Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Dec 1915, p. 11

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C57 THELATRE F~ P R 0C iv EM mvr onday Dnght lrt0% tjj fill -' -rfo aoto ff S1TATlc1ION i 30 a. M POT 3 jrà t S Ir Goal iare muro d Bright pirompî t j- -i i ' t r r r r I s tifi Il r t i 1 1 1 t r i r Ivj r é, l. T 'iMX1 N ri cny fr i iji hoi n a i ii i Il 1t r it 1W s be~ir l Idî1-le111: i 11 1r .1 j F . fer ]b irrt* N 'n& T iei o mi rj î iju 1i I r r. r. f u1(1 ri 1ifii'o' I-f iJi hnionl;tjk az M*îînklijwIrji r ~iil lî- v,#:ît f i. 1 1; 1 1 tri .r a r r . ? r1 r - , N jr i'- li'Tront f j mvc o (.T v AI 1av-v Ild ojj j jrj 'srrjrrs ji11 )j r r f r rjj ifliirrjr '- irr rr r r - Corlirr-r r1 (tomr lleî i I n iîi r 'm .i- l îir r#t jj rP rlr Sio - r-- Cj'jE N 1- r-t , f rh- ljir îr li lT That S NS Gr ar Ir ii~ii' jrii~- tir s Ar j j' 1. r?. -r f î-w I '.i , " f î,- '. mY i br r< ri'rs r rrs rr for ail lis frjt-nds.- a ta 1ion Ilow blai! înt Id ai Whùîlv Thitr n'on Stndav- î'viîlng il xt wili Nvru'e rierrrjired ir n!.- Miii? . T.;rIf î- jîrtiî-rriîl: ftarjctjve froni the 'aff, on \V('dm-jî'f . N Is Mr' -t a r r. rojjj ?(f spiýarkors Major NiiCormriik. i)1r,îNjoj C i i rr (If Njjia lrrjr N;jorrof the 116;un latîalion, L O~1 HAPENNGS ergerjîKift. of iîuîrrr lirr t) w ris r' ho irrlius tfer rrn' service adbe Ili coimmand o l of' rrîî is On e of fotrr i iId îîd h r îj î. wi Il tI rroî . Srgt. brothers now s-err Ing?îs King mid Em- > Jijeiard Smithj. of Ijre PrIricoss Pais, nie II f ri-.anoîher sîrijr -wtroc hai t -n active tif) Tf your eyîîs trojuble Nol] jcoasuir j 1Bt I1.I-Tni W.\r",TEP i r -and Iis now Ihomp recuperating, i E. W11118i, driuggist Iand ovttclan NuIbrp jîjjî i are r.-i ioi f-r ili- 111 îîk The-re wNiitlie fa rOSI !o'4-ar -0-O--- iifirdr is of h j 111)11 h litt i on l î tion - tiirj o t 50 ndthet bu uîsual good MiUSIC, foZ lar est wo»k'.-;.&J gliil- ii, % liii. iy to~ arget wok sIrts rnade Foc, Th@ afntuilbusiness m(-ting of th, Baptist Chtich le to jebe hed tMis ,,îîux4ay. i jt ritig at8 o'clock. W-0. Waiters' ainnual January gal, 151h to Rist. Hloly Communion wIII be celebrate-! Mt St. JOlx's Cburch, Port Whltby, n«et Sunday mnornlng, January 16. Rev. W. R. R. Ârxnîtage, M.A, vYl Officiat.. GO tO Harry T. Tbornpaon, Wbttby, for Cuatorn.d Tallored Clothes, $15.00 te $20.00. WIIIIs' iYPOPhoophites, the rellable touie and builder. J. E. WIiiz, drug- gttand opteian. ladien $10 coata .reduced to $5.90 turtu muae at W. o. Waitea'. Ite ladies of the. I. C. Church of~ Whitby have handed the Treanurer of th» Wbtby Patriotto Yund the sum of $30. the proceeda of their recent bazaa.r. 40 te Harr T. Thompaon. Whttby 1 fe O...Tee Underwear. V%& Whitby Preebytery wiii meet in, Bt, Andrevas Church here on Tuesda morning next, January 18, at 10 Ie famous British writer, H. G Wells, Inakes a nctablîu contriition 10 t ivarIliteratture 'n an articlto 'Whtia te ('oning?" 4n tiis wi,'(k'a Satirdrîv Bvcning Post. itiop tirat cotngb. W'1lls~ 'rrioî Syr .rî.of lite 1îne rrîd Tir cýr- -'q ntI brortrI j r, ý --r-rajru;-',.,r'n et td ai hrj' Narnis of those wjilijg Io take soldiens Into Iiheir homes are aské-d tob4b.'q4nr ln ai onu-e.The board griaranreo I bv the I3atalion. Namnes Wednesday. A. red hot garne was look- LOST. shoîitd be given at once to Cajît. G. W.i A for.Bakg P~~~~~~~~ Evr hîy2 lkgat kin robe, green limrhg, P Fvrv. 'hlt)v. 91Osiwa béat the 84th Battalion ln between town and Mr . . J. Foiey-us rsi- t)shawa on January 7th by a score of dence. Reward by leavlng at Gazette OTTAWA WINTER AR 14 to 2. 14 seems to be te soidiers' office. lTbe Canadian Paciflc Raliway Ber- uniucky number, as Whltby beat them - l>QSRYD vice ta Ottawa la just what you want b, 14-1. On Decemnber 26, a colile dog atray- for attendIng the Ot8wa Winter Fait, lTe witbdrawai of Cobourg leaveS ed to yny premnises, lot 18, 8th Concea- Janua.rY ISthtat 21st. Tourtat one-way 1 but four tearna ln group 3.inWib p wnrmyoti h fi-st-daI&S are for round trip, good On FnIday nigt of tits week. jan-soWIb p wnrmyoti h 1 saine by proving property and Paytng going January l7th to 2tit; good to uary 14, Bowxnanvilie cornes to play at xesJ.CLarnMytOt return up to January 22nd. For &11 Whitby. Many persons say that Bow- epne.J .Lw-ecMriOt InformatIbn apply to E. R. Blow, Whit- manvilie la the teain to beat, 80 a fast by agent. M. G. Murpity, District Pas- and bard gaIne wIll probabiy reauit. senger Agent, C.P.R.. Toronto. Riordan, the big defence man who 0 played Junior two years ago, wiliib. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. wiih 11P ~vlsitors. This wIlI be Boy. The Treasurer of the Whltby branch in-lIefirst gaine lhî4e srson. T hanks of thre Canadian Patriotic Fund deaires The group standing'to date le: to aeknowledge with thanks the re.. Won LoBt Vou have favored us with ceipt from the Ladies' Aid of te KIn 'Wh fib,-------------------1 0 sale Methodist Church of the suin f......----------------------- your patronage, which we $64.00, for transm ission t o headqua -l îrl i atta io n ----------02h o e t k e p ters at Ottawa as a tontribution ta the Piir.Vil.... ....... O0 PatriotIc F'und. 0 sjîawa Juniors gave Cobourg a, Our money back guar- S. D. TERRY, Treasurer. trorinntng on Monday night to the tune; an tee permits you to re- rof 13 ta 3. Tlhe postîonud gane Witby at Bow-. turn aàny goods that are m-anvilof. schedilted for Deceruber 29, flot found as represented. atntli calld off owing to lack of Ice. has '-u-in <rde-reýd 10 be played on Janua.ry Fin est Vostizza Currants HOC.) rifl A'-Libj i CREY NOTES. Ire b)- !nfllerrnedlates 'ere r - ro-t(if orfresjj 'rr IL (t f theo S0 iiWfb-mBicrk andi ' 'ndltlon . sit a-nu = a n P r id t e C o . a n ti o f M . W m . J . . . - 1 t" h v e b t e n t r a n s f e r c < j o n e b lo c k D" A L E m a . r-ruer Ca«nada Co. Advertisements. WANTED. Thirée or four fiirnished or i lshed rooms near Grand Trunli mn- APPIY to R. C'ooper, genera N ry P.0, FOR SALE. Baby's Wicker Cradle, with new (-;s tO fit. Price., $1,50. APP13 rs. Arnot. Prock Street, oppositE infur- 1 st& alI d e- y t S'hA fEGISTER. 'rd'.-J~r.-i-y1fr. Mesers. Giff- LI mdU i hl rl i by alletton at j rmaiIFrurisduie ln eîrly i ! ir riirCr - v rrC'- r i<jht Prlt x ' ;'T, - I-e T- tnil:T- oir-r.S !r-ç;ekia t of(la - o'clock hap -t -bav'- - a 01 r - - - - '1 M. mar tIarrive - too late for the Xmas trade, 2ILb for 25C. Finest Leaf I,.ird, 18c t'er lb je-][;ies, puie a ncl defl cous, 6 rr 2 C. §[[!nus TFtlo:8 satisfaction OUarant..d Srock St., - WIIUTBV Two Pitece and Con' riiitj, msl From- $10,00 per (lar'ment to $6.0 ilpt' V1ujt OVERCOATS Just a ar Oec ot e it Oer Corne and See Themn Ha rry T. TIhon>psoip lIepswear Stoire, WbiItby Collins' New Yoar'ys clearanceo ÎI Women's Spats and Overgaiters, in ail colors to suit costu.mes.Prce« Cut In HtaL Also Boys' and Misses' Corduroy Legpins. Hockey Boots, ai varieties.m mm- - - - - -- a _ _ _ Men's Long Rubber Boots, only $2.99. BeIl's, Dr. Reed's andjDr's Special. Easiest boots on earth. Macle for tender feet. i5 Spais-Ladies' a ten( Lace d uttôn Boots, No s2, 24, 3 aci3~,eu Sprice ý3.o ad_ 0o. Sale Price $1.95.- Trunks and Suit (3iýfs :t Bargain Prices. See the Bar-Zain Tables. T4, Rec REPAIRING NE4TLY DONE AT BARtiAIN PRUCEg;SI- A Shoe Store Me .W.GOLLINS- Whitby, Ontarjo Il 4,Amtflany. rit,5,sin rinivu rltmîîaltî Il--r ljringri Iai ofn,1 xrn~t~e i. '1'utir . j' .,ePâ!Ch to th(,Sc- ip o îg 'r t f-P tapo<)t tthaC t leI"nnch war,,hip IandM JDr.,"an J.iehk,cj1sÎfj ' a 1(t8thmc,îit Of tr(lop., ci% TuLosday Wlitthe %Var r"jj; evening in order to prepam-c iorthe -utionswero edupçd -s J arriva, Of Serbtarituoe ii? W44 JL'I~~ Rhine ?rt«vu(.. âtmes.ar to J. JouesDItO.... at, CSzatu.,zom .... 8l J#01*44 Mk.... ". 0k owebo---. IR.itwtp ,*9^ý .É%i L.OO el.t0 4".0 l100 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ta once. is n.tfUfofl~ , ~ lt U!ISdby s=y Et1 T7 it j fOCK EY jww I!b. -una__it a *t e L~5 I ri -r 0 dýý -- 1-1 1 j 5

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