Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Mar 1916, p. 3

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10,000 Women M!rch Througv, Unter den Linden Crying --4Peace,.p A despateh from London says: De- spatches fromn Basie quote the Swiss IlewsPapers as commenting that the BIUMP on the Frankfort Bourse.. fol- lowing a week of great.buoyancy, rc- fleets bNie financiRl opinion of Germany regardlng the situation at Verdun. The Rotterdam correspondent of the, London Daily Mail telegraphs. man papers while declaring that thse Frpech are hiding their fear under vp- timistie reports, print consoling ae-j cou nts frosa their own correspo" dents in neutral couaitries purporting t show the "excellent eff e<t" aI thQe ~-r man offensive. The lutter papers tg- nore Verduin and turn thvir attention to conscription in Greit Britain and DRIVE BACKENM ~ c. il fAND-TAKE MANY PRISONER Lust Trenches at the Bluff of the ypres..omne Canai Recaptured. A despatch from London says: The salient in the German lune. A coun- British have won an important victory ter-attack Iaunched by thd enemy in Flanders. Not only have the half- somne hours later was repulasýd. Ger- mille of trenches lost a fortnight ago 'man mine galleries in the captured been recaptured, but a salient of the: Ürenches were destroyed. We havd Gerynan line %vas also seized and con-; taken 180 prisoners, including four WlnîlPeg, ItMr.7-Cashp-ee Ne. 1 Nortbern, 81.o08%; No., , Je. MAJOR-GENERAL COIIÎNG 8 5;No. 3, do-, $1.08%; No.4 WOKN»EDVlIF NT NO-e 1S , 9%.Oatas-Nc 21 C.W, 84e;No, 8, do, 8714c; extra: A desu>tcb from Lent., Mye.M e.ifeed, 37Me; No 1 feed, 85%e; 1Jor-'Ga».GOrg oM vaeIumm No. 2 do., 84 l.Baley-N& '280e; ed ina- a em"ty Hm at s a.pL No. 4, 66c'; feed, 60c. Fi&ai-No. 1bore as havlug be Oa»vuis WW tty- N.-W.C.1 82.04; o. .W, $20 1#) lat 1 e opotaua. CANADAC...........V FULLcEMY 10000 T h e G e rm a n n e w s p ap e r -s h "à '*-t, e a s - T h e , C o p e n h a g e n c o rre s p o n d e n t o f P R Sc a t r d ed to be jubilant over the campaign th.4 Cy ai * :.h.r4or0 ' TheeffiiaIitatmMnailads "Wopostiosheotheporoft against V erdun. T he K oelnische reaching B erlin of great lasses at ia al hih0e e la m e n he G rm n f of March 1, under the caption, "Thie Verdun, notwitlistanding the atten1pt!;ls Fb give optimistic extractq frosa the cauned general dejection, especial ly A French papers. The Frankfurter Zel- amnonr- -wornen. On the night of Fe b.! .NEW EEYDCLOU.O D~ tung also confines itself to replying to 21,3 ten thousnind women marched o DetyPweofEgadad ie Rrticles. in the French andi British thirougjh Int'er dlen L.inden el-yin Des N.OutRusia pretis, therelîy preparing itz; renders "Blread" and 'Peace." The poieds- BAK~ f o r f a i l u r e . P r a c t i c a l l y a l] t h e 6 r - p uý r s e d t h u m a n i f e s t a n t s . z o i l' n B R f h e a d c d u t o f i l o o G r a n ,A N S A D R r ' e j which are id ohv a h prv United States Markets. 0.I...A? i SOFIA *% al of theKaeraebigpbihe Markets oflthe World Mntap lîs arch 7.-XXheaV \.E ZERurTf "' TI *broadcast i enay yae MaN., $1 . lu)7, ; Julv, $1 . 10%; No. 1 fledqufqbr, 1 1;N o. 1 Northern, / 1. GeriayAstiTke an $ 1 1 % o $ 11r; N . , d B u l g a r i a r a o t a t a p c o n o l n u o r the abject of theJidelity1.1c33wouNd nother contingenteo Toron fo, Ma r.7- -Ma n it oi 'i heat, 1 . 07 7,àto $1.10o .Corn-No. 3 yel- IaERI TBzt 2. With rfrnet oeg oiy new cro)-No. 1 North< rn, $1 OSý7t; low, . 75 f 76c'. Oats-No. 3 whitehe bje c No. 2, $1 t(;No. 3,$1.04, nstore .19% to 40c. Flour-Fancy patents l15efor te front y Fort, William. ]hîgh..r. quoted nt $6.40; first clears lated portionc uoe ad Ai eet Malît(,,lîa onus-No- 2 ('W., 39%r; 1.' higher, quoted at $4.80; other THE WEEK'S DEVELOIPMENTS IN THE WAR. ioint No. . ('W'., 37%; extra No. 1 feed, grate unchanged; shipriaen t ,6.9 The (;ermnan offensive in the neighborhood of Verdun developed during the past ten days into a determined sense. Withrgr oitra o-cnieainteqeto 27%r; No. 1 fecd, .16c, i store Fort harrels. lran-$18 t-o $19. drive toward the fortn'ess. Reckless of the cost in men, a large Germnan force was thrown repeatedly against the icy, the atnoy feahste i lpynntfdsaedu Wiln.Dluth, 'March 7.-Wheat--No. 1 TFrench positions anti succecded ini occupying a number of villages and considerable terrain, although at terrifie be maintaindThviaaatitcfotI Amrrican corn--No. 3 yelloCý'. 79c', hard, $1 .127s8; No. 1 Northern, loss. The French withdrew from the*r advanced positions to prepared po3itions of greater strength, in so do- 3. No Gena hsteritVoCIrA rdnhrdui o track Toronto. $1.1l0 % te $1.127,,"; No. 2, do., ing inflicting enormous losses upon their opponents. The German drive, directed originally against the French purchase abraihth a u 2mnh hw 7hrh Canadian corn-Feed. 71 to 73c, on $1 077J Vo $1.09m.Iinseed-Cash, positions almoat directly north of Verdun, sbifted fio the east where further advances were made. Here, again, within the bodr1fteAlac.Angsad5 ets track, Tornto. $2.20; May, $2.29; July. $2.29.- j however, the French checked the enemy's drive toward the fortres, and, despite somne wit.hdrawals, occupy comnmunity c utm uisadcr-iTesr f$506i Ontario oats-No. 3 white, 40 to positions of great strength. !DOWell'sg m4rc;acomgreements19usti beccoclud- amount raiStdcbyMsaless. 41<';commrcIa, .3 to 4c, a'ordng Ls'e Sock arkes. ' The Germnan offensive at.Verdun is taken as the first mnove in an attzmPt to secure a favorable decision ed. Roa iîur oefegb utie ev n the W'estern front before the British and French complete preparations for their Spring campaign. Appar- 4. Shake f I oeg nlec;oteSota rnho car lot, 97 Vo 99c; slightly sprouted ers$75t$80buce steers, that other theatres of war are of only minor importance. Events of tremendous importance are impending on refine youronpto n ln OigV h ateu and tough, a<cording Vo sample, 93 choice, $7.25 to $7ý75; do., good, $7 the WKesbern Front. These May be accompanied by enerny naval activity anid air operations on a scale hitherto yosir own eotn iha aoeshsbe to 95r'; sprouted, smutty and toug'hto $7.25; do., mnediumn, $6.90 to $7; unattempted. News frosa other fronts has been meagre. The Italians have complcted their evacuation of Du- 6. Don't mk elh o lauefi tPetnrnecl according to sample, 90 to 92c; feed do., common, $5.75 to $6.25; heifers, razzo and the town is now probably in Bulgarian band3. tiqoti trî"q93 a outuodi g lldne t e b r e a o h t ha e n f u d n c s a frelfrhts outsjîe. medium, $6.50 te $6. 75; butcher cewa -ANATON-N FIGIT.--rss. E -nt -l - v gt-Is-f - - THR JN _____ b.___r Peasm-No. 2. $1.50; accordlng Vo choice, $6.50 to $6.65; do., good, A TINI FIHT oserbspEenlyts. otu ieBOHE OATA. jceuntiries e h linc.Yuwl WtrBaditwssae sampfle. $1 ta $1.25, aceording te $5.75 te $6.50; butcher bulîs, cholce, eatns frei4rht4 utside, ý$6 bo $7; do., good bolIa, $5.50 Vo $6 . l'athctic Scenes When the Serbian W reached Rojai in thle dark and Dy Charles Alexander Richmond. f r BalyMligbarley, 61 te taic; do.. medium, $5 te $5.50; do.. rough lPeople FIed. ir,.eîed a w'arm w,,,lcome f rom te fe.wokc rviigan Barleybo oK , $4 40M a$4l5 ; ee erg00 A '- corres pondent of the L on o authorities, w ho prom ised te do every- Dr. Richm ond is we l know n as thel 7. Keep yo r K lu3e t e u e ly f r t e c m a a al a fi-ed harley, 5.5 Vo 58c, according tonolgn, 44 V $50Efedra 90 ite ndao dmir freght ouisiîs.te 1,000 Iba., $6.40 te $6.80; do., bulis, Times who w-as i ebawe h thing in their power for us, and we President ef Union College, at Schen-'1- f-emitteeoub cf tnSeriae Fothefarshind Buckwheat...70 to 71le, accerding $4.50 te $55 0; stockera, 700 Vo 800 unhappy nation fled before the ad- slept on the floor of the cale. ectady, New YorÉ-. The follow-îng , 9. Destroy uoen Rsi 0CuniI a ttdta te frcights outsjde. iî bs., $6 to $6.50; do., medium, 650 to vancing armies of Germany, Austriaj We got Vwenty eggs the next day, ' verses, written in the vein of James,.that EuropemyeTyadrbeetrelvrhdbe Rye-No. 1 coffimercial, 87 te 88c-;1760 Ibs., $5.75 te $6; do., light, 5W0'and Bulgaria, write;s vividly ef the aI great ranit!y, and wbile w-e wcre not Russell LowelI's "Bigeîew Papers," 84c', according te freight.s outsid. te $4.25; cutters, $4.25 te $4.50; ladsfrom, Kraîjevo back into the That day ive w-e-e guarded by four' ing effect at the recent dinner of theDre h eerc nlnd tametn fts Manitoba flor-First patents, in milkers, choire, each, $60 te $85; Monnegrin Mountains.i policemen; w-e slept in an Albanian Real Estate Board of New York City, ponce at thpncca anhorletrnc of ieIneee injute w ef Kalenvmwntou ottgetha elereitpsuo T Etr fThNwYrkO - jute bags, $6.80; strong bakers', in <'hoîce, $9 Vo $11; do., msedium, $7 to into ttese treets. EveiM gutter w-as ny fte "flea pît," but w-here the look.temofp, jute bags, $6. 10, Toronto. $8; do., common, $5.50 Vo $6; lamba., !ined with bulîock carta filled with owners m-ould ask no payment.trnscpeecret bdiuse.ieadtIelalMme Ontario fl ur- W inter, atcording te yearlings, $7 to $8; culled lambs, $7 refugees. I had o step over ex- ANS +T _PARM RS. r en t an t by t e kic e , T 190 oe1noJtGetIe rite f dn ur h T w to$,5 sri ams 1 t N T AMRS Ie route; $4.25 ti $4.30, bulk seaboard, ewes, 1light, $7.50 te $9; sheep, heavy, thse pavements. Sir RaîpIs Paget at Nri'hsfo nhske.Temr prompt shipynent. j and bueka, $6.6Q te $8; hogs, fed and last procured us ton springlî4s a cts. Commona Banldng Committe RePorts Jt's a turrible fight they're havina more glerywehv in vec igredIceasi tewa Millfeed, car lots, delivered Mont- watered, $9.50; do., f.o.b., $9. 15; do., ewraprtofhienndsxFvabynBl.outee t-Mir. ra rihsBaper ton, $25; weighed at plant, $9.90. o r eet cf tthrrteenas arAsix avoh raon BilL ey: he1 ut the re, it-Molier. !1UmbA mcftisehemploye short, per ton, $26; riddlingf pe t- M ontreal, M ar. 7.-Butcher teer, a u Ra hka.r Banking and Com merce Com m ittee f' nd ho a than Iingled the coins i a his 1of tie -mo t v l a f i tle t a n ts il g f F te c ton $7;god eedflur pt-bag. best, $7 Vo $7. 50; good, $6,560 Vo$7; We groaned eut cf Kralievo; îDurise fHouse o oihnannens'rh go'Qe o' ieta tta t ntsneaen n m adNv' ratse t o nu u2 ; , $ 5 ,75e dtli u r ,g her 0cor- tam owe r ee nto ca y A ' t h a n k ë d h o d G d o -t e k a e t a $1eav60yta$1den0.mar'n$6gtrep66rtemeonumS$5.Thomo n.gcontens iae tiobhoutythree, goodnfrlendortéered underTomts eLDcotentachew $6; butcher bulle, best, $5.75 Vo $6.25; and only downhill could! we exceed a White-s bill extending to tise baks1"hy Conr rdc.mediuma, $5.25 Vo $5.75; cannera, $4; walkimsg pace. We pluaged inVo a thse pow-er te boan money to farinera o wyl b vantin' rny cattle and hogs -Shakespeare reel Count y I>r duce.butch r- <'w s, b ot, $6. 25; g od, $6;t regi nent of boys, chidren rather, on the s cu tity f live stock, and con- A n and corn j L t us w o rk ts r e t a s a .Ia ii t e n a Butter-Fresh dairy, 27 Vo 30<'; in- fait-, $5.75; rougis, $4.25 Vo $5.50; lt-cm fourteen Vo seventeen years cf tnlgtfo teei g e A'pow-derad Jsmbe ferler, 23 te 25<'; creamet-3 prints, 34 cannera, $3 te $3.50. Sheep, 5 Vo 7c; age-hundreda. They looked ofhitee iebanks in roîcrence Vo lbans on But they'll pay on tise nait! cash reat ia peaco.ConeLVsr aebe onrab te 36c, aolids, 82 te 34c. laraba, 8 Vo 9%c. Hoga, solecta, $10 jland tired. As w-e w-ere moving these ecurity cf grain. Tise bill now1 down, by gum 1 It l Il usincfpooto 1 Ts anail -sts s~l Eggs-Sterage, 23 te 24<' per doz.; tû $10. 75; roughsa and mtixed lots, through t4sem, one came alongalde My goes back Vo thse liuse for the lotrna For ail they git lt-cm me." w-ar tirne, Theas.I on opnb olcin i h ln . atlectt, 26 to 27c; new-lald, 29 te 30c', $9.25 te $9.90; commts, $9; sows, wagon. He said he had hdn rAn'I mldkne lw n ige;-lzmo had nos.e tOButhird reading. Thedisussion in côm -tAnhoaiekidrso asi nld;-un< W d.ctofrmcmmnatn case lots. $7.60 te $7 .7. Calves, nilk ed, 8 Vo eat for tireo daya. I searched ny m u e wa fa~the coins, Fortitude l ie m r h l t l w l n a H o e y r i e l 1 e 0- b, t ns t y 1 r s e , ~ o 5 c p ock ets an d fou n d tw o b iscu its, w h ich ni . rn e d s d f 1 2ý te 13e. Conîha-No. 1, $27 î5 te ____1_ gave hi=. He did flot eat them, but AUTAIAT ETL1hf11.eso odBao. ,iulùt $ 3 ; N o . 2 ,r $ 2 . 2 5 " I $ 2 . 4o. - cf o r b u s i n e s s , " s a s ' e e .t h e o rg t , o f e r m r o ti e w l , a d T I e m c c f h e S d $3; N o. 2, 2 2 te 52. 0.G E R M A N A S S U M P 'IO N tu rb led on , ook in g a t th em ; an d " h y ý k illi ' 'e mn off lik e fiiez th ey W ar ex p e n tr e u t n e e s r y y a s b y i C * ed î O h Beàn"4.20 to $4.40. ~~~memberu of tise party ab tise extreme SLESO H ADb "dl Poultry-Chickens, 19 Ita 20c;,fowls,1 MERE DESIRE TO KILL Vailiof Our eonvoy saMit tat tbs M ey w-j dsptisfrinSynoN..W, m jIYt Io foolme-ciash., ne ose 15 o Ic:ducks, 17 te 20c'; geese, 17 SrEwr re onaOt Thsi»laboy draggtgaleng.witiste bis- Ptchi. Ne, S ydnWaeNs.WGovere- - My wr oeey otnt te 20c; turkeys, 23 te 27c. Sir EstiiwImrdeGrey j eointe out SBY& or le watotr eg1doluni" es .e IVaso by dpoal fcabt Cheeae--Larte, 19c; twlna, 19 4c.i Teutosw Are Whelly UmJustiled. The whl road W" a living Sniake mn s'arve crp ,siveAnd lie took a few dollars 'out cf his mutual feelingse yptyfin- A rellmeig on tiesser ltsufiO.a ja »sAduhipe aidmLoconfidence, aidh bfoyscaescornmolenacrya 'Town orQouncg rl rne sodsar decidndeon quotd nt 1.70 to $1 .7,5, and New Edwatd Grey, Secreary for ForeiganVthe plain, zigzagged up tise mountaà, enth . D Steps aredy ave been And sent Ktacosntise Sea. of intereat, tha rz Brunswbcks nt $1.80 te $1.90 per Affairs, authorlaca for puMication the andi writb.d devis aginInto thse val-j taken te aurvy suiVaIs), creva landsIV. lïances are m ~ f onsrietsatseou bag, on track. foll w ing thtem ent: "T h e assum ption leY . It w as a stra nge e t, latval. a d op1l av s n m a e ~ >T h n h . h erd they d drow n ed aà t su s- chan a» .f M ontreal M arkkots. pparently m ade by t eu er i G . ey, itI this lo w, m uddy river 0e- m a l., adva iscea b. « Ch Sett er nUP k5V-* ad m en.The ie, of v r m n la a d ry u f o g a t Vie r ep a d ' r verninent that ail Britiis merlat 1ig down and tise huMais streans flow. £oselnfrùpoeet n m r M*&h f Montreal, Mat-. 7.-Corn-American ahÎps are armed la entirely incorrect.Lîgup fotig eg lsur c te t entrcaseo. tc adfmigSo ise sadright eut "Ifyo= do tisat and liv. anoteraibsbmbet No. 2 yelîow-, 82 te 83<'. Oats--Can- Pt-actically ail Britishs merct-c sisaeen carrent cf the river; mnotor c=3, 1f 'l' men-ts. iswhn edian Western, No. 2, 48 te 484c; e la M intrade bet'wen the United t cin fatlcafllin thse deep:muitGAIN- 'on JIngelid,»nz ti. l ai it eur-la wihnh i vrsts olm Al 1JB do., No. S 46 te 46%c; extra No. 1 StattaestOfAmerica aid the United plougbed tisreurh1the huma» flooul.1GANFR AOMAIAYu' ho git me mad i, es oee. as t ta wILtbwbthovRdUomk i~IG feed, 413 Vo 4614ic; No. 2 bocal white, Kiagdom have hitheito been unarmet. jTIser. vere baifl, esita. toe. 1- RO T TO GIRMINT - 1-18iu aup~~-- .pae rn bc$ 464c; Ne. 3 local w-bite, 4614c; No.' Tise cdais», tiserelore, made. by the There W»asnet rocmin lithie carnJages 1An' thani'*Qed for O-tIA WLL e 4 lecal w-ite, 444,c. Bariey--Manl. Germtan Governrnent to asik ail Brit- for the visole Party:;&o0 mmeof u epthfo 3pnae aa neF1 62 Per Cent. of MaiesFrom #9 to 40 Win, Ateor sooooo l1a 8.o u ti. bon for T"oMaiu .~sl ml 'om, »nW6. tiat é&b I j - OERTHE VEDUN FAIELURE[c xmL "s t f 'f rj '-/ la et British Y'pr-es, atter rsents, w-as ricial state-, JLAND 'ROM HEU AES. i Highlandsa kuld Greenock mder orders ýave uider, s of tise oldierâ. e parias of ,ng tise past a, 9 mar« thée total giltita. th, li -aId Etise Redl carcity of liery tisai 'y Vo en-' ait District that good wvith tise 'aVer *sup- trict Com- ie Couaty Sa case of otlfled as as. Galashiels ut -Labor slag Con- Irime Min. rg of Par- ang Cern- Ceuncil at to -rýcem- ges- cf a under tise. aira every- vitIs Vise 1or -regi- ne. Tisere rieul mens ust in me-. rv7e b..» vits tise r Scsoo wtb Ma Punoon di couid

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