Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Jan 1915, p. 4

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l-0e mon du nglts - Ia more fi Ss. You £y entil 'air s TPh. eible var nov- rsging (ix EZrope affords a lvo subjecti for lu- -umerable poetic a ffwàsulusSome ex- Mesimti wooek fa beiug donc by amat- eur poëts- and litera-turc vwiii h.é slcber tbougbal the world b. poor- se--besanse of ibis devaniating war. T>~ vone.of Wbitby areusar ,a QI time and effort la kalttiag amdi S.ulàt for ti. soldiers in ths field a&,l fer the suflhrlug Belglai. -T7> lmva mi sympatby. aid ieineus 0 f ih.fr bovlag asartse nbeng ovc fat the ganiente theyara alg AIESceS evouey spore moment oft Mme teoSupled wlth li, work, and eme P02 mlaedsae asleeied for -iis .5.- ugotntud, absorblng 1001511 - Im Yoimg wommn, sh ad noai beors leaxuei to )Mit, hav@e 'ui timelvu to -leam Mlàhlak of '4t r ha .ili ey aghuad4 ta the cam-' ki fortof he mnaithec.frount. Wa- mm nlu -Middle 1,viiticthecanes o! 1-ll o n Mthem, llave-!aund tile* bO kmt wrlsilets or socks. Old 1a4:ý 100, wii iii saowso o many wintieri Uhaon o fu o glory upon tlheir ekare acwiug, kuiting and pxa y- tag for thbe brave Canadian lads wbio have ef imhmes snd, occupati ons ta fhl forthie, counltiy'm Cauoe. ' Ph. es Parry Sot ning up some e of the mai] ;L Sh tar usâ MËI vo gnoni Stn.culw a gàle o! 1$2.50 Golfieu" for So" aud sbowed iiait be goods oould b. bougt la lo'al stores hore -fer tram a dollar ta a dollar anid a quatier. Wo àav6'tue goods witlr, the sale ticket siowing iow tbcy .werc mark- cd up ta, isfilead bayers aÙdiidmaked down ta witbin iwo cents of the s0tual 5 eing prices. Tt.s we* wc casgL*eiw concrete cases of a Oim-, 4tlar 'nature, proelug ibat beyosad dgu'it lie so-caUscd "bargalas" ane atiave %1se regular prieus a4ked by out loca déalers. Boes"an e &e To "nIo 'I ns:'Crow Tras.. vie pot, dulex - ;ries, h 144n.. eiMkg sg,<lkeplatned double isater, regular $40, Opeial $888.75.1" The NU~' 5 itoesma.de by týiii ne b~i àleé~ey dy ai'A.N. hun'u ioe Èiék for $3. Anotier . case, a Npw Modell Ktrdescribed au tol- low<:-~Pis uw lBac o! heater bai neyer.béecitla'Toron-to before, ft is an alcarti ran stovel, naotUa body, therefore êi will retain tic heat lon8ger and, vear iwice as well. eafiY teo perate and saving onfl f l'Ëls hcat*r la sold ln Tooni-to $14.50. t!,-A .penn Io ose tisI same siove; sanie malter, ide cal ln cvery respect for $13.50.,, ( laIsit 3 hours fo town ini a buckboarcl -or thirty minutes in a sturdy Ford ? More than'secveliteezî thousand Cailarlian farmers drive. Fords because tfiey make the necessary tripes to towzi during the busy ksetisoninii lJi.esorbést possible time-at the îrnallesst ,posmible expense- asud they doî'tt wlien they aren't workiîig. Ford 'rnnririg (Unir 8&9). Ford Rutiabot $540. Ford Couplet 8850. Ford Selan $1150. Ford Townî Car $840. (AIl cars enltfîîi îuly (IppUed f.ob, Ford, Ont.> J.lnyenin of (lemepructical carà willl ehare la profite, if nell $ 0,000 siew Ford tars betwtoen Augiiet 1, 1014, aond Auguitt 1, 1915. n" aa, Llînliteil W. J. LUICE &O - WIJ-ITBY,- DEALERS CUTI~CDOWN EXPENSES P SURE VOU CAN Did you, evrtr try- the nice kinds oif Iliiw-e aire seîling -Try us, we have thc- mgoods.- --g - -Sairi- n, slicc-d, pe-rIl.. Haliht Staksper 11). -Manitoba White Fishi, per -- Sea Herring, 4 Ibs. for Salmon Snacks, per-lb. -. Fillefs of Haddie, per lb. Fitinan Haddie, per lb. Ciscoe - Herring, :zIbo-. for 15C 1 5C l.15C 25c 1 5C I5c 125c Our plione;,is 11. Ring us Up. mýJo. EoWATERI-OUSE Phoz.îe Il Promnpt I)l'tr their regùlar -advetieing space inthte DuNDAS COMXUNITY 'PREE WAS "e~papera--or la a larger upacoanld A SuceESSp,TO0. bend every enengy to aitracting aJiMr. J.B. ,:Laidlaw bas rcedved a largecrow of bopprs t »e o n t ànncatlnfroni the Secretary.ai large codayo! eiinerst iciw iccgmltcwo ad In c hare b o y aY, dayteeclleedM4- arrangements for ..the -conienussty Its la onlyfor a day etu,~ tirec eld4lantMO town oa, DU ndas. 'Th. &eei for one -day thc effrt la .Wellil eople a! the town iook a ,greai Worth whiie. Tic articlesniarkcd ati deal of trbuItle witi th -e cuter-ý $1 ar ouq a mil prtio of çiuc, ad itheaffair was carried oui $1 re id a rnîl orionaithe wiib Spl>endid sau,nucb along goadu sold, an4 upon ibis overplus teUic ls', .'eell Wub. rb ti-eglr pnco ma y be cbrgcd. .blyiy mre elaborate arrangementg The. occaaou f unisheS an potudwerc cdo la tic matter o! prcpar- iy for disPusing ai Borne ouiof-daiie lug the ch<i4-dr- o! Dundas.Afo- or sm oW-Mye .page >rOgazn -was Isucd, coutalulng. or~~~ uoeotrf- 0'egOda-hl -zeïka, Chrianshymns to b. sung will accunimulate upan thc ubelvus - by Uh ic tle foke. A Salvation as&0 l aauuch ,hat la IrcUli md Armty -band e icmui,and the ne-w. Telîve moelint ,will hnoV officlls aithéicOw- kanatv boy, vin h s- ewOr ocCAuoSai Mr. Davldso5, itheSecet.ary, foi' eusioem husbrosigtit ata-90swarded a muapai o! Of hjâireswhlch mton, to makO themoat ot -thechance Jrase toa hcghi of !orty feet. af wlnnng tbim as permenents, ,vas deccrated witb over iwo km.us Merabante, wlxy not . tiry a dollar droit electtic bulbe, adthte Pubie dyUtuit'lu omisinof.i'the iowu da . ...... .....9pplied *.freecurrent ta keep -the ire llluminatei eci nigit for a wcck at- ter the affer. hitvas placad on tic Canadjan,,Pacillc Changes.ilav !afot-eictrudns Its ta The Most Iiport.ant change« inteui undIredg !s&uf&uinopl n a nîglit isrice by Pmit.a.-tiveaLimit.i, Ottaw. Ue. PAsuengr ser% tee of the Canadian Pa- AsIn Whitby, 80 ln l)undas, svery stci l 0ncýe the Inausuration of Uic chIld ins town was remernbered withs ~j ci5c ume sort of!a- glit, and thce - viî COUNTY COUNCIL, COUNTY 0F Ming nsew Jake ahorie Uns thrOUgh WbîitY gave ther tinie to it feit weil ro- ONTARIO. entf are nc>w effectitwc, or wlIl be, on an, paldý by the gladness tbeY had gMfad lt after the slni of this monuii. 'The ta the bearts, of the children. Thc lirat meeting o! th. Cotmcil af seid-tans h "Canadian" 1the the Corporation o! the County of ndi taisti - Ontario> -for the ycar 19,16 will b "Domini0à" and the '"W01vOr.ine" aun IGR SCHOOL WEEKLY EXAMS hield, purmusnt tao tatute, In thc thley !are called, are now avalaile for Porm, I.~v Couneil Chamber at- thé Court HN-ise, traffic ta, and from iliby. Twao o< rgnqnty-lM Town of WMitsy, on Tuesday, (the Uicl~c1saretabe iecntnue a- Tigoo«etr....,M.Cronk 789 H. 26th day 61 January Instant, at the the]mà ae oibe isOninud f-Long 72, ]R. Mo>wfray 6. boig, o! two o'olock ln the aflier- ter the 3lat, the morning train from Forrn III. noon. Ail accounts to be laid beore Toronto, due- here at 9.15, and the, BrltiSh Hltory....R. Richardson 94, .the Counicil should be forwarded rebrn trWn tram Tretoni teM. Ruttan1r 88, M. Kennedy 87, T. to the Ci&rk, properly cert4ied, at retra run rnto ~ Procter 74, M. Pegg 69, G. Lintion least threc days before the meeting eveu*ng dues bers at 5. 42. -Tii. efeci 68, K. Nicholon 67, L. Andrew 65, of CouncIl. of thbe changes lu that' onc can travel M. MacGrotty 64, H. Palmer 60, M: Dated ai Whitby thc lt day of by C.P.R. ta Toronto, lcaving here Robinsoni 57, . . iglop 54, D. Waugh .January, A.D. 1915. ln thd niorning, etthOr at 8.82, or 51, FI. Lawrence 48, L. Ruttan 4 7, J. E. ,FAREWELL, 0.42i and in the aiternolon at 4.40 J. O'Connor le, «Y. Gaies Si. en crk an. etrrmrm hecix -Phsywlcs. 8 ouny 2!r. and. cturnfroxeUic ft ea4ng aitW- Joblston 74,- G. Shirley8.E 9 a.ni., 5.20 p.=., and 11.40 p.m., af- Orank 66, E. Robeýtson 64, p. lien- ..D Y fording opportunlty ta attend 'an'y derson 01, B. Meeker 80, P. 9old_- JHMR Y D Y entertamnnne, or social engagement rIng60, A. Goldirfng 56, G.* McGiI- f liry5,M. Rîîcy 51,,E. O"o»- ffg i in Toronto as well as do business 51 5. nx 5, .RI*adonS i v I~ a bons ic ane venhitg. 50, M. Oiolding 50, IH. Arkpey 469, Tuds geat convenience, ai it becc>nies D. Bell 46, 0. .Tacks<n 461 G. Rob- IOIowIito tic citizons of Whitby, «Ill ertson 19, (C. Pliiikitt, M.' Tarvifs, ài Rare OppoptU nlty to Purchase b. nrasnl pplrfr Rpe -P arlock, 1-1. Harri son, A. Ken-. sStitisImoisileto lave, Toron- nedy) absent. F'orm 1. Ladies' & geits' Rubbers tlater than 8.30-too early for any Latin-E. Stiephenson 84, M. All-a-, use in the ways lndicated. Another, way 69, D. Thomson .59~ . ,Tiubbell - andposIly ve mremiitnt 47, r. Elvidec 44, E. Kei, 44 y and omsMy een ore ipo an, 87,A. (olding 1, . eîi-' avîn)g pUrcliased 2500 pairsf resuit of these finest trains on thet îv, 2R. K. TAverv 22, r. Flsher'19, Rubbers, I will sel] thein while whole Oaxiadian Paclfic Rail-way cat- iW. O'Crnnt-T 9, 4MeTntvre7,' i they lîîst ut followiîng Prjt-s. ering to the passenger business <in *-S Pair Whitby le that the Grand Trunk, to IN MIEMO)I1AM 1POEM. Ladies' Rubbers, rég. 650 to $1.00, 290 hold ItV patronage, wlll be eoripeliod Thse foilowing poemn has heen con- Cents' fRubbere, Reg. 850 to $1.25, 500 to toptheIntrnaionl Lmited, ýtributed by <'Ovoca,"l relating to baoth ways. This was aigreed to be tise death of Wm. Soe h a: <ki tlat g ?t1ltiqi <alite done With the lochtion at Wiitby o!; shot at Whitby Jlunction a lt-w xeekçs <i-rict l<r- are nil ~it m the immense Goveramnent institution .agO.' ABOVE ARE THE DEST QIJALITV. now soon to hc partly in use. Vith W aehrm h e ult-a the largo additionaI population this Adnonei the a ~~nd sorte on deeks at oUr Coast,Neai uas Yeway will sec for Wlitby, the- rail- '13ut titis litem who cails for our93. wypassenger trafftc ivil)l be greativ , praises r a u g m en ted . IVitty iii trn he 15 th e tian %'iho c i d t t b s p st. served by twenty-six trains div Sendt vsCc tsrlto And dutv it was Io the- last,,1t <.more than has any other town wvith, Losve fadc-ni away Ilii' Hie da-ylight,* o th ie-subsîrban arva of Toron to. 'lO Corne 1back wlten dark-ness is r ~ -- * <I'm Psot.! wire tt hçr ocre NEW TRAIN SERVICE DEA"TH OF A F0RN1ER IJIIT13Y niîv' j WOMIA N. "l"'nt shiot look alter (lie trains." T R NT -l T A On lanuary 9th,,Airs. AiR. Gen- Whii eati s- ltrgritn st-ai upon Io<i><t,« lîi i, 1 o! ofP-enetalîgîîisltene at onie timt0 LakeOTI)IWA-(psiie ,i -a resîdexit of Whitby, passeil -aw-av. AndtI b ron is braie heart I net f ri ri ). ,0lit o rt I'<nlIo., Mrs. (tendron was a caugitter o! drallns. :I oirrrrg, lkellevi!,T~e ntonti cli Mrs. .Jos-. Blow, and a sister of A shot rang outt (rom the d.Irkness, 11,1tofrr fr t, i. lAgîfts ,or «rit(- = 'rs. Geo. Das-ey, Iotit of this town. i No eartitly support was around, cirtir iH<iig mrili YiiigLe ste., iirrriito. 1-er madden name ivas (- ililowi tBt a lsost of lieaven's lsright agl and site was welI-known here bc-fore Bore tite martyr home to be E. . LOW, Ag enît, Wh itb)y <ber marriage. TwentY.two years ago erowned.- she went witit Mr. Gendron Vo Perte- We wrap soie heroes ln hunting, tang, where they haie resided leicr And bury them grandiy ln state, ONE SCHOOL THAT MERITS since. Mrs. Gendron had just enter- Bu Willie slecps by the raiiroad, tihe tconfidene of tihe pu'blic liecause ed her 47tit year. Site icaves a bus- Qulte close to the seene of hie fate. o! ite liýcrI GCrade work is tise band and two ebtîdren. Tise tunerai, IHe needs no costly niemorial on January 11, was one of the larg- ls name wIlI b. loved by a hast, -L IOTT est lever heid ln Penetang, showing As the ian wito thought FIRST o! the deep esteem ini which the deceaEo- dutyi ed lady was -held. Mrs. Blow a.nd TIIUE Briton wio dled ai ils post. Toironto, Ont. Mns. Davey attendedth te funeral, th Dec. 16, 1914 OVOCA. other members o! the family also "Esngland expecta every ian ta, do Wie train youug men and wornen to bV A being present, Gea. 1owç, o! Otta- bis duty."1 conle iakllul and expert etenoigrapl0', tyipletn, book isqers, eîîsusnercti ac "",h. wa; Mrs. Lallarre, o! Monrtreal; Mrs. ers, .-erke, cstier renerai offie as4ietitteio n (roi fuirtl miX iiontiteis and 1-- zi'x, 09t., lune l7th, 191., bhave bes usltg ,Fruit-a-tiv«»P u.a famiy resedy fo'r Maa'Y Yeats. 'Phe. ire thse -besi oinel'have ever trie. " Frwt-a-tves" do netibm suot goo-ticy aevergripe and theïr acio l h anteifrIalct «d Constption itti the bestesut, sud I hnrtly reaomm cd tiea te Tb«et«blhaveieftmee@mplete. enmd Igive "VUtntUuesfull ére&t aM l bau A miser W pil a mm Tu i i.e sm ousde mca ad for "Frut-a tiue" if Oeadilicreasng duto the tact ia thiswonderfui frsaAmsdîciu. vves proimpt elef lu41 ai'cse-of Idigestion, COustlpation, Sour Stomac4, Reumatsm Chsonic, H ea aces, sud Nerlgl, a" a u i Kldney sud Blsder Tobles. Y.Notice is hereby given that an ap- o. anuer nrlW. J. ttie r,. IAL" n a -b ure i i UIcultuIre Y plication will be made y the Toron- Chles -St. rscpl - gh to and Yomk Radial Rnilwny Coni-________________ sn pany Vo the Legielatîve ASSeîbly o!f- AGRIOULTJJRALROMWHIBY t, the Provilace o! Ontario ai is next -fE tRIEFRACTI14 w<. session for ans Act F.F LUIIL,5 0 PTIClAN 18 a)pemit4g heCopay oly- Jan. 1 Sth to Feb. 26th, 191 out, colstruet, conpete equip, 8 WAN upota n d oag e te donutileitrcsFOUNTAINilPENS3<ii 1 < lili1 1 TPonanf r t the itp~y's ofti A Free Course, comprising a thdrough 'and pratcap ern tIfinuono tewanth a Swanofsa! yof-Live Sti'ck, Feed and Feeding, DairyinZ' Soil - cm trminu to tc nant limie ai at t-an lie carried iiitite pocet~sîd tic snldciiy, subjecite osuc-h agre. tisxy way, titerî tise Swan la ttc Cultivationî Drainage, Fertilizers, Field Crops, Bacteriology, nient with tic City of Toronta as one you waist. FutGoig olrArcatuaBtn'ý net nd the Ontaria Railway and uitMnicipea$3.00Up FutGoig olrArcluaBtn, ne Bloard niny appieve. Fungus Diseases, Spraying, Arithmetic, Book I-eeýpng, CoX4 (b) To extend thse tisse for the ent- 70 YONGE STREET. operation and Marketing, and Public Speaking.' etruction of exteniions aid branches[- corner Ring St., Toronto. Some o' the' best agriculturat authorities in the Province AYLESORTHWWGHT MOSShave. been secured to instruct theé class iii the mor important &THOMPSON, Solicitors for Ap- ROYAL-THEA R subjects.Thscue i b complete, practical an>profit-, plicants. Dnted ai Toronto thig lt t day o! ENTIRE CHANGE 0F PROGRAMME besxwek e JsIt Arnet t-ei~ oî .Januarv, 1915.'--3 Each- Ni ht>o .r opportunity.ý Yuu may kegret it- if you miss àithis- Now Runtsing 41LUCILE ILOVE" year. For f ull pàrticulars mrite or phone A fine mare, valaed ni $300, ho- IiFucL 'ssrte. ioiigng ta F'rcd Feashy, drappe R. M. -Tipper, dcnd wile belng dr1ivea into Tx-1 Saturday -night, soc to ail. Dcpt. o! Agiemsur., bridge.' BAIN PERRIN, Manager 1fhtb'. il i 'PI W. H. S. LITERARY SOCIETI A meeting of ttc Whiiby -l Scitool Litemnry Society was held c Fniday lasi, with the Vice-l>ncsndenl Hr. Long, la the chair. Ttc folim lag pnognam wns rendened by pupil o! tic sehool: 1. Instrumenai-. Ruai. 2. Reeitin-J. Hysiop. 8. Violin seiectlon-F. Bruton. A True Tonie is9 ana ithat assists Nature. Piegular and natural action of the stornacli, liver, kidneys and bow-07S Nvi1l keep you welI ahd t t, and this action lpIomoted by BEECHAM9S P!LLS TIM mnalavWho stisdlaa hie own lntereetswI 1 potr@ifaeTise 9nltt lIE' Asarance Ooseipny wieube wasnts ife isrance. L. W. DUDLEY, , I. SVTHbRLANDO Ààgtnt, Prosient & Gêneral blanager Toronto., mO0N UM eEN T 1s ofalDoîiguà Imd. ItoriJ kopt ina tock ItwW payyou boc"Il st ou Doai't bemisiei by ageâts. Wo do Imot emloy te ". CoSmsqueàtiy «' «a& And, do allow ime agemis o ea mlaslo,1e cenmt., wblcb you isirE Certiny "Te W' purchasIns trou lm A Cali ýsollct.d. OMM icmd Woels OPPOsite Stanard Bank, Whiby. -Double Traok AÀi The Way Llaexcelled Train Service tligleit Clas0f equlpinent.' Winter Tours to CalitornIa FLORIDI ANO 8UNNY SOUIN- Fait Trains-Cholo. Of Routes Low Fares now ln éffeet For full particulars çonsuit G. T. R. Ticket Agents or write C. E. Horning, Dist. Pass. Agent, Toronto. E. Stoilsenson, Agent, phoneo$8. Whltby Scranton Goal, AU Rklnds 0f Coll exeept pea coal Pe aror onà shd 0.ent pert Hro olshee cet per" ionie lighest quality. E. R, BLOW, Imprognable Strength, Maximumn Benefit, Incomparable Dividende, Minimum Net Cost. For rates anid (iiiItiforinatiin apply tii JA. DIFF, MI. A. E.)(.JNUV AN, Spt'cll tep. Queî.n & Vietcria Sts., Myrtie. %.Itî, gr. "SCRANTONý SWhilby Make a preserît of a year's subscription to this paper to -hat absent friend.- Businessf as usu a l I arn Book'ing Orders for Seeci Peas for 1915 Planting. Farmers speaking early have choice of a large- number of varieties. C. fi. WILLCOX, WH-IITBY PLANS 0F 'ALL. -DESCRIPTION 1 FURNISHED.. Residence, - Thornto n's Corners- Phione 41-, Osbaw4. -TNREADGOLD BROSe Alteraîtions and Repaire. 1aEST OLASI WOEK OIAEANTZED. Apply DündaoSt. "Wcseor P.O. box 4o3 ýW. ADÂNS, DemtlUsM , Denidas siru* EutoeosNe. 4, ils Teras Byrn Si., WhIiby. Pbsmè INO. lu.. mur te Li Yalrbaûs '*-For t1 and ate aply ui orG.Rob AkND VÂLJATOýR.- AUl kindi 'or àspos1y $Ui W made ai dent Gazeit Me. Bell an#,.Independnpoes WHITBY. ONT. -James & Walker Pump anufacturerai uocesor. to E. W. vns Sbop Dadas . trèet, Whltby. Three dooru wSt of Wlty Hoqs., We are prepared to instali wood or iros luinps on short notiee, aise- attend te aIl ineof ropaing. 'lonsBell 50, la&. 26. NICHOLSON4 SELOONI I [NDBRTAKBRS APOSITION, FOR FALL AND WINTER.- We have, a é,csndbenuap 1ot6 o reliable energetic t.l-na o bi» dîirict te m el frui t trece", Zail fruits, flowering eibrubm, re. Pay weekcly, ouit t(ee, eXCOlgel, terrItory. OVER (300 AcIRES f fruit and rnarnental tet<cller cuhiratios %Ve mell tlîrugh our saleeinien direct tii the cou munier arol gtîtînîtée cleli<'ery of freph, ili grade t, eem. <hic ugrencieu are valuablle 1j). rene,.o of the service ie and the volîdun of< business lont). Es,1tabli- led 36 Yeats. Write Pelhnm Nursery Co., Toronto, Ont. 'Jrator andre« MVADE UN c TH E BUYI -OF SILVERW The hounehoidtsii-r Re to beconse an heirtoons lu 'Ts ilver gi ft you lîreïent ta Ito e -treasuî-ed by ber deacen bob good jnîd>gutseiî and regard enerationis dëimand the se ban d mont faînoum eilver paolicy of Our itouae bas alwa -*I .nl thebetWhether'it .tfforditsg yau thse asifurance -ynpurchase from us wiJ 1 éli 9i y$ tc eilaation yen -un show you Our new patte waBas. - R .Jeweleran pii -witiTBY, - O T'ie Chicago Tribunre a te ego reponted the 'death o! ,Gnoene, a. civiIl engtnlee'r, 101o long since, had a Salary or $3, Year, bdt Who ,W-is broket with dritk, -and died in a t-ht-a,, lng9-lioîse. SlortIv loi torte paS way, 'he îu-rote tte f îin- Ment~ S I onflits -o i r- $300a- hionltiS lIni enie-.I had - 'a -uo daugittir ant i - i el peg, (atxl tIa i irr 1 %vas cînpor-I l h *rr1), t i1- (bt rfi-wi-ni < "- r, at ahn-rru lob. Thi Ienr------- son . t ti îi - -i- get st~tQr~I -- booze rt-o ~ « anytiig î<-ft, hnr-'I( tLo ~ % Local ppnig Ladies oi the O-.L.C. ivill be tlome" eu-ery fourth TudY. M4ens wor-sted -pants, sizes 32j 42, regîtlar yalue $5 Vo $7, sale ;3.90 at W. G. Walti',rs'. The plpils o! AIl Sints' Sui ~cioeI int g 1 o aom r toncetrt 1, scat ozî n Fnidi, Februar 'Pie ndjoîîmned Vta% sale vwili lie -lau-tise Court House on Fridarý-, - -ary 29, at 2 p.. > Extra lange sir.e Peis ceaI l 5 tin delivreed. -fl.G. Oko-.- .CANADIAN -.JU13r.niur SINGE Look oui fer-tuýis fanons trou -muelcilans In the- Tabern-Irlp o ru any 5. PaliOt 11-, nenmaiinîrs in - their sterling 1qui~~t-ne ttr iufaction. Sctre lim at -tise, chai Sale at ... fis rsgs *ptician. - w~,reFebrtuaru- tit o 'i - --r- TORONTO * sale STÂÂ_ BANKaJrn acon Opq CaNAD -_ake wth6w We shahbe lm . [n TORONTO aoutcIea~ WHITB Y.BR ANO-A C. A. MeClejIan, Manager. s'dma e-wnmnlsa rckimn (C. A. Mlellan, a 14 , .wac. Mo# Ou=a4a1(J; 1'. ($wens, Manager). ,knniadPv ... %ý. 1 Ili oï ý Pea Coal, per ton 6.601 m 1

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