Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Jan 1915, p. 3

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dr.mc t~atnen, bt M. P.ydel sr. uit#oatod rnLady ows, m yr u oig thi at "ditin an ene aat PrJ4dbr bybisloaient ,view ol thi utu- awmy noir, and 1 han% hamve te mne~ nt iInj ber.W&t aln eHO<iitainIiy spproved ëf ber iê ferrnmre tirn e."ne tId lber that lie we on ry ibat ie 4uoipg lhir xpenmemîbut bo mww no ede- Colonel Dawney <d"oe herhme ag.all oeld not meat ber. tbat lie lad teo go 40 -on, (h tu 4 ber, tbat abs mshould regardm"Yed cimtting on a littie while vltbhen - Yorkelbure te attend the funmeai ci-ani horiclafsm a paisyer' abuolutely; and bo Butalfler ho lied sono Lady Elflen mat 014 chuu, but t1ili e 1t.ped to me.-ht ilieugl IL 194 ui. e probable by caruful dcwn ,a«d sbed a su' toan». vjtht t wentl-tMar bopu. arrangment to keep ber lu the, - 0 "Xe 4due waIlths ,eiie&ead; ie onlz 1 #iýUy bei r mting to borne oalvii hwe . bd oruamo fond;% t Waatt%.4aWlbo ît tlat.-oter ie ri. loi irwMto, UW len am ooil - to «e th4e conditions et'taie moment ie boçe am n ot to e ber;btI o ee=«.i 'em and 110T e n«emeS that Lady Bilaen miould abat up knq'w I mol il i Ain getm verr fond ot Te' orfleal leut ) J f lier »da4>d 7 Jlsat iliat rnmrent, ber m«id brouglit te me *if BUT O41'ber <rlodmÏesln tovn, "You enit te go aàa," Mr,.,PlêydeU ber- a large box viiic bhaS orne troni Tbini wèe nniusnerabbue ardm, vlich 'malS. IWhiy net go anSdty vtLI lier America. wÈen thie vam opened It, ds-m.bad pollcteddu4rlng bar mabmnée nd mii Gra" ., 1cloueS a nurnber of ezquleite nases, vhlch. vilAtbreiigh thu> eO btlimlynengli. "Yem, Ill do tLat," alS Lady lFllen. thiougG3 t baS travelld mc fanr, liait coee uddenly lierface brlglitened' and mhe Blie *am 11k. a <tild, eager te gîve obed. in perfect condition, e carelully baS pioked up one naone.. linos, tiohei en packed. (Te hi continueS.) "I ansmlo o!tow I ..lualI dn'4 Jullan Bryant's carS vwu aitaobud te waut,,te deO anythior tonr a long, long thot, and Lady Ellhn fuit qiut. a thil time." of laeel nat timremenbranci. lMr.e. m me. Q 1el i* e,&i ai4 to berel!. 1"1 am -OI FIENDS. 11 an t yeil.niic-su~e I o at utee ec " J nut o thet .queetion of youn ln- net cnt' mreiah en -0Oasuc veetmcrn<tm Lady Ellen," te smid, -and 1 am Âdrian; s51111, if net quite aome,, think I had bitter me what I cimn do 'with lest very nearly" 101nieBrtihe, ut Geee tatliouaeproertàP in Fahharn vhiciiwoW $lietook theseaiw itb ber'wlsen eli ow heBIshSIIrGetd 0QbevilYaxnoItaged byT your 'isueland. ti'avied te, eotland, and tliey ver. dis. the Motot Omnnibuses. Thevu-lue oftthe properîy bas vory-large- tr4buted about the beauliful old roorm * ly Incresed, yqu know during thse 'lut whlih haS hen peclally prepaneS for Thei commandeering 01ti.ms twaonr threeyeurs. I iinkilt more tian.'ier,.h ms pirobable that Il wvi vire tlo* mi i iwe, h_ Suciez irniled viien mlii wan telS Cellaiueous motor irehicles for ver "asudd gel f-not dnily enough toc ear off howfaerlthi roses hqd travolled anSd'w(ho service has led te occasionl n' v the. morgage, but leavo a littie urplus InblS mnt thern. nleiv hanS." "I llkê that yoisng =m," aée eald, 1've»7 enment of the strenuous lif. of sol- Ladyý Elten tilt quite relieved anS lig(ht. mucli.Ilie smen a littie out <of h-oi hearted aftîn Mr. Pleydîll blSgcni way. mon" teco idrs in the field or on the max-ch Piret ot ail, alise liaS tii senation ut be» *Welil, Iho certainly lon't a bit Illii. the by unexpected meetings with 1 ingr rouîe no rn a kind of bondaqe. Mr. ordinary Young rnan," euid Lady Ellen."rinsfm'oe" Lu an TendSna'orniainer thie lait ttme lliiy 'Do you knc'w. <o use a slang erpremionfred om' e. Lu ad, laS met liaS elven hier a vers' diagreeabli ie iit te me ta hi quit. 'fed up' Niîl long wýere the <lisera with which the lampneeelon. 14he liad neoSejjrî tema im lm b is muney. and'bees verkine at go= ~British--"Tommies," 'serving in asain, and albireproacised hrsltthtmeten-car invention, juil vor .'-g yo ae bac! bien rallier to'linty lu nit. 1mev villi iii ewn bands, Pepy, apend. France, greeted the flrst appear-4 Il stmtelie fnenmlip.Inc boure Bt a Lime In a vonmlo RO H an ce of the familiarLodo m4o «elestdw n cri'bbled a lino h" ai ee0111 lu Ainerica, 1 bilieve, ln con- a r o4n oo le lier couin, t.hu DuchemsofutWLituhlri. neeion 'îih liue invention.- I ar no Vlad mibss with &Il the naines oci anIroseS bermeif s,a gul mora i-yut11k. hlm! Wsqnbu oru bck oucity streets and 'suburban destina,- 'deli eperloti utge isuphr. Whoe Snoheim anSdlien f anly vire up in Of! course," aiS tIsed~uchesa; "you abali dions yît unsraaed, busily chugging .Sboat4n, J s &t ihe momntp, anS LaSy write eut te Âmeica- anS niehi.Hv ELlup kniw that there vould be plent of yen mien Adnian latelyp' niehl.Hv along the poplar-bordered roads of ornm fon lier îp henue leacstelAw icls We ave mne a lunch yeoterdsy. I vas a foreign land. Vans that bore the yomn b0' o u u.fafiylae e mie.and -Ibon names o!f amous business fims ihîe. on éneao - le leok al uMy pleemure awwty becaumu i Sho rg al an iwer by eeg. inf-a ie nly vant-eS ta mie rn*totaluc about smre evuked joyous greetings and à run-m onuand at once hegan te rnake ber ininqg r i i wlcm be le, mddnly ji.ni- fire o! jokes. p4n o evn. It, Wa, bowever,wel eeneM ver7 much interestedl. tout Ils neie nacuitec o PleySeberm avfairah. Poi iAfinncmnnd irmi ns .genenal but particular is, enthiisias-i .eff tv0 ara ermrvante, aud ltseliouns. wio gud," saiS ltheduhelins na non.ccmrntlîatically renewed.' A cockney suldier,- tcb b-luit ln tAie e.hargaeoft he otisen tva. w 1ake faiieo1 bithecul an "No v~eeIybile,"Lad Elen uidte en hemeftLady nilen'a nuom ehe ekdi ikosh ecudmn "No -uelt,'or 'nbil" Lady . lenaiaîtea unhe efIo: a few minutem alune age tW drive a slightly damaged van0 jo ' V alih e uband. 1that a on bnoe h iaYO"h-pcemîtheha d corne se d "Neli le luoklug prelîler than ver," t@ahundobndndb h fo ,eye' o ooehPeyliaS ai; an4 I do believe Ilial Mr. Bryant wayuide after an action, criezjubil- btnowhuîg nuaclid,,lier. On lie vr hp leba.ILwu antac agod d mortilnwbcit he day isovever, on wvîîo hope . laI ol b uiagn Drive fier?1 Me? Drive me uvn li aud fxly a opuanel berSlarnaulle Nelifmnstn't hi lu bu great a hurry. bloomîn' old girl W'y, myfirm sddelg.nucm 8n ie iaanle h. midei ni horrile ritake,' saiS the enMY ec dr&wiùg.rocm. d~uke. "8h. mustn't rnopatt hha mistake.' was moversa d only else "Ia on wytu-uigl,' muid Lady ."Ol hefîîis'î unîd h. no mii alie with 'ue ewatokwyfonme Elln. l a no.oue t a haH eierm r. Bryant. I have studioS h m very1asebisen fair ome ackfrorher- -'ceuse hack. ' ' Icîceei.' mnifair duchese, Hiflrabean mTa ounde toterrible, ." ieaniwer ticu Ianic. aî t . ul in elaa ar- Ts a uhedlir hilanS enS prisaiS i]. i nc a.Il a oails 1dm and' beset if she 'asn'î crossed the Itwdamni. 'L<*o re, I van t yn u '0 he, wtte Nel la vithius; îlotwill givebiy rani'nei eu mn tale nd aveemeluch ithInev).t 'anopp nlunity et eeîîng more o riydéc"ad'utdm u mn .ýday" oneaiioter.'pthe Frenchues!1 Two faithful'earts fi Me clapleS lier banSe. Tise duclies s aiS nuthing ahout Adrian "Oh. boy lovelyl I va-ë met vondering Da'wney-.elie had longiau gueeeed Lady utitici, that's -vot I cails it! wiast Iaisould îat, My cook'a -une,, Tou Ebeouin e bumise ras too fond eftlier A gain, when a lange car, batter- booW, anS IcousibulaeStocg»aIl' ympathetlc a vo- * m , cerne alont 1h5u ,veut a taxiriL mtt- odisusa deifra0te a rnater evens cdspattereci. ahotdetei an lithlier hueband. 81Ohéaswon it lere impngheavily ad wt so elmîpedupeairi pu onlienpneui- ber intention lu tesler Ise very eun- pg, 'lae wih ou t heip anS -iva e. -utuigan lier Delte Sent attraý,t1on Julian Bryant liSi for duers who seemed to ding upon it b~ LayEllîn, for aeh.ladSeîttled lunlber ike a e.warm of les aldps *"You are îthe niceet thinug Iever ke. ic hs ie.wu < leL ofo fBtIe. çaldps ~b.ustte ilr; aS le lngled ulue-îh bDuwney. The dnaoedlnot ia group o ish offceanso ehegil I vm;an, veny agîy. Thel is glteundersttend Colonel Davney wherî the n interrupîed the continences ý,iiahourlI as letten ald. ecousin vus concerneS; undoubtedîy l, tht la isuwItfilt bohn 1vise tond ct Lady Ellen. «anS touk a deop long enough te remark: wroe eu s e "ur tu lunch miune, lnter. :in al aise did. but he iseîned con-, "heregees the car I gave my n; lie uoddad hle hond. the'Illte ot this charming Young vurnan, wife for a wedding prisent. Ilardly t( 'Yo I nuvuta 1111 ol-fahinedn and liaI belng lie came, tie duolesiacon-l fit for ladies now, I fancy-unless ei ,staurant viere îliiy rive very good fooud, 1inced henaeiîith lier te hI perbapa sons 'Busy BerthB a' aes g .ansd vi oaa ait txuletiy.i vauit to aok n leulirmanis'D iL . ; u odo mrohP~frne " ve1Peeymneu h oddemIrable. atry et it."1 S>' -o? oldLd Ellen eagerîy. For ahe knew liaI Lady ilan vas very. , hlIa= gad I do su vaut t d veny loneily, anS Ihat. aI timees 1h. dank Busy Berthas" or "Beautitul ~ ,hlino fo eol, anS I arn abwaya au mte mariesof lier ' nnippy marrieS lite Bethas" anes army nicknames for Pl Te'Ueenwstii moet deigtlul there vise 1he practical @ide of Ibis quem: the gat rup usbstowed inn 'niaà out vicli ah. baS aven paîbaken, au lion, Jullun Bry.nt'a munir- conid make hono.fth lci-ae vun Laidy hllmndocareS, everythiug 50 e.av aiS Pleàr-ant forr.etth pa.cd-acd eug ( Wen lise iffee vai" orves, Colonel . Se IL waïq that a leller wîs iiten and German inatron, heiress of!1.tiie IDnypro cedbis cgarette case, anS Scepaîched le Mr. Bryasnt'@ houa.- w!lî liithe woem -f e hleied - li e er. Inlltima5tion tht It wap 0 b i orwurded grat vorks et Essen, hoena- t 1r î 'vu , im anSdisoli ber bueS. on to hlm.' i en nani wa's Fîculein Bertha t oiealyaeS abo u ,moking. Ibeue r AnS atter a week or'Ive Ihuru came aKra 'mfpllY any allir utLId i b a i. tole-r14M annonuCinU Ihat on his neturu aKrp.h qun terwmndoIbtPuppy a1111.1. latin Julianliryaent vonîd gladly _________ ival himeelf outhlie Dpîiçheemm otWilthre'@ ' 'y».laleam ne te smoki, and I know You kLin invitation. The'. knowludge thathi "He laid "Yee"* quiet>'. trienhl>p viso deanreiS by Elien Crouper COURT PRESENTATION. ni ".Nev, Adian," aiS Lady Ellen, puttlng anS tisi connec-teS 'villiber vise ver>' oebe iovin the tabile, anS proppiug up stimulating le Juliane ;:visity, IL exciteS lier clin it l iefîve lands. "Nuwwvh ut b.m a"50. lHe wa liin.gas amalter u o <l Net Carry-Privileges Soins- C du yen vaut ans le do for you- ' tcluvsn the ee evoua exc'itemeut;c "I wnt you te he linS te anothor vo- vIe gr, hlinii atnso6pbene in viîcli tinies Thongtt sUais 1thenialor part c! thecocmmercial iorlS *Thse eaÉernese anS the ilight flashed t ont t merýca vaeà;eae sex!eîonce Jus uiît- Aý )atrthtteBits or et Lady Blene face. rO iilshv fl i hcsay oim-P "01 Ianetiser voman," heh aidS;.tien 'Klc had been left hehind t10lIoklealer ofcashv u Lncaayt i elie,94'SeS. ratier Ireîivant'îy. "u i t overythinir ln the- now molor buainffl,, pres~s upon visitors fions other parts air holiolmli? We, can't -gay, aller allt lue and Bryant vas oniy 100 glaS b o ceup'y of the Empire andi toreiga lancia011 eurl'net ive have ionu ummir in Eriglarîd., Isim'<elt. te muke businessl, eveil tecreale woaepiet en u weiP worrieo, anythuîî rallier than 1t0 have a ' cie reene to the King andi~ * Ye.sj," teaiS Colonel Dawnc'y, "aoh#r<iseiu quietnnecilu which te lot tliuuglsî Queexi is that the fact that they le' wenan--onî le W1)I ans (ultitsu re ineeds §rlins anS rueebrance cme baek le hv inpeetc tcutdi ' àympathvb.v el asgi e is-" ut Ihve * -esneda cut o- 4 'De)ý I kunow ber?" Tise va> lu which hc- fouglît for hfm uvu n nt carry ail te prîvîlîges that are PI En Phook 1.4- îoad. intercahs v oîild have dont- cnedit îo a soinstes ugse.Nb-ywoa :No, thouglu vou have ueit ccc ler 'mrihosq whoie future depen5.5ôonhi tiesugsed Nodywoa Iuuertad, mi Ldy ..yi0, hxer ion@.e 1 @ha-a not been presentici at a court rmn muat ia n!uiypretty girl.v-<wàowailt'îesdd.I ea'l Asnciwhon hevecan ho asked te muet the -King ah havinisj heu, hYen thse aflernoupri 1 drove i e ie hat Ketchi couiS gît aloug ver>'unci Qtieen, but the tact thut they 1rr' 'Oh i p' ouI met, nS oo î '.aù vshiasi n tahav -u'u v hii'. bef<îre il ia paset. LlIse lll.u, *'inni vint 1ber friend CeunIS jJriIoa ms o lytii otmablt is,j -----ig 1,15nse, . , t 1sî Ihave gaîhlerMi fotIas! Pi'sili have aIl len fainull'ab'<ut lier.,sI ronîuig iiinnsorud'o cncaakfi,,1 Im uns cureoh(%lii'vlItluithe. be«t o!fejlîlrtm W- c 'iuuXu t ltc,!4i nappy i-ht- lier. Bryant asisi.esered sus lester wiîh an. A Cîîrioîus Vane. l .4!tas n.'1h: tsh- laSiii tion.,1jotlier s'mh"rani, ailoutiýii iliilisumo-iq l litkiuiow i;'; il fle Nelî,but Ilias-i the id'ais duîi)àtuîeu fr îEusglatid, 1, citrious vane ils that te be bein n is, te' g sr lins:ric'ver>' ;tront,'y liat lrieu' j cu'leu it.iahî< site Liad>'Elleu'c face tesepetactuhutG atua ils noS o îhb'r'own saking iîdif hvrad tLits iissige. lilsu as o heseplpua"-rh tGea a i u thr'u i 'oriî omr etiriut uuiigtculail>' %V(41sulitctitli, and tiee , aâ Gnerisvhyniai Granthans, un Eng- cîs iiwi'it l eh l,' sotsî c'ilîixImSynllis' flt inkelir ansý1. This vane is un the fors et a ha s ~ T :îrlî li lu' u:iu esntii fui' 'i~' dtaecusîtriled. lui' Ms- Plçydîiliwaî rmai- , I4us i'îbî': uit'i"tîl'-auLrii ler tilaîru, andeî s'eîiu'vitig lier ot fidle andl how andciis oe! nitial o! A is"îusciii 4L)îî Illilot'i, s &a,aIl insmediate unxiuiy; monu'ovu'n. oce vissize A ntrsin it" ypr-so us-iitiusgi -,fe"lîgs ii'I-ai OSliiimadeiican ucl o'f by bler cunîanid theî . A derssg useypn lia' lii îlu:~uiîy îl:sorî<' Skie that 111ey migIht ave bcepj onu puili tains to the vans, Many yeans ago, a 'liii'lii lagliseS ho-k th>Lad>y ' ILurse 't3f coritpitmesil. >'eî Ilie aid huit nankled il sèens, there resideti in GreaIt I 'tQuit 10 rallier slyit i?' tic Adnian Das-Ool i- io'e3mi, a-saco t'land, Gonerbv a peasant wlîo ekîti ont a d'ôo t ild(":ssiiii,,world i Meboail>'. Of aî:d le ueft-lier su loioîsg '&tiont newa o!f eethvlho b etrigo e (sl,'Il tsic I <' ani l hisa mî1l'M s hîimueit thut fihe vao quit, propaneS te oetavlho b efrigo - goug'îua S".t i.î' î l? 'boni t art>'musent Shah hle vas marrieS an olci violin, vhich was aIment a 9I W itnî,v s< ho e:lSuf oi ot atîd bLo uii for even;' but aller a wvilepato ilfe Atash dce c the Sit 5it<.Iîîi:întî iil sue' inclir;i, rc-m liewo (f hian caiue. Ia ruiared tbat teeho t';-A ls h ceice %ii Vi> îlt:iiî, 1sîuuh't:i. >silitt ud coisi'lt br- lii.llelata.to mgaeto mrca epo Yiiu 'iîis i::ylit, aîd lu s-e iera ienefossii efmnlPie. noiutitleledspîseti and becume quite a rich ot m"al <luit I ut' tlii li;:uî Ili o ut) Uaîil hoe tîst ié ii îosight îr&veî p aiHi sent to the clergyman : ut ts ý1 'lolie iorti tind seiýd'Christi - s àvith the Wiit- Great Gonerby a sus sufficient. to Ci 'sii ii> h: v- li ccii opîpv, 5iii j i -is t'Pm an YOtit titii. "' silSLady ' hitii. 'îot Lads' llat r isp-iu.and yet lu -builti a uîw church. This donation acil - î-"lise ustter of 'jhit girl abmouit vîum thmy are on cuiscndtn ,,prne utàé3 lu iiw ssMies Laîur4n-s cie tnreivtii-a efslie - Snetmetio 'ait nd bwshcurions lcnditon - cl uwn w-tal niidrnijtw ipaît ei'okcnen iusat ?bhad met. that a mitai replica of hie ol i fd <o uisit ayaveu a':iS c.' eau.'e ic hourhlit il i ratile tisaI col- liImli n oîlut ï1niave a rec-iiielî citl Dim'îrin mu-lt udî'e heiý a lîttIe steeple of the nîw edifice. The gifttina 'r; lin~S~ttri Mrs ilr.i.saîs ~, ;auti]> for iia'iii Soi ecauting t accespted and t-se varie nay ct WX! te ould 1Sot,' aaked Lady illbe seen onth ur. xients needèti. Scieebifilc; ansiy5ii ham proved that, nut <iontain moi foodi value te the,-po'nd, than alà"o àny otior feeod pÏoduct,.khown. Ter cîents vo'rth of- e s, - rexami fi1e, 't aeven . ents- a. poind, ,wil furnsh ore hantwiýe the prote4 and six tines, more',seiergy,,,tha. oould be obtainsd by ti. same out loy for 1& poiterhouse'. steak at 21 cents &. Poundt. On. ra-son for tii. tardy appre. ciation <4 the. nutritive valuer o! nu4ý is lîheir reputation for indigestibil. ity.' The.disconfort fîon satinÊ lihen is otten due to ineuffcieni mastication -,andti t the fact tbun hy are usually sâten when- no neetist, as after a ligarty meel oo le t niglit, whereas, being oc concsutrateti, they siould consti. tut. an integraI part o! the menu, raVher Vian aupplenent ian aireai; abundant meo.l.- They should be 'usset in conneotion v&th mnore buulk carbohydurate 1"od, suci as vege- ,tables, fruits, bread,-craekers, etc. ,Too concentrateci nutriment ia of- ten Vie cause oif digestive distunb- anc., for a certain buhicinesa is eseential, to normal aWsimatiodz. O'n a érisp vinter nûnning a diii cf nut sorapple ia very à,pptizing and juet as nutritious as that made of pork. To make it, taire twcup- fula of cornmeti, unse<of hominy and a tab-lespoonfsl -of sait, and copk in a double boiler, v-ith- juet enougi boiipg vaten uintil it-is oif the con- sîskncçy for frying. While aVilI -hot atit t*o cupfuls o! nut neats vhicl hiavse been put through the cshopper, pour liste buttere-d paàianti ueo hike Itisi ecnappla. Peanut omelette is *, delic'ious way to serve nuls. Make a crean saucevîth oestablsspoon- -ul of butter, Vwo tablespoonfuls ci flour and tires-quartera o! a cupfu' of nilk, poured -in, slioly. ¶Take nron the.fine, aeason, add Vine.- îi;antere o!fa. cupfîsl of «round pea- nuts, anti peur the mixture on the ightl'-beîaten yolks -uf tires eggs. F'olti in tii sLifly-beaten vhitss, our into a hot baking dlish, and uake for twenty tninuiýe%. Nut ha-is is anotbe'r gooti br .eak- fast dialh.t Chop fM~e colti boileti potlAtoes, andi any other veg-eeable whicis is on hand andi put in a but- tereti frying pan, heat quickly anti ihoiougily, sait te baste, anti jugt before nem-oving f roni tie fine, stjr ,p,lightly alarge ë4»ufu1 of pea- sut neal for sach person te bu serveci. To prepares-the mea.] at ose, procure mev nuts, sisil tiem nti put in tise oven just long enougi bo booe the brown akin; rub tisse iff anti put Lie nute Vineugi thbe 'ninder atijusted te make mneal ra- hone t-han an oiiy uix s ru. This put In glass jars, anti k pt in a cool laee, viii hi gooti for weeks. It îay, too, be nasti as.,thickening for Fupa or sauces, or meny b. atidet i n 'qually arnali1 qtientities te bbseak- at muffins anti gniidîsecakes. Po- mto soup, cream estppu, cern or spare-gus anti beaui ,oup nay hi nadue after the ordinary receipts, )mitt-ing the butter anti fleur, anti Ading four tablespoonfuis et pua- Onu fusil>' h-atia nuLt uurkey fo ,hins-s in.stéati etordiriar>' tur .e, matie by sixing'Onu quart eo ftet dry bneadcrmbs vitÀh on- dnt o-f choppec Engii.is-wainnts- ru>' other kindof nuls- vil-i de-ans ,e cnpful o! pine nuLs, si-npl. ,asheti antiduieti, anti &titing j yuel teaspoontul et sage, tvo e Ilt, a tablespoontul ofet lse traIe>, t-vo -aw eggs, net h, Lin sisufficient w-ut-ente binti tht usa toeithur. T-huis fors int hi hape tof a turkiy. w-itlî pices el -acaroni te forsi the' leg boises ruish vit alittlebuttir anti bakE n hsoîr iin a si-ev ovin,' anti suive itis dravis butter sauce. A dim- er roat matieetofnuttI anti chu-est nitains tis.eolusents et mcut. Cool' 'e tabhespoonfulso! c-hopprti onior 1a liablfspeontul et butter anti à tic ivater uintil iL Le tender, then t vits il onu cuiptul cacis o aited chiese, ciepped IEngiah wîal- ts anti 'bruat <rumba, sailt and pper te tasti andtihie juice of hall limon ; se-isten vitih is-ten, usisîg iat in whic t-hiesonihasbien )okeci; put into a sîha-hiov baking sEj, anti brovn in heeven, Hick- .y niL boa! is enother dist wviicis n take tie place o!fnueîat e-t ci-n- nr. Fix Ivo cups o! rolheti nuls, cupful 'ea>is o! celery anti silk, vo cupe 'ot brend-crashs anti two ;s, suason anti shape, then hake ienty minuttes. Serve with a gnavy ion like otiser gravy. with Lise ad- to! o a teuspoonful o! rousti Peunlit seup tor supper c-n a <cl glht serves tise double dtiuy ot inui'atiig lise gnstric Juiices to icek action by iLs wia-rnth anti tur- shing protein Wt-ohei body te ne- ir its vate. PoundI Vo.a puaVe a ptul o! nuhats res sv1iili tise skin i hounri emevedt, adcl it -te a pint ilk. anti scaii; sîlt aa Lbie- eonfui oft butter anti six it vitl like quantit>' ef fleur, and iatit )wiy te tlîe milk anti ps-anus; Dk until it tliickensan d sason, VaVe. ChesauLs, teoo, make a lenditi soup. Bfl on<risqularto! eled anti blanche chessets in îee pinte o! sait vaeu rtil quihu ý;piss Vire-ugs a sieve anti etit oLeaspcuntuîs et butter, on sov- i1 ta-blespoonfubs etfave-et cruaïni, i siason te taste.ý If too Lhiek, d rusater. 'atieai nul -but cari buserveti Id iri place o! meat fer 8Sntay it tua. Put twoe cusspofetatîn a sauscepain. Wheis boiling atitia fui o! oatmcul, ut! r.-ing until :k; Lien chir iu a cupiul et pea-; re t nt 1- cl no R1IKSIGN-ALLEIKS BEST. Gi~na1 epndAtoîgèther' on Teegraph -and Telephoiie. Mucli of ths hardegt and most dangrous werk of the Biitish.armny ,s die by th.fla~g aiga1erikof:4 À -ny inal 5erdce. T1eý have often tç,'stand' inithe. fightinàj1îne,' waçging their" la6,m or working their fiash mirrors,- while the -éer- mnan rifleinen maso their fire against #~e Mzen who ýare directing the moveqne nts of «uno, infantry, and horsemen, The German army does not use our methods of signal'ing. The Germans re1li on field telephones andi wireleés apparatus, kept main- ly behind the. bat.tlefront. The Brit- ishi troops are just as good as the Germans in this kind of safe isig- nalling, but they find that one Êag- wagger in the firing-line is often worth a dozen telegraph and tele~- plions clerks a safe distance away. .A. good deal of the rernarkable suc- cess of the British in France and Flanders is due to the splendid worlr of their uninatchable signal- lers. Even if haif a company be- cornes detaohed from the arrny in the course of an action, it is usual-:. ly atble to "Lalk" to the main body over a distance of two or three - A squadron of scouliing cavaîr>' I louse. jin~>os '"- Io! hal! a balttalion o! advancing in--__________ I fanlry calinot, in the rushanti heat Io! a criticai action, take a nmils o!f IA VIIIITU fNU bers cf -tie opposite sex vWho,.under- vins anti an elettncal apparatus WHÀlI lU YUIIUIIIIIJIUI1 I -standthe.m.,- tvith them, But even in a charge, Sinesrity is thse keyzsate cf pr one man can nun a flag, and if the sosbâii a.I t e -v charge is-brought up 'sudclenly by BIG FACTOR IN TJETERNJNG they ans gesierous te Lie 'laWVe an entrericheti icat o! Lie eneiny, -CHARACTER. gree and viii voneider ri scriic tiie flag-ma a oc inal for teecgreat for the penson-Vhey carte cp I e an t bo sgntfals for~- If they are enuimis they wili wihe Ifim h ante-abrougcitflaa-fight viti t he most dstermine.ob- E vti um hi<auLi a ianikrchefGreat »lany Noteil Students De. stina'cy te tthe death. BiiL Vhsy-aI- on hie rifle. H. cari ask tis «un- msfihinteonorhy nrs to rake the trench vîti sirap- clns Their Beilef la the watea figliin Liii opbe-en oz> Inel, anti give them tie range anti de.ticeit. Attiieaine time neither teLll tien if tiey bit or miss; or lie mesn nor vomi-n b-rri in May aboýulti cari ask for supports te be hunnieti Doea t-he mentIt in vhic h oeis marry sarly, tlheir firet marriage ýbe- -up to streugtheri Lhe churging heion reAliy have aninfluerice on the ing usually-a miselr. coîumn. <haracler anti disposition antd suc- 0ýaj t itbë oni The work of tise fiagaignaîler je cesandt- happineag ini* Iifê I Tiere J'une -lLareeau st ivt1t os ber- f very simple. He takées aflag in are Lics vie oare inclinet1îs stare. htie ma dfut 'L t-e r- oaci haritianti stnikesijous atti the id5a; ti ï i, nl, ' h l ot-and colti p Y a te au-ino 1 ucIs-nigiitflag lielti tho upnelft.to hey helwritet sef sanie me- eg edstraiglit' ci ; ight fi hvu rnaide .,t aepecial'atuclys-of tmake cercs, 1v flag heî4 uvn ag ~subjeet, anti to compare t-heu.' State yrlcuee niacran<ae helti sidevays, lft flag struck up, mnsvton' vult niLa f publice pe-aiera-ail Viose vho anti se on. Each movemePt stands wtvs pa tigrl nlf' r- for e letterot t-he alpisabet. This o! hem frientis anti rela tives e ma bungnoe nlfistr. <ose conviricid tihat t-ler. is mmci h u f entioweti iti unttsualiy is knovn as the surnapionu systuns. te hi leame,,Ir.,hsewo am 's-ongtwill power, anti if-they ca BuLaieesagie cari le surit alnust Las tb- hoe epsrts.in.-rega d ttore onetemseivues Lestick te .unt quîciriy vils onu fiag. This is wav- tcliing the futusiréby l4in g Lieu hnïtintu id un tvo ways-orie a -long îvagglecalculatiens on'Vhs at un n niluntsuciisge the othe a short, sharp, flutter. one vas bora. un4ertake ixr-any apuere o! lite. Tise long waggle reprusunts tii. Probabiy 'nu 'man lias matie a Th B- Oltesi Cn. cash in the Morse code, lie short dloser sjuciy outhei subject -,tian flut-tun stands for the dot. "C-hure, a paînist -anti clairvoy- Perstuîn borri in .Jîly usu-ali>'-are A fev veeks age, aIt th battis of ant, Who muet tnuly ns-marks inri hu restess in disposition anti have a Ypntçs, sons o! the British «guns got book, *iWhsn Vere sYou Born?"~ constant Ierging-for Vraisel and in a vury hot corner. Thb lisuteri- bhat "'t-ie people ;ho hava- sons change. They> alvays ansensakiiig ant wantud anetier battery, a miii means at thseir comnandti t leari hunesp and ranely keeping tien. away, ho shrapnel e Gennan re gi- tiseir ovwn cheracters and Vhe dis- Iuchinedti te pecuhate anti make mo- ment tisat hati got toc Close anti vas positionset otiiers nust, certain>' ney qnickiy in ail gambles, lie>' siooting his gunners tiovr. Thurs hi Vlînice arme theVi battle o! i!., generally lose, viseneas in huuin'ess vas noeflditi elepisone handyerid anci consequently mnore, successful Vie>' are, as a rule, mogt*sucesfnb. hetors anyone couilti mn or ride thuan those Who know nothing o! Wit-h theur employer Lite>' neveu vith a message Lie Germane voulci suci things."5 11siirkvork or the putting forward have ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d cpueilsgn.iipe- Chiery saya ie lias ses-n many oe! us inturosts. But in acoordance wiced ntithoen Jive vire, Great selIdiers, leaders'in finance, did system o! training for all acci- ha people pessesseti a ai-g-ht knev- anti piublietien oft-si are berri in dents wiich is t-hi great distinction ledge of. tLiu evn dispositions, Auguît. -Tise nain ciaracténistici o! ui nny, ns ! ii unnrsthey migit have heuri Iav9ti, anti o! peopîs ý*hDse birt.h menthi s ij ofewOu iab ,o ou fag- eignah n He hie knowedge he endeavors te give are ympaty anti geneosity, ai- knwalabu lg-inlun.H n hie book. -- tienghu açmuvhat uptuu0at took a hantikunchiet, and, amiti a qikmeu i is>neuos as- hail et German hullets, flagged eut Jauuany's Influtîtîce. mies tiroîîgh theu tfrankness andi a message fer help. The distant srihfradeadhv , Britisis battuny <ibsuivet tise signal- Pensons bomu i-n Jantsany, accord- traighctfowancinîby eesni ve 's ling, traineti its guns on tis e ms, ing te "Chire," have stiong min*- andi in tise sud bucome bitter, auvent anti savîdtheti situation. Gersans taI terce, but tis> aej a rianti ovem-c'ihicai, su suci a case as tuis vomîlcihave guricrally sistierateot by <tiers Toubr i upebruu.l throwt ta ieie.UotrgeMflf p6 chage i It ejI canges-in 111 ; Il; b Georgette Crepe and Silver So u- tach Trlmmlng Makie a Lovely la urgcmae repe; ruusyWiý Iwsilk, cWf o repe'de ebinei thn Ve arrangement cf the. collai cau b. g"arant;eedi as a roal Qitel. ty. W. à e graduallygtig~e to eh4uikrs," 'but befor. bey coin- pltel2 nveôpus,'vo are aIIOvýed a .t'eep b'reith otf feedom in 8uuibI bzoad, baose collae as this, which ix pgtiçulàarly modish l t the:mCmepuf. The' blousee i-tsell, of-a.y of the fllatGl'als' rnléntio n d aove âov. a~ ~ G heioýjlee a crosp the front cf th buat ln, btenthé. etges of, vluçh uii uggg >apuffe qf sèl-fm týe. vIth the outijde eoýu'nrs la Ing In wpinte belqw-tli et h front edgèa' are lieeç-f iiels corti, as are ailoo the -ou4si, e édges o! the, dsep-fitted' ouf s. Th front çorne le cd the -taffitea~lJay4r tnirndl it a, silver -soutache. braitilng, andti hs et. eti a idly *Îfdt vtit'he'àamns.- Wii,. clouti 'pink; maie,oîr shoulti ais for noms fors ef public lite, for thuy genera.lly do best un sucit <ers. Tisey havi strange ici-as o! love, dut>' ant i alîpositieps, anti fer this neason t-hi>'are otten consi- ened odit, anti de net fil in eaaily with thein neigihos;., But Lie>' have vans heurts t-oward suffuriisg, anti as a mule give-lurgul>' te <ilarities. This is aiseea clsanacteiistie et pensons born in Febmruar>'. Whilî excellent in business antifinance, as a.ge-Ieral mule, tise>' are more successful for ethers, ant i uakre sons moue>' for othens t-han fürý thsemseuves. The>' are usuail>' higis- strnrg, ovemeensitivu andt, v-hile pet damonsratcve ini aff ections, !ei ver>' tespl>'. Thos orn in Maei have rat-hur peculian tensperiamerts. Tus>' are in-clinedti Labrotiandi bicorne el- anciol>' anti vonry about vhat t-hem future position ini lite ma>' h. "This state o! minci is, I tlhink," s5aiti "Cliiero," "lergil>' dus t-o their dishike anti dreati et beisg de- pendent on et-lens sors than fs-on au>' love o! nons>'» Main>'artiste, muSicians, anti hilerar>' people are bonis uin Masci , but t-ley mut ru- cuive escouragement 'h-o naikthe best of! lie-mseives. Strong '4111 Power. The main cia-acteihic o! tiscc 1 hein in April are strong viii power1 anti great chatmac>'o! purpose.j Tise>'ans berri figihirs; Lise>'have1 ail-te the greatest abilit>' in the for-1 nation e! big schemes or as Lihe 1 Iseatis o! big busin-esses, But tii>'j hîave thein disuclvantageimn lite,' for as a rulefhe>'ar ns sia.ppy in t-hein manniages. Tic>' ranily-mieet mesn-< IVWARI ANI) A11,11Allit. Pnetuent 11ar D)oeus Nt Differ 11îîelî l'roîtt 01<1 'iijelaigina. sThroughout tise aria o! tise gneat ,l war, tise viather fies day te day is i pluyinîg iLs part un tise campaign. iMoens ililar>' tactics; sotierri 1armanssut; setiern metosedeci ait fkmnds, have not in ais>' a>' ulimin- -atedth ie sweahher elesent as a tac- ter of tie greatest implortance. This aen>of tise pussent wair dois -not, tisus tar, neati se ver>' diffenunt- ly 1>fros tisaI etftise atonies et pr2- viens yîairs inithe same ceuistries. Iu 1586. the Spaniali, as nelatut b>' Motlîy, encouriteneti suci terrible raine on the Menus tiat the>' te- trsaheti. A privions fall e! Namur un 1692, vas iergeiy tins Lu heavy rains wvisic preventidth ie Englisi fions cnossing tise river ant iIneel- in Lie beaiuging French arn>'. Tic bnsglish ln Flantiers un 170S-09 un- dureci«ruaI isartisiips on accouist et the deep snova, visici bloketi Lie roada. Tise ceiti vas intense and the treeups, vie ure senrt ef finewooti, sufferuti sivenel>'. Tise Dulie o! Manihonougli vroto (1708):- "Tilb this tno-st yieids vu cau neither break «round faoîîn batteries non opun oui trenches." Tii Fnreh, in- Polandi n 180i-07, fottidsud tisrîe feet deep ; drencising nains; driving sl-luit; uuelting snov anti icy stneams. In tLiiiFrauco-Pmu.s- sian van ef 1870-71, ovin tic sne historie «round in France, vu me-ad cf torreritial raine; icy 'ruade; mmd- dy filds, and of suilenings on an- cosîrt o! colti. Sa tise star>' gees on, tues agi t-Q ago, fros anc war te tise rext, Vat- andtie Liieather : tise>'aeeca-tet] to-day. as tiseyvire inthe pa. physiîaîl>, piy«sielog;calIy, psycho'- legi-cahi>' anti as tise>'m ilbq unitil war shall cease. Fiai net min visa spesk î'vil ouf yosî; leai lest yen shonîti doevil. SPOIIN MUGICAL uiaxe gooa isiîiray vu-cics, UCing qusick te se t tieahr points, whiiî at t-hi sam.ohi-me thîy lune rapic nusaciers anti endoeet witi w-onri'- titi nemories. lIs thc uxecîttion of ali-nost aniytliisg t-hey set tieiri' ninti ons tise>'generally succeeti. A varieti carier is usualiy thse portion et puisons boninr October. Tise>' tten at'e suîcssfui ns specîî. latoîs or gnmblei's,' but have litie regard for suonie>, Largeii umser. ofut lie seins te drif t naInral>" îtW- tise sîtîd tieclaw, -antinli it they general>' makue a siame as lsyers, harnistera, or jutige s. lIs mur ages. isewevur, lise>'ar-e selcios p py, for in affsction lhey eppeu r to veigs setters tou sues. Curieus are tise characttiiics oil t-oseuboti ii inNovember, for up, tc 20 Yeats of agi t-ho'tîsîiaily a-re ex- Irense-Iy pure-minit-c, vinînous sund rehigiotîs, but once hemr nature il arouseti, they- are ofton (ounti te svinig in tise opposite - i:-.rianoi, TIse have grsat magnetic <w-e antin ludangei ant iun sutiduis 'Iscs' are cool anti tetertinnei. Man> of he bsst suîrgueons have heen boî'n uin November. lIs Decemben tse grcut ivonkers are beri, vie -neveu ses nte tire uiil t-hi>' yens-Vhemnselves eut. Thsy have cnterp-ise in bLtairuese, but rever fiel tiiemse-Ives. cenfinct te an>' onu line. Fer thia ruason eine ofteu ,fincis tii mnio! his par-- iod change f rom clergymen ic stock brokers, or f roui profssur- te tel- howsrs oft trade. As a nue'I, trous tiiei' intense concen-tration antivili. power' hhey are sucecsul in.ss'hat- ever tiey do, andti hey shouiti-ai- waya bu alloeuv iafiree ba;ndl un chfoosing tlirvocati-on. FOR PINK EE' EPIZOOTIC 01 DISTEMPER adCTARA rVR Sure cure anS positi've pniventivo, no mattes- 3si'svlianes at an>' ago are inIccteS on "oxpci-od.rLîquid, given On the, Stangua, acta on île Blood, and Glande, oxpe.ia the pcslsorzouu gertv.s from the lad.Curie Dlçimtrn uDog andii Bsee»' anS Cisolira lu I'ultn>'. Langcetetellîng lis-e ajtock e u-nsey Curcrn La Gu-Lpse Bsutong humsan betigau and le a'flue kidss'7' nesiedrv. Culthlot nt, Kecy il fîiciv il lii veur drugi h lho vii gKat Il for yau. F'r. oluoit, "DJ#tjcum-par, i(anui and Cime.." - ISTRII5ITORS-ALL WliCLE8ALE DPUOOIAT5' GQ., Cheilti ansuriBactorl:ogiàsi, Ceh3% lu", U.S.A. ICHIVES0OF ONTARIO_ 1

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