Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Mar 1916, p. 2

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NC>TFWS ANDfC0N1443 The compWant 'irom parUn thst Inté ntSuetg iutm"ti déôtthé- pfcullarltlesof tue GSëmtùi CédlUon of milid. Ili Protesta agaist.. e çruelties to wbich the Belgian peiple haàve been uubJeCWedwer what mlght b. expected from one of hiii position and vocation. As , àiptlnee oi the Churcli and a apiritual leader, b. Coula hardly remfain Bilent when -t i ery riglits of humanity were being denied. It 18 eas§Y to underatand how hie ut- terances place "the German- author- itieu ini an aWkward posgition." There muet be great swkwardness indeed in havsng the worid tld by an authority it will flot question how Germnany la governing the country shç unjuetly conquered, bow to mur- der and pillage a crushing burden of taxation hau ben added, how neither age nor sex van plead exemption from brutal tyrnnny. If the Cardinal takes 6an intransigeant attitude" towardst the perpetrators of afl this villlany is there any reason for surprise? Would! it rot be more surprising if he just- ified il by silence? The world knows a brave and t honest man when it sees une, and ne outgivings frein Blerlin car lessen its admiration for Cardinal Mercier. There is a vivid sceixe in "Pilgrim 's Progress" wherin the Devii peurs cil on one side of a fi-e to kcep it going, and an ange! pours water on the other side to put it out. One is reminded of that description in reading the statement that the Bible Society since the war began has distributeil 3,000,- 000 copies of the Bible te soldiers, in- terned civilians and refugees, apart i f rom the continuation o! its normal f business. Even in Constantinople the distributing depot ia open, and more than forty languages are r~ resented in the versions that were =ay for1 distribution at the outbre-ak of hostil-j ities. The unprecedented sale cf the Bible certainly means that theusanda heurt- sick ef the carnage are turning their faces frein the contemplation of bat- tle and suddea death tu the gospel of faith and hope and chs.rity. They would turn their eyes tu the moiring on the huila out of the darkness that involvea the multitudes in the valley of deciaien. Thcy renew their faithj fa the appeal te the eternai verities i that shall endure beyond the travail' and the horror of the passing clayq. FUR STILL IN EVIDENCRL For taffeta mnd. thé prlnted # sil 'Whieh are now 8» high ln Fashilo favor, for the criop organdies a dalniiy, figured voiles and crep4 theré le no more 3lracel o)ièfe«ti trimrning thaui cording, smocking shiriing. Many of our dance frocks for sui mier wili be of organdy or net;i ýunusuaIly pretty impdrted frock net, shown recently in «one of ou? e clusive shops, made with an extreme full ekirt, gathered at the wal -equally wide top and botteni; t skirt wae hung over a crinoline b~ stiffening, and the entire dress wi trimmed eff ectively with quaint, ples ed ruffles. Another effective summ, evening geown dlsplayed at the san time was of white Georgette cre] INTERIÇçÀrIONÂÀL LM ON, biýthep e eueloked MAlwa s*ftW Y 107I. Wemay BsOupettiM-1 they toit their- duty bound the=n te - Jeruuslem tWl aB eaimoz4tien aineo Ika I)&th ofand that- they -miü&e« In 1 Irngtii1 »eah o Stephen-Acta 7. 1 te a. 3; the etorm qulieted *mmwn MdIvo' nTt.' e. ..2. DevoUt-ProMeyte. nt.t ewlsh- Ive deVotion ta thé rnery ci thg Ho)- or , es 4 hetig. ebit- lenist martyr. r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~8 Ves 4.Tee hnu-le 8 de watê-Paul's own word ing summrary which closes Sitephenrs (Cal. 1. 23); jiterally, sacked, a)pro- mn- surveY of the national history. They' Priate to Huns saeking a town, is Te- an had received divine messages through.- Pated ini Acta 9. 21. of out their annals, and had alwaya neg -________________ x- lected the message and persecuted the -_______ __ ely messenger. Stephen la applyxng it, afreh the parable 01 the wicked hua H ýh bandm-,n. But for them '£the moat lip unkindeat eut of ail" was in hie de-H ALT ras ciaration that they had "flot kept MEA T at. the law of which they were so proud I I er Lil<e Paul (Gai. 3. 19), Stephen hoids me the usuai Jewish view that the iax4 ýpe va.s delivered by angele; Inter re- ReeIe o hl' od flection on the awful holiness of God Rmde o hl' od tended to explain thc naive theophan- Mothers have rnany triais ini the les of eariier records as appearanees ShaPe of chiidren's bad coids, soire Of anRels. Cut-lAteraily, "4were be- throats, croup,,etc. As a pre4rautilon- ing sawn asunder in their hearts, and ai-y measure, of pobsible, the tonsils were R-eiihi," etc.; the verbs des- and adenoid growtbs should be re- crihe their emotions through the part Moved1. The danger Io the ehild is orf the speech rmmarized in verses Si very slight. 5.3. Heart is a littie rmisleading toi In three operatifils on childxein in us, for it includes more than our MY Own famiiy the child was in each word implies. Stephen neyer touched instance entirely able to go home their heart, in oui- sense; hc roused from the hoapital nine heulrs after every passion, stung pride and big- the ûperation, and siiffered only a otry to fury, tii! ail aroun<i the )s- siight inconVenience ncxt day, coi-' semhily coul<l b heard the phy.sX'ai plaining of siight pain oniy-occasian- signR of a wiid-beast rage. ally, writes Mr.1.O.B. b ave 55. Being-A stronger verb is uscd trained my children to take a coid which reniniids us that this is no new water plunge every ?norning immed-! influx of "Hcly Spirit" bringing the iateiy upon getting out of bed. This beautific vision. It had been vvith him does flot mean dabbling in the water. in full measure alil hrough. Jesus- It is a sudden plunge and a quiçk, The hurnan naine is very significant. vigorous rub-dowý.n Mith Lath towel. liere only is he -tanding nt the 1right This they have winter and suMMer, hanç; he has risen from bis throne and, aithoujgi at first, a burder, the 1cr weicomne bis first martyr. resuits are Worth thc trouble. 56. Opene-Not t.hc usuai word in Severai years ago 1 discarded cough j this connection, but stronger. In days syrups and haveused only white vase- when the sky was conceived as a series uine and sub-ar. A jar of each is hept (.f concéentric transparent spheres, <'onvefient and a smnall srpoon; and if pr rnaterial and solid, it was naturall toa hlcogsorihase1gv as jicture thern "coyen" (Mark 1: 10) haif teaspoonful of vaseline dipped in n' to reveal the spiritual realities 1be-wht ua.Frorsnqtedp, hind. The Son of man-the favort ing to croup 1 use a croup kettie with of titie for hirnseif on the lips of Jesust steamning wat.er and a tablespoonfuil it but only hei-e used by another. There of compound tincture of henzoin. Place' bas been acute controversy as to its over alcohol larnp near the chiid and the primai-v implication; but the best view let the pleasant smelllng vapor heni pe( seems to be thàt which links it with the trouble. 1 frequentiy hurn this.in ti- Dan. 7. 13. By caiiing himnself "Son the roorn whcre the childi-en are Of of la," es~ ws iauin tobeplaying and at night pull the bed out iS1 Xii............. The Princes@ and the Daisiei Of al] the flowers in the Princess's garden-the six daisies that'grew near the rose bush considred themseves the most important. "T4e roses are prettier than we are, and the lillies mè?re graceful, but wc are much wiser, for we answer questions that hurnan beings bring us" eaid the smallest Daisy. 'l cton't know how Nve do it, ,but we can, for my mother told me >jThe other tlowers did net object t'o the pride of the daisies, for it was a tel nice soi-t of pride, but the daisies theuisleveg were very a.ngry with one o. f their number who cailed herseif the Queen. "I amn Queen because 1 r.have the most petais," she said. "You ««ai have only seven and I have eight. 1 daresay 1 could neyer answer ques- 1amn Queen." She then bevame very rude and ty- Srannical, taking more thi-an ber fair shr fdew, and persuading the west b1,' MA19AR NERE1 1 ih petals than seve," tbey cer- le ealhlet ~S1S swe question s any better for it." [(AV AMERICANS VIEW ' I-IE gene half an hour, and naturaiiy she GRIEAT WAt. 'anted know whether ho st.ill loved 1h (has M. keI)ener,('oi. ist seven-petalicd daisy. She did frtabut she touched each in turn, In the U.S. the individual right cf saying, "H1e loves me, ho loves me roperty has always heen regarded net," tili has she touched the last il iene of the inost sacred e! ail hu- came to "11e loves me." She gave a ,n institutions. Trespass bere, upoli cr of joy, "you dear <lear little ýopçi-îyrnghts is one of the blackest Iaisy,", she said, and kissed il. "I sins, and bence Imperialism flnds amn se glati you have told me that. To- impossible te understand America. niurrew 1 wili come gnl ask another But il is just this abhor-ence to'of you this question.' - sin of trespas;s that bas lent the To-morrow sbe came, to gel the ruliar sanctity to ai! American sanie pleasant answer, and every day, eaties with Canada as with the i-est tli the fif th daisy was fully asked and the worl, for wvbich the country had ansiwered, did the Princess ap- None of the daisies couid ceuni very well, so that they &id net thing what would happen. Only the eigbt petal- led daisy was quite sure thaat thn Princees would be mueh imore pleaged wlth ber than with the otiiers. At laet th2 Princess came out te count again. As it happened aile -felt rather sad, because, foi' the tirst time, the Prince had failed to send her a letter. As a matter of fart the cour- ier carrying the letter had heeji le- iayed, but she did not Lknow tis. "Ilo* loves me; he loves mc not," shc,. te- peated tii! ii came ta the eighth petal. "He loves me flot! The daisy says 8o." she cried, and, bursting into tearca, i-an back to the palace., Now the fOve daisies were very angry with-thc sixth. She had tig right to Bay that, even if she thought it- The Queen Daisy was very angi'f in return. She did rot want the poor Princeas to be unhappy, yet aile coul.l not help hopiniz that she herseif wmul d be proved right. She waited ia fI'- patience, therefore, tii! there was a great noise of rejoicing, and feet hurrying up and down the pati, be- cause the Prince had returiec. Then the Prince and Princess came out t4) the gai-den, radianiy happy. Intre are the five good daisies that tlid the truth," said the Princess, "and there is the one had dais;y that toid aftilse- "That b i what conucs of haiving cight petais," said the Prince, gmil- ing down nt ber hefore he turncd away. "Now you sce the mischief ci jour eighth petal that you wei-e 50 )uroudl of" jeered the other daisies, trnd« the poor Queen hung her head, pretend- ing to sieep. Early next more)ng ehe awoke; a robin was bepping near ber. "Robin," she said, "wili you pull off one of my petals?" 'It wiU hurt," said the robin. "'Never minci, it ib better to be hurt and to have oenly seven petals than to be untruUtful." So the robin obeyed, and when the Princés carne again to the gardon tshe saw to her surprise that tee ixth ~~<zi '<> the lulfiller of the apocalyptievison'Tramuic wll at t, herte dnd p thCahadUShas 10,C00 ! eoi V ueuiyLlUll>nei _______ sixth daisy tat had the eighî petas.000ceiaedher any mo Tht hewË bs akn tàtol fdoom aI the triai by quoting that verv ran reach the child, Do net close win- need many tbings Ibat Canada pas-'- __ th olsadbaes ssdyi- TeNe-Ubel kr. verse (Mark 14. 62). Il will be fcund dows, as fresh air. belps. in any or-_ sesses, il is unthjnkable that "We douhb iletai oen agtb ah a lustrated agiiin la the report thal 'that nearly aiways inathe Gospels the dinary case of croup this will prove ef- ahould take what we wann and explain the peetrlnlesr1i.Saahc aeh cornes fi-rn he Cambridge (England) beaded with opaque white beads. The rccogniîion of this allusion addso-fcaiu.afterwards'l à la Geirmna policy.ý University Review. At this time last bodice was cut in bolero effect, and the viousiy te the force of the saying. For a cold mn thebad a snall rub- niiere is net a foi-t fronM aine ~tele sntt etutdi n'igbo nhl year there wvere 1227 tudents in rosi- ak-irt waai a cbarrning contrast to tie 5 M. The sting of Stepben's ecstatic ber bulb eai- syringe is used ta give Victoria along the 3,000 miles o!fi aadteoi aft e mr atndt the pan, dence. this year there are 665. The ful] ski-t of the net tiress, beiag waà in ita recalling s0 vividly the de. a noue douche writb a glass of vrairn Canadian fi-entier, but if we adopt- ca lieinbngaudnyprpedivsgtonfck W_ bar tio oe basciu efeed mt--e;uîsscshed) wteaspeonful ef sait an O e t ncatp ions wl aonld e ~e îstcm nt .adcoy Thus far 697 gradustes and under- looking froin waist le ankles. A nar- dsaltheu2 esponulofsat nda d e" . sSudealyteebac raduates have 'given their lives- row beaded girdle encircled the waist was on the '-ight hand of Power af- pincil of cooking soda. Tis thoreugb- route, andi keep one or îwo millions Thscnito aia>dysthn evn i a ship. 'back, te carry oul the boléro effect. against a bateful fact that wns mak- gwes tie child relief fri-an sniffling-. ta defendi then, andi oui- neighbor adeeyefr sbii u ot 0seeseda nl FaurTrimmed Costumes. 'ing ils appeal. Whaî was Saul of Use, two or three limes a day. would bave to do Uic sam.Ine la sîrengîe e eess niices a ieedle As for btheGians, il is said thti, The velvét suit., combin.sI with faille Tarsus thinkfag cf when h* joined (or Chiidren should4 taughîte gar- European states the nation is every- ber naastnghadaludr oe mroi-o tIrai 81 per cent. o! 66,000 na- es-r broadcloth, iii a general fbvorite, led) tbe uproar? 1L4t he oughl o! "'le, andti t put out t litangues andti hing, lie inditidual nothiisg. Thanitluecpct c Tehrcy1 Imbug-( e tive maie studentu are in th il .a7~ and fur- is etlli iti. t-inuming. The no'Acts. 26. 9 point toward the answer. eay, "Ai-ah--ah," se ht inl case of Heaven! This worship la coninedti t quîcklyepo l eore 8~i0 ~lw g-ee service. 0f cus, lhe colees infl tin af combinung cloth andi silk or 58. Cast him ou-Fer ila hei. any sore liront the dcohr can sée the Central Powers, and chlefly te one verbial shsoydrosrts eu r e - l d edri e fn e n. - f t ! a l s v e l v e t i s a p r a c t i c a l a n d i e f f e c t i v e c o ;fn ee s y o !a ndbt b y w e e a r f u l i t e r i n y t r u b e . S u t i n a ! h s e A s o u l pa n rde i w y L k e C a a d a n , o r a ttm th ed l i e o m h b n g t a e agonicniiot iaie tenasi uilutainth oe epalteprsoth a htddmyesl etutasgns hgesancniti o!an, oafodderth" section of skis-t ie cf broadcloth. Thits "lt malter. Compare Heb. 13. 11, 12. the cbild can use tho sait anti wda séquence o! endies adoration, for itleuiabsahrtg afgt otnmntsa an ________fy f"cnnnfode. offera an uzusually good idea ferri-o- Witnesses-Who lad te htake lte ie- solution xivea above for the Il-ont. deati-cys the ruler's power te hhink -and han1rbnfan akn c - + _ odelitug a skirt titat bas hocamf ,ponsibility of casting the fi-st atone in 5trighI or consistent lines. Flat- he HISTORIC PENS siightiy worn about thc lower edge. -whicb ln a normal execution woulti F-aret Fever. - i-y is 5ureto coycea waknss anti viciledrn niucnurbeAFn l evt dreas rsuit sqieatt be iritended ta rdc insensibiliîy or! Scarlet fever is perlaps the moal'i u o iaeatilfeiu Those Used for Slgning Peace Treat- deah. Sec Deut. 17. 7. Sa 'vien cireadeofe!al he so-ealled dicases o a hI spto hrn n itdu les are Very (tJesus bade thc sialess cast île first clildhood. It is highly infectious; thie bA Lanctseii-e 'vefverarnceati ld t Valuable :s-tane utte aduitereas, sucli a person gos-m as net only vos-y virulent but ing. 1.ygetmace a \V'o wlll ge the psea wlîb wkich tîme - woul<l by bis hie be a silent 'viness very lard ta kilL 1h uttachles itzel! io u ileomiatiae bl îu mora e i-jsat h u-y niolrben i"elar" at e Peace treaty 'viii be slgned whicb f a ainta inner. Laid down their te ayti hat bas been ini contact dpoai bldrs la th m shal cndtihle present war? igai-ment--The oufer garaient: any wiîl a suifes-ci fi-m Uic diseue-t aisr been qulte a fud fo lame yeara puai. fhot woi-k wusdonc "fa suîrI aleeves," te cîothng, the beding, toys or Reo 'as deati sure that Engiand! i Vsihn i ifcoy e'u n1sranyumni The cQllectiag or lsîoric penti lias n MTe es fthe cnbedwifctt bllolngsout be-mala neutj-aI, because o! a countert yhegna et !tctrultcwo ben uea ad ur o.o enas pwt. s eshould aay. Th he cucnb iznétdb siisol e of wouldisuewt rln.Iaylr ese-ly nErpe h en ihveu-b aloned suggests ha tc cruel eauodisinfecteti by boiliag, she e wb, dispuemaitil l eans the It-nwt mlud !hl nuo, * whieb pouce t-caties arc slgned bslug woi-kwas prolonged. Young ma-burned, for the germa o!fsau-rlet foer Allian al euse cf the "I opeteai nwmnc W?î htl the htghest pruces If they bappen ta Presumsbly under thirty. How h#i is most surely desthuoYed by extremo 14 Alline. Bilu1wiî ye »dos'îli me hil e rmay cuolteais ket, 'voud "opI the grtmonta of then lat sier" ibeat. Parents dreati acarlet fever b, nouîs'l, and -aliow us te trespase h olit epit:fi.oaasnsei 'N r an olcomwowudStephen, be recals biaise!! la Acta22. cuea a-kmy oe u ailbei-properuty and dceut-oy hos- homaesl "AI) e!""itto'odn, e fwhr bowillling to give Iboupanda ef dollars 2. tit otbvus lIai ho was o o n asea tai myb fs ai I epoieidmit hntevrâr for lte pers 'viiclu shal declare an ed adig oito, s sshw a roblaant Face i typerd n bc toe cpi-sent war of 'vais. Usually yfwhusadawhtcs nu eakadw vi aePrs'iiaaltcse ocryna.-od liowever, suclu Dons rerna nthse prop- hrnaadingpo in as it theospcalaby ld bmay betheaugl:se f avs evkaner. sauil avue Pars ahnibc' lott nm claatii' oyo? at, miso f A t .2 ea a natht-e weeha. Answ er.c ud' e iaI erty cf tise Statee concerned msino At .2 Dlsasvere.attack un anotiier. Moreovor, cer-iaica vii Tu-ey 'viiibring1 Wben il bocame kaiown liaI peace fthcala (in his !ascinating monograpt in s~ esious complications are likely 1 Anaiay - Tr haRu in en mcanutre r we aaadeSathe Paul),tiat be 'vas an artisan, ho follcw a reco ryfcIe oer it- o uYWr nwihalIlm" usb ati love usa fi-e haa lustho Bl- lI FAIL RE 0F ANhA 'vrîtselent supli f their pona te' ased on fuelseasiiy explaineti self. jama. Japan 'viii ibid Rissia in cek, l tic cosent uple sofe voiensagte' oîberwise anti seis quito unhenable.; 1h foîlows fi-cmail ibis that 'vo can-an evusaf1r hdinteBl lnaurranging thse terme, hoplng Iliat (Act$ 22. 28), andi sent hlm ho siudy sn-ot orrTThb e Czar, wiii ho at.haeked by Bl thle document 'vouici be compietod jtueâ rats asv ca e beved omany hcme have *a > -'Bdj ~t brough thte aecncy of thou 'vares. Te it if î> Slcuooîi-faiisgr Iiui ac twen h. d annufairdicrrna tion); saeL cu binoignorahont »~~ careîoomwshave permit- The ebuhafw!tIKie'sadUnlmhd avoee nyh unfanuacuerlna loas!be- I * aChu4tian 'vas to ho expert- ted thoir chiltiuen te go abread beore aally diplomnatic hluadorsbut theyl 1 ho d uuse n quilli tni agning the' I ed, ssnd Paul tien isd toecp .iiizit' hty wero wholly cu'd.o tseplademenstiute t»e dangrcf elevating as ioa iii eshia va adself. Every Jew bld o bas-aa tradeth. heca w" Q ý-1i b tob. cona a ia 1tefise thmin ho»'IiOS PW.- Whqsy ir. ot orhad,'ens hto ,.- a as ullputa wz sdSeul-A natursi aumo for aRensen" 8051<? fa nl bm flr la glguing tie tt-eaty of peace betweea'f it. ou ua'aui<sGetis . us e a as o -ou pura IEflfi uia nene orii viihieave csafsen yu y, l'. Ulac poms mie o sèaot enie ebalpr 'tteyt aetou. w!u .mk iypayn wIInabl .14aib the. United States-andi Spaina ater the ' Us aimlatheundng Rme Pullu, paientst ý epouri. Thek le'*stheo ie t ie Iea;yerbad a-etB Goineeu ala af wow of 1898. 7Tilla pudtiular peut 'as' paietto -i afterwards aold for 8125. or>aeSsa--s nssbSmca Ive %Îoted4 utiect tboa*@ *¶ -Wimed %by the eommtnloniers h»a.fotha oai em u-j ei , hod'..6 q6Lt5 b G~ a. l a ig ipg the em orab e Treaty o - l i u , ec c i.~ f v u ot p e k t u u« "vmvin '#w bb Ë*p l$ e t ih....-w u in~ P e e i l . b g . t e e e s t a , t b d Pa (0 lt tub tebauds cf th.e e- " ~ f59. Callng upo-The ubjW of thse . R.#ide tii a-ii#is ii.t i i.il,.p WJy? "7& tcpe uigent,. Aaide train 1ýD bhW- e 8contained te a s dresa, L. avsbte1t-"I adwn ofn deaembbut to 'to aetit t Itlasalsa.oftgreat val». IJemua, Note ho jpfl PVnlti un*1hiaiat lWedi Nt ot11W '*d, 1h I la mouated la solidld and uni a - l periW usoe Mmof C.lv*ry b4-,,, uotl e tvawbr ! hi. lttIow4a4 ewt.aos ~t eu ,itm" m h feè fprayer, Md tseü'wP fOf AhUPtu l6diW",WU Aside ~'* the:'Oila0tei' tilere s-e Ij"",off««- te Lise ant e *%-r W" ~.ua.. àâ"nyWhb ebiW~der'tt iuelty t a desu,4_ 1preyee 'e"' mk-,4 no- *é~~__ae r~,w s Vlçtoriaaiways 8rge Suft W#à Nmi onl bCel <f t1> e, 6. . 1h w mPot ____o w *u 1k ms.rtait .uia 17 t" *Opkbabd .evb0=r4 MuW -- Àogdon <sncb penu. one- of Lthee bow a bit et wfta r aithe eMd «ttiseV4,Luwd d I1U4 leows b e4m-~~IP~S I~~ p*e preaeted tb 'me.Alani, tisetia eaon...agd s ÏbM &*w . Mkimwi ad. I «-""osaM %ll.s -s se"~- ~ lseqetr Aas~pJ - tmalen it and Mases.it move tise us.' b IMP ay r or t e wutuor ta~ #ous &ut ave ttaus us fa- on out, 'thrar pbi4'r la loimd eu b» UUtW' i-tPMee' "flue second suit illmstnted I.teul.ý; in IA" lt uk 2&3u*ê >f 4t aseions nicnue"= »" te *ams"* !derk ht lm gabudlm.Ift la a tb W" tm 5 h »lln Ws- QM Dpu bu 'vlb. "lIard Theus, *141îJe &boa..y^utSltU j Wiop*w u.ài ws1wii am" Irlek lieuse" 'viels 'as ïnmldO:r --lw iýWi1 lic34 anme tlse ae for 8117. 4wmy b sds t ...?----y lIS WfZP~AN ULE ; uy also Wbd oed f prd.<uv lu u - ý1d1*bw, kit. vvet w1amibue u.«" eùe. ~bU U vMt .4 lio- m-,!X ýM*e0m ande xoulîu nover ,ne Bout. nme f u om jîiool- Tossing his np'il- kitchen hable lue iry andi be8an an ;e box, cupbssaxdq, k% door bell rang, )rofitable iseurcl, nswr, Ch, Os t'é auon, lang-lsaued aeetod a-t.ailor >r. gan thc tmnraer, tone, "and shoud It"? confided ltM-bqy, ben a iluntil' fur 't faunti a tIIng PO ;t-eai, man la Ireêknd, ting estat* to eadi, Don after'uvertie a "f lave heen iae lIai filu tout 'neti." "MtTua ýn tliwcu' par-t tid thlIuuwnci-. brook? 'Wby,fi as-e tbma spoMon- ou 'vere %q oiuIpiy 1h ih 'vagit) Over- liaI a fi» Wsheamn said thse owner, emuch fber_ you LIANCE are OMly Pure ýpeat.ed ç9mplaiut >d weD, bu&i somne > crucilMOUMet biling Qed 'vesuit tebei.y bv nt of--' uspw 'A, ~ i r A' 7 i. I -

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