Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Mar 1916, p. 2

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NOTUIS ^.%4DcGI4»dN4T3Ii Ifone were to jutige from whAb4t1I h Mtght b. called the pliysica of Thee IlaILUA U case, ince the dc3volutiô*s oi the low"rI mnuat of necessity be'-More o r Ieâ equal to Its evolution, the war innt E~urope wIll last for years. More- Sprti nd Sumiyser Fanhtone. over, te turn te what might b. called Quite as interestlng, nt the opent, the psychology of the war, that there of a season, as the new designu then ls no immediate let-up la sîght is con- Selves and a thouisand and one od firmcd every tirne the primary fac. littie fade which Fashion always pri tors that are consldered necessary te sents nt ber openinge, are the ne, brîig about and to maintain a per- mnateriale in whieh to fashion the. manent at)d stable pence are stated sttinning modes. It 1e amusing te net by eitherý' aide. For it is obvious at to wvhat an extent serge la etili bein thizs juncture that neither the Allies used thi s prlng for suits and onE inur tihe Central Powers are within piece frocks. It la not an exaggers enythin1z but the remotest prospect tien te state that at least nine-tent] of tho.aaa basic condition" which ail of the new 8pring suits are bela are agrced can only end the war. made of dark blue serge. W'hite cotton and wooll mixturei lndeed, tlinat the duration of the w~ar stippedl or barred 'With pale tone wvil probably surprise even those who of gold, hlue, green, and thin lines "look b ca long war" ii indicatedl very black are unuSuaaliy modikh. For spor ciearly ini the utterances of Maxi- wcar there aire anfy ntumber of el mnlien liaralen, the famous Berlin ed- fective matarin1s; Som(, loose wea' itor anal Lorad Northcliffe, the great lanids with banckizrcunds c f whit( British publliher. While these %vel- paqtel brnadcloths, barred and plids knovri persiantages i,,,tu,-ally viem the, Inatter f rom ext remely Opposate Points of siew, vhat they say com- plaments each othar, anal Lord Nort'î- cllffe's view that England is 'just get ting readly"te ig-ht its ut Nvith Ilîîr- dens point thaît 'erniaay is naaaî than reaaly tii cantianue its oviiîsaa e.ý The Bea'liaa tliiis mte riizt i in maying that if the Alliesq believe tliatl "Germany is oxhtiustedi" or has mn)t kept up wiîii her admitteîily higrh state of "bcfore-the-NNar-" milit ary pre- paa'edness they ire indlullgiîag themn- Selves ini vain illusicînq. Ail thiai mannis,(ef course, inîefinii e prolo eeg-- taon of the ivar. Sien if nona cf ahesa men sees th( thing open-mnindedly and bas thea ait turaîl bics of bis racial uind national emîttions, it la obvicus that wîth G;er. mc ny feeling sha hes alrauy won, und with han phyaticati resources and rhai' miiitany efficiency, as 8he sees t, more than equai te the combined cf- forts of ber enemias, and with the aAllies, on the othen band, daternineal that the peace shahl be ne mare truce wit b Germany on top, butt a conclu- sive pence, wth Europe placéd ln e utata of stable equilibriumn, ha would ba a rash and foolhardy prophet who forcasts an eariy ilecîsion of such momentous factors. AIl agree that thc combineal wisilom cf the countries et war if given a chance could work eut a botter solution und with less waete cf meni, materlals and mnoney than by the reccurse te armad might; *but the hideous paradox is that what ail know shouid be done and shouid have been donc won't be donc now, and se war uilI continua. Evcrytbing therafore points te a long, long war, with horrers uncnding, unlees the miracle happons and the combatants decide te settia the issues by discus- isien 110w lastead of' bataling on dog- gedly and blindly for yeare. But who cen bring about the miracle? SERBIA AND BELGIUM. Serb Artist Thialua Fate of Hia Country More Disantrous. I an article written for L'Illusqtra. tien, cf Parle, te accomnpany somne sketches ef scenes et the fronb, Vladi- min Betzitch, a young Serbian artist, thus compares the fate of his.country 'M'ith that cf l3lgiurn: "<The enfferings of the wa,îr hh LÈ ITISH. EMPIRE - eged with thé, 0.1er;, the. are 0F HE R »-W-han,~m«sh4ofeïtbroidered P I FT E JR -,eti$ art used for lingerie 90*.*:, ai* blouma. j Pli 1W*is M@aràl mgandioeJn .11 the loft u ýItnaandt-i iOtin -white [are exceptienally goot i tht.seaeon. The organdies are being ueed 'fer en- ngtire froeks over - ltps of a atiffer or- ig gandy. In white these are unusualiy Spretty for graduating frocks and sum- Id mer dance dresses. One of the, pret- %O e- tiest notions for a suramer dance b frock eeen for many a season, wae a se cjalnty pale blue orgaady with short, eefuli-gathared skirt fiecked here and ng there with a emaîl cluetur ef pl'nk e-roisebuds; the surpice closing bodice Shad full drop-shoulder sleeves, and hawas finished ait the. throat with a fine ng pleated ruf cof the organdy, closed on one aide wit.h a smail bunch cf as, the bude, and long aarrow ribbon W1Iat ivli probably 1w liie groatf ýe eaesopaepn.Teieo rtsiiipeFinwd.go& ofa high-iacked dance frock is soe- iustrated above, lN tu lac 'riced .,t itwhat cut-of-the-ordinary, but that is uiitareaof 610.000 sqluare feet î.nd 8,000 exhibitors repreîeentlig scienty vejumt what most cf us are looking for. Thie oIbjeîta nfrtUlis great ['cli' art, A bit cf bare throat showing in a dustries ,aiunken traders l Iote ai OV-rhaped opening balow the dainty nahie bairrier against Germai trado. n-ruif gave just a suzestion cf decolleto ____ whech waq aIl that was needed. The silk stripped and checked voiles cabeas of the wemran vho ,;a'% her show grouinds cf one cIer, striped and sevan qsens martyred for the fat h af barrad with contrasting tonas, for in1 -cc' rnl the oman'spnt 'f lw .A- stance rose, striped with pale greenaodngy rminthr l.A Nlue with grey, mauve with gnld and better resurrectien- -Exprcsslzy ati a - mnany other cool, opalescent affects. ed te more than once in tl'aît siary. It Trining fr ummr roks jwill lie reafiembc'real that in the îa Triming forSunmer rocs. of Eiîjab and Elisha 'ho hWreaîft Lace in -ihadovy patterns and cb -~ till dark, anal nothirng "ceý'r webby weavas such as Ckantiliy, Ma- than a rcturn Iota>his Itfc coCia)l,2 i line, and the cheaper shadow laces, dreemiai cf. Nut tîlI thc gospel came, !will ba used for flouncings andtrim- alid men fu lly kniom, but such ar]ii;nps- mings for bcth gowns and blcuses;,es a Dan 12.3 werccaught i i h lace is being used ceneiderably in rali- latest seere cf the Oid 'l'stdmeîiu. linery alsc, iiraping the picture hat! 36. Others-A diffarent word in the te accompany the organdy frock.!Gre-ek; the thought le apparcntly MRny matai laces ara shown for trim- 'turning te naw fields cf illustration. ming purposes, toe, orne cf them Tha suprcm e prophet, Jeremiah, sup- carrying eut the patterns cf the plies this verse with comment f rom, thrcad designs. Valenciennes lace will every part of hie trajgedy. be a favorite for the regulation lin- 37. Stoned-Zechairiah, son of .Je- gerie f rock and for children's dresses. hoiada, is the special oxampla (se 2 IThese paterns may b. obtained atObhron. 24. 20-22; Matt, 23. 25). Our, your local McCall dealer or from TLord'sallusi .-. êi..the u .in.:.. - - .'atîtta a-wSû-t-us (Jf nia' -ýlalaa- -iotasQ, Ru'ianianival -y a i vay iîtt an aitttaa k on ai front oet 1 n iut I1,iO0 yta.At tIwoPiints w-a u or Il -ing trench hbcd iacobrok an dow ta Iy ex- pinsions t-bey were able 1o a'acupy Ili- cr>ters. ut w-h iuh tost wa-a-usoon ru- This ks from a ruacnt' Fraench aom- Mmiqîcue, anodtnt hi njz het t r maqr ks tîte ury.stallization cf the westaern front thaîn these ala-rperate etTorti, tin wiaich the' sappa-as jind mine ras ila a short way for thc iîîfantry to 4seize and hold a yawning hoea 6fty or c bundrad feet in aiametcr. If it ie seized, thousands cf telegrcph clerks - --_ _ - - -». j -ti um aiurio s t in sonig o are ,,n glrts i s ti nu ing r ine ..n.,,ews . lfeMCl opny e . 0prophats may weil take in othen in-' the enadsiof theeaerth, anal whcn at 'as in o rt, abdyspoe o eseno P ~Bond Street, Toronto. Ontario. stances. Sawn-Such was in Jewieh' recapttired thara is enother para- oe h o -.1 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ story the martyrdoni cf Isaiah. graph for the famous "'communique.,,T owt o teTpoi em ,, T em p ted - It i e ard t e secaee th e P repa ration s for uch an vent n - - DH o tors F oi r nd L g ne x f -.Tue SUNDAY 1LESM ON imnpresçsion cf an antîchimax. A very; taihard and dangerouis labor u der-i Paris have beentsn teee the maaning adapted la the para-'furnisheai with curieus tools, stand$; Pneumonia. phoitl fever.Teybv predtat INE)TINLLESN phrase. Sword-From Elijah's words day and night at the face ef hie ga- tuventy g'rams cf vinegar te an litre oLam 1TÈ4AINLLSO, in 1 Kinge 19. 10. Compare aise Jon. lery, whîch la just deep eneugh te ntaooaieeseiai.iiUîîi-waton klla h MARCU 12. 26. 23. Sheepakins--The neanest stand up ln, pushing it fcrward inch yotath and an oid age, yot noe na r ad ite tpodbclu na ~ MCCALL parallel wouid be the skia worn hy, b> inch toward the cnemny trench. exempt at an>' age. It may boeltiier heuromndfiemiuts Elijah, adopte4 by later times as a Sometimas, in a nromantary silence prmmary or secondary; that ie te rsay <'Fenthi, riofhePrs e' Heres ani Mrtyr et alt-Heb, ldnd cf clerical ganb. Compare Zech. while bis ewn machine bas stopped, pneumonie may be t-ha only di sease practical inferenem> edancn aeS n atr fFih 13. 4 for these woives in shecp's'ha catches the falot sound cf an en- that le present, or it may appear as cenn - a 11. 1 Vo 12. 2. Golden Toit: clothing. But the reference le net a my miner tunneling a way toward a complication cf soe other iîîness, en salad s . ttr asig h eaiad as usbai, aletach each lest, pu Heb. 12. 1, 2. very satisfactory, and the words May, hlm and the uines behind.suhamessw oigcobr - - ... Chumcç. My 'Tiger kncws! Why, lae's thbe wiset log, I gumis, In ail tha worial-u iaiesëa Sonae utiaar boy like me ilas oae as Wise a,, bu! Everywhere he goas, Jaîtt wlhcn hliepassa-s l', The people saur, "Oh my, 14)\ CY0 le " ha leeli- B ait 1a i c laV t hey aare v. ra n t l'vei'ahuihm, uoh, sa)at l ii 1retail in laaok s! Has rnever craoss taa nie. B, t go-l ais gi. an bu. That a at ( '()k, Su ppoea, 1- Just buuîaa'acha' lniaev5! goî hmaI~ 'it, yoaai. aa' Ilea i v troet ,:11long, An nineveu ueiP.awronir The placei .1 i en oago. If 1 have in -mi,*banal], A tit cf lunch toeaot,-- Perhaps it'q -roething swee-t, - le knows h.'l gt bis uar An itutheri «gai n l'Il t b riait A stic k r.croaas the sîaaw; 'rheîa ike a f1aish hbas there Tu bringr it bacak to me. lia- uvla s Wise vanle, Xii oah, whait fun toay - With Tiger- every day' Queer Water Folk. Suppose you were fishing and feit a bigc tug on your line, and when you startcd te pull it in you suddenly get a pow--rful ghock cf electricity. You woulîl probably drop the line in fright and wondér wbat had takan youî hock-. Something cf that kind would happen if ycu caught a torpedo 113h. Soemetimait fisha rmen who are haul- ing in their net receive an ù-lectric h'c. Tbey know then that they have caught a torpedo lie:h in the net, anal that thea 5hock it sent out bas kiil!- (Aal al tha other flth in the net. Thse strange power cffaanding oit a strong electriat shock has lacen given te the tairpealo tish to encule it to catch the -fish it lives on, for it is a v.-ry slow aawimmne r, and coulai net avertaike aven the slamýest (if the fi-th tiiot it us;es foi food. The torpeale- fash hides ln the growth of taenweeal, andl when a fish cames alaang it senals oîut its ciarrent, which kiillai itat victins bvfore it even suspects; there fis ;i terrible a foc at hand. The torpealo fiah is a living mectric iîcttery. Whan fulI-grouva it can scnd miat shockg so powerful that tbay will severaly injure a human being. It ias caricais to) think thuat natur-, ga,'ve tii fish the power cf using ale,-- tracity thousancls of years befîîre nin aiscîîvered it anal foundj a way t,) maîke i light hi-s houses anal driva street cars foîr him tu ride in.-Youth3 ('ompanion. 7032 On'e oflthe New Bordereti Voiles. ed in more vivid tene, and some par- ticuiarly effective hopsackirag la plain colora and plaids wbich may be used fer street suite or sport skirts or j Silk Suitinga Popular The naw silk suitings, fraille, and the numencue other twilled ilika, tus- sahs, gros de Londres, and heavier nlbbed siîks are very much tiie vogue. tTlaese ilîks are partlcularly well suit- ed te the full ekirts of the moment, affonding the bouffant affect, and lend- iag themeelves meut effectively te the cordinge, quillinge, pleatings and similar tnimming notions now smart. Teesilk suitinga coma la ail shades oftan, buif. blue. rose, mauve and, wena inflictaad on haî'oic Beîgium and gray'. gained for ber theadaimiration and 1 Taffetas are being ueed coasider-' symnpathy cf the whola world, presm ahi>' for suit purposes tee; there are! te-day, and with levan greater crueit>' quantities of plain taffetas being used' on Serbia. We appear te have achiev- la combination witb bayadere effecte,1 ed a kind ef selttnry eminence et mlis- white stripes on black, blue or green fortune..- groundsi. Checks and stripes are pan-i '<Al (baâtt haecurageouis Belgian tîculani>'smaina ataffetas. Pemp people 1usd ao put up with et the adour taffetas will be ueed generally hande et our terrible cnes>' we can for wrape and the triminig et suits.j understand, for we lint'unn hava had Light colora wili predominate la these te sustain each et thein triais; we have'suits as la tbe woel iîxtures. It may sulitteti, and will have te submit to ho safely @,id dhat the. siik suit will double cruelties. Firtqt, becaume (ho ho the matasta>' et sprlng and caria' Gemmas bad te avange the defeaib uve summer. had lnlictad on thes lni the falioetl Tise Novelty Coltne 1914, and, secondi>', because the laws 1 There le ne paucity of novelties la et nature proe miore particularly the new eprng andi summer cettons; Upon us. thea' are most charming, hotu ln celer- "Beiurn, for exemple, bas found ing acd design. Voile tloris the bas la tue liberty et the North Ses n o f tue majenit>' et these fabrics; tuer. lber rsliways, hon opta frontiona, her proXlMity te France aad England, retregt aimeat easy. Serbia faced ha' :tour *rmles, bae -no rallways, in imol-- ated tu-om the. ctvllimed world, witu meuntaslcouo oada (bat are little bet- - ter tban tmafll and wbicb the raine of - fali and the snows et wlater non- der euïbrela' uselees. How -shall we metfr. le gooti order ila acountry wblcb il& partia'inuna8ted frein tue- torre~ap49#ç"ding froni tue moue- " ilde* lut. i àïv*feys antiparty tn.o on beeoun t a brpt and d«1M ék? oeoewhltberO 41 bel., nttus la Our situa- ' &bout a lu &s go,. "W.fl Mil haot « 1 lu Sw 1 'Iett a* W-v affl Lime Wu .AWU M ly 1 t eun mmet',Wî0, I tac atn caduaar.ed it ten be qulte genogral. Ill-treated--Tbe I sageznizing mmet.Wiiit'sare la , nadu1 lasean'grains cf vinegar te telte n o Verse 1. Assurance-Of vanieus word recurs in Heb. 13. 3 ana lIIeb. lie beait te driva straight ahead, in the ilinees that greati>' depressea the sys- raainhhoa era iotra eu ande readeringa of this somewhat doubt-'11. 26.- hope of being able te neach the op-t-em, ma>' prepare the way for pneu- aitqurather Ail aeg t ansorand> fui word-which oceuna ia Heb. 1. 3 8 . ,wrh cri se c-poseitrench befora the enemny Cao monia; it oftan occurs in the course a qter uncooke a e subjdinrl as "substaace"-the beet seoine te be tom the subeon8clousnees of this un- ra'ach hie own; or te direct a* branach of typhoid fever, or after a sertous ae auggested by a legai use fouad in wontbiness which prompts the uvorld sap uadet' the other, and blow him surgical operation, and somaetises itwot an>' inconvanienca to the papyri. The deeket ef papers in a te be cruelleet te mon and womnen f an into et'ernity? bnings a case te a fatal terminiation same procose." A litre is about a quarat, andl ton public office, bearing on the possession aboya its own standard. Sometises a French sapper bas'(bat wouldl athorwise have ended inan n r qiaett bu w of laad, was cailed by thi. word, which 89 Witness borne-The word cf sualaenly tound hie pick go thnough a reccvany. graas are u ivlntt aot w ans-wered etymoiogicaliy te the Lat- Verse 2, repeatod at the end as a thas- thiai layai- cf eartb, and la>' open dia !0f course, no one can have pnaeu-tesofu. la substantia: the papers 1subtanti- as that is 00w proved. Raceived net end of a Germait gallery. If men are anenia unlas e h is infected with the - __ at.d" a claini. Faith accordingi>' is- -For the beet is always yet te ae; bus>' there ha le detected, and a microbe of pneumnonia; but that, un-1 Tnuth Crusbed. the "title-.deeds" cf our premi3ed poenly imperfeet religions place their primitive, hand-to-hand srgl otntl' sawy thnray Witie-How do you like my aew session. Throughout thus chapter wa igolfien age ia the past.. talces place in the dark, narew cav- te perfons its part. Pei-fectly weli bat? find it descrtbing the. spiritual faculty 1 '40. The thought that we nover Can ern, foilcwad quicki>' b>' a terrtfic people are able to nesist it, and the Hubby-Weli, my dear, ta> tell you whicqi enables its pessessor toi trant be -fully blest talla hb are ail blessed o.xplosion, and a miore considarable beet waapon against pneumonia i8 a the truth- the unseeo n d etili future good as a together inspires Paui's magnificent and bloody encouat'er out in the open, ",geod physicat cendition.' Ail disease Wifie-Stop right there. If you'r. present realîty, whea guaranteed by pictune cf the destiny et creation la 'ovenhead, i germg are ccwards, and hesit.ate te going- te talk that way about it 1 God'o'promise. This le quito distinct Rom. 8. ,«Thou wouldst net be saveal Fros the trancîtes uvhcnce theaiat-1 att.ack a system that is prepared te don't want te kitow. f nom Paul's use of '"faith" as trust, or alone"-Mntthew Arniold's address te tack bas bean planneal the men leap offon stout rasistance; but et the lenet - James'. as creed. Conviction- his grent father-has the widest pos- over their parapets, race dowai into weakening cf our defenses, the>' are' ,.Test" (margin). The. Greek is blen- sible application. à the crater and up the othar side, and up and et us in oea fors on anothen.i It is a long tima ince Peter Pindar chos, which becamo a tochaical tenin - 12. 1. Witaessee-Not spectatons. thare att'enpt te hoid the edge againet The pnaumonia gens le a veny ferm- woe-"aet u ofnad for die metbod cf Socrates, whO ex-,The word is attacbed closely te the counten-attack until it con ba provid- Idablaeasnemy; it ina> be called the bil e nil, ne doulat, -and aven>' gin, se posed shain knowledge of crosa-ex- keyword et the. iset chapter. The- ed with a parapet and made an in- siege gun cf infectios us s. -mry nw n u. amnination. Faith la accordiagly the great naines there have received uit-'tegnai part ef the firrat-line trench. We muet be caneful te avoid ext- fnculty which can aift thinge unseen, ness frein inspiration that theyinay- It will titan becemne a siight senat, 'poaune te cold and wet. Cold, wet Agent-"WIiat\vas the matter with and select tiiose which are real. The. stand on the roll of exampies tei man- datîget-ous ln itzeat, buat censtantl>' feet snd damp skinte or trousers are your mest place?" Domestic-<The chapter is te show how the men and kirnd. Inthir ur they wîtness cf- threatening te the enemy.1 the eager allies of pacumeonin, and couple 1usd only been married a month, women etftth. canonlzed past,-im, the power cf that facuît>' by which: If botb antagoatts-at firàst oniy se ara long, cold rides in a sbarp, driv- an' I couldn't stand th' love-makin'." menseiy tilferent la character and they did their deede. Lay "sde-The 150 f rom eneh side, peîrhaps, but very lng wlad. That dees net sean that Agent-'Weil, here's a chance in a sapiritual aciievemet-exhibited this figure ef the footrace la this verso quickly reinforced-geta into the cra-lwe muet shrink frein gcing outdoors bouse wbere the couple bave 'been faculty et verifying- promises trUIY in a ltnk witii Paul, whose perpetual tan together n frighttul etruggle will in the cold season, fer winter air'le married tan years." Domestie- fromn Goti, and wiien verifieti acting use of it le ciiaractqnisticet hie live- ensue; and it as> continue for hours,!an excellent toaic if wve are properly «'Tbnt's toc long. I likes peace and upon thein as r*ealzt assets. j y sympathy with everythlng tint was1 or giva rime te repeated cou nter-ait-t dressed te face 1t. But we.t fret are quiet." 32. Gideon. the noblest et the Jud- jiieeitii in ether people. The weight itackis. neyer, unavioidable as long an rubbers- gos, illustrates verse 1 p»culiarly. Be- jg iniardly superfiuous fat, et which c Bombai, Maxims, rifles, the bayenet,- are ciieap, and young womea wbc> go' Patient (te pretty nurse)-"WiIl fore the. "test" et faith 1usd put thse 'modern athleto wouid tiiink; it ilerni- and aven spades and axteinpenized about in rain and snow la thin sllk yeu be my -wife when I recover?" divine leading beyond queston he was ther ctothing,, whicii a Greela gyinast c lubs, are ail broughfr into play la this steekings and pumpe must blase Pretty Nurse--<'Certainly." Patient- timiti and healtant as a captaln should, (es the word itsii implies) put away! nialee, and il, in, perbaps, the smilieet themeselves for say illness they may '<Thon yeu love me? -'"Pnetcty Nurse- b. who la te a'lsk, lives on aforlorn altogetiier. Th ini in lahnilarly pic- weapon-the hand grenade, which contract by such carelesmneas. "<Oh, nol Tliat's merely &,part of my hoe. Once assureti he en treat hie tured ne a graceful robe wiiich "close-1 bursa into a bunalred ragged-edged Otiier thiage that prediepos. te treatanent I muet keep miy patients COntemptIble littie atmY aS an ai- ly clings to us" (Msrgan). PatIenc-, fr4ggents ef cait irnr-that is the pneumonta -are excessive or limproper cheertul I promisod this morning te ready viétorlous hoat. Barak la mn Radier, endurance,- which shouid belt meat deadly. food, stufYy bedrooms, Udttgue, wheth- rudr awsy with a inarnied man wbe example eoftii. sanie kinti et faitis On substituteti everywhere exeept in -.e____ r froin worl< or frein pleâsure, ani, hmd lest hotuhbie legs." a amaller meale. Samson, whom we places like James5. 7, 8, where a word lteIUh - -- ---.-- - ---____________ must not endew wlth MUtoe gran. descrbing "tong-mhdednets" occurs. ti F aih deur, telle us how laltu coulti work It us important te keep the close con: "UnIU&n nature Îa a strange thiag,n in a man eone talent; h. really be- neetion with endured iu verse 2. IYS the man with the. ajtittide for o dr e"4 S c s f lieveti that hie ati IAYinthe1 2, . "ho a perfeter-For'utterlng platitudes. "Now the thingst o o h u c s f hairst 'oie i at>irte nw,,.aithin qmncStiued,&M eded that amuse me doflot amuse you et anti put forth that s wtbto thie n hlm hoeeeanhiy lite was the aIL"*W y I htWIIc W ue sO ruin .oftth. tee. 3ptbh a-mer. aupreme exampIe 0of g, anti bis living "Qu»te> Vie," replies- bie frIend& h lsIt htW l Wsé sO robber cptain, accepted- vlctort as Spis-It the O0S puvel'thnt eaun pro-aecmpmtm NoM ,"t r-y 'r., usS-ed by thé terrible prie. h.et-4of.' s.I!, pro,>,f5 l *IV amuses me; tô sé WtQat Ye n larteI "Bu thr, reclneu Us.e.NoRoMmIlad prag s -EnMy IUme. fero& ,anti »uvS dr«md et wlt- Jésus, toe &»artps realize the Un- amuseti hte- thbg that. amuse buMdiag thi e . É«wbluà lin toeyr b h. itiln 00V&, dset bis &M&s Y"' "Ia iij ntlîe yf>ed«13c s eo bis sup034rlo -:- tide- irs re W Of N1[lvuti ote My Mu Sq 'flue t cgn .tC&NrY be is a tmt1shRnt i*bybed lr - Mipmiu I tw, Iv 'f , of,- m#n.tt.es &ét tbm~~_iî Ulmebllfl shaelta 1 s qe stLelal.pesp u olve bl ibresd'ase,.ê l yf~~t~ Itde thaf rodee a anof m3%«W .s.a mud amevuri, uupou'.4.4sollv-'-AmImooui Ini:hu à w Stbi04 spr.gM 0 o oM j _1014 tuthr ~totra ss* shls ars.Ealt~,~bptof.b mmsa' wu te se. «M» luVeaswbeiéyes uI h et u lo.0 qas iu&1stmuctoie et1.osl meug e*.f lý O "**MtdpV t&aw Wid 'm W the 'wl*<'Ai or IF - 1rêt a' i'.' g, 1;~ :1 '1 ai r-' 1.w~ 3 4% 4-'- ~ t est 'rradîc Exibftloai cver limcd 1', iai' ganlzed fur 1017. Thei bufflirîg, Il - %NIllaiden Green, LoAtelota, 11, 1 lCci rr %%-Ill ost $1 ,000,000i. S<inectilafîg laa« ILqi iiet trendes, n-iiebî rt'prc,mwn 1<4i. ao stlanuJoate lutecrest tluBruii.-, lt- Ij ut action, îîad niaiSe a tun t, FIGIiTEN( IN THE Y1IV5. BriSl)Descript ion of the Wîaork cf t he t4appers and Miners. 1

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