Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jan 1915, p. 3

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ers ô- ne "*Émut*bc m weFtoy aIthcMo,, M- c 'ÉIPiie andýÉbccy mut staya&t honte, Directqr of the'let us sol4e the piob1ernsat home. -01tiq the 8pecial Pd e, hava equal respongibility falgrant VW agriculture, madie Vo wit& itixoe. iohae oe e the mezbrs' the Easternt Oàtarlo frojt,, with th.,e in tihe trenchea. 1{ý>srYne'is AFerciaticn Withig ve ri2a muet blring it home-o tphe a hse -enfttdrt iv'ict doîng yoixr uty suuply, th h'ae pàtdtisim and pro-, te rea5u! tii. p:i-9d,-,f you don't chcip".Within. a 'week, accord- talc. the alv c nd increase pro- irxg te Mr. James, fiaring, ýPosters duction-you are not doing- your Ire-m ocean VO ocean willIbring home duty 'to youirself. the Doiion.or te the. Can-adian -fàrmer the reapon- the. Empire. sibility, thé- dity, 'the prihvilege h. "WWat wou,ýld you -think ef the hias ini the maintenance, of life in soldiier in the trench who'dropped the -Empire., t wil be &a cadi neot his rifle and ran? I-f you farmers ]ess important than- the cal te know h<ow.yoù can produoemore- arma. LIt ii projected by the 'Do- and don't do it, yen are in the eme1 Miffion Government, workinq in ce- cia-ss as thie mans who would drop eperation with the. Provinces- The hi* rifle and ruai first apal--.4he postei-wiLl b. fol-' b(.eeîî4is Al Over - Prevhnee. Iwed by conferenoes in ail tIi-e "W. pioset 1dmtnga c4uàtiea of 'the -Dominion, ,e ve!th roin. Wol eetings aIlhe farmers will be inipressed with th e rteP'vne ..~l ie uecessity oX doîng their-part in hbel - confêrences. W. %ÃŽ11 go-over thef - ng, Canadit anad the Empire in t e cth'essns and bring 'them, home te preen ciss.Mr Jamesi started th armers, so -they wilset them-, the 'apenth at Ontario' selv 1 fite produ 1e- the *food Vhe-TE«- '~heappel te eastrn pire calls tor. moiut prorinent dairymen. 94tVi inl uemei' on -Seuad Food n8IVeWlIl a8Mcii. to, be up te the farmers .of! tinis *"Tiie first appeal was for re- coun .try. Ail the financial mten say crits, " sa 'id Mir. Jî_mei. ",and post- it isi up to-the farmersi. -They are 'ers were up al ovér tiie country, going to save.Canada, if it is to be 'Recruits wanted'; *now there wiJi waved. But w'hie vou help te fced - '.another poster, 'LPatriotism and the rýmpre, and while yen help Vo production.' We are. developiîxg put Çanada on a sound financial ba- -Something in Canada we never sis, at the sa-me time you are help- thou ht we -had. We are waking ing your5elves. Was there ever up 10or the irst time te tii. faet that such a proposai before the farinera the Canadians a-re a people. l3ri- befoýe The. more patriot4sm, the ta~ to-day, sendî another message: morl production. Wc know more iedup net oniy men, but food.' thaniwe did in the past; new let-us 'The fariner Ëilb. as loyal along his do as mue-h as w. know." FRil MERY OL ENGM~Othe grss on their way te tth. front. ÃŽR, T Londnersthese Scotýh isol- diera corne as ever welcome gueisa and nothing istoogood for them." BEI 11 .jlI, ABOUT JOIIN Palme reShipbuilding and Iron ,L. No 1118 PEOPLE. Çompanv, Jarrow-qn-Tyne, ate in- stalling at their works a large gas-, driven power-heuse, in whieh there iOcirreilccs In lTe Land -T Ili will' be about 15,00 b.h..p. of gas engines, il driven by the water gas * Uclgno Suîpireniie ianfthc Cons- from'the- blast funa-ces. The il]- nierclial lVorid. stalla tion of gas engines and gai- n;aielaws. * - ter; pointid --'.out, A-ù %-téUnited'Stats -m peet the ffadeste >- rnea latalhy, in-- dlciný biy -a, frOul thé British a&i iirW ioçuge;whe'r -, LtaVd -îby hoe,, a-fter . whioh -the 18,ecietary sid ~- burned to-deuth.--- - "Th ii.-1tigh -Govonnifinzg i-ifbout îhe'4eé*h too£j>1ace in Londoni- deeiin~ he.quesion ,f iliity derry recently of Mr. I1at ick Mai- will eonsidei, tbe - pymenit, cf .'dam-, weii, lne o!fVthe best--known, sohicit.- ages- Vothk iniixred, "inf aad the cors in-the.ncërthweat, tiie failly o! he decé4séd." --Thomi.s McClàa'a cor-poral in the Fioms týi0s StaVe Depaintment effi- Pth Battalion I1rieh Rifles, was- mn ciais book it for granted, that daim- over l'y a moter lorry in Elsin ages wouid b. pa-id after tii. Domàn- street. Belf-at,-a-nd- killed.-. ion* authorities ha&c completed ttieir At Belfast, George Hopley ha-s ,nquiry. been commîtted for trial ch-arged f iith eommunicting- information TO - BUY IIORISES- DIRECT. I calcula-ted te be useful to the enemy. - 1311ita'bept. Deeldes to DtýaLOn1y Mrs. Cooke, Muileaitine, Porta- - fflth Farmers, or Owýnérs. cown, ha-s received an -intimation A deapateh f rom. Ottawa. Saya- froin-the War Office thst her son Specula-tors, herse dealera, etc.* has been killed inr action a-t the wiio are eibdeavoring te make a pro' front. fit by purchasiaig hqrses f rom farm- It is-proposed te fit up and-lfully ers and re-scîling tbem at higiier cqui-p -the Exhibition Hall, Belfast, figures te the Govermient for- mili- in a hospital anad Vo place the saineJ tary purposes are notified by. Vhe a-t the disposai of tii. War Office. 1 Militia- Departinent that herses wilI The dea-th ha-s ooécurred a-t New- à bc purc.ha-sed oniy direct f rom tiie townbutler, Couaity Fersnanagh, of!' fariner 'or ewner. Dealers are te John Clarke, a- fariner, who iiad( b. barred by the Governinent reached the remarkable a-g. o! 108 agents in charge eoftiie purchasea. years. The a-m e! the Goverment is to Over 500 employees of tiie Corpor- l have the maximum cmunt o! mon- ation of Belfast are new serving ey reach' the fariner, wrhil e a-t the, their eountry afloat and ashore, E ameý time insuring fair paîrchase ec eatetIaigsple prices for the -Govermxent. - qhavinofsueplied - _* Exciting scene-s were witiessed'atI t i ý aresthitier %nensnii, ings uDunywhen over Ne1 ine,10 $. 27 u;2 nwornNteoath-7,e Valley o! the Meus uti There regardte8theilrs -ofiraelNantr *1Icleaning plan of 09: fe-d- th clenin plnt s te lrget h-thr- aîm:îb. Pesetaton or se o oe thou-san-d men assembled te 8-249; Nu. a nerthern, $1.202; n4 'o!the Belgian frontierweeth Thee ae 5,43 mies ofraiwayo oderd i tht ounry.Lt s divecatieoffgorzinsladaO.W., 5" . 6. .81.5No.e i n h a c u n ry I i d i v ýc tt e ff g r zi g a n s n 1 :10 ;. O ao ' O. 2'Ç $a - N a r e- 1 0 ,0 0 0 p e r s o n s -a-b l i42raesfin ra oict.' - the'Or'xete hts ! h e ln-the Army- Lord Digby's estaVe. feed, *52e; extra No. 1 feed, 53e;. No.ai out food. Ou-r i'lvsîaî h tion ~~~~~~~wli be in operati0n after îiid-sulm- A despatci froin London says: A One! the few strilces durinrg war 2 6N3W.,.c;f.3u4 . 5e lx-o. htalrenme !d to! o Crueîty - to 4nîaihaisis W- mer. fleet cf 41 motor ambulances, four turne is reported froin Meath, where -founded in Englaaid in 1824. t The returns frotomthe London Pc- lefficers' car4, five motor trucks and tii. employes ut the corporation gas uldtea- Utates Markets. DO CTORS, MARE bI F E Tihe aurner of catm li the United lice Courts show that siacet the out-- ten motor cycles ha-s been piesc-nt- works a-ad other municipal under.' bard, $1.34î; No, 1 Northemn' $1.299 te Kingd-um is abut 7,OC}D,000, and tht' break of the war there lias bee2n a Mdt-o King George for the. use 'o! takings have corn.eout. M$y$344teNo. 231. Cern - :îuinbex- of d,,gs 2.Oa,Oý)3. rNerabe ecrrn i crme2-Te hterm-Wontedahaajhfiinla'Th lrks aditon$132à My, 1A1 .Con ,iVitoricCt sshaabeea co- rmarabl dereae i criecon-he Wy-bh-eheMahaaja Scaida -Tii la-estaddtio tetheectep- o. >'llo. 61 t 66e. Ots-o 3Freeb urgons - frrc uon iet. olb'ok, hecriisuinal liaR turned patrio)t," said of Gwalior. The -cars, after the nient o! Queen's UJniversity el- wie.42tu 494c. Flour and bran.un- Adsae ri avrs, J3rrts er o otise ardelb'(),e a M'?t-l--p)Iitan police niagistraite to prea>eaitatlpQns a-t fuckingham Pal- fast,-.is a hostel fdr girl itudeBnts, Iult, has 2-haîgod r. A hesach arsymeia co Sir. John Bark.r, - Lonons mii- arfrsnttv ! th odon Qace, 'er rîedby .aig, provided by tbe. issRdel,«~ ~ 2 o Northeri29t 1.299;.May, N1.339 have set a-part thie.emiet lioniedeart~u 7intstore , ows ,may h. said to Ia-ve tumied indus- Prince Henry. Tiie'Kiaig then !sent Corporai R. Elphick, 2nd Royal lIVe Stock Ma-rkets. a-ad Sebilean, te inake 't~-ei trionea. ltlieoreh tii. Iwar tii.72numbera personal telegrain o!ftha-aks te -Irish Rifles, cf Belfa-st, ha-s dicd i Toroato, Jan. 11-B3utche,- steers, pis -drmv ifnai years of age. ro uist e, oen aad mteairs-the Indian potentate. pis n env Ti.avmg legt fEgl'mnouf om athwoenretaad ien es-___Nottingham _Generai Hospital as $7.:75. $7.60, and $7.50. Gond breught from tefa-ceofto Th8vrg iili fEgihe 7.25 to $7.50; medium, 86.75 te $7.25,c !tos one is 4 t ~in., bSeotsisoen 5 ft. 8 eefroo an siete ythe a ivtin l'L MOEONFNDR-theresultefwoi"46-received in the and cemmon, 86.25 te $6.75. rat cews, the var. If a imlanbeos h~nt in., Irislimen 5 fL. 8 ini., a-ad Welsh -inh $- e~TChphe 6.25 for meuluni.,nnd $6 to 86.50 for any part -ofhs a-ce,oraagr meai ~~~ fbI. Amyin.rage 2,0 a night. Since Dsoey3aeWie ...Tan Amnag tiiose who have been a-p.- cemmea. Goed to chelce bulîs ranged ment is cauged by a wo, tef Te top e a rc6%iîyipte the r woare nigîsmorepî jnait hl- Rned Fort vryNae Wlim . p ran ointed Companion of tiie Distin- freni $6 te $7. Ceed breedy brougrht $6 ill by skiai graflin Thetopofa. ecntl paencd Rw-led or Wilim. .te $6.60, with nmediumn at -$5.7ô te $6.iii- b rpa or woar-nihty wet itoshl-guishcd Service Order in recogni- a-ad commun a-t 85.25 to $5.76. Milki- aaid the latest discovereinsr table for use,. on siipboard is kept, os epthfrmFr ilim ino evcs sCpan R. j. crs fron«T $50 te $90. Geed cales, $to cal science wiîl be use e ee level by a-a ingeajous combînation 1 1 - 4.----- Ont., sa3-s: .When tiie-C.P.R. train Kcntisii, well known in-Belfa-st atii- common a-t $5 te $6. Lambs, *8.50, a tii. deformity. Severa aesh- -.of weights a-ad Levers.T1l6TÃŽFO E A. fonWnie rie hFrtW-ltcrlq. shade heavier gelng a-t 88 te $88.25-6. ad en uC Over 800,000 houseiiolcs in the - TIt;îsIOtTE»i rmWnie -rvdia ot~i-ltccre.Other heavier welghta changzed ha-ada -ray es s'cfSl ne -lia-m -on Tuesday aight ýtn enormous Lb response te a widespread de- a-t 87.50 te $8. Sheep were steady. $5 taken by the thre sros 10niped Kintdofthe Pr es . g Jeaiousv is thc fear or apprehen- tbullni-oe ewa-s found iying acrosssrm so b pr !mmeso! te $5for heai-y. a-ad $2.50 to $4 for Younig corpoa oisdprtob Sionbofuî 10 per cent.n% o! tii.n-"fheifiies,. seiengo!imal hdptheoryal Irihenoysourlaryfor tbes.fender $7.T0offbig , nimalfebadae1ka- bawaI - 'empoy dmesie srvans. asinees under it.-Shenstone. been etruck whcù i e train was a ctic R oreii rcotary, for bueka. Sgei7.0otcarv765fu aena-e n oasa- asel ..L isp-onte on til te sop- There je a-paradox in pride-; il few. miles frein thQ City,buit thi faciltes-te sere hhir oaine poiuts. gventenewse, lef jaw4a ,page -o!f ootball would hhrow naarly iu-kaa smemeairdicoms aai pr- ngaicr hougbtitha ben tisecoî-eaeri. a- obaiiedîet-51'Jan,1.-Pim beve. oc;chek.La caeswlsreleeita- -o.ooo- wage-earaiers idie, a-ad u-n- vents ochers f rom becoming sa-,-thrown to the side o!, the track. 4risinàronti Wt ffc o es . 830 to$85 . alys S e, Se. S eep fobee, have bis saidts-. ucsf peril £9,000,0ofo!capital., Colton. - supply 200 volunteers for .service 4ptle.ant {g. ~. fotes abeengm-et rn Towards tii. ceet o! a proposcdl - Before yoit are five-and-twenty VIOLET RAYS FOR FRO S;BIT E. with tii. Irish Guards. COPPE-$625--TO plant oet-db cor t a met-ho- a-ew Pu-bih-6bibrary f-or Bet-hal yen must esta-bliu'iia ciasacter that Thefs oprto a as Green, Le. h in, Mr. Aadrew 'Ca-r- will serve yen a-il your life.-Lord IVili Be' afiGreat flouai o Solirs li ed resolulions applyiaig te tii. Pub- Ti [ h rc emn oN negi. ha-s promssed £s00. Collingwood. the Trexelites. lic Woiks Bua-rd for lbans o! $180,- TsL iePryie.Grmany hat NoCai Th e- eetyrahdLn itr elrsta opto,585 for the erection o! working-class - Pyn o t Wi- oa(a o Tii.~ rcenly eaced Lrs- Hisorydecarestha nenaton, A despatcb frein Paria says: Vie- lodging-houses, a-ad $146,735 for A despa-tolif rom Geneva, Swit- You ca-n help yeurfelwn- 'don that Ca-plain La- Hende-ison, !, owever great, is entitled te try te let raye are prescribed for freathite lie Abbey Sanatorium. zerlanad, says: Advics receive,4 You muet iielp your felome;b o! the. London Scotîish, wio wa-a IMPOs 1 its -ype o! civilization oni y Dr. Pougnet in a. paper te tic here' from Germa-ny set forth that tie oaily waLy yen ,caaihl hi wocunded ini boti legs, is a prise-ner obr.Vsoïi Bryce. . Acadenuy o! Medicine. He says su!- copper, owiaig.ttei great demnid by being thi,-soblest an ic e -in Brussels. . We mue,-t know ourse-ives, and if fering seldiers à-e rapidiy cured G-MN' ODTFF. adti iitdsplkxow sel-i. ma-n Via-t ài possiblefr e Sevra aewbatalen o Sotis tht ee nt ere t dseve tîïh weaitakeai froinitiie trenchea Vo ah- sig in the Empire for 2,500 marks be. I watci, t-b-e wormn si regiments ate aow quartered or bih- ' i l ~Ieast serveos teregulale our low their affected members to b, Beiîag .Exiaaîsted ut Rat ist~'c {(<)(65 -Vnuon tii buing wh siec yaadb letted in villages on lie borders o! lives,i and there is notiing more passed lirougi violet rays o!fume- -.iofe 200,into he$skis, te tsni Sussex, Hamnpshiire, a-ad,- Surrey- just.-P~iascai. dinin inî.aieity. Tons Daily. A fa-ir pricç'in Anse-ica fer cop- pina-des Up 'Vo heaven;aad e the. Royal S-cote, Viie Camerons, anid +-poabydriemr hpi A despaVci f rom Paris says : fier- per would be $300 a ton. - hum lookiaig up a-ad wadr t he Argyll aaid Sutherland. ness f rom work for otiers Vian frons ilOfrRprto olal. mn ilatal ei o treweetoepnaie O! a total of 109 mille aad 110,009 mihat wc do fer ourselves. To work 1 bi lTr tphretuentdltiofma ny iiatalybg e st-iv t icreies. pw innales r bb leonsin umlya-ad ri.flldfor pIliers coônsecrates evea tic A despatch frein Roesaays: Thebyteaio!nx May, EaYs KING ALBERT'S BRAVEIIY. tika o hg le r eb loos i , urny ad Bie-fied iiiusblesî ,,lalor-Lord Avebury. Austrian Governinent lis o. idCia-rIes Richet, the scientiat. To- mauigtefew eldven mille cot', ag 6642aios A truc waihlîcreafle i eFr ein -ic ta hs ntiiedday the resere f-- - m reproalyLd i rop n $.teyarengtie fe t odrigle have stopped work a-s a direct e- Vieg tIirlis dn.laititwrare VieOfic s s ooatifs .e- e kscramiming a rte hn thegfý,d eha dyn i te or V o t ascertain whtier four Ita-lian enoorgous but are beingrapidhy exuildinglai tis 8,536 lbomssare on fulil ime, a-nd 70 pewiIa-sk wiah property ha-s h-e er Vtae capture of Beigrade, asha-s daily.A d f pt.frgesais sas:The ii. s et te orf.et ilu oretli mille onrediced hune. - left iýhi-nd hi-m? Butthe angels bec,, widely reporled in Ita-ly. Tlehcîr !St res sas te inals,if b. image or odol In a-aiinterview given te I-le 10n- ivilli ak, wiat, good deeds lha-elie Austrian Foreign Office ha-e given laCsmtDd.' Iuk ii tand fad o Kibaig Abr, wo n frbsisiain u h -dbn representative o! the Paris Ilii- sent before is ?-Kora-n. notice te Vie Italian Foreign Office ma-ile, David Lloyd George, Chiaai- ~- ViaV si is prcpared te resedy tihe "Yes'm î" it bas just been disclosed, person- tiiing tiat lie muet dojetpta ocîbor o! the Exciiequer, saye :- mista-ke, -if cia. wa-s ma-de, -a-aid will "Wiy are yen sitîiaig on tiia-t ally led bis troops in ti-j brilliant brave, stroaig seul1, a-ad hn'tai "Beèfore spring 500,000 fresi Britishi UNDER FRENCHL RULE. offer reparation. boy's fa-ce V" opemation. Tii. King is now, direct- .ustnùh !. m-tïé owVebul-s -seldiers wiii join those aiready in Wv1- "igteailryfeaansthlu8 France ad Belgim. Britin 'has orty-on Towns nd Villa"Didn Lnnet LteîîYayen "D dhIays tGerma-ntobawaysriema, -and wheai-anthese t Phullipeli Brooks.s at present more thah twe million A Iat.despatci f rom London sa-ys:count a hundred before yen gave theallibens' ada-ce. i! g-nLa men under arma.," Tic1 ondon Morniaig Poét's cor- Sir Thomas Lipton ha-s iea-aed 'hia wa-y te passion a-nd &truck aneitter Seedy Individuai (stolpn pds "If youa have ayav doubt about iespondeait telegraphe from Berne: steans 3acht, Vie Erîn, for the use boy NtFrSfi i@.ra)"adnm.s hew cio selyScellaani î te ehearh "Foily-oaie towns, aad villages li o! Vie Servian aaid Monteneginai "Yes'm, and in <loin' it, I'm e FrSfeyFia.look very mucii like a mai ko o! the Britishi Empire, sayp' a- Cor- Alsace wiiicii have been eccupied by, wdunded. He wîll aocomp any the juat qitting on hie face se hell be "L 'd corne over te ksss ion only Pedesrian-Indeed! Weiynlo responide$st, 1ýiat drep si on Lon. Frenach troope since the outbreak expedition in peison, and a.sks for here wi.n I'm dons countin' VhseJlm afr-d<fustsgVebat"lketim- o' aatt n on twp, a-ad se Vie Scottîi sol- o! hostilities, arc now admia"iistered assistance in stores aad moiey I .de. can swim, 'Hebeit t" Good-day." Ahers encamped in the parksa a-d on by tic French aýtÃŽthoitisi." - -------_ FOUR COMM. DRS0 EW jisIH4~I8 TflKS SLALJ HTER HXIST ANS A deMpat-ch froni-à.theris -ay s:Tise Manissa, w-lere tire. notables, un-. Qreclc cruiser 11.1e arried at <luding two arcibishop, were a- - T t ni, . ts1 I A-4esýp f 1 frr~ uL4?d(a s : " the * - 1 t SI:s ~ e vas't cOQ1U-ct ?bçtwen the. Dii 10,4 'ýo tack' ùrotc ,est8ern sia-ni and the Austro-German armi- ç~ andANU j i. isi'C roý,-qkf jesin Cntral apd Bouth Poland 0... qut 1. 60 auto i 0 >d - et Galicia? ha.reacheci Rs in ~ emp>orarv etae«f deadlo-k[ac- ThFi,, - S Pe w - - M n è d c n . - 2 9 . a i t ie o r c i n g ' t n o f c a C c -.b L o h, t'se ou. ion:etogrdWlh âenem', ~i-¶PhiAi1 notable for the. ip4oimati<,n faonsý anad hýt,..ut3z$27 $28 ~O ~tiiat ,Marflm- -von H ihdeabt*rglà lots.5.15 pe' tiig of forces lve aàdopted le4pping t in on the 'Bzura-%twka front west oflrp. C.Outi po !ne*, Wari w. ph Itt e r-C h oîe dair y4 '- 4 -t o 25iç; In _____ ýreýbeing adfvinbed ,,rby t .th e, t.- , 2(r èapjy 6oa e la* dnPx»t0.._ -hes - p large. late;- Il e. ý Uen-.rîmbUb. 82.50 te h4fdpced,». to $28. otte -.otre 5to 70cepee eut etstre, 5 te SOc ln carlots. Bru lweka, 1r t,60 té oSc ei Baô-on clear, 13J te l4jep ln ease lots.i-IaM»-Medium, 16 tc do., heavy, 14j te 16e; 'relis.14 te breakfast bacon, .14te 18c, backe te 21è; benelesa backs, 22 'te 28c. L-rd-lIý, te 11e -fer'tierceso, a ill te lic fer tubsaai aIs 13&d ay >' $#*trW. ID àalers re payS qg aa fellows fer car lt Geiveries on t ack ber.;- Stra-w la, $7 .50 te 8os a-,tolcalts o n tra ek h e re . - o , l i c - e s Ha-y-Ne. 1 new hayr. 816.50, te $17 on tra-ck hereNX e2 at 15 te 155 a-ad No. 3 a-t 81 te81850 n'and a number, fti-dethe: ,;10kt rt;-T *'=WFo i Menea-rby and ste robabepl re s d j te eb s tthus appears th t fhre t U~' çal ef -s o tns great mmtude, ýoniue'c.u offdensiveYThe. u- $27 q isuicklyhbeing converteit skige atien east o! Craçow and in the Car- ar bag -w rf r aI o t id e-ntical -w th th t 1-pathions isd cr ý as i'Slthou t New~ àwi4h orsosn leea bsbeen important ehangé" - - r ,aKg. proceeding -on. the Aimnead & tTh Graanstatement issued Ysrin the we.tern war theatire. YThur»da tihrows no ight -on ýthe per lb, 'nTere*lia-î been,' however, one situiabion in Poland, beyond thej tact 141c; brisk Combat i tlhe'Wars&w region jtohat the continued iaiclemùent, wea- 's. 2â recently.. -The statemfent recordisthér ha-s 'made bp&ration. exceed- Lnd at that i41. German -nspt d rm nl dfiuto account 'of the. 14- usiNrneanaSohcw, ud ZRENKPEAANTSSTA VI NG Many Deaths Have Already A despatch frein bondon anYs: already had occurred there fro» Herbert C. Hoover, Chaurman o!: Sta-rvatiôn. Despite the siiortnesi' the. American Commi.ssion for iRe- o! the, rations lin Beigium', Our Bel- lie! in Belginin, returined Vo Lon- gian.celleagues agi'eed that we- don on Wednes<lay !rom a tour o! must, share the last crîtet with these inàpection o! the work'being done poopie. W. therefore sent, them for -the CommissIion b Belg-ium;- food ou-t cf our l-iited Bi-Lgium 'In a statemieatit ssued Mr. H-oover stores."- said.: Mr. Hc-over als5 issued a report "An appaIling situation ha-s bcen 1on the Commis2ion's work il Bel- presented te th.- Commission wiiI gium, in whiciah hctàys the" organi- Occurred IProm the S- .uhère subjected to bitter pereeu- -protecting the Greekezi there in etion.Groec-Turkiesh relations are o! te inurgnt cptue oftheraPidIy becoming excessivPly strain- town. The pcis.ition'of the Greeks ed. Messages from the Italian f ron- in Turkey is dailyi becoming mnore tier gay that in Ital]y ail public - preeres.Mres fCrsti meetings and demonstrations ieaiu.Mreso hitan fa- Wo¶-.,roughout Asia Minor are of con- ver of Italy's intervention in the Stoccurrence. The latest eut- war have been forbidden at the. maire ,3 occiarred Mt Karaoglon, near Italian Cona&ul&tes in Bwitzerland. amcs, Wfith Tomimy Atkills Proliibited A despatch f rom Berlin says: The western theatre of war at Christ- Germam army -authorities have 18- mas. To sucli an extent was thils aueda gnerd oder r<>ibii~n ~~fraternizing carried-out that aton !utre rooa n tie el~ Jornfra pace where thé <3rmans and -Bnu- futue toojs iAbefied fom ratish l .ayed football Christmas Day lernizing with forces of the enemy, they agreed-to auspeùri4 hostilities .s tleoy'did at several pointb, mn the for two days more. Bit Rorace L. Smith-DorrIen, 2nd Arsny. - - -... I ... Lt.Ã",Genral: Sir, Douglas Haig, -lst -Armi. Lt"l ,re 1th- oiw- hy r--/ )TI 1d1111.11 1\ in'11fflu1fI in o -e- ce - I)stindee Scl,4,l Bt-ard. lias ac-t t d deigoes fop ilaicfu- ptîsi-eho - supplies ies NeIll n the roail to e om- piton. Lt is aided bv 50,009vol irmteer workinen, and i-here are ';nly a few I(Ccaliiies- to bc relief han aI ~ ~ t aIV acto $s9 population oi 2.000. lias carhic 250 amen LOth ie. ~lss Iof l -in tîr li a re i-e se tin g a ni.(- toi ambulance foi- wkait thae f ront. - - giai d~ecretary cf St-at2, a-d-drcsc-d a large-meeting ricc-ntl3-un tii4 AI- b.d- Ha-l. Dîsadet-'. Privah -Thoimas a-fs,(!- stircas Guard,-. son o cf ('r'r--c l)ari- 'e A les il j- d t e t o i s Atg Hoawi-, h La pî-n er cf wyab GIa-s0w Uisivi-iî3- 1-15 graduâ-tes receiv7ed ftiseir<legrees, man c! tues brisg volier).- -.Ms'. Ctitsaingliaîn-Ci-.alîarn lias Of- !cred Aaine's LdeArero y te tihe Admuiralty a-, acsa-ecai m- for' naval officeîts. Inlimalii-n has becai s-sived in C'tll-en that Sergearît (I Duancan, Eof o!Mrs. ])uncan, f>e-leford; lia-s been k idii, acti9uI. -There svili b, nu meli'og-t'MIIscpsl Association t-hieseaai as ne fewer tiasi 17 îîenibers cf the ci-euj- are sesrviag %ut1,i te 10-, Tic Editîbisî 'gh Rolyal, l'sfiria-r"y h-as re-ceivcd corne }een-dsom-e I-ega- cics latly-, one î:ri~~ of sboo - freux the- late Mr. JohiCr-al- EFight W4)uusîcled - x- IivrS.0!flte Belgian a-nm: are siow lt din Monyil Ca-stlp, lPer-tiasire: w-bicl-< iias been fit-ed up as- a li-otptaL Tele-plsoiic cenirnusuiicatior is t-o bc establ-ished betweea t-he hock-uta t lise on liesusilit r'tise Caille l)unbar a-ad Vie c4-astguia- station. G. and G. Kysit>h, Keiti. hv ,secuîrc-d -i centra-et froin th i rnili GeOvemnsent for tise ma-nufactuare o! A par-cel coîstaining ("Qiiorts for tic Pe-ebîehire compaiaies o!fVlan service buttaNon of t-he 81 Royal Stsï beaigen t . cdiweek f tomi A suni o! fuily $3,5C-0 isas beesi colehicted in Phlem, foi- a xuo.- to-r ambulance, forthie fi-ont. The ammint beyvoid thle price -o! thie car wlîich is te ced $2~.000. je lego tu- ward.s rîiinig expen.àes. A .arg& aisi-niber -o! Belgia's refit- gees1fhave sriived ah Lssnghol n -d -a-me being accominodated a-I Lang- heinlmTxldge, wbich ,hîs been piaccd a-t tiseir dispcsai 1)3 the Duke o! -Two B'elgian refuâees wlio - ad found thei ' wa-y Jronî Antwerp Vo Scot4and'. werên rr-icd in St. ,Ma-ry'e Roman Catiiol-je -Cathed al, F.dinburgi. They were- Jula Fuli- bert and Barbama TJýkstra. Tii. Ba r.of Egliaihen and Wins-, ttp Loircl'Lieuitenant .o! Aymahire, Uma1lyý op'.ned Vhe Ayr - Union -Ja-ck Club wiich ýhas& been inîtitsteci fer tihe use.'o! stcdiers'-a-d sailors quartered in Ayr a.ndneigiiborsheod.. t- Lack of Fôod ,

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