Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 Dec 1914, p. 6

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us aw -1s Ai: owJ% WÈne$t, as a vwboîe, 'la 2perIaps Sgêut ever leued by the- Royal TRpS pg ppûEsi ýndat'h rsý tt re thls OF<~R. as' fti reausurlng te the pub- '6eTeIflptIRg Bribes That Haffve traly. Under the condtonslt Been Relusei. tebktéplay a AUVAAnnt Immenae )pUblic itrýtj' lwy ËeIèilg' the Dominion throughntra ia1w r ocedented situation. ar%>ueed when the naines of Brkiish Record of' Cash on Habd. offeis are ass6ciated, wlîtlh bribery. atti E ud4nreds of atueinptsarq! made te art of the general e ar- dftIOsnwlohldi rak 5 f parttcular Int.srest leis r-betz -' 'herontr;ndbfr at wliich shows the" cigh po- ý,M e i bnr;adbfr nd the l1iuld assets. AIt thse SeneIt Service 'waa brought te 'sue! lh fiscal year, the aniount orfine DO ae it is to-4-ay, attempta hand reached the newhigh Weý'e ptilb mor-e numnerous. ,$527,683ý866, which 10 equival _,While lie was governor of Gib*u1- uèlî an, ample -percentage as tar t1e late Sit- Henry Sniithcone of 1aaUý11tlei- to *the public.- day reScived a myserioue letter, ount corii»irea-swlth,$21,466,- elffErn îooi eur e year whli wa Oquvaletto làht servioe" whiedi the ictiier did or an Increase of.over $6,000'. ildigie a~4o bud-t e ydesoribe. osets amerrit te1 $71,244,677,, rlen- o.okn notice of the 8 ecjuvalent to as much as co'iflmnuietion. But in e. few dýy of labilities to public.' The canie'.aniother leitr iner'easing the 1accounts lan this departmenit ofler te £2, 000, and covertly sug- notes of other banks, $2,525,- gesting t.frot the geverrier mi'ght ,qùeB on éther bariks, 8$5,752,- tut-h s blind eyre on-thie landing of ance due by banks a-nd' bank- - espoxidepts eshere th In. men and weapu>s behind tâe Lkck. 0 mno and' Npxt, anotable sheik, Wazir Ms.- sec4urites iot Ic~it Ail slled .and olYeiid La,- Ig àa#t-Vile, $1}. 5,5e8; 000, 1firiaily_ £5,000, for the fav*r l Muti# ecurities and îmeýioned. ,forqtg* atL.,, colonial -ublie sig abruptly fr-oeahies eat -the s, otbei' tii/.Canadian.,-r o rnor, a. bîg, poweri1fîîinan, mjjwg*lw4 o eber bonds, tée the edeik by the shoulders, eg ad toksflt eceeln f~~ted hlm round, ran hlm to the value,. $18Xti7741; ca-l bans do adsethmprwigon 8;c-land short a1 dsn~ii srwigd* ,4-w1jere than In Canada, 'a fliit -of eiteps. Berne years ago a Ca'ptain Grant ont qV Contraction ln Trade. n'a. despatelied on a di.-pIoma-tie lieifallng off in gèneral busi- isicôn to a littie state beyon~d the' ~s>couatry, the turrent logns. nortih-west froritier -of India. First urally Éhewn-a îlght centrac- ther~e n'a.an attempt upen'his life,' te amôguntink te $94,595,972, bitI Grant managed t-o convey tthe ared wlih $86,989,390 *at the ide4a to the native t-nier,, who kne-w 1o previous year and ether 1 pans and'dlscounts eîsBewhere no ln.w exccpt fear, -that tiheren'as Çauada, $15002,488, as :co m- an çýxteÈsive British force in t-ho th $M551,594. background. Groiwth During Vear. Afterwa-rds he was visited by a îiider the~ unprecedented--con- dist.niiiuihed envoy cf the -ruler, »t.prevalled, the piogress of who effered the equivalenit of £5W0 L-Y lby -cbreased if -Gr ant n'uld settle theinatter in - àotsatisfa&tory. De- li&ha in accor-dant.e with the ruier's Jngitrest at.the end sh.Gra<hialy h fe n rttaflefi $31,224,1ÃŽ9, as y h fft n 1 wirth $36,276,871, atthe P end ct- erd to£I,500 in inoncy. the best ýre luis yçar, while- deposits h'1t-0M ii tle district, and five n'ives uterest rea-ched a néw high te be selected by the young officer I04,O~,sco<p~iéd ithhiniseîf. Grant did -not acept the r90.The',otal deposits aggre- eoffet-. à6irfMý s agalinat $138,- Sit- Robert Hart, the fa-mous ad- ;;;era8ieo! approxýnmitelY nliintrator whenin China, one )Itllt -' e h remenubered, iobngw * 1hat durlng the year the niîn wkeefndareexn pal4 tho. deposit o! heAI-.eOfbarere *-nd ear-ts htfore4Ihis id G~reat Waterways Co,, dn'elaing with money, siik-s, vases, ýg t' 0$7,00,000, and sJIowing '5cda àch-airs, and valuables te t-he the ordinary deposits durlng. tune of about £1,Ooo in Engilali r hwed- an Ancrease of noney. -AIl t-hi, fn-ety had been duinped down -with<:ut any preliini- eAn1oýunte Wrltten Off. nary! nettinbth rrso flt and loisaaccount Indicates a mand ai h byste d ers ofj-tl UP, te the- exceptional con-, nn d,~h atdcreitI ýh management ha-s deemied shor1ýcomang& in -thle sha.pe of cm-ý ble te follow a vejY conserva- bezz4ed Custoe dues overlooked. 'y In Its valuation o! invest- ir Robet, more annused t-han an- nM thig. year ha-s ma-de a- gry, buandled thbe wheie lot back. eservatton' on titis acount of- Digererit treat-menrjt nas meted eut, however, by an A.B. in t-he .fits for the yea-r iûounted navy' nined Watltet- Bat-rat-t, wiho ,142, equlvalent te 16.30% ont made theaqanac fa-hrn up capital. As the balance i.g ad eaiainetrangeer! a eharni .a-nd toss a-t the, end of -the zit and genyiai et-nger ial cPy- year amounted-to $,1 1 iuth Ihyla ofdnilc.,1 amount a-va-able for dIstri: andthe.st-anger t-ht-en eut hints 11ht thte prpofts added, ameunt- v.ilich t-hoe traigihtforward mind of 2;Qc.l,2G2. 0f this amerrit t-he *aior Uil4ed to understand. iaccouiited fer .81,387,200; -FimlaUy, féeeling sure e! his mean, t-he wtt,, trAuferredato oficeii' tempter offered Barr»Ut a bribe of fund; $250,000, '%VI'tten off £500'for t-ie tihef t of a signai-code mi#es'. accouint; $60,000, m- bookiý te patriotile ,funids; $500,000, jw h lezktgase h for depreciation lanînn'est hntb leaoe rse -i Mhis left balance te ho carried sitliation, [hc set about -the ma-n and te profit sud Ibossacceunt at pgm#nielled, hlm unmercifu,11y. Bar- of"the yea-r, $614,062- t-att W-as "t-un in" for assaul1t, but ýatement o! Assets, and Lia- the o'harge was digmiesed, irnni3di- and'the Profit and Loossne- ately wlxen t-lie magi-stra.te bcard the *e'as followa stoety'. Whitt I1I<new. -I kniow. that- thie day will no ver o=ne'a.gain. Therefere I wilt malte it- t-lie leét- day iu whichIb Ibave ever lived, ý kue' ihat- ilappinese à a tb*ng n's-tjhiri, .axid if 's 'alwa-ys . a t-le n'orld "id very near te me. 1 k-nou I.,bave but- te se-ardbfor lt, aindI ' lat ea soon as I begin te liurit i ou-, I bave it., Also, I know t-ha-t as3 "nr as I geL -happinees andI le: gin t-« ive i awe.y Làcornes back deoubletI-aurd mo-te-te me. I-kno-w titi.. 1-1 krow t-bat- n'e s-klea et.'a1-u- lus, 'ant i tat- lt- Iceops t-be werld alive andtIr nacvin. I kn-cuw t-huat t-he people w-ho work,,n'if t love. in their liesteandI interueet tri their braine aie t-he reel doees andI benefa-ctorz cof m4nkiritI. -1 knen t-bat- I ca-n le a der smd- a- beunefctot-. I kuîow t-bat life iý exFact-ly ivhait I make it. I know that otiber pe and, et-bey force# oa n lXun& xn- lh!0 andI womrk eniy as I felIlow it-. I kun' tuatam y iîgf I iav yeuth; I -rinw, thmI i-am happy -l!I live hap- l'Jan~; know% that I arn worth wbile~ if I at-tempit antI acomplieli wortd:k-w1hie thingi. I kunw t-bt thle greatest thing I ca-n ever dc, le Myo d 'eyhst at eltlaies and un&er every circunet-ance .-Ootge Muat, then' Ada-me. Twý, desucons once disputig ao a Prepod neuw buryi' gr-ou4d, renîatked: "Il1 nover b buu'141inathat grtoiid as ln - - liv. .1 "1%iiut an cibtinat. m saltho 1 êe~tir.."liny lU. la - - - rreut coin.......,-$1,948 DOM. note-4 .............,82 H de * ý..........,0OC allier'Lanaka ........079 Due b>' other banke 3*: ,14'i8,8 Qovernnrat sot-ultes.. 115s,'"8 "Municipa-l sec., etc.....-2,JS5,062 - l4 Ioans ln Canada .... !8,5714,058 Call loans out Canda 1,.0,080,847 ,jL tqçtd aEss-oe.$71244678 ur. bans lu Canada ...84,e85,973 ir. boans eut Canada.,- 15,002,488 vet-due debîs,......... 568,198 - "s $171,401,337 Roai estate... ........600oOC. -BauiIçpromIsmes........581,180 Other a-secte........... .1,541,536 olt.............. ,0525 pn eosits. 1212 Du. bther batiks ..256 701 I-II Payablie.....744,889 Total' pub. na-b..... 14319272, To t-heosharohoder:- ;:14-p captal$ 11,560,000 - rv .... caita ..,.0,6é,0 Prev. balanUce .66..,..,,.- 614,062 Diva., lac. anad Pay .-<. p, 7 19 - Proflt aind, Lfa Aooount. g&kncO of Proflt--.. los Accolt.29e~ £4 woiindt. Thb( .ofre-. àd rilaivey ' Iwi 's W ave been £mted nh,.>"-thlod,ç~pp _511 the tre~atit ci hé voluýded are net wti the 4laft, fçy, years, @;n4 ihey,';reîeànt.the gatè4ad- V5a~ÇeI»~opçttie.n ~l~' sur- gery .i' oLýv iccr4è reveaa1d te,.princiÉ!les ~fandi e Eves.-So êheort.a tinme age .sdur- 1 ang the prn- l~vrit, wai cuziomnary teo w i4Wd ing SI d r.ng - fhfslq~pa In bhe French And Oriin ýrzsto-day do xno'hing 'of £e kici, -"wites Dr.' the United, Stes puebUc-hétoth er- vice, ,in-the Youth'e Ooemmaion. They do nôt *ash * aîde'at ail. Insteh.d, t.he nilitary dioctor -pictks ILp a, wad o.f sterilized, absorbent Cotton -ith: his foresw, dipe it into a &ttle that-cootains a niizu . re of -iodine anid lenzine, and, gently dabs'it over the- lacerated part. Probing is avoided. rodine is now reoognized as the best. germi killer in exiÃŽtance. Benzine is a fit-st rate cleaxler; as it evaporates it taices t!he grease off the skiu. To fi.nish the cleaning anid 1e-ve -the wound in a gern free êonîition,.'ready for the appliéation of the sterilizedi dreas- ina, the surgeon uses a mixture of one-third iodine ýand two-thirds al- Hospital (;anFMejw, In the Vresent congkit 'nbt1sng 's 'iezrd ëf 1"hospital gangrene." Hs.ppi1y. this worst horror of war has nx>w 'been done aw&y wit.h. A few years age hospital gangrene w1Ls a myatery ; flo one, hnew whenace it ca me or h4>w if n'as cern- muniea.ted. Te-day we know that the nalady is atùlbutable to a spe- cific germ, and thàt in former times when ignorance re.garding it pre- v4.iIed, if was.spread chiefly 'by the doctors and nurses in the ilitary hospitals, as they wenit from pa- tient 4o patient dressing the w-ounds n'ith 'bare, germ-carrying ha¶xds. Everythingpoibe is doue rwith instruments. If the wound is à. eut, forceps with serrated edges for grasping is employed, after the wound has been cleaned, to draw the lips together. Then the lips' are sewn together with a needie that has rbeen sterrlized in boiling water.- Suppose that the leg- bone has been broken by a fragrimeffl of a sheli. Xhen suc.h a tding happen- ed in the Spanish war, the Eurge-on, alter carefu]ly shaving the leg, washed it %vith soap and n'ater. Now the miîitary surgeon merely- disinifects the wound with an iodine mixture in the manner ailready de- Ecribed. He renioves aiy frag- ments of lbone or* foreiga. nistter, sets the- leg, in order that <he brok- en parts ma-y unite, appli* a ster- ilized dressing and leaves the rest Lx> nature. The operation is much > quicicer and the resuits incospa.r- ably quicker. The military surgeon to-day is ex- tremely relluctant teo mputate. The surgeon does not amputa-te un- iesS lie is absolutely conipelled to do se, and èven then lie eut. off as littie as fie can'. If a man's hand is crushed and even the littie fin- ger cari be saved, iL is wei worth saving, inasmuc11 as it can lhold something. The soldier'a lkg may be frightfuliy injured, yet the aur- Rasther titan do sox fe -hoWi.llave ià alà ne for a while to tako cate of lt-self, afte- applyirig, uf course, thbe uecessa-y treatment -with anti- septc le easing andI suitable dres- ing. Ris etbj.ect is to giive nature a chaýnce t-O ucconiplieli aIl tha-t site ca-h do. Wbenl amputation'-lias te bo jperformed. t-le patient's chance o! recovet-y -under modern condi- t-ions, witli t-le belp ofi the scen- tifie -mtot-ids o! treatme-nt new un- dereJ.ood, is certaun>'moet than trwice as geod a. it usedtü te . The nuniber of mon n'ounded *u t-ho batt-les on lt e pt-osent n'at- l eri-oxmetîs, -bu'-'t-b&eqercentage o! deatl is I ,/t-e be rffmatkaby enah. Tl4i O! course, is Iargely on'ing lu lKie nymproved metheds cd sut-gucai treittment antIaise&oteltlie faet t-bat modemriileé bullets inflict much sma-Iler and <-boa-uer weuid t-la-n the bullete e!fermer.days. The buillot in mise to-day, aitheuga oui>' thre-e-teritls o! an inch, ha- great penett-atirig puwer. IL louves t-ho muzzIe of t-ho rifle ab a speed a! neariy hl-f, a mile a second, an.tI easiry passes -tiirougl lthe tjhi,-Içst parto-f a man. It <lacs very little teating, antI -ma-kos a nouud wîuth -c-a-n edges, whieh is muoh les like- ly t-o cat-and boltI germe. L2 t-hae onît cit a va-s t a-m o f !siu&fins for the wo-und- ed îs Pra-i-enteclby thse ueofo an- aesthètics, esp-ciaiiy whexe.epera-' likedy tJýt th~e rencfi antId em-, Mnansinaeir field à eue i,~t :ais are -nÀ hg,5s#lion *rnpùt-tioftý have to b. madé, sucli apeolal s.pain' d4ea4oae*o.m novocaino andI 6ôopo- Inine, rwhicli ate injo-ced inte t-lié & anL Tiey have the adt- e - fimt they'do -net leavo -a. IpleSa for many houri a.fter etatlon.;, They ae izd _,,ywrouighiZ àù-B - ýb - ue tae 4iseased Und fomman heur 01 rth. .es, ivli save .- --a ~qiatilv rIet yo'u t-ne in. Mffenl ../es during the presentwr. - dera"gd VïI~hr , s'h einatin agaieet ~hoi4nv11f. At ~Und .4en 1 toldtméin. odiere - =opis u-oh,;.but even better as COÏÛbn'Ot! -*teùsselvs they fbeoeate a r e e n ti e f h i m a i a y s h e r e q u ir e -".th e ;"H a- m il. y e s o a fl e d a Y -, p1evnie,0ftssaly r-s' tcn's PilÏUs ch- a-4 ýtea the, sat I glitdly aý it d-e glory, - ~ ky~ ?g o é pt-att-waer. b eili rýng ,A d é-of -the troublé - - - Undci hai:gave you cl pt-aise. dri~hg -atr.~h~ari~ ~o dc- To ýglveêvlta-itypd power-to't- ho tOre il1 ciee ta £hat. At -le same kidneys, to Iend aid ta the bIa-dder- and ln evèrty way 1 tried t e zove -time it is c!4W1> .us tha-Jt4ihuzymen - Ity-er, 'to fre> the bîood o!f olsoans, -Min hboit te , you vas true, on 'the maîi h-ilnt e x o >t-pebuas Dhr er med ue' c-Und en-ly eiaimed - ùein lhonesti- - casieis from drinkiug n'eter ;i.'her- csaula--. a-milton's Pilg;.-For - a-l wozùn-I *"glriis herri, .DASN, int- ol.ni. t tO evtrhsY happfn to ftid itl;, hiénSoo te ellkni.'s rrglarlis hsrvxrt Aitdo,-f. . .e - - .ale 'o >In great deed. atv d.Toronte. - - 4he~vaieif~vOei~tlo~Beca-uee o! theirinIlld, s)othtlg a-n ocudfo a ete end-t TF T0l,WANT TO EUY 03 BLLà-", todle4 d iniia-g fiwe$téet i iemi e effeet, Dr. IImiZÃ"'satîsare lInelky, or lanad or gea, .1. Ptait, Stock, Graini or. Daihy a satf sif acw r y preëî~tive â'ieol- msale, a-dad re -recernrnended for girls r>aa Kaiser yi4h.-m U=>~br 'i4, 11. .peoit DBra-as.tôn. ei'ý90 Col' et-a, althougli whein a an .i <fmd woen o! ail ages. 25 cen~ts per- De-ýLerd of &hoim~.w ~ ~ ~ *ft~- tht ieM hshi,~firy to.t~,boxa-t ail dealers, Refuse a-'w eub-. 'H. W. DAWSON, osiborne st., mronIot. rai ifui an t-in veet-tbes uet' titute for Dr.,Ha-niton's PAIS1.o! Man -_______________ - îi àd & qëablsms!Idrake. ad Butternut. -- 80 vat I say, demo ot .i,- iSEINOS Meavoua.T7unphu9 wihieh u e W -Dat ve shouk tll > rudd, NE uoj UP.ETC.. 6le ealIed ea 4efoer, orie Of' iâe - GERMAN PRAIeS O JS . n obuei elpt .d m-~~Wrth. -great-destr6yrsoLaries infor - - - - ---- b oe Uçirti poa lte.ùtWB rt dyei. s preàd, -snas recenIItiy British Are the!ùhs adBaet To meet'deWrbititer onde. O~ Leiè,CIIgo~Mt dievered,Ibty the -body Ibuse. Foe They Hie Met. - yeu, dear ,Gott vill diaune dé - Evfdence, o! the reaton fGrm- 'l o ig a-skra-gain, MAC uIfO y r ou- THE BtEST ME DICIE > - fleers a-nd soîdiers igghtinig a-t - the Und ýyou a.nd,-I -wiU 'bardnérs lie FORLItLE NESfrot agalnt the tendency to belittle Fo r ee oAe n! - Eflgirie, ha-fting, bcltisig, pulieyý, thce Itt n te a lit u l-Bof te ln, on G o tetc. - oin large f ctor>- fr sale. B n-b 's ~ n a-b ets are -t- e be t ouB el ier '- ott o n e rnin , s l- B u t lste , t , à i ua t b e m iigty \Vh ee lo elren g i ue, 18 ly 42. co m p let@'. _ àm saete diers. spoah la terme o! hlgh appt-e- quick - wheyndrr efyhelbe- 1Medicine fer litie one. They are cînîlon o! t-he miîîtat-3' o e sjand tot- héli to me-onsediugs,- ewa-i in good condition. guaranteed- by . eleîyqaîie rtoî-epneî,O es a!t vso attndi Býafing lt-oeaeue inch Vo tht-t-e IystlÉ] qultè o hl op be O le1 a ostpafc inches, pulioys- thÃŽrty ies ta fa-il t t- absohzàtely ýafc land nover and among several hundred n'eunded And only iblay defend. lt nlcbltu i nhst ealt u-te constipation, colic, eeld7s Wit-h nhom the correspondent of the S ou nd wnv er Igf tneîeices. -- eltiI1Ex incentreuV an imple feveîîs by reguiating th-ÀsAsàciated Prese ha-s talked Innlirevie- Toniake dt Alliesrunllu prt-.or, Etoma.eh and boels. 'Conoerning, Itest-ohospitala the at fertuiglit, ne omk eAle'u i at them lirs. S. Sha-rnen, Ut-t-ct>, N. oee nas found whe refused te -credit Urd put nme s4tfe jute -ni>-in blace-1 RAO IU Swriteis: "I -la-vo used Baby'e the enemy ln general - Itussian, De m:-d-lc o(f de Sun. FR I E " Own Tablets for mny twe e it-e-n'French a-nd Beigianland EnglisIi with -ICIU andthilkebeyar jstwbra-ve 'DIt-ynd mlltarei4lal. eIf v.--iido) dis, l'Il dr'ýmy bat-t: B. Frank Wilson & Sons ands -tik-tya-ed I o lusnohbct.-lit d Itntin r rwui etu, l'Il tel] de vorld d&tfact 73 Acelaide Street West, Torojate. euesnee. In'eld et-liewitoutthe Britishi being generaily reckon But if-ye -nt e ik _______________ thq"The Tabiots are "od by as the tughtst epponeuts on the n'est yu dn1mue1t _________________ rnedbeine &-a-Ie.rs or by mail at 25 front. ILisnleu hstile âct. ce-ts a box from The Dr. Williams' The Clcrmans had a high opinion Den var at once I viii deelare, --B+n atr-Vtr Meodicine Ç'o., Btc-cville, Ont.. _-Jo!t-ho ieghtlng qualitieo ef t-ho French Und in mein auget- rise 1t* is una:.u'b.tzd1y t-rue that, uin-- - 4 ~sôliet' ýbefoâre' thiîwa-r bega-n 'The Und send -mein Zopp'liu shipa te dot- certain cn4îttc1s, if 10, '~1- fighti ng -w liich "occu t-ed' on the m a-tch n a g e t - e - a a d p i b ~ : 1 1Marne. and Paris, tended te lessen n;dp, cr Holtesi lTkd Io Dropped Frein their respect for toughness o!f Prencti . vsufao:., but t-his ,m.inly t-c 111gbl' oint Into'a*Water Tank. o-- irbt1b utt' ethi; Din ltîiatum non', dear Gott, wkth onu, clte-r ao ¶t,. have cha-uged that a-gain, a-nd soi- lIt von if Many moýre, vorable light. In the ci The manufacture of sihot, describ-ý diors' letters reflect increa-sed t-espect1 Minue immd is ietllrd up te It-an n'asi whi-ch at.,ound i- ond'l' ti cd fry Mr. O. C. Horn, in Forest for them. The t-ceont fighting of 1tho De w-hjlt- v-orkl off de floor. coaots, a un>iob i a ~le aud Streamu, requit-es a higli tower, remua-Lt of the i3eI.,iauatrmn u lan- Becam~ 'î va hrd- deteed, niore eîp - a a pe-forated pan, a tank o! wat-er:idors aise lias grently raised the (lot. j you vafsromtii>piiUardnaf-,r,;, - and "tempet-ed" leud. man ostimatioi of the Belgian soldier, ,vewf I hý iu' ~ m ' ' t i . i n a e y r o t p i g o l ~ n w o , l u t h e g e n e r a l a r m y o p i n i o n , h a d i A n V x t r a c h a n c e u s g f e ;- - a z i s n t iii 1i t t < f - itot greati>' dIstInguislîed hiniseîf ait ,'lîl t v n<-ceor oe> I > motdfciv - h.p-ri 'lle id for ailipntto iho cas 1jt-fl e.o lîege, Namnur and Antworp, and 11et-hm;îu c effin. and t-l ie otce-2s-p etr-arw f r- .t' 'nîoiedfoîn ut gouls ut.asIintervenlug field engagements. propeller rev-lving ;n I- th-e raindrops éd weisb-nt-ley faijl- As te the rtsi, fiteld post letters; - --Van De Tý--d in(naiaC, hehghspjd f î_ , ' fromt-h ebod-s O rinaily n'ed~ ~oninu to ien- ot 1-o satonelî M-,az.1' t-bte miws c g-ogjaE - t not- realize that raindrops are littict1 roni a- (erinan expert as ta thoir n- - - But, ira the cpi-ii-ýn of a , ;ý2i : spheres, but under 1-lie propet-r,1 bu9t flghtlug qualities. Ont, of te lt ' j tlmý<'ULTicléin DailyTeorhmPj ilitions itîh eyfreez>ý, and we -lis-ve -lat<fst of tlîclotters, piîd le1-hoNOnOI à HuII r1It 'ifclte uh st---m'- h-silatcnes, whij, tus-y be es-lIed sah-ct- oon iaet.contain tîhe foilow- -r- oîin-I eoe0-n î-i'> made i e O . Igs ii passage: i a-adfiibt -wil] ene e 10<10 cai:& In lho, nakiiig-o-f shot, pitre 1-end;-'epea oeapa 0hv DANGEROUS PLEIURISY ALWAVS hon- far t-hoer;a-e i1evea lamt-Idan ix. it l- vrr,îg motions about the tlglitiugl-!ler a pl e t tand-o ismr;xe a,îcl -oftin, qu al i i es of tHie oneeny. Tlie EngIlîsît EGINS THIS WAY. a pro)t-ectio.n ag-ainst subma:ýl-Iîcs per thtt ailly f tn, are te t'uglie.,:t and bravc-st foe wel- andI t-lin pured info a. ptrforated !have ta ineot. Every Individual uis:.' ! SPeedicat Cure la Nerviline. Mna'sLnmtCue iheI. pan orýioso_. The poifo)rationrs s s-y lkeeps on shocothrg; cooli>' se long aà- -Oucli. that stab-l 1ike pain lu the sidae iadsLnietcrs occordiug to the saze o!f-It- tu bec li~ e i not takon prisoîîer, and these lis like a hot kutte blade linte t-i bel madIe. ýtra4nei voet-rne shoot well. Wtiei Protiably gaI over-ltrated-coo led -'Catles aY I gron' mlore-bLeatu- A t-et-per is mixed nith thbe lead ! wp -terni a position, tIhe French wîll too fâst--uow' there Is congestion, tiful -eveîy tume hb! s-esni"- I in rdrinikteglblsfrtn-un n-ten n-e close lu with '>-ir shouts tlghtuess, emîcît orc-ness you cau't that's the case you ought to make wh-e t- l ead lob f ules f ltad1 of 'hurrah,' but 1-be Engflish stick draw a long brearli. hi alm au twcc a tIax' cret word minc ld, tv f-aIf in-leair~tenacieunuly ta tht-ir entreccmeiii a:1-e Thîis is the beg1nning ot Pleutri.y. rîv 1-be ad,"Pbour1sy' te ,fart- 100serions 1-o nettct of lit-île bars, instead io! retirAuIt. Danz'-r's Arneezeitung, tbe leaming - a single instant. QW DUGITWLTLL1 Iu order t-bat fthcglobules mnay militar>' pubilicationi of Austnia, Il-lys 'Q!nek~3 eit -cf wlicouic t-ou a-i-yMR I)N yUîeIyîermL,L,,Wt. lia-vo p11eu-ty'mf tinte ta frn-. t ae'nbigh tribut- lu lime Serviait, Telglan t.-ir<--oî rbtn itfNrviio T ai "ly sad rinula. icéàéy ertlds;t<e nvnt - 1catI muust fa-H a long distiarce, arda -tnd Itussintroups. The Serviane tnusty old iiimit ne1-vc-r wiII1-ix youu u s cmEjeComfoi. rite fon troi tioc so t--ýnes're --buiit' lî. Tîtu ---re aic ttae in eiiato -lunuotirn--will take away the con- used te bet-madei as-higli as t-wo hun- madae1-bat the>' are without food and getion- ike you woll mat as lt did dre fc- a~l s-n or, bt î'd-animuîition. (redit les given the Bel- -Nin. Surnom-ISt.Jehtiîs, of» Stanitord, Bore peojbe are- wilii-mg to 1r1.-c de oer oîdr1 ci-et- eue hmntn-gans for standing nwitl tiglaîîd and wî- ae---"unrurinslug ta catch a alinee)t a-ny -cld lhà, -er iit dretIove ondefiu - Francoe ' hen the>' m u t have reaized 'tr in13 t wcoxnî ch -t a- Tho pandfl-'ý ta lo 'ih î~1ha-t their on cause wns It-redeent-1 heated. I pmut up the train wndow Minard's Liniment Cnsrza oistcmor. mTen eatI -.is ponInj to:t-h-e top abI>' bel." Tbe pt-os lescritized fat- and rode 1-bat wy n a u tdem te gel Mülen eadispoued s t t-e opIts attaeks on lte Rtîeslaîs, Sayiug cooîod off. lu au bout- ni>'sIde nas -se otha t-ower, andth-le globules, <4 tlhey at-e brave and capable. fi fpi u i'bolighr 0 Ar TIriE:bman, h-rn-lar-od leatI f-a-Il 4hr(Ugh flime perforations - mucli 1-bat I îbought I had pueumonia. n'ho had a st-t-me c-4fin madeIn rr. int-btanks eofn'ater aI- -the bot-tom of II always carry Norvitine luani>' grtp ,hlm-,ell, exclammcd: -"Fait', thia/v the twý'- 0ilia to Ile vd at deâtintatloiî I rutibed my side od.I th -wr, rIle watet'r l tem, W&înt i Iere od re, an' a c.7qneo-Jiffin viii -andI ali éptevenmts t-hem front fl-at-- "Are you a native of I-his place?"' thot-ougbiy 1t-cee tumes. The warm la-st a ms-n a lifetm-me."- ttniug x-it, as t-hcy n'u-Id if t-Iey asked a traveller in Alabania e-f a-mbeadIiieî'gtrl!.N v[- feUou ~a oli fot-.resideul. . 1n Icons1eimensavedmine tram a Sot-- Frejo t e Wal-eth-le slbo't go te "Am I n-bat?" -nas the puitziled uns lîness. . l te«aýmdr;ers. Afterdrving t-hoper-lt-cpi>'. Auy sot-t o!fn aIod eau 1e quickly fo ecot e sepated froni tue kr- " I savâne %s'aitanalive lierte 7" titolen up n'itb Ni*etviline n'hlclîIs a perfect by mn,. e '; stals n Wmle1hiannactotilihe ita ians'l fer rilduetu inflammantion, for 4-5yl Sa-rage, igjinSze Ils it net t pcpi,le t-iut-ne tilt have- na-ver vont-ured far frt-uni <ur home w-a-y untIer-estjjl-,a-I0t-bte intel- ligenlcesUd bt-aiea-pcit-y tuf hose great tribes cf ea8's n'lio a re limi a- naine te is. A uinict, 1cmtli iîg roently ti London, Sîto,1ed 1ut Im wa-,- o-a npart-y c--jtco-l-- jout--neyed t-o Torres straîit-' tidin catring eutlrvesttg-at:0ýn.s j; :- er-etI t-h-at t-be h-t-a-l neasut-eiîmtrt, oi' ct-a-nia-Icapacity, o-ff tlie --ti-i-S -a jut- about- t-be *uSa-m, >t-t-bat o! t;h2- a.vet-age Uni'em'it-y lndergrad-~unte. In t-hte i nte-iut- cf Bot-uneo tleienli- t-mst-> unear.lcct.hrd a %vap -tribe whio live in lieuses a liunclred y.ards !,ong, raisetI on twenty-feet Pte, 'it'h eba-nbe-rs fer e-a-c'b faiy-,ard a long icarriduot- for t-lie COunia]lif'e e! t-lis j-int tenant-s. The netun' o. tilese 'letter dwelluings lindisputab>' s9how# -bit hoe-nasives b-a-vo a.keer &sèn a ftîhe hygieënif, antI t-hait- cia! uinimeicue exhilbitsthle t-rue epirlit. di brttllieod--. M a r rqoku qc'anerb t-o -hear PZa t-i a- young 1 n'as»!Iookiug fer a Seat. "Is il a seat yen W,&ùt, missu asiced t-ho. - It-ish t uS,1er. a "Ye seat-, ples,." "Thda-d.;, mia"aaid Pat, "I ýhould hogla t-e. give yenu a amt,, intthe empty ct-fisare a-Il fUII<" Minard'à LinimentCures carMin h Cotes1 %vent Lu F2"Idool for the first tire "IIow do .. or ec', Etheli-ar-kd h*er rnotih-r. W1 niarrmma, 1I <2nt think thqstac: kuiows very rnoch.' Wh 'At. ini dear ' ' 'Nlv hylîe-L(-e j3a k hIg cjuerlions ail the tn2 -" Minard's Liniment Curas Co!ds, Et*. Teachcr -A tra:n iraves no travellin,.- th:rtv ýni-lie> a.1 hor. I is followed thir tv n.itlati, i.yï .I tra!:) travel :iýg Msixty .1 hour.; At wha. r-i: wi-.vtP.1 second t.ra:n lrun i'ito the'îr~ o -At th,3 hi;'d ej A l> 1-2 a., car. L ISSUE 1.-'i5. "Ila\. li'aw,"gunawi,,pd -one, " bct the ltl a:ldid, .91l the TAKE NOTICE M>c -i 'i -ate srgitctrtinmon'- -il,- no t lne--i a--e l tiîCS. i-ui v. kiionou î1 - tt-.ur. I -u-rn noc>. tt-y v, : t lb- tt-r~î t-'JNAti;;iNIiuEN-i thoî ilI lnLAI -tM £NTCO., L'TD. neiwl.y-married ouiple% a.noiig t anci-ent Teeatozis %'as dnniga wine made f rom iioùcy during h>: firast thairtyv lay.s ft<rm.irriage. The up)p, of the word "'mKrxn" iwiti .,used e4rnply to de4g-nte the pcxi<KI of 'tirne, one monsth. thait the u.te cf' t.he wine~ continurd. In no iother reeece vas 't. e cn esppwee.d t'O have eignéàtcance in taheuuitter, AI:;- th'ough the, custocf ,d.rio'king tdîsS*3 purticuiaq kinxd of wine was long- 890 aba«idouéed,, the wo2d bhoner-. nioon ffami. urvived i , dlee sensié. If 6ils G àphe L u perlod 4e .ri~,~sg* ishirt, gpnerally devoto o triLp &W&.y f mm1 ni&m COLD CREAM uscd rgulnr!ywîi1 icmove blem'iehs, àat-id make sW ein &W h,âlcear,, -nd sounid. contains , fo animalJ or veg- 'etable fats,. h is -stcrlizcd i n thremakingand-dei4CaiY -perfumed. - A fuît size jar ofVài1c Cold Ct-carn wiII bte sent te yemî direct ont receipt of the price-1I5c. --, Dru1g and departrment: trîcs "Vaslin" heaaicus Write for froC, iilusicd s,. ln"bàt leiOiugig d iiabou m . d7Ws UPli' Il !i n u lr ' i i il ite iltercet t-' e Natterai t ug - cat 'ibeai dea d - t ot - a s cv Acc-otding te tt- arA fo-1ti rt-e at-e b I. r Majze-General 1 C i- 4 i-C " n t y ) w n o - - th -li I D ra g o on s, 1 - - m 2ssae frin t-he Irquirie lun Dsbilà off cts'o! tire N'r c leatier, -om-ing to:e mande for d ety rade, lias: beauvery Alott-et-froint-he leBray Ut-haun CX>u ne Vo t-ho dist-rets -> <,wng to the wr.1 l4e gone.into at ont Mr. t-.H. -Alamxso b>'tînt-y -Dow.n, bas bythe ot-ovnr, peoýpe - as-.t-le manager c no--à fter an expiîo Dr. Mulcahy, J.1 Southt Leitr'nn, mw-s bie carat KiltyharIei - ng 'n the 1j avan a à il and. n'a--,s soss that le <lied sliirtli [t la rfa-tec ltat . -bce.staff of lime Bs-r voluinteering rac lie alwetI av e cei'e lis-If jiaý.u-e -- 'file rccrùiiîimgtiitt land are d-iigup tappimug i-e rescouire tilîirie-emore efft t-ons itisanticipated , .nunbér o!fnru w l bie fon erviýe. - - - a n-d îiai sin g ), i4 1h o hr o f Keumare. a nt Il -of~i a fam iv. n'lich li -.idistinguislied poszitieU S-- for cent-ut-es. -- George Roty, an ali - -Ca;.stlew<,ood Park, Ra> ined lu t-beBot-t-n $5or two mnthti i fr failing teotutn a - 'us e! ive miles f te nor-h jrmsui 4 Ceuncil gu5 ow de public liglitin shal otI at 9 o'c ec,-aî pany -las Ibeen a- At a meeting of tl lt-ici C<,mmitteet-b4 suggeste4.ea meai ployment i-ho widÃŽen anree e.mbîqhcmeunt -Puf t-Iiesheme. Value of a-FI YThte.- heat-eating -were no. mat-oit for Romane; t-h.goaet Cai-suo v-e-osue t- ,Peýrsaus,, wile the on-itali-s na-vý et-y antd enduri ev-en, iis ruile , for -t-elBt-itiel yettet- soldions th cii antI Insli ni mreatn'as a lu tI if, in t-boit-(d r.ail, whâatt-er t - Fa-y, a flasýh -& 'icularly mtîc -a c te r . - - ýe u afy SBuff et-o dep-?i rou a LII~I " Ir lu mle pi' $1,88611 pald profit !Ytoue Stotal Lin, wl Ideip-ds buwedt ts. 'T Sendo 'lie et; lies,:4 lut, -tirE JUI iiiv

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