Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Mar 1916, p. 4

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PÂGp~Jlomt THURSDÂY. MARCU 2~ 1916. Ultoîi&I comats Barleycoris hold upoir tlie 11'fe 3" resources cf the Province there lis littie The - doubt. Tefutu'4-poet laureate may at this * . Moment be enrolled as a& pupil of Wbit-1 btyem rac adotaan ly ig-Schooi. At al evente, thWe bytmeane avcae n Hlghelectors'are Jublant over thie announce- ~#rtin o th 'Shol Mrro" ffodsment tu ttie Speech from the Thýrone IL heaP Of fMnr and an outiet for poetic f lai a PleblecIre, on Provinlcial P>robiii- * aspratins.1 tion %ould be takeri. Thc WhitbY tiom 9 lb a 0 -The great batte ai Verdun wtll go0 down in history us the most sanguin- ary of modern times, If not In ail bis- tory. The Germans are maklng a tre- melidouis dying struggle: one wblch, If lui a worthy cause, would win tbem un- dying faîne. Aithaugli there may not be much saad about it publiciy, il la kîîawn ta a few tbat sbeli-maklng Is being car-' cied on quietiy In Whitiy. As fac as learîtec, femnale labor aniy fa employed. We personaiiy kîrow ai ane mati lIant wire e wenty-flve femaies are ai work. 'l'inse shelas. fil-d ready for use,. selI asi; o% as 37) cints per dazon fresîr laid. T]*v ucs-5tr>rt (' ofmînr ru" s i-. c- î'ntil)if nt (tn a prublic irai -ir-irSa anrd So du.'s ntntr-i lil Ilt (s îtdr-- stooci, of corurse-, r tatI nlevr-r matnu wrlraofi-rs Listn.-elfi.-;s settu cdi tui tr, Putbleic iîy titi-iknotmnu taI -1ira ias been iiabIl- tri m, il te-mi-dîcal t-. rîMinaîboîu. and tiav I iirk n iantîn- meni are shilkrs Il m-outîcist--masn Ilu anuicibe ui> murfaru unueti as off er. itnd aire i tcr-d dom-ilfoc sains. slgli ph alenti defecui, tran i tir-btircii ehwAru-(I he miade aarnu or- aiv h .- I an- l untri si nal lack oai jinipost,- aid %%1 ltnus' '0 tbelr Kintg andi errnrry trimI tir--l'a uleit-aauhùnuru'If thurr' art i> n \ îIit- iry boys inmuIli.,, lai-s.liih- lirulrr-r ru i 1 If teOsoand- strn- 0 0 0 I'îr l it i I .-un (s i l nit' ms. r i 1 it i1uar ti. e ii i(t ii l'. ni-' . tro ruîu ii- tiii uoniItr- ilivoqm g ortii i oigsa nnîn Tt"ný-dýuy inîrsîn d inn r-c tlint înulrosc osut r Usi rrnmiiIoti surf mil a Iînl>ir-l'- i o ni inn- trcnfn i i- tal t anuuu <i acly daI-. 'l'iis rîrit ai thue mlgirty unixr-î-îi itînat was ar-r ai faitmaitAul timu b) t Iii- mganri zatlit of tire ('anuîilr-- uu o iti-t- luintirs-t ira.s ,'xpet-e.d lu s-r-mA d noramly linr'as silile for ui-îy titnieriiî-iit ta ignore- a demanci made tny ltnrdeds -tri ilaîrsand aiftluclan-s. Il ruas tIlînunglîIt liaI tic Gavs-rniiiutitIntgbt decide ta, eubmit to the Legisiature a prohlbitory, Iaw. Tbiey have, however, chosen Io lay the anus of supli radical legisIat ion tipon the electorale, w here It rîghî ly be- longs. And no one, cari blame îhem. It is now up tr t,- lie elîoPs. That they will overw ltlInil-,I smash nid Johnj G and Pai-i I NCONNECTION with I nstalled an up-tu-date pert body painter in chargt to do ail kinds of body pail and sleighs, etc. Oct Our ,The driving se-ason is are thinking about putting winter. Run it in and hav so, as leaving the dit-t on s We are prepared to ov and can also store cars toi Our Garage Is Ileati SATISFACTION Wu Je LUI làd. phone 12 WHI1 *1~~. TII IRE perance forces have worked nobly lit tire cause af local option foc Whitby and ln aecurlng signatures ota he pe- tition. te be presertted next weelt ta tic Legisiature. Though d~eteated in ab- tainuuig local option here, the "drys" were flot discaîiraged. and naW thial this larger and Miller mea.aure af re- lief ia ln sîgbi. îhey rejoice ihat lhev wilI so soon have the opportuliYty t do their bit in the death siruggle wtb the trair as a legaiized instituition af unr Pravlicre. Iiinnr on. w,îiîb ather tetrpertine- Nd' ocl'. r 'elrotfle the prospect of Iî ilebisc te nlipon rt quiest ion oi Pro. \vnitl l'rahliiontlf. During tire eigh- 1.11 01.1 ýv- haP cotitrotlld a i ~?~rntnun EX'f WW I LLNFISS. AGRICULTURAL CLASS BANQUET. sense of the Word. A large and atead. by choie« a cad; by accompltlimeflt an. A sad dèath occureed ln Manchester gie teS OrtCurse ln AgleC - 1 ily Increasing multitude of peopleamiailvby tralnjng a murdéper. o ody, lur 8 fIaCcl A gvm o thefottin Cfnihig ouliwa drik bt o cod wteratRis c~ rigin is a vii; bis pedigree onMnaPe.ay2 fM Cclature by the clama banquet iteM ri111i mels ~'îaî~~118 duaton he -ws FalOn, belçved wife Of Wm,,,Quinn. town hall, at Port Perry, on Thurda 4 Paeof tea, anrd if anything enjoy bet- suckled on' sin. his horne la bell; tr fIhvltnMche Flln Aou evetypesnssa17w.t ter health for se doing., Then, what primitive ra.ces regard him with hor- a .iaughte ftelt ihe aln bu'eet esn a ont abot te bllins batgo p i amkerorthemos maagepeolest.ui îom nd wus well and favorabiy known ln delightfully aerved menui, which was abou th bilion tha goup I sm le m o ith lom;tthlnge ebrsu crton Whitby, having been educated In the thoroughiy enJoYed by the clasa mem- 1'ifteen billion cigarettes, two bundreOi la hie Stterior; ferociaus animait; arepulcnd igSholhe. Abt mers and their iguests. Proper ïwords and twenty million pounds of smoking lèes dangerous; the v1per le le8savie- eleven yearti ago she was married to of acknowltdgement and appreelal oli tabacco, and elght and a half billion ci- Ion"; tie most foui are lèeatho :Wmn. Quinn, and went to Myrtie ta rb were tendered to the ladies of tire the most indecent are aèeosee ide, Where ber iusband-was connected Mehodist Churci for- the excellent wfly1 gars were made in the UJnited States-vrI leas obac. e ee with the -Grand Trunlé Railway, but in which thie banquet %waf prepared andq alon iaa yer. Hit bilionpackvermn lsa rpugant.He a deoidfor tlie past few years they have iivea ere agoe s icewing gum werellmnupack- af humiiity and humnor. pity and piety, ln Manchester. Mrs. Quian was a kind fer tesue waaec ostns ags f hein gmwee anfa- ahated hismnrs;ahiochabs: are>and sympathetic womnan, a good mother Atrte u5irgseIarg andas tured last year ln tie United States..landefaithful member of (lie R. C. ap-ter Tipper took ciareoalrgan i pearance deceitfui; he la known by andafihu ebro h .C varied program. A pleaaing feature in Neithertobacco nar gum cati be calls.d his amell. Cburch. Her death was sudden, abe connection with the evenings praceed-j a neceaaity. There la no dÃ"ubt we are 14e has siain tihe pick afie ran- having b4eIl 111 with la grippe only a 1tinge was the making of a preselitatiOn a very wasteful people. The rnoney haod; lie has aone ta deat-h our few ds.>s. Hec condition waa nat 1ta Mr. R. M. TIpper and Mr. Steckley. spen: ln tiquerr, talacco. cbewlng gîrrnbiravPet: lias tortured aur brothers, !ia thaugit ta be seriausa until Saturday the class lnqtrrîclors. - The presents crî,efIned our beroes. maltreatesi ir aunght. when she toak a chill. and an wee given by the class ln token aofaav- and tea and coffee wouid pay ail the cwîîtireul: masicred oaur non-combal- Manday mocning aire pa8ssd away. lirecialion of lire rinstInîed service %xpenses aiofthre war, If saved. For oui %lnts. He has siink our passengt-r sbipsr Hec audden de-ath will bt a shack la renders-d. 11r. lTI)ppr recelvt-d a sîlver ,)art, we are wiliino, ta give up whlsiyey, withi.tit mfercy or warning; lie as ber many triends ti Manchester and cseoe and Mr. Steckir'y a pair of tobacco, tea and caifee. and even gum. slrelled defenceles villages; laid dt-so- Whitby. She leaves to moîîrn hier bs gMold ciii links. Bath gentlemen m eers. laie peaceful cotinicy-sldr-s: made wac r le ber husband. U4reesnalcii-'omewhai takeri back by tiIs iunexpri i 3,ù000 aIrer citizens or Wiritby 'silwitli Intention (n wamerî and clilîdren. ren ageT'fflhie. six and V e-,ears, five dknesbtlyrpldsrial joi lis ý'omPared wiirlitaii the Th (,ý s a ie-sîst(,e and ~two brothlef& The furieral ta the address ct-ad ta rhemn. sirable citizen: tr sasI sa ce- hbij on tWednesdymonnfo -o-- ___spetatheem as<i' rscirîaîaly'tre heG. T. R.tp-town station, urpon thc -;Am. l4tLEY TO ASSSIST IN RE- Whitbybl ufmçi uteriiný'nt-arvlo tiie ô.19 ri ri rc5,- RIIG -ppeai to 'W ' - ' 'ome the tic dîîton and thl:crîrial.are c. lie tancoiMnh- ,CrorgFbury7 rSnil ell ( ter to he PC. btîrch. iii urment %%as by Lt.-CoI. A. A. Cockburn. IH leeviiness cries ta Heatveiifor P,,,i- ma-, in hr..('em-ter.cDudley, ibeîrai nonîloe fo the.Clias ilhnivnt: is sins sink inru the nos- - -nn frNert1hrrm1erland Cut.la il, SL je SALE!: i-EIlt AIYSIlIOtL iREPORT'lS. mmcd t1e 1391h bNorthumnberlandBa \ui El. 1 1 ( 1itory for oaverso-is s-r ice, and iill «t., iv Ai. pi, . K -,r~. si s in r.-u'riittng ai (almorne. Mc. l)tini- NEW nensîarr 011IbS I'ru'inice 've have LL-Cal. A. A. Cockburrr. Officer Coin- irils: lie la soclly's paciab. lunianî- c r'is<-m r x ~id rrr.-.s:i -I frnchriii.liitg the new 18znd Battait-n itys oirlaw- clvîlî-tîonsrîse-.-:mu sNuicb m-111 be caised lu Ontaria Coun.-.Iîityas leper: tb'- vrd lsbniaclI: tbe il irrîrur rc;i ad slwa>Ssfoigbr i L>, held a confecence an Wednesday s»aMn aOfblL Ar-\i lits iplot against lac v. e bl" rîi <orscien- t.scîîlag lasu. witin the executîve 01. the 'nzinkid lias faileci: bis attaci- on Liii jurîsiN l~lg ubr- ratP.c. w a've xe i l tby Wac Relief Society, latri ici erty lbas bet-enirrstrateci: lil bld for1 ire laid befoî-e thai body the need ai ar- w'rld.dominatqon bas been beateni; he .tI nt', jiirrjo ' ed cordial bitsi r&ang111È foc ibe accommodation of tire ha., shot bis hait arnd mtased lis mark,. ree elations', milli hleilkeepers an ' ne" (il L'lebaitali fti in MWitby, santd nw au-ne aboi-irs'sia ;rin- is!~ lIer-rst' bolders. \N*t-regret ibai ithe Lt iai tutaurri 5ui t trin e de- s-re akir hrtflthrln i inralel rnad'o Ire -Ietec tunni t ed-utu> iiuite vhiîoy [tire fleaCiquacters feelings,-"trot liiiliatlng bir b alf- ut tetocfleBattalion, ana ne moula not he beaced eîeeî ir reot (tiltsa inar.cal I turusome oai anc succesfui ii is wock 'itiaut. liep-ae triiei imrdni-gliors Ii e'er~cae îactielt and moat active support aif \one'.c, îh Y irave cl-ast-n. ini engapgînE ail the citîzens ai tire tanufi. Reccultiag A CHANCE FOR THOSE GOING, trirIr bs tr"'ss Lake %xvbaievec cisk lac tire BItalaioiibeglîrs on Marchista, WEST. in theand wbenIL ît taia strerîgli thece will HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS. -~rstr t din rtfe posultiliiY (f son'( <be nuearîy 70te ut tht- innstationed ai C. PR. baysieen irrofitabiefct "tm' 'l' ty lire ircabîrni af pravidirg huard and Homeseekeca excursions ta W'esterni la'r 1el ai rofi ac ifonrîre pt-ouI' sa lçgiirgs for tîrese ilt-il 15a seriotns une, Canada at laov faces via Catiadian Pa- iia%#, iadil. nd f n*,% he SaYaia lilN as Ioi arrive ai a solution (of IL iflc eaclr Tîussday, March 711r ta Ocra-1 "'ve, carrnt 1o119r talerai. the liard- ta"i Lu.-('ui. ( oi'Rbir i sauglit the as- bec 3lst, Inclîusive. Parlîcrulars froin ~~titii5 ~ ~ ~ oj nur usstituC rrris try si-sialce uofIre ladies. lie ilaced he- any t'aniadian Pacifie Agent. or W. B-. and rcttu' lst u ngagu c tir 11 cudeluitrt ii-au fie Lit v-iCy ai sicuinrg !n 110ward. DiQti clPrîssenzair Agent. To-ý atilst vnugl ar-îradjgiui i-n ietradeadi rtCe bililetsfi tnt eould be elainied courto.-6 %a uit-av ')k;ill iln reqi-re~rd - eaomodationrai-of.- lu)~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~0 nutrtdîiii sInui lnra'd w eil Iîîuu.îils rî1.t1cil-vcilizcn ut Ira ,1l<(IT ON 't iI- I!I NG LINE. if u lîrra a' t bm- i du i n c itris rau luost i i.. . 1iii l elp. Ilr may 1W-n- 5.10 âil aSt (ut ltui asactîlnce Pie. Artiirc i- ii tirsarIn tecesl Y rtimusw ic trsiii soat-casi s ru aceaumadate the sald- itmg leter ( to inrrrr.i-r. Mcs. J. hean. * trs.butui- reedtsimperative. If MWh 11byvparts of x -uare bî-rewitii ni~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i s -i'nrtodiî -udy n ra itlN1 0retainltie headquarters rîîiotcd: a tirtlic aitalian, tir enî must. be ac- "Afler a sIrell of foiir days In lire coridaîed, anrd IL.xould be a decldedit rebes 'vi-aret nul fcrfouir days. anrd itiiis riri an rîr,-y tixrle. îrt r-ia.-uirrur li)()nîtil t mix irîeapie 'er-e to-day I arn mess otur-ry and su tuai igood s-racrnd gondb 1siess t--ilreY i'ai ta came farwacd with affers mIL easy. W(- art- di fendtng a tari iii l toc-tre the\ar tse tnd.'d even tire bhum- UP ta 1theîecessary ct-uurement. The finire in the trerees. anrd 1 gat 01r.- hIeýt 1ljet o te epie %illfel Ilepri-serce af a body aofrmen ai suci aum- Ipcetiv goaci scare,. I r stndng hnet nricc u (ir <-ine il l-e tt-bers cepresents a very large ildaife for îaîkîng ta a fellaw oni sntry aad ai iýtcaIn. imhile liruse iinimore affuent cr thet-iwi, buit apact fr-arn (is aspect siieli called a "ii-bizzbang" came u'er cuisiaaces iill -be squeezed with 'var ai the mailer. lu. 15 oaly a demanrd for- and expiac.ed about lea yards awav. tax. or incarne tax, or have ta C0119g1 practîcal patriatisin iliat is made. We 'vere bath splasined witb mud and If must be recagrnized au. once that If beface we gai ulader caver two mare ibg strare af their profita. one ar- lie menr cannot flad accommodation in came avec, buti (bey 'ers. lucher away. griment la favar of îprohibiionfl t he wbîtby. it wiii be tiecessar>- ta ronrov 1 went oui in a iew minutIes and dug liqîtar iraffle durciag the 'var lsta athie thein ta sane communîty wviece ibey up the nase af the shell and naw have -.î'uî a miilns uaybesavd. We eanasecuire sufficienu. haspitality. Tiere- Il witb me. Tîîcy camne avec lots ai ,,%a;leof mllins ay b saed. fore mI Is Incumbent upan Whiîby ta 'lunes but you can'l aIm-ays get them. iieartlly app#rave ai ibis, but are tiers. seize the- oppactunIty suhile Il la at "I hear thai Henry Ford la wiilinig nat alier luxucies whtch mugit be eut hand. ta heu. $1.000 (bat the w-ar ta avec by aif" Take lea and caff ee, foc Instance. Al persans 'via are willlng tai pro- Jane. Weilif haxybady takes hlm up. Millons af manoy are spentinlatiese.iv Ide board and cooms for (lie saldbers I, hope he 'vins lita bet. i have seen af the 182nd BatWlion when required. enougli aiready ta sattsiy me, althougi are asked ta communicate ai once wftl 1 arn here ta sîay ta the finish If pas- Mca. J. E. Willis, Bell phane 33 r 3. 1 sie. One ai tire 35ii baya wiro came -a- -out with us 'vas tak-en siek 'viile in STANDARD BANK HAS PROGRESS England and was In thie hospital foc about f wa montra. He camne out irere - IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS. lwa or three week8 liga vile 've were Atinuai Stalemenh shows great mn- on aur cest. Weil, he 'vent Up Into -A R iILG Eicese of depositsdurigyear, whlel(' rec es andtihe ev.-ning ai tire ceptonaly trog. ecod vry gati tht i, apaý fitat goes down -the ying b th te abarehoiders and pu le oad about are mile t a cing up_ý>e - Atiaugh the abnarnial conditions rafions, and Just as ire 'as Ieavinrk l'e thai have prevailed in tihe commercial, 'vas sîcuck by a buliet. Il went tirqugi nlt S h o pil,- inancial and lndustrl wocid during both legs. 1 guessa ta will keep hinn tie pasi twelve nnontswouid nvýturai1y out for thie ceaI ai the 'ar. Somiq ai lead ane to expoct a curtauîment of tho boys saad "Lucky fellaw." Wien business, and a seriaus falling off In they beard afiit. A iellow who gels5 Il lie earîriags of aur banking iThautu- In (ho legs la iucky. and only a rifle bill- t our new garagye we have tuons, yet thse Ainniai Statement et tise let, 100.- You abauid have seen the pantsopm t1n x Standard Bank of Canado, ~as othJe imess somebohlls made yeaterday e, and are now prepared atiether calumu of t.bs paper, notwith- put a bole about 15 feet wide and6 intig o auts, &rriges standing (home conditions, shows mark- ted deep In (lie grc>und, and &-bout 50G, .ntin on atoscarnaes Imprevemeat lu ail1 the dcpartments'or 600 yards away te earti faimly of tho Bank's businems4 and the-ateaciy moves. Those are thse bigit. explosive progreas and etrength 0f (bis efiCiently shella. Then 1 was watciiing some1 managed Bazik. trench mortars going over lto Fditzle Thte depesits now amnt t1$309;3o9,. at ught. They 'veigi 66 pounda(sOMe Pri ces 060.77. and èhow au increase durIing th,! 33 ponds), and wlien tbey land they put year et $6,058,944.00, indicating the ". t tnp a column oif dirt'about 36 or 40 foot about over nowund yu bOfd d onlldeuce enjoycd by tintr(ho air. Ifon of (hem ever bit g your car .away for the afordlng a atriklng avidecc of the' SO YOu see a rifle bullet la a piaything ve it washed before doing rajuidly accumuIaUng wealth of the 1 boenlmaed wlth tbOde' pois te vrnih.Dominion. t "On. cf the moat interesting sighfs poils thevarnish.Another featuie tWa gtbet.l te Sateh au autlttcraf( gun fiin.- ierhal ailmake of crs, errd to 1e oxoepUouMalsrongpVo> t lin fer(>planîtŽ." verhul ll akesof ars âsion in which the bwnk stads am te-I wînter. -pr4S both Its cash reseryet and u« M EPR EXCURSIONS TO lare umofJM148s.oo, or over m LA» Or,0FWHEAT. ed and4F.7eProofits de0Sit& 1%e oeearaejn XCUVSIOM te Western EIUARANTEED. e adviçd t therof 8%, t ut càr$24Uca, wTedm aMuhhteOtoo aMide 100000,00 as pmntoyIum oe Po> £117 CW<taa paçide .4&«t4. or W. B. sAble depreclation l ca erlUesbMby HROWÃŽi4, fltri*t asee Almifft, TO' the .baktea fib t. $16,MOO0to 1r=10<.- 4. - ~the Omor cisPeil= PU&F o vu.pq U forwaat tii. by M Of iof po t u rev ellphoo x thenocaat&CtWAUa . 28UG**, . SON~ ~~o emlatetbCmaWpMsb a, W~?5T Fday's game In Oshawa, wbenl BeieylUi Won bY5 to 4. The local teami vsano playlflg Its best, and the gamegt timei was rather selow. The visttoTa dufenCo .was ver y stxông, e8pccll the oiiýer Osawa led at the end of the Drst per bod 2 to 1 and ]Belleville ln the aecofl( 3 to 2. Both teams tinisbed streme, hd lat goal being secùred by OshawiL SALE RÈ2GISTER. Monday, Mardi 20.-AuctiiOE sale oi farm stock and. Implemeflti. tbi prop erty of John 'Gordon, lot 15, -c*n.I2, Eaai Wbitby, mifr north of cemetery. Sle-al one o'clock sharp. Jas. Bi-shcp. Suc tloneer. Wednpsday. March g8ib.-Etmsf1v' auclion saIs. iofrsoes, fifty head of -caf fle, comprising dairy cows, tw@ Yé'0 aid and yearling helfers andi steetE tweflty-lVe hogs, Ixnplem«lits, etc., a lot 14. con. f;. Pickering ( Tfhéwes of GreenwoOd) thie property ef-OltVe I-lenny. sale at 12.30. Seëé llli. W B. Powell, arictiofleer. Saturday, March 4.-AulleO sale 0 l'arm stock and implemetits. the prol rtv or W. J. McDonald. lot 10. con.1 Pickering. 20 cows of good mllkiný qîia-it4,.4-vea trynt 0e Tu. r. N n-llly rusa hi iuit rseita mrc, tltni aIng t-i c-y indication eait bil tu.a gou Ni E.II M ii u nir, 1). lavecy -1' i wtt b lihir. Iraail signid tip. 1) r. F. I ýtrjy sýe-ci.ut w-ht-npu ic th ie tes, Mlltre. rTL1-. ai ('aClbane.liras joins-ci mre(,niy t-pravi '. ispracui<-ttlN atel% ti Jr. 1*1 -I. il1ircsati. L gg. î. pi-.139tb itatIcry as surcgreon ta fil nbî- îfinuictînt af lie excera-tve raina la.sI Sr. Il- S. Ers-ineu., T, llnri o, vraaY ae ased by tir .arnes N. Rtclr- year a large s-motitioa grain aprout- Hall. S. Rlobrctson. actis, WIarkwarut. ir- aving for Eng- t-d, ihich thuîs deýstroy.m mi for aeed. Jr. ll-W. Thomînstn. M. Hrinansd itandi r-be utcreuli aioit(, 1?tb is rrorm acmnirs are therefarc- adî--ýd ta harî H. jatmet, eqîtal, D. Todd. ne1 y 1 î.t771.hrir seeti grain tlbouKýiii trstfd andi Sr. q H. Richrardison, M. WiIli-rais. i f uhîs le nul dans. iîiey ruuuthe risk ai H. s--îiaîELLEVlltAE 4, OSHAW-A 4. :rfat less by aviiig roor erapa or no~ .-c. [rimner-G. Rogers. E. Todcic. ' B elleille, February 25fh. -Osirawa's cropsratIali. 1%t'. 1 ! OH.A. Intermediaies tled Belleville ln LientI. W. K. Kit of Torontfo, vis]!, Jr. !'cinrcr 1). Guîîyaîî M. liall.. to-nlght's game bers. iy 4 ta 4,-but bast cd avec Sanday ai (lhe home Of Mr. Loia aX. . r l-. tirs round by 9 ta 8, because of Tues- andc Mrs. P. R. Bradbiury. A Class N.a rwv I . Wtliiti. vM. ____________________ - 'THE STANDARD BANK 0F CAflADA Klocl\AND SEFD mîi; COV RSE AT t ;iIFEN I(lIV i-:î. Tit kîe. nifider tie direi-n of tlie',> H 4tAnt Meeting of the SIrareioiders of the~ Standard Bank.o I)clnacî nie-tif of ;Agricýull ii-(,, at imý t- Canada ur-hejýt-i ihi- iIr-at ice te Ba rnkt, 15 King Si. Vyst Stoar nmd-d .tirfgtng (ounr-e (s' -11 th i-îm,-.i -îe 2:ird ofi i-ebrirn 1916. A large number lit-i mu nicnîîci rîîîeci rut G ci-u iir o~nîu of Siiar, i--di-rur n'u, e r--n T "le Iri-sideni. Nr V. F-. Cuir n, look thre Ma ch 1s. -,id nd 3r . lr o iiii- 1i r and i lv - re '- -"runii-n Ma o rnili ud rd r alre a g i runîrur -rmr-im ei-)u-- inru i he shmm-iarihens the Funiy--fIna Annual lu- u facuer rucr tit ri~.iii li l - lt rt i-nmi Si Ir-nr-- -o, iie r-ik us nf th#- i tiof Jantiary, 1916, logeiber itiure. and thée iiote cohurse \%ill Il». a of i ii ti r-n oi f PButit id L-s Ar-coi-n a. hoçm iag the resulta of grean values.arnd trenefiltnt-ni. Tire'u t h, -nn.-ini' l 1me-etimngsare- b-ling euîdireted wit lu a h -rîn i r-tiitlnu shi s n-însr ytean o N089 tî r -t i l i tte Innrni.-rs ara in p r- niid nofx $m5.i058,944.tr-S ~.î tliuiîy lugi-I logthirr andd diseunas i- The 'r-i;niî r~7.îoap-i r-rnv Inmrrrnutitiîgta $3.2717631 tîroveci iethads ai carry iig an tîneir The Çii,îas -ruslnuiu iin t .53 muanti. TIre imaicrtcrn, ci-elt-kniinr Thes.Qmuck Aý-irtts show- aurinseilof -S6 and noi% sta.nd ai aurd caprable n-n, w \uai r as-iî- lr rt.- S r,141 4,R9 - nmarksu on lanformuatiun gai tnt-ed froîi i Ltrutrs tri the IP-<tiec a49i s n r-n mai $31 426.1t1i4 a ra agu. yr-ars aifr-xtert-nueingur ractientl Tire Net Profits, afternaking provision foac t-st ai manageaient, accrued uines. Inters-st au rusu.rr-nnite (if titisdirnîael and rnivIing for bs-c andi The rugam.îrbeb earrreneec ar dotIiuinm<lemi- l 1,,i i1S-~4ii. -nu -nuiiai-a1.7:9per cent an tir Wedneaday. is as flitonNicapitaior S.-ýr-t-rcp-r on cartai anda e.Tt.i's amîtn air.ded unr îhe balance Marci lI, 1.30 pm-Heavy Horst-s, ai $53.140t 63 tîroiihl frw ro1m ast sar, mates the sain of S616,542.40. Iby Dr. H. G. Re.id, Georgetow-n, Ont. ,whrcb bas.--unnnrrriii as irnias:- Four qîiant"rty* ciiidendq li te raie of 13 per ceai per s-nain 3.00 pm-SiPee, hy Mc. R. S. Stephen- ammuunag ro----------------------------------------------....o.....o son, Ancaster. Oat. 7.30 p.m.-M.leing Cnrbrc i ilcr 'nint'in---------------î, ooa addceaaed by Dr. Reidi andciMc. Steven- Contrirtuedti nnPitri-nic andi irîher l-uiid-s.s------------------------.....0 son. Onveroimeai Tix on C'u-iwai on-----------.2M.995.51S March .1nd, 1.30 pm.-Beef .Cattle, Reserveti tnr dn-jîrr--.:,nnî lnin trihte value (-,friiu u~hi lxBik iU00 by Dr. Rs.id. 3.00 p.m.-tity Catitie Balance enîrnir-t fi.nwari-----------------..........61 Fi YBakA,040.00 by Mc. Stevenson. Branches of tine itnink bave heen ii ireddrrig ih, yc-ar at-Euton, Marcc 3rd, 1.30 p.mî-Seed seleciion. Sajek.: Lamoaci. Aita.; Wunc)ler. Ont <rut-r. n Trentit. rant 1er Toronto, by Mc. H. Sicrett, B.S.A., Coiirigirt Bathurst St.. uipoitre Arthuir t--t.; Eglirnian.Nou2451 Yunge SI.. rand closed Par-n, Bigiran, ~. Iaf Cuasecoa. Ont.: Cresceat Helgirus <suri> toalganry-, AlttJ . ln n4urd <euh. Farrn Brigton, nt.aoLiadniay), lHamilton Maintala ta(ui.branchu tae<icsi rînit. (nai. (8b. ta ______ --Marirami,NMatu-era. fiai. îsub. lu Mankilani.) YORCHANCE-THE NwEsr , The aumber ai branches naw upen Js i21. CALLING. Duig h year the kinnk subscriired to the Dominioa War Loan fom $1,00,00. nd as aiote-d $8:7,90 oi acouh ofis st lscripî luna Hoineseekera excursions ta Western The usural insprection ai ie re ichn-tibas hiur-u arefrl,ru made during tbe Canada at 10w fs-mes via Canadiani Pa- year andtilI affoînîm me pIéssure tir reourd tichent-t rand efiipiay aiflire staff. tifices-ach Tuesday, M-r-ch 7th to Octo- Tire auduîrnr. Mr-. ('.rnnti'rey T. ti.inrk-mn. nrf tie firm utf('iarînv, Gardan ber 3lst, Inclusive. Particulars frorul & Dltworib. Toruonto, whose relmrîru n rîîpeaded. la nulgihie for nî-eiecttotî s any Canadian Pacific Agent, or W. B. auditor for the easuiag year. ..COAPidn How«brd, District Pasmengor Agnt.nW .CWAPoiet IGENERAL STATEMENT Rev.S. . MCorsack pssta inLIABILITIES. chre aiStGAncews Cuciptr, ln!-Notes ut tire Bankt ln circulation .... ...-------....... 3,271,763.00 chare ofSt. ndrw's hurc, W ijDeposita boaring Intoreai Iîncluding Interestat curieti by. 'visited tic membeca of is con-.i ta, date)-----------------------------------$339660 gregation la tilslaslityly st Wedncs- Depoalla nat bearlng Interest-----------------------.9112434.72 day. Mr. McCarmnack la a yotuag man 43.099.060.-7 ai pleasing pe>rsonality and Istarapldly Dlrridend Na. 101, payable Is-t Fcbrurrr, 1916----------------------.97.500.0no becomlng very popular amaaghis peo- Balances due ta aiMer Banks la Canada--------------------------269.591.30 ple. Acceptancea under Lottors 0f ('redit ..... ..... ..... .........2259.15 Miss Gwendolyn Wallace apont (ho Capital pald up-----------------------------------------------------3,00,000.00 wecrk-end ln Toronto. Reserve Fun-d . ..-...-...-...-...-...-.-... -.. .o4,06,o00.00 MN-l. Wm. Sonley furnished anc of Balance of Profil and LOBS Account car-ted ioi:ward .... ......-616.8 the tennis for tho Tabernacle S. S. aleigli ride lust Wednesday. Tflis. who 5.212.1 attexuded frein ibis neighborhood -ce ABSETS- port a most-enjoyabie evelujig. Current coin held by the Bank...... ..... ....iB9309 Mr. Elmer Llck, the hlghly estecined D)ominion Notes beld--------------------------....6.652.192.00 Supeiintendcnt cf Thornton's Corners $ 821419 Sunday Sebool, was absent lest $un- Deposit ln tihe Centa-al Ooid Rererves ..... .... .... W........0,0~ day, and one cf hlm sons took charge. -Notes of other Bans-k...... ..... ..... ........... ..... .....8,110 ,Mmm. Harris Wallacec-bas been se-. Cheques on other B3atks ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ......1h7352 »usly 111 wtth la grippe, but now ta Bailances due by Baniks and Banktng Correspondents edsewher-e able te be out again. titan ln Can<da ........ ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ...... 2,5926ft. et Since leavins ibis section Mr. Cei Dominion and Provincial 'Goverriment Securities not .t :çeodbng. - market yalue ..... ..... ..... .. ... ..... ......«.... 1,1,. 9 Pasm .la beemtng <titlpShd U a 8Cknadian Municipal S6curitbesanamd British, foreign andI colonial- hockey player, being captain et the public mecurittS other (han Canadiau - . .,.; .,8...,.5o'..... toam known asthe Base Une playeriRailwuY andI othor bonds, debontures and BWto n fot eeeding Mr. Pere Pasco. la ale wilÃŽmtng hon- znarkct vaue ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ... .. ........l,2* ors, as indeed are all thie BaseLUnoe -b.onahoi tea m eighr e e Can an Short (tnt exooedlng tbirty dayU) léoans In Canada on parrusw, <oeouenri . e,.u a e a atNw....... ....-&-. làa e Other Outrent Lo4na"ud dieounts In Camada issa rbs.te f .Tab littes cf oustomers under Lettera cf Credit, »petrêta.. 3,91 ÈUsaI>Zt.ate otar tUas Bak Premm s.... ..*-24.'00.00 ONerdue debta, eatqm-tidIces proýedmrtd or -- .Bank- rale tne sr 1 coat t.10 unts w lten off 1,171,248.76 Deost tt usMtiserfo teyiipse0fCrcuatleFund 10000 othe Amuta ot aclud t t s f6egesgi.....,thé___la Tii. % Cii'od 9f y re t- gt ig o'clock sharp. W. B. Powtll. auctilofltlr. DISTRICT DOINGS. Fairmers -are w'arned tbisý season a- lard ,tthe sowing ai ses-ci of poar ger- -iniriatitig qti..lity. Tire otirard ap-pear- a-e of grain !s ofter \Psry dcpie Il may be decidedîy plunil' r.nd bave Iie smoked-gools, eu& ms ussed salmis ors, 6Pmis»a1l -Ut"turp.rfttlaquaIty, m ai t g ad below eMt rem» cgUW1, ms the simlvuth"t have aîrfru4 m othe i, mwhpul W% j~th«rs, dui1sg the montuisg v wUtv bis9muIl~ .,dudag the pwK S es g«lwe-,-no 1<&vs besp te u tm1ot Up., Au jd4..of tbi bsains Uvs aors %ofelag uw 1bilfrmthe1h. fi t' i p -t' b $1 - I - 'w THURSDAY. MARCH 2,,1916. vet thtàv -&m nnt npebAaarim in anv natura a trjLttrîrý- hv'iÇirnfm*tnn & ianv., ' il ARTHUR LYND E

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