Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Sep 1915, p. 2

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Iunade. s.omng o -eu «t uv.às passage- of the, Briti h aet-ýto compel the. manufacture of unitiloïas as fast --e' Laies.g under the lid and drew out a ýA as possible and on hat Franuce and 1,__he_ hes.ths eutu* xu.yh the' Teutonic alles h ve already, donç The thfflehildren filiîga .h Whtstsbstysnm '-h in the saine direction, the. creation cf Meiadow oôkd ratiier, foriorn., It askoed. iosnwwa%, the fIÙt time that they had over "That's Mise Guin 'Leaf. .o cm the. Rusian coniBBIsO gYou came eniphasis to the chief e d aid aimiof spezt a Wdek on grandiatherle fanm, tramthe. North, su yeu don't know. man, as it seema te be regaided juat aid the. very day after, their arrivai Sh.'s quit. a littie lady, aýnd laten on now by tht. Eurdpean uIigerenta. -their mether had beoux uddealy ca>4 er o. Octoben ciethes Wil W levoi," away. When thé buggy drove ,off Molly anaWered. "'Now, Virgiiia- That ed andalm j make w lwthber, 9 Cloud seemed ta settie over y9ur turni." supplendFr aian ism oake averythîîg; al threo c hildron, 'Jack, Virgla heid up ber lest with a suppli es. Fothema ni or'bt haveVirgulia, aid littie Sue, ail feit un- happy iaugh, aid Molly iaugbed with exatlycore itethewoi 'ut orhappy aid even a littie cross. beho. "That's Mistresas Maple," she this, la Europe away tramti actual "aoet ac srud eoesi,"h oela ttewoelt battle ares, ho exista to-day. <'Pro- N ,onshow stae usrunid Jackn. si,"h oeis ftew elt duce,- preducet"la jestili thi.ert but tishow. han' crlbe!" Jck Look at ber canefuliy. 5h. changes ît i coditinedby he wrnI to"I wsh e hdn'tcomll'ber dres early. Seo lher bright ovon- it ~ ~ ~ ~ o iscniindb h ail. ta "There'a Mllyl". cried Virgula sud- akirté, scarret tram hem te hem, with proucemuitinsfirt o al. fe enî. Listent Sbe's aiaways sing- aplashea of gold. Adheoaaste cousesom me uuatbe xem~ ig. I don'~t think she was aven dis- of hors la a goid fnoclc spiashed with trcm--tbla duty . They are thei. n n cortented fiher lite." - scanlot.. And stili anothen sisten, al -ch>argçd with the task of disposing 1 3Molly was a girl who ivdo i.l enyio rmtpt e. *~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ r tI"uiin h ot fet iX a.Sbe was round-faced aid "It must have been spua ouotpr way. But *for the, rest the p .im, jolly; if she ever were discoîteîtod, gold."1 Virgula sighed wtofduht fundamoital duty-ta the stetin o no on. kîew it. She came down the. Wh, -I didn't knaw that leaves couid tinathe m i vr-inaii u path swinging her basket aid sing- W'ooloveiy aid seinterosting." titis. -ing. At sight of the. mournful line of Little Sue'a eyes -wre 'round, as ah. hldren, ah. stopped short and crink- pokod ber fat fiat iteo the basket.- It Once the. ahief end of mna wag as"-1 d hon face in a amile. came eut ciutchig two sprays of wuned ' ta b. the pursuit of the tri,, "Mther's gaie," expihîd Jack. green. 4k.. bê'aanffnl the oood aid the har n- " .A din't kb,,w what t'ay Or ; "But they're not Lest ladies!" cried stud preit0y te rnile#'wfth ;,Iy tacdo 0the. foe' j'rom fai'est and- roHte»gplain Wdth pvide wo *111 soliut agaSi, For the 'lund cf the. Maple, yo-hô, lads, yoI.o The. flag'ot»rltarnna, .Oanadi un$,remùember Uivtzfn ieA ot lu glory 1i11i affs on the breezo, The bcL,f the herç tbst. willnover . urr.adeý Nor dbbvn«b r ne en land er, on -sae. We4m e. o 0wards te tremble ýWSieathe Nortbmea -assemble -O'er- the wlld fleld Mef battlet 4Ulmpliaut te go;*f AÂs .gul ,muarol aloag 'ennijoithe lisppy sang, For 1the lanud, o! tb-i Mapieyo-hoQ ade, yo-bo0. Thnt aid 'rtiUsdb- Plagi lot us gatb«rC ud ltf -Mco :er taZ OR ttbe rock, filng Its folde tothesIW., 'TP ii.fiaeIgof01< our, afluers; laInglorywe fôund If,- In - glori weli leave It, or dÃŽfeinding we'll die. Its, faine wio wen'itfthlSi Àt is nane ever perlai, To the. depths of deislon ttueoaard sphail go; While we slng ioud thé Jlwppy strain Loet th il lIeaddrocksing again. Fer the laid of the-Maple, yo-hp, indg, yo-lie. St. Marys, Povde c ofanadalng orau ayIlli aidou'la Asa eld t coui. ean-Kngda ep.ur at i aveOu.lwg Asa-hrelniglithlaawate-and aid o he brause. Fr freedt a uni a tèhicuaand'hyars crcue For as rvedm amloud ees d ea The arscha traier aidd ihpesand fte te. Ch rsofrnte tonlot-anus se theal CA oyal ai nbleimsonagi For tlié-lind of the, Maphe, yo-he, -lads, y"-o.* IjaqTON. tj, t ti b s 01 M.d berr." -nonmes fin the youag-ha seek hein - ---- . icoîîzrvatioîî aid heltiy balance la Dggsý--"MIy ife l a wondertuii adult hi!.. Cildren siauid -net be vo-calist. - Wiiy, I have )4iwn lier ta juiduîy prosaed, -wih an eye te exani- d io audience for iiour - ain. otramst for thon ta Bh , -"Get out,'Z" Dlgg.q--".tler b. Idie-Goidsmith was a dunce ah ovhh uld lay i ilahie cradie seiooi, aid se have bcen ny- chier -adrokIleap"jdsîgiideC Even Gladtne, Count your biesginga nid you wilî have ne' thi. e otink o! disagreeabie Ibungs. The. word "bi'nl,." now a t-irra eto contemph, n'ar' oni-. r.i oaîrnyex- pression for a ti-al i chuid.,-- -THE WAR-CF, MONEY 9AGS, 5.-we TaMW "TOT# W9XA ti d . trg la am un th ln A hi te a fc cc 91 via" &A..s-sr --# -»»*» Urays arenaunea for Jbig r,gu&s o The. actees who posslbly feela the ammuottioni. -, Thorea a44b. ",mitral!- 1e epost intorest, in the Australian ,"'e1 tb '«'15" aid the "Obus." Lau. roops, la Mii iss ini. Loin, Austral- nlpoti ymbe e18eoyl an-brn-erslf.Her birthplace was eal.ed Itali green, though it la many 3m-hem h&n,er Û8t,1tgêfppr taies darkerthai the green of the ine was - made there. Her father -tla ig aedi ta ho troasuner f the. Opera Ba okn r en ehv _Very4 amusing'for thé dryneas of hiea thein haande fulli tus comiîg sases emnal In .HusMn ar tbein banis fuil- ef beada aid their WTatt, -tiie . oad-shouIdened M.P. ton Pocketo-tfull et môney. Combiaatloiib 1ie College 'Division of Glasgow, la -cf colora, a distinctive tfedture of 'the 1e meatsantorlally reaplondent figure ceng stylos, are mont offectivo in [n Panliament' ta-day, with -bis wbite bead, worlk. On' aingle littleý narrew Lascet hat, hie white spata, aid bis bat, band shows tii. clover usé cfý six àuge satin cravat. co«'its. Banda, buckies and bahi-hics Mr. John Buchan, whose fine story onnamonts ln beadwark are on tbà t) the. second bat e pea ln'Tiie beat lmported mllhiieny. Steel -besd. uns"lis ddd argey t' bioreu- ng le la special goad favon with tho tatici as a wniter on thi. wsn, ruling spinits et fashion. acbieved the. difficult tssk cf iîducing Sin Edwand Gney aid Mr. A. J. Bal- On. year ago the. French woen four te preside at hua lectures on thie adopt.d the. braided coats aid smqll onfiet n soarae ocasins, bats suggestive of niilitany lite, but coithe n reptocaio n . R nin w they bave returned te more tom- Teti rny ctiv Scotish MP iiie attire, aid are keeping strhctly îppe the .Nyative Sl Reisn Bih, ~te plain mode aid rather sombre col- that he beiieved all the, information os h nhaigrs iwvn r couid 1(àve been geVtnfom thie records geîng in 'ton ciothes so suggestive. et of the Insurance Commisaieners, aid beihigereidy that some of the gar- me wanted te savo the extra ixpense. meni are extrema beyoîd the point Hia views may b. wreng, but fiaoîne o good sense. loubta hiii courage. If you are an individual of middle A statesman wliose issue'you nover age you wilI remember the arrîval of hean m.xitioied la Lord Morley, wio, the shirt walat wbich put in an ap- went eut of the. Cabinet wheî we de- poaraîce about tweityyears ago. clared war againat Genmanjy. It la There was a terrible iiowl, as there his wish durng the wan, it/As uîden- lu about overything new. The-lem-on- steod, te b. forgotten. If /Mr. John ated cniticass&id-,*.twould nob' womeni Burns did net attn- .1.15 ftwoin' diànaid*that they would ~0monasoegilalyh.would t in bcome mannishas-d 'impossible. Be- to be presumed, suifer the. same fate, hold, the. shirt waist las tili whth us- King iciilasaid, bohold t how cbarming we romain. Kin Nihol sthe. bomely n arch Tii. wisa wonian weara a littie taîcy f M o n ten e g ro , t h e. w an ch i e ots e th m i e t w t b r t af t hicb received decorations at our waahc.hemistte i wbber taifea bande, lias a pleasaît wit. To a visi- tos.Hnairislw sfes né torhe nceremrke: "henYoufine; turtienmore, the. chemisette pro- or le one nmarkd: Wheayoutects the gowi froiLsol and wear aid peak of the ew expertse to my coun- t a b u h ek ;ry, don't t argot my daughtens"-an to icaott dii. nd e. iein s llusion ta the. bniliait mïanniagea ls iino anadthya.ue thyhv onned. One-dughter, for lwi ntd nadthyreud intey ha married te tthe King et panticularly lavishly an chemisettes Serbia. . aid "dickies" eoftiie athif white on- Black !s îow the habitual wean et gandy that works up ao well for bigh- Queen Alexandra, aid it beconios hon standing, wing-cut collars. Whiite well. Hen Majesty's' energy lan e- hlien la a bit heavy, but is used, espe- mral.Oie day she is found dniv- cially for the ho w round Punitan îeck: iîg througii the streets et London te IIXIng. oeo h ete rmd thank lienrarse-sellers; another day et cluny lace, wiiile insets, fine tuelka, ah. la tii. central figure at a tuiction hand enibnoidery aid b.adiîg of whi e coniected with war nereplanes, ,very- crystahsall appear. whene chanming ail heants wlth her Sanie et the uniclue neckwear - la winîîg aille wiich sureiy must -be niade up et stniped voile ini colons, the. thenncret etlen tena yut. stripos going ziggy aid straight, bis M ,Lucien Wof, who bas been r.- aforot un a d éou n t eipossb eyitie vealing the clUMsy attempts of the. th on iunusuai dearlbgis inisbeyen natariaus Caunt Bernstanff, the Gen- tecutn.P'n utn iihu mn Ambassador la the United little spaces, but,. as -sa generai nuIt, States, te influence newapapen opinion the buttons are tabric-cavered. in London, la kaown for hua neseanchos ite the. histoy oethtei Rothschild TO' INSURE YOUR CORN C90P famly, aid bebs added conaidensblY BUILD A SLO. te our knowledge of iiow the bankens brought the. firat news ofthei Battie A silo is not only the. safeat fonni f Wateloo te thus country. a! crop insunance for the. Wisconsin fanmer, but is stock insurance as well. ________The.succulenttefrni et feed helpa to PROFITS FROM ROTATION. keep the. herd in geod health, aid lin- noniousi developrient of his" pawers i h tode with ourselves." 0~ti tes u okdgivd h._________________ ucod ih hseieas ut the act- 44 àe, ýaid Moiiy. Sha stood uie wsaIldthtti.gc( aded ilesr aithti.Eue -dasgvenmB istîilaid -ho-.yea toek an aaTHE - qeiinai. afdaudtedlystheil, ITEwaa Gcd'a holy L tan-aofth aypengoermnt ed. enant, aid hence. l-oefl ýut at tue sotage force us te, diacard look. "Oh, by the. way," ah, asked * Moily ageash pidon the Hath net kisss.d hlm-A part et tho '0 ;h. tiieory. Tiie chie! end aid mini biskly, a manient laVer, "did you ever - ciiubby fingera. 1 rhi ofedt al ge(Be g )f anifwe reto ude b th ko* heLea ldie?""No, but they came tram Tree Town INTERNATIONAI'LESSON, Hea. 13. 2). As an act of religieusH :hing on which Vie greateat stress isn h 1iro nwrd ii i allesne, aid tliey'ne juat s^fnei iow laid, is t'a be fruiulmniti on voice liaI they did noV. Thein bored'as the, reat. These are Miess ine SEPTEMBER 12.hoaeaeasoPs.21;- mdhu o epeis teeati. look vaniahed anid e fasbgt Twig aid Ms ea Twig, They- A STOREHOUSE 0F WORK. h - +ened. we-ar green ail the yean round; in tact, w "'AIl thé"' men -wbo nemained dowî Moly toac little Sue by the. haîd their taniuly name is Evergreen. Misa Lesson XI.-Elijah's Fliglit aid Re- Tremexideus Lahors ef 1#r James Mur.-'C Ieserved twenty Victoria Crosses. aid began to waik an. '11 introduco Cedar cames eut aomelimes in li tuhe hig 9 Gle ayo e EgihDitaay rhey were real heroes a thouaand you, -then, of course," she said. She prettiest jeweis you ever saw-tur- neI s. 6 0 S aePA .'"ra a et Lmies ave.' lier. is'a genuie tri- led thon thraugh a brown corrîfiehd'quaises, they look, ike." Tt:Pa4610SiJmeA.I Mrra a e bute t ram a brave mai,, Captaii, Wil- 'aid acreas a dry, spicy -neadaw; 1 111 like theni juat as well as the ~. said ta have reared hîa hb moument: C iami Finci o! thi. Arabic, ta lie oh- lien, ie nhe ieadow touched the Lest ladies," said Sue, dimpliîg. I. _Elijah in lhe Cave ai Mount 1hi that prodU59*" m *t1, o! tie t orbaeMnw hv oebfr.edge ot a big woeds, she niade "he'e onghmewhhm, a."-Horeb, (venflzj . - - -iwEg The brve aiaywio hae gaitoneap-alit dowff. "You wait here, and 1111,1 "Oh, they'ro giîg home wltm ual" Dictiananr, the last volume cf which ain Fincli, regardlens for lhe minute ask the. ladies VÃ" coa.". Virgulia cried- "Aiïd s- dozen more Verse 8. lu to strengthio! that was amnost neady to ge te lhe pressa c of tho weigity-i-ntenrnationai ieattons Jack aid Virgulia aid Sue wene iaIl besides. We wilpress thon ii a -ood-Compare Moses an Sinai (Exod. wiieili. died. A task et vaster scepe w ied Up ithe. fate af tie ship, ta hon- lookiîg pleased and interested when book." 9 4. 28) aid Jesus un lie wilderness in ail tho long histery etflthe cult et iý un ieengne.se wo ieleduptei ae cnebac, fw, minutes later I Sa up aid dowî thnaugh Tree Town (Matt. 4. 2). No ana can "live by words was surely neyer undertakea, t( or te eginrïénwboyiededup.teirshecam baec, f 1 ays The Boston Herald. Hene;waa a sl ives tiat others mgit live. "Naw," said Molly, laking her seat , went lie four, gahherng leavea until bread ahane"l if hoe is coacerned about chyedwdcolr hogv 6I - -aid putting a hand und.r lthe lid. et: thein handeanad themr pockehs wene the Lord's business. __ hyedwdshla h ae 6t There la mj mighty farce in the tra- lier basket, "lhene they are-ar m"'full. Binci aid Poplar ladies they . UnIe Loreb the mouat of God__ years et bis lite -tohoeii searcli for a' dition of Vie ses. Fraise, aid great j nany as I could cali ogetier in suci !aund, Aspen, Chstiut, Becch, aid This meuntain, abave ail otiens, wa spolinga, meaninga, derivations aid tI pnaiFe, belongs-to ' e leaders such -as a short hlm,. I ivill introduce tien nany mono. distiiguished by -the mnifestations prnuncialiatnribck1th i tie caplains ofthtii Titanic, fhe Lusi- 1 la you.1 Molly led theni la a bank wbena liv- thiereon of God's powen aid glony. m beins ofunerss iteat ineveS tania aid lhe Arabic, lie seamnen wh'a 8h. drew eut a bigiit lest, se beau- ed th. gracoful Fenxq !anily-tall, 9. Unlo a cave---The Hebrew iba Ad i oute sitnsi v stand, an Vie bridge until thie ship litul fi colon liat Jack aid Vinginia slenden folk, dresaed 1lé lacy green. "the cave." Evidently a particular inglo-Saxai couîry-several theu- sinks beneafi thein feet. But what et gave a litIle cry.-ot pleasure. "Tuis-is Penn ladies 'ithbeut number thoy cave was noant; penhapa the "1cleft anlpeds w tiulen- d,00mtospet tie humblen nien,- lie untciuiwi, who, Miss Oak Lest," Molly explaiîed. "At gathered ha carry uiiba. oethle rock" in wiiech God placeed aIl peruoda wer consulhd tie syii deep la lb. beart oethli great vessels, Vhilslime of year aie begins ho dresa As they trudged eut of thi. woads, Moses (Exod. 33. 22). hwhiiad teni l.t rcmtii.fn hua igioraxt ot wiat is parlendiig, shut iw-russet clties, red aid -brown. Viigiiia- looked up suddenly aid What doest thou hore, Elijah-Tie onk md 1th e t efk f qa onletiu- h off tram seit aid aky, continue at hir See haw fie colora mix in lier bnoad, mld "1i fwuemo .wn ailiar address is used le indicaltie rhisoc otqtaonacu service?- Witiout glaner, withhut ruiflea. Then bene cones Miss Locuat nearly roady to cny," sie said. tint Elijah bad an opporlunity lamltdnmee 60000oI nt chersgrilytaciig hard mechanical ILs.Sbe's ahall, ai girl;-,aie I"W. didî't kîow what ho do witi pour out bis wiole hearh. Sonietimes ten on slips of paper tint turned the. 1 Leeaeriny soale ah six tons. Aid eut et tua han- - tasks, îioy'atrive an until the. 1aI - wore a yeiiow-greeî, but nove ahe'sa li ounsalvea," Jack explained ta Molly. the more- repeatiig of one's woes, a sîn i u coasi ae monopt. Tiiy niigh sek the caw- docked eutti but? aid iemoî-colored "O child," *lse Moly, answored, th. siedding of teargibrings lie do- 7dictiry edthiabo 300,000 odsa- and'as aaty. Withh mpuniiy otten, flouncea." I"hhere's aiwmys samathîug ho do i nord relief. dHtow mucioe!abouitî300, lita vr. wtiout criticiani hhey might clinib eut The chidron oxamiid the. lwo a yo.look ton il hard enougi. Il la 11. Go forth, and stand upon thie Hwmc fi id i noeey efthle darkhale ton s niaan's coîfiict baàves - withh delighted inteneat. ýhn generally close ah hand, 100."1- maunt befoeo Jehový-Neanessa ha ay use?' A gaod nany e1thle 300,-r ite waters. BuIL like caged aii- ah MolUy's blddiîg, Jack put hus hand~ Youth's Camîanion. God weuld ,op.ien . -jrophet's eys 000 are long 'obsolote; even o!fiahse . wih g'Jéhovah did net od 7 ithi Elijali; stillinh good standing how nany de f miais they eneoeate dit. T.e mon le simply shwedlm- Wsme things. w. remlly î,ed? Shakespeare cap-i beîow'are heoeos a thiusand limes --î uî,toknepieascaî But 12. A stil amat e-ially tured hia wonld audience with about1 waL hey re ti. bckbîe e ho _________________________ of'etcourse nioderahe induslry siiould "a sound et genîle silîneas." A great150,ai îuonwteisltie -~~~~ Il ~~be eîcouraged. pence bild came upen Elijaii. Ii liefaewt800.hlasiaedba Il £D 'AT l Tien fan tho adul-well, few o! us caîn h. ceuld hear Gad. the average literary mai oftot-day1 TELL YOUR FORTUNE? nIl cn scp wny idtoule ut' uses 4,000, aid thi."manin, heie T I 1L a wesicemmaîly g an tebled But I. EiJah's Discouragemnt street" not aven 2,000. The Engliali Mucli Dependa Upen -the Interpriter ecnom nlgoarytbd-1 (Verses 1318). bgcountry yokels et "slow, bovine gaze"~ of Teacup Signs. muci earlien at any rate than we do 13. He wTapped bis face inbi whom George Eliot deibea have I atra Crvhue.-aid give oursèIves thie prper ah- mante-The uppen garaient, a sort of probably 300 Vo themr credit; the pea- Cmi you telfortunes la teacupa? Ltrl uItue owaîce of aouîd nefneshiag sleop. coko ae eihmsmd tu-susi eti eîoso otnn Ferhap - yau areeieetftiose wio, - rI2e spinal colunin falaws lie cunv. Ale we cmi mvoid exces hinlea-5ah tinodsoieaep snompe ae MatI.n- at i erean eot iveofonienb- while laugliing ta scornitie nystenies ed ie o! beauhy; no part o! iti l -te whici womn are spocimly proie; 4.Ti eoaini o nes a oi iea oauayo bu thenein, aîte always eager ta know pentectly traigit. 1Tii. neck cunves'on dillo in aicohal, lhe bosothing ain lie unveiîed oy.a o! tie pre'piel. 100 words by actugl count. wiat Fate hoîda for you. ofltgitly forwand, the, part efthle ot many men. We can make up o ur Moses, aimiîanly, was "atraid ta look -Aid yet Vie people whe wilI îibble Anyiow, you wiil find n waiderful spine le -wbich the ribs are athached- minda nettohaworny uînecessarily upan God." - thua spnningly ah Smr James Murrmy's amount etf-£ui and net a littîe praq- bonds ia tie opposite direction, aid' over tifies-over thiiigs which ara Whah doestthiou here, Elijai- greal oncyclopcdia o! oun laiguage phecy in following tiese - rules for tie lower portion cunves fanwand anco - not trivial misa te a lange extent. W. Agnin thie sainietamiliar addres But'1 ano hie veny people wiio dictato dic- Ireadiig the coiteiihts ftie teacup. mare. Thone ane curves misa ho rugit can stniva ho secure wheiesome food, tis lime liere is somethiuîg o! ro- 1lionaries aid supersede tien, by -Finît oet ail, hake the cup in your on left, but, hieso are nermmlly very cleaiiy living aid tresh air in abund- proaci in lhe vaice. "Wiy are Yeu' usage even wiile tiey are in the mmk- lett banîd- aid shakoe-il carefully ha aligit. Whei thiey are so great as; nce.heewnhiris0muildo'ig. llatywohveeded ,ii phi drega, tien place it up'- ta bc noticoe, iycnhtt i fw iudatal eridw Whah has become of your iasi-gît aid possible tuis pniceleas record et aur oide down in hie saucer, aid nove it defoî'nity calied.Wfrml curvatuneofetaid becone "neurasthénie" thie beatyurp er'"AgoSxnlge;tlaiye, rigt -round- lire. times. Now fore- the apuno, er scexuesýois. haîic will be 5 draps et liquor stryci- 14. I have been veny jealous-Eli-- wo fi the years ho came wiîî caîl fer rast. The cunve usuall'begiis ta tonm in Inune la hwo- tableapoontuis et waher jai iahurally would try to justity !resh surveys o! aur everluvhag aid If a liti. string ofte le aveis rns childieod aid icreases very siowly,j twice a day, an bour beoere menîs. iiumself. -Aid o! course ie wauld ne- evenciangiig speech. We shahl need rigit anouîd the cup, il meana a jour- witiout pain, s0 liat il ethen exista a IAid a valuable addition.will be a cold fer te the great thinga i. bad accani- a New Englisi Dictieaary leng be- ney. An ancian la a fine amen-il considerable lin. williouî beiîg dis-j sponge or showen bath every niera- pliiaed aid thi eem ng fulility et hua 'fore Anenicans have begun te spel stands for hoe.aid good luck. If it cavered. n g wlien we gel eut et bed.-A Physi- efforts. pionetically aid dub Ihenselves la nean liii top eft hi ecupilmY_ Tii. absence et pain lias-its unter-1I iai. 15. Go, r.Vurn on hhy way-H e i "Usonians." uenm a sea-vayage; aid if hiat mont tunate ide, sunce it is naturàIly itho ' 41 'nat tleoscape thie Adi It~y; hi i o ît____ pçpulmn symbai et ail, a ring, b .e nean early stages, bznpone i.baies a! the RISKS WITH CHEAP SEED CORN. ho have îcw fldaiffwiich ta wank. 1ho, a ioneymoanimay bo mixed up spine have cbaîged themr shape, liat The thirig he ea ft ta do lie muat Sui. (aged six)-"lAid wieî we wth the voyage.1 treatn?ien mnt succesiul. Final et Bad germination in soed cari, con- finish. grow up we'Il b. niarried, wea't we, Ah wemen look for a ring in, lie in a eceassnry te détermineéhthe, biîed witi pnolenged coid weathen ah To the wildernesof Damascu- Tmy'" Tmy (al)"o su.IV niay b. a liîy circie e ausaid reniovo it if possible, fer lime o! planliîg, bas bee thie cause The district lying beweîBsa Susiet I cannat marny ite your tan- ,'ê~ býgalaves on graounda, il niay be juil lie disease cmino ver b. cured while et much disappaintunt this season te and Danaseus. iIy. Your papa bas weak eyes aid 'tiay apîkes torming a circie, an il mny lie cause continues toamct.1 ensilage growens. *The seed corn Aid whi n hou cemesl, lieu shaît yeur aunhie bas spasmsl.1 ba ougie curîed leat. Tii. curvatune mayý be duo hea ~-gnowens et sauth-weatern Ontario anoinî-So fan as the Scriphure ne- S Siouid tis ring came nean lie top wnong silting position in achol-hi were almost equally disappointed cord gees, Eljai did nol !ahîow Ibis "Henry," whispened thie brhde et ofe tho-cup, a niarniage is very near; resuht et badl lighing, defective 0Y0 1tinougi beiîg unabie to fiîd a nian- command (Bee 2 Kings 8. 7-13; 9. 1-6).- lwe haurs, "You don't regret inarry- but if it is ah the bolloni, lie weddiîg sigit, or badiy conalructed desks; te ket tan their îiorougiîy-dried cari et 18. Seven thousaîd 'ha Isysel-Ar iîg me, evea yt?" "No, darliîg," wlll not be s0 soan. Muci mernhneil lie carnyung o! ioavy weigbts on aesrn iall.Mn apeswr nelle uie.Cmae 1 Kig replied Henry. "Not even yt" lTii. cmi be causod if lhe ring is discovercd arn, as in lie case o! achoal chilidren; takea by seed iseecors, aid lie la- 18. 43; Fnov. 24. 16; Math. 18. 21, 22. train aped an, aid @lhe wasahappy for in hle cup o! n"marrhed person, by wio lake dozon books homo fori vesligatiens made indicate clearly Aithougi tuis indefiuile numben was alien ive minutes. tericasiag a second marriage-' e astudy aeve4 day, or a! tie "liitl' o i10 hat' at hat 75 per cent.. o! lie cause__________________ course, in tie tanaway future. - lens" eft ho poon, who, tieniselvea fer a peer stand cnn b. traced ta the ~ Geed lucà lealaIwys prcdhched by iandfly more tian infants, carry baby ensihage growers buying low-pniced the claver- leat aid lthe ionsesioe; brotiersanad sialens round aIl day; on seed. cawsh scnw; aiuniessa coforeîs hle siertoniiig etaie leg, wiich Uîfortunatehy, higi-prhced seed la cast Morow anunibell foetelsatiows lhe body ha cao aide, aid not-,alwaysa aguarailee o! higi quaI- stanm; fruit- meana .heal thi; wiile ma e o li te chiud lban sidewise in erden ity-, but lcw-priced seed in passible- hilte yhl9 paticis i li boton o!, eip erect. Otien causes, suci as: enîy wiîh cri liaI has no special t - ', d i % Àîh -pare a sure indicathon 6f nom> diseas of the.uniga, whici producea cane hi curing for seed. The tanner é/ ~~ ' îey, -a!fallhng o! ane side o!thi. cihe,iaie wia gels $1.50 per bus. of 70 iba. on 7 A ~-P' ' ..~, Boware of ai enem-y igsake ies tu be 'caasidered as afectiig lie, ne-'tii. ear for corn haken eut o!bils carin, uneasy because o! lhe backwarneaa et the cari drap. Even if the seasen ia been backwand, tiey are confident tint thé crap will go- iutc lie ailo la fia. siapeftanthe stock. Aid maîy tarmiwio, betore tuas yean, bave dolt lhoughh of invesîhîg isilos, are îow akiag lieniseives: "Wiat kind sial I build?" The value e! slage as a teed can- naI be overestinaled duing aîy year; but in a yean like thia tii. wrtii of a alla in makiag sure an otherwiae sonewiat doubtul harveat la empin- aized.- 1 Thee 'cunrent of lie River Amazon la felI 150 miles out at son. A. espatcb froim French have been Iajiche of abolIs into lni the west. It isi thfs ammunition woui eor the puý-PoSe of do mai trenches, and,,,t Sgeneral offenAiai 'AsphyIàtinig gag iucby tle.,Gerz aartLinge -and ln the Vosges. At gas the Germais ceh positions, but were é 'where on the. Frenct no Infaîtry actions cannonading , occui places. Germai IN THE -C Germais- are Retneatk '1 -Disorder Ater aE Def eats -Adespatcei fromnFar ing_ continues ini the É Germ ai colony in -'WE which tii. Bnitiahi and heeù attemptiig suèe1 et the 1'war te wrest1 Mi. The Minhs.try of Out a istgtemeit t- fturther\,victories. It fi "iFrenýb forces fi t south-easte Cam\l - ng a vigorcu 4ii tien of YaunkIap The. Germair- p a selles of 'engagemni treatini h geat diso "Many ot.the native surnendered, with th, other ýqulprnent. A 'Ipeat at Aradlflakei enco jpany eftGermýais, whc bar thein way. The de ed thi e Qnians, aid- j -GerMai post at Sanga f - - "ur night cohunin, c< îortii, attacked the st positions at Vthe Dume taneously with an at« southern colunin. Tie f defeated completely.1 thieir position, aid in -mostoe.t tieir sýupplies aid allowved' natives t abàndoneci atones. b~ume lhe cnemy set it b . a stand an a huil venlo Tis position, which wtii antilieny aidina4 - e ndb p risOiens.'1 ENTANGLED IN A -AIND ]KILLEZ I The Moral-Orçier of -Ileaveni *Righteousness WiIl Seek Feace and Pursue It, But Net at Any Price. "Rigbteousness exalteth a nation."! againt innocenee, but if his feeling -Prov. xiv., 34. of indignation doés not take form in active defence of the innocent his so- The righteousness on whieh the called righteouÉness is the- sheerq8t Bible is forever insisting and which it hypocrisy. is forever pressing on -the attention Oh, but we are told -by very high of men as being both their supreme human authority that a man &r a na- duty and glory la ail inclusive.> Itisa tion ought to -be too proud to fight. If flot a single virtue. It, embracesalal by that we are to understand' that -a the virtues. The righteous- mai la 14an o r nation ought to -be to proud trt ni oest, *pure sninded, tem- I to -pick a quarrel, 1elad good. perate, just, generouh, kincl, mereffuL Righteottsness firat aid thon peace.. ",A mai may be honest and yet "not That is the moral order of beaýen and temperate; h. may tell the truth aid Mut bethe Order of 'Bar l'. yet b. lacking in -gen eroity. , But a mai cannot be a righteous nman aniGod wouid- not býe God- wîthoùt that be lacking in any of the apecifie vir- jai.d mawo uld b -an -imn dwit-O andt tues. Truthfulîéïs aone,or generos- God morad ~l, ma cklng- in dinit aii d ma ity by itself, or temperance alone - la mrlmjsywtoti i a 1would, ,bo mère paste withoutit flot enough to exaît a nation or âîmai. God'i throîo is established on' the Only righteoisnes ùn do that.. 1 righteouiîess that opposes wrong, de- Not a Righteous Mai. fends the weak, rlieves the opea Againi, this righteousîeas which the ed, delivers the slave, pulls. doewi the Bible commende so highly- and insios power of the. tyrant, and is the only on so vigorously is flot a, negative or true basis of »ational prosperity and passive thing. It is active, aggresive, powér. enthusiastie, impassioîed, , ab orl'iing. - Oh,' w bst irredeemable ools w. e " If a man's so-ealled. righteousîessI as a people aid how slow and soddi does flot eompËel, hlm to hate and re of heai't are wo te think thet ivast sint iniqlty, to, put hi, heel -on the- wealtli '*ill exaît our nation,. that head of>*iïery hissing faisehood he la abundence of corn on theý tops of our cognizait of, to overcomo aid'thwart mnountains' and of cotton'in'our valieys evil,> to expose' andý punish Injustice wli malce Us great'A..~ ha aid cruelty) to take sides aigainst op-' heritage7, ~oe we are storing up for. pression aid wrong', that man is fool- future Ameicans îeca -se ain tii 1 4 Ing himieif. Ho may be amiable, wheî tremendous issues r t tk peace iov ing, polité, but ha ' noV a aid pricel ý e ountre5 t f are t n h Vl l righteous man. 'I exay feel sorry i in the halandorlutorgn il w Ielh ses a big beUy abuse a weak notý perm..it ue 1ýo drop in een apenny- andndeeiceles mani, but if ho does4 weight thlat nmight tip tbýe~ els not rua to 'the heip oftopove-faoioftxtrgeU5"Whc tim bis nighteousiess is a-shàni. *He j akine 'éan Cxalt oW, - mayhave some feeling of e-gnt W h cou5 c i. w4 I she vn' t a ss l 5 .kt é 'P0'w ej w i out M L c . -- dàlct ah lie inquest'hel ai Pte;, Williàm Fisibi don, Ont., o! lie -2ni nywhc was killed nope- with whici-iie 1 herses,ind b. lest ii -htbehonsos reariag studying fn'im e n enlîétrmont. Noie' Too The ministen ef a fiock was dis'cussfîg niemben o! is ciurch o! varýineg interest. pnessed the' suggestic boul were noie boa e ofetsi nand Inibulahloi lion," întenposed tù, the doctrine --o ! "lYes, air, 1 do,"19nesjq ber, "fht is, where i Yoûn ge SYI Back Fri hy-liree demnstration taris epen- nted in North Dakota. Thia- gives esch cnop tie beat chance te, do well. In 1914, lie average cash per acre et producing lie crapa was $9.13, lie average iîcane per acre waa $17.49, leaving an average net nelurnot $8.36. Te net profits per acre tram emch crep waa Carn, $8.49; hard wieal, $8.02; dunun, $18.33; oats, $7.87; barley,> $2.07; easanad pes, $7.83; claver, $8.96; tinothy and cia- Ver, $17.36; potatoes, $9.51; wfter a hosu et $1.86. The final efthies. farna wau ularted nune yeara ago. A y, tetosix yean notation la pnaclised on a oal o! tien. 1, Ont -WliýILJIAM jqjklrqt9lllJIN.

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