Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 May 1915, p. 2

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nl-Moy Merci t d A d t te ram Wa@hington Ge ~rmaumnueb adSu4obe = st rint veseS bi fu y11 te satWyelyfi.stand taskead hy Pi"1eM4 Wileon in tih. note sent Wo Berhil. Soh" ,Uu.tudisavos' the LISSi4i4&and eUher outrages upon 'Amoritian lite anuf property et wluii theieTTated Sae eaiis She mut ialcerepea«ticà "so far &à repatatiea la çseilfor injur- ies which lare Wthout niessure," .ad le. must take s"immediate tepea" Vo prevent a recurnenoe- of th tii.atache on the Anierican fltag anid-on. Amenican lives and Ameri- can vessucs. No doubt existà here of the diii- *cuit>' of tàiý position in which this nete places,,Genmany. Nothing les "ain a repudiation of ail she has WILL -1LOOK UP 1~A~PRISONERS IMOsi<. Ne(t of Iilitar> .%ge and Woiiaen Ikre to Be Re.- J>iltriaItd. A despatchi from London aay,%: Preinir asquith announeed in the HOUFsetof comimuns that"ail Maie enemie s over miIit-ary a.ge, wilI be repatriated.," He also said that women and children ini suitable mises will be repatriat'ed, though oomuw inglit remnain. The- Govern- nment ptroposews tu segregate &Ill dutma-le enemnies for their own mafIty and for 11he ieaei.y of the ountry, Premier Asquith told ths Bouse u ofComnmons.- In- annuunc- ing the alien poliey of the GxoverIl- -tueit the Premier sad: ' At tl:s moment some 40,000 un- Paturaliz'ed aliens, of who.m 24,000 are nen, -are at large in bhis coun- r(. Trié Governinen't proposes that àa11 aduit maies of this cla.ss sbould, for thieir own.eafety and tt fthe country, be segregated mnd irfterxmed. If over the xiitary * age they Ehould be re.patriated. The Governme nt recvgnîzes the re may be cases calling for exceptional treàtinent. Womenitnd children ini suut.ablé cases shouid be repatriat- ed,- but thereno doubt will be mamy vsmFc% iniwhich justico and IumSnity will requirè that Vihey be allowed ta remain. "It would bo difficuit te find a pa rallel for the feeling of -righteouzs Indignation &roused in ail classes Luthiteseountry," the Premier'said. "O0ne redult of this, unhapjýî1y$ il; Usat innoýcent and tinoffa ndi9 Perý sons-J sare i anger a in~n4 tèu t pay the penalty for the- ci eo R e w e f o th e r s . b i g ' .f Arati-Germnan rots in theE Tfd oft-London were renewed w th é'.vefl greater violeifee. Wherever a /Gera;n showed hirnself lie wae at- tu1ked. The police force has beon ~o hinned by drafts sent to the army that it- had difficulty in deal- iog with the. angryerowdà. Special omitables haci to -be called out. A number o Germen estobtylah- monts wore raided and sacked and their contents% scattered over the sêtrcets. The German& themoelvea we e orced te go into hiding. The police in sone cases were defied by the angry crowdg, and soe officiers were injured during their endea- vors to proteot the Teutons. The - urniture and, fttings oft Gerniar bou&es and stores were hurled through wii(ows te the streets * Whtenthe proprietors were oaughl they we.re severely. mauled. . I poene cases their clothes were torn frein tiheir baceks. Une German was th-rown into a heýrse trough with the reminder that bis coinpatriot,, had been spendirg tleir tinie drowning wornen and oidren. H1e wns only saved frun asidmilar fate by the intet-venti<>n of. the police. There were several instances ;of Germeanbutchers trying ta escape in theiir carte. Thcy wcent racing dov.n the street~s at a nad gallop, but in rnost cases they ultimate;ly were run down and theïr veihicLe esasheld. A ntumber -ot Russian Jewesse -wre flockimîg this rnorning tu th( to End SubmErIU-vy&g bantmstn demie aed ébandcjMunnt et Pralti-1 qe0.1 l- be- hopes- tedo with tub- ain, saiiieon imiat wmua ole ti aw !nationa and huinlOit>' wilul enuble German>' santire-l> 'to meet ,tâie viewgso 0earniietlY eus»- niunicated te huer by tho tJaUited Stripped et it. diplomieI dresa,, taie 1Preeident's ýnotOe carja not cal>' ùhe cdemande, 'but a, hrea't. S$tress le laid upen tue ,pettcf of the UJnitcd.St;&tO.I for prompt actionsuid as reffarde t1w nost l'n- potnt demand, that 'et giiar.rf tesfr the future, "immediate stp"ae required. Fialthe plain intimation la conveyed thât tuhe note itseltiýs net al'GeinmmsfY must expeet if 9.nY actfion i. noV fothcoaiing. police stations a in -te East End andf pieading for protection, explaining thsd the>' were being mistakein for Reports are reaehing the police that pivate heueff belonging to wealtÀhy Germuaas lin te f asixion- able West End are 'hable to ha buruied. Large placards in tihe windowe of almeast ail business houss a.nd mar- kets hear tise words: "No businoes tnansacted with Ge.mmns." Anti-German outbresscsof par- ticular oe it>' occurred la the. neighorho'-ofthei. Ent India docks. Sîix or ,eventy German shopa "were wre'cked. Gormans in the viciaity are uniting lor self- defence and polioe reinfocremeata are being rushed Vo tiie scne. Feeling lInJohannesburg. "Anti-Germea feeling la runniag high as the resuit oet he Lusitafila tragedy. Extraordiaary scenesare being ena.ted la front cf the towa hall, sihere crowds o! citizens s-it patiently for an opportunit>' to siga petit.imin's V the Mayor re- questing hum Vu eau a &maassmeeting te voice protesta against Geraiany's action. "A large German flag i. sprad on te ground, where the p6ti- tioners stand s-hile s'niting -their, maimes. Another Gerain flýag sas publicl>' buraed in front of-the tes-a hall1. Plaeards bave -beeta dis- 1playcd urgiag a boycott ot Gar- ,mans, anu a Stock Excha-nge cern- mittee las adopted a resolutien asking members ut Teutonic birth tei avoid the exchange during iie "Tii. Mayor has eoasent'ed te cempi>' situh ths nequest tintlie> cali a mass meeting."- BOTI AOCCUFIES (CAPITAL Citief City ef GmiÀitaD So4h-We Atrca an ec.Captmu#Pd. Adol"Wh froni London a).aya An '6fciai statenient made publui nt Cape Tes-n and receiveu b>' Vhe Reuter Telegnamn-Company>' ea that Windthoek, capital of 'Germia Sôuiai-s-st Atrica, mas captureuf without resistanceb>' Union of SoutIh Afnlca forWbs under Gen. Ba. Tise popul4ion ,ot the tus-a consista cof 3, 00 Europeans andu 12,000 natiýves. Ç.en Botha's troupe took a coniufrable quan- ity ci rails-a>' rolling s"oc, M&r- tial las- las been proolaimed througliout the cenquereuf terri- tory. - Gen. Bobtha, addnesuing ýhis vie- oieus treupi, ufeclareuf Viit the. capture oethde capital cof German Sotith-s-est Af rioa s-as ufthtei "ut- moast importanceVtii-se Empire and the Union ut South Af ica, as il means practiesîlly complets poussa sien of- Germian South-s-est Afrni Continuing, Vthe Genral ufseli up)on the responsibii-ity cf the. army 1t occfupation Vo cane for Germai iwomen auf clilîdrea la Wincthoek isaying la tlhis connection : "h ne!>' on your honor te perforn 1ths re&ponsible -onk s-eu -'ad notiiing -that nobody wants. Militar>' o Examinen-What ý a man 'se te b. burieuf sithii tan>' honora iRecruit--Dead. Mu s .1 SCENE INCREASES IN TERRORI German Infantry WretchedIy Inferior to Artlllery and No Attack lias Ieen Really Pressed Home A de-spatch tromin Londona uays:l "Mio great ba-ttie hang ina sus- Pense, cr, at an>' note, in eqaui- pois(- andi the si-ene lacreasos la terro i\ot i le lt of Yprss, as ua1g;îogfins t helis kn*k V-o atoius t lié ei etshats-er6,,once its w NIs othing ceuluf l4ein l te cit>' and tisera havc beec-ýfi ies Je at Ih'upflenghe te ,give t1je naine et cniy une town - fear the flghting.ý IEveruyrnoad sauf cruoauf hga bt"'îu hiown up6 and- tiheikufinio ci-aters.- The Gernnuans have uaunch-' ed a îî c Iet 0f ienOPamsor have stumnulated--ses activity in. the olu oues. Son» fies' ovr DuakCirk re- centati-' 4iVer -dmffceoIt SPOIâ, b. Iihnuf Ypreei Tii. deanr>' I.l cbonded sith the. omoke ef &rapul- b;urstlag aàrounuf tuem. ",Ou-r lUne lafront 0f Ypres a" 1k. saleoeoftGaaabog l&s. Tie U5 exteo av ii ,ede been-4k. d eut t shapeM»t"ht ia great deaulof flgiting liasb"en. n the open: and under fil. Ce-Viroe hait »aetm .or la pits iade bý iuiee snoal a l biy. uae:Asrsloe-O sa, oolOêtrtiili f eu o ur tny attaek la tihe Ypreie district bia reaU>' heen pr-saedhomne. Lanthe last tss- day. at Ypres advsaacee have beea made almcst lazil>' anufd plaocil[y. 'Ph. Genaman staff eeu- net sus- tii- groundf Vhey have sel tiiorough>' tilles! anuf Vhs>' sjll reap ne iuarvest, tbsough thbe plouginiia- terrible -eÙnoighin laitself. 1V has se-emeuf te sîsae on tbe ide ofthfle ilids a ti lm>'are engageufinlaa -warf&re bets-een itiman anuf evil eleietits, se persistent lias bhem Vhs rein ut explos-yives »ý,nd gas-fiLleuf *buiba f rom Vhe eaemaý, ad then se superiorlis their os-n poq«er s'ien îthe humain elera-unt Cedt -into Plày, The eocaenal loseas f rom itItis feeling except at Ypree, sbere 1 the bsttle ebbe fer ea moment. adebàuChed froua cover utoif z-"t & Prnh e S'a upieuf b>' ieman ui ' ae "11.Frçncb h i jnetisein ad- v anc... Tiie6rtookrBj M~ ada t bods, of GermainPr .aen,'h os thi ttS ,ork of the- FroncI rpointti-.bs2l w pt yet àM t- O oà»clinsz.x to cmimdrn 1g- Sangerto iduits iber isuine o f fmg Germian Russars Seareblng a Essie pesmant'e Shep ferlIhidden Bussiane.» GERMÂNS WOHSB - TRAN SAVA~ES' Cri [mes et Unjiaralleled IM L'eninultted by - l<algerus [orrer A deepatcl f rom London says : Wîeai Canadians, "ecure in tiheir home. thousande ut milesas-a>' from the- devastateuf battlefields of France and Belginin, iean stonlea of crime anmd, outrage beyond the concepticn cf their wiildest imagina- tion, the>' may petlaps b. excused for being sceptical. But nos'taie last vettige cf doubt bas vaaishued. The powenful liglit etfs-ora evi- deace taken b>' a speeial>'picke'd Impenial Goverament commititee, u4der the chairmanship et Viscount Bryoe,.former British Ambassador at Washington, hgs been turneuf on, and German>', la th e>'es efthtue civilized s'orld, etaads Ceavicted: of lîaving deliberatel>' pianned and carrieuf eut -wiiole.ale massacre ut crime ot unimagined iiorror. Mian>' montlis age Premier 'As- quith named thus committes, iviese personnel includis such mon as.Sir Fredenîick Pollock, Sir E4s'srd Clarke, Sir Altfred Hopidson, H. A. L. Fisher (vice-clancelior cof thé University. of Siieffil4), Ha.rold Cex anuf Kenel in1)gby, sud in- structeuf .them to cereful->' Ut al Bvideace oet "outrages ealsegdtVO havv ben coasmitteu b>' GennaLn tro&.ps during t»' present s-ar." This -they - d e am .d heir re- pot.~adocuixisnt t IiA, -l.st- w uo 'ol-Wid atte on.'li report of bbseemte a e p.tdy be ieffr b'mi viduals anf nes-spapers durnag the iatfëw mýbsnVis, but tube n es refuseuf te b urnieuf, anufonly published it atter hey had thor- ougly cstablished tiie authenticit>' ot every fstaternent conained in iV. Coucheuf in simple tennis,fihe re- port lays bars the stor>' et a great Germa arn>' swceping acroas Bal- gium lteraIl>' witlifire -and sord. Organizeuf bodies ut troops direct- ed b>' offioere, s>'stemmticalIy mur-' dereu fainocent aon-combatante; young girls and s-emen s'erc out- rageuf, mutiiated and murdereuf; chuileren s-en-s the object efthtie moeut revoiting of crimes. Breaking into sbop& anmd private bouses, Garmn soidiers louteuf the s-me celiare and for dauys on anuf debauclieu them- selve&, coommitting crimes of sverY description whiela a state ut in- toxication. Anxiouuu to b-s scrupu- Louai>' tain, the committ*e reports that lI orne cass German officers b theseives s-sre harnifieuf and sick- yened at s-bat was going on, bu s-are toeed te continue the siaugh- ter ordereuf b>' tieir saperionsIn other cases isolateuf crimes s-e-re n committeuf b>'individu-aI soldions. Thle-se were ver>' aumenou§s and "'more shoc1king then s-ould be ex- pected in wiarfare bets-een civilizeu powers. gt CONIDITIO'N 0F TIE ('ROPS. Report lssiied by tiei Cenmis and àtatisties Office. Os-ing tote ii-snii sinter aindfVhs favorable conditions whiah1 pre- vaiied during tuhe cniticai unenths of Msnuiisau Apilthe fallwies crop isreots as being excep- tionail>' gou on April 30. Ina On- tarie, wiiere 1,043,000 acres s-ere ses-n as estimateuf last tali, net more tisa 6.8 P.C. is reportedf as s-mter kilief, simd in Alberta,s-ith 230,000 acres estimateuf as sos-a, the proportion wiaten killeuf i. oil>' 6.2 p.c. Tiiese proportions are loee than un an>' year sînce 1908- 09 -for Ontario, and lus-en than in an>' previeus year on record for Alberta. Last year tihe penoentage s-intr killeuf sas 19 ln Ontario snd 15.e l Ainberta. in Ontanie tthe area sinter killeuf amounts this yessr te 71,000 acres, and in Aiber- ta te 14,30W acres. Thsse figures? ufeuacteuf f pm Vthe aneae s-a, lesme 972,000 acres ia Ontario auf 215,700 acris ini Alberta se Vhs areas anden tati wheat to be bsn- Yesteuf. WitI 10,900 acres la Maàni- tcsa, 4,100 acres ini Sas-katclmesan auf 6,000 aces uin itiâh fCohm- bis, thc total ares ancien tati s-hestt o be. uarveeteuf-this year amounts to ,208,700 acres, as, ota- Pared withii973,3W, tacres2ths-,ares 0im'6sted ln 1914, WslisVt there-. aSéý L y «f l an~fit wu >9 S n t. nors V"hs ares sos- th kib is i f113a' -iiejacreased is t o.be, harveted2 oing teh to -u 24 p.c.Nteestôfccnl 93 m«, in mad yifr madard a * 1si " yce, *sa 8i Albert ae BTTLE JTSIP GOLIATI Brltlh SubmarIn1- E-14 A Turklsh A despateh f rùm London eaôre: Tise Britimsh battlesiip Goliatii lasi been orpedoed liim t>ardanelles. IV la femareu 500 Ultrashave b-sn on st. Annouacoemuant'o!t the ioss 0f Vhs Goliaths-a.a i.ade- la th6 House ef Ceaunons. b>' WiwlnstmiSpencer ChurchiUI, Finit Lord of the Ad- mirait>'. Mn. Chiurcill alsu sinnounced that the -Britisis subinanine E-14 had penutraturd through the Dardta- -nelies andi into thes o fUMon- nier, miiking two Tumkieh _gua- bo'ats anmd a Turkish transport. Tii. Goliath s'as orpeded andu sunk b>' Turkisii deebroyers last night. The Geliath s-as attacceu andf suak s-hile proteetinsg thie fiank ot tile French troope la their landf operations. Deapatchea Vo Vthe Admirait>' from Vioe-Admiral Michael D>e Re- ,oompareds-ltii 87. Fer -Ontario thie figureila higiier thei n laan>' >'s.r sice 1910, s-hen 96% s'as recordeuf; for Alberta Vhiii.year's condition s-a osnly exeseded limsV ymar and ia I11. The. oondsten for ftle s-mi tf haaon April 8gos'as 91 s'W-. ~ V n i t' at Vi sa ne r led ffOi o'y s 900-1914, la- da e ondtonî ~1or Go antiIiated ield. pen acrez et 12 p&i cent. ina excesofut tseavanage, pro- vided tlhat conditions bets-ee nos- and arveet time are not abanmal. Ra>' anfd coyen, aslithe ceet W-hast, tiie amount cf s-inVsr kilt- ing prov'ed te b. unusuabi> eal, noV, more Vlan 10 p.c. beiag thea estiniate -fer aIl Canada as coni- pansd sltmh 14 p.c. laat year auf 22 P.C. la 1913. 'Phe average condi- tion s-as M1 p.c. of -the standard or full crop, as conpaneuf sith 86.7 p.c. last year (Ma>', 6), 89.6 p.c. in 1913 anmd 74.6 p.c. la 1912. Revis -1JICKLY isew offensive l )t. 'oingAmtnai lu fout to te, Pruth Riv-en. A despatol f romn London asa':1 Tii. itussian offeli'sive in fan Eat- arn Galicia tos-ards Bukowina le neetings-lit continmîod succefsa, accord ng Vo the official report re- ceived trom Petrograd. Couimte- attiaeks b>' Vhe Austrialsi, avefail- suf entirul>'te check the adace of the Rlussians, and the enesmy'8 forcesws-enta&sondenl>' retreat, his formations becoming demorai- izeuf s-hon tube Lza's troopa pene- trateuf as fan as Roroenka,a tus-n somne 2o miles ncrtuh oetVhe PrutI Rivé'r. Tivo Austnian battalions wene an- nihilateuf b>'the Russian artillen>', sauf see,Î%rl thou-sanuf rnen s-en- taken nionr. A number of pals andf b0 ammu-nition caissons aiso feul intO Vite Russimlns' hands. Tise-ne is' no officiai new8 fro Petrogradi conconning Vhs Austro- Germa attack in WVest G,%licia. ênd tihe Carpathians, except for the stateniont that tîme -flghting de- cresseuf in in.tensity 01,~ a great part Ot the front. An eariCI official note, reterring to-the enm>"5' su- ce-se duning tuhe test tortnight, u3ayé *-"The Germmans have gaîned ne tecticai succesa. Oitr re8enves, .b>' a flank bIcs-, enabled uf r arm> te reanrange- a fine of advantage- o ua8 Positions eliminating ai'l f ean o! final retr4bat. Ourn mI'f>'has ne- ceiveuf strong reinforcemeints, and 1 e read>' to exact heant>' nevem-ge." Make Toumr Writing air 'Ps-o raenê-t inmenticna-oné by a native ef Teaae aad tiUetlter b>' a Cilhcagean-.bid' fair te make s-rit- ing anesier tasiaad fanrteus tir- ing. Oneus Ia device foý *tWih, penor peacil. A grip isprovLtue !rtli. flnset* ett41wsriter, autu teshape -o1 -thiedevice ih g et at, m it-l. ,niosuat-o theii > W ritgnstit etair 056>' i UitVer. 3 Tii. olfier iâvmfsiten . s. Pm . auf s !:ncii holer. Si upeu-overti e Pe n puorp'w iluttis devwc s-ii is providled s-fith lev -through, which ! fle- index ,flngei' le s pas"eu, aise mains s-nitung a biWg 3tVo bs tuéjoyed. lièec's -OIIlOn ia his ver>', ver>' ôarly youth, Mr. Munipser hadi ueen a, preltLy -ohild. Hie friendz did net Ibelieve- ths s'as possible, and even Ëhe lad for- -gotten ail ablout it untll ,on.ý day he,-unearthed a painting Ot hlmselil atýth&t period f trom among the oid SiJNK lv 00 A-engrés By_ SI'n1king Two Gunboats beck, comumander cof thie Beitish tRet l ine Dardanemls ies p of u oiperations, sesu* that tweatY Offi- cers end 160 men eoft&0 GO'lýIiiab crew baud basa saveuf. 11h. battie. of -160 mesa 11h. -Goliath s-as a mistr shp uf the. Canopue, Ocean, (Mon>', 4b sud Vengeance. 8h. s'as oSmand- edb b'Captuain IisemaisL, Shelord. The Goilath wsse»eof thii. ôder Brimimuhba4ttieahips et tiie pre- droa'dncught type. ,She s'as built in 1898._Her complement w-u 750 Thé- GoUMh akhs- 450 feet long- on the, water linean id 74, test beain. Her disepîSoment was 1M950 toms. 8h. s-as ariead -udtu tour 12-incit andf twelve 6-ladh gumns; ts-eive 12- pounders, six 3-peunderesauf Vs-e machine guns. Bi. haduftour torpe- duo tubes.- U-ARKFIS'.0F THF WORID EPeRTSaPRueu -Tifs LEADINuO IHADU CENTRES 0P- AMERICA. 'ieo oa ma fa'1Io 0r-.Xanitoa *Ait ab l~~ iÎ*.10. la j te lbag uc ond, Vesa 4.7.69- strongf >i& il*.40.5 Onterwo i&et fler, go ver cent. vatente., quot.dMt. 10 ta .1, nenuba aa *.15% te6. 0- Toronto freigtu. Wheat-&!nitoa No. 1 Nanubern quot- .d 4 as *167, Xei. 2 ai $1.64 1-2, sand No. 3 &it $1.62 1-2. COnario whe& lenominal ai $1.48 for No. 2 ai outalde poits. Oatî.-Ontano quotsed at 60 te 61c, eut- aide. smd at 63c, Tenante. Western Canada No., Z quoted ai 670, *and No. 3 ab 65 1-00, C.If., BS>' harts, Barley-'hae marketi u. nominal. Gaad nmainggadee, 73 ta 75e.o, miide. Bye-Tii. marke tteLidosilai$1 to 1.06, autaids. - ]Peae-Plee are nomina. Cern-No. 2 new Americaa quoted sit Sie, Ra.ys> parts.,sand No. e st 80 1-2c, Bt>' parte. Buckwhoat-Nso. Z quoted ait 80 toe M. outeide. Bran anmd sharte--Pran la quatsd ai *16 a ton, and mitese a, *28, Boiled oetos-Cir lots. per blig of 90 Ibo., $3.z5. Butter-Offeninga are ilatly large, aimd p o r e s t e d y . ( 7 o c e d u i r y , 4 to 2 6 0 ; Itfertor, 21 ta 23c; vreamsry printo, 32 ta 34e -,do..solilde, 29 tc 30C. Bgg-Ths imarket la steadY, 4wth sales at 2&Ze pr dazen, Ini case lots, Beane-The market ie quiet et *3. 10 tO $3.15 lor prime, and $3.20 to *3.25 far handfpioked. Pouttry-Cbtckena, dressed, 18 ta 20e0 diieke. dresoed, 15 ta 17c; ifawl, 13 to 150; turkoyé, drcssed, 20 te 21c. (Jheee-Tiie merket ta ,teady, belig quoted at 18 34e fon lange, and at 19 te 19 1-4o for twins. Potatoeo-OCntario, 60 te 65a per ba: eut of store, ajid 50o un-ina lois. New Brune- wicko, car lots. 60e per bag. *ProvisionsB. Cured meals ans quoled as fallowS. Bacon, long ier. 13 3-4 ta 14v ver tb. la coe s Ita. Hams-MediuW. 17 to 17 1-20; do.. lieavy, 14 1M2ta 15v; rails, 14 te 14 1-2c; breaktast bacan, 18 te 20v; baceSi21ta M2; -bonelsiabaolua, 23c. SLard--'Phe market la quiet, s-lt-h vnles aiteady-s vans lard, tubs, Il 3-4 te 12e; do., paile, 12 te 12 1-2e. Compound, itubs, 9 3-4 ta 10c; do., vaila, 10 ta 10 14c. Baed fay anmd Straw. Dealer aire paytIngs onrelies-afor car lot doliverte's on tracS bers- Straw le quoted et 07.50 to 55.50-ýa ton ta car lot deliveriei an tnack boe. iiay-,No. 1 'hay ia- quoted eýt *17 ta $17.50; No. Z at $14-50 te *15,50.,nand No. 3 et $12 te$13. Montreal, may 18--Corn-Mimorican No, ysllomtf,82 tao83c Oatos-GSnailWest- ern, Ne. 3, 66 1-2e;- do.. extra Nu. 1 fesd, 66 1.2c. do., No. 2 local s-hite. 66c, du., No. 3, &lie; do., No. 4, 64c. Barlsy-Katst- li, SOc. Flouan-ian. fkpring wheat pat- ente, firte, $6.20, do.. ueconde, $7.70-, de., etreng bakenes', $7,60, de., sinter patenti. ohoies, $7.90; do.,.sîetriglit ruIlera, 7.40i ta *7.50; do., 'base, $3.50 ta *3.60. Rolsed oate-Banrele $7 ta $7 15- de.. 'baga, 90 Ibo., $3.35. Bran, $26. âSionta, $28. 1Mid- dîlmuga, $33 te $34. Mantillie, OU5 tea*M; ilay-No. 2, per, tan, car oa,- 19 ta $20.50. Cbeffle-F'inesttweterns, 18 1-2 ta 19v; do., linsatsteruis. 18 te 18 14c. Butter-- Chocest ceemery. 31 ta 3 U-v;do., oe. onde. 30 1-2 te, 30 34v. BlgL4-Frcob, 22' ta 2k-, de.. select-ad. 24 te 25c-, do., No. 2 stock, 20v. Patatoes-Per ibag, vr lots, 421-. Dresed hog&-Abat-to1r klllod, *1Ï te $13.50. Pork-leavy Canada short mees, lybls. 35 te 45 piecer.$20;, do.. (Ian. ada shunt vat baac..,bile. 45 teo 55 plez, * 21 .5» . L a r d - C fa P u f d, tie r c e , 3 7 5 Ib o , od ,-e o, -o ails, 20 Ibo.. l10e-,do., ,purs, tierces 375 lba., il1 -2e; de., pure, s-eed ialloa, b, net, 12c. WinnDipeg Whoat, Wh5Zt&O 1NMar IO.$a4 qot22ions-h cM, $1,58; Na. 3 'Ndrtxern*, $1.64 1.2; No. 4, $1.60;-No. 5-*14;No. 6.40 Ot-o z o.w..633-8v; No. 3 .s'., 90-34-e extra Nu. 1 foud. -4e Na. 1 -feed,- 59 7-60.- Ne. » fe 68 7.8C. BarlsçN. Ï. 00, 4. 4 0,. 1.79. UnItéd Statu Markets. atInef savi,.Mar J,:-l.etNo to $1.591-4; No. 2* NrerthM, Î*L52k4 ta <#1.ef1-4; Jul>', $1.49 1-8. Oorn-, 3 ~yel. loiew 711-4 ta 713-4c. Oae--Na. -3 *bite, U 3-4 toe52 1-4e.FPleur and ran inbnq. Duluth, Mimai. Xs-r 1.-West-Mol 1 lad$104: <.1-firuhU *69 î4; Zie £ aotihrn.*152 *.01 .4 r:3uly-, -1n4'o -a, u2 *. -; *2.04 S 1oronto. May' 18 'dasbico *0.z5 'e $8.65,; ýon for -hie prescrit saten apperance. Y Said Mrm. Mump-; Cbtig hoepicture Ilha aaportrait painted i when he ,enmeuhedat ts 'Lftoe,,anu," he said, aler soreme nt,"w tapit>' it ils we have te grow u(p, ain't Ït i" Why -Adam ani Bye ÉWeRe appy. %h teaeher in ne ouf the Lon*1 don amn sehools 'sas taiking abhouti the deliights cf the Garden e! E.den, its fruit tires. -and I>right flewera ; and, the',j0lo1d ie our -first par- ente led in IV. She'ithen asked thé question --"And, oidren, why waus it that Adarn and Eve were ,so hap'py, sa perfec:ti>' happy there 1" "Please, miadau," answered the. chid prompti>' and-. eagerly,, ii'cause f*uey mias always« in tuhe oountry." Rept frem Calais. AdespVhf eaLondoni sa>'a: Donald MaeMaste, 110 XC., informe us thaît a friend o! hie who bas just returned f rm nGermun>' says the feelingcof 'htred anong the Ger- nimis lnos' strenger aga.inst the Canadians than tihe rest et the Bitish.forees. They> say: "If it haci not beenfer t1hseCanadian rate we shouid -have basa through to -Stating. the Questioni. îBýObhy, you~ muý,,o te chumih >with, meýthiu MO ",Maxma, 'h h Say', 'Bobby, wouidn, -; go ta cliurch s'ith nie"' "ýWell, Bobby, would't Vog echurcl i wth me this ime To the end of his disys Lord Rehb erts always aiept lana& camp b.d. It .takes 2,3S9 siUgworn& topro-, duce one pound o! iik. No correct rhyune ha. evea been found for the word "month." Don't Ibelieve ail you ihe&r, or sa>' ail yoeu believe. Many a rana iàa"le to led the simiple lie 1ecause hi& wife takes la boardere OId Rodeigh-"Cýonseat Voa you marrying aiy danghter? IXo, sin!1 Tou have no prospeats, have yeu 1" Impêcuniuus Suitor-"Wli, air, if tha.t'o the s'a>'yo'u tes aibout it, 1 can' V say that I. have." PUT SIQUARELI' UP TO THE KING ltallan Cabinet Ask mfIl 4M jesty- te Take Comnmand of the Situation. À despaitoh f rom Romo s ays. With tihe rejection by Itaiy of the final offesr of territorial -and otimer concessions on the part ot Auqtria ànd the opening of Par'lianment at hand, it la believed here tha± the Cabinet will asic King Victor Em- mianuel bo take supreme coffmaild of the- situation and trust tu liii judgmnent te do %vhat la hast for the, interests of tihe country:~ -The Giornale D'Italia, the organ of Baron Sonnine, the Foyemgn Minister, in an ediltonial on tdh> actual situation in Italy whih bus aroused widespread intereest,, says: "Italy la determined un tihe reu- lization of her national aspirations, - ost what it ia>'.,It is for tfis réa- ,sonVuî thmtâ-Governinent ha6èmAe w&r.pre ràt;ioo wihiehh, wlliec o neaionsa, tihus recegmimn î tihe d1aims cif Itai>'. Tried to Arrange Pleace. were ini "*tecl Signor Gio. littil uutortun>t'ely hampeaed the*, succeastuil coneluulôn bMyhis i"eP- -peit~une.letter aEU!,ing tiiat whir was unneeeseary. qin«,however, to the Govenment's firanes a ai detberminatic o o r.totewax., tube oonee.matioeis:weure reaumird. Ne- verthLemustr keeoeffgrU* a dilatory- pc>iiy ,and tried, .edtl te conclude a esqsarsate pe..o w"'h "'lie ftaliaa Governnmenit ter- upen opened megotiations.witih tihe aies,' wihohmmedaWy servecl te increalse Àustrija's fr" Th xression <"pigeoni Eng$Th" arose from the. Chiasse- a17èpt te prbnounce-the i'ord f.1, anesop" wixich, through various fo6rmi, be- came_ "pidgin," and then " pieon." "Pigeon English" is a straàgeý jar- gon oif aany languages, but "busi- ness' là carried oa-by la. DEAlII- RULL IS A1-PALLING Enem'y SaczrifIces lien .By Thousands in, Effort to' Reach Ypires A despatcii f rotn ondonses:* Officesrs rriving f rom Franco tell bhst ùié Bitshi troop, intuniateuf over the Lusitania disaster, are, faiçhting s-itis greaten vigor sauf more fiercel>' dma ever betere. Tiie xsewa sprsad quilcv>' iiough- the- army, aruou-eing the- intenmut indignation. 'Ph. Morning Post corresopndont la Northern France- says - "AV -no Vume'have Vtse Germons dispieyed greater cleternlastln te break, thmeugi t aRi cogbe, sacrificing larg, nu-tubere ut men, vlo&ti ever>' rabsetofGouf amd maninaan- desperate,- aim<st despainingtof - fort.- Tie i.fgistng betiveen Ypes and Hlli 60, s-hich s_" sýiIIholuf, li berri f the meet deserate de- scription. Defpite Lus es-s av'e heluf our os-n. - Last Obstacle te Lille. "On the next sector, t.hat -tftle Aubers ridga, the action bhas been cf a quit. diffeent nature, Fol- iewinfg up -our quiet, bu-t stead>, progress aromuf ATnutleres sand Houplines, both uofs-hidi places are môs' unden iepvy bombandment, " ee csensabled Vo ]uaunch aï a- ta.ck upen diti. ltube lest ob- taëie bes--s s-ndVaimuplins ,Whh lead- 't46LiXei., se i. Ocr noV exceoufila intionst>'-'fithM et Neuve Cuhapelle, conatinued for a muoh longer pe)rlouf. It s-as founuf Ishat, pnofit.ing by previcas expo-ri- eao., the Germans heuf* greatl>' strengtâisep.d the4ir defences slth dVigoutas-aufd Ittsmade et cen- ct-ste and steel,. Thus ýiV f ueu itý that, atter having ca-rried- the. nidge eandf Vthefirat' unes oetVhs Ge-raan' trenches, appareutiy 'oblîberaVteu y eu-n artîi;lery fine, - sp mare cauîght b>' conceaie u Mhne gunscun-iîiig- 1>' p la eu -, se thuaV t l xy ,, h u u dd ose- 'capsw i gensaidevestation. 6 When thea openeuf n us At mohort range:--oun position s'as madle tUntenahie,'and s-e.iead Vo euwte'nt oilîr»eives. wlth -tii.footing- of thse lowen sbop-esouthVii. idge ila tue 5V Aube-ns the Ge-rmimhâve brouglt' up great masseso t-, simd Vhs>' ladappanenti>' been ce,'- "receded b>' a terible berm- bardinent, etu! troops delivered lani 1attack' r n-pua he j- uameas ra;iwa>' trÎaâiglë s--st cf La.Ba'se, we emabnkmentu 1usd been converteuf imitô a stroiig, effiient tertre..m stronf; have tise>'midseir tnniclt- es mtl cencrete and imon plat"a r, h s'W. q4jnetty O r8!ler - .1 mach as ivili natured undej mauch water viýh becsuaîe coniing aroèum in' them g Then o! co think oi putit lna aGu nny LuI gerani-um i- tollowed in tiens as t o uhould give suits -U 'The olds la -geraniu. and the v hang over -ites s-ilhi - bpd the ge We hielong.l Another Sweet Ali' MarSuenit Vinca Vine A -de1i-el with fieli ¶pin'k Gera! For-bril -vis wth t tail Spien ed with D 'For a;' gr'ou nds l}warf a plant ix> I>warf aisu a g Nasturt' Gros- the foli when Ir them la Fori1 the si themi types, --Befc) plants For" fortun reali>' oua B 'happy' Bty ls- y. grouf For Do and can Dru appi seet 'Cil eni age 18 e $7.60 le TnRONTO mi] 1 1- Calmcks tc ereWilh fie 17 THEO. &W.THUM CO. DepL21S WaIkervMle, Ont. AnidcnAddreu: Grand Rapida,MieS.- (40

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