Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Sep 1915, p. 1

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1 Pals sticly Fly Paper 2 shoots for bc. PowdLér a reliabl e disinfectant and *deodorizeor 25e, 50e sud 900. chioride of Lime_ 5e aud loc J'a En WILLIS Drugglst and ODptliii MEDICAL HALL *sk et. Whtby. Havlng Takon -Ovor the Co0JBusiness 0F Je H.i Downey & col 1 am prepared 10 fil &Il orders for CLEAN BRIGHT GOAL Well screened. Wo guaran- ç,e romipt delivery and good dêes rnay be left at thé of J. H. -Downoy&Ce Ont. HmrrtMage Lioens lesuer of Marriage LicenS Corner drugstore, WhltbY. -No Wituessei required. -Th TINarter Canada Improffent 4. * Laid Co., Limited Real Iktats Desleru Estates Managed, Rente Colleoted, F'irut Loans .Arranged, ro erteibought sud old. 11@1 Phoe 13. Id. Pone70. 8,aler Managers,, hIGhRDUON 4 RIOHARDIO, Whtbyï WE SELL FAIMS and- &U clamses of Suburbae and Co.untry REAL ESTATE. If yon have property teo eil, wmité wMt7 lest asIte endFaim Broken . Lumsden- Building ies4eSt. mms TORONTO LIVERVI SALE AN0 MOARDI.. STABLES BIROOK ST.WHUTBV9 Adi kinds ef single and double 'Ipfor hire. Bus te a&H theo and baggage transier. ossbought sud sold 011, zisien.Borne goed ddriversasd heavy for maL.; aIse baisd draw in any quatity um8e 1 or 4 s'sudOfie lý CLASS B-(10 yeans'and under). Vegetalile Marrow-i Edward Doblis, 2 Edwarit Guraoy. Carnts-i Cyril Heard. Bets-i Brnie Kirkpatr1ck, 2 Cyril Xeard. Aters-i Frances Crouci, 2 Lloyd Johnson, I' John Blow. Calilags-1 Eraie Kirkpatrick. Cabliage, Speclal VaretYý-i Victor Toms. Pilez-i Tom Henstocla, 2 Cccliii Rowlsud, 3 Jeusie Todd. PPmkn-i Franka Joinson,.2 Uc- lanit Bruce. CLASS C-(12 years sud under). Vegotablo Marrow, green-1 Emily Collection Vegetabls-i Roy Blow, 2 F'rank Johnson. Corn-i Edward Oke, 2 Geo. Clarke, 3 Ed Gurney. q Fail Apls-il Roy Blow, 2 Loi-ne Thomson. Sweet Pea-il Gladys Fleming. Collecti on Potteit Plants-i ma- guerile Moore, 2 Jack Mooee Asters-i Ralpb Reynolds, 2 Norman Goinag, 3 Gladya FlemIng. Calibages-1 Gordon Rogers. ducumber-i Marguerite Toms, 2 Alfred Bartlett. Pilez-i Helen Toms. Pumpkns-il Stanley Bonnefl.2 Eidwarc1-Oke, 3 James.CoIby.,, Hubbard Squasi.-i Tom Henstool. I Pink Squah-i. Eddie Newton, Boston Squah-i Gladys IBa, 2 Gertrude Rogers. Yellow Squai-d Helen Jackson, 2 CLA.S8 D-(open). Carrt-i Kathleen James, Besl-i Kalileeu Jameo, 2 (loldie Rogerî, 8 Catherine Anderson. Paît Apples, yelov-transparnt'ri sud. 2 Oo. Robb.1* PsU Api4em, Dushes-i X. l..518r, Wfuter Apples, PlppnsF-i IlE.S3tmrr. Plum-i E0. tE. Starr. -, Coilestfon cf Flowers, named-i W. IL H. oppor 2 Jas. Colby. tCollection cf Vcgetblo-lILN.IL Starr.- Collection -cf Floer- I F..L. Orso Dlsplay Asters-i MUn. 'Erugatmn 2 Mr Enqet, 3Mm, Kean. Ni-fs. U ]EL Smltb. O-OUPea-i Oe. IBabb. - ouWSi*-yn-d Dent. In ienpuary Quarters Wiitby Higi School rc-opened on Tuesitay moralng wi a full attend- ance of teachers and 63 pupils prescat. Tompcrarily tle ichool la hauscd lntho. D>undas SIrcet Sehool building. There will accsssarily le some Inconvealence to teaciens andt sdiolans whilc tiey arc ohliged to use tis building, but theyk always lave befoec thcm tic prospect o! vastiy fmproed quai-tors wicn. tic remcdelilng o! tic HIgi School shal have been complshed. Oa Tuosday moruIng, several mcný- bers o! the Board o! Educalion, witi Secretary Dr. McGfllivray, wslcomcd tic membeo so! the staff and tic pu- plIs upon ths opcaîng o! achool. Chair- man W. J. H-. Richardsoen, fallowed by Shenfif Paxton, C. A. Goodfeliow,ani Dr. McGillvray. voleed thie greetinga o! tic Board o! Edusation. Ciairman Richardson lntroduesd tic teachers te lie sociolari. Dr. McGillvray sait liaI for ferty ysans he hait been pre- sont aI lic re-openlag o! lie Higi Scicol, ta velcome thie Iachens sud pu- pils. Ho lookeit for lie hearty ce- Qperatlon o! tic tensions sud pupIls la lie wcrk o! lie year. Thecocher. speakers made refercuos te lie Improvements bslng made lu the Hfg giSchool, exprese lite hope liat leachers and sciolars would bear cer- !ully thc Inconveafence o! thelr 1cm. porary quartera, and tint tisy would enjoy the sonveafenca provided la lie rcmodellsd buildig wiea they gel labo It-Improvements long usedeit sud long striven for. Mr. Johiton, lhe aew Prlutpal, sait 'tiat as the teachers hait so frcqueutly to talk te their pupils, a set speech on tis occasion wai uncallsd for. Hie, hovever, made a fow i-rnai-lu about the day's progrs4n. Mr-., Adamnsn followed tie example cf the principal asud ieclinei t 10ceu- Dy any lime. 1 The visitors tisa wtidrew snd the vok cf lie sehool vas begun. The staff consiste o:- G. S. Johnson, Principal, lancier cf Science. . Mr-. Adamasc, Mahemati. Miss Dsvldson, Moderns. Miss Safflbumy Commercial. PUBLIC SOHOOL IX TOWN HALL, Tus li trese vlsIÈtn» cf the Public ghave -baàt l s Ulem - ta the ,Hnie id, pupils, pending tic] te evei- $4.400, witi about live-blocis Ic do yel. Il was tioug).t tint ne more walks- siould lie laid lhii year, espe- cially since Clerk White reperîcd thal tiere la likely te lie a large everdraft. An applcation wns recel voi for the poaf tien.o! cai-etakei-ofethle sewnge dis. posaI plant, but was laid over, ns was aIse a tender tram Mr. P. F. Fi-y for building up tic greund areuad tie plant. - Mr.,T. Cussion applied fer permis- I i Soon Gornes round. *A -RECE w ~ MUR Afîer y-ou haveý paid t'ent for ak period have you ? A.Bundie oReleelt, and yo have made no proges owards home ownership. As a. mater of -fact you are- furthber behind, as valuabe te has been lost.. If the samne money you pay as rent was -invested in. a lot,.in a fe w yearsyou would own *your o wn house andý lot, and furthermo 1re, ypayingë rent. you and your family are denyi-ng yourselves the convenience and' luxury 'of 'gradually buying, -and eventuaJl owning,_ your own home. Pay $ go down and you obtain immediate possession of a lot in Plaza Royal 50 x 140, upon which you can imniediately commencé' 10 build'a.small cottage. REIWEMBER you and, your family owe it. té yourselves 10 save out of yotr income to provide for your late r years, and there is no su rer way than by purchasing property on easy ternis. Theirefore do It now. Core in and sec me. Reg La Austin, Sub-divi ion, Manager. ,FRUITS AND FLOWI-FNET E!SHW!NScheel. e e~f~oti ig jOn Tuesdayof,îiýW#è1 the three teachers with thel jeotara tounid ueýw, quarters In ti wn hall build- At WhIUtby's Horticuhtural Exhibition. ling, where seati desshave been Installe&. Mt the anunal laU show, held under Collection of Flowera-Mrs. Mallett, ln the muse hall XIsBAndorson Io lie~~~~ drconfth Whitby Horticul. E. E. Starr, Major Harper, Rev. Jôs. located, u1icet r0olileing Set pr turl -8oCety onprIaYýSep Sr ýj FltchrH., W. Wlllcox, Miss M. V. ln -the north-wést cm' ér of tii. hall. powell. -Mise Burnsand lierirood oceupy the' the. Coundil Chamber, the display' of Collection Fruits and-Fiowers-Mrs. fir4neiFfs hall, and Miss Newmn with1 truits, fiowei,e u egetables sùîrpaùoed J. B. Laidlaw. b ler swarm of bavnls as tleiuse c Sfly ever aihbrem at tifs lnteresting ex. Vegetable Marrow.-Roland Bruce, 8 the Coundil Chamber. ,Tis temporary, hibition.1 The show was esapecîauiy a years. arrangement will give a. fairly gatlsfac. revîIatiou lu regard to tie work being tory service tilt the Rlgh, Scheol ls doueby thé cifdren 0of the town. In. ready. Thelight onadùll day fis nà deed, sbome,'o their ezhlbts tooî prime, Not Gu. t Af latent very gbod In the Cou11xfcllChamber -or over Ieth hea4s -of . thc older, people.AV Vissyv ssn the flremen's hall, but Ii-the Music There were tour sections, tbree for tie oSe1L er Hao* hall there la no want of light. schoci cilidrenaud an open i,el at avawv ivryH rs@ Members of the Ma nagement Çom- which theadults,.entered. ýPracticallY____ mittee of the Board-cftducation viit. every ermn o ýwihpied al the roomisIn the-publie School on depatmen fo whih przes John H. Gregg, of Toronto, who was Tesdymrig u ete a were offered had entries., The display ciarged withthie thef t of a ruvery horse Turî aad lorng, Taneliealîgit-or 1udfulogtbeleavfug Just from George Wanam, of Orono, was wn fIýnteroý enoughiroom for spectators. Wft0 lm tcroe ~t theHenry Bntefnglieroo, co cme ponacquîîîed by Magîstrate Harper, n Street Schl was wr Wetâed. xi «ng her ollecton 0fte ere o Tucsday evçnlng. The accused le an. MISS 1Osborne, the... "-ý;ly engaged' were no manyr excellent dfsDlays- thatagno!TeaadnFarpbsi teacher o! the roomtcàÇuerly taught the Judge,' Mr. Dockery,10 d ln Toronto, and bad been canvasiig by'Miss Fraser, WaS, te.en 111 shortly vinciai Depart yeot , indesee ral thc farmners In ticterri tory surrouud- before the oeige *Jol a a c al przs 8wfllI noted lu the liati ng Orono. He haI1 spent several days -0 lnand býutthé vllagý eah da unable toelie presenit. ',Miss Pirle was o! prize wiuners fÃ"Illwng. Bouquetsluad botb ilgeeciay secured to take liét Dlar,ý untîl sic rc* 0f li' alu arei wr nu er- ulg a horse f!rom Wanam's livery.coes eus snd the whole range of the ldut's OnMaa, 8uut23 ehY4f i ~hibts as omchingof iic. ~ village, telliag Wanam ti ht lie would~ Horticultural Society .mey weîî'be likely lie away t111 Wednesday nîgit proud. Especially attractive were teGeg urn h t ay, î Mr. B tm nLg a îot display 0f F. L. Green, of Green ited Oshawa and WhltbY, and can- Wood, and lie strawberries and mush vssdl. h ni.ored !T r roozes siown by M*p. J. B. Lnldlaw. -and otier parts o! tic country oui Naine ofIfkîoria Àte The children, liowcver, elaimed a reunding-. le did not retura. to Orono____ large part o! tic lime and attention 0f' op Wednesday, nor again tiat weelr. M .C ni rmss tlie efficers snd judges. So large was' Naturally the Ilvcry man became M .Cni rmsst t'3c calry liaI and 50 many varliecanaxlous, and ere the week was out gel Produce-'It. sliowa, notcalled for on the prize.lis, tic police on Gregg's trail. Hie ;as tint licre eain aîameral special, prîzes traced te Whitby, Port Pérry and Ux- Tedvofea her vrte wei~ ~i~ii.M ooery gg~a. ~u~bridge, where he was iocated, and ar: i oee eceivrdoe i te tic. assembe "dene -dlwic restebd,,on Monday morniag, Auguet 30,CunilBard on Mon1ÃŽ Ë ein x lie-gave muci udne iomo, sud b Hîghi Conîtable John .Alaway .en cePt for a !ew minutes iwfore adjoura. uttere cdvery commendatory remarks t xrdêadbogtth rsurmn.T some a:e threesi regardig the exhibite. teWhitby. Hie was given a hearing weeks ago iad simme nw d la siewig ho wel ticama eurufore Magistrale Harper, and tic case erably. gardeuers iad done their work hl ieIL adjourned fer a week, Gregg remalalag Poal u a u eletc lusratd ihonoo!lievegtalnl jaîl. tiat Mr. Dowaey, onc of "the accused," mutarro ws, gronb e o! he earse Thc Crewa submilted evidence that was absent f rom the meeting, but. just Ticoà egta ble h yo wfulleyas ilel hitby Greg offercd lIje Previeus te lie motion. for adjouru- goou s ueo!li prsewînes t ichorse fer sale luti te yard o! ticmetAi. Bateman tlirew down tic Canda neNatoalexbite in. Tich Queen's Hetel, aad that lie was almost gauatlet. 1 vezetablo diiplay wau splendid Indeed, straadcd for moncy at tic tîme. l"Mro. May or," leî, Mr at lncait et gnd was ail thc more, remnrkable Tic Crewn Atlorney.had also look, ting me! h s uai, MrPCoincirgd whea one considezcd tiat -it was made c d fate Grcgg'a record, and teund tiattre ebrswtpuln trog largely by lie chlldrcn. Ai ate sp hc i iad been la court troubles on sever- an Improper deal fi% regard te settle. mens were te be meen ou lie tables as ai occasions. Thc attorncey ciled a ment e! tic sewerage coatracl accouaI. are ever siown at fie Couuty Fal- clause lu tic statute wiich made It an Mr. Conlia lis quite witiiin iMs rigit, Faire.offence I0oci-en tempborarlly deprive a te report tis te tlie CouncIl, but It le -_ Mr. Deckery's talla will 'no doubt persou o! a possession, suci as la tis a serfoui matter, and lie Bieuld lie fair ledt vnDte eut ngreigcase. enougi te glve us a chance te clear our-ý lad te vbter reuls u areuu The priLiner's story was told la a selves. Ia alI justice I tlink < hoiuld At tie conclusion of tic show maziy preîîy straigit torward axanner. Hie tcellie Council wlio lsIiinformant Is, o! thc exhibits were sold at audtio, said tint- on lonving Orene on Monday and I now caîl on hlm te do se." briagJgsI nte lie cofferi of the ic ty e md tbld Wnnam at firaI tti h Mr. Cealla at firat evado'd.lHc made coaiderable funds towards defraying', would net lie bnci 1111 Wedaesday, and référence te tic report ln tié Gazette expeuici o! tic show. Tic éhfldren's jtien juat as lie ias dcunrting said hie and Clironicleofe!tle lait Council mccl- prime were al la cash, wîereathc migit possibly net return for a weekr. 4ag: said certain facts- bad iean sun- adîlt clamses were, re ted wnIthru>- Wannm's reply. accerdfng te Gregg, ýPressed therein; insinua tin ht a cer- u resaIwaî"I don't caro If you do'l retura? tala ex-Mayor e!oithe to>n ad dictatcd In order te prompescompetition Ifor îwo wels" tcrpra eidbe aetr amog ic chol hldre,'Mr.Dok- His version ofthle offer te sell tic ing thc Gazette office-,a a dtie-n lefI si-y ~ ~ ~ ~ hos latlrn etdont iuyai n atic Qucenashôtel shed wao Mr. Bateman 10 dra. N'j1 rwn coý,nclu- qlii~ft- o sed. My. . . tar laItires felldls s ad askced hlinIf sioa. AloÏhii s nswer L aud, MlÇ .Powell d.tnlbuted 20 io teherse was for trade. lHc replied al kacUgésêf flise 10 the pupils ofthe '#No, but Il'i for s3ale." S1111 Mr. Baleman was flot sntIsfied. -vrsa choscu i clde ee "lIejw mucli do you want for il?" "Tic malter bias gel te be clcared up," iustructcd le brig la for exhfit at "$175," replied Gregg. lie snid, and lnîfsted on linving lie lic fall show lie largoît vegetables oli- Thifs conversation 100k place as ame ef Mr. Cenlin'i Informant. ta1nedf frem these seeds. Tic prepara- Gregg was backing lie herse eut o! Mr. Cenlln-"I'il sec hlm, and If lie tiens e! lait sprîng wcre thua îargcîy lhe shed. does net niake hlmsel! known te you, responsible for tie splendid sîowîng Hie sald lie tld Gales, wie was tend. l'Il gfve lifs name aI lie next Couacil aI tic -exhibition. liollyhoclas from lng bar aI lie Quecn'î, tint lie lad a meeting." seedi distrlbuted last spriag will ot:-herse eut ia lie sied aad te go eut aad This' was iardly sufficient for Mr. bear flowcrs until next ycar, and wîîî sec nt.. Bateman, but Mr. Cealla repîf cd, "It's be rendy for thc show next nutumn. iCeunsel for Gregg admllted lhi Il al you'll gel eut o! me le-niglit." Tic value o! tic annual show te tie ,ivas apparent tint ilts client had beca Tiereupon Mr-. Bateman, lahis towa fi uudoubted lu belug an lacent.!uner tie Influence of drink, but con- wratdcadliinenontcm ive te fncrensed garden production, tended tint there was ne evîdence suffi- pleylng tie law te dlean up lie wliole sud aise te tic beautifyiag o! homes. dient te convict hlm ef lieft. nfî,adt la uie! Tic liortîcultural Soclety's work la in- His Worsilp teck tiesanme vlow, and ."Juilt o-day," lie sald, "Mr. Cealla valuable,_sud deserves tic encourage- whlle lie lieugit Ifle prlsoaer net lias been accusIag me areund lewn of ment of every citizen. blameless, lhe dIscharged hlm. glvlng iavIng beca mlxed up witi scwer deali, Tic lust o! prise wlnners which fol- hlm a wnrnlag le làèthti drink alene. and l'ni goiag le have thiI thing stop- lows gives oas an idea of tic size snd Grcgg lad beca keptlnla gol fer a e» varlsty of tic liaI o!fsantres:- wcek, had beca latcrrupted la lils work "l'Il go bebIanaylilng I have told,' CLAS A(7 ear bu uner) and subjcctod te humiliation anU an- replied Counciller Cealin, and lie di CLAS A--j(7year àn undr) aoyancc on tic flmsy charge preterred cettsin was ended by adjeurament. Bouquet o! Asters-il Ena Crouci, 2 agaînît hlm. Il rcaîîy seemed ns If an ApplIcations wore made fer cernent Clara Hopper, 3 Enmtt Oke. apoîegy were due hlm for tic trcnt- wlis on-Palace and Mary st-cela, Gladloli-1 Clara Hopper. ment le hail receiveit. and, ever lhii n discussion arase as te Pilox-1 Lloyd Johnson. wnys eoflnanclng any more cernent Carrots-1l Eva Gurney, 2 Frances walis. Debentures have. been Issued Anderson. te pny foi- tic werk propesed for li Bots-i Emmotl Oke. flt ft year, and .nlroady Iliat doue amounts lad. Plions 70 The Creater Canada' Improvemeut-& ,La'nd Co.u mltod Frother announcements sec window display. Wateh This Space Eveiy Week. sien le erect a siga on tic side et tic streot near lic C.P.R. station. Tis F was graatcd. Sewer-dxtensioas were applied for liy Messrs. BluadelI, Gco. M. Ice nd R. tJ. Undcrwood. A motion was pnssed ,grantiag tiose reQueits. t Tenders wiil lie cnllcd for li work, and also a sciedulsetofprices fer work o! Iastalllag laterals, as Itla h tiugit tint tic wori can lie donc muci more dcneply lin lie lewn la getliag at preseat. J. J. Bell, wie was i-ecenlly appoint- cd assessor, havlng talled te1 take thie cati o! office, A.R. Rowland was ap- pointed la is atead, nI a remunerallon 5of $250. Tic tellowlng accouaIs were passed: John MacCarl-----------..$51.50 Jas. bMcLeod....... ...... 34.00 Jos. Heard & Sens..... .... 45.42 Municipal World....... ..6.60 ? C. A. Goedfellew & Son .. 28.00 W.M. .Pringlc .... ........ 18.66 W. & L. Commîssloners: Caretaker's lieuse ........1.20 St-cetighing---------.133-38 Town Hall......... .... 1.82 S .Trees & Co ....... .. 2.01 MACHINES TO MANUFACTURE. Wiltby Industries have for mailla been engageit upon erde-a fer wnr sup- plies, andt many lieusanda et dollars have beon pald out Ia wagote aur aifzans. Tic latest, andt oaneofthte moît faterestlng additions ta lie cause o! national equipaxont la tie manufacture liy Major Harper & Son, et WlIitly, a! a machine toi- helping in thie manufacture of sielîs. Tic mn- dîine tioy maie la one that merely puts a tliread la tiecasing et tic shcîl, lIet whici anolier part li te lie la. ici-rted. Tha isrILd ms te lie absolu- tely accurale*tte inutoît traction, and thi machine made by Moisi-s. Har- Ifper dees tie work mail poi-!octly. Tic fi-m inasalready completeit ml! a itoz- en e! tisse machines, andithe plnt la worklng overtîme on orders whf ch. rnny keep ticm liusy lndcfinitcly. Ta lic deprosslon whici hai came ta cer- tain lînies et Iadustry and traite, itlaf foi-tuate tint ourI- ndustries have lissa able te adapt Iliemsolves te the manu- facture o! lie supplies acouai-y for Iequlpmcnt o! tic ai-mies engagodIth le dGi-cal Wan. a Tic Mari-n Manu!acturfng Ce. hms 5for aImait a yoar been engaged on the 0manufacture of artfcles whici go int lictheaccoutrements o! soldIeo. > Samuel Trees & Co. have hait large ordens fer bridle reins, blankets, etc. King Brou.' tnncry liaisten work- cd da sud nigit ftlllng orders for 3- lenther called for by war conditions. 18 Major Harper & Son are making ,r machines for ilieli makfng. e C. A. Goodfellow & Son are busy on a big bock o!tich wan, publisit bysa -Toronto fi-m. At TYour Command a Staff of Plumbers and Heators unequalled in any- of the large cqntros. A1 this staff is at your command to prepare you for tle cool weather. Make use of this unequalled service, which we are offering, -by having your furnace overhauled or a new one installed. Have your plumbing requirements properly attended to. A night anid day service for you. MAKE USE 0F IT. oeilIPbome 60Je MOINTYRE Ind Phome 64 SANSTARY HEATINO AND, PLIJRBINO ENOINEER PICKLING TIM!E=== CALLS FOR B3EST 00008 We have the best that nioney can buy. Try ours. Vinegar, White Wine, 4p, 50 and 6oc gai. Pure Cider Vinegar, 4oc gai, Pure Spices of ail kinds. Don't try ýhe cheap kind if you want success. Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Cabbage, -frcsh from the gard en, daily. PEACH ES are coming in now. 'Prices according 10 kinds. TRY OURS Jno. 1E. WATERHOUSE Phone 11. lour WHITBY Motor Delivery lire akf&st There is nothing more tasty for your - Br*akfast than Harn and Eggs We have extra choice, Mfid Cured Hams, any size and. cut any way you:want -them. Also a full line of Breakfast an4 Back Bacon, the *Farous -Rose Brand., AUTELi PhOnes Bell, N~q endeht, Né. 47 'ARCHIVES 0F 'ONTrARIOJ ume are now Coinfortably 8efted in our New Store- Where we intend to carry a large stock of'the iest modern and up-to-date Boots and Shoes for !ae>, women and children.. Our prices-wiIl be the roýrest,- considering quality. Our ternis are cash and one price to everyone. We appreciate your business, .no matter how sniall sanie may be, and. we always do our best to please our customers. Satisfaction Cuaranteed. JOHN PEEL&SO N. N 4; -A i - -j> x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bell Pione 193 Etc 31 Broek st'w WHITBVI.Ï Phone 151

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