Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Nov 1914, p. 6

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i - -l - i ~---1 n the'-fiâtk--- The. a1éarng pains wiU l¶, -Col îat 4--rls-ïtigS ud don' " woirry. iD~ ilim'Pu ul Iô6 r- Pâl ééple reVthe béist M- CM&Se tbOX'. oeor-trcPil bata Mt hef dde1uct i&1est ýà-yol'- are We 1cnqer flioubaed P wl apur risiags in thbe tireat, tO ttehSr, jbtegthand euem'gy es *e~and,-the idi7 roui blced, oh~ ,tuBrookvale, P.E.I,; ibsa y! ",For a nxumber cf yeeoea 1 wa a- grem - sufferer - f rùmlafdge*ti0flP( wiiicli, de4ieateUf reaIi>e4 1 wi t.ok,- vu. graduaI' grcwmng p worse. I would semefanlM - Wf00 i-& the6ug-.!wasamoit-liring, -ad wheu , flic trnouble eaam»ion 1 wou-1d sufer ,frein videit.int ti *fb aud pains ai a Vin te, hearflçvhioh greatây - &tu#odie. [jwa*n,4ler de&' ne bhnfit. n A fri- eds~'aeDr. WiIli&as'. PinkPuise dI ècded te Vny hem lin about a mont I, l felt imUGI'botter, tixd by htiffie en idtke another-fduiï .1 ~n waa in Vie be.t- of heaâltuadalyl tr . o *%na i aIll oftid-etnouriabing f.: pi It is'no-w several ycars siue I aa1 ' cured and I have ne vi tel-V e. smp toîu ot indigestio6n eiË4$s. 1 ae sWi eery coemmyliY Irecomiuend- 'ai ,erDr. -Williainn'Pink- Pilla V oG endswO are ïig : .. If yeur dealer d4<>l n -to4keç CI lies, Pille yeu eana et tem . byj, »"ai et50 ents e box or six -boxes, h Vo 82.50 f rom The. Dr. Wilnitùua'3 e Med itueCe., ]3rockvillo, Ont.- -ict-] TRAINING7 AUSTRALIAN BOTS. ti TeGoyeraent lu Very StrictIlà t-I Regard 'te ILt t-i iAustralian lads'of twelve lye*r begisi a more onr lese vclunt-ary terni et ailif.ary training. Mli- i.aiduJl- P geit,iiappiy-go-lueky -sort etfthiiuîg »kigued p.rinsrily te bai o-tpirysies', iadvanfag e.-on te l.di are fou-r-c feeJn Yeaso- .limtcd miInts.ny service i-s rv-e-ely con'puiçory, wit-h penalties fer evasion, and fines laid u4p0n emp Loyer-s and parente whoc intenfere, a-nd t-hua continues, with phiysical exorcises, dril, panades, t Sand rifle practice, -for to-un yea-m., - .wiiereupon tiese cadet-s are pa 1d it e hocitizen forces, Four wbcîe-1 day drilla are re-4u-red earch yoai',1 -'and twelive . half-.da.Y drills, andj t-westY-four aigrJit &ÃŽ1119. A perf une- to-n attendance upon thete grave oblig.tion---napt, sulien, frivcîloug behavieur cou-uts-for net-it an l. Yb tic cadet tails te be mai daleffi- deint' by his battalion officere, he muet perform uhs service aIL ove-r again. In Kigeorlie, et Weirerni Au-ralia-e- great dus-t--torm hi-w- ing t-bat- n-ight--we wate-ied a col. .uinrf tic-se "i-l ou-nps ma-mou.paRt witih rifles a-nd bugle% andmps; a-nd- they jwré smart t-o so--b-rown unifonms,1 wit-h briceks of I-cn, and wide-.inimmed Austma- lia-n huts caughît up ~t the- aide in .thé Austral-ian way, s-ýys a writ-cm bn Hfarpen"a Weekîy. It is ne farcical - afair. When We werc in Brishane. Queensland, a score of truant -yeîîngsters wc-rc p'acked off te the nilitn-ry barma-eks for te-n dnys o! claie confinement- and deill; aind ',away.they wennt-, in a big cap-e wa- ýgon, ln charge of a sergeant--imajor, and undor escont of nom-e billiant- artilie rymenp-r-a mela-nrh-oiy littie -crew, lieso truants, t-hon, f-soin-g te-n days- of tabsence f o-m ho-me, with six heurs o-f dmill. o-n tic hot 1panade grou-nd, under a sergeunit- 1r mw-hQo ubtless kuow ho-w'te - improve thc petnictjen of amal~i ~postr sties camjnpedata esassown rri ,w- unse, -and arr. ra*coSmndate& gves cenuit. Just an cri&nrYn I ýt -lëeepinganud cateriagqul.itefrletter. H tran t-bus: ttii munder 'the grand stand. - "My DÈarest -6art-When, the. b Mn. J. lk bu. But-ion o f. thbs littie eues have sarbd tisir prayers bb ater oft>Trtnity ,Collegeé, Oam- snd praed for fibir dear -f"at-bar {g rivahlnm. ote miyc àdav gene te rbed 1f ait anad thinki FI ofi t.awiil* lWfV5df 051 ooios r mous el saial holars, luias9&P- e j'e m ove. Iin of & e U M avntugei d jf1 cfi D i ar01. msst th. plipslompl.tsy : -.-- ie fra omiasent teTerri- old days wheun. we were betrothed, bad net orgnrgf w s (Iu4 ~on~cinke tampaig , 1ntthM ev adI iDu iW mrleand on. 01 their nuildba é àlecon- ç riala. and I think of kiàoi'aspynir tc s orte of extMer*AO,&i" t vrydtA 'tdil Mr, Richard Lloy4 Georgre, o-ie f .O uwigbloféd ofpalns-2you smpiy caû'i et lit.Try visn wt vr " idii tao f~h hnêiro eE m~y soul,,.vhy ishould the people- it for. saraches, ac$l.he, nfulEoraIie. ' m ls fé J "adt e b- eue il ih 2 îequer, has erni*ted in the Port- flght ea.cboéther -I1-anneit thin k solqt1cae ame bC": hemt or, 1, Wr~ all ai b>b I1 t ~a il it LaOC battalie ft8OÂnrOl a o wuld'wieh jit . * lmMg. hrever:.tberê Isecnges w,~ims ii .14amokmrarn,. or e e idre Terioil <ractive 80?- " 'I do. net think yau*need,,re"l ttoirifimt o r -p'ain n l- tI4e~psil.1h 3~>f4t hc h Lce à:':;:; :::T. :0o:. t W$u"ut , 0 ur - B rmy 1Bw,6ndei'ùl B o& g. ,isoner et war toy with my roug-Baia heai 4 nght wbrosel ",ll uhrite "wwa h Wae OO1P!dtIld8PN*biyg ~n am goulbfsonket h'oaîn t *,yoZ.________* o t àu.b. loere byssI t.d, rot- Bni p f " Ah..abevd rurse.~eNo 40r eaeV - ' i*DEPUtIIUs rçpomotJnh s nov- lieUe. tii. car i liei are ite îng Lewes reently~ ~ a. h~-Ol i> heart bwen ee itbtýhene bav hol i le I'U IlPO K . ~sdOuuOl>il'h@gOS n fc.nw arïe. ~res hvn beenvaen fo rh- love. wonder wouh ea ther ý .gt hr elN nwwe h The followjn- at Nactcounre-,ncommua i Bal',1 ek oLndTlejetbPk ~e~itstndii te tcttit Wr iùd i »lmen r Iýeplr ink cated by an ineye-witlaS prsex1h FÂTS<>t iiS eaaç Dassan, kitev. ~~fteer.~es r9 evesisqii.rtrMdfort tnuesthenaratieacMr.. iine .pr)Saa he Gytl 5DimpewIs,'y-dah S ,l f éthyae;etw French armiesaytas andediatedFfr te* M?drpeéiteftng tii.oie iiatfëî>èhfti.Whpe Cu hav geet r y Sur Soa o the'wibii it: - ytwel nipeuv eod.'lcsr.i bat i yJ eea ith n e witâ t "ht&Lt aEetuc.tii -ou-0Afriaf Frn. a.d BeiiUh o m&y fLms iandto taaheagieuturi raohr pipecit4fl kh cfr forMesa- RIIth u ink o. aln. W rti dsbht f retiaeihiy t efu-themeeltaiqV., 0. À2 Im o t.CandinPaiie hh CI oreS iarY re , freer e WhnI I wdl a-oid iidee earal rbonzean tsfoewa wrmiy fVthe..gfo icicy narBsen 2,50;OOinte. iilarnaLobas. be w rite. M i'.P.1)W.inaTer. loI ac.rs thatao ng$01) fugtti. i'SthIIC 11516 tiueaoutLa..tory tbut tii. e te vey r uerr cf Pïl,&ol vl wy aedba eeworkunil srag.Bu soetlngot rilNhmtitwa i.3 i e« ti.B'alira. "bAlack ndUepeendent upOfl rSOD o etwog lbm oesereI hMr sers Gfnor allies soUp ar08t1 01WershR *on- 0l~ti Ird> ivmet iti ax ri Out e -fatoa poattioî,l etigtee ataiinnulss u eforae capsi~raiem is e rs it Tii.; Ruesîand li ta t u te Thpar tr f.mi0 s ytii. . R oesr lieSure vilae t ~ai i5i' thsytOW o iteqinl ndios bs be ahe rtsne h trcé andi-he, bnefewr ban10729kul -olny, lew te we ured s tnt iigsen h, 4 ie ~rvng'wth~ amltn~ Pll. asea o Fhrt-cum ranes in ïFrehdBitish*cudded rsnes" Bu i xesu. norni.n om-f the hve- aýlreo y ou t 20 m" uceinte nxild y d Seened e hatQue bo wel.8 i n t hermeaakuatzletase n e reailiyae «o"d.iThe MO lqu ote pd away nopp ttCîu ltae egîbetso fersric.Idi hrqie largdose to E mr sme e p oded witi ie&l- re.nde mSt tiâi ed Mny-u ron d ii& jë làr. erJe eneh -pn Asa eui e herer8eitt<f l ýMse Rultswt r nitasPa u l ass..te eialiy ftoldcfein Cioe,mea. la pe=opUI&oinedin tâ fu2dte enth ieun mi re porenr 4nCWO0 h oh-ff aer Ril.ye er needy. Teda I nm wIn_ la od may hliave agrpp e th ~ aptt, et iestayhn T ros The sFrnvisofflera pi. beedbys &tte, founr w5.s tn t fa1i'Bthair. The eem eb . eiu ot eedingion lavPlaareythebest ia u d ethe er, .w-hile the rshofficer . .t ory cfSfightinth fter s oarey ioeut Ainong ic paseg ersen bocdIaresure pev t. haie, 8.. umleawac arie05 Reus asusittefo r.Hail way" by bis w erd, bis tonea c sequral se. rgimitnCr ams-tiY n difciie a ealicffti,> s. ary f oug ngisiel, hosod u io w boxesMr.0 . ldaea riu bisdtcasneotat-ogxwtxa uruedtrx ere ixcu i eg ofepi n 'lad wa , -b nd ne -xir o c pai n n.e xnploy su it pe ars nd s aie lonve Pbeen o g ilit t he'Y ann la uiv e , i l e a Gge &W and ý tioedkor oey. cogndon oiurc-b owcrFoUpttees, eyer b.forgfIen t m.s ire-amoT., n t-es, tue ell-16t A lngincebu wé n Ragh urnge teinihouses Onctem lile- ptoLds ih- IJkr-TefslI-epdke int niaat an ýëdntnn ndg r nerai man- cesedsdcinut lliesgsw cf<upVroteribeoff iveme TheMýô_ ihofte BO1 Rver Mail wit o hei lveibodraiü, seud Wli 1tounesatsorphyicanthetie.Mydow , ewver tëlr kpi ae hot aono Wumera.sme e Bteelnd)a-Eemet erith t a ire ager of a t Quotiefede codr ofin 2e, as A qu ain t pinure cfeue cf a e d fo unge & tw.'Yoîn m o e fre e m a.A n auhrt.e - Ry n h ro n died ~ ~ ~ ~ l itheCnriLodnSc Cie s sons ou atetive IniseriCeas a' u.e or f ekeialct u cra ui a bul choermy.onu 1ea pîay rcentl at Hedon. orn corthnihp we ixi cIipedcmaders edai's upon eman btO avoritcupnle0,799 kd é 9c EeandrS ifo'Ekfh* - hihe Sieubrrrey us eto vilrae Th em-is Txoly"unmu.~ 2c a i eIes utEeolh 1-iA g n h",Ã"74 M e nDIC rINE gth VeiCos thit wtha hve frcd sme pisfe i t shw iàd , ' ndUvree.Murin w er wa&tüe'd inSo. ii tetown "Qu day youg.o!-the rnesnc Frdvnchd, ande li ,lefres-n ttepéett r ice twome unifle.rnws a gfingur mpeso tn heteceBwruTittob aea lf t henea. ow . ie .lieoquits -b bae aredicne a ot-b0e eaungthe ýirt'y, adsee-t eltebiels. e omtermeadtht "VaecBu- d, e Bay ouratehed hua -h Atxac h, tbë e srie 1' idbthe st irelar oksesto e t il Tat tsehuaoviedall-y fbelnd-n43îm ithe mbatpn."d ilt ntegoin h e n t hey uealtcmieNîseie narhsial iew«ddcasesure Genman field ote-bromc.t-emide]I pul piniotthîce." tic new birin bot-ncafordoen Asf lirenes.T a he emo>ther mxmay esulwhoiheDr.tamk an epai e r- trun hus ae odef ,l eaug.lpbut madebeolutcy s le gvnghamrW est. I led t - batv e onger md f "Atpat icscln ea.W AMWNE.-sxu hlrnte r obd ber~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cilrnfr re r gaa-ayauhnt heeadtn a etreoni to rier na. y two - Jun te reaiàle n alrle paread. i'ns-e.&+Boys agilsudeo Dome e tha rerumenrthPaien Rai l te e rtsI a rnrm dy o-ayIe a fîdpioes~ ak ir tdgig îeWnen plc.rahdcmot o r ~ emte aetr ,ti y thre t-reed ail injurnirorus en a leb difortae hI wasThaing TehesrnchAt meidayI t te or- l, forsu& c one ntlyythe e hicathe th errr nnd Frate Mulerifondt-i drus. ic abke- tsinar ae d -y anwe l f lre dforle îa-ed e drteh e gr a i at -e ilae w t ourlndi d "re tra d ighîmtheneB ettothird sone -ls h medcie enersorbyman a 2 ad enton Itin sw lmenertevi sibey gdof as I md Me. eria hcgo'h ani bya ngted a e hth er outi foctetsoabx fre he u Pro-Willianxs' I a -uhrs -shDp. A fmi n- toreresad teshot h i a omnts,-gdetii. lcneee Imntithre oedays- 0 lePaul on u-thenda itnpossiew Meedici n le . Bovlrla Ot. aes Itehe camaPauecar yiglu trw4ile te itis a ffce. T'in tryodfLad f Suasnetheeams ean Fnyauen-atiflgres; eetml Among th passeners on oard 1 m sureproves t. . alare ons sordlbs open ack-B.pH.de ennefor, Lienoouine, tru ti&r.8, and .sty cietheout-. théISS. T raGlena wiiE r5 eT.at 'eue suit aa e ilorliDr tai.at eruaei Âet, ori inges. into ntat h gtmiheprer-ope Plmo thetie LitN ew ZI nc d cw Te t he burt-asof u cf te a is u er." et ithF oRM olaaTI n d r, i sNVE n ltOUS mu a d' i a c r id ga itue ycurg M ull H wofl arran limen, w o sold I Yellow oxes, 2c. AnEveryr woman.ne showsan-bteveryencouf a"ine- inplces redon Pof uthe nfavo rit upnhe*fluring ti. Vo-Idby a farThcCm- ac.ThMes-rPien, Pigenl& doavis, wnd rerhaa n mou-e i a tp.n",ia flkor ic elerioreally igiot an t oefr Se. fHglndrs.pnto cuto, MonVi airePcyt - fertiebo-nnio..lgarenl, ten. -,Mr neiiie l-s . e sthn"ie wel hine In - surd fin oruse. Oeo ýerxîn &n-Octoici! - -y tat e rag" eao- r auynga-everyt main, A ugg a n ctrtaîn n imiatio of 2t-h. 193, 0 tW -fwh oii er aimle ic Mcathtnîih th aeoftheRdn Afavorite way o- ETfro oneoto and unt Amnoreicamn or e Cae- Thedcsdîner(t rst-aitcnuea elaEe*hv diedin te CetralLondn Sik 1lie os avr iv0wpe. a hve h daus, 6 nted ferideuts cfout G ment Bn- ay ul cb e o iA ke am à te o-v f liuer s.O ne da i Th i g ues y i l mi ti n the o rh e at tain nu e tIouL s, atnd t e o h s i- ath e r)- W ha' t h e b au sgo-t ieo ai n. bip an i- f t e a i y et no the-) in an ha e nts et foreiga eounrtrorn-s. . XiOi lcieda wma-nle Svias eue ewud vrpoDci anIl nrr ia ed t !tro ho Cituadian-wh re c eived w 'TOiRe-r - Roast.beeffrcTELL d- wourld b.by Frrincnanurbu hee kQee,3c Ssatiw f,~ o f ori e otae jainpudî'ad*sre en adGanse yld;N wri Pareweay atnd ns so-r cops vbe- oc-uie o-vndrsa o-r, an et aNew1uze ie-iemretid . 'usetic-me waain' any p ospecthef - runswi k. 2 on Purt it t , t 26cth, i t da ler. i9t èC m oi rt frB oto h hagi )t.r cM EDsICou IE y clad e Rdý,o- oit h a' ý 0 svllarb'les. f wa of bheetsions sit as ed usremal, t eir tre ch s.LtenwerlsCodu--l regraere by-a iumnhothted s o."nd oten (t a yun f -ic tloal FrenchTO Td UEd ti'LeF theLD ii aby'Vheywere b ýsartioh-ee o!tater ndWouPeslde yene as mmd anwei-gui."i-ne t-he was br4ly ut. His mateingn'y idde, n B ittock i nm LrdKnohnei l ownîdon S ,a fou ecndema n sawViva live d it rto se-Y s stpe eintepes, m mwt he -t o hn reneh.,lesasyu e&,-e i lirlngte ve. Tc w ende l -nwa ansy-ningt t-li ln's eii&a îe iett ncgiz i cuu edi lnard'e sk d mif CouDtliPr.- feaulyn e tic- an et Sn a noue - htin" heeÀgs ii- co kvicedad:s'Ar,-hn-- r mo-ne mntercstvng fin ther tactgirl has -o u palt in u',otGeo rdie t-hit wee bio'cr-is c "ue i o an exptaorinywo a' x txat ll erauiinifieldinot-ehsi, l - - wuU hie bae be if te no-. IV' 3'O kiio . SiepaLilIe, la.ys fldare woiln-feriullykby en tha extr heatis n gflite' bad, bTe-tiihie lvay. e n ho-s ee k box es pays footbarl- dIt-recst Vo Gaîmçra.l French. Measagera - - For the- b twca grens buel al" e win saivl iick.ered oves t,1 anid la.atIolngava e r hît d A are heshlli f egn. e-mti - 'WAMwNE- S-lcilrnte aeafridd lber ilr rtse Lae, a fie poo otythreb..and I.kn it as my betilefl0ai thel -ito eav. sd" h aty wn t e llow ha go nente ma lysaud wbcxre s ocis hI wou l e àrry im." - io i a.Bfl lU0i5a s r cm Giasigew 4 - - thevis n aifria he p ra i e oy Ped rlsi n d Ide ~&u.Lr iehnra, a i igpae ece ofr.tnaentpritdt ne. theve isfrete r fl iinioer uh fok-or- ho- 1 as----g tences.At i ayit i-n it e ra b a ndcneiniyb h hcg H r n ruM le in . t-b WoarOffice Âid speak te. 'Sir -Caught a Tai!U*b<j Fe e, wilOtaymorne ' i fille Bjts frest France _W"M' i ho nVumtou. rô thfe for«ig n Al'es»-"a iis i. thecfinst rVine eÇue m Savlla ~aftofies'. y eii bCBts@ hiy'r uadeiximeit bux- - thl k litr < Sùets chCeatc m -BkkPerfection_ heaters are tu.ýiefiesb ekt- s u thte s mr-homf to Pe enmr- bjt fr pzei4 someI ,ïô lyé desiginedsund.-a 'f4r àk l c>w atonenmits . taywa awiehtby j),fg Ilreodorlees. Lock fbr tie.' - , i!s a i , - iaebencaae&. p i outhi As a , motiser, you -owe 1V offica r mk« ténW ,vtae WrncO fi e ped-' u 1 a O11g ic I p s Ofiet - PeE It'o.ÉRIAL rtl ad "Io i'trei e--e pn Ve a ."Rc, a n' Ita, a -ulOYALITE OMiL s bsU r t t e il v m l « e f t se yl i e bo 5 t e q u êsrf o i ( < u n - on m adva nce b a m we rel " - -f il w drirectly affl r t i , ~ O 1 i,- - - ~ ~ b qm---Lanw 4dýd,-101id oud net plucdate tact-s as iE1 A4. ' isstr.iag f .reà a el e goed Veîeuhece JO!Vii n ýe Le se w *e rés BAI'.. MEIWSPAPlE9S FOR eSAlI. Ã"QOD WEEKCLY IN LITETOW14 iZ 'w York Coun$y. Stationery, and BOOk ftmInes -in cuncection. .Prie ,on1y $4.0me.. rermi libers! . Wihsotf IPublibing,-COe' pany. 73 -Wet A.side Etreet.,TotoD., ~ANCUS, TUMORLS, LUMPS., 1~ Inri l anW nal d eztern, o ur.d wlt> out pain by our honie trestmnt- Wri va befor. too 3.4e Dr.. Bell-anMedicil- co., Lmte&. ollngwood. Ont. P AIE NTS. PIGON, PiUiËfN à DAVIO ,ad; .Sqec o mmn, t. WD44 POI IB N WORK$S m Thé Goyeniat'a nov lratectlYO bgsainasinat adutitraso betideon tras ilhela b sLlâbor atit iuBI- ý6 et 1 I- Syup w eUb gret piaï 4A 7 unabr. m etil hta er Grove. The ecs Eysgoeateor buit for thé best T&c "ai eif 0 "Champlon"-our pride -'otu itsted but noyer excelied. Wt ferfreea bookiet g1vini ftli ut arcr. TUE -ORIMM MFO. CO., LIMITEO US W~Il~~teLst.,.-Moqtroai, que., the way e ' werkfýor nxore'n twelve8 muncel' 'Dean. dean ;'penhapa -1 can find yau samtding. Whaft an, ycu dol" -Thank y', Iid.Y, tiuank y') kindly, mum ; ef y'. could 'm'aps- give me -seme wawhin' ta 1>,IcoUld take it 'oms te me i" Minard'a Linîmont Cures Colda, &o. have given me 'il ()îr.; }dont know, man'ax," sidt-he- iui--rwt- resa ; e'they waur pasâit f wri il wiu we epe-d the hux.'e exnctly lacet tue needwhlichF itn ariées in e% 1 ry family -for a rmriîcine '0' opnup and scculate u th Y7wels. Netpont are tlîey ciffctivc! in cil cases of ëConstipation, but- tî1.1Y :Clp gneatly in breaking up a Cod *r La CGripeby cleanig out tlic çfz'. temn- snd puifyinV the blood. Inntitc arla waz they relîeve or cure Biiicti;snesi, Indigestion, Skk 1-leadaches, kîccuni- atism and other comnnin ailuients. In the fulleat seneof the worda Dr.- Morse'. Indian Root Pillaare 47 A old Spot T HE*.hduse that -L a- aPerfçctio"n >needn't. have a- cold A Perfection is light n and can b. carrted easily fromn room to room -anywhere 'eeded. 'asons" of Fal and ,Spring eless-Oil Heater gives just e olid, hand. I'riangletrade. r >IL COMPÂNY, Limited stvqal. 5L John Wiclse aIps1 s -. A sayrs Amsb obvi,o aban( t-ho -Y botii tr.oo - lange rive thona o-n1 Fred -A des itook b ridge the liri( - quirck-fi tIrenty - ranks a-anct - KaLuie --noune tlie nSi 't-hei-n ivere - apevrati flag rat, - eauaà fatn The - --ledby, and en, The have nu - - ra-gîng., many ol --r-where i uiOi!0 o: -Place,g tiircd ai fuily. bu cession --. Shiautuni -ust a red a'l -nece Europne A desp Hilaire B -Mail, est. -to date-a -stops by r-not. I t - wou!d bc --lation of -er mcillme] dents. tic, fie put-s at -"Theý fr %i-%5 --ronmWrf ARCý

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