Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Nov 1914, p. 5

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tkigcare tu pmuttns them iogether. r .Knowlng' that *e., «s 900d4as it cuis bemad,, we hasve no heitation in, *ndorsing -the univerial ,guàraftewhich5..eswith, every On@ of them.. M IARANTE for 3 yas Everyeglijia lwatch is priced at the factpry by th. By, special arrangement we bave ben allowed, on a Iinijted number of these fine watches, b oit this price by That is a$1500- Watch for - $1 000 By payung a sinali .deposit we Wfil -keepone for you for Chitas delivery. These wutches are ail new, but weré' named for anotber. man who' .could flot accept Cali1 and have a talk with us: about il. Ra Ne. BASSETT Whitby - Ontarlo W C. T.U. "Theteo will be a'mass meeting o! 'the- Sunday Schools o! the Town and &1moinds du tLhe Music Hall ut three 'C dock on Sunday, Ndvember- 8tb, 'lVord's Teniperance Sunday. Ter vil] bo ntereoptièon vews, and upc- v ia! mâlc, and a cordial invitation 49 extended to ahl. A'collection will be tukea.. Thïe front seats wlll be roe- served for the scbolars. The regular meeting o! the W.C.T.; ru. will be beld ln,. tbe auditorium of! the. Publie Library on Wednesday al-' 'liernoon, November 11, at 3.30 o'clock A large uttendance o! members Is 'Ioped' for, as speclal business -wilI lie coasidered. 4 1 Local 'Héppeaiags i _____________ à&.- R. -M. Tippes ls having a new '*oundatosm cOnsiruoted under bis zoidence ou Euclid Street. For e ýt gaivnrd e! o l05* silo io teG. . M fice. Divisnlàa Court will be. hd on Sat- lurday morning, Noveznber 7t4, ai 10 We*'cock ut th. Court Houae, The Public Llbrary Board wighe. 140 uhunk itheMisses Ellioti 'for timeir Iaadsoze gifi o! two century-plants -foc 'the Ubrary. The'Wituby Houa..bhan been rodeo- .oruiod by the addition,- o! a cout o!: pa ntheti. oxterlor fidvshia1p, wich, Ceatly Improeu Is appoarance. Seoral members of the Goodyear iClub, 0of- owmanvllle, -walked lto '&Ybtby ou Sumday aftornoo ulat, m.aking the distance fln83Iours and 10 minutes.- They reiurned by train. Soc our stocko! steve. and rangeS. 'W. have the , best -line, snd ous prives are ths lowest. Geo. M. Ries. Every thIng la hardware. Ms. Russe!!ltJaderwood hathe- contract- for roplaoing thie'cement -treet crossings tnrn lin b he usTor- O u b on Sunda'Y, Both y ni g ' fseorq eFq> we è efl a ttended. Rev. R. W. hehrci $oi ay " G'og.lo~r,0 ~ooio Alien took Mr. Muirhftad's work in Do yoï. resus. how f&rflv 4 wa*oId> où ýoTue ea Jxi buin'en Port Perry and -]roklin, or six dollars wilILagdç u i-o T igoin Yâlias ~~SWere ,..;Jdg Çfl13ray, d'ifAh.wa. S-eç Burns' uhOA, Windows on Fr- g~ and 4.H W4pS " E aÏd, IthgrDr, .H. ,Bascol 'Bda.,Al Lof * s. ýlo îF dsadatudtfr h esL .MakeêMeal at one * WhIby, and Froda,Bges, of Oshawa. to-dyýfir -HstIqburg u,ý);whors -bargalen hfl hoever offered lu @Mali 'deposit zd crali Itre tol in InUli hey~i pn -1t Whitby. . ~~thonf whenev OfYnmt. tory, thotieriroeso. Trtowo geg fte-fmrsA A [IT I5L compr -heb' Iarga'ie#a er »0»MessMoLean;and Misg< Dunvàn, of ~ Drp i ndhVe a look over our ~ 4. IW~Ms F. E. Harrison. W q T ýE Christmas card 'samplesà, W.'Cali The Misses Scott are offerlng cut Mr.* JOB. WM1te, 'Town Clerk, leit Drugçgisg and Statione gi e y u alm o t a n y tliiý g you w ilsli Ices o n tlle ir et l f m l l e y f r on W d e : y f r K n o n a d d s R T y0 ~ A aapretty dediawlth your nfe esnam peilsqSometld huait hi'anal W IT à and a greeting, Prlàtdfiside. CaliSpc - fo .Saturdayay dh r n now. before the X nas rush han b.. s. a s. Fin h n et tM w o fo gun. Dellvery any! Umne. C. A. NOWAfSARHRE C athaf i, ere b sek ,Iaor Ghodfelelo&Sthe aetead- . .Budlding in Whitby in active. Mr. sition' wfth'thO.1iYdro..Eleîtrlin- M Crnce.watySPY. APPLES FOR SALE. W. M. JerinYn. ha.s tarted the co - mission. MiscejjaneosAdet I have several barreis of NO. 1 Spy. struction o! a residence On~ Cenf n Ms.C.Mllr n Ma.FW.ler Ontarfo Ladies' College, November' applos to dispose of. Pri $.0 tetfrh iin poietetre r,CofMiTlrn snttheWeeI.APE ATD o i êlism atra etI t Slb, 114, a atr±obc conert ~ en prchase suppie ar$1. .0,ldteetcaste, and t pcscethe ad1e oflToheront, M.M .Go ine aotepWit :I llpyyo o~aîa u be given In -the College 'Concert Hall A. GOODFELLOW. L.o sasay llhd v . enneadMs.JAd en Lds So.tWhlTbyDt. - orklDes and nspeifoysef uad aiorthe OMuic. an arRie! ti...Underwood hau the founldation ready IMs. Chas. Sith f rot, spent eni sPr hty-f t-wl p Fun. artI Muie ndPatioieMonday evening, DeçLember 21st, la for a new rsaden eon Kent Street.Smda iwthof parens M.an WNED osabend Isped y get Wid drills PartII--dThe Lad 01 he dae set or thot employm tOhetm.uConsoquenis Duytwq dm 1Y a t l _ "T e ans . d of te at enstoforthe M annuali XxnS . l dten- Mv. J. T. Newp o f ha j si coin- M rs. Jas. Smith. M rs. Smith, who A generai servant. Apply to M r». cn aad dl o aithe ag nts o RoÊssi'. D25 e nt" ( . B e t ) d e ta n e t 0 h e h 1 s .s., l t d th1e uld n ! a g im e 1has been v sit4ng in tow n, etur ed 'Jo..-ing, W h tby. ti. missin, o aper cent., w i h y u w n~ss1n 25 ents.whlch wiIl be held la- the 'muuic bail. brick resideace in the north ward.1 home wlth hlm on «Sunday eveniamg. MiNsioeany10apebur cbaangfsrnus --+-' The new R. C. presbytery ie nearing1 -The Thankofferîng meeting or the IMm. P. -1. Sullivan has been awardt- comp1etion,, and wiIl be o! fine, I.m- W'TD etil aeb u Baptitit Church' held Iast Thureday od the contract for the heatlng, POsing appearance. In other parts of SALE REGISTER. To renit, a s4x or seven1 roomied - AC£11,5Oi011d waenn Weil attènciec, notwith- Plumbing and tinsmithing of Mr. P. the town, tOo, new reside,,ces are to Saturday, November 7.- butouse, F'ngaLiquor te, Whilyty lianding the. min. A large number M. Devereli' new residenco on Byron be sees. Mr. Robt. Barnes' bas a sale o! seul estatean c a t, on V Il O' IIIorStre W i o! themnembes resonded o teeSîreet nîcebrick bouse on Athol street, and the property occupied by W.H. Tay- ~ UEFf AE cal o - their namnes. The ôffering fv!rther along are two m r rik b , ut cat o H.. . tton eUSa e h Ou., S oLsE sx.Ofcea d ok reotvd wa lrg, ndthe spirit of NEW BELL PH-ONES. reidecsoe el ntoadste htby aeat oofclc.R. VstarionNe ms, -pee t, f14a-' elctrc _______________and,___ the rneting as excllent 8fdencs, oOpposite toStandard hiBunktoWhitby. he eei was ecletAsoill-r.MCrmnresidence, flnishing touches, and the other just Maw, actoee.ig. ApyJ.H A Ewt- j ou aseeasantly spent oves the Centre St belng commeneed. Ms. Nugent hia. w utoer 4h.ApyJ .JMS ht refreshments provided. 173-R. B. Hoar, Brook St., sesi- the brick On the ground to flnish the Tedy oebr1. uto y-f -4IN. - dn bouse furthes forth on' Athol St. at sale o! standing tumber, conslsting o! f AE F. E LUKE; 'TC P.OE. ING. 201-Miss S. J. Dchart, Byron St, the corner o! Dunlop. Mrs. Geo. Cor- 1beeeh, maple and hernlock, the prc.p FRSAE., -9 F.E fLle Opt. D., ý70 Yonge rsidence. mnack ls re.constructîng the brick erty o! E. W. Evuns, ut sens o! lot 2 head culves, aged from 3 to St., ominin Bak BuidingTor-' buidingnortb ok hem residenoe con 15, con. 9, Pickering Tp. Sale at 2 months, In good condition. Reason- ANU.E I onto's able optIcian, can be con- ,The IVar Relief Society lias sent Byron Street, and when telsis e coin 'clock sharp. Win. Maw, aùction- able t4me glven. C. F. Lavery, lot R sulted at A. H. Allin's drug stre oves te Oshawa 68 pairs o! socks, 37 pleted It wil! be a splendiiy eulp- oer. . 28, con. 4, Whitby.-t!.tobsNwadIanoml Wbitby, Tuesday, ~~Nov. lOth. This cholera beltis, .45 comforts, 12 pairs ped brick house. Ms. Jas. Halt ededy ov,1-Crdtac isago hnet e lse i. !witlets-and .5 Balaclava cap rebriCked his bouse In the west ward, tion sale o! horses, cattle, iÇumpie- A s m oney. wner maOF ted cosectly t riglt pices.-18. o ma it o! equîfppng the outoing o pied by E.C Gurney, and other 'mente, fowl, etc., the property ô sum POU N .hv p on cl O tcl Pr rs n totssgtino .One a hv, the New Domino f kbid I m aner fthee 4tb Ontario Reg- hOuses are also being repairedJ or e- Geo. Stephenson, lot 13,cn ,Pc-saine by proving_ property and py- n Rubbers .35c. a pair at B3urns' ýreat iment. constructed. Upo3heetr rn owco,1~mlsno.th1 cf11ng cost o! advestisement. Apyu ing, 70 YONGSTE. sboe~~rs sale.+ Canada Co.'s sub-dlvlsion, north of'Pickering village. Sale ut 1i ')'clcck CoerKnStTrto -4.- ~ ~ ~ ~ J Ms. . . lolday wilî neceive on the C.P.R. tracks, ahrick bouse has'sharp. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. CoOrEnORSLEORTOLT.King________Si. ____ N. H-. Scott & CO. wlsl 'to dn- Tuesdav alternoon, Novenmber 1o,froni secently been finished, and another is ]JjEFRSL RT E forni the people o! Whitby and sur- four to six o'clock, for the rirst tîme now being commenced. On the whole, Saturday, Nov. 21.-Auction sale- 8 roomed fmame house on Brook St.______________ rouning£=nry hatthe ar opn- inceretrni-g romAshiile, .C.of house, lot and furniture, tbe psop.. south. Electrie light, town water. Ing up a meat store In the Yule block Mss. W uoldyadMs re-et fteett f h aero.Apyat Gazette office. k__________ on 9,,ýturday, Nov. 7, where fresh erick i-olliday will receive with bier. ema'Boki îlg.Sle t un. tA u an at ret i b o sa t61.30 o'cok. Win. Maw, auctioneer, STRAYED. DuL iAKALTsW4 kePt on band, aIse butterandegg, he deer buntingsesnoeedoMLU 4 Ij I_________________ and saltIt meas w!!tercand stantly 11,0 pne on HOP uu Oterland ITo the prenIlses o! M.. Hl O O T an dlr asao. Termes trict- rôemer lst, when the usual ex- lot, ',,cnHWib, oI.1liayTORONTO m CICA ly cash. Bell phone No. 20.' i odus O! bunters wvent north. Froin by buying OiVbak ot n oeiiocl wt phoume ordere nmust be C.O.D. They Whitby went 1Mr. David Wilson and WhMiOhrb gvnpusatte oton facet. OM. J. ahoiay, eTe ont 4 4o' m ,D4ri wilalogieaprz t h frt r W LWiknsn nmerwosaine by proving property and payi- ofs ,. l Siu uel ,I~i lady at 8 O'clock on Stra ed, odnrl aeuntetpws n -______________Notice_____ brary ar rd soom, oi n Monrip ay, nv. 15 c ntsfor hall W. DAS, Dntifot, Oflite, Dundus 1)can a ud. Cicgon.d Wati a Poe ore f 1 ver b e- t ô gou t 3 pm i l War, h yw me n ou d, the ou r of fourthe ciock .mtng for Resienco N . 4, te Terace Lae ooio .î. .O ian lpn it theP heptneownnn . aehreiving ; of theçnt ro Le a irs$o hO O NQ z. othrs r NaIn S.ea .9 . iktoca plusMad deniiedlfrni the otthewsur-bent;eMss. JostheiCoSec.e. in_________ ________.0.. ilORNN , T h O t l m e i g o ,, t e W rt h e o l l e g , t h e e l e c o n o i ' c o s B r n S . h t y u l p r i u a s t o g n a o r t S L N ID SRPansUmk S .aRelief S cieny thl ItransactionheoLi-uch'sothor DgeTALDistrict out ot r,e n tnhunayth e e t nd Loves t, aMs3.3Branton, o!On a, ov.ensfrealroudi>oxwthpicpa ;i o byth C~m lslo t dte a esdet ! hiby iedthis w eekTnrl W.ssm yho bo gt eoeAAM , DI'I O fteERS Un O , Cito ont Ch efor 1 $14 5Th0ciza s artof wtelsur- el u e ome lu s haE.wa. Ms1- s. ra- a tBthrdreci of Jh the Bo f theafz i Stree, Ro Idec-N .4 h eO P rc eveTooioi.n,. I-lu dr.ed fom tteoertin o dnt; r. os ]in ,Ae.gentfByoS.,WphonoPon N . 33 Or6 esrWhltbytc, t . a sens. ohedeep satisfaction ut the tonlwas well-known here.eThomu uh l n ds. T h i en àw t o h c h s ' m n o , htal, i u sof saondW btbh, ra ct o of z6tb, 1914.en o! 50 h t h ee towned, affai re s ..Branton, of Oshawa, formerly, -eal- - and dates apply to fire BRsel or G. Robb, 0F CN ADAer I aeingcoentoof WNo smalldcredttIsso!ethîsht m eeting.______rio._ _Union_____Ion, due Thow e u thare fm sor the pograe-. - - Wbitbygent.ph sîve, business-like leanner in' whlch the- executIve work lu carried out. POTATOES PLENTIFUL. la Ontarie County potntoes appear to have been a plentiful csop, te judge by the 'quantity brought to town dur'ing the last -)month. A fcw woeks ago hloud after load was bI.od here for 90 cents per bag. 'When the eagerness o! the market began to abat., the price came down te 80c., then te 76c., then te 65c., and one loud wus offered as low as 50c. IRe, -ports !som Midland are thut when the. price hese wal 90c., potatoos sold for &Oc- la that "towa. Later the pi,. Ilsher o! the Free Pres was, offered a load ai 85c. per bag. -THE "Ys," MEET. The Wiiitby branch o! the "Y'." held the firsi regular meeting for the. fa!! and winier work on Monday evenlng, in tee Agroultural zooms.- There -wau a good sitenda4ce, which was an eacouraglng augury for <hto future. The. char wss takÏn Dr. E. W. Sinson, one- o!' the honýrary members. A short->program wae glv- on, which iacluded a report of th. annual convention, by Miss N. Har- pes ; a solo by Misp Marrie Rose, ànd a seadIng by 'Miss Sai!sbury. Upon. the coaclnsioù o! tee meeting, an adjourameni was made te tii. Maple Les! Tea Room, wbere re!resh- ments were sorved and a social time ipent. Mss. Winter hamu.kindly con- senied to~ take charge ofthe 'gY', tisi yeam. -r j. VP U kUAl1iELAND-I-ILN,. nato Eastera Railway whoa the track SardymnngOcer31 was. being laid through iown. TheO a uie wddtn wngOhsbaed 31, 'Coslg ws ptluh# t'ee. AUl Sain-ts' Choech, when -twe Whii Mr. AI!. fHoover, President of'te y young people wese uniied îanimas- 'Horue Telophone Co., lles a mup pre- riage, the bride bcing Miss Lillian Meredith China, and the groom, 1fr. pared. o! *the Independent Telejmhone. Mitchell ScbySteJn., Rev. R. 1TbeHomeTelpimoe Vohav flW. Allene sectes o! Ail Saints', per- 1035 phonos. The. iap myni , I I~ ii. Cntra hem. ~ ybe.uenftfosmed the ceremony. The bride wa.5 Ïfi he Cntr ai ere.givea gway by ber aunt, Mrs. J. H. - Perry. Ms. and Mss. Suthmeland BAIIGAIN PRICE. went wesi f6r a lew days. 'l'iey wt!1 $ t!Pav for a now subsorpt.ie reSido on 'Centre i St., north, Wbltby. tc the Gaette and Ch ronil, frors1 The young - corýpIe are bath wellI the uti JanuarY 1; 1918. feize known and popuhar resdmantu -Of t 1h. ~ ~ t s>7oini end it te as town, an! uheir many friends onn 415t5i fsiiîds.wlshing uiiem a long and ne e. 1Obey that impulse and cal! te mee our samples of Christmaus cards NOW. The tume i. gettlng shorter until Chistnias, and ln the final rush you nMaY b. too busy te think about carde. Order them now, and wo willi deliver themn wbenever you wlsh. We bave oves two bundred saniples, al designs sudprives. 0., A. Goodjellow & Son. , .-1 Tbe War Relie! Society hast week received a cheque for $188.0Q, »he e>- tire proceds e!"'ibe' patriotic conce* I Siven by ihe'-Epwqruth. League su-d' %outh Onta.rio Temniiers' Institute. some weeks -ugo» -Neediess te Say,] the contribution te the Secretar.y.! fund vas greathy apprecisted. THE TABERNACLE. SuadAY, Novenuher 8. By-arrangement o! tee Financlal District meeting, ah! the ninlsters on the district are changing pulpits on Nov: 8, for Preparatery misuionary, services. - Tii. ey. 'John Bedford w!!! preach in the Tabernacle mo=. P9g Mad evenlng and ai AI'monds la 'the aftornoon ai ithe usa! heurs. WlIII.heSabbath School fbore and~ ai Almondu rOeminr that Suaday, lu3 the Temnpranoe -ralay o! ail the tewa Sunday Sebools ln the munie hall at 3 P.m. AInlondis and the Tab- ernacle S. S. wihl meet ta tee Tub- DAROAINS IN CLOTHINO! To buy certain 'Groceries in quantities. There are canned goode yon fiad it wise to buy in dozen or haif dozen cans.' You not only effeet a cou- siderable swvîng, but il is very convenient. New Valentia Rmiine, loc New Currats-"- 10e Comn,, Peau uand Tomatée., .8 for 25o Our coffo. 'makes your breakfast a suceess. Your business frienid, Phono 94, - WHITBY 1 HÂVE PURCHASED A BANKBUPT STOCK 0F- N w and Socond-hand,,,CIofhi INCLUDI1NG!8 EEN'S ANDBOS SURT, SHIRTS, UýNDER8HIRT89 HEAVI 3ORK SHIRTS, SWEATERS, W9ORK PAJI800BOTS A10 8HOE80 MATS ANDO0APSI' -'ALSO LUDIES' .WAISSAND NOISE DRESSES. Which I will oeil every evening at My residence. BI0 BARGAINS can bc scured while the stock lasts. Goode aimàout fiven away. Hlairry Nes kal, Dmndast~ast Wh ItbY Be as warmn as you can be in a good Canadian Ulster this year. Cheaper than a fur coat and heaithier by far.' 'WooIly,'down1yfabrics, made to give a maximum of warmnth with a modicum of weight. 1Not heavy' Ulsters-these Semi-ready garments, but tailored and interlined at the bodily -parts requirin snug warmth. Comfortable, to slip -on-_ good to wear., Start iiiat $15 and follow the values up to $S20, $25ý and $30. Nofailor can d6 half so -ývell. -pnfrng utmidrepie. Maurios Muphy' 1 doop.souti, Royal Hotel, Wliîthy, Ont. WRMAW LICENSED AUCTIONEBER Àî AND VALUATOR. Alkinds of sales promptly attend- ed te. Arrangements for sales eau be made at the Glazette Ofice. Ternis reasonable.. Bell and Indepeadent phonos. WIIITBY, ONT. Shop Dumias Streset, Whltby. Three doers west ol Whltbiy Houso. Wo are pr.pared to mastail! Wood or iron pumpa -on short notice, eAsLo attend t &il lcinds o! repairing. '~ ensfo1 Ontario w nd m il, a ise 'Ph esBell 50, Imd. 26. ChSciuand tonCpeain$75 Egg. per ton At Harbor Coal sheds 50 cents per ton legs. i-"SJRANT0N Coal". The naine guarantees lihe hgEst leity. BellR.eBLOW. Inoom1au'ablo Dlvldeeds, Fror rats and fual Information apply tO #F. J. ýDU FF, MIL A. B. DONOV AN, s"p1al Bop. Quee & Vicoia, et$,. Mp*io. Toronto, Mgr.,- hoMutual Lifo f-Vuewor WomeTbg,.4. saved its policy bolders $1oo,ooô in iti' ftrst ton years4 of business by- selling them without.profits policiez, and having ahl premniums paid direct to bead office without commissions. Preiums, col. lected wero $389,000,- instead o!f8$489,-_- ooo. Fourteen other Cunadian.com.- punies received $198,499-j695 in thoir first ten years mainly for witb.profits policiez, and, paid in -profits to policy holders ýq,5o Their combined ac- cumulated -surplus oves shurebolders' contributions was $79,707 ut the end of their first ton yoars. Wbicb looks, bout to you? The Equity Life i. tho total abstain. ors Company. If iatcrusted,,Write le furtber particulars.- The Mauwho tudlau fila ià teresta wili petronige Te uity Liff. Auuraeo.mpsu iue fixé surass. L. W. DÙUDL1UY. I. Su'rmaRI.AND, Age'nt Prosident ࣠énra "8 THOROUÇMNESS, >Toronto, Ont. enjoyua aNational ERputatio,, folsM erior Business and Shortband Eduation. Ail 'busino. achoolà are sot &lke.Nothln le.u.gm he tibout uhouid uatiuf]Èyoan nothinsIleu thau gtving tbpo bout traa Catalogue te...Enter;any time. Cor. Tooge asd W ., Nltt, Charîsu tu.principal Livéry, Cartage iid Teaeninge. 1 have -recent!y added te my well- equipped, livcry stable a'btavy toai and dray.for, ail hinds of cartage and teamiag work, -and vil! ýb. ploascd to receive orders, 'which vil! baveprompt GAI1RIAGOE TO0 N EET ALL TRAINS. 'John OGiblet DUNDAS ST.> ,WEST WH"~r -"e,' t ARCHIV-ES 0F ONTARIO) 4' 7.28,1 1 rint-nov iîatwrtno 1

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