arts ocd the people ila-boti natlirs Poo5 u ignoup-. a>' be eonbinued lu., liii peaceful a score- o! £ ciS&thj.' Old and >'oing sliould day cf laeti ve a.pà rt la rojoicing,l and thanks- b>':9-l la Pi, ývng for Vii. past aud suppictidninffig tle r"ound, and ci I on 'ourneyed CeunI>' loirs la thein ciraj tube, future.- thon ba lisn -ea.o boumen ~ Our o14 frlend, J.A.N. Thà wr, ra TlWs Wa condition that callo loin town on Frîda>' and Satuzda &TatÀ&lait*on and ibankfune, aud ~i.t: s, Jut loer. leaving ton else - ~ ~ ~ ýhr 58PoEseele 1 ~r o ontnatd a sevore cpl4' 4oeomnatlcns shah ceiebrame . . . .* -hlolding specilIservices. Whuiby - Tereixe oUobhOlnof tic havea part ln-tube nejolonig,, and IeDmno -lous. haw beea.gettia en Sunday niornling nexbt tube Pros- a!lten h gatr*i oncinwt bytertai, Methodst and BapiUst 0011- te purchase o! honses for Vi. Cana gregiticus miN unite lna , monstor da-Gvranaî gathern n ltVei.Methodiat 'Chunci. e e Beys. Dr ,Har M. %B."Sexrnnith, A. The Tonýntô- Globe, ln an editoenla P. Meaztes and G. A. MeLeau w-111 note, shedý ligit îupon -whl>'1gti &U' take part -in Vhe . service. A *riltb~d le permitted. it says large union chcrwlrIl Ioad lbhe "The Iaw negarding Vie meiglut c ulnging and provitie speclal nul. bemlbsbc nnee ugtn'b The prnervatuiov cf peace dunnga decision: tubatItlbdmesmot appit tubstpast luundred yeans las depended be lssIlt1mui.six baves are bakeî te a large situent upon tube Obnistufan'fuapan.-ýThe dttentuou of the liai sirîi o! bobli people. and tube senr-*igcau rsV rvniîeÎ ime, ~of a mise dplomacy. Thons ha V' eiudto'baýrers weigii boss man>' vital diffeenueeu, but these o!fsigle lqaveS tbai mugIt have Icoi have boDss oltled b>' arbîtunallon. weigbt tlirïugh a part a g ti If peac la t. ontinue for, al l ime as a:djaeex lea!. ,A1inlathe pain bai -between tube. atious iîî 1îîî be b1ý b. bewe1ihe togetq=e. ?0 slag _cause o! the exorcise of tbis bri as bec I4torpretedas not applyfà Obn ot- loavies iÈked sîngl>'. That le wh3 fan sprt for wbioh tbs otch 5s llglt-woighý,_bread le noir eold mih stand and wMicb hetuBs>o geeraîl>' eut tatenereace."1 "MADlE IN CANADA" Ford Touring Car Price $590 la it 3' houra to town in a b ckboard -or thirty minutes in a aturdy Ford ? More than seveiîteeu housand Canadian farmers drive Fonds because theiy make thîe ne0iessary tripe to own during Vhe buisy seasori in t'ho aluontoa possible lime-at the sinaîlost possib1Oý experse- and they don't sat when hey aren't workiuîg. (AiU cars soll tuuiy equlpped f.o.b. Ford, Ot.) Buyers of 'theepatcicars willl share Inproite, !if we Bsol10,000 aew Vord cariobeétween Augsi 114rad.. U., 1, 1916. Wi J. LUKE SON, WtIiTB3Y, DEALERS MARMLAD3 TIMB It isthe ltime fo do'down th e fruip while they are nice and fresh. We'have nice large bitter oranges at a Fpecial price, 25C per doz. Naâal or anges, good size 25c,,30c. 4oc and 5oc doz. Lenions, extra nice, 30c do0z. Be sure'-and -use the best sugar, lilýe we- wiIl sell you, to have the best success, California'celery, large white buncýues, îOC to 12iC, F-resh L.ettuce on Frlday CYSTERS - 1eresh ones like flavor. -Try; them. OYSTERS ÈèYSTÈRS we seli J2 ive yuta]nce sea They say they arethtes yet. vvant tw mauce your liens lay ( Use:Uverine, a sure cgg getter, large package, 25Ç, Jmo. E. WATERZHOUSE W ITB Y Phone Il, Prompt DelivGry. *-THE ESTÂBIÜMED "]rHE busmmn h STMamm DÂ vR6mDt TORONTO W HJ1T.BY BRAN!CH - C.,.A. MuClellanManager.1 l uwmm Wl C .Ma1a.M "'r..Nwate , Liin thxeni' hld b>' !#-l. This- i w.a -ur mov - LtE,' i-je-on, anti teir Lchanîcesfor heatiag Braxapton are, -net nos>'. - e-, ITEHMEIATES 5, ADIE 4, ý1W dmafsfled w1th the routÎne of Nfturu1I1~ »LAtEhej cnolfl waSe redtai-sao1é teav Ileanzd yearning te know morei Aburlesque g:nie o! hockey was de~ ~ sd~tt~~OOi e rlying a8Heulture stagd o Modaye-"mng at Burn,,-ituzn*cniulytoYe ead ofteetneu Ar ià n which . thes Iterniedà tes ' wmi t a liotntwlen. I dould flot Int 1906 Mr. Todd bade good-bye , to ~' Arena down at &Il, and :my Digestion the old farm and went te the Oni- gwere pitted against the ladies' hoc- > abee mpar4yzea.. Borne oise 8dvined roArcutrlCleg tGei 'keyr team. The boys, however, were ime to'take Put- aivs nd at once tj SoA, as 'h. was knen Vo biGuel- hhandicapped bi' ha ijng teo wcar »kirVs I fclt a jreat improvement. After i Sm i ews nw ebscl 1;and play witlî onlv one hand. - The had taken four ôr fiye boxes, I-realized 1ege ehums, was a bard worklng etu- e that I wva# completely cured aud what dent. Hoe pecîalized la horticulur w onderfullycSered !pcally ad mdtehed as a ua hy tand at the endoflIs fourth year, lie iiycreVtd, speialy bo Were sctînggenîîlY, c9uslng no pain passed- W1th honors ln ail départ- Shate, Charlie I4ai-ery's "mcrry wl-t whateertothebow*els. AU thosewho mente. While at Guelph hoi made a dow taking the phize. The game1oufnfer with Chronic Const i n rpca td féoeation .JUSa it fttelf was a jokie, but there was a should follow My exenmple Cn také e sonthedy o! c-opeat ion ie -good deal of f un takezi out of the "Fruît-a-tivesl' for they are the tei a ulse medléne tht eurill -by the, Departmenit of, Agriculture, f ootiuies and actions o! the playere, mndcie1aIcrs"0 ÂUI n bsbcoete adbokV ýYand the spectators, with skatlng af- MAGadIaOIaeîe h hidbokt t er the gaine, got the worth o! their "P~ruit--tives"'are soId b>'.!! deas! which many co"oerative assoclatilour y' mosiey. et Soc.'à , box, 6 for $2.5o, trial1 zè have looked for guidance and assist- El_______ 250. or sent. o don reeelpt of Primos c bq Pruit-a-vu Mnted, Ottawa. - Upon graduating, Sýmuel E. Todtt, -Oshawa W n Suicides. B.S.A., was apYo1ited lDistrict R.-r presetative, of the Departrnent, of 9 A death under peculiar and sad Mrs. Thos. Moircombe Agricultuïe for the County of Lamb- tconditions .oocurrcd in Oshawa early Passcs Away. ton. re igo unkonmeui bhie 0 Monday mornIng. The vlctim was helaaivniotei'-ohs dl Mns. Moud Sandiord, wife of Mr.Har- abilfty and eaergy. lHe prove lm- 9 ry Sazidord. The exact unie of th A reeklent for forty years in Whit- self, no mere theoriet, for ue imnie- ~~~~~~~~~ uaotuaewma' et e fot t b>' and fer 's!xty .yoars in this ii diatel>' set about tbhoraiztonc y kuOWII, as se . was aîleie la the rinity, was Mrs. Thes. Morcombe, eO-OPerative fruit and vegetablo -couple' apoirtmaents, Simcoe St. tir., -who Passed away at ber home growers associations. To-day then. Soiitbt be tragedy net belng dis- on Brook St. Soutb, Wla;tby, on are ln Lambton twelve o! these as- CoVered until 7.80, Monday, whe Monda>' o! ils wook. Mrs. Mon- 's<,catione, and the fruit and vego- Mr. Sandfod rgturned. combe had been 111 for some time, table productton ln the count>' han Upon discovening the dead body o!f and her death .was net unexpecte4, as gene up b>' leaps and bounds. Hé.- bis wife, Mr. Sandford went for lUs 1ber advaaoed years tendod te hastes was alec the Ieading epirit ln organ- niothen, and securing a doctor re- the end, ehe being in her 87Vh year. , n h onyPbliyAsca tairned te the hý>use, but thie pliysic- Mrs. Morcounbe's maiden name was tion, lin orgaaiizatiion wbicli bas fan's services were-net needed. Ana Churchward. She was bora lu made Lambton widely known. Coroner McGillivnay, o! Whitby, Bucklastleigh, Devonshiire, Eug., on Ini 1912, inuch te the ditsaupolnt- in the absence of Dr. Holg, was .July 26, 1828. She 'lived, la England ment Of the Peonle of Lanibton, the notified and an inqnest beld. The 1uttil 1854, when~ she came wlth Mn. 1-on. W. .. anna drafted Prof. chief witnoas was, he husband ot the Morcontbe and twocildrcn Vo Cana -iTddntbidnaumnndlee deceasud- whoee evidence disclosed da, landing at Darlington. They oc- now' director of farms la naet thbe faut that he had i.!t bis home cupied a farm there until 1873, when at ..06 p.m. Sunday and did notV e the famiiy moved te Whitby, residing Train Time 1 able. 'buRn tili 7.30 a.m. Monda>', when he on the Gordon farm at 13ay»ide. In feund bis wle doMiT. the fali co! 1887 Mn. and Mrs. Mer- Dr. Rundie, ila bis evidence, would combe moved te the home on Broébk net state positively the cause et street where they have nosided ever death, ultbougb the. symptoxas peint- cc ed te carbeilc aeld polsoning. A and Mrsf on combo, Touere o!:G. A ~ post montem was ordered b>' the to Mr. adMs ocrbfu fG .R Coroner and the inquest adjounned whem 'have predeceased -their mnoth- WHITBY JUNCTION. ti11 Monda>' of next week. er. Two sôns and Vhree daughters Goi.InFe WeaL... 8,20 a 0l~ <.t .". The deceased was a native of Nap- survive, viz.: Thos. Morcombe anud 9u s.u.I ....5 a : ance, and bas been married for two Mirs. J1. Bravener, WiVby t Mrs. G. ....o 07 ya. uwaabu 2years. S Chiswell, Owenx Sounud; Mrs. R. B3 . 7-'40 Il "h i f N age. Tt le eupposed that thee tmfor- Saow, Toronto, and Chas. Morcombe unate womaa Vook ber Mi!p ln a fi of Plymouth, Indiana. Tliçre are 11 Sunday trains leave for Toronto of de oneiy.Vndett.gaidchildreOf, and 5 i7,reat-grand- 4 .52 a.. ad 7.40 p.m. From Tor- ebuîdren.' - onto-tralas stop at Whitby Junction Mrs. Morcombe was a mernber et ai 8.15 and 9.55 a.m., and 9.80 p.m. Death- of Dr. F. A. Jones, the Methodislt Churcli from ber 1UP-TOWN STATION of 'Windsor. yeuth, and ivas a'devout Crist4in Going Northh.3it.111. G, oinu SUih.,7jIba. wra.She had a bost of frlends, .6..1.~ .15 p.I Nover recovening from the effecte aad waiu rea oe b i C.P.R of-nure utandiia uo axew n <oog West-6 32 a un. Golng iaat-lo.ou a m'1 of njrie estiae i a auo c- The lumerai, was held on Wednes- 9 42 a.m 6 12 p mi cident about a year ago, Dr. Fred-t day afternoon, and was at .0P-ni. 12.44 a. erick Arthur .Jones, l)mno eter- tende b>' a large number o! rela- STAGES. inary Inspector, of Windsor, died on ives and friends. IAaves Whltby for Ous&wa ai 10 Satlir-da>' meralng last. The doctor 'Thle çympathy o! the communit>' am. and 4 pron. W. Martin, pro- was laid *P fer sonie -.t4xe as a re- goes eut Vo the sorrewdng relativee, prietor. sui of the injuries lie reoeved in an and especlallv to Vhe aged inan who Leave.for Broughami ai 0a. auto collision. He was able VO re- bas lüst hiseIlite partner. Mr. Edwards, propnietor. 1 suine bis duties, but bis bealth was ___ perraanently lmpained, and for somo - MAILS CLOSE weeke past ie 'vas practdcali>' an in- KINSA LE.FoWet6osm. orotWhby valid. Sbortly before Chistmas iV Qarer>'sevic we el a 6.~ wa eonzed lis conditla jwas be- Qrwo6lat.abah0ReP- m.0 .Il conigng -eenkus. 1île w inade a , rm our lt abad h re o!1-,. -30. M, cornfortable as possible, and giv eW ik u atr a hrpOfFrkplt630- p saw-20 M ever>' attention but failed Vorll h service,. 8.30 .M For '4orth -.6.3oj.m or show siga o! improveunt. The Officiai Board meet in lthe The deceased iras iftv years o!f Grecnwood ('hurch. on the foilowing age, and speniý most o bis lite la'n da'atro Essèx- Couty>. He was loated'la The. big snows of last week Uiocked IU± h N B] -miberet*urg before moving Vo Wia-d- thc roads., se our Royal Mail did net, s( mor, wbere lie was a succossful prac- put lnaun appearance for a day or 1 I c titiesuer as a veterinar>'. lanVlis ca- two. Our bakors were aise neanl>' pacit>' ho was la the service o! Vhe stalled, but succoeded ini getting Improved Service D3omnion Government health o! ami- through. Winter le certaInqy, getting c mals banci o! Vihe Departmenut o! un its wvork, but ýf a few weeks ivill TORONTO-MONTREAL L Agriculture, for 18 Yeanson and ~t have ho give way Voeluigluten davs,. securing a Permanent appolntment Iand if; we exercise a littie patience OTTAWA Reine seven yoars or se ago. loie %as sprlng will soon corne.D skilled. ln the practice o! bis protes- *jos. Harbron le reported ,not quite Via « Lake Ontario Sbore Lino " -8n- geili-mnean ane owlîltl.atLiet bib-Ohaa o- 1I t' Cor SCHOOL REPORTS. HIGH SCH FoI, WEKIV. AI HIGH SCHOIWEKIV. AM Pbysics-R. Mowbray 53, M, Croak 30. Form III. Frencb Composition-T. Procter à 9, K. Nicholson 68, M. Kennedy 59, .1. O'Connor 54, M. MacGrotty 50, M. Robinson 48, E. Lawrence 48, L. Ruttan 46, .1. Gal «es, .1. I-islop and il. Palmer, absent. Form 1IL Aritbmetic..-C,.McGiîlivray 91, H. Ross 74, E. O'Connor 73, G. Shir- ley 72, C. Jackson 66, F. Hoenderson 65, A. Kennedy 65, 13. Meeker 59, G. Roertson 51), E. Cronk 56, W. John- sIen 53, M. Goldring 46, A. Goldning 40, I. Arksey 38,, P. Goldning 33, M. Buckley 3i, E. Robertson 23, F. Han- Iock 23,C. Piaskett 20,A. Richardson 14, D. Bell 10, H. Hlarrison 0, F. Wand, X. Tarves and C. ,J-oineton, absent. 'erra .1E Geograpi>' - C. Qu/abon 79, E Kenip 88, M. Mintyre c2, M. Smith 112,- J.- Toms el, D. Thomason 61, D. Bradbury Ge, K. Laver>' 59, J. Long 58, E. ElIvldge 55, M. Allawa>' 58, M. Walteons 52, K. Beatty' 49, E. S'tephenson 48, A. Ckoîdr'lag 47,- L. Ravin 47, ]P. Stone 45, W. Oteon- noir 41, W. ,Smth 89, W. Willis 88, A. Rîce 30, C. Bryat 29, H. Kîme 2S, G. Montyre 21. Add Hligi Scbool Exama FeýrM IV. Bctauiy.-E. Sereratu 87, 1. Cook 74, H. Long 66. ..--i , linziW AgcntnaWhitb team o! herses, and intend s nving B.1 .B O,-e 4 W i b Vo Vie McAvo>' farm early ln lie sp'ing. Mn. E. W. fledirnan la compîetîng ONE SOHOOL TIIAT MERITS operations for fnishing bis new the conifidence o! the public becaîî,e bouse early in Vhe sjning. He ilI 1of ils iliglu Grade work la the iave an up-to-date bomne and a rnost pleasant situation. Mn. flena>', o! Greenwood, pasaed tbrougb our village Iooking up cuttle & A rono, Ont prices are somnewhat lass Vian a few weeks ago, but ire think if people can bold thom cutîle arnd legs for sorne tom meeks Viey wiili ho ln bot- ter dernand and prccs -iillh bigi- The Women's >Misscionary- Socict>' mneti on Tuosday a!ternoon ot this week, owing Vo the incicomont mea- Ilion lasI meek. OSHAWA. TIe.Public Schlool Inspector, in bis reopentVo the Board of Educatien, complaine o! ovencrowdlng la the scheols, and asks for more re' ome. Tic Ceui>' Cipuaoil bas Vtaken oer lhe Oshawra Sielter, -auud- mili con- tribut. $1,200 a'year Vo its support. Oshawa Police Court mIii nein erb short of lumber se long as heire are se0 man>' Polos In tle toma. Lasi weec tirePolos wmesilaCourt., one as prosecutor, sud lthe obbor a« de- fenidait. 'Ple .Mctaugia Ce. *blpped a trahI loud o! 45 cars o! cannlages; and autui*nobiîes te bhe West last meok. 'Pie weekly market le drawing large croirds. Thle McLaughlin facter>' started nuznlng ful Unie-lagi wesk. We trait' Young men and wOmen to be- coi.. aSkîltul and expert stenoraplceriq, tYpîtte, book keepers, commuîercial teach. orm, cleris, catiiers, or goocrai office ilatitants ln frc>,n four t.. six uconti.. ani- ass.iset icoluget Poeitirns. (Open ahi Year. Enter now. Catalogue froc. Cr e oas.a 1 F. E LUKE, TCA AT ALLIN'S DRUG STORE W)-UTBY TUESDAY, FEB. 2 70 YONGE STREET. Corner King St., Toronto. ROYAL THEATRE, W.J.ellibott, Mr. now rneeldes lu Wbitby. - -~a LIGHT WEIGHT BREAD A GAIN, aving purchased 2500 paire c)f ,Editor Gazette and Chrônicle. Riles will 'seil theni whule IDean Sl,-Out noir Mayor, unD. tbey là 8t at followring pnices: wIlildo tue ver>' best ho oaa for th~e Ladies' Rubbers, reg.065eo 6100 0 benefit o! lie town and Its citîzenu.Dà ,R"0~ta0C f 'Plie la, howeven,, one im"o rtant cents, .îlubers, Ç- 56tOIl ,50o, Vlulg h whuldà b ond , and I be- Tae advantage Of this chance- Ileve be wmu, whenls alentonhefore mbey ae a Il gene. called to it, narnely, the îîgnt weight of the lbread that la belng sold every day contrary to law. Yours truly, BRIEAD) EATER, COUNTY 0P ONTARIO. 1. WHITBY--Mise E. L. Macdonell, Clark, Witby-J'an. 7p Feb. 3, Mèz. 2, April 6, May' 4, Juin. 1, Ju ly. 6, sept. 1, Oct'. 4, Nov. 2, Dec. 2, Jan. 4, 1918. OSHAWA-MusgB. L. Macdosîell, Whftby, .Clerk-Jam. 8-9 Feb. 89 Mau. 8, Apr. 7, May' 5, Jm. 2, Jal>' 7, Sept. 2, Oct. 5o Nov. 8, Dec. 8, .JaE, 6, 1918. 2. BROUGHAM-M. Gleeson, Clar, 3Greenwoo-Jan. 11, Mar. 4, Mal et Jul>' 8, sept. a, Nov, 4, Jan. e, 8. PORT PERRY-J. W. Burùhani, Clark, Port Perry-Jan. 12, Mar. 5, May 7, Jul> 9, Sept. 0, Nov,.~ Jan. 7, 1918_ 4. UXBRIDGE-R. J. Moore, Clark, Uxbridge-Jan. 16, Mar. 12, - May. 11, July 18, Sept. 7, Nov. 20, Ja. -14, 1916. 5. CANNINGTON-Thos. H. Ponter, Clark, -Cannlngton-Jà n. 15, Mai.. 11, Ma>' 12, .July 14, Sept. 8, Nov. 19, JIan. 13, 1916. G. BEAVERTON- Chas. A. Pater- son, Clerk, Beaverton.-Jan. 14, Mar. 10, Ma>' 18, Jul>' 15, Sept. 9, Nov. 18, Jan. 12, 1916. 7. UPTERGROVE:ý-Dantel Leonard, Clanr, Abliely-.Jan. 13, Mar. 7, Ma>' 14, Jul>' 10, Sept. 10, Nôîv. 17, .Jan. 11, 1918. Dated at Whltby, Nov. 28, 1914. <B>' Order) J. E. FAREWELL, Cî1erk o! tho Peace., Wieat, laul............... 1.45 Vo 1.50 Wheat, goose ............ 1.40 Vo 1.40 Barloy ...... ............. 0.75 tb 0.76 Boans ........... ....... 8.00 Vo 8.00 Rye ......... ......... .. ..1.00 to 1.00 'eus .............. ....... 1.10 10 1.10 Buekwleat..... ... ....0.75 le 0.80 Qats ..... ........ ...... 0.60 tb 0.65 Red Clorer ............ ....00 te 9.50 FLOUR AND FEED. Fleur, per cml. ..... ... 3.75 to 4.00 Choppod feed, cml .....2.00 Vo 2.00 Corameal ................ 2.00 te 2.50 Bran, per ton -.......... 28.00 to 28.00 Shorts, per Von ....80.00 to 80.00 MEAT, POULTRY AND PRODUCE Beef, cml., dressed.,.12.25 Vo 13.00 Cattlo, lIre ireight ..8. .50 te 7.50 Lambs, oacii.............. 6.00 te 8.00 Fiog, select .............. 8.25 te 8.50 Pump Manuacturers Chickens, per -b. .. .0.18 te 0.2 Ducks, per lb ......... ..0.18 t0 .20 succeu.oisteO 9. m. iVs Geese, dnossed, per l. ... 0.15 Vo O 18. Siirj Dundas treet, Whitby. Trke>'., dnessed, per lb. 0.20 te 0.21 Butter, per lb..... ...... 0.30 Vo 0.35 Tires doors irest of Wb.lby 1ou1. Egge nom, per doz ....0.2 t. 0.85 We ire prepared to Instaîllvood on iran L.ard, per lb ........... 0.18 t. 0.20 pLumps on short notiee, aise attend bo aft Potaboce, per bag -.-0.75 t. 0.90 k ladseto repang. Apple, per bannel......1.50 t. &8o00 Agents for the Ontaio aind.swl ul, aime ) a i o s , e r b g . . . . .1 . 0 0 t . : 2 5 g a s o l î n e e n g m n e s .- Hay,,pon ton ........ ..14.00 Vo 15.00 hnsBl 0 d 6 HIDES. WooI, uomashed ......... 0.14 teo 0.1-7 CaIf, skias, per lb ....0.15 to .1 NICHOULSOJN & E D am b skias, each . ....0.70 Vo 0.75 1 hSsepsklns ..............075 to, 1.15 P,.a WHITBV >eacons .......... .. 0.25 te 0.70_________________ lonse Hîdes......... ...2.50 t. 8.00 'alloir, rend., per lb . o. t,0.00 Alsîke dloyen, per bus. 8.00 Vo 9.00 M4ONUMJENTS -ABOVE-ARE THE DEST QUALITV. CONTRÂOTORS J. HOeWEIL JAMES Canenten, Builder and Coniracter. Plans drawu and estimates fumnsied. Repairs, Alteratiens nd')ebing. Agent for Brantford, Rooling Box 467 WIIIT[iY-.- Phone 4 JOHN Te HORNSBY= BUILDER nd CONTIACTOR Plans blade and Es;timnates Given. AIl Kizuds of Brick anid Concrete Work. Repairs 10 Cbimney Stacku and Boilers a specia't>'. Whitby, (Box 91) Ontario Bell Phone 138. C, FOLLESI PLANS 0F ALL DESCRIPT04 . FURNISHED. Residence, , - Thoraton's Corners Pion. 41, Oshawa, TrHiEADGOLD BROS. CARPENTERS sud BUILOIN Alteration s and Repaira.f VIRer CLAas WORS GIARANTERD,. Apply Dundas St. West or P.O0. box 4o3 -DENTAL W. ADAMS, Dentisi, OUa., Dundai Street, Rusidence No. 49 the Terrie Byron St., Whitby. Pb.on No. 120. AuO rI0NBBRS ceser Vo L. Fstrbanke. l'os t and dates apply t. elf -ci G. Rb, Whitby. -WM. MAW LICENSED AUCTIONER'- AND VALUATOR. jAil kindu o! sale. proimpti>' .110.4 ed to. Arrangement., for ,dW mIe be tbe Gazette Ornes. Terme neason&bls Bell and Iudependeat phones. WIIITBY, ONT. heEgulgLiteO fssuraRce Do. 0F CANADA saea Uits poiicy notuers e JoUJLa in iLO. tfirst ton years of business by selling them without-profits policies, and baving ahl promiums paid direct to hoad office twithout commissions. Premiums col. ooo.e Foren3 ot,00r Canadian ce89,- octed woueren 89ooeinstadia o! 48, panies- received $18,499,695 in their first ten yoars nmainly for with-profits policies, and paid in profits te policy holders $91,55o. Their cornbined ac- cumulated surplus over shareholders' contributions was $79,7o,7 at the end-of tbeir firsiton years. Whicb looks best to you ? .Tho Equity Life is the total abstain- ers Company'. If iaterested write for furîber particulars. Tie nian who situdies hie own intereste wIIi pairontze The EFquity ,1f- Asuorlnce Cotmpsiuy wlbeu lie wa:its lite insuraxîce. L. W. DUDLEY,' tM. SUJItil'ýRAND, A lit, 'reslident a Ovinerai MIanager Wliftbily. Ont. Toronto. 'A a.-Fi Double Track Ail The Wayu Toronto-Ohicago -Toronto-Montroal Unexcelled Train Service lllgbeat Clame of Equlpmeuta Winter Tours to California ÉNTIRÉ HNC FPROOBAMME 1 LU"""'LI"' IUNNY SOUTH Famt Trains-.Choice of Routes Each NIght. Low Pa res noirlun ellect Noir itunnng 6"HlATHLVfN 9 -Every 8econd Monda>' For full parîiculars-consulît G. T. R. Saturday nlght, uac te ail. Ticket Agentsor -write C. E, fleming, BAIN Dist. Pus, Agent, Toronto# BANPERRIN, Managea. 1E. Steuhengon, Agent, pbOe. WbtbY of ai De.zJtns and hlaterlal kept lu Stout It wIl.- pa>' yon t'O eau ai ou works and Inspect for yeunselt. - Dà n't be misled b> agents. W. do Blot emploT, theni. Conuequenily vo eau and dO* alloir the agent'. coi» mIssion, 10 per cent., whicb you WinS certain!>' save, by purcbating (rom t A Cali Sollcited. Offics-and- Works, Oppoalie Standard Bank, Whiby. Imprognable Strength, Maximum -Benofit, Incompafable Divldends, Minimum Net Cost. For rate. andl fulu information apply t. F. J. DUF>', MR, A. B. D(YNO'VAN, Speclal Rep. Qocen & Vittoria StR., Myrti.. Toronlto, li5g. - The Mutua Life ofNewyor Scranton Coal AiU -kInds et Coal exeept pea ecaI $8000 per ton We, repair an jewelry store, but Of watches. WE DoOHL -Repairs left wltii yaad are kept at thusinsuring thme sa wbiie in our passes --RNe-I <Jmlnau WHITBY, Local Option ha ally was nover fortube future ar dence o! material %tate thet inla9 tle toma was $8 year It bas neache 01.o!oves $383,000 i years. ,Durnag. -theo population bas lac, ovrn30 nom bouses ed tle past su $160,000 haeve boen operations, at ion' bave beon erected - iog the past tlire. large additions Vo nem aschools and or Mlotel accom*moda _we .0ver- had,- andt nothling be aaywhere, ln onta - ennes , s - thing0 * police watch the c arieSaioff endlers Compared withine, lcense, Newînank tJue-flacithatt'- esibtIs veair w 15% of, .Oetober.-& WE -FO-LlOM Wfiting furtlir prominent Fnglish -k jettera I ha * alte 7 -v th& press obbaIt OL oui' brougbt l 120a largi revealing- Vhe wnd. - - ie1la going on-at-e la the. Ilouse etC esald liat; helmeen- t --per cent. o! our nei ing reideredý inefllcie and' Ils attendant e MuInlaler -admijtted 1I ipen cent. If lte cou -ndon martial lawiv %riatever tlhe miii sould immedité1y -change ail t1his. Il- bent upon the poopi JÎ b- laite tuw eumc'sar througli arliatinent great uiational donir -Alberl Hall wouid pc1lîcians of ill pa prempt action. W'oi sible for the Ilotise agree b>' conseut of awny wth intoxic; war'? Russia bas d Local 1"Il -Doùmt iorget it he1 th Bu lihatis.t sclicoo daj- ovening.. Adii * ome and se ith a* le front,. Fra talk, F'brua}-v 7t, Mer mauii- frîints kîôw that clï ra leflthme Gcnercîl 1 hýaTjng -undergone ,ica O T O T a w eek n c , i onabi>' toward reco aà d_-up-t-o-daIm' ie Doni't miss tluiýs. thie .Music- Ilal -Wtll S ton lt L for ne nn!y t :iian thbe suîrî in 't4l -T he rî l m a r a î i e t o l o ld a fero'e npf aan ii>' tee, -ompsco e 'tvie iaius17sbool-S, numrdav eveimng 1< nents.- ç orne anmd Speuud leeat rt3aptist -à dy evning, IFObru, raot utsl'l i hiserve At Harbor Coal héde 60 cents :-ThoeWo 9n' sta 14 -thé " Cotaicil per ton Ions. 119RANTON Wriday aftiernoon, Coal". The nime guaranteem the -ai8o'clock. Adoe bo given in Puddlai higb9t ualty.- - Algo a paper on "T! . AIl wmen and girlu lel ei.p. >' _ man, SecrètýRry.. Pm Ir TORONTO- Uited tates -la eune ofi lng Meatunes cdl the early là . Whtle Eà rope la iei d ià rii rn, Ilese two iations, wlth a bouadary nules of land and ira wlebrate -the unique 0 t Moter>', ttat for ag Las of CaTad « e ieweý - 4%umvabI a mme iiPMUl hMdrafts, etc. ' sï,wa ra -qmwý