Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Mar 1916, p. 4

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* ~&QUFQU~ - ~ U~AY>MARCH 9, 1916. Edh*oriaI comment. The scholars of the B la.8unday i 16th Battaiibn Concert. ;rph uervces were rnalntained, wItb So~ e h ie o a en e. nbdbsd t nal oit Shool enjoyed a leghride-on Wed- _____ -ti e uait. Te Synu o e ate.ig proe o D ur apologies to Henry Ford for m is. Teeday evenusig H alllbasedlby' Co.upper. been crowdetroublefuTh taknthul e over byfJînebelthttheii yowear. BOYfuNlEas on 1FrIday' street ligbts were kept on ait during NMS~L1E1f8 atrMcar n rn ry h jdtr wa ol eoe yiteo biya.BYWNE.evenig iazt. when the men of the the sttOrm. but the bouse service lnh ~ b htyby, aejie the boton4 a pe Mr odBbtw ely$,0.0, Messenger and .chore boy wanted. 116th Battalion beld thetr concert. The sotlthttrT part of the towxr ias out of Board Punishes Hotels that IllegallY NithFld ateyanwi bsa- TeAeso'I whereas, in reprtnting a letter t rom Good wages. steady job, short heurs. whole cornmunity seemed te be lm- comlmission after about seven ocieck Served Soldiers. tineda lqgt Pte. Arthur Kean last week, we stated pffly Gazette office. rse' thtersoiblty fInhevrngTeOtaoLcneBadhs It as $1,000. -No obMrFrdw.ii0 making the attair a huge success, and The train service was rather Irr4'g- shortned the lite of the licenses etSLofGITR bel Insulted If the public gt he lm. Mrs. F. Kemp, nee Olive Smith, It undeubtedly was se. ln return for ular In some cases, but the snowploms both the Bascom House and the Arling- F1 aMrh1.M.L . ereetdadia h - presl»'on that he wotid Cet se emal an daughier of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Smith, ibis hearty support, the soldier boys were kept busy, and on Tuesday the ton Hotel, Uxbrldge, as a resuite hofl e]b'pblcacinonli2,e the wrinhil bpes ac the mistort'une te break ber aria put on a concert that lasted until 11.30. schedules were maintained with but Investigation on Thursday Igast fte baseî e alnln edothg eeyfniyai _____________M last week. surely eneugh te satisfy the most ex. littie lo88 et titii. charges that soldiers had been Illegally grad ate r ere1 gvn fteya 95 A very pretty wedding toek place ln -0--acting.1 The driv)tîg snew changed to sîtet. served with liquer rccentiy. J. A., his mi uiesadl lpsn t Ctrerîî -St- John's Church, Toronto, on.Tues- "Y" CHAIN. Mayor-Warren presided. White the at about sevEn coclock In the eveniig. Peake, et the Bascom House, , wili be b'is edo bu - edo lhgaeAssoi o]a day. Plebruary 29, when Miss Myrtie The flrstlilnk of the '""Tea Chain atudience gathered te band ef thead seasor be iiiitandh lafedthtbi lcns trinle n a H. Taylor was untted in marriage te waF.beîd at Miss Lukc's on Wednes- I l6th provided patriotle airs. apd then 'water . freezlflg "aII el. gh 'n Saturday. April 8, whiie ' .3. Fullier. at oeucek ae ,ao.st-ta h raîr James S. Mlackey. son ot Mrs. Chas. day. March li. The Chain promnises led falte National Authiem f or the iand thtînder w'ere noticed on steverma et the Arlington. who was defended by, Houpr Maçkey, foriuerly of Whitby. Rev. 1 to 1w a decided stuccesg, If the flrst o)penin'g. Following this. thle Chair- occasions. which eaused a sensation Lieuîî.-Col. Lennox, will have te get out lîdyNurh2-îcon alerzdtgm Ruel l tth hL e p rf e the ce u ee.fandt a y e 1c1eo fferingasmande t te poa ma e assrist Utcesed bos . :mornng ilahtefndoaftbuesinylw es n lclthIih o th lcen e rt tJhn G ro. o f cn.,Eat . y-a 'l Mr. Thes Lîîcking, Welington St.I. M tl'd Cros.q weti{. The next link will 'namely. ia Grace Stickle. elecution- tîriftt a aress doorstelîs and on s ide- Secî.Witmleorhtemir.Saea îndepran and Mrs. Mackey spent part et ihepir b. IMs oel's n upr vi lt. and Mr. Frederici( Plant. pianiit. waiks. The snow shio%,ecliig îai 1)-teof lt,a-ltturea cf the o4-'lc sap Js I ht.til-redathr i weddfng trip fa Whitby and Lindsay, begivetoftele YM...represerita I oh fiee.teaîdet e were ad astrenmaeta t a ssabit le ina Inîltit case cf J. A. leake. <f i.-i - tei. îrolsaîpin FOR SALE. ýuna dettariment et "Y" work, doin htard in Whiitl- Nil-sa Stickle. shotil ime. excpýl in a titicses hart etder. Frantk Atlaw-ua. ibat lie *.iiDe(î lls- > u ono o . Pîmse'- A satittîiry- <loset for lttaid'-v nt e nera o Ko ada ttpupll et \n. Ou cii îtIs . a sery wltertuepop thever r-dse)t*lîtîl co. l . ia îsk-ti cci3.Eaî fît îy it Eî Fr. ýclr Coggr A t t ie 1)11 il ii t in cd roo t r stit i r w lii w as aeofr îî"King N a itandor hd' (tti aa. abo t or> leE rerofc CanIleiutli)iitr' t edoo o leaslng ,nil acciphl fsled reader, and i uictishovetling te d<îthlai li' w-vrtcNasm ett lr roolît orlit'd. wih airipiipe rtn- ibin <l<r at'elions, "Itîtheritiof Se i ntoil)l te aire tilie Ifint-e.a f vaîiti- sok. cniiig cf 7 m arr îlit tîtîti iniIte>or, ciibers alindl 'ltonîtîtiiîîie.' as a -Ililas lier cil- ii-ttilîîslbiî-d-'-îttl-su lrî. -l-iCci-' O.7W.HSo poir v-antî vnticiii titlAttachîtiet> odor ~iRH crps, she attout cd ierti iiiidciitt-çc lbai TEIATL i î-îu stl t-rithe i ilatt w iliir~oc tct 'lrl o i - e tri-lN.9 tl ie less. Whero 'i nttr loett Is net aval]- TASKER. - At onIit - ciSuiday. ly. Ht-r conitribu!tons Iote terogranti 1 -r. Geo f topat fAs i)iîc s oefc 1littior i lul lts ' arselrgt>U. Jeslaii.Ltd-No1.C allié' titis la ii-xil lesi thilng, Pnice $1. Marcît Stht 116,tl6. 0 Ni r. and rs w ere t ery liglgty apiireciated - i itor . - 'r ,of a- Fia' tlio t-. e t'tairmtxn. fi I),l'lnerle t.S ncr Ally vfor fui tlit-r iartiIrîtars ai Gaî- Thes Tti.ser. s sont. jM 'ttt iaosletin ilaa d motit îifontiaî trmenî> of Vi litbîY, îteato ît.~il T h~ F lt o -.Te.P zet1 ficqT 1Nthe 'utdience iminensely. He la an art - Supi tîte edîo Cruc c lîpig rmip-te f > roaleuglts No. 16,liiti otttt ~ ~ TKîNSON-Aî 51i >tstîr lioad. Tor - ts - 0 fat cf mci e than tsuial abilit-y. sud dis- î~Irîcs- i utd.Teci-attl in l-i li tte ii tuner. it:ia insl f ldaaleess r-flr ita Kiio.isa s tlciltr oetfle 11th ente. etn Satîînday. Nlancb 4,.91.playeti rare skil i îtexecutio. Hf. ae- plng coîttalts a cartoon eoflte batie " d 11îîuîrwl ndcbaîrt dad rd cui-.s-e rinit..lbi moataon.bîtuci -td-alt on S , aiural e- daughr. n r A .Akn ,acompaulmeuts. and lis neadiness te et Verdunt. accompanled by aît ediior- lti iii t-re wet antir rccl loS7 assat haseeenlu helai onthe amsubjeet. The picture ' lyetîrsdyirite.i-or Pcen Slai1'icksîru lu tbredi-eiionStra e-ass nany way mon saluer Inlteîtse" .Mr.ahlp e Whlthy vIng itLat I' ttti tht- cuttage lu wliech MRI'GS rga. al l e>pplan. Bot.h shos te* odofWai' and Deaîh &oimente .Fîîîi Nm..a uîe Big'Lt i he asaialtg ws urnl owu H î~.~î~lt;M\-TE-%ART u lul iSas Siekiemadn. Plant uaepiac'istanding upon a hlgh rock. Beneath' Corporal William Haslanu 'unI {vl ak r was inmtox Si-cl. lit wnrs res-îîed b> a lii. cri Tîesday. M.n h Ttli,1916. h)> lit lîattaloand the Wbftby publie itevie l h oie ftots- anc01e-Cra lfedQurr7ttttd HESCOO1.R30WLLHEP uiît .aeb c polilemnît lit t l oti titi iitise- R. HeuH\V. -Aico. Miss Fluore-ne-ider a deep obligation hy their gen- IanIs et the flower of Germany antd i lIncît Fehruary 1. I l 3eteck(Ses o 2.cu.3 i iigtit -tuf Kig. 40 Tti solîra i t îî-attstvec onceîrot.ift do-h a d lie i fc e t H u aflîr ait ituervie-w xii i T t a a a I'friûr ls ek a- MTl N'qýré, to Mr. Cameron E. \N'alk- dro~pped bis se>teadhdshsfaecI1foe MA~tutSîr.îî hi- îufKingI O-tthlis banda lit horror cf the .seene; Àît-'tSaueat o trt îî; otet îî îeBade dta o -ec tLWt (iin Wt-dnt-sda) i-t-cingccxl -a coin- i NiI.CNMetRGOlltWt lli lle th it-fghting ma-ni lts tal it is -sc-l ,î leiweu ie i ttbtlxt oîd npo eelK-l.Jbýt <'tii-i ti lit il iiiirf-i tri - lai. - - 11> rihu a . ot. a iti l-i>01o gî-h% or a e ina or flinga bshh-Isb fi-re lisface. . i-itw iti eli ter rnuii ji; rý oî i- î ia- n it arng m nt ac ll utn pirero the-uIkIoNI s, G..iss ;IItias an t-ii- îrî i alinsHenapipe i anti stants baek agluast If is trîî]>a ilad getl îît<. Ic \urt- -n ita- u tcu-iile -.-cme.Rb& li- h oir tf t li. WflitittU i-tjîlais i i eGricttr \xtiit>- n ittît IlîttîtNir.u John lapuîaîîit.g sîglît - lits îaley O e dI Qur> tttît la i at ;t tht>coi i rtlli h> xFit;it ifctgi. to . lbNlu cQue(,nitlilii a fu uut -Yul loîgon I yU 25 for 111P î V . lt>otc atîrtles-hcieîîe GiiîneOms C'hiireh iu wi gîi- :v î a rliiti . îîîî-rî li.îîuflittu, if E;1>1i-î xx îî11)îîoysîî,b men Ceîîocfni make afd \lntgin l mu iittitg - -x -t.'iir \si-i-t t lii . ~;ITusdilluig: fa>1î)1 fr*ilx hfNil .te a-chutaibatit-li, î -beeti Those t use et ttliig .1tiettie cof l 0tîi c liii sx ct h acsaehn graiu n tNii ft-b- \ili lSîîrit I ui.. Il ii111îî t lmîv.L rie bt iýr.. iltu flew et thetotehatilstfrein iliiititiitaivision the i-iir uîtîuîr îirii-as e iir. rtti.n aeriii-aii- n itte lîs s ahdtci b Admuissiontu, .ic iîîl i îe lacrxr l lh.inîI Iî it tilfcld - ~ .. hueXiiLt. l atof ut hichiadeup « OR(Ha -Ti 'VS S tit 1 lfl ilîlOi t;iig le to ni - utst " ~bWit>tjtgv in thnim af oi.a Stiet-ches '-i-ert- ciadI' t> lt.-toi. A. Hmsefi eWet~ li~~otjîrnle ed okl -u-cb louHl- A. ('eckhtttii.Mtajor fi. Il. Stutlth CapI. Cnd t o les. vniamttnfy Itn ha y bib it cuieualonf Jonohn ut.Chîtan ftAe l6hCaad t owfne va aadanP- liîtsS i utofaenagc.theOetuv Bad idofielteCon T H" E DO M IN ION BANK Battailen, antita-lt, Janmes Moore. cific eaclu Tuesciay, March 7th te tO ito- 11. JUIl nie, Ogave e1idti O tp sr taors teu-tli etegvnb «Nt LOMUN0 E. 08&.£R, BP_ PRESIoDENT. W. E. MATTHEWS. Vies-PmK&DN. br2s Inlsv.Particulars fon - J Sm, xb itiet e il tdeHotnettdahe ex ee.{aerteex lib aed C. A. BOGERT, CesseaiManage. Atter the prognam the slliers wer ne aainPcfc gno .B Do You Bankng Byfriaj lo iti ted n emain for an întonmal n1 an-I- PcfcAgno W .ciesîtuon lis toe ctiuer tbe b-il--S ofsbolnsfgeluieytnsavayrnadahp DoYu akn yMâdne hn rfehet eeHewand, District Passenger Agint..-36 beer s. ite lte selliers xvere tîns-saied at fee ePt h blyOdrrtntdt i Il yc-u ive ai a distance lrom a branch ot The Dominion Bank.laere. or hen refreshmeflts weret ___Lsed Eteposîts may be made- cash wlîhdawn-or any ether Baaklngsnvd 'mfsneAea-tc-seiorteevcsetftsholus.inBokntn Busin-ss miy be trausacird by mail, fusi a3 easlly as though one The concert realizeti about $170 for DOMINION ALLIANCE CONVEN-1 Smith et hnu-iug a whiskey brenlth, antiAd plc-lnw- ai eteha-teCekntf mucu a special trip io iu*n lor the puTTiose. the funds ef the Battalieti. TION. MASSEY HALL. asked him wthene be gel bis booze thatqureatthVO.tOtw- nitet and Paint Shop I N CONNECTION with our new gar-age we have Iinstalled an up-tu-date paint shop, witFi an ex- pert body painter in charge, and are now prepared to do ail kinds of body painting on autos, carniages and sleighs, etc. Get Our Prices The driving season is -about over now und you are thinking about puttiîig your car away for tI4e winter. kun it in an-c have it washed before doing so, as Ieaving the dirt on spoils the varnish. We are prepared to overhaul ail makes of cars, and cari also store cars lor winter. Our Oarage is Meated and Fire'Proof. SATISFACTION OUARANTEED.. W. Je LUKE 8t.'SON Bell phone 10 Wl aIl.olede tu ma u aet ia.~.ps -~bt re eree taqulitboebtgofl beiuw ogu& » t heW&mlbm mulealvs Cat have «ame Mite Use 5re -~ ~ thexhelb ti n To tomsvb oI m atsumq d*url4 tiipuit w.ukb hUue t wle-e .j1 me,»».~' t. sl! tou lt up la Mm4oose ie lrbwg&tve are off.rtng w behé btrm t he 8ong 09, c-béai 1 OtsO. lé B«t h** »t SOWT5 &w mï»Ê4»&4K -(.PMRm u*ewss> 40e M&toc lo7. »U A CHANCE FOR THOS5E GOlNG W EST. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS, C.P.R. Homneseekers excursions te Western!, Canada a-n 10w tares via Cana-dia-n Pa-' cifit- ea-cl Tuesc!ay, Mardi 7th to Goto- ber 3ist, Inclusive. Particulars frontl a-ny Ca-na-dia-n PaCifie Agent, or W. B. jHoward, District Passenger Agent, To- rente. -6 Victorian Order of Nurses. ANNUAL CANVASS 0F THE TOWN. Thursday, 'Ma-rt-h nd, w-as (the ec- casion ot'the antunai canva-set tise i.w-n ma-de hy ltemembens oeth(le Whltby bnanch ef the Victoria-n Order ef Nurses. As on pnevious1 occasions. the town was dlv id#ud imb sections, andi a team allotted toeaenh section. In thia manner tise resîdents ef the tewn were easfly anti quickly reached, a-nd given a-n oppcrtunlty te assiat tn the werk of the Order. Thse heatiquarters of thse Order wene in thse Standard Banik building, fn thel store occupied by thie MisseFoy Thse large dia-i wIth the hand used f rom year to year fndicated to tho pub- lic the total axtuunt ofthtie oUtrubfli- tiens front tinte te time during thse day. The returne were made, te heaiQuar- tors la the evenlpg. and tetalled val! over $3M0 Two uecton*.h&d aot then reportel, sMd One portion Oft lis.te'wn hail flot bewemavased, so Chat t la expected thse total couîtributiousà ',vU arnount val!U p tei $M. Thia la a very uraffl prie, 1orthe. towu te par for the bmutto01 aVIU to reuder h«r moevieu .et alsazgu whm » r.tufl unhébs tt« 511 ~lyystg i ést « ubor *Mfrw001 4 MnU&b kmetissuthse gves Us âvoetih 1»s poE w* 4 dm* te Wtm 4b7 th* V.OI. eb. mm&Amwy mIe.*à bto uioort*et t w«W. s amet -se »aWUPgi «W 8 SoS- t Tretuto. Mardi 28, 29. 30, 1916. monning. Smith neplidtha-t It mutt The annual conventions et the On- lue a "hangeoven" from the nfght lue' tarie bnanch et the Dominion Alliance fore, but the Commissioner sliook lits have been growing ln înterest trom beati. Smlth's evidence on the point year le yea-n. andi the indications are as te whethcr the bottles served te the ita-t the attendant-e this year will selliers xvere seaieti or tînsealeti and break ail previeus records. Mlready on-other peints was s0 favorable te the Inqufnies regarding rates et rai îwa-y heteikeeper that Mmr. Ayearsi remark- travel a-nd prognarniet Convention are ed: Puhat spoils yetmr evîdence ln my comiag ln te the office efth(le Alliance opinion." f nom ail parts et the Province. Per- In the case a-gainai Fulien. propree ha-ps never before was temperance sen- er et the Anllagton Hotel, Corpomal timent a-t sut-h a white heat, anti the Haelam testifietl that beer had been peeple eenywhere want te know just sol& fer constimption off thie promises, wia-tlias been don@ a-ad what Is Ilke- anti seven botties ef been a-Iieged te ly te be Aone tbf s yeax. have beeui obtained a-t the Artinglon A neference te the prograin shows Hotel by the military police were pro- that every, minute ofettis Uree ctays' dîtetinl Court. Il was claimeti by the Convention front 9 a.m. until 10 p.m. military police that the cork hac neyer t tlfl be odcupled. been removeti. but the. hetel keper, Mm. tAmong previncial speakers are: Fullen, showed how one couuld lie me- Mrs. E. A. Stevens, Presicient Pro- tit<ted and put back on thse bottie a- vincial W. C. T. U. gain. He said It weuid be qui te a sfm- Rev. J. George Miler, MÂJA, Grand pIe rn'.tter for anyoii& to pick tîp corica Worty P.trtrch Sos etTemer-and put them on botties f rom whlch W .orty PT. 8. enofrs, Grand the eorks had , Wn ,emôved by thé ContrllerT. 9.Morrs, Grnd c u arteuder. ciller, PL T. ef T. '1Onoer es;graved or pninted vfsftfng Josephs H. Day. di-and Chie! Temp- carda front C. «A. Goodfeilew & Son. lar, 1. 0. G. T. Firet-clas work guarmnteed. Ven. Ards. Chas. 1L Ingles8, reuure- W. isupply al kindae ofvistting and sentfng Ainglfcais Chtirch. business carde, etser jsrinted or en- URé. M,. C..MeLean, represenung the. gave&, C. XOootellgw & 8014e Btaptist Çhurch.. Thse iqueet laie thse dme 't e lu t- Rey.. D. Sîloox. repreeeisthe fant child of Mm u.FredL tiejohu). icogregatboalChurch. allas Aim aUobman, wtil bhé humin R«v. Dr. T. A. Moore, representing e o-rtb, t . fls ed. Te'ni, ld Methodit- Chureb._ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ Pr b "i'ARTI.IUR LYMb E ROYv. M fbIfrebeattu Eom- UO ioaE.v. = A "f, rtmtQ»O D T"" taw10q "q aw&m1 y nZ.U Il&," aA*ffl b" 30%.T, 1m85 a"u4*Pç1 .USO Mr. . AU.1UO"Onw- m qè Qo % Mq4q 1 4,011111M, um»ff, -7-tt- permission ta-t the Whitby nurse milht accommoda-te thte Osha-wa Boa-rd for three mendia, as an experîment. There is flot a-t present a lin-ch oethe' V.O.N. n Oshsawa, anti It is thenefone1 by the kintineset the Supenintendent' anti ot the Wltltby bra-I*h tsa-t Oshuawa is thus a-biet-t sectre a st-liol nurse- a-t the neasonable coat tof$200a- day. This xviil, et course, llghten te some extent the burcien eft tie cest te (the Whitby branch. Tis expia-nation la ma-de since lt bas been Intima-ted that the Osliawa cf tizens have the impression tbat (bey are "aliewing" Wlitby tlie services et (hein achool nurse. WHITBY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. Counci i met on Monday. Reeve ln the chair. Minutes ef Iast- meeting read and conflmmed. CommuniCations Were read from Secretary HydroEleetrlc re deputa- tien te Ottawa., Prom COL. .E.làreweil Soecretary rltoiferrcrt the 182Tud BtaI report of 1925 ao- ;enteti.: Roi] as reîuIrEi' Wag Olver utas lutard re - mourd z tas pnesented lu'- ad- - tuoolct a-nd aceuntO f Whlthty bo- .n d are lSted anti pase.d fer n-movedti tat the returneci by tbe Ale- herêby accepted. and er be ant isf bereby lut his cheî-qri n far- p fon the asuratif $12& ,q AsseE.-;or. ,ppeifit- patitn malters, t tenue fet-rS wa8w» e, a-nd the tellewlng t for st-x t-aIroad i d- blip for 1916: tond Div. No. 1. Mal- No. 2.',xV. Kentît. Ne. 'teo 4,. Wm. Oke: No. No. 6,-Jats. S. Lynde; ley: No. S. R. Tnigg; unit-l: Ne .'.(l'bas. lias. Michael. Ne. 12, No. 12: R lti,,tork; mter: No. 1;-. M. Bttr- Job INhite. No. 17, N~o. 19, 1Ft 4enon; lu anti for àt- Town- -Chas. T1es4siq F. W. chantison. S -Nan)ce Lsey, jas. youaig, JohnL Kay, e~L C Cnawfnrt-h. -E. Ptmndeti. M;Llcnlrn ite. John Mea.d Ltîke Rbni-f.Wm. Lynde. Th(,. . M Mr- )usina. eûn-mvcI'bal Itthis g-rant etf$U40 10 the iitting purpoes, sa-me t-p et thiti Townsbip 1Coi. J. E. ranewell. îiling League Of On- nd ubat the Trea-suner le (,()I. J. E Farewel Phal o-wingte fothé me- nom u -tarie RediCross cil et the Township ef erded tha ali grante ody must be spent for -oducts mac!. must ho -d Cross headquarterfs distributi on. a-nd that rMiss Olver te thut et- k A bonus of 25c. per r iuu was rat ChaLs. E. Garbutt for about 130 roda of wire fonce on South sBie lotS 31, 32 and 33, con. 9- Guthrie-Ormistni Moved that thit Council believe it would býe ini the In- terest of S. Ontario If the liensle o! the Whitby lîquor shop wazS eacefled, and that the Clerk rorward R. CODY Of this resolution to the IAcense Commis&- sion of Ontario. VIROINIA FARMER - 1 lstoreATo Eea!tli 3yVinol Atlee, V& - 1vws veak, ran-down~ no appetit.. rny bleod vwu poor, I couli neot a eep nigbta and Was rapidly es Ing iflesb, but 1 am a f*rmer and taieU werk. Modicinea had ail dt e Inoma until 1 toek Vinol. A t«= 9,=n tru bottleamjmppetti~ln ,1ileep Vjnoi1 Our deilelous ýalê n-r tonie wtbout OhUs laeg b -ovar1 eomê whak rmun4 à.. LAnis.flaugéÊ h ù,whàê. - __ __i - £WA*USilo OV ER 41 VEAORS TUE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Csaâ..d j~ Gs.imstRpot MASILIIUS R ... 14E At o Com soda R . i, : t W fi Srh .- -i weri hii hîtkim e s 'u--Il , iq lna.ttabu poer nî- f'eas befo have neei ta fî icu *ver AguE yoeur ge son, Wl and la brMch. Thuidi ma- tue -to Tormito oin i. s il-. & tIi'- i~ WHITBV BRANCH: S. D. TERRY, Manager% OSHAWA C. N. HENRY,94 NEW GARAGE Ind. phone 12 WHUTBY THE ------ P,. F-IRE SALE!-

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