Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Nov 1914, p. 4

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large lactory building, renii Jree, Jor -' I , -1 U &Iu- -- Q Ulu- one or lvo yosrs to sny manui W-at ÇHO EV iAMHI1# wl..îe er who viii bogimi thoe nanufao1mre'of' ter',V.: ' tsat mOm1. goods itherto ipoton ro er. tÈB., 3eeker 91, H.- Long L82f1 ' j' GMDLTCS 4UCTION -S.AL~ lt aid il aecepted shouldbondtt1he Algèbra.~-. , Rlchardson pp , T l ililsl s -fusoilt asddl4rnftwée -village of Ci-arksburg- primanily, and, Procter DO,, M. Rutttan 98, G. Ilàton At BroobliiL 1The uudenslgrned bas ne-, thé Doinion au a hole. It 1,L., Andrçws 92 ,MRohiluson 79, ~ 1l1lé115 fen1weén la ta he boped that Mr. fartman's .1 iit(1p 76, A. Pegg 71, . N chol- sof tihe este O! the, latieTison. g n e r o u s o ffe r w il i ie a c e p t e d . 8 0 11 li' 1 e r 3 4d , M . M c G r t ye ir o k l il a e o . aucy , Nve 112 rokis ilae.o D. Waugli 30, .1. OConnor 27, J,'218 11 (olo iI gbleab00P~OpFt Russia lu iouked upon hiy Cana-, (4 tes Ir). - l3.elY' occuried-by Mrs. Pereman. dîansass moré or boss o! a barbarie - FormIL 9.~m bue tbe i nvn' shed, fruit trocs, good gàrdèn, hard -nation, but hier récent açtlon la pro- 1 eogaphy-_E. Robertson 87, B.and soft water. i, acre land more or <'royîk 84,1 A Goldning,83, C. ,.Jàck,'bs I h uniuewl iob lsiting théik ur sé !ondkain toxI ou.en 81,1 M.,Goldr4îmg 79, QG. McGIi- 'old. Sale at 1.80 o'clock Sharp. catn~ rin coreponlngto unvmay 77, G. Robertson 77, P., Güld- Te, s, cash, excepl for proper-ty, whiskey, through'out tise whole eni- ring' 73, G. Shirley..69, F. Hoîdérson tm~frwihwi e id nw ire l-an sot worthy o!fbthe most 67,-'M. Muckloy 65. L. O'CoanW or, on daye!sl. ho.JPeean civillzed nation lan thé worid. Ini tiis A. Rdcbardson 60; H. Roise 57 , 7F' Thos. Coakwelb, oxecutors.' William matter Itussia is leading the wor id.j Ward 53, C. Plaekebt 50, W;-'Nugeot Mfaw, auctloneer-20. 48t, Ai, Kennedy 48, I. Arksey 47, D. France, ton, ha. forbldden tise sale BeJi 45,z& Meeken 44, A.-StailOck 36, THE ROYAL HOTEL CHANGJ:S of absinthe e b her kldiens, aid tise A. Gates . M. Tarvis, absent lrornHADSt Brit is Tom m y Atkins la dr nk ng exalflnaîfof. -Ts R y l H ot lwN f r yé n le istnd o!liuo l ls ,fcm- Forin I. lias bez coaducted by Mn. J.11. l'en-r paiga. The bést thing tisaI Bitain Latin.-D. Thomson 79,.E. Sbepis-rit, will shontly conie uxider achange anid France could do .la thèse timea enson 78, L. -Ravin 69, M. Shuttle- o! propmeitership. Mn. Thos. Cussio~n o! stress and strain would- hé to fol- worth 68, E. Elvldge 67, E. Kemp ba purchased bthe business, aid %'ili 62, M. Mclntyre 60, M. Allawny 5 ta9, hageas seois as tise tnan'uîer low thé example of Russin, and by L. Iluhiséil 49, E. ' Ficher 48, 0YCOn- O! license lias béen approved by thser oie foll- swoop abolias tise liquoi non 37, K. Lavéry 32, A. Goldring License Board, which meets on Nov. lmaffic. Tise cost o! tise wan r 1 Long 29, G. Mlntyré 5,. 1. . Cussion lias been manager, ilaben.o! Meadowbrook Fnrms,Si Her will ho Iremendous, but s! la- INiasn.I~-S er :boxlcat:ng drink could ho wiped (.ut -'as one nsult o! thé war, thée'gain weuld soon repay thé cabnine wai boss. . School Reports. HONOR RIOLL, HENRY ST. Sn. IV- Marjory James, Harold Richardson, Majory Sturgsse. -Sr. III.- Lîllian Senft, Edwand Gurney, Roy Pirie. Jr. 111I.-Ilhylîts MeIntyne,' James MeKen7ie, Olive MeMillan. Sm. 1.-Menton Todd, Winnie New- -* mai, Louisa Morrow.' Jr. 11-Eva Brgdley, Jas. Mon- row, ,essie Todd. Whliby Townshlip Counci. Council nhlet on Monday. Members qIl présent.' Reéve in the chair. A députation consisting o! Roy. H. W. Foley, Mn.. Lawrence, XrIs. Elliott, Mrs. McNcely, Miss Olvér and AMrs. Walkem, ne pabiotic mové- nient, was hoard by Council, askiag grant to add in procuring niatènial te work wlbh and te procure ban- rels, hagu, oto. Thé Ciemk neportbd te Cousicil ne electnie voting. lb was moved that tise Reeve' S on- der for $30000, in laver * Fred HlilI hé and lu héneby confimmed ne repairs to bridge, con. 6. Part N M part Pt. *Pt. part Villie lot Io, 'Bk A, Piekernsg- Sr. îberof Dorothy anuacurWilsonril -t tiydneyo wr heerewa si. borô-h-yWiso, ydny pynt.ero!accounts wr as lwho owns, among other horses,tw ardAtorthis tm o! rtenew ar Erskine, -Willie Cormack. forShtlndayment.nchnan It was rnoved that the Council do AShe tal onilesee ad w ca fo r rit .gretigbare Primay Arab stana Muhamed and Zarif.speslly appropnate Wtelyhave riay or.grant the sum o! $200-00 in aid o! hs ossb et 1w-ii p Clasa VI.- Victor Toms, HI-arold the Patriotîc ;und, and thiat the said parcntly extraordinary mental skill, pCeal stoayou. rGetnyour orders f or Quinton. amount be plaped at the disposai of have attracted the attention of iearn-Chitacrdinaryboete Class, V.-Eddie Willing, Eva Gur- the comnùttee appointed by this elf men from celebrated universities supply of eaeh kind is exhaustod. C. ney, Ruby Isaacs. Council, namely, t.he Reeve, Clerk aiesweewohv ii~ h A. GoodfeUloi & Son. Class IY.-CarroA* Harris, Rosie and Counilor Hall, and that thée ad esed hem Thy have b een In two- mon"b, Christmas wiIl be Gammon, Loraine Smith. Treasurer hie and is hereby author- taught an alphabet "in which eaci at hand. It lu' adiisable te prepare Clasu 11.-Kathleen Janes, Italphi iieéd to pay at their orcier. lettér lu dcslgnated by a certain num- for this event beforehand byr ordering Jones, Walter Thompsoa. The ('ouneil a.djourned to meet On ber o! blows struck by the right foot your Christmas cards now, se that Clasa 1.-Margaret -Baker, ('har- Monday, Nov. 9, aï 7 o'clock. and the le! t foot." The anuwers to the best assortment wIll ho avail- lotte Lawler, Clarence Colley. mathematAcaî probleme are given by al.C. A. Good!ellow & Son have Class .-Gordoa Roild, Erieo Rodd, HOLLIDA Y-SOUTHWELL. them in the same way, that is, by a splendid assortment o! samples. Morley Hall. i quit certin and ao! héteetseTher own A____ A quiey wedding wasCorne inertaandloa of to see. Tthe jw. ized on Wednesday, October 2ta er, whio bas surrc>unded thçm with Z40DEL SCHOOL HONOFI ROLL, orocok ytéRv r eo an "atmlosphere o! affection that has DÉATHS. Jr.. IV.-Mary Mitchell, Goldie.Jen- Ivy, ýOnt., at the home of Mrs. M.A.ina anro!sekghmnzd HOITT-At Myrtle, on Monlday, Nov. mnigi Goldio Rogers, Southweil, Green Stfreet, when ber theln," says of Muhanied : "Witiln j 2nd, 1914, Helen Loretta Hoitt, in Sr. f 1.-Eddie Cormack,, May Bon- yaungest daughter, Lillian V.,wa a fortnight of the first lçsson be did her O4th year.« Funeral on Thurs- tell' Lila ohnsrn.age simple littIe addition and subtraction Uie nmrlg oAtu lt day !ro2n residence of Mr. Win. Jr. III.-Edith Wlgston, lona Rowe, ilday. suins quite correctly. Fle badl learned Hoar, to Groveside cemotery, Eciward> Oke, The bride, Who wa Uunattended, et- tta ,4l8tlngulSh the tons from the imita. striking the. latter withbhi.s --- rlgbt foot and the former w4th bils left. H. knew the xneaning o! the fl tt ym.bols, plus and minus. Pour day. nIlaer hie was beginning multiplication IlE D C B 17S and divis-ion. In four months' time he knew how to extract square and Fi eNnly eeonha.he cberoots ; and, soon atter, ho etat Ure.. Diuordored atom- Of the COnventional alphabet." e Ul e'thr« Dr. E. Clarapode, o! tihe University Tbypt h tomach and boy.!, i*Af. of Geneva, la quoted, aller a study All dmsugl* . 5o. r k Maui ram 9 AV A r k aimMof thèe horses, as proaouncing tihé Chamberiain M"odcn.C., TeeM»tý Phnomeon eab ot ensatica @ P C A I I A D A m q b i. h m T hb a mn ou s auth r M aterli ck vis. 1__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OPi,0~lted thèse boises, and thue doscribe. ku u o u u u d . io exp er ences: w - - - ORONTO "Thse mestor, stanidng besido lb.h - ~blackboard, chak ln haasd, îatroduces C.A.MC.E, angr.ThM 5 OUr alé-pînîn tme' domâadfor wel.-tralne d w mon aflýIc"sdpt ... t 'Wbh aï Cômeé £ long war t b!onor and womàeafor burnema wili be eau- ________ FOU with avIî. Mnd you dona'* or tisa e#ver. Tise wlse are prepar- dilsPPoint hm.Min . gname le.,Ma. i ow. < et into one of our lérllnck.' Erali pronoimen thé à I *9 ols and berad>.Afwmns syliabi, Gle=aan-îhion: pis. Do 1 viii do tIt 14wil psy 70 el Yuundratand * Maeterilnckol 1 "Free osalugue. Wite for it. [ pIiow hlm you kisow your bIetersanad fw SulusUNOITe'ta BUSINESS AS USUAL ha sea Pell eorrectlyflej aaS.W . h, rIo BSi. the lime of the year you are looking for a change on the $mail, moyeabie board ait hde OONTRÂOTORS ofdièe, bomething t tone your syeltem up.toit Strîke. firet with hie right hoof mnd7 thont with MO 1bit the omoeeof Je HCWELL JAMES w bown whlch Oorepond witb tho 1* Trry F 5 !tor ln the o vmi" alpabt penter-t. lder and Couutat Iît i. thé choapeat -and heal tbjeet food you can est. XieOâowtoîsopa rhu epairs, Altenations amd Jobblng tatklg, ho mark. t@ise ît«s A D IR L - Agent ffor seatioyql Hsêfl Sicotch Cured FInnan Hadle, 121c lb. 1 N S H, toprebetng the Box 467 WHitISY Phne.140 Scoftch Cured Filue tsetofHaddle, 15c lb. aSpect which mni humble name s-- 0 -SCotchCured CISCoos, (niefsonea15C lb. sur« no the eqtis e <inmd and plion- =JOHN T. HORNSBV:- Yarmouh Bloters,40 dzenatteis tionlecallod to Use BULOI ideOONTMOTOI VaIMM Uth 80atert 400donnetact:ts that nser la a mîstako. Hor Plans Made aid ,.Eotimates Glve. C o d f <s b . I R - Ib , bl c k s , i ft b o oadlly agrée. sand r plce s th e S H A Il K indi o f Brick i d C on rete W ork., Cowdfll Iu 1 lb.. blocs, l25e b.e byt G0ad tliéitthe G by a KC. They Repaire te Chimiey Stacke and Boleis t'.1 gb erîue 2cbx - lusiet tbsaI ho muai Put'a T ln*téad a ap@clalty., Extra nicse Oslifornia fruit-Ornnges, sweet and juicy,, 8g, 40, eýt1he D ; but Muhamed, contet wlîh Whltby, Bx9> nal 91 hlm. work, shako. hie bond té sa n Bell 'Pioh0n. l 138 O tai 50e doz.; Urapq Fruit, 3 for 25c; Large Lemons, 400 doz.; anmd refuges mk a utsncr Sweet Potatoos, 6 lb.s. for 25c. Wéeiong. M&ore romarkabie ap si ieC. FOLLEST, Ooiýe inand try out goods. -answeru. laninePas p tld uthby OONTRAOTO RAND>BUILDER - tIse oréson. li th@e lacillty 'sid 'ulck- PLANS 0F AU,. DESCRIZPTION noue vlwilh ie heyasWer. niIseFURNISHED. ifatiCal probirm. te Xral ask o - Residénce, ,ThOrnt0n's Corners for two nunber'S to ,mujlplý Iy. i - Phon _4i:m hawa. Jmo. E. NNATERIIOUSli himS8r'y1. liedom the :su_ 'T wtoi bbc produet on thé board, fol- THREADOOLD BROS. q VvIiITBY belwed by lise slgn of Aivisal vldod by 7. Inutanîy Hanieo 41, wlth£ Uad UL0UY Phoo l ~Prompt fll4wvr, a celeîty difficut le lollow, givs LA5S WQuK OUABMANTEED. phne1! tros blows, or rallier, throe voei Charges moderato. mpe-vlfhf.list -hsoof and six Ajply Duadas St. West or P.O0. box40 Lot 10 14 2 Loi 10 TOWNSHIP L ot Cou. Acres TOWNSI Cou; Acrel F 5e G ioo G 50 L 100 TOWNSI Con. Acres 12 100- TOWNSHI Con. Acres et Taxe. Cos 1638- a851 1, 43 $3 59 $983 $50 13 86 2:60 IP 0F MARA a luxes Costs '887 2850 9 59 28se IP 0F BROCK. eTaxes Coets 3 83 2850 31 39 348. 0F PICKCERING Ta 3e 3 2ost 4 )Ck jIamz feeling fine#' -ad a' pýyàl eetinag me on tistieet, tuaé = Iprove4 appeamaco and, aske& the f011I eplied 1"i m takiiigfruta-tv,>-. He I , WeU, if Frust.-stlves'are snsklg ulook gco weflgo abéad aSU& take tbem. Th"y im ding m ore for you tan 1ca i" -' Mori--ie"areM 5. ILI.,-ÉiA 'FruI-a tivS= a=6re 0o tri7ail ", 250. aýt ca osx. 6fore zs ofia prC yi tetfréslEimltOd, Otfawu, witz bits left, whicb inakes 63, for wo nust not forget that la Gerniany they say,.flot slxtyý-three, buti three end sfity. We congretulate hlm ; and t'O evince bis satisfaction, he llimbly reverses the nu=ber by marklng té and thon pute It right again by écraping 63."1 What'shall we thlnk, for example, of a horse asked to give the square root of 4096 and who replies at once 146491 7 But probably to many of us the l'ellatt'snost asy onithenKithin- e-that H ._ i i<mas popemyon iseKiîstn Krail reports lu that upon bwo di!- Rond, and ln thé ine hé ha.ý lived fenent occasions on bis rebura frei" la this cemmunity hie has maden a abusiness brip, one o! thsese herses liest o! wanm friénds. Hoelias been spèléd eut to hum informastion of bise moving spirit and thse handesttîhiîgs tisaI had' bappened in liis ah- worken mn tise splend4d Herse Show sence : bisat bas been iséld hère thé paît 1 "One monning, for Instance, I came two yéars. Mn. Cussion will hé weli b thé stable and was prepnning to comcd. as a business maninl the town. give-himi hie lés-son inaraitismetie. He ------- was no soonér ln !sront o!fbise spring- HOIISES THAT TI'INK, TALK board than hé began to stamp with AND WOIIK -MATHEMATICAL hlm, foot. 1 left him alone and vws PRO1ILEMS. astounded b bhear a whole sentence, Anything German le not at ail pop-' an absolutély human sentence, come ular in Canada Just now, but the letter by letter from 'bis hoof : 'AI- following éxtnacts froni an article la'bertb las heaten Haîsclien,' was visat tise October issue o! "Our Dumb Ani- hé said b mé that day. Another mals" is o! suris superlative intèrest bArié T wnote dowa frei his 'dicta- as to make lb vontis passing on: lion, 'Hanschen lias billon Kama.' 'Ia Elberfeld, Germany, there lu beim- N % «Sburcis St,', Whltevale -b e n g S s i - g part TOWNSHIPm 0F Pat NLot Con. ;Acres 1'Treasurer'. Office, CBldg,, Sept. 15, 1914, - AT -0eON, THE DOLLAR 1" i hold a 60,>Dôys' Sale tor clear the stock out. Thflis will be- one chance in- a lifetime W'her you can get > T wo Pairs of Boots8 * ~For Thé .Prieo ns8 E very pair of Men's, Women's, Boys', Girls' and Children's boots, shoes, al] kinds of rubbers * and overshoes; aiso a large stock of trunks, club bags, suit cases and Automobile skates will be sold at Away Below the Wholesale Prices. luOpen Evefnge Ter'ms Cash.- The stores Iately occupied by R. B. Hoar wili be to rent after December I 5th. I F. N.'ýBIJRNS BROCK aTlNORTH WHITBY, ONT. Total Pto îs -nu 89 -Vpat $89o P $13 3 , UPa Total il 37 12 09 Total Pat or Unpat Pat - Pa t Pat or Unpat' 533 Pat 34 66 Pat Total Pst or Umpat W 99 2 95 5 4Pt 'ÉAST WHITBY> Ta"es Costa Tot alPt or u dit, 3703 4à411Il, PM EA. McKAy, BIRTHS. THREADGOLD-At Whilby, on Sat-' urday, October- 17, to Mn. sud Mns. Stuart Threadgold a daughter. MÀRRIÂG99. .IEFFREýY-JEFFREY- At Wiitbyt on Wedaesdny, October 14, 1914, by Rev. G.A. MoLean, William Jet- froy to Mrs. Phoebe Jeffrey, both o1 Whftby. INSURANCE Pire, Life, Live Stock, Plate Glass, Accident and Automobile. Agent for the best Cmnadian, Englisis nd American companies. JAMES McCLELLAN Box 393 Whltby, Ont. Phone i 2 ROYAL THEATRE Open every eveîing. WodIlSdIy, SpbollFeatura Nlghte We haye iîstnlled a new Simpiex machine, wbl ch is absolutely dickerless and easy on the eyés. Saturday night, loc ta al,' BAIN PERRIN, Maager. NICOLONa SELDON RPOSITION FORa FALL AD WINTER. W., bavé a sousd buie..proitia or a ce- ruit rei ama fuit, oéurbi4 ett OVER 0"0 ACRES )f fruit aud ornatal osteak amOur cuitv&ahl. We »aU througb our ual.umen direc ot te .cou- m m.o apd guarant.eodalivayo!f resb, blgbpgade es. Our agiseivaiuabl.byresea e!fthse irvioe *twe sud the volume of buasés dont. .@tabllab.a55yu an. Write Paibua Nursery G.#,Touua to u. P.S.-Sandoom.ecatalogue on raquait alibar tu applicaut or tbose wlablng 3 urséry stock. WUNTER TOURS -TO THE LAND OF Sunoiian d Summer Day. Limitod tisins le&ve-Torontodally,ý maklng-direct cennection,àt Detroit and Buffalo for tishénotsena states, sud aI Ciieao for Calefras, etc. nature mould eonault.C g iâ Paci c Ticket Agent. who wil! b. pleased, té iuota ratea, aýrrange reaarvstona and &tted, te ail' détailuincenn'ectîca wlth Four trip, or Write, M.0.Iurphy, Ixtict PasseuçfAgent, B. . BLOW, Agent, Whitby, WATER AND LIGHT COMIISSION'ERS 1 Do yeu know of anybhing-élse'that bais. been steadily* COMIng down in price for the at few yehas, except Electrie, Light ? The chief business o! n Municipal Electnie DépI. is 10 furnisis electnicity for ligist and power "ai cost". to thé inhabitaîts' of thé municipality. OvWing 10 -réductions in thse price f meters, sand to the goneral inresse in busnes, it bas been found possible to bower thée cost -_of ight te thé consumer by eliminsting meter rente after tihey- have been -paid thro yeas. * ET YOUR IIOUSB WIIRED and help us toreduce thé rate still furth.r, and etriké s blow -at " the high coat of living" by uing ectrlcity in thse home. tenat taigcar: in thcm together., Knowing th RPG IN A -W 45 900d 15 It caii we have no0 h.. endorsing tise guaranteewh5ch everY One of th" A -GUAR for'3 y@, Every Regina prmced.-at the facto makers. By Special -arr -we have been allo *limited number of watchea,-,to eut thîs 1-3ý Timatis -$15800Ow for $108~ Bypanga'na we- wulMkep o011e fo0 Christmuas delivery. Trhese watchies ans but were nnsed( foi mian who éould nc Cali and have a us about it", Jeweler and. Optic -Whltby - I Tiseré will be, a mas, 'the*is.Sunday ScèIS ofo!t Almnonds in thé 31usic il ' o'clock on Sunday, No -World's Temperance Suinc 'wil ho esteieoptico>n vie-% -ciai music, and a, cordial 'eztêaded to ail. A colle« takén., Thé -front seats Senved for tise scisolans. .Tiseregular. meeting o! UT. wli heldAnin théau -the Public Lihragry- onW tennoon, Noyemý1ber 11, at A large att1endance o! n lsoped for, as-spécial bus te considered. - Local ffià-pen Kr - R. M. Tipper ia ha .teundstion conetnucted azesidence on Euclld Stroo ,For the -'utgalvgnum .our-silog o eGe. IL Divsion Cpumb vill b. h -urday morùlng, Novenibor - càckattbe Court IIou Thse Public -Libmary Bo& 4thatnk the Misses Ello isandsonse gifI -of two ,cea '-othe Vise Umay. The Whltby 'Houa.' has -orstéèd by tise addition ol -,:Paint où thé onteorfin ishm Ereatly lImpose.ils appei Soveral nmberu of the - "Club, of- Bowmanville,' IYhlby on smnday aften asaking lise d'lotance hn'8 10 minule.. Tlsey roturnex Se o urstock e! stoves j Wehave-,lise ,béa ýiio, ans -are tise lewest. ,Géo. M-. tising la hardware. n.Russol' Underwoo< Cmtlraçt foe. néplaclug it 'Utreél cressîngs bora up b -cuite Estern Railway vise Was beiag laid Ibrougi t 'OoGUIigs wve eputb m-last Mr. AIL. Hoover, Presid Ilonw Tebepitne o C., lias 'psred of, the Indépendeisi e~ R!'h ome Telophone 'Co. 1025 phones.- Tise nap nm f.à the Central boxe. BARGAIN PRI ARCHMIVES 0F ONTARIO I TORONTO TREASURER'8.SALE OF LAND FOR' TAXES B Y. virtue of a waîraat undertbe baud of th.e adnadtosa !ts oprto 0o tise COMnY f Ontario, daed thse suisday ofSeptmber, 1914, commare~ng me tIevy upon the laads mentioued l h. foilowisag Ilst for arremu of taxe& therees and ceet as ierein set forth- Iher.by lv otice that Unieesmcis afrreerand tuts are flouer pald, I. shall, inCOmpeince wlt stis seesAUaàt. Act# Proceed te sali by PiblieC AucriOn, thse nid lands, or se mucis tiereof asMY bo nece..ary for_ the taxe., ai tise Cort MoMs, lu tise Town of Whltby, on - SATURDAY, DECEMBER S6TH, 1914 At th. hour of two o'ciock la th#a. ft*rnooc .--à ýi W. P. P.VERY, silpti ÏIP OF RAMA 4 4w 1 9 Pau

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