Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Jan 1915, p. 8

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DRO~1*.fort- S VISy eemug lait. Fnly SL«g Vobbe Sli tob b00R00- iey- egu"iUw ibefO, in- viUlla baring bea Us foruimto dtvllmg ,,may ront Claremoat, Bal- ~eE M Usguf.&&mmol ouve. ,*#=$ #R 0 1 .Oolunbuad, -WMtby. Dr. Sblrr, ci Toronto, viulial buCaVylOyf r@litrs PrOvlded good, puaM#g ov« BaWSy. %VwodAt0s musicand 4lots do! h. The ~r.G"Me, of Toronto, oe«tWonM ladiés serys! au, excellent lurnch, sMd 1S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~r aBWITsurvuimgbr very ailoyabie Urne was speniby' s«%W Dr.an - M». Staf ai ». MublhOland, of Toirouto, «t Mr. E. E. Patteeson, of tb. Brookr- cd -à# &. P. NolldaÈlo. Jin COoarneY, bui bWIed >ovr 150,- --A* tk. anuui meeting or theiWîli- 000 pouads of' biv"erdüring the p»st the avies elecwedfer the -aimiLng rs.t (Dr.) bMely hbas been la To- ' yerwers :-Presde ut, 1Mn. . ', on vwting-hei'r son, Delos, .now, Oobourne rVloeýPreeideu1J- Ip4MWiflj itb lb. 2nd Canadian Çonlingent.t er;Soeretaryî, Ms.- I Spë* Delon -bas been 111, and Eirs. Me-1 Neely spent a few days with hin.-t i'resstwe, Mrs,. R.- lry Mu., Walker wiN addres the Ep Watch eor A.O. Elllott'a mldwhnIter, wonth League fiRaglani on ýPrday sale. Pul -pa"«Sar9 ext week. E .,ening on '>The Music of the War- Thp Wome's- Inatitule wlI meetc ring Natons." 1att NÉS. E.E. Patters' on Thurs-y UMs. Woodward, of Oshawa,. rem- dari JanuarY 28, ai 8 p.m. Piper turaed htome on Sunday, after spend- by Mrm. W. J.- Taylor, con Q Simple fig a tew- days with Mr. and Kra, Meals, WcII Cooked and Nicely Serv-t Jas. Woodward. led.1t The dnew- mnembers conteot" Kuch credit lu duo to Messrs. Me-! I i'close as IbiS meeting. Al mem- Rrien, Stevenson aund Lynde, for the bMrs wlo bave. just .joinbd are askedc ornd bail whkh they arranged to attenid. A special collection wifl HOBBERLIN MADE-TOnORDER AT A GREAT -BARGAIN. For lte remairider of this moitt ail fancy tweed nuits or overcoats ai a straight 20% discounit. -Muéit keep bauds bliye lieute the reduction. Sale non' on in.u Furs, Jnd e rwe&r Mwen's ai Boys' Ready Maie Overcoats. We Me. Lawrence, eolumbiea Brooklin The "COMET" Graphophone, $ 20*00 The Cornet is the latest H ornless Graphophone made. It is supplied in order to fil a long feut warnt for a low--priced, portable instrument, conîainin-g the weli-kriown tone and fixiAlhôof ail -Columbia Graphophones and Grafonolai. The Cornet- is finished in oak and measux es 12Y i.r i i4 in,. by 7 in. 2 ib 1 R. K,,Lawrence SRCOKL1N P~R ONTARIO SAILEý 1 S. H. Cook Stave, good as new.' 2 S .-I. Stoves. IMçLaughilin Cutter, new.. 1 clear out stock. Will sel at cost price to IS. H. Horse Power, good, wiii be soid for $10.00 I S. H. Win-d Miii, readyïto erect, wiii seli cheap. A big stockc of- Wire Fence and Gates now on hand for spring delivery. it on the ground. Clet your wire home while snow1 URIA]4 JeNES SRC~I<LIN, v Bell std lad. Phones., ONTARIO1 Mid upn'idis ar Itla saasale à miden.i and A. A. A.1L be tabus. AI! ladies -welcome. Mn. Jobm Vainerio, Oobawa, Bimda.yM t aMr. J.E., DlsneyaÉ. The LO'.O.F. belIs pd 4sak tSc of -offics on lthe eunlaC fPtf 4ay,9 Jauuagy 1if.-#Tbe District Deou- ty' Grand Master, Mr. E.E. Home, w1ut bis l eam, all of Witby, put -on lte work lan a very emeditable, man- xier. A large number of members, al- so viet-tors, includlng a large number of lIadie9, .were present% AfLer lthe n'ork wu. put on a dainty lunch n'M- seived, aller. wh-ich a number of speakers were caîlled on. -A good urne was reporte&. by ail. Mr. David JBurns is non' sporting tbe fluent driver in Brookliu. Ho pnir- etased name frorn Mi. Nux, o! Ux- bridge, aI a very tandsorne figure. A number from haro -attended VIe Peierboro-Whitby tockey game ai Wlhtby on Moîday algîl. Mr. -Arthur Coakwell 18, ntgwiîg a number o! veiy fine chicifens at Linduay Fair. We n'lst tlrnsuecee - T-riai t onesl hardware looku bei- tor'it Vtwlo nen' nindon'u. Mr. Wm. Smith, M.P., e! Colurn- b~us, n'ili give a lalk ou Procoodings cg Palitamnent on Tuesday eveng, Jauuary 26tb, aI the Men's Club roont. AIl memibems are cordlally hu. vited te le presenl. ' Mr. Uriahb Joncs unloaded ý car- load ohfProst wire fonce t1is past week. Front feuce baltes lte' lead fn ibis district. - Excitenient, rami bigit durlng lte lgst 0"v" days'"during Lawreue's Grafon- ola~ contest. On - Saturday. ail."IsY, veeè. p0iurd lu for îll.lte.-ani date.. 1 n Vte evenilng an antioe ucro à- waiicd loi ttc returnu. Mx - Leo,' Wob ber carried off te',pgrize «ý»viote e! 4,Ã"4â ; Maslon Cliffard M1ayxtard came second wuit a vote of 3,769 ; Miss Mabel Otinun'was e lose ltiîrd witl a voie o! 3,785 ; Vbýç lii- ei canididates, Miss Marshall,' Miss Akey and Mi. Burn al polled god votes. Mr. D. Hol1iiday, asssed by Mm ilt, o!Montrea, r>rmis- lon and Mi. Harrs, made t1 official ceunt. y . Mr. Leo Waebber wistes, throggh lte column ofethIis pAper, tu Vbani all thon. vue0 se ably supportai blur in the recent Grafonola content. A concert, hmuludlnmg a drama, %îil le glv= iln lirooklua on Febiuary 12, under the auspices of tte Y.L.3.C. of Aimnonds., Proccedsi aid o! tite Ilairiotic Fund. 11ev. T. Albert -Moore, D.D., Gen- eral Sacreiary of Temperaice and Moral Reform for Vhe Metitodint Chu.rch o! Canada, will speak ia the Metitodist Cburcit on Mouday evening aext. 411 welcome. On Tuesday avenimg ttc Baptlut Churcit teid ilsý annual meeting, aid an cijoyable aid profitable evening was &pent iogeiter by a numberý o! tle members aid friands o!f Vte Citurol. The Clerk's report showed a net gain o! nix li membersbip for the year.- The Tieasu.rrs report stovied ail cirent accoiuits met, aid more ibm euougt rnoney in, ttc lreauury, or subecribed aid avili- able, Vo pay al iecowm'ts for In- piovements made during Vhe ycar. Ttc finance comrnitee yul consider aid shorlly recemznud Vo tbe chuncit w'it regard Vocthîe budget systein of finance aid veckly offeriigs for mis- isions. A Yeuig People's Society (BY.P.U.) n'as organized, wflh 11ev. G.A. MeLean, Piesident_; Mi. Nor- mi Stocke as Viceý-President; Mi. .John Pognon as Secreiary, and Mrs- John Lewis, as Treasurer. DEATH 0F MRS. MEDLAND. As Vi me goe ou the reaper Deat te nover donc yul bhis viork. Lilce te mouarcbu o! the forentthIai guard wutt oferual- vigilance lte wilderiess, lte ploies bave slood Ior yearu lu oui midut, but ene by oue tbcy are pasodng away. D4ýtb bas clalxned , anotter of -the older members oh eu-r commu-îiîy lunVte person o! Mis Stepten Medl'axd, vite passed away on Saturday, Jaîuary 18, ai ber htee tee. Il vif!1 le remen~meis1 f.l,,i+.mrn fii e OWt lra rwSw M.Russel Heatht bas etoened tb Ham#lton , - aftervial.llnoe trieudn hoe. Mr.and Mrn. Medîand and iamily, ofnce whb ber biwbaa"d. - 8h. Imeavs ftrâm Manitoba, are, vhuithng aI 3fr. ber hubband, -titre. -sans and <,o H. McBriicnî. daughters la meurn bfer loes. - 8he ,Mini Alima Nutilrà apent -lte, wlll b.' mueix misseld- by bS r ne ~-week-entd at Mr. R.R. Mo'br lyt , boôre aid' Iiendu, as hem kind, loi.. Mis.'Harlock, ftont Tomronto,ilu viu. lng diteosftïiin endeid e bnan ting ai fr.. T. Richardis's.. Ste n'as knorwn t b ail as a truc Mr. Howard Maokey spenl- a few fm-end al'ay giizl a olpîg aiddayn la Whiiby with bis cousin, Mr. b lte needy. Heatht The limeraI was bold ont Tuonday A vemy enjoyable lime was, apont raftemnoon from thtt ren-idence of ber vun Friday ev'ening, wben Mi.' Zion- Danat-n-aw,, Mi. Jas. Siop)hon, inter- League vlsited home. Over fifiy fhem F-mntn taklug place ini Union cerne- Mi. ZMon carne- ia îoads, and gaeW'&a ftory. The paîl beairs were ber ow veiy -Intemestinfg pregrani, a! ter sonaid relatives. Roi. H.W. Foici which a social tinie was. spent, wiib oondueioed te service. Ttc floral iefrethielln. . tibute - nas vemy large and leau't4ful C. O. Lawton, C. Lidgett, >and Mucit sympatby lu faIt for the be- Stewart Corner visited the Queen reavai îaxily. Ciiy lîsi week. Great preparations are beiîg imade By an ror, i was ntated lu ibis for the Suîiday School entertaim-' paper lasi week tht Mr. W. J. Hav- ment on Sunday and ]'onday, .Jan- craht, who paused away recentl'y, libd uary 24th 'and 25th. 11ev. Mi. Iunk been ili sunce last - .lune. As a mat- wiIl coîduct te service In the 1-a!- Jter o! lact Mn. Eaycraft had bein 111 temnoon, anîd 1ev. Mr. Voley fi the bfor junt a week before bis death. Hle ovening. n'as vieitdng at the borne o!fîfiends Mis. Neal bau returied tron a vis- on December 24th, when setzed with it Vo Clarernoni- and StoufYville,.' the illueun wbicli caused bis death Miss Robinson, of Grcenwood, on Decoer SisI. spent the weekt-end with ber frieud, Disney Bros. bave jguni completed Miss MeKay. titeir firsi yeam in the furnitume and Oui young people are liîving a undetakfung business in l3îooklin, and, good lime now on te open air have been moeut amessful la estab- Irinks listing a business boere. They have Dr.* james Moore will give an Iu- an excellent stock o! furniture, an teresting îddrcns at tle Young Pie- up-Vo-date store and oie of - ie. pie's meeting on Frhday evenfng. Hisi haudEromest black teanis io le seen subjeci will le "Tte Waî." C axtywhere., Ttc poople o! Brooki'i The Kinsale branch o!fte Seoutit and surroutding co-utry fiud it, very Ontari o Wornen's Inst4tute will meet e onvme*teut V ebie Vo get what. ai the home of Mia. R.R. Mowbray, titey îeed fI funniture rigbt iu their .Tbursday, . January 28thî ai 2.80, ovin village jusi ansvieIl as il they - p.un. Stuhject~- 'Démonstirat4op Ti û i n're le go to Toronto for il and Sekving. " "Wlten and-. Hon' te Take -are 'ïhowing ibeir apprecation by 'a Rest." A cordial invitatLi (s15ex- 5 .gving Disney Brou. a large portio'n tcnded te'all -to corne and bring, 1o! iheir- patronage. Disney Bios, their sewuîg and kniftixtg. . l'esI- 1are 1 frY îeliable people te deai with dent, ' Mis. T. Richardson; Secre- 5:and ibere is undoubtedly a brigltt f u- tarv, Mrs. R.' R. Mowbray. .Iturh before ihen Infitte thri-ving vil- speial services on Sunday, Jan- 3lige o! Brookîfu. uaîy 24tt, bot afiernocyn and even- CARD 0F TIIANKIS: hng. Mr. Staphen Medîand and family Do not foîget the entertinent wist to i 'hini their many friends on Moniday, .January 251h. vite showed theni ne muet kicndie" us: and syrnpathiy duiing their 4recent ATJMONIIs. bereaverneunt. Quite a number o! the sports ats- Stat cf ------ tend the hockey matches ai Whithy. n uhlo, daof o!oToit do s.Miss Dell l3rown is home frorn Win- Loessa counuty. k Frank J. Cheney nmkes oththat he lamsenior tlpeg. for a visht, owiig te hem -artner of the-frm o! P. j. Oheuey a Co. dolnghet.- romine.. In the CIty of Toledo. Oounty and tate hat iforesaid, mnd tbaf eei d it wiii pay thesurn o! Miss Netti e Carruthers bas returrn- ONX HUNDRED DOL.LARs for ene aunuiover ew«okat-spnigev case cf C-itarrh that caunot becueord by the une of:'ed Vote Y f e-senlgnv jHall'm COteorli (Cure. FRANK 1. C1IENEY. eral rmenthe here. Sworittobefore tune and subserlbod In my pros cococ, this 6h day of Dccbe,, A.D. i856. I.Miss W1lis is visitiig lu Toronto 1 (seel> A. W. GLJ.ASON, at î,reseîi. He'l'sCaarrh CureJi aeîskcitcrnhîy.and acti M.aisi.Wm en ctian dlrectiy on the blood and mucous surfaces uf ithe r n r.W . eoetra YtcM. Scod for testlionisl4 free ed t.hechcouren Fridav evcniîg luni. F>. CH ZNEY à CO., Toledeo. o . > Bor by *Ili druigglsî, . r. E. Atitinson tas returned Take blall's Family PIle for constipation, lhomne a! Ver spending severaI weeks ut relatives up west. MYRTLE. Min. May, o! Newmraket, lu visIt- 1- Bora- On F'riday, .Jaiuary 15, toe fig relatives bore ai "Sumny Acres." Nir. aid Mis. Frank Sheil, a son, Mis. Mason, o! Woodstock, visitai, f lev.jR. Allen tas returued a!ltei ber sister,_ Mis. ILl.Vison. spudn a two vieeks' vllt witî Msblc 'ro s iiig i bhis son fiMinneapolis, j iss iveI'rsn sviitîg Mi. Neiberton aid uitie son, o!f iis. V. c Gri'ityo.te ic Toronto, spent the week-end witt ih.MGeo so ieso friends heie. ui. IMr. I. Becklev tas rerited'%Ir. BSR I - r.,Sl Blllgbi's bouse mvest or the %village, lliLutinsle of fVSi stck aid wiii take possession Ini t ho ilm utins1eo ai tc spring. j lield hy Mi. lHenry leYnolds on Tues. Miss Veiî I-arifs, o! Brooklin, was day wan îargely attcîdcd. Thc the guest O! Mis. -John Quinn, last pices ob-ained vie good, and te week. 1 iiole ail air carne off satisfactoiily. Miss Brookscýý spent the Week-end,l rii Maw, as auctioneer. mnade lis with Mis. Britt-on, nee Tulu Downey, usual good impression. lu Oshawa,. KINSALEL Miss -Jean Ormiston, o!fSoin-a, is the guest o! ber aunt, Miss E.L(Gard-- The officialsof the C.NO. met a ener.1 large deputatilïî ai stop 27, Kinsalo, Mrs. Wier, o! Port Perrv, -iîl . on -Monday afteinoon, and imade fia ber motber, Mrs. Harper, ai ttce Par- preparations. for putt'ing in a siding Rodiage unit week. thero. The faimers arc going Vo do Miss I. (Ilover, !_f lîmu, emfheirfrii gaing ouna î.Wrk ma tIW IP u chfls n tra1jspue, effetiveJiiiiar Oîi, 115.Tra;n No. 25, lesiSag Toronto 9.00, Pollo>wing service- whll be - operatndý a.m. dau.y u.rrlving 1I9r1: 68.10 PR.. en Idie St. Mary's brandi: M., and train N.X9ufrig-' m Train No. 868 will lbave Ingeo>1jý -l 84 .m. dtaily arrlvlng- Toron- -Nothw 9.55 am., arrive iu.gerol ýto 5.40 p.m.4 wlll be regniar stop- at JUI3CtlOp 10.05 &.m., lea e Ingeol Widtby, Oshawa, Bowznanflle, Pffl Jiunctioa 10.20 Si.LBabro 1.40 Hoîe, Cobourg, Trentton, Belile, a.m., ~ l Bnnga1.50 a.m., Moac &P'Iag top at, Newcastle, Col- 3ky 10.58' a.m., Lakesîde106abtne and Brighiton.- Uniondare 11.'20 a.In., *arni¶4ang - St. Tan82I igTrs .0p WaIn y M es a -rn eaveIntersoil ;% d , y1 ' -e- -Sunday, -arlvlg Noiti .s~p.m, anvîg I gr _,9.Tweed p.m.,and trainNe. 901 iJunct-lon6.48.,pi.zn.,le ave ISIS lot -&PM,-arvn ngersoîî d, ~ wemd 6.04 a.m., arrIving JunctIon 6. 55 p.rn.,'Ebro .7.08 p.rn.1 Toronto 10.40 a.m. will be with- Bennington 7.18 P.M., McC7onkey 7.24 drw ewe aelo u wed i .rn., 'Lakemýide 7.84 pým., Unioudalê Train 621 Ieaving Kingston 7.46 1.7.44 p.mI., arriving 'St. Marys 7.55 a.nm., arrivfng Renfrew 3.85 D'M., 1p.M. and train No. 622 ieaving_ Renfrew r!Train No. 664 w4'il bave St. Marys 7.00 a.m., arriving Kinga.ton 2.30 P. 17.30 a.m., Uniondale 7.45 a.m., Laîce- M.,, WE be opeFated tri-weekly, ieav- side. 7.52- a.m., MckConkey 7.59 a.m., Ing Kingston Mcmday's, Wedxtesday's 1BénnIngton 8.00 a.rn., Enibro 8.15 and Fniday's, and ieaving Renfrew ia.ni., arriving IngerscAI .Junction at Tuesday'a, Thursdav's and %.tùr- 8.30 arn. Leafve. Ingersoill.Tunction day's. 8.ý50 arn., arrive IngersoillNrt Train 765 leaving Toronto 11.10 -'D.00 a.rn. p.m. daily, arriving - IFrt1lton 12-19 - 1 Train No. 686 will 18ave St.Marys a.mf., wilI le operated daily except î4.20 p.n., Uniondale 4,35 p.rn., Lake- Sunday Instead of daily'. -se MYRTLE FOR THIRTY DAYS,,ONLY 1I wiIl give a iscount -of 20 per cent. -on'~1-1 ur ch*ance We have portunity._ to purcliase ai the old price, IeSS 20%,, a wel1 assorted stock. Don't miss this opj Thos, W. Broolkes>, l IYRTLEONTARIO Farms For Sale Upwards ()f iorty faims front 25 acres up, and at from $35 an acre, guaranteed te show' satinfactory resulîs frein- investrnî, ocated in Whithy aid Pickering Ton'nships, Every - Concei114c-rcqîiremenî of soi], buildings, orchard andI Otier iinpr.-vermtntns eau be met in ttc varied listoflered. J. E. WINN, SBell phone 109. -WHITBY P. O0. Box 394 Itemidemice, Dundas St. East. Now is yi j A Nice Lineo f Cutters'and Sleighs- AT KIGHT PHICES. Icleiuuvubla)..ui .ili if l-- nuw.," essmentw~l5ve t eMade abut te saine as for so4ne weeics r Mediand wns lhrown frooe a buggy ai once. Six hundred appeals that past, ln a pretty wVeak condition. w'file dA'ving with ber daughter, and were to have corne before the Court The Orrsi mreeting o! the newiy or- was serlousiy Injured. Sh. suffered of Revisdon now automatIcaîly drop. gan*1zed Ladies' Aid met in the home Inienuely fro thlie first, but was ai- Dr. Kaiser, ln a letton te one o! of Mrs. C. J. Stevenson. A goodiy ways patient, and witen lte tihe local papers, gays that te Cous1- number are repoîtid as beiug prenent came lit oimd ber ready. ty lias donc Oshawa out of $3,000, and a profitable trne spent. Cataràne Lavis n'as baInf D by levYing toc large a Côtintv rate lieutiey Bros. are loookIng fer a onabire, Entgland, 72 yeams ago, ad against lte iown. hre otot ei am li ber eariy days iived near (lh-_Two Oshawa men narned Ailman ibgoer wons nt bgin fa i- aw F orly yeur ago e Ocame to ba"e Invented a machine to over- a igoop de n mxi spng a Bo. awa.lin ad bus eslded bere emn corne thte slUppery condition f th pa g or theoand imll ay a goodim Brolin - teeîs îl te winter timepnlee fTo r s . a e n mai t f t bi e hlm. wlIl patentit tefrinvention aâd wilb hn a'e pnImu !lt a Consipaion- .. eelabllsh a faclory bore te maîufae- in WhiVtby noV long stce. Ho e- cotpain ture -Il. cfuenlly calls upon friands hin Vite th e l nofoe creP41mer Knight, cr.f .Cedar Dale, Counby town. by iotarsh p ur a- pie*ded guilty le keepiîg a ý blind Remember the S. S. anniversary tives te- rt iPig, and nas fined $100 and coite nexi Sabbaihf, January 24, and tea iggravate the for bis violation oftse Licuor hj- and entertainmeni on following oven- týrouble. For a sentie., cns. Act. tng, 25tb inst. The progmain wifl be t tsure laxative, us. nberWa Stmach Thes Oshawa Pirenien have con- gixen by metubers o! the school ad mà"d Liver Tablets. Th.y tributed $25 fmc th ie proceeds o! others. (orne aiong and malte i a nest an ? the t n i.Iher annual bal bethe Oliawa Pai. grand succens. 1fS au internai bath., ttcPn! Mr. Pengelly bas been sawing wand --4-- for some o! oui farrners. I-is engine PICKERINGI. and circula-r min make ihings butzz. M 3r. T. B. Motersili, o! O0ahawa, Rurnor says Mr. Samnuel Disney A f n'al hmr.rcemtly iu regard btte wiIl ocate on the McAvoy homne- Imt-allation o! an eIectri l ght sys- stead early dn te spring o! 1915. Mr. teMnt hei t village. l)inney lu well aid favorably known Woman's best friend. F'rank Proupe itad a bad fali on bere. Tuesday lait wbiie shinghing te roof Mr. Rogers, tote easi o! us, has to'14 "a f reate I il 81siene.Th the,. îti.r ealthar, o M.WltrTul' esdne.TesoAdhd is light-Ifocted mare Vo go Vo f I uid aeal nallinî ladder on wb.let te n'as 3tand9îg lte seat' o! war ln Europe. She wili a clean, healthy, normal broke, and te n'as precip'itated lotte maice the Gernans go, some if il 15 Otomnach. Take a ground a t twn'ui-lve feet be- lher enviable lot to mecl any o! thrn. Chamberlain'* Sto'nach iow. 1- e w mcnço-rclouxs forset M.E.WRdmnushpigmk Tablet et night and the m r E .Rdna ssipigml soui tomaeh and fer- lime, but mi ai a1Gmence to Toronto frein stop 27, Kinsale. mentation, and the and ho n'as rvie.,N oelwr heMaehe. have ail OIV.Noonswe z -one by morning.- broken, altucugthoen'as bafIly bruis- Mr. McBrlen lusbipplug out anetht- Ail druirgints, ., ed er car o! apples before long.WH T Y orby 'il m Lorn. SqMre .ha&.-Iîei eleeted a Rev. Mr. Tiîk lu continulng lte. cempeni, Toronto 12 jtruste. for S.S. No. 2. là place of special meetings at Brougham. AI! A oGrdon, wit. bas retirai, are weleome. Fleury Herse f at pruces wî Bell a-id Independen We are pricing Fur Coats, Robes, Winter. Mitts and al Blankeis ai big reutOs-O- clear out our heavy stocj A A few Geaphophmig and kocords will be dispcised of, away down below their- regular price..- Corne earlv for a bargyain. A fowSniay lot with cne Gallon -of Chemicai, only $8.oo each,' while they last. Powori -noarly now. asolino Enginos, orth while. FRepairinge )ISNEY nt phones in sore.RI Independent phone in resfidence. roi, 52 NI 0, 30 .9' The perfect toi soap-madel rc Palmn and'Olive c For dlelicate, beaut lui comnplexions. For everyme of -the Eamily; a Fo r every toilet Palmoliv For Sale by J. E. -WILLI5S-D Profesajouial (J .J-LEGAÂ1 INO. L FAREWELL, K. Barrister, County CrOwn Atto County Solicitor. Offi- south wing Court House, A. E. CitRISTIAk- Barst. olictor,*Notarv PUbil1 Office, Brock St;, Opp Stand Moneyto Loan. G. VOIJNG SMT, MARRIAGE LICEN~I Court H Ouse, WktAtby, or r 0. A. J. SWANSON -~.Barriste". Solici0r , Notary Corý. eyancer. -etc , e <)shAwa, -- Ontari Ofiue-,No. z Kig St. Ei,Ma kL1e sidence-5 2 Lrew S Phonè»-OficÇ, 321 i Reai-d Marijage Lice lo*uer o! Marriate iLi -,enses Cnrner druk %tore -The Greater Can ada lmproi Land CO., Limitod Reail gîate I>ea1*.r.A. E'îate-s N Rent Collceted, Fire4t l.,janiýA * lropertio-.i>.u(etglt sud sol For termoi apî.ly Ii.eca-1 office. B~ Bell phone 193. Iid. P RICHARDSON à RICHARDSON,_W WMI COURTPlasto kiiidm (Pl'Is i utlig FREI) W. .NcBRI Carpenter, Buder and -Coat Plans drawn and es irates furni Repaire, Alteratiopsý and Jobbie BROONLINq.. 0I Cownftrv Real Est ýWe sell suburban and homoes, fairms, and ali. cla~ otntry proportien.l' yo property to soit write -country Real Estate and -Farui Lurfsden 8Buildhl 6 Adelaide St. Eat TORONTO Ail kinds 9fsmngie aud d rigs for hire. -B us taO traini aid baggae ra HeXrses bougit and no comemission. -Soet oudrdiv'e-ors -andi hay aid itran' in any qu2 -dolivered. - --Frpcs t: p office or phone 39, 14 C Stables and Office MOI 801. I, Lt M111 Boots are on the advaîîce. AÀRCHIVES'0F ONT TORONTO Dry Coods and Boots and l

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