[ied colora. sixcd colons. fet or ,ia-] s 4 r' rz,, yvu wm s ui suwmmu - t~yrouï4Vhe book eof others' expeni- LwG~ri lWfi - .uoe, esnd use bilas planta-,wbiclih e-irOS Farat lsty b aive -Pi'ovd Vteiiêbeet edaipteci Vo purpie. dlww uneu, ±b- ioewhtr tyin Àgraitu-m. Pur-pliih, bine flowr conditions to ihid i wndow or ers5. Ëbop,>bcxea---are -aather . e-be . lvai("ralet" ge. Zurich. *ubeated. - The.-ula4s shcd-*.be divan!varisty. show>' scaniet fliw- Ouc -ai wil1 keep ieasonal>iy'900d erg.- For Edging. natired undo&r both tee -Tutlc or toc YDuch ivter and laot- beco-me pe- - (Hanging doiva i8-to 8 inchei).. viéh bec&uso the irinel persiste la inLobeliai. GrMiilia, dee-p lUlas.Brin- caming around fthe ernera aind gLy* la, diafva riet>' Wie lw Img them 6oo0d alakinge. Il Alyssani. Fragrant uie lw Then of course. you would not a"r. thi4ilEo! puVting &'tube roue Ibegofia Urowallia. Dsep violet, blua' 'la a una>' spot -an ' -moe thea a floivers, a continuai blloomer.* geranilin l a ehady cns. Sc ebes Monke> Flouer. Vlley apotteel are juit'a few lielpfeil liatitdit if livers.- folicivee -in coaetien with dire- Latana. Floivers are ail1 shacica tdons ais te silla, !ertilizer, etc., ci orange anud 'ed. ihueulci gi-vs yau the satisfaote-ry ne- Ci-gar Plant. Scanlet floue-r iith suiVi -with window cS plant boxes. bla* and white ip. - i4a i.---- î n f Ib~léo m In beautifuil colorsaend shades long Vites. ffHnnging down several feet). Nasturtiu-if. The Inoît pcpular. Cobaca Scanden . Mkes ra9p-d growth. (Cup and Saucers Vine.). Large bell shiaped lpiiple blosos. Morning Clory., Qik growiflg Flowere blue aindý deep orinisor pinak. Manettia im Ln.Flam tipped "il lovi. 11' Mauran 1diei. Ratpid cliniber, tuibe shaped flowýers,, deeip violet and white. Blue M<.onllower. Flowers ih large cluste-ra. White Moonflower. TruinPel sfhaped blossonhs, snow white. - short vines.. Ivy leaved geranium. Ezquisit lorîngs,- white, rose pink,. soli cri son. r Shady PIaes-Fower@. 'Fueo ins. Fiowcrs puriple, red pinkc Fliwering Begun)ias. Sýevenral col Tuberous Begonias. Variety, colora, -blooin ontin-uallY. Prinirose (Obeconica). Everbloolz . a-g variety 1 Foliage ElTect Oaiy. Dracaemas. Fellaga, plain greer green stri-ped ycillow -or bordcre-' wliLe or cmnsen stripeel pin-k an- white. fB-ý,itoFern. For Edgissg. (Ilanging*deiva 3 te 12 inches-' Wademnang- Jew. Le-aves, green, green aind white., varie'gated. Straw-be-r îm. Mothal o! Thoç - - fdwarf habit, var -ý loliage, loiers- white an< Artiller>' Plant. t An infant dosmot hear Vhs third o-r !curth day alter biri For Sumnier. The olel standrhy ivindcw box trio lis gerani-unis, white Marguerites -andel Varisgated Vimîca vins Vo hang oven Vthesides. The M4rguer- ites uill bloomi for weelcî anci ieeki and tIe geranluin al Vhs glaelsani- iuer -long. Anothcr - good ceïmbinatiion hs Swset Alyssain, Ageratumu'andi Marguerites ivith, eclgug cg White Vines Vine.1 A 'deliAtIbul sffecit la obtaineel iith Rclictrope, white, or iight pin»k Ocraniima sud German Ivy. For brilliant effeebsaa box of Sai- vis,wiitî the Divar! Zurich ln front, tal SpIendens ai t he ba& caindi dg- ed iritIlDwan! Nasturtiama his oni- derfuily satl.s!acteny. For a -tro-alcail eff eet on atoop or grounds try. aicembination o! tiwarf and Giant -Cannas grown hi plant boxes or tuibe. Divan! Castor Bean or Ririous is nîso a good tub nlant. Plant Diwar! Nastuntiums arounci base. , Grow Cosmo in tubs;ail Saumer hs loliage wullibe beautifîiî aud when frosdtîreatena yen oan brimg themins-ide andi have useka 2f glor- ious bloom. -- For Autunia. - For ints .autu-ma, up te Vhs time the saow files, the hardy -Chrysan- themîtins, especiali>' hs pempem types, are deliglitful. Before fret alps Vhe Salvia plants brin-g theni inside and they ili (bloomi until ffter Newr Year's. For Sitady Spots. - For ahady places thepe areq un- fortunatisly ibut (5w thing-s that rea.lly tiirive. Ferna, lhewei'er, ai- - - & a do iveil, sspciaily VhseviSoe- - us Boston type, which la- equahI>' baipp~Yindeers anti eut. - Bliy glaneing over the table' be- lou ycu ill "find an interestlng - gro.upiug sof plants fer both auna>' amd sudmiady places.-- For Suna>' Places*-Tail Grow6ig Double Garaniunis. The ensicati ~LL1NG& in-Efforý to -I - t oconinîîd for a - ud.- IL watt faunel g pr eut [yni -jr efe-nosa witih tols niadia <! con- Tis-tfeU icuti pcîîîrled h ie 's -cf tlse e-rraan 111y olV-a-dby we iv-a-cecai-hut ngisc-uîî-mug- dwne on lun~ : ids- posiitiin wasiniade 1,1w -f>1ring of the. ttridige i. bu ît it-se <f ien, ilt i-a -ban- îîn )ps daliveed aus if air-fnîoua rLlaly- La lias ee, iwhe al heen converbedi j ad best. ÉATS City Dary Ice Creami. (when they cain . get 1t). Hundreda !Deimntn DbruggîÉts and Shopkeepers ail over -Ontario 'ýappreciate its8 universal.,popularity and have secured an agency for it. CITY'DAIRY ICE CREgAM is the one uni- -versal; summer ýconfectin-it - deights the entire -humain family, fromn infancy to old age--and best of ali City Dûsry Ice Cream- isahighly digestible food. dr *W sae >' ev.orimintiISD ahopk*opers everywhav* Watoh for ~the Sigrt. I - û, ~* 0' TOU~ONtO. or &ent by mail at -50e-cents ai box or six boxes for $2.50 frcm The Dr. Wilhiiaim' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont.. TUE WAY 0F THlE AGORESS0R. The, Frenteh hleiew cf Vhe War lilses Vo the Rank of Literature. Nothin-g more illuininating las Ibeen pîblilîhed upon ic trcn4dl the ivar Vlan the French ofMMi neview wiheliisaippsaiing i inla- stalmElts in the newsPapers. Those dlean and Iucid summanies risestic the ramk o! litenature uhen the ne- viewer quota-s German diaries and letters taken f rom captursel and deati se-diers. Ultimaata jGermnan iutory w-as at 6irst part of tIc con- scicu-aness of e-ver>' Germa sol- diar. "At tIe moment of the bat- tic o! VIe Marne," says the review- er, "Vie firat impression ivas onQ ,Af a failure c! co-mprclerisio-n and e! aýtupout.." But as VIe retreat con- tinued, a process o! c -nversion le- gan tie &et in ln the German mimd, The vast Teutonie frcin Vie pin-I of condition, iith almost b t a ceatuD' ýu! preparatio)n, was 'u ahi>' shaken and turned ba-ck. TIe c-ffpi-q itf vie--fir ni th. a) d orrcii xpesiinsoivi-tor namre raiMflgeay tata dllr-fft longer re-echoed in the minds of!r asn ieta a ciiý-it . the fighting soldiers. The battie of ISM'Âper bushel. Every effort shuld be t. Calais, which was in reality no - aetraise, cattle for the market nearer Calais than the Yse.r, with I<'ajjjto Madni-kc4. If N t Rn e- îr j as largê quanltitie% and as quick its terrifie loss. d proha-bly WOJ,OO Wid ly as pussible. Mr. Bruce is- great whe Teutons, seemed to stagger the believer in aIfalfa as the mo.st satis- German niind. ",Expcrimnents s.a.tiFt6ed mie, Some factory ft>ud for t;he ra.pid raising Avi The failture of the capture 4.f 5 ycars ago,"e writes a Xettern WVo- of cattie for beef.. Warsaw cumpleted the disillusion- main, "tfhat coffee was the direct In tliis connection Lt is interst- Wî ment. "Unil during the lat two CauE 01t f the i nsom n ia f roim which 1 ing o note that fattening vvung mai month,' says the rcport, "the suffered terribly, ais we111 as ex- &tek iç beconing very popula.r inlfl~ mot btllget~1th pisnestrme nervolsfeo and acitte dy»S IleUnit«I States whlere the mar- os havelitet o ht nu une ould p p.îa.e<Te'a juý.t -as injuriOU5 8ket for beef is Lncre&aSing 9o rapid- > havyleraadmtyd ha o newh c id vi-scoffee, becauise it, tuo, contaînf.S ]y*effat more jst.dy liasbeen paid tn ongeoul rst."-o n ihde l-the heath-destroying druig, caf- 141înethujd, . i'f increeasing ,-produc- ltoreodrseest.n And e lfeine). s.peak of "te on a ed ff< " i had been a coffee, drinke'r In the ear]y d8ays ýcattie w spe k o "t e i min nce of a m ii- since childliood , and d d flot like to kept &n the a.nges f ro Mi threc to tary and ('con(ymemmc "the o t-hmc allu&t the beverage was doing fie yeais. ExP2î1,ce, iowever, G er.m any." They discuas " h o - e al this ý,har . IBut it w as, a nd bas freiOw.n .,ti et t'.io u £éo of titoi' si'bility of Germany finding herelf ithe, time came wliein 1 lied to face , otg-bred btul,'s a d thClcon eqllent- after the wr 6'with ernpty hands the f net, nd protet niyelf I improveinent in the qtuality and and 'p<>kets turned insde out. therefore gave Up coffee ab r-tptly maturaig abilitY of narket cattie, . eO n January 18 an Officer of aWnd aboiutey, and adoted lPo- togetihlr with heavier grain, feed- the German General Staff, captur- tm for iy hot drink at meals. ing, bas inad,?it po&a:.b!e Vo' put ed, said: "Perhaps this struggle Y"I began to note improvf)ment in jst a muli er!onthe îre cd despair has already liegûn." Per- ny condition very 50-on after 1 took at f rei 13 to 20 mo-Illia oodý. Ex- h.aps it has! That is the way of thec on Potusu. 'rihe ciiange proeeed . rt.S are of the opinion tliat Wit'h- aggreso.ýr. No such struggle f de- gradually, but à ur-ly, aXid 14 waS la t-h.4-e cntnued improveiment o! spair cani ever set in in the hearts matter of ony a fe'w weeks before 1ire-d tok 1< wiii be possibl'2 Vo df the éea-nty Belgian soldiers w-ho I found myself entirely relievéd- ' arie, ae foulitvaianlya îsi-g utthereouses paar awy, m ar-ket at an even c arlierae have fuh ainl oigbtt enroeeePse wY YAînong the advantages of rle a glo-rous battle of sheer defence. digestive apparait4ivew»s rebto.rEd finrr.ýhing o! eatt!ze, the followîng ae e* pair is the just part and lot of te norial. efflcie-ncy, and 1 bgan mentioned by'eome o!ftihe à adin-g nll ggressor; nd despite alilo.ur to Sleep rasfuIllyanad peacefully. cattie nMen: Firstly, younger cattief eympathy for thec hotte-o! honeati "Thm happy conditions have niake heavier -gaSas gof!- beef on, a and bard-working Germans who conjtiIuOd. dunag al of the 5 years, sieilar arnounit of feed- tbvwnOld neye soght'str, ho ardy ko'wamid I amn salfe in sayingthat I ow-e cnttj1; Seeo-nd1y, the ~Monel' invest- what ogthe ar fihng frdws can the~m entirely to Posturn, for when ed, La tumied fauter,1 beang turned woVit eae 'ightitii ortuait a n Ibegan tb drink t 1 eeed Vo useo <:er in eigtCfl 53nItS where nit te-huainacenhoulde a easiin.formeely à ltotek .<rom nthree te five 50 fitythdeeranlbuniceshed <>be Naine given by Canadi«n FPStum years; Th.irdl-, heiera' under twu earth; thait the wa.y of the aggre - Cc., Wdsor Ont Rpked " Medyrs ig-îh ç» re adily.a tcn sor should be made liard andI peril- Pot l&min two frn:A the cenuest-s&ûesPIOi us, be ie n.ame Naipoleon or Wil- post M Cereal-.theoriginal f *r itho'Utsh-adow of doxubt, the Valuel heu thiV he age qiarrgane' 1- l *1bofled. 15e0amd 25c ci beef cattie in Cai adO ifeaily shbuld be dee v nd defeat. 141, ni icetun, ~ 1~) tibar~ e Wre iL'ni, Postum-a solubiéle '1ëW ,44 vte' it i ,973l, Ctà Martial reaw, oo4 ahs ni e-io"eqiiLyln a up o01 averageo o1$1712" takigtei of cbc>eriv temper, havéred anti - otý water, a1nd, wkih remarn&nd good wiVh te- bad. In 1911 theri Spotted, à , & Ms ts s m lse a d leous beverage werée 39,2579 Vaued M 8,g8- i Instautîy. Soc and bop, Vm. 490, oir, aiver6 ff1.0,, a A large white marbie in ai sauce- B&th kindo ie e qua~by dJeICiouo increffe of $4.78 per -hzad, Mrî. H pan will, as t roUa about-with the, and cot aiboufb 1, eie pmarne oV lp. S. Aks M Auani weSok *boiling, keep the liquid conatantly aT resa Raion" for Postum..ED ,liied.-sod byOsoere 'ie -neyer eats mpuh, excepti aen ha lfi invitad 011C'I 'Speedonieter, 'Station. f~r insS'BanStsk sectIsC. 179 Qucen Street W4est, Awomnan-s brain on an! average TRNO N ýi-ghs five ounces les- thazn a - m'n inproportbolI Vo lier iveiglit. Can oOS, SilsMtBoatsa THE pETERBSOROUGH LINE.- Ifsycanes an give you satifi&Ctiofl, It là a IIPETERBOROUGH." meyayS and* ever lhe sce of 1 service, model. jstrength and fin. ish. OVel' fifty gtyleo ad OiZeo. WrIte for catalogue. re latest canoe la. the, terborouglh canv5u covered. Àsk for Iliustrated folder. 'Skiff à foi die popuier Out1bV4 lci-Xte. P ower Launches, ail sizes aad pow- ers. Get folders telling ail about the0e. PrEIROROUGH, ONTr. ntiloi J om8 * o, fst niCames&. L ~ IDLE BOA CO LIMTEDôPRNTANG,- CÂY gays : Vhstà ent tIer- s wLVh -the y sserved- to nade ub- and ~e 9~i a V1-1l lIa*U oflU r lItil WbeMlneB work -ine mrs.we4r'ng' OP than man's bscause V ets 0"ailnit Tl ever>' waldnug Iholr. lIhe e 15 130 i eigilt -or aine h6ur day for- th breadwinur' ie - f aic te-i &11 toile under -1th gîie t imid' < it ehculid be. The. woina wibo l idore ail day le ver>' oit eincr- leua &bout Wh",t mile its aindi dose sé uct keeip Ilsr blood' up to the Mé., r IV bcones ilnasd por, ,wih I makes ilisr wak, headioh.Y, i-nsd, h breatâIhlea--dani hale V o Pane L Vhs> basc aaid ée the <courge cf fe fier sex. New bilo ,diildo iWon- t' ders for bthe wolnwho in tired tl out, 'whe aches ail ove-r ivIsai he a rimssi-il Vhse norniinlg sifeel-s un- nr neckouatabl> deprsssd. She eau ti gala new hdood aow, «ud drive ta Uw&yVthe puaà n and acs-seand l tiîiedass. if, -ige ivila talcsDr. WiI- ilams' Pink Pjil: *The>' ave wOrk- ed marvels for-othler ivOnien d iwili do Vhs sainesfor you if you aire 1 weiak,1 tineel, depressee or sufsring i f rom. bachaches or sideaches. Mrsa BIne-r 0"Takylor, Calgary', AI-tai., 1 says: "L- wai go rua doa iitht ianaeisuithat h could scarclwek witihont azd. 1 vas oV aille Vo - blave Vhe bous. 1 hac ne colon, n>appeitite, and was conetaintlY I troubised, ith, headace-esdizz-ym spelle-anc a geeral diinclcatiein Sto mo-vs about or do amything. MY frienda-did mot think I 'wouid geL -better, and even theu docter waS4 apprciienive.1 was conistaIilY etakiing- mediclîne, but it diel noV do dme a partiels ol good-.'Oins- day a f iend solked mne i-f I lhad trised Dr. n Wi.iiame' Pink Pills,'aund hIdecided te doe o a.imst m a afôlora hope. ,t After 1 h ad umîd a fs-w bxee Vhs-se vas a deci-ded change for hs bet- ter, aind people began te asIc what 1 ua Vking, Vhs change a se n oticeablé. 1As h couinued Vhe- Pille MY colo-r came back, I eoald est rny nisbergulal"i-y, Vhs heinci- aches sud diizzy spli;s ce-aseel,1 1, gaiuined in wed-gilVa-ad took a new inters-st in, life, ni> cure bcing - -compl0ets, ha-vs to1d main> siekly ivonen andl girla iiat Dr. Wil- f lis-me' Pink Pills did for manad urgeel tihcmu te take tViemaind -hali continue Vo do seo, knowing whiaV ai splendid medilcine- Vhs-y Every wiee-airand a«l'ixig womuan Who wii ilo'ow Mrm.Ta-yior'- ex- Lample anti give Dr. Williams Piank ýd Pilla ai fair bnial wid-l find e'nsw ýd healtI and strengthi through their 04 U o it- wi'll be ext ym.r, whm eflui u- l'aLLS xefict oL the ris de eit, no one *m5 tlîirz<i1 ib 'ICt ~#D OR 1M. t -411 tj1~ 8SU D ea t âtJi he ». hà M g~id.A~' ~-London Wlthout Wa*ér. 'ith ,oùo d -gIS4I sê or even jpair Ile Suffered fo r' Four lont i roir f lie t e T ai e a be2 a -bido&u qa m cms ée, _.] .[le i t <Id K i dney T rouble bu tF ou d Q ulek al to fu c tw t r f r he e i pWon tli. 0Éfl P1y',clear, <'del-ooful f atriorth efl Èe moden 1 *fliir*Y, adva né Ki'dReie y n Ili U sd D dd', forto-r oonvenience of' the inhab it ~ints4 stbttAlsIipots mele.anti of -he Thames Vailley. Yet e -.tis~etecause- thuader îM here are on-, record severali- n' ihu Égà s iml're- al'stances whiere the ccnrary was th 1i t ee and' 41Y 7th (Spesial). - "I know that 1--e p e o iso Vh tinie~Vl~'e vdcaua ocii'.Kiae5 PUs rth -vrycase, and the, opi !London saw are'i58d pileC3PtaBtîOli.best c eloiio"Su, as the river bed praotially dry. in 'rmphot eipia tutaiken on sâesnnt madIe t*aAn"l 81nwcéùi ra ý p i ji 3 , t i e a e t , a c r ii o a e -- ù w ,r j e n t 0 1 t u b i a o e e r t h q u a lk , , w h i c h s h o o k d o w n no mL E 5 A rientiiate, t4bSt the r rr -u -,"I w * fk » six m Sh, Mrtï j . aany churches and hhougu 1ses 7 whle w om wB I" ,eike of sun spots aippeaired at theitIisu M tobi fi River Tha-mes "wae dryed uppe, eut thait tini de c ince Vhs-n -tlwh sy ted r« a &eaId t1hat ««MI t) that all Londn aight 'waike over _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ av his iSteng & -Muh ièW. La iIIybaek. My oiu±swers thée me dy -she<."-This was 'n - Saggcring. loudy weatiher followed lhmi4S~iiiSdI tdcimim nrmu-Vsyarîis îet piutures cou-Idi not be tesn un- cleé,1 y e-- ptite . w m sfit<uland i1 11lu 1MOI came an ainazing ebb Iw n o r s a elw is nei j1 a y 2, sud Vhese plates %î130-w as lheavy aindsekepy aflber meals. tide, when tue river was again 80 I -etetiktei oaa ifd hait bue Sun spots have inreaeed- in 1lied aibitter ate in my anou1th low thait a main might ride ever I s And ye the oumizeia;td"Le. rea ein,&lhave aict-diju t aas stre- ad I w e aw y ie n 'e -o os c tL n o'Big .I "Found " , O M sv î e o l . . T a s O-U . 168 7 a tre in e n d o u s g a le b ie w fo r lie large spots. become lairger, 'q used four boxes of t>odd,'s hirty-six heurs.- The great -stran -ujari'az -nimeat Z.UanboemSu WUSLr tà uSpi ~ utp LVNetos ls cXidney Pille, and hs greait bensfit b]ew straiglit doîwn the vnlley o-f the- Large spot leadIng ai lot 01! simaler Vhs-y did me laihait m akecs me say, ThaJnes, and kept he water liack, No Dpicates-- >n s cro s h a e o h - U l i T y 0are Vh e be t of niedicin e .' " se that the bied w nîs dry. O n B- i ercp- i; h a aother len - le "d lher c ihi k . D odd' s K -id ney Pille cure ck teober 14, 1716, the an e thiag hap-- £ u tom c i W iit er, - rthis in prvios observations that ai Kidîcys, an Mr. HXi'a syniptorne pened, ni e-rdn e tefaut tendersteak I'eevrhdl lower -V enP rat umy rein and cycle - are hsyarrptom s o! Kidney <dî~s "W eelky Paciket, " a paper ef that iur she p. aie ietuhaine rsuitf r-m tecase, con-equentllylhe fou-ad, cuck date, people crssed the river afoot - Waite--4ygon-sYumi ppearance o! lie ilililpots every relief i-n Dc>ddc's Kidney Pill. nieY lx>th' below nd aibove the bridg, have got the guv'nor' s. j.iyears 11aM been b'orne, ou t by alway-s urs Kidney dwhleth sndoiy 0 ler o view bhe weathori! reisnVy. wi__he____ly ocla Thesur reolV55on taaxi ~ '_-that a silver tankard, ai silver but-' 1011OU, QWN DRUGGIST WILL, TELL you The nty.fv5 das nd Vs - s n Iil!F1Igl h ai. tdsod oi ig unaITry lmutine zyeKCtSdy fur Red, Wealc, WatewY e-ver>' ' Kadteyuea -Frn ath ak e swDd gl ig -agies and Granula&WS Eyelids; No Sinartlng- - spot aire thers liddSil Vo h e earth. The a îtiviy o!fthe iniper unde -rr ind e o g lsdrtce !v le up .r Xulc yR rS y OC Is B>' the banctihe surfaceo!fbile au»ce-ver o! darknem ha. be-en nespon-weepkdu.- - again mperexpsed to the arth éie for muh inventve ingenu-ity Shaviag was intrduced anicng i t i c n i e r d p r b b e h tah. w h & v is -w t e f a e i i n g n ifl e - fi r - nt h e R o m a n s a b o u t B . C . 3 W -. T e spts wiU iavb-vs difsipated onl Lng at niglit. Two ingenius de- aWmaSftesfaut slave was deened ti n he flan'ing surface o! hs greait viefflhave been ps-r!eted, one b ' - u ii hu t, B<1a tram e Vonianho od -nd celebrate dl orb. - iGagwsafereataniVl- ith 1<I'1with great festivities. other by n Austrauian sexplorer, - KEEP YOUR BABY WELL At night there la dicu-lty ln direct-- There is Trouble Ahead. lnsriLl owamnt useS ly Pbrsa- îng the inuzzle o e! is leuonVs Conatanti>' on their Ces-t, atten4ing V. enmy, wing Vo tVhs invisibiiity c! theh waats of n largg and exacting Vinegar cornes frein the Frenh Motiheris c oaa 01tiheir littie tic ordnar>' foreeight. To mest family, womea often break dwn with I vin -aigre"-5Cilr wne. e & hap p y ind tIoaîV hY by th e o cca-' t1his, the- S c-V i h m u sk et rY i c -n ervous exh au stIon . S E P ' A 0 S sionail use o! Baiby's Own Tablets. structor -as, fitted thec ordinar>'se-r- In ths stores, fatorisa d on a SE OTTOS There ia mo miner si-Iment of little vice rifle wiVh a -luminous sighV. No farm areweak, allng wmeii, dragg ý V R Y ER OBLER POTATQO onea that te Tabiebi will noV u-e, altenatof in he service arm is ne- down wlth tortuig bachache and 1 2upcelly selected snd oor down ains.Inspected for eeed. Onlyr limiteS ciuantiti. sae anipsitive'1>' no injur>' amn noV înterire wih Vtle ordinary Sikifelg s' auabu tsýt.n D la -rbs efob 'rico reaib <ro hi s.C-cenn rn-ihtfrdyih boii dangerous, because due to dlseased Snow, t-se excellent nOv PoON r~ rf .Goncrnin trot-sghitfor aylilht ihctinîkidny,.Two Dollars Ãver. buahel. Speetal pý, r'oI ]ffni uar, insto, lIilfor large quantity. Caebms acm them MnB. HniHad Çmsin fh ewisiglit hais-ns ubTete d izzinessismldrnepu al des UIVDwo.,Bm, O n t . , w r i t e s 1 " T h e r e i -s m n o n e d i e l'nu e e x a t i n g t e s t s , a n d b a Ãœ V e n e n e a di nhr s m p t o i , d e r e . n g e d t n ; I r e s 1 . D W O J l t i g uw oe good for littie ess as effiin, onîy four nieis~ beng =e- complaînt can't csrmtoema o! kldney ton.. EE is Baby's 0-tn- TaIbiets. They have corded -out o! fity-fou-r roliadt in requIree aselstance of Dr. Ham,,-iX Potatoem. lixtr:t Zarly SÉe5ltÉoD. certw.fly beenm of great Fservice Vo a trial unde-r difficuit conditions; tons Ples whtch go direct te Vhs seat !Sew Early Sort 4cenal MntbaWf The aire-der or W htite Elîianle. Fîve 1pOUdo Onu me."l Th Taibiets z sold b>' aini V as bs-n applieci te mac-lins- of Vus trouble. Dollar postaid. T. E. BOwvan, l4s meic ,eajerg or by niail at 26 guma witih equai succees-. The Ana- To give 'VitaUtY and powver Vo the i;y . Ala. cents ai box f ronm The Dr. W iliaim' ra?an inventiv onoiste f a qulck kIdacys,ta lend aid to the bladder and MW P pE S O A E Medcin Ce, Bc-tkville, Ont. sight electric flahlight, w-hih ia lver, Vo free the blood Of poisos.18SP PE 5 OR sA.! fitt-elclose -Vo Vhs muzzle y a sin- pPROFter a 0rnid~IT-SÂIO!ESA! O 1 pie cntriance tIc e rn i«ceesfui as Dr. liamiltonFilleF11. For 1 eo for sale in poal Ontario toWfl5.'e Th Fr-iUlgBati-Lne spled !nro a s-mal-I batt e gail woma.nly lrregulâritles their nment IThe iit usefuland lntel'estln f* o!al wellknon. nsieass. ul informaLtion onfl ieCS a we-.lion to Wilson ]pUblishini CaxnpfflY. Alexander -the Gre-at's Cam. lied in the butt, te wh-h the- sigît Beclluse o!ftuèr mlld, soothing, and Wet Adelade St..- Tornt. paigne, Cassars wars and Napoa- ila conncct-ed-. Tihe lighit tqirows a heahing affect, Dr. HamUtan's Pilla are eons hre-o-l bitAefrot ecniT-shaped mark which pro-vides an WaCs-, and are recommended for girls I XUORLABê 1-imtsdanc aioat rival henalmeet sutomati ani, because- Vhs nd ivomea cf ail- ages. 25 cents per - nANCER, T1R, U. uedTC.. vewed la ths liglit o! oae day's ballet atrikematat Vhs intersection, box at ail dealers. -Refus n u-I nenia t et nen. crSwt et r war.Ilusians o! hs tre -ins-. Th sigt ca be t-itte fr Dr hlalltn',s pille of bMan- out pain, by aur hainetrtie. I IICWS theo h tw ies h sgtca esitt orD.Hanieuisbefors too laitO. Dr, Beilmal'lil Auwsotriana .nSev t ug i P-fitted Vo an>' 6rea-rm ad the flash- drak.e and Butternut. Co.*i ted, COllingvoidç, Onà t. Austiaou«id Provestugit. mPO-- fo lanc, QlLcai incion h1-J eOf -light ean aileobe use, o in4 ____________ lane CaGeîticiai ao en bhp- _____!Oe I Ce>ntrýal- and1B ~"'ic- n~- Mct1ýer-Son, I don't believe you, cluding Messe, report. InSt8llt washecl your face ab al.______________ armnislodin- . ekkr la uInstant PRelief Sial Son-tf You dùa'V believe 4 ~codeMas.Me"-. armie loéýed cîee-siolvesI ge a2.I Ceds, 5lit4 Flandelns gives VIe tiy o! iu-Tgng Peint on Putnam's me, look &t tVhs Veivel. f4CYOtheCvU.d*3mieiiu 10se'eifi..O masse-s; Vh e Caucasus wltnesses r o Coa t aecorne fta. es ., eeTIt5ninW EXfUuI fierce ftgiting; Pers-a send word e!oflgt. sd ore oo x.vXlsr'ULiimbol.~*~ aMol-nai reserve; TuriEalitroc-ps f% better in V hs oe-w*sms. iu lVi s. arcroued n Vs snd cfAraia;~ M. lig Mait lehoSure Proof. nar utdo ine sae spfpres-e-- ion wy l"P Utn im' a Mother-Are yon -quite sure tà &&, Vhs ilay Pinr-a;e-rimaetse n olo- ýths pain, deetroys tue rects, kthesMa cana or nlo-e.Noa>i '. ou have eeased Vo, love bini? niai Soldiers a re dniven f rom K ain Cure guarant ecd . GeV a 2 ,5c- bO trU b e <If a r lite a s a luttel 'nI o - - erun. im western Equaitorial. Afri- *Putnam's" E£xtractor to-day. vnccofl a rtyaoe ca; Germain Fiat Af rica ellironicles ______nhi ofie an eugagement; Sinyrna, in Asia rperi i fie 1Minor, la shelled; Bnitieli _aind MONIE1 IN LIVE ]STOCK. iFrench troopa ila.nd nea.r En-as, inno ,wi« Eu-ropeainTuke>'; MeÀSOPOtaufin The (alilîil I n ner IVili Bînefit secs a route of Ara-b tribes ia Turk- By the Waî - îst ay; lahwnrthgrnibhrdeali4n Mr. Ranldoipul Bruce,'a' WeIll.- Bad chip's aîwior fail on ny knee and i regyi»ens an a-nng wt a n skomrnhrinWsenCndleg. and knee ewelled ni, and for élt:davs CUTTEN & FOSTER London rwaitsVhsinZppelinsavenCanadiafarmer1The imense orYm n qn a ful Niewpoment w is siauo ltera o! . . - t-tieculdnoforei Vhs arniiesiyjru lvp 1 ý 1