Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Dec 1914, p. 1

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Sind - Ji Et WILLIS rggit and Opticla .MEDICAL HALL .ek B.- w imtb- &Ne . .FAREWIELL, K.C@ 1 ,ouaty Solicitor. O. uth *i£ Court RuW As IL CHRISTIAN @*uoi~somtSder, Ktam sidbic. lut 00StEIPck St., 0pp;* ,Stdtrd B Money 10 Loan. 49 YOUNG SMUTN, LLB0 Isucr of MA RRIAGE LICENSES -Court lim ue, Whttby, or residen( rrieur, Solicitor, Notary PubUî Conwcyancer, ec.c,, etc. Oshawa, -Ontario IAIce-No.. 2 King Si. E, Mackic B *Reidenèe-52!Drew St. Phonos-Ofice, 321 ; Residence. 3ý 194Lrriage Liceous muer of Marrage U.eseà Corner drugstore, Wbil No Vlteueo requlred. "hIute Canada Improvommi Laid Co., Lliltod R« tt Dernier, Estates mana teu*u OIIlcted, Firat Loas.Arrafr Proportlen bought and soid. peit W.e sppiy Head Office-, Brook U l 'home 193. d. Phoni gaies, Managers, - 1IO*E &UARICHARDSON, Whtby. Wl4 COURT, Plisteroi 44 S.lstoaAme, TORONTO Witt bé pleaaed't glve estiiiipt4e* o hâade of Paaterlng, La thing, etc Ohargea Moderato. Write, for Te FRE 9,4* MeBRIEP C'?etoer,. BuliIor and Contrac pions drawa and estimates furn:uhe tepIairs, Alterations and Jobblng. ONTAI fous WLAX TtD IL, o! 56 t10 75 acu of the Tovinsi Éahve a far Coaetty RosI.Estate and Farm -Br, Lwnsdçn Building 6 Adelalde St. Ù TORONTO< onrlLvr B us'-and Oray -Businoi Bue te ail trains. ÂU-TOMOBILE FOR RIRE. W. have laken over the Dominon Exprese, business, beginniag Qatobea' lst. Al ordTers oarefüiiy .altendcd b.- Bell phgne-890 14 aud .PU" i, h uiqamc ao t he hOeathI>v.. Wo "it WO i*t& ;cob sMu L :iW;r;O w ;4 ê toPl£ j ofYug"Bily" stol ,Who nm:weew-ago have asa yet bSn tmavil- 6,xa îneraed bltie . 'uTp d4 APiAI t uiboli dOa49tb iwo, weeb eago, No ing anid lafl> people an InlIned tio andI gr,~ délth InWhttby for yemubas oaue4 thia& thbe nali. of the murdrer .~ 00 m 1 Itel andspéculatonfas met aoebled'store o~ eorucboeandpoexaîos 8~î~;~ w: $ '1~» ~ ~ ~ one iofh1I t , itNI l ô' 11 vil stiledilyfor ever wSlbut e OnBSsr "t e~ soith, wiiila1. der&~, th Ii.lrd wltithlu $i e nthie. py foàmeet agalu."ploda4,gq Ltye th au Tihe two ,otheru rethfBnlur 1 made no Imporant aIIluOv*OS.. SuGI Ee Jhez txu êZd11.t t UolX@btJug murder bore and the. Hollinger deatb ment as te the resuit of lits investi- oROV l4 omlou o, t 'ii C bt o! Rove Me-, Edward O . Keeier, ,:train p r~ ePorted, but snob uis deepoi lu-. at the, final meeting pl 1914 Coûncli alloW.d, a ,réduc~tion t$& 000. Tis 4 or, ~ Beiei1lieeat igation ~bau uhown that the sus-.on MSiday nigit. 704r- the figure wual gain jumped. 4 e l r , 'a t - B e I I V 1 l I ý ý w j t h fi r t m u p i c # n s r . -3 â i u t t c o u t e n d î ë d t h n t t h e H e a s o iu y n ten. tw e e 'tm fo m d e d . A fter a , re v e w o f a -i . t hi.e n c o lle n t b ufild in g b a d n e t n c re a e d ' F -! -v lu cle.meur 'n dt1ontOn ~We l , 'dny lut, arry Blring- tivalueai O1 o! Uihe murde, trA toe. - ot at», a <ilum of Stone,' reported thit' l 11 .d W ulftg the.year, and tàîat' i th'e as- ae'pbne al frenStoe.I g =In»eOt8ol o eh ftjl1ve bsn ubot, " 'lie id. 4"4 inho" iad been ulit at near Ccrbett'g »i or conP 11e- i eto petaoiint be {r tlhj àbo'Ut' ail in, *I'm .gttîng wNeaicer ail Crosulng, about> a -mile and a iral!,<*i Bwseyu i i yroya.Frté,h nswllg t thie Urne." el o! Whitby .Iunet4on. The news eletrilo railw'AY pro»3t te go d 1 l r tisfr$0O "Did Tou cal for a dotor," wioed cWjti'm. É ate p o e d c ; 1 ,dj'Whty toSke -r i.sa vlutoa ~ Keler. 1liuh I pdity In-town, sud mO<Ã"sss o!fthé vater and llght îer-O. O4.z yml > Y was the reply. KeO ni au.sed.-a good ticaI of spéculation, VC8 y bci8SrlSo 30 .R blr se~b .> lie l~elt ws t cn roben ad btteswsvry lti .nsywu hiidhed t$0 tiiê T6waTreouror, Chlitàa, CIatd eepiofret th ned Cicut wo u terre anhomont o!f.tMe townaeople preferring, «thO asseCssi fobtaimfrom ,'tbe taxation ou Mis stoe, propet'y e' It wu an.ethoux latex when the i tv tn i. atmtd onyfrnyerpp~>. n~ Boksre,~e ytè Dpx- baggageman at Whuuby câlîed hlm shcotdng" 'was largely a- freak of cresaeo!of 700 u ouli4Uon In 'awo Mont.ef A grilvtmk .Mr. Christian' - sd tldhlmoftii tagey. imaginationi. years, etc.-HAn or t ok ,the IOde red to., t iat proferty1 a o. A. maof tÉe rakernan Later- on, Birmingh>am said ho dld W-holeo 0uneil t l uanuadmi lte wii r esdTr.Cown nch ri iisA.M cnald a iieak et ha tcbultth~bybs e ~ 1914 Couutuili W$8 the. bust >,purposes, lu exempt aid au «ci hth., - Witby .sbortly alter thbe mardr, BS at fir.t reported, bumt tint be dis- town bad lev« iad. -Plpstr bud lob reefrom oalieid nont. MRe sa-id bis tra4n', gcI tinctly beard tbe ahot -He ceclud-- Jëhniy J3atèiüjan ~gny uaistza - Intol Wbltby et tecroàotng 0c,!he, ed tint lit md beon ireci at hlm.B>.tsar thnt md stolen i wx e ' i cbelc lutnaMe dpgWr bI baie lino at 1.06 arn. HoM e et ~,the time --the allaitr b.d, been' tior- . at the prais *lsot -4ée ima or âtad, 655en srv$d wtan amended as-I thd Usstation, te g«, i. bille, ' W 'eogl. letg té, i-wbpie thlng Couin4d beeid,4o bà>,t Ut-sip biu asitbsfrg, »d tWhs. ï*f5 lqe' lu -yag. fTom4o4l00 tér swà1Of 1 hcar. mn-ddo a 'eto aelup, dol absolutely'no. eldenes p pl0ntffe teok mDthe: y'a> $815. Em'a. adm*g.,t$tte iy àg ~egrootu o! th sutioe' - aci WMI~?~ P9lO MYvi< Ii e'r-f 4. dovi H&ideid ~ :.a te-friad o!. Stou,, aid upeuit aW41 u ibcib- bd-I -dd v a crnia.dw*h.ce .store prop-1 ho meroly plokod up tsé eill n~ dd ea-o re ute-saeion tbddeliratl s o bffnl1.adotis te ll, Tut. b.4 ~ ,wlt~irnb , 'wlil' balls LtàUéa-fbado h on' lb' ! ~'Ia 1cÃŽ i%ë rsreÏeldéoe I n llte1 LSnk., but occaalonally Stone vins et the ore ltlgo t oioe' »uytbhei ioved nvta !$a 1t iscsso!1r ast nd1r-Pip wlcket te band them te hlm: te be hsld on .Jeauary 5th. Worship, whlicut passedr! nl eil. The Canadiai Paclfic Ra1iwny ob-1 - Questionsd a owohe .hd Other rwnors veea<a ita. - Atter cb<ykng dovin tie lunip ýwhîclï eet-ed te V'tnssmm4o! $1800 0 1 ever seen oie Birmingham, a cburn mai, of 1unsouad nilnd md tiureatnt m9 Is'luhetvoa D.Wrrn.h iao akaF.50d usa of Stonie, lu the office, ho said late Tburzidsy alght, te shoot au -dianosed a-aid lump "ai Mi Worelu b'ouse, which, lit vine claim.d,,viere N."Italien If he refused bté direct the hoar), the. Maor again tbld th&e,exinipt frot» .taxatlon, unde. tct ~J. R1. Langinan, anotiher brakeman man- the .unction Station. An- boys, hbw goioi they Irad- bssu, and ,This, thée.Judge'held, wnt, correct, ' ~ o ~h sine traucorobontd o>ie rpairt tnta doubt*uli an- that Santa Clanis would surcly cor nid these tvio Items viere ncéordlig- A - Maodoeald's évidence. ter had been'.soon around Heyden- to thom. ly etruok e!! the rQîl. At uhoe, pro- The nigit operate.r ab Oshawia sta- shore Park 1 ëd te an ,lIvestigation. Ernie . Harper (lu spité of the sobs vlius ssin hlrdgà~o -ude tion, Gerald A. Baker, sald utc vis Trace of' the. presene of someons iviici sObock hie mmnifame) ad- dus. St. -eaut, at $8,000, was staucir 1,talking te Stone' by rnîîwny putone Were found In the bMcLaughlla sum- mnittWedt-bat he. .hnd tclod toelie a off ns belng exempt. about 11.30 P.m. and thon agann 8 mer cottage, but nothing vins !ound -good boy durlug the Yenr. Soins- The Torcyntci Ena-trn Railwny aise 12.15 a.m. Stoe'e md asked hlm il te- ldentify the depnxted occupant times eho bd put tacku ,on the. chairs rtotented agant belng taxed on hokthe passenger train had goire tîrough, vilti the murderer. Thos two' re- e! bu Collengues 1 and tboy h1AWl 10id their signal houe for $300. ThIs, nt 6 and that vins the -lest he had beard. ports have svl-deeully also proved isbair and pmachedils -hie rgm course, *was exempt, saine as teC - rdH.Wr2yac6nmta faise alarme. Ibti'bs bad oeloydthé Sun. ilegaveo, PR. signal bouse. Tie compa'y - ai- - b leHospital for the Insane, mid ho aSWot-so pntNmS lme:a blutit tib oi çh0thedi.olo t b autino hi ~* pnsséd by the. station at 12.06 am In e'Pickering.and otiir plame, aid be 1mriVed, dItto thes ee. Thére~ i en lpt,~ll- and at that Urne'ho snw Stene at. f<'wosra- iN O*' t"lo .wue ~-iar'h work atf him desk, a lgt burîlng sd A ticket at Torontto for Whitay en O~cilMd(a-s is voefd. trembled),numljer or acres ausessed; for, and ty over ils head and nnother over theo -h day priôr to the- nuurder . hd be didn't know wvhether he 'lwould b. tint the valuation per, acre-,vins too outaide piatforn. T-ie mid lie had alighted !rom a train at Pickering! pronetéd eor net. thfgh. 'The Court. o! Revision hnd seloncc people ln the office-viti Stone station, aundvins atterviard son Dr. Frank Warren confessed tint kansed tihe assessinent frein- the or- nt 4 un' varlous occasions ut night, but h. wnlking eastiiFard. Greer Iocated thi, ho md given - - nway te thé e eedy bfimal figure, abaut sîflO Per acre, te dld net frnoWwhoi theyviwere. HMe man - Sikes, on Saturduv, ut Wick- more money titan vint nllowed hlm, $80.0 per acre. This His Mener r.- sid no one had been missed frein the low, a village on tiec .N.R. twontly tlreu.gl $150 od it vins te pny debta 'ducedl but left It at a figure stîll gedq Itoopital about the tinie of the mu-r- miles norti of Coîborne. due frein met yenr. Me aiso admit- in excess oU tc first valuation. iged, der. Sices declured lic lad ne knowledgc tled tint ho had scrapped som ivitit - ---~-- s. -Col. Faroewell, tie Crewn Attor- o! tie murder, and vins subse-quently the other boysl, butt now tal Christ- ie 7<. uey, endeavored te find out if Victor aile te prove an alibi, siovig tint mnas vins dxuwing %ni*i h. rîl TRE TILI JNAY Sitidayepeate utticstaion e ceuld net poewibly have bee»In lorgave thim any ke'edloehb adl me- - mdanykneicde e Slne' pr- Wltb onthe hight o! thémude.colvert!at thoî ad o eî: r.ao eatvt lsI t bailanylinwlege o Stn"' Pr_ %Iiitv o lemurer.loirhans (r fet' Catmtv Guet bore ent n charge of vate lite. Smith, however, said hi' Tir vas therefore released from rus- .Iohnv Biaird Laidlaviladtaken auwsaba AtoI onuml had neyer hearri Stonc inenléfon.an'.--todv. a keen plcusure ln worklzug fythe>' ic October. ln WhiVbv. viii hé tried! thlng about bis love affiuiru. Whet lier the m%,-sterv m-111 eîer be town. The prospect aiead of, Whitby o aux t ee h aewll 1' Srnth sai two treigit traln.'< <-lared up lu ettrêmelv rlIl)tftil, and was excellent. Aithough duriz t ohe aur 7hhre i as ai Smhicth ad pased Vrgh t 1.2< e.ona oei inprobae èas the year there abai Lse sr-inuaiges" ordlnarilv not bave corene un ti n ai aa 1040 ad eenrecrdc inthle <av« Tass w~ithoul anv 'reallv vlul- on thé- field, the memibers had a geiit - tic Sring Auizes aMnc h e u bockl by10,0 aotîeencrhde n oes beInformation heinig disrovcrcd. mieregard fer cach other, and ho cviunz to 1wth, htmave h by Birminghamn, he prcsumed. The - - . -.-hpe -a h th mé ete fIatnsmgiltbe agnkoi part ermmt oko h fede a ltpo .F ,ooeDa. net 'ail, of the members around t>,hve ttlmUcs ii h --c conteoicendod besinv.d oove»F F.______ Ited.ýoard next- ycar-it the eélectoi ~brouglit on ut tic oarlfer date. condy. Siiti adlltesred a tocurnd hm. euiy, mit amited ha StoneIlThe np%%s of thc sudden and total-- The t-vo .immie, lualletN d Miss; May Tliomnson ls vIlh he hadr - n eectntlaedTfbcbg aforîee in aysivunexpected cleath oe! MNr. u.F. K Moore, faf 1er using up- several hand- Parents, Mr.and Mrsu RobI Thomp- dutony. f eigallepwi leo ooscînere, fornieriîV o! thbe kercelfs t'pon their, leurs> vére ut Seuln, fer thé vacstlo'n- ~d utoy a riec a go D. Domnioin Bank here, canie as a-great- Iength able t- cicet-roI thoîr veices c,- Mérocalr, vihe ertormédlie peut-r shock te ils relatives aund nuuerous çuuflicient-lv te say "1them"s my se'nti- %Ri mertenu examinlatien.' He fourni tic Inonds ln Whiitby, vho were unaware mlent-s, tocl.. .sbuUt la thé lot t lung, vhere il lad ; that ho vas on the siek list. 1eath 1laklett-Iatenian movedl, Ihut tlY. lodged. afit pasig tireugi theloek place at his homie fa liutland, watrilng. cart be stored In Mj. WiI- lover musçles et t-be heurt. Ot'her- iB.'C »' on Thursday, l)ecemmber 17, at qoxn's bara, thé charge fer tË!e. vii-a d Fn d wisc tebod wasla poÃŽecîî ~ 10.30 -un.ter being $5. Aise Vintthéiecarl . oa IUl w s h pywsipeletynr. Word-ef Mr. Looscaierés doati vas i iziured. ______________ m a Con' dione rulewt îefirst recel,'.ey ý a-br iriri, Jerncvn. Batm~»al ett naved, fluaItith re in~ .,~~ t~!c.Jtxn-~ to>.,DP4- forvinrded te Mns. Loose-Wateu- an'd Llgbl (lemui1sion bé Lpo!i ~- '~ rnîli, bot foeur. moreio' -mether ln Linudsay, Mrs. wËtlonizsd te p1,faeeauo9 light on Coal $8 oo ton Cormuck calleul thé Chiot,and wuas e the cfirst te ?espond and tlIrougli tie follovung noceunts: wie vaiting for -a nPlPy oalled w5 reenedwlb tîhte'C AGeecfeilovi Son ...$16-50 J.H uiw v £j tS- 'Who miel yeu," ho n skttd. cteeTi and heir appraieen dl io hm Candian Rubuer Co-.....25.00',, Whltby, naro 'qI on'l know, but gel thc Chié! -loyalty. He vas poqular aid wldeiy .J. White (suîdry expeuses) 18.91> jqulctk. w.-tvusened kiovin when here I hiWib. R. G. Oke--------------- 2.60--9 74.4 lit ont1 Miwten ..Iu Cormack called St-oie again. Stoes just anserel, "elo"Tiey co4ld gel ne furlier word- Cormack 'Ihougit - ho heard Stone set th1e ne- ceiven- deva on the désk, but- il nigit have fallen, he was noV, sure. 'Pincé more wllnesSes ve o le h -heard, Nightwatcima» .Tohrn Patter- suChie! MacGrelly, and yeuig Birnngiai,TSte'es chuna. Thé lonir vins tee talcte ttake îurtiet evldeice, and lb vas decided te. udjoi.urn te Tuemday, .Tnuary 5 Tic laquet nt lite VI'deabli o! Geo. Tolllnger, ut Cherryviood, viii be contlnued next Tuesday, Decemm ber 2911. - 11300,00:- is situated in -h.evililage'o! Brookila, - $180,00.Cashi paymaent $1400, balance -arrariged; Seven acres market gardon, .7 roomed frafne bous@, good vieil, outhuildinga - nei,ý 2 aces "of orohard in fui- boaring. $2400,00. $500ý cash, buys a six roomed brick 'voneer bou»e,- hard*Obd-finieh down etairs, 3 pioeobath, fumnace, vérandi, el ectrio lights,' fixtures, -good celuar, lot 00 x 140. $4500,00. 85 acres, soil cday '-loaup,1*stoen framo dweilixif - ooms, faim onîbuildinge, flowiug spring, a first-dlms. grain, and'stock, fart» aid situatedadjacotto îegood village with shi-'ing facilitios; -aise s&choc], churobea i an'd stores onily bali mile distant,. $1 1,000.00, 170 acres, large l* story atone dwoilliuug, 2 large d'-.0-ne.- -e ii bilins ýpx. posod Kiydio:Blétrio iway, 35ales -Mùaag-ers Iseil Phone 195 laýd. Ph.,. 70 'w ý ýwýw ' ýwýw ' 'w'w ý ýwýw ý'w w ýw w, 1' 1 k I - I - i .Practical Xrnlas (It [Bootis $hoes mias Slip ~S Moccasins Hockey Shoes (skateis pt on free) ]Rubbers and Overshoes PEELOs. M 5110E Phone 151i S SOýRE Whi :by., Everythilng For Yoor Xnia Cakes and 'Puddings Mkke your Christmas purchases as soon as possible and you will have the advantage of better service, better, attention and better selection. Our show- window is highly suggestive of Christ. mas preparation- time. New Rtaisins, Currants, «Fig's,-Dates, "Peelo anid. Nuts are ail ini stock and we carry only the -best. WE SOLICIT YOUR ORDERS. An.,T. LAwLE WHITBY, ONT. Phones; Bell, No. 47;1 ndependent, No. 47 LOWER PRI.CES! Be.!, a staple food prodùct la' this country, hum materiuily receded ln price. WC kcep a goed supply o! tic choicest youîg stock. ~ FO GET JIE OMMINJ1Y! T EE'will be a large coîsuniption o! this popular food. A o mnt Tree und&r the asie f th Vctr n rdr f Nurses Potatoeconstitute a large share lof. table supplite, and tbey are sell" auopieunoabou fifty per cent. lower thun luit year. wil behel onStigar aIse has shQwfl veakîces te tie extent Of 30C per bumI- keepers may be eîcouruged and une invited te supplytyhein TLJFS[)A -9 DECE BER 9thPringle & Cols store. TIJE DAV , D CEM ER 9thThev have choice nevi Raisins. extra valu'P - - on the Lawn 1Un front of- Dr.. Evans' Reeidence. The ciidren are asked to mreet at thç, ,Council Chamber aI 4.30 to marchin a body 10 the Tnee. They will be preceded by a band. Carols aid patriotic songs will be sung. AL L WELCOMNE unduce repent ondern. w5 B.p p t- ' - b- ~ A ff*'f IC eN à% à- 4% I I ~ q 4.. e SUPOMUN, - n '4- -f. IL 1 A R

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