Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 May 1915, p. 8

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ýV25 WeI tSout sw 3"ilianne Ouit of a tow4 mimber of 2,104 perso>na aboard- Qo5loerted awH1Id W crade, 73 t 750, -htaide crwwih ve 20 aadians and ,189 United States citizgn,1, wi eu.t. 4ii; *ito'k -190 YF(rM0noetf3eo Qr e~o~db h~ betwveen 800, and 900 are repoirted ashore at Queenatown, Kinsile, der7 of the Vtà ' tcâ * mni idAu>ru3topwhfruangne.Odr QalIey, Head and ClonaJcilty,- but at iIeinreie yte, sein4.5W$.~o.~1* Qfl 4eIpa hvbenoiç-estoti.luiw C, uard Company -in New ,Yorjcfràm 'a chief, steward expressed poiaoned ýby t4and No.dJJ 3'. v, y &4 her trngseon quot4b t<&til3gt du h~ blefthtno mnore than 500 or 600 were saved. 2; *5 quoted at 8p0 , forcodha IsI,~~~Du.ggneti hj Among the survivorm it is rqmrted,, aremany wounded, who -sent -B~BIi rar.adehraBrnl uoted fit $21 a OdiWjie.Th Prtefabs.w~r eyh 1 - -&ee ak n o h n va h s itl t u ento nt usesab. F ko te col- &toned orat- 029 te , ucbuc 0 i l 1 î t1r oreayýoohd m nt oihrata k liehing, that the exploSion must have beenf terriilc, or tihere walà man ~4 '~the ?laI.Ureu13 VMp.GrnaiadAsre second'inberior explosion. EUtt?0Countdsry, 14 od26o nfo. ebAt So <enaerinocmesti oiiefLh of~~~~AAatt. wêrothe én ciheck, Nida,, 4 t, 2é-southor 09 10 95e rdSýsito24; oe.amery printl, 32 te 34c; do, axv Ltit Lom,0 ie Enormous. ugt. twould onJy b. chane7:11.y¶'th IlheveirP ôteetbulltin rerived12.. , I3 W wateruppiuitt<SO bfr ue taOa ir o _aedi1,300 dinenbadik?' L w hio h w ould d e tr a o e o l w l d , p r 84o O b e e m , d e n d 8 3drie so i Il b u euneae4 ewsriir rme an d uiedW te 326ier tpe heRueianjieitc>n wre a or 2104 ~ ~ cve n herép at No dneudstle r, WeÀ& acopun vof a. au.Tb mrkt . % tyvth eur y p e are ta t m o0re , th e r. 'i d fi n teT h e e J e e, t i b e ie v d t'ni h t LJ3 tedIn.o ffc urino . g P tato o ýe n î,o d ;j u e , c1 b a o m e <t g g e , 4 a é e , a t l e e r t e t b h e t crqw e d Vssh" whi asê- noc ould kcep Up wabà hier h epl f Cl. Paugj «ck.~ o,, o e,1 50£0t re17;i, là te£1 5c!..e-d in ie:n m eonn ee1 c ý .h. te-gakp un a vcaýtwlna. Id qoed, 20 t 1 .-. 4e 'm de&* > FnJy heeeny RSI.I r~is~ Otitoofthedan&einnieraraNoi None ouùl - uorx.ic oeueernjn 1e~s than that there was s. great lots df lite. : ýém et sof lci'D.saIt tlir ow4 re,ý ndM Wcr otîNe rus fof them, andi even the uncon. A ieafe.ge received from Quen& ntt,'eIs bt ta1d ht 'di4Sw redtecrgocmmn<jî ftred eprtsairescues at vani- town by the Cunard: OC<mpathW"olT i i a.5h-tim. bereWn rvsoa 1oe eieto- aiwh sfi ee n ti ousi ports add very few more te the s a AÇStewcddeiIIjuefe<t.or..>13' 3hertde14o Cmm atIon.at",t. T h e ate t b lle d n orn e tr m a o u F 600J o n e s th in k a o. F ra a ek 's ' le tte r , - ii, , "iS lghel 1wno .a so n- l o te ,cl uir. 33.4 ed i m 17 e 4 0 0 f O Os r i g u u fa t e n e u t o Q uhe nate w n b u le i che ot bocl u de 00s o W saved . lI is i - trie ti the zcop p er dip , a nd fu n d " adie C auy ou e l sillh1 1 2ido, b , 1 1. 0 1x;r l~ 4 T . Quçe st-ýwn y w y o Livrpo l cld-e pase â ers and rew tha by si' thto 400r suorvivorPandh» priesl n sh w t 141-2éebcan atdbcomore tthWc I ny o rpo. passengerge'took yacks 21 ta 9M e; bonelooo backs, 230.-_ __>,,_ _ injret' ,1d t e nern~yoccupying1he. town o' oi i i&ryi h arH ok Lard-'1'h.markcet -la quiet,. with priéus th s St he'mCock i Ca man y.abo t 1 e60 t heen." ' frd t e inIri ni*, » fîAoAu1l44 le o. N :hc;de-ean4ws dec -rat t f r & for0 t 60 ta Ex lalu ng ew om myGht *i mQueets Gen.irBothh' arerta-ntg uPi.JIrae a -e---0tt> ra, He batü«,-,of, 'CashtgW-Pure &MAetiveiSer34,cee * 'do 'PA tra. wlcs o ck à ant ndi n E pieabothutue ta ia no1i g0ae h rd ba e b e w-en reni C p . 'K u a , e a d t -oCs x l arfut i and1 . H -o iZ o . 4ap , Io 1 0 140. at* 7 ere e Y ha6r»avend bout 200;1th e t gFyn i-h ff sien t 0a- n fte wreles s ta h Gr an rtc oastroo iislde i' g Pa9Me,ý , î u.sbl oreunr 7 ~ i ~ 1.0t 155,an o o nExofi ce, w oe &.th u liinrte y fheou r a ity ws the ela o ertr~ saie n: "Th p ro a- t G-i hes]froatm- me0. i e£nî esur "uf puii tco pn ~ nemn Iiîe Lon on,. ay , b pm -Th Kfte'al5 xl. - wore or itexotrnem . A aae n o ' adtorN.2iel-bt,67;N.3d, 6;N. di o cie sric.e sy e- Atui L ,%1etr-a a. 14n 4 1 at paote, 8an i nsa o-&fh trw-er oc ad Inia mpre464' ou 2ehi ar;ltd.. ae8o@ndg 7'7'tr on bheur'Ii y ~ 5t Lh a i a o t w ; t hesun k a-t 2 . 3 3 is lit h e - wL st a i , t h t e v wr ,c a e v - u t t h e e n n i o n s . " p tT U A W L J . .0 'a *tàW Inf url'th ea le n t e d -ats e 0 1 7 .9t a v e l V l r n s o i . r o eV s G l i o i P n n u a * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o f c a l af e nit ff 0 H e t K nn y c i~ î p ~ ~ < a th e im n eti. Sie he i r te ac u a t n e t 'A us, algSht reilto etr..$17.2.M 0 t o, an0k d . b . 3 W h , h n isa e b en r n a0 ; t e torpedo A ut a ve 5b on uuld l eo t h a e r een su fc ien, ute-n bd n tthe r plaesros, G I o-n.e front. 3 d $12 , 0 l 34 e * . 0a b e he o d e n ' a e r c iv ni V s a l e r livingse. Eaand atafbarri, * tothceyseaswhili focet b $34. Koullilhe'Lan ,s ,d,$35andtec $38.és bHainErced horughPrt ivecit Vhs mer orNosMofey nanti Lin htemer ad be rnc-g u en y at43ies W5i thtne WO3*Big ont ia el-ls ag Vhs ' ,lay lid latLloe Ltwetn,, k17 1 .4 t -Be; do.. ae4t hie .i lo m ni e hs fnnil~ pedetu ati un. iBth. &meîhing M en aMiles tihxe of insinth-irrNiron.t.3,sîî6z8hîî Fîr -t ¶! ' ý oncxtrare s Ne.rnqssrinchif, iia-v.6hea1lie2a0 'ondon k, Ma -y 7 . e Cu ate Pro eh wa cea-sthe Ir waednetifie3,t1e, antin, - of-te o ntngTudcsiac'é eer Li-e gv e t iie oîowng cale pseti Vs word aben. Me on cauhtion.Ger an slimanne. ,I.. 35 a 5' Opisgo , t psabtnt, ro t hefit., Lushtvei been neporte.3 li anethert ver ctele Out t ere an orc.rn hi ne r hmee i A tompd'hastibeen atideti. A t mNor ns- hve bhn d.ftciert arba and oiherapacbstGepayIAa, ' 50ote$3.60paoîcli ctes ahroi, 7 t dintes aIl -er Luttni u ha a ve b o' u thare boates atio oh asi .lte,'teG r à-d , as eIot dashsw, a 7- he e- eti eute Vo ,ea, for th ere, £mn0roos av S met, 12e.g t cne 8hre, j -tth baeo bae. N xIs iem brde ya-f n a r d C i n e s a t e o n ce r ; b l u t o r-pea i - O I t e r e i ns e w a h s e tr aer Wo k a s n R r a y t e t O l t Y i l s f f P e e b i nap o îi s , ' I t s y 1 0 - eat -I l a r h i i n c m a n i o hg m n s o nh ls bli s a l on gh ea V ha s o l n u m b eoe t car $ t s ,1 o e 9 5. can t e r i $ 1 , 6 3 . 4 a r a f l e Fndd ~I nt h commuutnicatheion bet'wam qunl rciet eeca rm bere ier ih oefu hia.teb~s pt iten ssb a, 222- 3 c. te 1.4e. 24ate No.,N.2wo s Q nenstown lb-a t of rn-a lcr-Vi n e- atier w e m ut s ..ig- ahi p rt j l s OfM ïï a oc . 4;tc Jul>', *1.63 b ad. t , r - o i i h t - a e -York, MMay17 -Wheat.--N. 1tthons turîher, a-'tn spoét et s-ppl-s13 tr asQueenstown.and MER Pl of wKînsale*13cam2cà woodk ' Ctiav'rporn", ushortitenr, cnet4or *1.58 36 4. L 1ef *.991. l yý, 2.01 3-4. asith e il > i-denhes uic re-ee in a,eç" A bo n t L iv e r o l '-e t àa- l .. Voju m p fr o nl u glt i n h ' N o . h e b e nt ra w l er s, a c o r Ii le ur a t a m H > t ro g o . $ 2 1 B sort kaongig t Lfotana-creeairduMy nk.e Takrdonsder " L n s Egwi e p r e n s te" A s a Ç emat s h e à 4 , t o -B ,Tv c i i f a s b e d e . A Nor e o d i r ce«, 75 e>;' 9 Ç L-FJaur .te a , e f r u e t c r * a t c e i disnk,'s calixemade by nua traania, es a'a8l -oats * a'dnlatge bnats andV hs s-toni-es tl l b tth e ic rew he - .2, $1,7 1 ale$ , 0 Io. net,$12c. ti n n 4 V o o t a-ed u t 6o munaca- terpte hih astop 4k 6 o mn w s o *e s41 lUV5S team r s 0 ng 'pani ' *U 'u ar le i.ii V s i a 4 . L at e î fl r keàk-l avcoule sti ntaà publcte mie o i h s paer S ub- smd a ltim. awoVh. A m rn rO ,.CO. lh gn'ertT i-b *7 h .toa u br fbr.$.641ta4- 5.o51' dotr, 1. 59 etate] gzîsý1o'-aeySGI aixial ' >~i ~ ~ g ie~" -8Ik~ afai~y~ Rai e- zvi o tf'uni l bulcoriaxe4;coltio II O.-Biuter$15534ti, Ui1 h iig a o ttre m e u h ativentn ee ua-cnïng invesxtiing Obsrverteser mn r .uer bou t.m. D1pî* *74; d, u, 6 l. Corn-N.$7; traele so thtae tte111= &Il-reat- tn! e bsde o ' théig h î p ',tc w tato , c ri a ten.mensits e Ins M ie ' u - IW, 3 * %718 10 * .50 bisara' bu e3, hite, At ter m- b5a isV '~" 'an.nei B nitai anti 'ber a lies t Fix s D a 1~ M a l ~dV s gun ir e t a-f r int aL o n n e. ' ceur ea m m t b k teti.- 53co. ,Uboi-e . l$6 ,26 te $7de.a n edu n e t i e il a ut w x liste d75; bonobecN4gular pay-May - on e u-r inlte .Vh - atr je - ," âerp di aThe fa n d- e th e iti Ie ta th ink ing o th ,,1Z rýe Lstna~s, rn, ati 'aer i iatht 1]«t i. y ubxaiefforttei bfa,$e *.10; atehera, 701.3 ;o . 2crn as J It a- fotth u ermn o verfime-.dKnt v 1rîsofa-t t hr;it uands Tixe se po oenr B n <> ab - >siani O otn Vs Ge- $1.58do. cmmn a nmd lnm ea; l , $ 36 Ail lâBnitiaix usraliiof continu ., , , $;1nliana chie a .h,$-20-2te h spn e dbrt cout.bm adin tTnil sornt xe lo f Gto u.Dij ri a- cmase -tghesr ooua-rtily m rtier.n usNorth k by ae& er1.171x tu'b8a.20e No.a3,S. 1.C$5-ta On vici ity her sunk."-min tes. iu repd redt a $42; cii rs % te $75; l b@ qu e. t ewe., 2matie a-ceaktaonceâon-iinpVixnDartiane,-lesisai -ope, ~u 3,50 t *4.60 .P e ta n or b r ali s d u at t e r m e t ent eu ie ,tbth e o y a td-w e pf ggod of thereanthemakeofbt als l lapr-baîcenugx, ueA IvIg-èred ~iun iak. This d~'e tis me t wth e n u s 1 offmenas'theni fral tie1The subh nins f ed ti s shels . e $6w le butcbIiL 1-e t cera' rattiht ens ma-y e su t te hn, b t er iucx of -l V p d - -$th7 ta *ý1chic, 7.0 nte .5; r.,gade $.10 $t ofIte oe i ayboanw A hEttSws sa ,-'sgeti m en ial erni an n e m-ntt m 0f r ents m ssa e t -t ixb-d ee4r bet re six s nk . A te- a itc. fr ein nion sas t rai$74 a 7. ad 'ble,; fr5 om$4 7; o . 50 hs c Cra v e es tma-n y a sc t-a te i n s-, fo c th e k b î p . fTh e "ea u g g a ' r le C e m m i t s e , ohic G r * a s t h e s e e rt s n , s i b at l if h~ e- , o n e té fo 5 uc. a n d pr a s d cîn n irTh eh d t e f s x b c x e rs t ~' hi sale wih ve y ul pa'0 e p s h t u m - o u m sal a l u k y a G r a n s b . rn in Vhs Germ -ns bas t6.2n5concrets5 ; d b cti a t ade ra6 d.Z t o f iia I gua r V s b s , a c p e n s r w a a l r e s z, ed bMween Gemany and. Grat' r ductunann-thedemat se& ner a4n10,roîlO of he trWa-rd hs Vo.,Vhsupiby a- tiwellor0 in $out7hxernt sere g griW nan. dma-neifallies; thatshtre t Yeir-5>t tii, ,Icmu ed- #uaie. m a-m e 4y< zonIe inatiincludst-nthnent-wa ters T age' a-M aiin a ei mr- pohert ad o h rtii tmiat ne6tion e nrsicg a-re sohl- fdean od , nd e.40 toa726; dlot, ougs 'mthekstninorofhag.Lusasanfirma twkthonaboaradb4 c ve ervi tlrbd. -sott-l - in r8ance wii. notice gieinabthoaplaceoin là ahmAji boat. aThefba-lk 1a ne bOat'ndd asn ger sýh ipvse coninst ofsflyVO a ox, - -on ea c e solutin sIbs.for$6 tthat-25 cn1'--an-cttr, atra 'I wsno n ., f a; twa 3.5 ta h e s cura. 6 tie the s pis u etat etV icaeuit.Tetr ee j~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~a by -n nsk haevrasthelioGenr-fshng nales, nt uanditVhmedium t héers e txe ix.8ie5e gresVo ue ma- - f ha i a- spth e f two G enty-f ive a i ae mi se -then ith et, s-o wt na -s in u rdes, a s a n k b a r ea s un ib tn e suc s e e a i -t e s l s e tiel ME1 teW $7;A C 1tS.' pr j e a u i an j i ,a h p y bo k n ix e f -o t p uf g v i-0 haIlt o est rucati ona inprovite iwa-Th t he a meb i a popleas r onian oufi- oatf f K is e, nhi e i sh a oà. e p v nt sce ata in to ti87al w ttti hebI6.7g. en ha i a en et. h5 ep rtaseVitia V.$ar-Sui goseat u paals.dv3l-0To g ardo.maqac re sr aco n. oresi c ntc. Vhn ters ad thattravefers silithinnfsrdnthi eelhs palowrnautflr len Thsixuckk,3si jnila-r0 Voaran ohergeti wiFh impiling tixe an'ifVhIambe-1$anytanng roll Vhs V orpetioitogR atityi-MLniitaniaX aY IO.200eA n w ereans D eai.betoo k ., the s iar zoneR ont CEmhouerir, e VhsreatitonuFIt in ssociaiondwll snpno wixatis 01etheItayelaa J>repred Satandnt frs rilsbotiya-d,,et-el mrinsor me rain -doeut ia - t Nw Y ra-t i rlt,M y s- au h t~b S ielne h'pe aai n e -ygs ueib ret ci he are ; bui<ih incapacitalessUil L~ ! h i r o p n i n h s u a t a i a c oh le r e h n 2 wzù ~ c n e m i s t i o a t rc ê m < a l o g b e a d s . m e t r e a r e p a - t of V se s i c t a et V h s P a c i f i c e a t $ .c oi n$ 8s ai r , e a dt i o e m l t - y p e a a V o s h o p d i d h s p > n e b e n k b y a in le to ~ v ea m n t r e te o f i t h e m 4iu si t h é «a- T h s o p nt p in tae u t re i c ulibn ye t x m . i y. a i e p r Ae. t e Io a G v r n ~ t l t - i g I B i g v r n c i e t e a Th e.kL hsitania rtiet re ti as ter, aococli7g5te, andtetheul bas bgnadesvetitix86 t - -b rd ha l s r hm n a u hrialx nce t iaeGtxo - ata-j o f t t he s h e uaa e n ore h s a -N o A d me s trh fjopmt e- eeLondonknf h n m tc a u nic p tin"t a p s- t t,' i e1 ~j w s l - l ç i p w n p o p l e . J u a t b e f u r î ~ ~ ' a t t s m 9 0 0 t o 1 4 0 0 , h s b a t e r t m . s , m $ th a t 7 .ba e t u n e t y s o u ,4 e 7 5 0 t h ib s o u b , e k o a r u m c o s y î t i e I - -mma iytniou souaretwyrdi notbuon boa-rd.h B tben wanethteeama-kfet-h. ivoyagemas ed tCid'as BRT. Ad t e tc Urés n rtta a says rýkA o r la - veoIty t o pa Irtjbch om n Yay ons te oîox- 1is sragof ca uehi n w a g n e a pc!ns, f r t e ki s fthe E ng Iish- - F&k n ýi' e Surg o ns P't or wined au t e u e fr ge s ingh t ytHoile s c m itForbseh, Germ n d p ic-du . L e m ost lhie re o in a e a s d c d s u o h a t e e i b r a p h IryhS e c r st a r y c f S a v e ry fu ll. pfitan -eptop let a fh a tkiwe na;eitna c ti o n . T his stateu t i% tith eirsi g n eto nV-th et o ni"c .ap o dncinro ll g e rT h s L t a-nia u as c x m a d d yT o u p l y B r t a n kA d s m a tc r m a-n r i n i n t , h s G oernma s e ta jn n g a r t e V o r tu e a n are.a t ve wd ae - o n t offi i a l. L t s t f r i i l e h s o i a , t i p d s r o n t m ~ < u Captah W. T. T.u,-ner, Rryal Na- young ega nt i h Fr enc' art of el dbJos en etK i x re ng' tirgth e ran s o a- h a t as e a n Q u ai- iis;s ihuîc g te n to , at v a rl e- -v P .a ti S u ma e ,f C a-pla ,i . a t ~ a o mtiio n , w i o e é -r - p i n é es T o ca b s t -t e " .i'h s M it7e T h é wem fo Se t -a n ir l ii a I L , e e n r i a t a e g c l " c a x p. clé »Rand ce t <psdfr B xtraceib V' ihthtj - ecasef in h ara 4t 8ecadedthe 013 W a 'agd entofte a umben ti nitiws c, n e- â ai i Mar huossa-kudr h h u st, aobjet o a mii- HoMa- ofay' b raytisyar 'i ýa 6.5wo $6.p0pars. Th tno th anngonobc- t ji ta nbsee Lrsag i t-theuonhactiv 'market oor bfts-won ain.twi.hXa setie )é lJrpic: e pr e 'nse tatv e 'ofm-y le w t' thwge a t the exo rta a- nyPor t aî adeteth rish Admialtbitor huentbi o un t no i ;n es . dmad nd*ae@ofn et-t i t~a were. Ci Th'e a -1 i fcnit'at ~ fi t~ ot lf --à--4II 51and'..anadiannnms Whio wou-îj be suffcintuop lt a 0 by Poeaj.Âh g-tot re lens, S&I race"' nts'n, pranickelv a nyc etuh !tts- i iirî' rry uhîahtt-ii Fa-krvn ýPfsorU e orme rontharerbd ei cel!ebere- fti s în deali i Var materials. thing like a PanicWoc a cise in& deauic,. epain a , Woun 9125 f1huld ike lac een" en fu ail Taluiîj-carrnet a Crew of Pieo01 wheat for the currentte a-teSt HRfube re- ueense~tr nb Vssrtent e citIn- Ver ,lab kd Mewn 0v*rut, 7' ad 41, inp cne's DthievontryphrYar nittVgm -renae sntru ec 1icers commanding divisions anM dis- otenIa-ostMmax.~~t'JtI t ." ~ w;t tLitt C uI~ Thil inchid.2t 200 pa-sEngçrs who -Government interfernxce ul the mh m aicriniapdcar- trictêt'o cry u heKn'sw' h î md -, manv firnes tr«î-gii jqîît. ta- tiip'xc liithu 'TIIrej] , -Were tak-a ux$jard frumm--:i Anclor export of wheat tcm india the . btgxg ulhn h e i Cug b teir espci vec"n u m n. 3 i- et. c i"wi, ;. -ac t h itie» realt nick, mnnt er: by uh-h c~ s:d, unsti~ ~ ~ -î~t nghthe rlîh A ixi- ~ atnalass ma tre gacten erc Fniîs Pliltarem -in d i th yen ~ aî,rd ~ rxilîe-d9,28 -enc-rt. - ~ 1~ ~ ii0er (ik -t' "'tP5 01111 I~ if Linzýst.--ner wheh gla. c-eThepecIr izman wedu tç-he- f- lo9in9witiin th esaéroforeu tte, '<.<. 3 rL T en e r . i y -n e d o 4 b t t h a t p I e wn i e"wa sa n i e t tg . C ýT e & t i l t w - s x p n i - a p o i t m a t f G ni n- îSthen rv1n c a r * ~ s e - i c ; ît e t ;q . 2 #3 p f e< t .. ' Y i b Ïl1I DA IC) C ap ai T rne w ul n V F in e mo ~ xuh b e t , inInd ia as i t o t - " r :m V ie fop re s a - h o t Mîa- te ci ot , rn h x! : x 'b a t f- - Rit pthping era-y exn-n ahm,. e iiviu etua- th r e tmi]o r 'and, a- m<iixiani et ne of4-iet Bniaon'ssix methbut ucuît csIy othehiie tienleet,-«,t, tGaz-p -.---- --- on icle eti [ crmlîy c re t6shlis hea aets rntA ear ut en<fr r4î -on D u- A d si t î f e x S t e , N 8 ra i i I d W t : i o u n r jqu the ofThedd tai In hes nala of urg ryett raun es t lins f isaliw ga 'MVe i)a - 0f Ceai andTCok <eri Pr t GeerlSm e- sl mir en ry'0fen ii. ~Rc ship"pinBotmen hvas ocoxîp eti VIl e Ma rquis m otiveuce, take as steel asitain is ab fottapllthe er cn Omme t, îMal t"Kt thovr" quest o ard hetIe'n wnL e fVsCni-s nc ni Mtuen o bn etteFi Cprta i unt er-i way ju nct ' t Kank cbxb hetOW froam u i~d a t r - t e X ct ~ 6 <f c a - t c e a u y a eer aîs Ruhe db s ni fgh i g I. - C um owiIh xep o iio 1' os w n e t o ei e p ln w s t s r y t ' ., ~ anti op, her iVatinys (Ge=" &ua n aeuh-wtein iineof t 'ieshe ric a-Of o ssr ea t~îsa s-Il counties aî.o t i oher V ýi te B ued of nilenof ithe Vin is s nix c ti g an i ~ r a o u i ni V s r.iw - i , u- u.w r i e d o p t - e p *pued wheaica). Ho oxpecta lut eceupy cf-heat îhirmi'an bt îk l'ery so .oLn un, i c-lhdfieth - huge r w hi e u lil bt- e, a p the, cmmtts d"Oiralenb nlmist. e enra dco aofiuunthen ir-sH-.Iinex. ue looroty BoomInWintihing Vionme ue. -as is eti d eti-- ntti i-ntoi fr ne sworN nomly " Hiçed'e-nm,ý â -t bestW.,f o r 'abiii -dltyan ft e peri- a a m ~ e hu-,lit-iil n l~tafc bten re ,W ieaohriinth fons fteale isth S eOD ar-e bno, wn o p~*~-etoei axîe nin-tnon w is h irst F ail to , s to p - a ,yWtfretop Expore tions a ai f4 theean henos4 det. te f a heavw andt eri ha tuey re c t~hè eRus s, wo re ;.thein to reti4lje on le del.e,, 'r a -ierce en- bile enembr', ry, h this m=ve- nere, mate by terces on, Vhs ýhno, anti in Lh finSý yen- 'pto teCrose le a-n&.Vhe ck on the lit, OCcuPiet -for , te etvancs lis objeot et 0 cnmpai Fthe e5-rpa-twxa-ne ug Vieir lins mg ths result net bdlicved arman offen- ,n delay the lunga-cy." TRAITS. ) eslroy. ndon Eay8 : progress on The, Tujrk*s a divi>ii<,n -oiT, joining kil-ý troops-. sites, are thon points trngyes- icing thow uWhere. ange Tele- tVhat as a ritiih a-via leen Smyc- 9 15 in ter- s andti hé' inm Vhe in- beein reni- bil3 rein- ies' ;ëaDp repulftd, erti%.5 to Gaipo i-. -3ihr 1a-t iorpoin;t; 1into th. R,ay,ý, "~d cea-t eta- sa-ye that let tusir e -hea-ring t 251,,-r hatthene is n-a-ms. trMi rca-y, la,,' whicb me-ictimcs Spouniso. a-ny cmr- td.a very bti parts -ta 41_iF --'-t 'p nd the' -"'guoeut, ian. guaad ber. sbe< lawX er brether <ilaucourt, new iaughtng, the oue at, eilinig o e. r Was i pesible he i 1 ntended a-nyi r7î A» ebc dres - e,1' maidshe tld bI "'f001, that ill.he hlh likoegy'body. 'Mi Te tbhct h e! humer. To !fflk >- happened, ta ho l thons wau lOis d hlm, wherî she1 hlm -te places, - Sofhis in farin Ln ah. bad -avoidd yettns, was am n] only îhe had a:] that morning wou,14 have boom her any Otory al than ta bave rnt face. What 113-1 . genins o aI cti -roth er ta bring aigus when-titi -M 4Lmomonâ sh sently ühe rang minf- t-o bring -I and a goàd deal aoda. @ho eo;id. --èw. wlked tb- And while tbe ber brother krior let hilm in. Ie4 noar thie umndow, muoeh sa fur, and «o, Re and hi6 finende. but hu. and lbc thought te bu marnied. A 111 thinik ho [o man. -Hiow di He wanted te h but in the pree ta-d lier. Danverm* paréoe OePL t fur ai3 a oituation wuns her out, or --a te '.,oa iî- down t414 b, DS latO for oenu'er t yo od oe thing6 -rare not .quita anO= would requite the r hepn e n thh Somcthlng ln ber bald of him. "la [t about tba-t tx fuliy toorry, rvaji>'." Net go intelige'nt 6 'Mi ot yet Énatsp thé) fil e ai. But tite faict t tm'bh0w 04- bim t-hat tbe ma tter. Ye«, for IHeavoris§ know, ail It mea-nil- don't-lot Danvers-Ge lot Lim u alune a The ma-id hntered 'wr coda -anmd t vo ~culd ailier WOrd. 'A11 righti, old g;irl. Thto ervant kiiodwct ner, Pédiùig tbat e>ery Everéyone.1wGlovr. a-n Only-her wotberaril f intoresti.'tu, prertdît t: ethel'. lier looks in~ fihjor ber, > -1-1 ibe downrinr-iila glas- from thc-traày. "*Doe4ho. d-;e, Dir' shie iauglicd -I baven»t aei-d iha --I1 v>udiii tt.ilti A$ 'ho bit t Iw rý-tii #loufsiem imllo -nllý: "fyot a-arc me. y Frewley goczd Fri,-lcI,% 10 Gliver. lie ge~ lirfiee ~w;tit ltii1 Mes aâvk-e At dn - 1I.APTE -qi inust e.LitCk ;v, yO minti o',uigit. litou elP" iluirti Ojorer h Taon arfter si;r. 4i;dnt hourd. pid .- Lard Glan.eturt Wi- i Da.nv'era, and ,sb, bai h 4 bacn naiilerd.4 for amoulient. witl u instaer. i ~dd by an t n~ri tit-c and Li Oickeritig ul vport-lptiIile, a wieled big ad. île had ni Que. bt or e ie t iee bad enaourit auney le 1a-fts-with. a'nd to)-nig, e n îreeîy of Lard Cia- :It wvoi î;w liii- te) b that ta-marrew iuse n* ne n new m-wbert ho bepod tu tôiuch chame And dunrg dinner bad maddenod hbi r are slwavi gaadod là -shat astet-ber DomewlcO 3154 been net te mal se ottofla>' lire Isii Canidet imagille W11Y faneiod <hat sli wou queutne otltittgitliat, âhe should iiiirrY bin ONTAI TORONTO

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