Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Jan 1915, p. 6

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* Cf~ ~~~e un,~ y1 oiiX Boyce bas bo 11h regrt of th v57poey PC. Lwr, Uif. H IU M d Ui. î. u aUy, 9Place lu Tocn- lu lby, apuol New Tesi'. wit& t&MMA.-bId l 1r._a'iLr. Jobs Grill. ros trouble t LrTheP&USteItI Lgus e. ,arYM Important, metig on,,Wdudsy RLIN MADErTOORDER AT A GREAT BARGAIN. 11 For the remaindor of this montb .11 fan2cy tweed suites or overcoats at sa -etraîiht 20% discount. Muet keep 11handa ýuey, Ihence the reduction. Ahl orders loft with us,- 1 nd paid for previous te, January l8th, will* givet >rou ballots on the Orale- eola Centeet. Put your candidate a4 Ithe head cf the liaI. Saie now on in puis-IadgtDwa.. lui1, bas bera visitdug relatives Je. Mià" MiriainReed, of Osbaws4! ba beeà vlatuns ai the -home om Mr. aud Ibo.' A. etcbe. i Tii Patriotte Commteshae si freu* 1 pply cof Tain, and thow Vfabing to do anty Ihttiug May ge ilieïr m"ply by' cslling ai Mins 01- ve'ibee 1lir.eATÃ"bI Bllght bas gene te Pet- ooro , where ha bas sccured a Pool- «CÉ wfftha suCi ompany-. Mis Lillian B3rwnwss lu Whitby fer a few dayu us week, reUoev* thé assistant ait the UP-wU îtatli, wno Io«ffdut>', tbrougthei., f. su ad lMn., WiUi Draper - bad a gatberfug of ithe DraàpS, famnl> - oM New Year's E>vi ah Iber--homo. Gres i ntenaitlabelng t«kuýinl- Lawrce's GrafouQis cotait ' Tua ôtsndiug whsn golng te presi was as fo'lklWs -Maste - Chuffod lIynard, 1882, Mim>Mabel China 1,0", -Mit» Karobail880 L. Webbor -599, Mum M. Akey 6299 D. Bunna 208. .M.Lawrewe *faute X a ltegoed drled ap~les hom eaugs, ai - . HigbiSi markiet price.. pad. Mr. Lou Aliems le! t on Fr14.'laut for iiguiton, whflbereW.inlattend Dam>'Sobool. 1On New Yers Ev. *e- ehurcb beg l tolled, thie -ld yesr out and thie New YearW lu. Wit mysif fzgrs sway- idth h.bel? viss Jewel MaruhaI, o1 Toronto, "M New Ymers wih Misa Lauris Qu"tes ]lIy hcio!youis Peo- pl. enjoyod the skating! ou Fràane' pond on New Year's, Day. -Mns.Galieti>' la vîiting la Toron- ",,m oveUg5WImoW a«ts UOWe.. - The tfi Wow -g!veniAWILY by hbe !$*lklooked 'c1arng tu choe, ith 1011aa4 mand« gebOitn and cariiig a wbis ra rbo= She aueo rO a beautifulbrooi e lÃŽ& peor., be 9M ft " te groom. LLtle Mses 1velyn 'Birkett, in paie bine d11k sud wbiteilace, ud Doris Mo«Ore in pâlepink .11k sand ,Wbit0 180,@eh@liCarrylug a ba*t cf plnk roue and whte narcinaia, madé pro"l$y tie Scwer gils, F'olowing the Soremntly a reeption was heId 'bt the bo111e of the bride'.- paiEtis for ithe reastiv«i and fin ,The preeisrecetved by the bride wsre very numnzois and c0059Y. Attr sveai oata dbeen Pro- pond tMmd resp1ded to, tlebhppy sud. cofetti, on tO 'lo* train. for Orilli iasd o eplofni.. The. bride wore a bueidi'witb bat to mout&hsnd miuk tun, Stais of Olo ity of roiedo. 00*# Le.Couoty. 1I Frank J. Obeney tickes oufb tht be la senior ne*l iriof P.1. Ce uy an.de aforemianad tha. a àwfll patbeaum of OSE EU DRED DLLaRs for est said ecry mam of Otrrht aucnna ecîd bythe uSe 6f Halles C ttarrh cure. FRpot N 1CENEY. sworu tobeforemelailu 0 Ibd In ypres. I neS, tht. 6<h dey of Decembe, .D. 8. (Suai)A. W. LXASON, NOrTAIT PULIC. ma,1'sCatarrh Cute lkiaken lutarnal!o.and acti directly on the blood and muSui sufacesOf 1 be sy.temn. 8sed for teaiot1=l' 14fie aPlJ. CRUNEy a CO., Tolede, o. sodby &ldiugglst%.7C Take ails Plamily Plir. for conutipation. wAUDLEY. isPratt li ipeudingt te lolidays wlib ber parents. Mdii Pansons la vilng with. 0 &MAmU 170 m Ut mA. 1o iPrimer.- Albert Keuueiy, 1!les ADA R. SLEÊP.,, F'ERIN STREET P. S. .senior Divisiion. Naines la, order, -of menit. I., Waugh, P. Stirteveft., E.* Wills, W. Smt, R. Goldring, M. McLed. Br~.1-. Rose G. Lundgren, R. Reyuoldu, A. NoCiuesaud, R. Van- stoue, A. LÃ"we, M. Rosi. Ar. III.-!. Allaway, R. Blow, J. Gtantt , '.Waugh, J. -Smutbwel1. Sr. 1.-A. Kennedy, E. Burdge, P. Crouch, k. Burdge, ,,M. Allaway, G. Kcennedy, E. Roui, A. Stair, J. -Blow. *Jinior DM"iio. Jr.'!I.-L. '1homp.a, IK.-Southi- irell, A. MoLeed. Pist, 1ook. -G. Goldrig, Aý. iGrant, A. WIliII, C. Brown, C. Alý. leuI, R. S#irt«ea. Br. Prfmer-A. Brown, E. Crouch sud C. Pmny (Oul), N. Goldrlmg, M. Starr, V. Sioa, z. Lo'we, l. Moore~, J. SouthweE, G. Barroa, P. Intemuediste Primer.-R. Blow, M., Arnott, C. Reynolds, S. Staff, 1- S*arr, C. Lundgte, J. Lowe. Junior Pffmer-DV. Scott, 1.L- mnax, J. alam G. Lomax, A. SEPARATE SOHOOL RIEPORT. Te De Po Ge a v e u , ~ - w v - '1 r o p a s d â a uy ln , T o re n te o a ua d n. E. B r m eil e n I1meà as& RBoys Déember12, Vers P. Osnblv.iN f ii rst uBro@Iii. lM UI~I@ Bh~ JW ed daugter of JamS ne&d argaret Làins and Ena-. -Puekltrn sud tam- 41 Cheyne,, formerly o! Brookllu, and 1wM w6f6 thé,ibformei'p parnto ie vite of l'arry S. Grahamn, of 828 over the New Year. oI Daveupeni Road. Althcugb she had T. sud l)is. Vlpond àWd sons were been lnIR 11 ealth for soue tira., ber vithR the latter'@ -parents, E. Va»- CI Overoat. datý wae a great ihock te erret atne frs4rwd7s tien Re Ladies' Aid- meets thfs Thur&- t day atteruocu St thiebume Of Mma. mulb'.P . H. Westney has -Uic materit! x W . w Law rence, - Brookiln ËSiag boon eolfcitmd b>' diffeMt laid down Witâ'l w1dcb te ereet a si cnes 'r=mdifferent Parts Ofthe TP. newbeuUle.Ho ýeàpet. 'lebegin tun 8 ______ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ __0o!Wbtby to shlow rynyum to g> arh pear a candidate for the Tgwa- We &re pl>aed. te Reur tuai p. M. bipConcl o- tieYeau 1#15, OiiaPnma PurPosu ý'uildlnr, a mod- Hor les T a k,,,-n cOnsnteil te de so, as nothing ý er«DresidMMce IM year,anid becomo baNvw Iiorr>IessmTrekirWg o.loch apenrsm.t reÉ&duoi i M acb n'e gd lifayvuof etrntagtii Old nMuc OMPlaint atei>'-en acceun' of d Council fer two reanons, paiu e Oe ving te -go te Kinisie. Xi ftg àa penience and econem>, especially 1 great eomaontuté bave thie mail e( tRiai. sr tfîmes. h costs from $50 tbrougbi b >'our dMer. Let tihere be M 66_ 1 2 @% 0O 1-te $100 to rn an e1ectiow.. Now, i ue dola>'. T h e _LRV Eitated on nomination day tRai 1.-4-... wouid do my utmost to e ftUrn the MYRTLE. t old Couneil if tRie> sbowed a elean l Wheet; I would h ave boan de- Mr#. D. Black, cof Osbawa, wasas Iigbted te bave bsd, It b>' aclamna- guest cf ber parants lait wcek. tien, !Fût would -net put thie Town- Mr. R. R. Tarvis returued te Wood- aip te tue expense'*,of an elecmicn bridge on Monda>', to reaurne hlm jusite gratif>' myseUf. I allowed teachfng duties.c mni>ome te romain until neani>' 9 Mii. W. R. Kent enbTrtnEned a c'clock on Tucada>' eventng, sud rrumber cf ber friendi an New 'Year's tound no eider not te cause an eec. Eve. The old ycar wan danoed away tien. 1 wîthdrcw my name, as tbere with flying leet. werc two of uni new cnes, snd one of Mins L. Gardner vlsited ber uliter ue bail te witèhdraw ln erder te bave tlu Sonys lait week. ae election, I bave served yuu for jMns. Dake, who lbas been visi tfug uni>'l 40 years ns deput>' returutng bere, bas returned te her home li officer, and I know nenîl>' ever>mnuToronto. T E MarveR" haî been placed upon the market solcly to meet the tequ ire- lu tRie Township, and it -%weuld haveWA - cet f a large number of buyers and prospective buyers whé are lock ing been a pleasure te meet yeu, from SHWA ot à achn at t this pi.tie to t4me and talk matters over. Rev. S. C. Moeore, pastor of tRie machne jil pice.- lVishiug you, ladins and gentleman, King St. Methodiet Church, bas ne- is a type c >f instrument that embodies in its construction and equipm ent tRie compliments cf tRie season, and cepted a CaRi te thie pasterate of the alL-the csutials that go ta niake a perfect tone-which is whatî+ery owner cf a boping that you will havemore pros- Tabernacle Methcsliut Church, Belle- talklag machine desires. penit>' iRan ever. ville. Yours sincerel>', -AIter 42 years of eminently suc- ~ '.--...'I ..cI...;and cal n e i wonnd whiiç, innain g DAVID BIURNS. cessful business career, the Ontarlo Cabinet Measwsemeitts: lliluches wide, Ili Incites deep and 5 biches liuli. listai Finish% All exposed inetal parti; hesviiy nickel PI c ed with exception of t.ose.cra and. toue'arm braclcet, which ,are japai ininied. Mtor: On 'apring drive, durable, even rkaamag and mshunt. .i'lays ami>'12 inh Ro* Ka LAWREN CE, BARGAIW Motet Control: Speed regulator oper- ated on graduated dial conibined wilh atart and stop dovice. Needie Equipm.nt: 100 nmediumu tone î:eedlea. Ton* crgn .Japan finshedtone-alnwth ball'and-sockut joinit. Reproducer; Ful toue model. mBiookline IBARGAINS! f Second HMand Hoerse Powecr, in No.. 1 shape, 1 B. Bell & Son Cutting Box, No., 50, 12i in. niouth, Carriers, jack, etc. $ 15.0-0 good as new , Tis Box has the very best Marshe Concaye Knives, and wil fil your silo with a.-4 h.p. engine. Regular pr ice $90.00,for sale at $4J -1 Melotte'Seperator, 650 lb., nýiýr, regtlart $75.00, wiIl bc sold for spot, cash at AtLWAYS ON IUÀND@ [IRIAH JO~NES, Bell 0ad lud. Phonos. 5.001 price $60.001 ONTAR 10 1 DEATH 0F W. J. HAYCRAFT. their affairs and abalndonlng the lo- OÙ the Rust d ay of the eld yean, cal financili eta. there passed away in the Royal Alexander Hospital, Edlnonton, Al- REPORT OP' S. S. NO. 1, PICK- berta, William John Haycraf t, of ERING. tubs village, known thieughout tRie whole af Ontario County as n man Sr. IV.-Martin Kennedy 693, Louis of mucli excellence of character aud Scott 675, Madeli ne Draper 847, Fred great wortb. Mr. Haycrat't has been Lee 600, Wilson Spraggc 332, Almna in the West for over two years,, tHowl'nd 304. wheree h as jeen ]la business. Re.-1 Jr. IV.-Siisie" Stanley 64, Rota cently he- was taken iii, nnd ai- 1HalletI 4e1. (Mirtie Fouud 258, lau though médical akl i d d ts best, ho M1ilitoe212), absent from 501116 el- pased away on Tburnday lat, De'- alnis cember Sist. 13r. TIT.-Daild Gaston 722, Elsie Mr. Hayctaît was in business here 'Appl eton 514, Cora Dickte 4 11, Vera fer >ears. He wnm naniost popular TIndall 299. man, and was n member o! the Tp. ITr. 11.-Fred Wilson 487. Council for some yearn. He served Sr. I.-.Jennie Gaston 847, Alfned 88 fleeve cft the Township two years, Hawley 629, Frank Kennedy 518, thie last year heing choSen Wardeu o! Leonard Cor 2,97. thie County. As a rnember cf tRie Tr. 11.-Doroth>' Appletont 530,Ruth County Commet! Rie gave good service Vipend 478, Cecil Pouind 269. on varlous commîttees, and was Clae: 1 -Edua Wilslon 805, Welda Cbairman of thie Propent>' Co(mmttoe Col 253, Albett Spragge 43, (absent at cne turne. Mn. llayrnft gave up froin 4 emame.) bis business lu 1912, and went West, No. 9, Prlmer.- Margaret Gaston whi le hie famîl>' remnlned ln Brook- 279. lin. As seon as word was recel veil'No. s Primer.- Charli- Xppleten o! bis Illneus, Mns. Haycnaft lbf tfor - thie West, but Rie Rail pssedl away before she reached Edmonton. Two OHtUC daughters, Misss Helen sud Jean, are ut bomne.i E D C .! At turne cf wrltlng lb vas net known when tRie tuneraî would be N r inw.dce beld. Thie bod>' vilI Rie brougbt te oTU t Brookln for burin!. lgihvodetI DODGE-SPENCER. A ver>'izpreslve wedding toek place la St. '<Rmas' ChutRc, Brook- lin, Ont., on Saturds>', December 26, when Edua, sîdest daugbter of- Ir. and Mirs. CRas. J. Spencer leas unit.. ed lu thie Roi> bonds of matniqmn to Mr. W. G. Deldge, of ithe DoUdgo Average mnwku obtalfted b>' pùP1ll ýfWhltby Seipanate Sciiool for PsUl rern eudlng December 22, 1914. Perm IV.-Chas. Stewart 75, mary )ewan 52, Anmle Dewan 49, Elae loaty 40, BaMh O'Connor 'i4, Air- bu Pp.quette 89, Ma", Gllby 97, konge O'Connor 20. Porm III,-- MadehSn Bruen 39, aisDs.n58 Mary Vaselaky 58, [angset Clb>'- 54, WIM& Losky 1, ouus f ornr 9,James con- ,rs 28, ýMargaret Gaies 28, JM~ tUb1>' 21. F'orm il. -Mat>' Pc1.>' 4, James Daderone 63, Kaine O'Conuor k7, Maud Falicu 44, Besse Pornos- br 8, Mary Calderoe 81. part 11.-Nelle Connors 100, Laur- ylta Dem 91, Jean Stewart 80, [roue Andenîcu 09, Jc«bep VamaeaskY se, Anale Va«oele8, Cynil Gaies 84, George Porrestet 10. DISTRICT'DOINGS. Whlle tRie Orillia Pcultry Show wae being beRd, fine biche eut iu tRie building, sud seeral tbousunti dl- lars' worth cf bird: narnowly esapeil death. T'Me iecrotary cf the Show, Mr. Porc>'Bacom, waes everel>' burn- ed whlle ruculhg bim paperi and mne>'.- Orillia Pscket isys :-"The edîter of Jack Canuck inys Local Opt4on- se fillng ont lunattr asylums. There se at leait oe u hatic In Toronto sti Il et largo." Rteove MCLeoI, oe- Orillla, vas vctedl an honorarlum b>'thie Town ECoidncl for hie services in supenin- tendling thie laying of sidewaks and setiers dnrfng thle yesr. wwKVYk1LITI E in, Galvanized Steel Barrel with Tap attached.' Foe,(a short tiimle, this steel barrel with tap .will be 'Sold at $5.50 net, and.the OIL at 1,5er Per Gallon. N et Cash and cati be refilled with Oul at our4,4o-al1on. pric e whenever desired. -"IRoyalite "- 011 s the-most economicai high grade 011 on the market. Vour gai. can filled,-at'i6c'per gai. Single- gai. 17é. Bell Phone 1oiV2 imýd. Phonie lé SIin8ilgoutlugSouris COUNTY OP ONTARIO. 1. WHITBY-Min E. L. Macdoncll, -(lek, Wbtby-Jau. 7, Pceb. 2,Mar. 2, April 6,elMay' 4,Jâmeil jul>' 6, Sept. 1, Oct.' 4, Nov.' 2, Dec4 I, Jas. 4, 1916. OSHAWA-MisE.1. lIsodoufl,, Wbtby, Clork,.-Jan. 8, Pcb. 8, Mar. 9, Apr. .7, May' 5, Jane 2, 'J.uly 7, Sept. 2, Octf. 5, Nov. 8, Dec. 8, Jan. 5, 1910. 2. BROUGHAM-M. Gleeson, Cleik, Greenwood-Jan. 11, ýMar- 4, May 8, JuIy 8, Sept. 8, Nov. 4, Jani. 0, 3. PORT PBRRY-J. . Burnbuam, Clair# Fort -Perry-Jau. 12, Mar. S, FEN~I3 May 7t J147y9, Sept. go , lir, 4. UXBRIDGE.-R. J. Umen, 00% Uzbrldge-Jeu. le, Moa-.là, uIq 14, 91 .- 0. CANNINGTN- ..Tu, 19, Jan. 13, 1910. 8. BEAVERTON- Chia. à.-Pat>p son, Clerk, Eemseie.Ja. marl1, 1Mayu le, Jul>'tu, sept.* Nov. 18? Jan. lit,1916. '. 'UPTERGROVP,-DmI e.n* Cleik, Atherly-Jaa , M n., lMa>'14, Jul>' 1, Sept. Uf Mgr. - Jan. 11, 1918. Dsted ai Wbiby, Nov.ditlU.- Clerk et m e ou. FEN~E i~ Low Cash Ps'Ice on- Frost Ring-Lock Fende FOR 10 DAYS. ONLY -1I-l - lis le MEDlCA SWrbek St. - JNO, E. FAR Bauister, County If' C9uaty DE. eoth wingCc A~Iss. Soildi OUoe, Brock St, lsiaUN MARRIAGI Court ieus, Wi Couveyari - Osawai *XOffice-No. 2 Kin Residence * GIJARANTEED FUJLL GAIJGE No. 9 WIRE' 8 Ban Pence, 9 Upnigbts per rod, cents 8 9 'Bar Bar- Bar Fence, Fence, Pence, 12 Uprights per rod, 9 Uprighte -per rod, 12 Uprigbts per rod, oents cents conte Wire fonce will advsnce 2e per rod on snd sfter Janmury16t:. This le probaibly lb. Iset hance to buy vine fonce ai Ibis low pries. Send in your -order by mail or telephone. Satisfaction gasuarn teed or ne sale, Spend your moncy at bomne and buy tjCaaadi*u made producte. "- "BUSINESS AS UStIAL."' NonE-No wire lùss than No. 9 can be sold (that is advemâ&isf as No. 9) without breaking the law. Besure you gel whai jeu buy., IJRIAH -JONES, Brooklln, O nt. Bell and Ind. Phones. Lam 44 yiyauhton 1a di be pleame lu i aiges Miodem teç. sxpeuter, Buildera ns drawn'and estim pairs,, Alteratilons ai O»ICUN -- Coufttrv Eeaeh the World by the Bell Systern, BIUSINESS MAN told us the other day ofhow he là me-eting the tV slackening. up ln trade. Re wag about to sitid a >salesinaii to eee a custonier two hundred and fifty 'miles away, but liebl littie confidence ln the outcome of the trip. He had flot time to go himse1f~ aithough hle didt want very mucli to have a personal talk with this customier. This is the way this business man explained it to, us>- "IAil at once 1 thouglit of the telephone-why flot cali hlm u and talk with hlm myseif? When 1 irst SPoke to hlm, lie wasa - nervous about buylng anytliing, but by a littie reassuring talk 1 was abie ta, get a first clasa order from hlm. 1 amn. now covering our entle territory by long# distance telephone, and I tell you ¶he results are great. My _one regret is that 1 didn't adopt the telephone methiod sooner."1 The saving the long distance telephone effecta ln time and laboe, two great factors In -business coste; mniakes It the great ally of the up-to-daite business man who 18 trying to keep things up to normal. Get the habit o reachi --u world by telephone-it wl-pa.~ Everu Bell Telehone is a Long Distance Staton. -We.seil dubir be homos, farmi, nc r per luaI wr Coaairy iReai Eutate i Lumsden1 6 Adeld VIVEI An krinds lo! singl %P*cs foi bine. Bi ~5f5sd bagg ýjorses boughtE 4OMBUisolcn. i mad drivers 'tsms for eah; hiîrand stra-w ini For pnices, ct Omfee or photne 3 Stables 'The Bell Telephone Co. of.'-Cand - ~~-'Ni16aua'wrf r-- if s a s &@ a Am 'i SROOKLIN,

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