Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Jan 1916, p. 1

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r, Publishers Oomnpound* 8yrup of HYPOPHOSPHITES A Strengthening and Invig- orating tebic, Blood Builder and Nerve Tonie. Buda up thec nystem, Cures thiti and watery bieod, Nervous h lesaiche, Nervous prostration, Sleeplessgneual, etc A reliabie restorative ai'ter $1 per bottie I a te LWILLIS Oreggl'st and Opticlan M EDI ýAý. HAXLL aveck st. I'Z'e Wbltby. THIE 110U313 0FQUALITY The Dealer with tbe (3oal &ud the. Service "Scranton Goal" l'bu Stauderd P)reparahori perfeet-Rie-L tu neat. Low iu &eh-bright. cdean, iree burning,clink- erles Ail sizoa-Stpata, for large f urnareg. EUg and tova ize tlui furnaees and large heaters. Chstaut and Pa for rnge mi sinail cfflk atoveii. SBi 6 rasaCannei foi grates andi irepl&o.e* MmessaeaVoeghio- Wy,ttimp Onal for teainl. elesdingeoaw for thrta hingz purpons a srge's Ceesk -C -0, lod, silitillug r<îal Ail thelle coalb are the btbest sitanditrt of quality. Ont dliîvery service li p rompt aud carefîui, as you wat t b elli s wheîi yen need thetu. We ;eâpeêtully selicit your patrialge. I Whitb') Home phono. il SIIAWlS BUSINESS SGHOOLS Torontq, Canada, give tltoreugb coursea whick give good salaried oMfce aP>POint- mentâ. Fiee eatatogue xplaine. Enter aay hlme. W. H. Shaw. ProsiMent, Headi ffioe. Yotge and Qerrard Sta., Toronto. J. 141WELL JAMES C.rpeater. Builder »ud Coatractor. Pluns drawn bnd estimates fura"she Bs»h, doors ad trame&~ Agent for Brantord Box 467 WlIITtIY Rooflmg PhUono149 Uarriage Lienses. A. a. ALLIN. Imaner of Marriage Licenns corner drugstore, WhithY. No Witnesaoa requlred.% Theogmter Caada1provoMont Land Ce., Limitsd Whitby -Ontario Beaigest.ateDeaiera, Es rates Manageti, Rente Goleteti, First L4oUs Arrafged, Properties bought andi sold. For ternis apply Headi Office, Brock'St. Bell Plaone 193. Imd.-llone 70. Farm Watsi Forai of two buudrel acres ow more with good bush, wented, tc purchase, or will purchase gooc block of bmsh land. If you have land teoBell write JOHN FISHER & 60 country Rom lutat. Bal am Eseku Lumsden Building 4 Adéle &Le B.&Mt TORONTO' mI a li I Glu , f m Bu tw)a SCUGOGTWNIP EIec:ed Warden c f Ontario CovnîIy o n i 'ole$ Number of Members in Couneil 1Incteascd by* lThteg l'hé lit <ve ai the Island et Scugog verses from mtemory and his commente' haldq the covete< honor af Warden of were Iliumlnating anti instructive. The Ontario Connîy tor 1916. Hlm compe- "Keepers of te hoiise" were our titor for the office was Mr. J. T. Dol> bauds; "lte strong man shall bew sron, Ilceve of Reacît Township. The hiniseli" lllustrated shaulders stooped Warden la a li1beral in palities Mr. with age: "the darkened windows"' Dabs;oit là a Conservatîve. The Liber. were the vtslon-dlmmed eyes, the als are the more numerous in the -shut door" Illustrated defoctive hear- (oncli, hence the wln for Jackson. lng: "the alnxnnd tree shah flourbsh" The Wardenshlp te always eettled a- wa typical oi a lock ai sîlver bain: the long polit Ical Unes. Each polIttcal fac.-"noise or the grinding 10w- meant de- tion decidés whlch member et Its party tectîve teetit. Remnember uow thy Cre- ta pt fo't-ward, and te resuit la prat- ator ln the days of thy yoùth, Mr. tîcalîr known befare Council opens. for Foster coucluded, la hle admonition ta whlchever party le the stronger gets the Cotincîl. Titen hie gave thankas the îîium. that members ai Councîl kuew and ac- Thîsý. probably,-ought flot ta be. buit knowledged Gad. and lnvoked divine 'ought" and "l' Iare not always iound blesslug upon the Wasdn and Counci pulllng together. Hawever. sorneone lu discharge ai their Important dutles. must gel the office. and il milht as well he Jack's sou fis Dohe san-c-ither STRIKINO COMMITTEE. would serve the ('ounty taitfully. 1 On motion of Meuers. Mowbray and Tt wvas 2n e.r' ('aunty Clerk Pare- i Rowe. the followlug were appotnted a well -could collèct lu their Places the commit tee ta strîlte the Standing Coin- representatîves troim the varlous >#11- mîttees for the year--Oerow, Masni, nlclpalitles.k Hoover. Dobson. MeKinnon. McKenzie. Thpre are this year three additioual l)owrtey, Poster, MeNabb, Mawbray andi memibers lu Councl-25 as compared Rlowe *-,%ix iupporters ai the Warden, wlth -2. The ne-w memibers corne frorn fi've of hise comnpetitor: or presumably 0shawva, Mara Tp., Uxbrldge Tp. The six lIlberals and five Conservativs-a votiug population af these three mu- verv fair appaiutnient. n1cipalitirs tîas lncreased. Oshîawa itsv- Ing 2252 tiames ou the- Votere' List. le PERSONNEL OF -COUNCIL. entltléd Itafi second Deputy Reeve: Tht- present Councîl le coniprlsed-et which .Rhtet-ende te Counicililn thte per- sixteen meinhers who sat at the Board1 son of Fred Flîntoif. Uxbrldge Tawn- hast year. Sanie of tem have been, shitp having growu ta he a big boy. and thr're for manry years, antd there are nuinberlng over a thousaud volers, feNr tricks about County Councîl busi- j tends ta the CCaunty l'arltamenta Dep- ut-se ihat they do flot kuow. R.R, Mew- îîîy Reevi' ln the person of Johun Stone. bray le porhaps the Deanetolte Coun- -whli cômes mlglly ut-ar being a John- cili. andi bas bt-en twvlce Warden. Ger- ston. Mara Townsilp ias slmlharhY. ow. Jarkson. Hoover. Dabson, Foster, otgrown iite ewaddllng clothes of Ilu' Masaîr. are ail mnen ai consîderable ex- tanci- and can dlaIm a Deputy Rt-ve. perletice et the- Cotincilon-rd. D. J1. Mivali l the man-a yoiu~g The- new meu are Fraucie, ai Brock: mant wiîa loakg as If ho mlght gît-e a Fhiif. ai Oghawa: MuilvahlI, ol gooti act'ouîît ai himeeli If ite ever gat 1 Mara: Madllîl. af Scott: Mackinnon, et up againslt th HuntesI a rotigh and -CannIngton: Itundle t-. i roek: Stokes iumt)lt- I-is tiame should be a gooti andi Wagg af UXbrldge Tp.. anrd Vlck- onetl l'ut o01lte Roads Cormmîttee. lery, ai Oshawa. One- of the- irst procednge-after1' the- 'lerk hati got hie swarm ai bees WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27. clust'-red abotut the hIve--was ta rt-ad1Th onlRioft agdsar the cerilticates of municipal cerks to he ('onîlgaith off ten al gao tr lte etl'ect lrat tire gentlemen who a 'thî ou1g it ade tllgt in the- swivel chairs before the- aak . ordor at 10.16. Of course the c-hairs deeks hati a rîghit ta keep the leather w n-t-ta by any meaus ail fihieti. st-itetra fe a t--k u ecb i lte Searceiy liat the Clerk complebeti the mothe 0armfr ary.Jret l ati oveth- reading ai the minutes of yeaterday ber.h ofartîl Jqtircue ad Ntîl oe when Reeve Heavener of Rama was on 07K.. for they were acknowledged ta be hefe opan gta ie ' worthy, were given the puas word and dcock p.m. on lte hast day aifte No- gris. nttheiiito began. anti vembor session, aiter ite hati leit the grîpe. ntile tatugou h er Chamnber lu order te catch hie tz-an Hiterlo te Couincîllia" net COn- for home, a resalution was put through sistd o moe tan 92 temh"ýConei! aîtthorlzing te deduction of and when lte uew Counell Chamber $=9S.74 frein the amouxtt due Rama Tp. was turileithetianhy 22 chairs and desks onl bh e bulding efthbie Carrick bridge, ta caver au ludebtetiness of Rama ta were îprovided. fi w-as tht-rt-fore ut-ces- tire ConyetdnÉ vr era ssîry la add a table andti hree extra ounty r. extendigoer tuhhsvpro- chirs m ta accammodate lte extra men.-yae r evnrtogtttspa Thre table lt-il ta lte lot efttWO Men! reedlîîg lu hie absence niost uniaIr, and fram Oshawa- Iiiasmucb as au Osâewa odtheItittitot eu hcw t an înanr le one- oI the xtew comers th aei tt oty iM.Mason, cr Oshawa, who hati se- et-e arefthenia f ith <19l6 od the motion. sati he was the- Tt-ilse areth thenpmsitifnsthey r- momher aorlire Finance Commîttee alid Casn lnvors.wt ire ositioîîs tie>re-tiraItthe Caunty Treasurer's books pree-utta arlus ruuelplites. htfdl that Rama owed the moue>'. Bîrchard, JaLs.-i-tveofaiBeaverlt. aittithe- treasurer wus dekîrous cofirav- Dowuey, JII4-Reeve Whittby Ton-n. îtz the amntnt settleti. Thc Finance Debson, J. T.-Reeve of Reacit. Commltteip egreed tat lte métitot pro- Dearbaru. Warren, DoPuty Reeve ai naseti was tire preper mothod te coliect East Whitby. 0 tre long overdue account; hence thre Fester, Wm.-Reeye Uxbrldge Town. I1imotionu Franeis, T. V .-Deputy Reeve Brock.i Clerk F'arewell madq, same explana- FlintaIT, Fred-:hid Deptit) Reeve 0f tien regardlng tire inater, -showthg Oshîawa. It.ha-t thre anrount due by Rama n'as bal- G;eraw, Gerge-Reeve Port PerrY. ance on thre Trenoutit bridge. Heav&iner. Henr>'-Reeve Raina. iMr. Heavener toIt strengly tira-I bis Hoover. E. B-Roeve Plckerlng. I -owushIp had been treated unfirly. Jackson, John--Reeve Seugog. He sait! -the Towlishlp would have ah Mowbray, R*. R,-DePUV Reeve Pick- pald te aceounlt ad a preper eate- ering. -m rent been presented shawiug how they 11cKenzle. James-Reeve East Whlt- owed tire. money. by"The Warden ai lengtit had le, stop McNabb. Jaha-Reeve Mai's.. thre discusesiont.wble c m'rued wus eut Mulvahblît D.J--Deputy Reove Mara-. of ordPr. Matilhl, HenrY.-.Reeve Scott. As the County brq paid ielf hi ie a- Mackinnon, N.D.-RIoeYO CaWtingtefl. monni by dedricttng thre am-eunt due Rowe, IF. T.-lieeve Wbitby Tp. Rama on Cs.rrick bridge the next ituide. Dean-Reove Of Brok- moe., Ifau>, la up te Rama. boune, John-Deputi ROeere ReaCh. Stokes. john-Depthty, Reeve lJi. TRUANCY INSPEMTR ASKEJ) P'01 bridge Tp. -Ineffter Kutcbson reporte tot the Vickery, E. L,-Firbt Depiity-RflVI Concti that of the 117 teuers la the* rOsbawu. inspeetorate only 6 wero maies. lie Wlil, George--Reeve Thorait. mai.temtier had enited fiMm iii" wagg, luaa,-Ilve Uibridge TD. «> > Worae. literé were ttrse. nw, APPONTJN TuEWARDN- butluip erecWed durln 111ë,eâer. Mv. Tii. dient a*"el J. ]ELDoVnsf O y e tu-et sd*but thetmo £n& t. and ssInL ee0r1. -W' fI Cieswk 00 for ti*laI M4»8.or eeo hijt -t à U&: rueeon'te p iaue ort ty- eA th i te ef*r eppoiling 99a W.i41,ut o0cert e r npe.oval te. 1e tr4t =4 timhetoi f roui a refeptache uWRd oU em*of et ieu Ws0e 1 et a ...... .. CounclUor. As the. num- wu siI tr, Cierk skeCo1lbYabee"ed to> eiaWy endoitei. p Olenitaal*dwhô b wtat of ant fo' »oeter of truancy. as Wardem i.,J. ,T. l>ob.OM4, .db el omaaube vaslita laIthea enU%4 1taS et m* atandIdate frlte boewr 1IO=». Ma corts bas eevtaud. bia etbis l t ïM ptd h voletfor Debeosi- *bl&ISSIm bVo, t 1 - - peaiued a ippleet lazagtta. luTboor for Dobeen sud 3etkCaou ksPl -- rieortthenU1ww1 mal badOt4et iiiÙ4 Wtirftmw wnee. irs t vw»<ausi tbatMz Ii * M. ILIL unlr., »i Didado& Wh.owa tâteubwals wMm trtSêèdet MW OiI* two l*rls tinçu 0Cý 16 Rltî%w W IL Mes. Mà'yi.Wi1s<nt, ate ôtûthe Queen's Hotel, Whltby, wssý on Saturdiiy 'B!. ternoon last >flued 0 sud $3.5# Coati on tho charge, to wýbCht ,.she had »iead- ed guilty, a ieiw dy4,lprevlouly,,-of sellIng hiurl lbite&i Mri. Wilsoný 'did neot have the monÜey, andi was given a month ln whlch to»'ay. Site wtwase eoharge wlth permît. bing to 1011cr on lier', rernises, namely lu the barrecami a pOonxt .eing on the prohlbited iit4a1 e irson being the 'late Robt. Hall. Tt t$DMa. Wilson pleaded gullty, alth«b she, being 111 at the lime. 616 ýne: ýknow of the ce- turrence. Judgment, stands aver, and be te Magietrato reIIýarked, miay nover bebrought up agair. vaiess lanceeao another violation, ~TTI F~S nms ýandConvictions. Allie Gates. Baftonfl fMra. Wilon,' who -wu b&rtmndêr durb>.g November, at the time he offeàea aboève, nasned occurred, was thrie nalled withln- the Council Chamnber àiid thrIce on he street, but ho 416 flot remponid. Qates had been served. at the Tetê du Pont Barracka, Kingston, b>' a Constable of that cit>', with a summons iseued out of the WhItby Police Court, to appear ln anawer to a charge of selling liquor ta Robt. Hall, he being a prohibited person. A conviction wus, therefore. madie agalnst Gates. Tt lei understooi that Gates la now wearithe kbakl, anti he may be aiiowed to continue ln the country'm service without molesta- tion; but sbould he leave the service and return ta Whitby the laW May laY its hands upon bin at any time. Reporof Judge McIntyre re Equalization. To the Warden g1îd Counnty ('oncil of the Corporation of the County of Ontario: Gent1emn,-U-1nder ai-d by virtue of the provisions contained in,, Section eightk-seven of " The Assesernent Aet, " being Chapter- 195 of the Rev-iW-d Statutes cf Ontario, and more- particularly of the directions. owranprovis .ons contained in sub-section eight of the said Bctiofl:f sid Aet,-I, Dunean Johnl Melntyre, of the Town oaf Whitb31, in the sad County of Ontario, Junior Judge of the aaid Countyr took upon myseif the equalization of the- whole asse8sment of the> said County, and for that purpose. I caused ta be brought befoi1t me the assesment roils nt the cifferent tawnWhips, towns and villages in the sail Caunty for the year 1914, and I have examined witness and I have made searches inI the Registry Office as ta sales of pareels of lande in the variaus municipalities, sa as to eompare the pri m, paid for gueh ptireels to the assesanidnts of the saune parcels as shown by the said relis, and sa as aise ta enable me to compare te rate ef assessments in the said various municipal- ihies, and 1 nwa have f rom the data thus srathered and such othet' information as **as legalty available to me, equalized the whole asessement of thâ County. I now aîîd h4reby report te you,' the County ('ouncil of the sîlid Caunty of Ontario, my equalization of the whole assessment of the said County, as'shewn in the sehedule hereto annexed and suit- seribed by me. Al af which 1 humblY subunit to your huonor'able body. Dated at Whitby ti th 'itdy of Deeuîber. A.D. 1915. SCHEDULE R1iFiýRÙIE TO IN TuB REPIORT 0F D. J. MeINTXRE JUNIOR JUDGF4 0F TRi W UNTY 0F jONT.&dUO, ON 'BEULlAINO TRE ASSESSMENT 0F SAI) COUNTY$'4»Ê Munieipality. Real Estate. -ýBusiness Total Town of Oa ..$3t802,090 Town eofh- Ù,......-,38,3 Town of Uxb4g... ......3,4 Village of Port P erry....... 472J179 -f -vrA Ra o 54,545 61,130- 9Ai A-ta 499,792 5331,30!) q901 rl1 V Mage of13 edvron . -.... -.>a>,21'b ffl zeiLfa 1;5 Village cf ('aniningtcîî ...... 224,039 40,241 264,280 Tp. of Piekering----------..4,7555,011 39,400 4,7 94,411 Tp. of Wlibitby........... 2,145,025 6,625 '2,151,650 Tp. cf East Whilby ........ 1,752,224 29,310 1,781,534 Tp. of Rc-aeh ............. 2,641,807 6,650 2,648,457 Tp. of Seugog....... ...... 34,220 2,50 834,470 'p.of Brock........... ,236,022 13,916 9,249,928 Tp. of Seott ..., ...... 1, 747, 1615 8,750 1,7501915 Tp. of Thorsir-----------..1,330,868 2,315. 133,8 Tp. of Uxbridge---------..1,415,745 2,400* .1,418,145' Tp. of Mura............ . .1,962,384 112,151 1,9t74ï586, Tp. of Raina ...... ..... 433,853 12,038 4405,891 p28423,561 $793,870 *2M217,431 - -i. J. MeINTYRP.,j The slguiicance ef Utc above report, Tp. otetckeI'jt, !#3,479.M1-lncre. prceomt.ed by judge mcintyre. after due ed $1,*16.M. ipapection ef tire assomsment *TOMa o! Tp. o! Whttby, ,4.S, ieu ai tire mttnlcipailhles of lte CeunI?,"md,$402,TII>.t la net apparent unhîl oneS .oisders-lt Tp. o! Zaut Whitby, 81,888,89.- Dei as cempared- wlth tire report preueIftý1 ereâa&*18 b>' the EqualizatOu- Ce"tsatee O e it oi' f Rat 20,t '.Ounty CeunCIL ,lu June& iSit, -$U7,416'., --nee B>'- that report Osha&IMt wa WU Tp.-of o!SuoS lSS,88,-uorao Abus be seautiutW sHurie ,i- e r<k »18pS-icue cresedohiaq i Au enut b>' $988 $46. 170îor narl a alla. 'tê!.~Wi1& 1p,-et Seottp,«*$34$47.-Ie.. gatua eadumu~tIaity 7 'lte Uquai. 8147.%4l, hsaion COMaMlt in lJune, 1915,-and Tp. et UXcM4g.,IU"71 ti.deereaseor Incregeêltiet haiiMuiild s~,z - ùMM .b>' JIdeM1ay epr.- Tp, aiZarX IU crueffd 80810., <, Te" eWh*tby,.9,$- ' Lave lfait w C. A. MeCléflaN. ofr "CANADA. Effiien tn Prmpt evc a n .v#ryDepàrtmont 'SAVINGS BANK a-0t ai craàuhe.. HI1TB Y BR--ANCHlýýïý Itb l.O la flot neooaar for you to wï1iî uotliy« bave -a largeamni c onoy. An soount oa-beopned wtth $1,0 more on whlch intorest la oompounde4 twtoe à year. - - WIIiTSY BRANCH: S. D. TERRY, Manager. AOSHAWA 49 A. H. BLACK, PEEL'S SHIOE~ STOIRE,>-,' See our bargains ini Women's M isse?, and, Children's S'-oe- at greadly reduced prices.- Our stock is complete ini Men's and Boys$ heay - Stub Proof Rubber-., Feit and Fcit Lined Boots, Moccasins, Overshoes, etc. McPherson's Lightnitig Hitchi Hockey for Men, Women and Children, Shoes JOHr~PE O Pho~e 110*~~I GREÂT ~. Crockery flU INGtheMouh of januiý our stock of Chi na: an.d-Glasi Cash If you are u.ne fauythîuing- to your advant*ago tel --a 4 -4 '~2 i L R.I, RLOWO Bell phono 9. r I 4 t ý,

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