Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Dec 1915, p. 7

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J h - i.' r -- t - 1. 14 il a' b d. s t, ai. r <t, 5 i ha .5 I i i~t il .1 I WO N W R IDthe bird.s la beund to create a condi-TAZS OSLE d UntedStau L I Z tin that wlll take a littie time to IN hU] RS-AL IE W M re-adjust, sio that when the proper 1M9rinDryoFut.W Ref n R d é' adsHrm ,0ât ' method of handllng the birds can be ~ ~ ~ img autn n y ueshAfectBreaksdectded on, Ik should flot be altered, E I UIOU VOUA lio o te ecevs lASRairo dsn eceve~sHadsHealthanduOtienSAfectBers ,. unies. ini a light way, to improve ee J DII h mu sfuIn n Arnong U.S. railroads the interven- 'Pere Marquette.......... 28,441,200 Doivn Completely.. codtnshtxayrseTesttmtlaaetattuadu RFTAIN NW8A Lino h eevrbsbeen so fre- Pittsburg, Shawmutt & Ih leqlittie wonder that there arel anthon we want etra en aryi.ckswhodonotre y ee Ofice fr sislut= quent, and has cencernd 50 many in- Northern ..............11,700,000 many turnes lu a woman's lhfe when gand wfi hntaotrebird. lu parthe aryourenes thnteieg ls..mi.rungt lbunse.UuiIno portant systems, that Ibis officialini5St. LGET&BaTFaniao 2,5000noE utVwEd jcadiwb wArthLewides"maPdW 7 WWhAoladeSt. l'r Loi o rnic 20010se.feels In despair. There jlGisNGTE EnoFARY chicks outIf____do_____________b nolone consîdored an omen of ap- St. Louis, Brownav lli &nine..hour day for th' busy housewife. eHICK. hre fnt tmyb prove for themees ta hyiids longerehade t get them ma weli able toi pence wltb grlaie ftewtguteNWFNU iroaching dissolution, but rather, in Mexico................ 500,000 There are a hundred thing about the A. JduSI "t f Bon-Opte tabetss and 5 tWO-oTinCe bet rase.sP.Marshaul. RtaEItScATENTIN! csR-the promise of economnical ad-, St. Louis, San Francisco home to keep hier busy f rom the time produc be trogtry k an d ftl on- owing presitioalie toneG minstration. Figures issued by the & Texas ...............804ý0OO sghe arises until it ià again bed time. Hwms epelokwt ra idr.clly latrmB a h possibl e wOttablet. Wlt bshri~ lud27 anSre.Ptro.NJ Bureau of Railway News and Statis- San Antonio, Uvalde & what la the resuit? Often lher nerves eutiennbtetbe the eres two to four tiine5 _______possible___________battre__ tcChicago, show that there wcre Gulf ......... 230,000 give way, ber goed looks sufer, hbrngoIbdssvrmcipere hmcmngIt h ihtcn alai nd yreuit th ri b sat aa_______________ twerity-eight railway companies ot Tennessee Central ... 7,941,450 blood becorne. thin, b.er digestion Inla gotbrs ovr ypmr dition at varyung ltimes. By getti n aebe l ht they hveasiguARESa1 rIlXT 'nore or les. importance lu the bands Toedo, St. Louis& Wes- disturlyed ad ber system threatened inatured for the early shows tnn t he the egga from, thoso ha rei i1ematisin. oetn. utai oeeeis eso rni )f veceivers at the close ef the calen- ern...... ..... . 19,947,600 with a complote broakdown. Evory general mun of birds. Many think pîuk of condition we can expoct then weakorde, conjutvts nohe L iar year 1914, in addition te neariy Trinity*&Bao \aly. 600,000 wemisn îshould do all poss-ble te pro- b ingclitiees on hvn odto gtteordcicesfomte. erertonenieofsfrn ouaWidrBrenl. îj inrt inor ronds. The combinod Wabaqh R. R . ..... 92,400,426 tect her health anti good' looks, and roigfclte with wsbich t Above all, we inusî never ailow the j1ucriiaion Ilusd aduei;yn n e_____________ cr~th of these grow the chicks that are gotteri ouI condition of our breeders to run down, ete nge ay.ousad h r ln.r~7EfEt1I ATE ated by breh.ittabur Termi n tidrtaa o9,449 before most people are thinking of it. for thon ilîmeans, through the winee:ien ayoueetatW] tmpfrif>r:7n r1ile, itha otl cpialzatonofnoWabash, Cheuter- & Wet-- liams' Pink Pills. These actualIY Hw t n otey o t ht ley seiney ild ntig etipvrbverq c-q than $1,376',879,913. They include on...............1try0m tarchblddote Hw o he fn wenîhy ha te nthngbele ha nve bverfore temIfthyba cre terwihmahie rin e ryn s..,...........i,250000 m kLane ,irl. blade yongr ey"' o h -stWholesalld teDis.n ao.bePfre . le..olrt Wsosn& Mcia ,0. 00 .ynev n vryogn rn ready for breeding only when the tbese victimaet eicofrgase r o"(1, likehcexcellnt.sedvicer inetheIeoruy IlLe crute el, ithexrelen sevice intheWheeling & Lake Erie 8 6,980,400 the giow of bealth ta the cheeke and1 whenIb tis is accomplished, ta have wsrm balmny day. of spring are mak- ibey inust h bned ite e-rl-d1ACE UOt UP u.tws;the Ci.hcago and Easernn- brightnema te the oye. The8e pilla something thal will match up wit.h the n themselvea feit. A little observa-! crnasing weakenedcnioseetr 0 11wis Raîlroiid, mi01oe1f0 h bsttidsthtare poue ta ingimIf yen can, like mn tes e la nenisdeira.cr Cicagofad the1111111448,3961,291 'have don. more, omake the lives of bri ht pedcda îetien Ilaworth mnuch more than the i.oalthy. eîrongmu ei oe bog troipinb ujone ramn s boore oo lte. r itlima onCcgoadS.Funded Debt. thousandaet women *unshiny than when conditions are more naturel. I edn ftegm hn nsm a fTrnol 1 .u-, theabash-.te,pridtàsng otlatBrmnhmanything elso in the worid. Mrs. Working along through the early , pap,, ,d we feelsure if ;erY (oTion yron te Ifilteeersr m7abi pia p.ii ny umpiigshrîat Atlantic....... ........ $24,560,500 Daniel Theal, Waterloo, Ont., says: se4sonr, trying te batch chicks and breeder will only try 0ewy t io b ui.Ifyordrgis eeotr i n maq, lt-twe mngprat Cape Giardeau INorthern. 1,600,000 "1 was very much mon down, my blood expecting te have botter luck every chne aepaei h odto f OeRao.I l I \!.ILcît, svvingthucly ppuleed ies....................74,507,000 ftin te b.lenimt oxcitement. 1 sut- w,,ork to, muny, and when Ibis i% the" nd wberefores and rat-n better womk '"Do yeu know boe s5 waI v da n ti rMichigaen; and the Toledo, Cincinnati, Hamilton &1 fered from headacheg end dizzineqs, case, seotten are the 11111e felows Oft'in the future. scztrce, brother?,tesa-o hptfces eiee > andl Western Ralroad, Dayton ............... 62,135,640 and often it seemed as thoiiih there cuch sveak constitution that they can- orator demande, dafarazduiivuinahd eki N% ri is the (lover I.eaf Route, Ira- Colorado Midliînd......... 9,682,000 were cleuds before rny eyes. Finally not battie througb the conditions they1- __+ -_ - section of thebaboefth NocmnmonWretoafrf iithe progzressive states of In- International Grat wa foredte go ta ed ... .. kmuai - ....til h. re.h theseason Bt)LDIERS' GRAVES, tien waited in liueyptec o l~E U liiianaI lilinois. The receivership Northemn . ...... 24,694,600 neas. I docîored for six weeks wbile when spring's balrny eunny days - the answer. T@OGEss u .foi aI14 i4 as fottows: Karase City, Mexico & ýin bod wilhout receiving any bentfit. carry theni aiong ln the mest natumai Shella Destroy Marks Where the Mein A tired lookun oa hdpue Mileage. Orient...............2-,769,223 Flnally 1 was indueed te take r a.Wa elixir do the breeders Are Buriei. If or a moment o h deo h an.Bii marghanî & Atlan Loui-iana & Northwest 2,300,000 Williams' Pink Pis, and when 1 had have tbat niakes il possible te bring 'crowd., She spoesoty %tacn & irtnnkha 600000take tenboxe 1 ws coplee1Y longthes eary felow, anTinahe lbt teproblemof of k m th khng bIbes <g itvrnil sasn........2.... 9,936,969 1 arn convinred thal what Dr. Wil tefre lc, o scosdrthe baIlle front i. a difficult one isnOfersbes adartigeein osf In11the whyt'plecdoletuus lngstesee that ucatan :nntrrngedemtnmafo n1 i. ra llrmi ilamit v aton 1.014 ouaOknhrnt ihme' Pink Pille did for- me they will .w-bat are the conditions .,%-hen thejuow ya anucme;md it ain't!' ne o.Wit o aedr ainialMuiia.1381 fr Gdu ecr- I karehd f rom the office ef the British Secre- i W .ELOT ltvi nalunai & ;rcaat North(-n <tIMbl ,6,90ohr, wrî.nraî tar fWar and published recentîy î l\airaa~lil. N-sin Oren NeOcag sns.-d.t.ra e a132,k6wo0q. Anydne, Ifho thinks aI ail, cen attri- 1the London newspapera. The an- t kiahoma ('entraIoren0,000 )'ou con gel these Plille from eny bute the reasons why e bon can more; rse ixs47 89 lhn-aCnrl .... ,8 0 medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents eail roduire hatcal eggs n a nounicement says ne specialcrseE.>Galtd eli. DO 'CU OT k . <lV.?alsac (ra-ît <1 I'c>re Marquette ..... 7,6915a bxorsxoe or $. B, rom Threchbl » can be r:ceived for transît, and ex-tciWuinDa l@ ottPe 121& triigaîiu Nrîttrn Shw t& Dr. Wiliiauns' Medicine Co., Brc-January anti February. Nice baly byn-alodecrsstetdwtheRmdU NoPutshr, -h4,1 îuer3"158romillneJunethan aMyîuall sm lae gn rasses re mred ith R 1dyM~e ok r usii &.173,358 'ville, Ont.days with a chance te gel out again i t.temae be wteoofAteufluglsCm_ & NorliAukan.î4sSi. 305 j & Ban Francis- r 'have filîed the birds with the feeling creeso the aes, ' atrpoo. 0eper Botl. urie~l'e rt ýl i kaoa&(tl 26502:)Ms ftegaeexplains the an- For Beok of -b M -î ra.tiiaom &tilt 333 "0- .296.00242I'HETIlC STORY. of happiness and heartiness, and ihey Mnoto r ibnterneo w*~ *eYCmatCIE 011la-ous, Nirdut,- & thiago 4(13 -St. Louas. Brownsv tUe & iIshow It by busytng themiselven with Oieennysaseitfi e raSe much i.O R 3 M Nexuro a-heproduction apeciesISi Imineinavlofcr'pyrneafo 3 vl eue hr u ev eb r 1a,ilia Xr.tr rai 1, fil S1t.1 '5A Russian Officer's Sud Downfall un the rpetutin ftheir litaI mos of thvalrssef are \tr..a'tr.-~~ t 2usS: ra 21 3,8800 Parie. plecing behund thor a li need te with- deutroyed frequently and bave ta e i (midshipman)te£,9ayar< oplmcisrpl.Des ý1.Shannii & Nu th- SAri Antoniro, Ivailde &' Amsterdama uHolland) n Vwsp pmoaducthe in tbhem a conditofnater repaced froni a carefuiiy kepî regIs-mirai of the Flel.-wre.Saoîeeiee.Do J r & V.arlc ttsa. 1,744; Guf .,6t3,000 describe th. pathetic close oet heO cîabspouingInely ierafor itbiness t ter o et burilIplaces as soon as the-- ISRIE R. o aks.a 1.ý-. I.r-smIle & 'NlN- Tennesse e (ri t r;a112,709.900 ireer o eutenn asktâc fao , l ielfr h uins tgraves con b. reacbed. Under those Xnl' iiutCrsGru aCw uietfrSu.Sde.Srs wIl, . -'~Tolcdo, St. Louas & West- a crack Cossack reginient ot Russia. h uand l heblrds ha aeIn 'conditions the War Office says il rnih eHari.îvî~nrumoeI i .. ru, Sari f«- atrîrsco & j trn s . . 28,027,000 Whcn tho war breke eut Lieutenant Nafrly r would be impossible te set up mny- Hrl osbe .IUG .0 . 1 yaiBd. o 23Trinaîv & Br.azo7 Valley 9.7ý60.000 Maschkowlt.scb was In Paris, and as shape, wiil coen m perfect trîm thing 1k. permanent narkeris until C. H. Spurgeonwsoc se- 'obn i bobî.J. r tl -1- seoneat, and wiil preduce the eggs 'odton1r es ete."Couid any menpa h ontad______________ \iiitao, 1 ie ~af 251Wahash R.R.12194,149 11. was useless for him te attempite ra n hocndidtions chcarcaebemore_________thlk h <a -ntral 294 'th> lrttslurg Te-rnir- aoneVahh'jein bis regirnent he oncenlse btainedculd" Sus-eonrepiede"bt I en 1inomftheente itt-Br - I tL.ouas & Wv-sietn .4,51 "al -i1,3 uateFrnh-ry n h aIl tson.ned er liy ealiet biii thesa-. beaRevivun'" "os I ro in010 eedvesel wi Itrîtrî, Va3e1.. r, W~abîash,. (bester & \West Othe Matne ho distinguisbed hirnself . E vta h erybId iilfand tbe saeti Wr.ele hns id. Inot sure about i eldo eg-~ a' ed -) .14 ern C'90,000. anal becitme a favorite with the beia h aelmsdte5i The shortage of the supply of syn-! ber."'g Il W--h R. Frn- odes .wssi bti may very much vary the tile thetle indigo lu tbe markets of the ;i t-lt l'ittr<burg Terminal . - Wisconsin & Mau-hagan 3 ,9 ()9,2 4 5 Fec odir.HIassihl C\i-t hester & Western 65- 'iha'-irng & laike'-l-rue '27i(.00.000 ounded a tew meonthe age in a skîr- ef their beet productivenes during world casamresult ef the war la Europe - OO I SIN - IMoell'vcretmmdi but oon ecovred.diff erent years. If oeecould select iand lb. consequent hlgh erices for -Wb"e 70-r igesie siy ekemad1imdgsieefs i eibs oi 'tsi & Michigan .. 124 msraeuerYpres, btsi Ieoerdýhe eggu fromin ndividuals wben tbey impotedinig uinChiee markets ý &,Are'srautan4 -1e i Lk rr 49£2S.>2,2.22 Rectntly ho received a forty-eigbtwr ttebs dtio eifsa blOrtu eiof henatvo iý. - The total 'auptalîzatron. stocks anti heur turlough and retnnned te Peris.'wr ttebatcniinecb5.ih.ldtearvlo tentv r- FOR 19.49 oura nis liririt-It was the lest bis3 regimont saw of son we belleve Rt that lime they ductien ot indigo lu varions parts ofTO 1ýIia-him. :would get the very beat birds trom China. Indigo production isneueetof 40YEARS C'apital Stoc-k. img dupliat lans, the net. capitaliza- thtb-.Tetm hrlr ogtCiasods nutis h hns Ilîruuaghtam &In St-plomb)er ho was arrested torhtbr.Telmeteeeet e Ciasoda nusre.TeCîee Tuîu!ào :j.te $.3Yî.00,lîuî taon le lest' than $60.000 per mie, de'sertion in s cateirni Paria, a wreck the beat early chicks or the eggs froni developed their owu procesa et mak -____________________________ ______ lut c r the- thart-!ie\-en years, frora hi ore sl. eeeofdssp-wblch lhey corne Is when the. hens are, ug the dye and uaed their native REMEOY qi-, Gardeau Nrrthern 25<.0 1870 to 1913. the records show thet bsfre of. ok ds Ipanluthe' very pink et condition a-nd do-'poutfrmn etr~bfr litiago & EastertI Pli- not lesa-as 4US odwiha inhdspedhsvtlt.iewa n uiésl than y4do. ond. tban in-g bet saso. _____for___________centuries________________ lins28.87.80 opeatediengh of145,76 mlesand *hait net known aausber me-. duo ionenative indigo lias contiaued Dayton .9,248,51 rtudddbt 9 tlmb rcivr ient for a long lime. 1He was found IW.hvevr> ftea ioticed tha"ee mne a îîiradî Nlidiand tah0,0 ande. Ameng these were includiid glt'dgae u etae etobzswl i try- Irrtrrraaoral & (irat isuth prperies s te Notiiru Pci-yeers' imprisonment. Great' regret '<~ M S N i tsa 'au, eîc ht w-ere ssqhel rergnie met fr bsdown thebuten v ie frbfrgh elcod taib~±s Nirthern .. 4,822,00o<ifa, Atchison. Topeka & Santa F.,waexrsdbyh.mnthirei t I" ' KaIrasrtyNeiotjtwr useunl ergnzd1&li the circumstauces the verdict of and preducing as nlce aproduct U. it wlbh Dr. JaceoW Roman Muai, and, Oret215,000,000 anîl piaced upor as profitable baste.-ocor-atalia nirl ut would b. possible tuo ge for lîatching bake anythins from tt. If Yeu 15ka, *aitriO ypisis nê lo D~ Masiora & Blirnmingham 500,000 gouîe anto receivership in 1915 include 1 nsed the i.> lii otten ab. foutnd te It makuremuet delîicleus bakinj, zrvent. asotA',& ,nerth Arkaun- 94 -1-à etblîha pepr iesuuh .as the DEEP-WATER DIVING. ba-c srog tury hiksta»hugt, litndlg.stion, la very nutrItos. irelleves - - - ana rtaiîan, ot i i SUUiLioU lteact liaIlau,. n 1h sumer'Mtie lngu, eh ~ ni> spah ini ed toldieraati anilors *ho have had I1! PrOVded- What i tille >iIch Od ice 1 mét, cum<sdet twsUreliélumbago h :tea I t r.a einiesi tet fu 'coer gnie toge h a ysncho-mremerhanical trsining." chicks wouiM be t-be resulli, intrest iMINARD'S LMNIIIHWr P'ýli Itrg.sri writes or reads Sir Percy Girouard auffere cerne- ri a fenth cm, a t OMMasis DMV M BON î~.'l'i ualtu-afattbe wbt rsuhdleliu esdli. on'A VALUABLE MEDICINE UYbIlt-he MataM"a cut mto liftilbrakfst-im. wat ro inijétin, ndi1 amount t-e aytklag once. tb.y become 1 v. uru ' Fr.1'î,nch was at school the siniplesît are. Teihaywa FOR LITTILE ONES reafly atwntèd in âthir it*th. by itI A -priz,inarr taknitting crnm- indneed from bis habit et working 8 gtrIafriwbatebed 1-1r-i \'s-a settof$l- meaus, especiail>' aI dinir. H. usd lirs. G. Moergan, Hq.it.u'ile, Ont, er, wint, aM ft semonitur tu îh~ m4 -, i-s. 'a hich are still to have placed beslde-human itdiuner'wmit.:...'1wish ev.ry Mothlierandf<r,à 1>V» 0" i 4eC7 MINARD'8 a unal writlrîg-ptd and penril. and epeally yovng motbrh ic ckaw. b.111. l.Whet- bdae' 1.. illaro. tll- former Gem- dnung the meai b. would Work et value of Baby's 0w-n Tablets. "~ lst e~a I.S AIS ' ia-r,,arvlias; serv.d AS,-the meut remplie% caleulations, b0 ave oertainly werked b abiNa luici li A. way b. uples -' .i- taire counties out- doubt much te thbe benefit oft the great- oW. iiaby. Sui s, w- Iubleivtsisî elzsat o aaaoa an o( i ar them member ammameilt firm le w-bi hSir Pe">'be- ceteaticusairio 7'.. i 0f ' tr*i - pîrfssin.longs. But tila'met-li etIw-omis9oo00-t-le tlme,-be eTb epsôs bft ic ttRothsc-hild ila contîlu- tld ils talie on Sir !Pe"eyGireimrd's w iwe ~dae- Il W à '-e lingK îtsq noeintimat. digestive ergfali. idiehId. hsle.#hti-'1Mbito2 - 'luas durifts.ni& sd e-ciii. dealers orbty28eeut.e aiaherfs i x rmr.W. '«< pr anium.FEWEIt DRUNKS IN, LONDON%. i ç, Brei, ont ~ W~rl ~4 ~ ~~Itg - -. ~ filulanciai adviser te Oie hos tetla(tlrbra*i irw a e* SI 'hv 4- t.makes the etud-y oet f4w Mmtreii. t .la oaJonL -he W TheBi t'P h i ichiet necreation; ho lI&Vr&j Ceme 1100, mî. -- W - .ial irîrrvoftsuch books I ris.effelet if. n»w anti-tr.a:tb.th 'mut 4*oàdottW Ithlot ,ou"W b îtlnkV., Oewa'order lias n 'tu~ae u "' rW-h"ai tý U uai' %1ihnb. C. h wstpolice courts in t-ho lab*iig Ia- & IP. lkh.trgt h*0Kov- 'tiaction iu the fDar-'l-e t eu-.Wheli ii.Nortb saw- wa4thas lyluglé" h. den n q an. liait ictar yeuns made a London Ma&gistraledeail wtth 114 UN... 1.881.. dim*a a M afis p ~~i i, l, fi r nnce. He ile one css f mkWw h*lb .. I 7«- it W,, lnobgg -a .s lt ng'iiîahd soldters Whi o, bet t-iw*day f l tlu b. flali dodu ~new,-ord«-er b d boitt Irea, 8ÉWimlI 0 3ài k.'i.ni<, mu-at reiCOinîlmnato ouet6'r'e.uordIn 0 romt - i'-"tatnus wuîh the Tsar t-ban 11W diitrict-s. lâ1d4 rd bàýVos 8id7 i i le 'urepean mena rch T'jhe publie lbeuse owumft *eu*sn l*l IÈêviip* ' a-airs past the two se-ver-s mes±w-in1Miry orllui,~1 e hi*'?eskIt- a' t'. oirespinnulealwith octi-1ijýl ak~ 4iY liemtu"e it.' - P. 1<r ofu>tNewcastlole ne .mPs og tgpru. a' smteur photegrrapher in t--knwth ---b--J,~4i~ovê i a '- lia lresInpnectically oser>' w-ii b oin aU ,id5, Ilnrs i the- world. and his favoritie A- u r a rit ,aut- -iilrei. oltr ,laSînuom, whori a boy, a b lt î a Palmisît tut he would ohé!ayh " -rr"q ut i arristers and pollticiaii '-" V. io lau mensure great aciers, bile mr~ ~e F Palmint wari net se far w-Mog. - ~ i , Mn. î,nd Mm%. Asquith liuua1ly alu ai e uarter to tinle; dinner in se.rdTay lg, at Buckinghamn Palace atoi * e'lcSir Edws-rd îOrey tb dine aI half-pastsvn hi 4 $TOMK tien yen Dawson. ;D JOp erestitig ationi on ig Coin- - RAW t prîces or price facuruer. h k . iK\IT at home, s11 çte iidr taI wit-h :RS rcea lassO. W. îides, me. E ilimrL OWOI noltu. eqt Edi 'aduates; 6 I re. y mite.Sat la tlldIL zil nuts ýh îs Là RACH IVER o tiees a,- j I z t

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