'ake flour, uninjurcduuanaîpnîce 18c., next week. 7c.- Itic. aminonla perfect for 7c, 5c. ammonia. wat-ered. 8 for 10e. 10c, catâup not Injured, 6c. 5c, cow brand soda, goad. 4c. 6b to'xes (500 matches) 3 for 10c. 15 tins baking powder, new, 10c. 60c. Ret Rose tea. new, ftor 40c. 76c. baga pastry, new, for 66c. $1 baga beat Manitoba, Mc SOAP UNTOUCHED BY 'rHiu PIRE- Comiort soap, 6 bars for 26e. Surprise soap. 6 bar for 26ae Sunligbt soap, 6 bars for 26e. Taylor'. Borax ap, 6 bars fur 26L. Delîgittuil soap, 6 bars fon 26c. Cosmos soap, 6 bars for 28e. 1 tory soap. 6 bars for 25c. TOBÂCCOS-Rosebud. Polo. Bobbs. Sts.g. Currency sadKing George. al at 7e. per plug. WNe wiii osii packages ai Ried Orits, slightly Injured by water. l26& sIse fui, 15c.; on 2 packages for 26e. af early whill these bargaina lait. Wu Be PRINGLE & CG.,9 Ol tadWHITBY ESTADBLJSHED 0OVERfi 1YE4RS THE STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA STATBMENT OF AFFAIRS ON 31., JANUARY, 1916, Coa.nd frIm Govermmt Report t LIABILITrice*90VIU N<otes ln circulation ..... . r J T.t eCath on band. S ........ .IS 1)peta......... ....C"W .7 7Deposit in Central Oold 1*. Vue taBanks ee ni--U- 1-ablý*i*t-ée**x*."Due tby Banks.i......... iga,7n.a Capial. d urftlUh, Dominion end Pro. C erepa md ujy4 vind&al Goverament am" profite........ .. S61M6.89 L »o a aC &&... M3 .1 tth Oo4rumen1.M cfvlatio la un. IS... Bak Iremlaeg(J'Mbodý I,6.. &.? Otier AMpos .......... ".. - A~~àoeeptasoept ete....335.5 Excusiones !Z% -Y Tusd a,M )hý t- ctbe ##Ait R*îI3 2v q Wedacesday DtwIàgSeaf -ga* &,Great l-aftek.oue' o~te ut ot tispru#Iaayý ýý_ANADJAN PAClrIW wel t.ba e = &i~ ve YOU *n be w9 " mutth PIX4 and bdp ylvtuec,~ ever ' tped ontu the' iegallzed iramfc in drink in the- fuir Province ai Onuario. A tisi ai r-nîr-dies invplnied during the tiamt year lias juist beeuî lssiied In the ph'armacetitical journais. Thislsts shoid ilten the glooni thaf sur- rotunds the ucck-bu'd. Hereaiter it wili be ane's own fault If one' Is fot ln the tink ni hsaith and si-k hedts shouîtd bc' a tiing ai the tuast. If yau daîVl feel juisu right ia ta a repilablme drtig store -surli as u n N*Iii Wlu by and a-sk for on(,eoai ilie follot% iritp;reparatt ouis. If \oi "îuîcî-î-d in nainîing iluNo im-1lu lu-tru i',- t ake ttîî'ru-nuîdy. nu beel muii Ilo8re arn-the, rn iîu-uies Iouask for oneualauime ('.ilt hvi N ualt noîiun î iuide On vIatrb t i na Natîçe lui hereby gixi-u, îursîiant un' sectIon .56, (Chap. 121. R.S.O.- 1914. th tt aIl per"ans havlng daims againsu th e estate oi the said Joseph Franîklin 'Rogers, mha diet at the sali Tawîisutlp Of Whitby on the twenty-flrst day ai January. 1911, are required Iio delîver or send by pouit, prepald, ta Mibet E.- Rogers, Kinsale, Ontarto, AdminIstra- tnîx ai the raid estate. on or befare the fitti day ai April. 1916. llîu'r tiames and addressu's and saitull description ai lhulr Malins, and the nature ai tbe se- citrltles, If any. beid by themn, and Further takp notice Ilînt aiter the fifiîi day' of Apnit, 1916, the raid Ad-l mnilstratrix wili prac-edti t distribitie the eutate oai1u14-muld duru,ý-set i :nre I lie pîartif-s '-ntilted tcuri-to. havluîg ru'- gard aniy ta the clais ai whlch isî shail th'-,n bate it Ou'. > nd the said Adm inîsi rat rix utî i lutotube -Hable faor thte sald assets m, w.y t '-art thereof taý at irgan a of li)s- vdaim she shail 1i 'lot tin bav- ii- vInotice. IAEL t-l, K RS ~. \n-lU-TlAdrainisu ratri x. -Sciilun u-tn marni îrau'.Hic-r SolO-bt or. Iiacet y diby d romarpi itie.VI6 lut wnutd lue tise ual ta oask foir tttim% o oi ui-esi- nu ibe sainie dzi'. Notice to Creditors and Tthe Domninionî lariamet spijeut ail Others- ai one' day lu debate tîpon the' resalu- IN TIUE ESTATE 0F ALFREII) BFD- tlon latroduced by Mr. H. H. Stevenis FORD FISHER, LArE (OF THE andHoi.Cha. arilcalig fr hé TONVNSHIP OF" WHIT13Y. IN THE antHa. 'ha. ari. alin fo tbe COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FARMER, f)amlnlan-wlde prohibition oaithImux- DECEASED. portation anîd sale o ailI nuoxlcatlngi N1otice tlui err-by gîven, pursuaýnt te lmuvertgîîs utîîll the cuit ai the war. section 56, Chap. 121, R.S.O., 1914, Summiluis up the resiult the press ru'- that ail persans havlng dlaims against porerswer iicllie toth Viw tatthe estate ai the said Alfred Bedford liafuis wen'lneltid t th vlw tatFisher,.%tho dicd at the saIt Townshîlp srnie targe- mua&-;tre Nvoild probably bu' ai Whltby on the thîrd day oi January, passed by thbe Hanse. Onue suggestion 1916, aie reqtîlred ta deliver or ta was tha. t, i're auîy Province had ad- sent by post prepaît. ta Gardon B. apued prohbition to the ituil extent, af Fisher, Ashhurn. Ontario, one af the executors af the sait estate, on or bu'- lis patwer anîd asks thai ilu be stupport- fore the ifth day ai Apnil. 1916. their ed b>- the Feteral autiiority, the Dom- naines and atdresses and a fuil descrip- inion sbati take stîch steps as are nu'- lion ai théelr daims. and the' nature ai cesary ta unake tlw pîrhibit ian abso- thé' sectirit les, if any. held by theni, an d Further take notice that affer the tutu'. If Dominion prohibitian li an saidt luth da:y' ofa Aprit, 1916, the sait outcame ai this desolatlng war, the execufars n'lll proceed ta distrîbute gloom and sorrow caused by the war the estate of fte said deceased among' will bu' greatly relieved by thîs long- the parties Entitled thereta, bavlng re- gard only ta the dlaIms ai whlch they sotîght refarni. lnteed, however greatshhtnhaeoIcaî beat the' cost ai the war rnay bu'. the price execuit-rs shall not be hiable for the woult be nane tee great ta îay for the sait assets or any part thereof to any extinction af a traffic which la sald tai persan ai whose claiuiît-bey shallflot be mre estrctie thn wr, fmin then have received notice. be oredesrutiv thn arfamneNORMAN STUART, and pestilence eomblned. GORDON B. FISHER, and i JOHN MILLER, Executors; Ily AItTHUR E. CHIRISTIAN, THE PROHIBITION DEMON- tbeîr Solicitor. STRAT10N. I)ttd Mardi l3th, 1916. -39 The wnlter was prlvilegcd ta seilut Wednesday tic unster demoatratîon of thf probtbitionistz. as they paraded ta thu' Parlament Buildings. Toronto, ta present petit Ions for a dry Ontaria. We bave often seen Immense thtroagsu ai people la Toronto, but neyer sueh crowds as lned tic route of tic two- mile mardi. And ta t-hase who firet reached thbe emnence of thc Provincial buildings, thbe vîew down University Avenue vas one ta bu' long remember- ed, as banner atter banner, foiiowed by lt-a representativea. turned f rom Queen street enta the Avenue and moved alow'ly up ta Queen.a Park and around the eumt drive ta the front of the buildIngs. It was estimmtsd that Ume. vre 15.000persa n athe. pro «euuon, and there mmtabve boom 100»000 along the lino ai mari. quît wua not a holiday, mind ymu but a bustiless &aywhema au the tuduswres snd busîunauatititim s eii.tY t 'ere lm fuit operaln. OnsMe " ulDom bo caderun; wbfre aSUti.M e opi. Cam iIt 'rsM wot eeMU& ita xpeet th"t lth * t te Puwflmoe Put*e Wu peda81rtma a sixnI a»e bes Pa>- imtted te o n M tei' r WU UaM»Mbd But ths. pectstan m s oMt resiMai iTOU 1*.Mde@nreows oateu Is Ui$4. ln#g otosr. W ilae, Iuuo-uatir bMd~ ave peu t b Mmd rtVb w*m the. s4êdlrs cTm th =rttpo ud t *eu t.L taumts tbm *0»er brdto «due i. Wtê _ buied aM t w us i'- bave &- elw* strftk. Wb« th* rmw* m HARO CHRONIO 00080 Na4o W.U by Deoiou Vlad CrsJiOhio. - «1I1contreacsB bar, hroieeouhand waa ek nerveua n down. 1 have sa mml f anly of tIiree, and It wua bard for me to do my wrk.1took difYerent medi- cines witout benefit. Inly eard abqut Vinol, and it ham r='4rd me to ;heaith and stren, MyoubaJg . We Mn rants Iol Our deliclouse «d liver a=dirantoalo without oil, for chronle cought Md "~d, Mnd for aui Wea14 nervou, rua-dm coqdltioaa. AL H.AM&,LDrugWatWMtby. aL ARTH UR LYN DE TEACHER 0F SINOINO F.éDS118. Or a"M oeb" M Ný wu»-E MqYo l<U1!1 W T~, OT. a -MoPiaNIJr TO PURCHN P~RI1N-ITY 3E A DESIRABLE BUlLINO LOT AT YVouR OWN PRI(2B Tue resui QI, thie dletul Attack b, thé mOldtet% la -tote tàhrn the - feeli1ng Uat a tUalflA at begets in Its. Oshawa la te have a "dollar adoeta ndsipottraauhlales the near future. It la being promoted adrots n tupotessuly alew and ma.naged by the Reformer. It wIll ns anttnlikyb xemn be,Whitby's turn next. It will have the further effeet, coup- e * * led wltb disturbances by soldiers lni After ail, the good aId kerosene larnp other parts of Canada., of creating ln la a frlend ln need. Though flot so the public mind the feeling that our brillant nor an convenlent as Its young- soldieryr are gettlng beyond control, er brother, the electric lamp, It weath- and are presumlng to defy authority ers a gale that puts the latter com- and become a law unto themselves. pletely out of business. E!ven the ln- Thle wlll dj lîarm. The men ln uni- sIgnlflcant tallow candle does Its blt form. are supposed to be detenders of whnthe eIuctrtc bulb dowses It.s the lîberties and rlghts of the people. glim. We rejolce In the effulgent Tliey are enllsted ta fight the enemy, beamas produced by the push of a but- flot to0 moult and bully their awn fpl* ton or the twist of a knob, but how low-citizens. It is greatiy ta be regret- dear ta aur heparts are the aid tallow ted that the soldiers were ln ,,,y way candis and the smelly kerosene lamp- allow-ed ta Interfere with the rcs when the electrie Illght goes out. .dan. and Il iB u) bu' furtîter regretted 9 9 0 0 that a iew pernîitted ihemiselves ta bu' Many of those who were able Iast ted Intostîch a dIsgr:acefut exlill)itlon week ta take part in the great prohi. af the worst qualltlu's li huinan naiture. bition demaonsîration iind parade ln Toranta whIl îrabably, li ypars ta Fcecutors' Notice to Cred- came. laok bachu ith a good deal ai !tors and Others. pride ta uhe' fact tai the), had a part li the- presu'uuitln to ihe 1,egilatiure IN THE ESTATE tOF 1J>:. RANK- ai pet ilions whlch led tup toa nd hi- LSUN EWI.i O F 'lHF dticed giibmislaii ta the ieolîîî&s vote TONVNSHIP OF WHITiJY. I N 'TtIlE of Ibohiilr%-meatir N-hih fr- C0-)INTY 0F' ONTARIIO. HAll W'AY 1i a.îaiîar esr w hfr MAIL CLERK. PICCEASEI). Iltinte Phonme 70. WHUTBY, ONT. Bell Phore 193 ~~1 EAST W%%HITrY 'OU Nu'IL. i',r. }'asco-, mu-cunduid iy Mr. Ellins, uîarte-d the by-law. Cotîtîcil t110t hîls daN-. Ruievut Me. : maved thatfit ouincîl of the muni- Nîr. Ellins, seconded by Mr. Olover, K-nziî" lunibu chair-tii uthe memnbens'-cipality of East Whltby heru'by respect- utoee thai Mr. Samuel Stocks be pald present. Miutes read and adoîtet. iuî;y !etttieui the 0nPtar!a Board af Li- the sun of $50.00 on ealary accounit. Commtunications reat f rom Mussrs. J. censu' Commismioners not ta grant a ('arniet. H. Downu'y, G. 1)i. Canant, R. A. Hîutch- - ticeuise for a Liquor hShop la t-be Townî ispon, W. G. Glhsoni, F. B. Utlev, Thas. aif Whithy. as the sale of liquor froun Moved by NMr. Ellins, secteaded by - Nir. Giover, that Mr, Roht. Beath b. Marris, Col. J. E. Farewell, Frank uhis sliop and deliveret lu this muni- atiftvfesuesattîAve- Robson and f rom HReg. Genitrat. Counîy cipaiity has a very injurlous effu'ct and pad$-1) %fns es tt' de Sbts triai., Carie-t, Treastrer andi Si'ck C'hiltreu's Hasihul. gru'atly Interfeni s w-lUi the proper ual. 'workîng aofie Local Option by-law la Movet by Mr. Dearborii, Qëconded by lavu-d îy MN. iearborn, se-onded btmy iisTotnstilp, and that a capy ai thîls 1 Mtn Pauear n id.in c NIr, Gtao'in, that tue tterk be Instnuici rusolution bu' îorttarded ta uhe, O'tarioI 0ui5b'ad- et uonvr-ite ('0I. J. E. Fareiti-li, Kc ., Board ai LIcense u'onmssionerci. Car. Titu, Munilcipal Warlt, pnlntlng, etc., lu re-gand ta the Ativentist case, Car. 1 $6.215; 'Phe Corporatleof utthe Town af 1Mr. Dearborn, secotîdet by Mr. El- -- Mloved by Mn. Claver, seconted by 1ins, movet for leave ta introduce a OshaNa, $600: Porter & S-i3mî. printlng, ï $43.00; G. D. Canant, !aw Costa, $9.20; Mn. Pascou', that flue Trtîssud Cancrete hy-iaw ta appoint overseers of higli- Steeli("a. bu' pald $725, balance on ac j ways, fence vl'-were, and pound keep- F. E. Fru'nch, Union S. S. No. 6, $150: coini. Carniet. ers fan the Township af East Whitby Wse .S N.4 30 .E Niottd b), Mr. Glovur, suconded by for the year 1916, and that t-lis by-iaw [egisti .o, $100: WmIc>, ]EL -Mr. Ellins, that the tentern for pila. Ibu new read a irst and seccendtime, &eB.,t$2tîEdsar l0: re ca, R.$1. ing h' luit ta theý.Vindlc-atpr Pubtlshing and that the Couneil go tnt-o commîtue &B.$:EgnCavr .&N.$6 Ca., for the sum of $85 ta Marçl Islai.!ofithe whoie thereon, with Mr. Eliînsed onancttng oo,1. 1917. Carried. j-la the chair. Comlittee arose-and re- Wu. WUuuvvi, Clerk. How tO Paint for Wq'I ut' yow*in dmt ~w&rds.we h..Wgallon e*dadôg 0 o b i i ot-ot *h-Prim »Or gaiN4 bse~.~bo osflug*qWlrd plus hohghtti I *11u Md look wielL- *garhw *t .ndw..=4 tw» or dir~.e*Oa .mlong.m ~ h' 9dugs si-Thle {U~~~~sif taJ.oiAluhBla t ~e.a.*~erv h j f . i - I wu j i Auction S-ale of Building Lots on ouf. Subi ivi$iO't jusil noîth Of C .R Saturday, March 25th, at 2 p.m. sharp >11tPiii polfljty xill he ivciî intendiuîg Homie Builders anid Inveitori to purchase Building bts.# sîze x140 feet, ut TIIEIII O(WN PItl('E. The lots are sittite oit yo tet utîot tvust of thte 1> 1 stuttioli, furit-u the -est tilde aiidl une on the easAt. Ail other lots surrouîidinz thcsce aie SOLI) A iul<' ('ilclege isam .FVNw 11cge forun ues (1,111 iow lue ui:e excepit fuomn ne sourve, viz., tle tise 'of Values of HliiFst iev. The WI1SE MIAN if to-dayIv N VESTS his nioney in BEAI, i o il\.'est ill lt ilm S 1111i(1 t. 5s e. No ce uta lui vrtc ivh i te iii' r us uîîdeveloped Iealty. 1 a) ta ts a lx ii'un fuie unsIsottp lace t hei isut-ii uiiii lt'1ty M 901l'rî.awîng frtown aor city. ro; ii(Ie l. i 'iii. Alluit Ihe fi ist pu-juici pIe of I uivstnîeuit lm -- B1311V were t he property iust iierease ini valune. Willî the luiuiî of lthe uîew S.'ilk Faetory just south oif the t ..RIe helieve there is blul iî i iltuguel t ieuîîandi for building lots an 1 houses îunîuediittely îîorth and south of the C. P. R. titis Vel]r. iiiffl Nithh le iiiaîid gocti the iuiereasie ini value of the property. rEheu. ton, t he oiiiiîig upt)uf lthe oMnIl niore Brick Yiird ity the 'Whitby Briek and ('11ay Itodul's (o., Ltd., (the capital stock of whieh jîrietieally one-haif has been subscribed for) ereates ru furtier dleimuaîti ftr urltidinîg lots und hotîses in the north end of the town, as this in- (Ilîstiî w'ill eiîuvaboutt thiî'tv hanuis thimsismnuner. Amd, as the property we are offering AT .VOU Il )N lli (E lies Ielweeîm the sites ui tthese, two iiîdtîtries, the deniand foi' these lots is \Nc be it'v'ltme i o t wIlW nll ('a n at l Ithle p resent timomenît t hul offerseteeler inîd uceyrienLa iI lii-Yt ao f HiealEst ate ii ivest unets I hiitî lors Whithx'ý. I>i(ees atre eXeeedingl.y low at the i iesteî t I iltac.liit t wi tiit iîe ta-t ut i 's ta i v h<ru R a -t1 it eis iturnnd tIo int rease iiiln . D)olt 'Illil u it il 11bis is thb- e me l.ore tYîîîîitu test Ii nWhitbY v il ElIistale. DO I T N( W "tt u l hî,xe tioîîOU i Vt i tb )11h<se \AT ' )'HOWN PRIt E, foi' thut is what this sale uîu(iluîs, is THEIRE WULL BàE NO RESERVE WHATEV1'ERO Tbi su fut t lotslmi l1)(,old tb the highesl idduei'. T l-H NI~ (l" S\ I .- 1811 cah1on l'iv<if sale. xvii h t wei xc cegular îîauuthlv paviments for bînilu i-tc, t wiîrt11,'ust ntt(; peu veut. per amun 6pertelat. ct oin ' fo cah. For (urther p-irticulars consuit WM. MAWI AUCtioneOr, or any of the officiais of TheGreterCanda mprovement and Land Co. Limitei <4, -'J f age <i of th1 Fridj Fli marc tale1 natti tioti mAma le, isio. 4 UMM" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - k Olit wit'h 'Ph po but tt l'hf e mnit AI1 enty c proe( ]!-b e rpfnt "ha -el $2.7à 0v isuits Bu Dair at A.1 Mtia 17tk,.

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