-one "' J Ibavore 0 quaot o ieu -o wbolz1 eau go, Mr. ryant, $lie baid, tcappered. uadal il t ce W oire lIl ork ylntr qInormdtlwe r t a ih-,tba ,to'tii. borie te gi. t bockto yu.--E quef a et~an erai se 4-ttacliedl' rot mlclance et lent; tlieylve taken me /and 11r. Pirybdeli vas Lthé iret. to asmure onAs, à >reglar -driver." Ur BJryatsut ad lie been avare of.-the "I w do ail 1 eau," naît!Xr, Pley4eli. very peemllar nature of tht. codition.Ihav onm~e dfoItv, sr ui ho eouldbavedonshie outveebae ado ews of lier before auother day, lie.heid avedou he but o hve balse gono, Prom vliat Yeu bave toldme !Joed bis .laiee lit' to abandon 4t. ', yonrseif, our wte.boa.no friendi. the, It vag coi, hovever until altrhzM lr aebe evdb death, viien 'aa eated Y.ett.r arived -ad eanutt rtor aebeih! b Ad 1 Ãy 06a, izpeople douot b"a bad been oponed that Mm, Pisrdel bâ- go eautiy, pou know, 1Mr, Nowa been I nformod cri vlat liiad beo inbis von t You promisie me to .hm a4 fato clients mmd. Ne had no bomit*tiOn 4ake came et . youmelt?" in deiaring Ibat lie fouad tii auggeation Ur. Tenderten cmf întfate - offie et * omthlng more than peeulni.r. that Mment anid look.4 .eniuirlngLY:a "It ila a <lwnrgiit tnceatflvb -'0 immor-h ar *aity,: Iho lind eafd l is tieat I nterviewv *' ;.jt1@il" r z wihM.Byan;adtejugMuplained. *Shm hâbd a great uhock 1 arn bad answere<s hlm bitteriy- ' verouading him te go home."Il "It Je-flot Immoral, t la ilubuman. Mr@. "What sort o! sbock?" aek.d M.Ten. Marnock vas vory angry 'wlth um. becsae dorien. 1 nîarmled, vithout informing lier of MY For anower-Em. Pleydell plcked ýup Enid's -intentions te do ne. 8h. disapproveil Of letter and gave iVt, tohis partner. oariy marriage, 'and, thougii they nover .Mr. Tendertea read ittliouh'ad ihen met, sho haied MY vie. Thts la ber vay put t dovu vittba lighkt e;mi le,. of hlttînW nt me-fom having darcd te b. Wou.thli'lea,.. tie varcle, an- independent,' boy." ho sild. "Tht.io uli~latiie condi. .Very curious," Mr. Picydol b.d sald tioLs requtrod liv theo totator."? "but Mri. Marnock vas a vemy uiiutu7 Tiie mail in thoý chair oponod liis eyeo wemun. mont unusîîal." and iooked flercely 'et tiie speaker. Ho "I wouid rather a thousand times ae. trugglod te his teet vith dif icuity. bcd forgottôn me." Julaen Bryant eald. -I, vou'i toucl thae meuey," ho said le lied the agonfeing conviction pressing thickiy, passionateiy. "Do you boar me? on his heart that &he liadt mleroad that 1 wont touch the moneyl That'my lant 1e.st apveai. and that tehle had supposed vord. I b.d te give t te y0en seener or hlm -net méreiv beaten by fate but self- later, -and nov you've got t!" conteeeedly unlxappy ia blé married lite. Juet for an instant lie looked Jute, Mr. The lmcre thought vas. se cruelly dloa, Picydel'a eo7. toenMid.lio told immef, ho vould ather t'I trust pou," lhe sait!. "You -aregoiug; dis thon let lber ever know eft aiestrange tofInd lier. Yeu &Wear t." legacy. "Yeam vife saol ho found, Mr. Bryant," ile ha<l mnt a long lime talking inatteme the eider lavyer à nsvemed hie quletiy. over vlth Mr. Picydel ln that tiret Inter- Julian Brysut dced lis oyeesud stoot! vtev, and final iehd sgene avay In a lewaying uncertainiy on hie foot for 'a meot vmetc'hed condition. lus attitude moment, thon tie moved like a dmunken badlbei firmes. itaeif. man tote idoor. "If the mniey had been six Uies viiat "Den't conte vith me," ho ad to Ten- Il. 14," ho eaid, "X should refuse. h." derton. "I eau get along alono." Nevethoees. t vag aimeet pitifulr to But as lie apoke lie cauglit et.tiie door note tii. vay t' In chl Bryant von drawn and his e en eiosed again, and thon sud. te go back again aud again to the off les dotily ho flet go his hold, swayed te a.nd jnet to taik over the legacy. te diseover febllel for an instant. and thon If by-noe me netaleaut a litile 4ef tifhie .10, ed rahe"r than -4olite thiliber. molney couid conie to hlm. M. PieYdeiwvasQuito agltated. 'I 1 hat ie ysieif for even glviug t a "W muet sorti for a doctor." ho omît!. theuglît. lieo sald te Mm. Pleydcii on one Peor folio-wl I knew ho vag net lit te occaeioù. "but vwhen a mn'. devna agfer iho out." as I un)It la smmi>iy avtui to e bmnocked - lie kueit diyvu and triod te lift J1111.0, b>'1 the knowlodgc that iliore la me much but tim. Tenderten adv'.sed him te blave mor'y valting-j-ueî out of reacli." theminu viire ho vas, optlion, but wihent any eatinfacoy me- ,, 1~. suit.,(rotceque, Immoral, luthuman, cmili What viii ho do wvl oelsgeehom~e?" t uhat the> mlwht, -the ternie attaehied asked the othor man. "Thorao. e no one te tiisI. gay ver. bindtag. IEtlie chose te take -came of hb=. The uhiug's gene te renalu with lits vite, Juliau Bryant doad out et hie hande, Yeu eau see that, veuld net inherit eue penny. cant ,OUP Whetliem tht. le etre.tghtfom. Ito etepped gigt teiver fe ard, or -whethem Lhey Are acting tn col. th it a fortîliglit, but evec>' now and lS -ii the feet romaine that the cendi. thon lho wrote. Mat! alv5ya the sanie an. tien. are falfllld This moâey belonge noescame b.ick te hLm' and iithe te EmBrant nov." wao crrwinîg shorter anti ehortor. The'0 I don't think vo must go t ortamgasthtat, date on -whil ho muet gîte hie deison Teuderton." eald Mr. Pleydeii. "Mr. Bry. won drawitig tory close. suth rm atWvis moeut enphatte. Yen heard blni The, younupm menier ofofolin o 'uiself. Posstbiy tht.Illnes. May pr Picydeli andt Cousoena vas a certain, Kr. mît us te gîtve him a ifite longer t me Tendtrt. Ifen lie of e a ditYtreut calibre but v. muet flot #et vîthout hlm." Lo Mr. Pieyde.it, vho vae an oid-fashioned Mr. ITenderten shrugged lime shouiders. niail, one vho vas uet a little over- thon vent Into tii. uoxt r mn d cellad weiht'd and fluott'med b>'tile nov oie, a ck. lie sent hlm toc the neameet doc. men('t . hicli Mme. Mancits viiili ad tom, aud viien tiie medîcal man amrived1 brouxhtinltte the tirn. It vas Mr. Teuderten vhe iutcrvtevet!q -Mr."oî:dirteu profesoed a slîttle *ym. hlm. As tam au the doctor couit!i natiiy for Jullan Brmyant. ie vas net a dîinetheii ame ho lirenouneed it marmied maril humnsf. se perbape that a forni of Inlliienzt, aoceieratet! by vus cln eue mon vh lhoe 4houthi t vason eotiofl aud-fa41go suad lack et rîdîiens oethae other mante aîîew soe.;i food. lie preecibe? coriitioeue vhich tiuieî.t te stand lIn "vau ; but thon -IléI wouid have beau practIcaîlly impossible Tend'rlen dld net resu>' blIe. that Ju. luthie littho Place whero Julien Bryaut liat Brlyant veuid boid eutLe the lasit. iliedt been living. Stewae prcparedt! t take -a bot on aie sub- Mr, Tendonien ver> gladi>' took upen jeet.'l.e r;îher annoyed lus colleague by hlaieit a&l the burden of a.rangiug te Ibie ataurance that ne man living -ould conducit the ,!ck mn te a nîurg home. sacrifice ee mucb mono>' for sncb a reueon. 'Mm. Bryant la a tory vaiuabie client ot .'ToutI ssolie'tl ind a way i' ho doclar' ours," hoe said. "Ho bus conie unexpectod. cte hié partuor; but the <aye veut byIY lvfie a largo fortune. Sud thbe whole sud notbins happeriet! te pruve Mm. fou* thinir hio been 10e mucl for hum.' doriensa convictIou. Mm. Ptoydel bel ithmnisoi alool frein the Ou the morng of the. day befome thnt arrangements vi-ch bis partuer mat!e ou vhlch Julien iBryant -was bon nd to I nd trio youtigr ma n vos perfeeti>' veil ý.gve bits decialon one way or aie etiier. the Iavare that -lits action vasnet by n eug man oppeared aI the office etfd'iey' menue appmoved et b>' th:ecllherman.~ doli au'4 Cousent alimeet bieoe the doors This. bowevor. did not trouble Mr. Ton. vere opened. derten. Ho wos ezaenttaiiy practical. Oneofetthe junior e!erks lnfonmed hlm [ '*He viii bo the ilesit tohauk me o'e eof that nobody bied arrlved. and that M. these day.." beo.aid te hîniseit alter ho -Pcydeli vos net cipectcd fer ucami>' au lied seen Mm. -Bmyant coinfomtabiy helamet! heur, lue ssled Mr, Bryant to vatt, but lu a larço, airy' reen i vth oveythî i ne. Julien retuse!. lRe. sald ho vould -skceseary fombhie onifort snroundlng iin up and dowu outaide. To. mtt ln tII. duU - l iib. roeponehhle for ail exponet,' iavyoreo office vomit! have been absoiutoiy ho liad said te tb. dotor' aud hlie vntC impossible. back to the office tory vcli atleed iet! i Mm. ýTeudérten, aligilg freni a taxi, lthe meninge vomik. *av hlm lu the dlstanc!, aud vas quleki>' enllghtened by the manaeloek that Boni.- CIIAPTER V. thiug lied deveopet!. tJbulvat 1iant0Blint lay la the emaîl, ex- ,isid o ew-us givon teinformation b>' 1>' l tintbet! aut!watcbod theit. hie dlenkthiat Mm. Bryant hlien at-lîghl- tâter through thi lace cumlalue. Thie ius nearly an hour.'. v;îdov vas open sud the blinda niovede _,*Weuldu't conie'i.mair. seenis upset o ansd fre vitiia leasant rytlimical ablout nomethiitg. eie laitlng for Mm. eeuîîd. lie moved a i ittie on hie.ilw Pleydell"adgaeasiheeypl ndto.I ev "Ait rigit." sait! Mm. Teuderton. sdga1a ii et>' nsd t n on h iluetoIt quite excil edd sud on!>' egretled vas se ple-asiiîît te iesi" udyk.u thatho bt! nt foce he patuerte tie slewiy. Ploasairt. and! yet there vas that ouà ho ba ot a!fùen i ted. ta eseeof dolngsr omethiiug .ci.at enghl not Mo . theydt v aikoeedate>'te ,s t. eobedoeethat tis@poil oet mxio; Mr.jlydel wlke aeatey t bi of asne vouid bo toltoved b>' à neetfor ex fiee, sud mest au ho eacied the outrance tra haste end! industr>'. ho was accest.ed bv a viid-Ieokin g man, luehait! been dreanilKi60 so aily sud -ho whom at limat ho hardi>' mocoguzed. m e d wvred Eo £0hard n1hihadreania tt0 Yen bave broien youm wrdtoe,"1ho tel t hl iemgit permit bimmelt ut a li da.id Byant, "yeu have doue a dreadtui 1ev mlnuted mo.o, thînî" thelsvyo graeelieiatbho l ~dboon dmlving for mileasose t C Iustautiy tviewye vas hat dI>' edte hilidmviîîg thmough aie duet.l- hall te deiil ih ama wo onha adthe ennimoer heat and thon thmough "aeoi l *, osld W ntdethe cool. îplashing ain. le lieba t e eue. business hors. Mm. Bryant. ii- ~ trtmi.d;ngtmble ufe Theoffce on u te frft-110r.Mr.than holie bd expecteate . Theyel oice vs n h tet e.M. rThat voe a brilliant ides et Derrymn'an, 1P î~iydei otlcdtha .ltan eiaggemed, the suggeston of learing le drive ap and lad te hld idoto 1he -stair -aling rca.Th omi vas snoluî.eesin.btt orhe îm giongti. WIIen lie w as ver>' dirt>'. 1htill dreaming, Julien e ýPrie 1ý Pe3 I pshd orar h i llted lit@ hauds o he le ndioked at a ýff -e Mm.Pioidi -. ed -or ard shièt-hm Sow had t-boy iniLaagd te - -.et hi>'~trn thrai>ghoeenteat.Tilne"& 0î h eu m i ove cthlug.' - om "liquite n a, niudi the yu,'mnt, .Tuliali sat back Iu the chair, sud for noatd wèukiv. sud ho saLni bnci onthe, lestant ho .c)uld net epeak. Ilus browa 1pittOW93 again. Ho Gwallowed the mcdi. el were ceutracted wîth pain. Lu tint brok r Cine. and the 1111176e ioved ava>' lu her o en. indistinct voice ho saut: sdift fahioti. At Ihe door sic paneeti- ".Yen iîow I have heen weming at a C"Yen huelavaîig e gaaelatel>' learntng te- drive a car.coeii" gatra tt y iret trial. I bat!10 Julian, Bryant munde ne anwem. and the co frute t-ho country,. and I didat get nurse uaffled,,ont, heiÊ place being iakeh n baci 4111 quit. laie. -Fnît! iaen'V tuere- alinot immodiatly b>' a trim-leoking Ci 1 can't toIl pou what 1j etI 11<. ven I rvalet. -aire ttat. Icouidu't find my vite With baif-elocot! eyee Bryant vatchet! nyvhore. 1 rouee<u the people ila etue s man. Holue sarrangiug eeme clothols d bouge,. md thé>' told me 4he haà gene on a eblair. puttlug dut soe m eirt eoeko Ly> aIn l te attemneon. aund that sud bed-roout s"lism; s:thon bo camé and i awis." etee-!-br' the1bed. mie hlbIta lotter ton me. lucre Itit., 0à yuiet iseae ,sr"h Tho Isawyer teck the letton re£rom bis lie mWed yn4k t oeavt o. Fi? tremlYling,* oulatroîciet! baud. "Iava>.aha.ve myseif." t-hoinuInubet! "Doarcet hud," Mid bat! vnitten. asueeet. #«J vaut you te forgive me, but I have The valet -made ne emark, enly ebeery. ej grrovu tiret! et thilelite, go tiret! et being et!- a tietiioss eigit on youm eheuidoe. Yen " Ver>' veli, sir," sud turuet! ava>';,butr os>' YOU wfllI noet tme,'werk.sud tiattas e ha vasCgius Bryant collet! te hlm. -'M reu ,alorfe mmus upport us; vel, I do't '.I say, vho arc peu? Wbsi are you agmeé vit you, sudsoe I am goiilg te taie doing home?" un my siare oethae burden. I am going - "MY naineIoleStepheno, iii,. 1 vasen-.Ir te vwomi for mysoîf. To lite ou au «We are gaged b yomr lavycri. o-1 living nov,, do't yom ted uaitî do, LiaI "luovlong bave you bea vlthi me?"~t the evreetuiees sud the beaut>' et ever>'- "601115 o oma monai. air," sait! Ste.-aF thiug la lest? I shJah aiaye love you, phono. Cd brit Imiut' omi, sud if Yen are vise you "A nionthl" mpeated Bryant-, thon hb viii net tmýv te bmtng me baci agate. at -ffemedt! te ake un cenpleteiy. lue dmrg. 0 lenst notuutl.l thingcI smo btter fer bothigcd liumeelt lute a eitting position. "I [ ofi use.' do't roniember anytliing." boea&d; sud. Stepiens aneoeret!- Tise Wveek of-a' 4evau Moto 4(à e, a Ir-, ieahavec't adeemed t. notie tnytig. Imgolad, sir, yen have be" a tara tor tii. botter. Wosild yoa like te jet u, .air, the docoere, pecislY Sir lymp vi#h yuto be voused, Se tblnka éver>' day." e5*mmtmave Bryant lookot! at hlm ta a - etii'i'> tushton; thon- ho at!- "Tes, l'Il get Up." mut it, vue net suau yaituek; more tban euesée omit! dhava.tallen it Stepliens had not held hlm trmy - 'and vhen £4 last lie vaas gttn'inug tlut4 ' eh-irby the. vriudev vmwa.ýped t! bd in a etken drese- "lp 13' vu, lot tee veèak te speai. levsrousot! &=oin otiier oell et vain twtougit b>'Stopliena auking him a question. "Tiie car la -hoe, sirnd ithe chauffeur vants.±e mev if yen have au>' eties" Bryanit ieoisd at hlm. "'A car? A car?" "Your evu car, aic. Lt cemes over>' day about ti i ne. - SirJoseph t. tory aux- lons tuat you eiemld go eut ln the air. I lis te e a light overcoat vaitiug toi' Fou. sr1 Itook ineasumemnents frein yomr tercuothes." - "I don't vaut te go eut," ald Bryant. The valet mottret!. sud the sîci man sat on tiing; lbut hie thougits treublet! im. As Stephons came, ,mack ho sat for- yaird tmembliug salitho eut! said- "I vaut-I vaut Mm. Pîsydell. Rend andt ask hlm tW corne, ho muet cerne." "1'1l ring -timough, min.,-te the off i«." In s tory lUtie vlile Stepione wv a ici vitb thienformaton hat M. PledeIl vas avaand suld t! ne backintaLon- don fer s fortuiglit on another' t.hmee veke. "Mm. Tenderten Io at yeur service, air.", "Nesait! Brysnt. "-No, I don' t vaut lni te coine audsene." (To ho coutlnuet!) 1' LINEUP IN TUE AIR. 8trcngtIi of Nations in Aeroplanes aasj Dirigîbles. The suipremacy of Europe, per- ihapa o!- the entire world, may b. decided for -many years te cerne be- fore the conilict ends, aud in lbring- ing aibout tiia esult, Paye a writer lui Aeco- anti Hydro, t-he aeropînne and dinigÃŽble will play Speetacuion p~arts. Tc eay that, ooabined, Vhey ~a swing vîctorýy, he dces flot cou- aider an exaggevation. Yet ho acknowledges that the mutai va-lue o! aece equiprnt of 1,he moat cern- plete aud efficient kiud available remains Vo be learued by actual *erve. WhIcéh »jtiou'o acrial force *wilI prove the strongest eau only be guessed. Numuerically, France i nd Russas combined are stronger aerially than tu-stria sud Germauy uuited. The .great air battles will uîîdot)ibtedlY be between -these' counîtriu ;F rance9 aud Oemnmany opposed, RussasOP- pmsd to Autria sud Cicrrnany witlî 'ervia'se erall oquipmenV on the defensive against Austria, Great Britain'.s emo-ihydros, land-rua- chines sud dirigiblea wilI pcobably mot cross the cihaunel for land fi-ght- In -thé naval ibattît ve may 500 the aemo-khydmos ec! France and Eug-i sund united agaluast th. simuler1 eqmipment od Germauy aud Aits' tri, with Russia's principal hydmot equiprnt close to hem own shores on, coast-delensive duty. France ie undouJbtedly suprerue as far as hem nîimerical strength with laud rnachiues la coucerned. She 'cuti, withiu a few months, add ta îer present quota of 745 land ma- chines, W50to 400 chersand the uilot& to muan theru. Rîissia's pie- seut equipinen-t of 680 land mua-t chines could not ibe iucreased by, privately owned planes, as sero- plane owuership in Russa is gev- etmrnt moue-poly. Oermany cou-id idd £00 machiines and Pilats Vo lier total cf 5410 land machines within a very short tinie, 'but little lucrea.e -cîld be made in Austria's 130. The. total stmeu-gth of Fr«ance, f luasia anîd Iervýie comnjed iu land p machines i-e ai preseut 1,443. Gem-c __a- y e e- .1AI!. se-gne__i!-0 71. 1 me France has an excellent* foot o! lir--ibles, hiowever; saine of tliem mre exceediu-gly fast, and, 'besidea iolding Vhe dinigible -speed record, French mili'tary dirigibles lîold the -orld's dumation record-as -heurs, ýighteen minutes. This record was- recentl>' made by the 9,000 citbic- ueter L'AdjutanIt Vincenot, break- mg Vhs record o! 34 bhoums, 59 mnin- ites previously lheld by a Zeppelin. )f 22,000 eubi-aneter capacity. But France Jacks the veijfit Vcarmying lirigibles o! Geramny, havi'g but- ne o! the Zeppelin type, Vhe Speis. u"sî ls equally 111 equiiped ln il pat patiuan GERAIAN TRINCIIES ARE CUT - BY MA1tINEfg. Wovk Done B>' -neehanjeal Pl .ougis< Driven by ' ery Powerful lietors. A cccrr&Poudpent o! thre Londlon D-aily Ne-w-s aud Leader contributeE the folbwng: i"4It may be thait mmclumiil tihe waî l8 over, if aveu thea, Vhsfll mes, sure o! the meechanical equivpmen4 o! the anmies lu the field will ho dis. closed. Ail o e! hmmiy types o1 motor vehicie are beiug used by tht allies or ths onéxu,, but as to Whc has the, greaiter number cf eue spe- dies or another it la Impossible Lic "Wbeme varlety iaiconcerned, howevèr, lt mu-st hae oncedd kat t-ha Genmans eau clim the greatesi -degree o! foreffihought, fer tVbey have two types o! machine at lenast wbich are net Vo be found elsew-here eund a t-bird which they appear te have used nucb more f reeiy thon thelu oppomisuts. "Intrenhments, it need bardîy be said, play a lcsdinuç part ia thre ca-an paigu. Now, it us flot generally kuown, but IL is -ao'ae,'bbc J"- a fac-t that the Germimus d'a a -good deal of their tncnch cuttiu'g by machin.- ery, Before the war broke out they pnovided theruselves wit-b a nuniber o! mechanical pi-oughg, driven by 200 ho)rse-power petrol niotors, "Lt doe-s noV, need mnuch imagina- tion Vo ealize that engineus o! that power eau scoop ont tronehes muîeh more rapddly thon mnr wiVh epados; aud thougigîlt la improbable that the number ouf these machines La so large they are likely ta be ar-aiable ait a miomanVt'sjo ae at c-vemy &in- gle point at WTi4di intrenchmneuts might Ipecone dresirable, it cannot ho doîihted but lthat the mac-hines wliiclîimýlae been ecvntucted have proved highlyuseful, aud for aught vo know inay actually 'have been employecl ni the outset o! thbe Isattle oi tle Aie.e M'thod of Wil'e ('lifting. ingca W -it ts EsÀid on, the *vp' Siid lupytsAîlea' maiy b. dlsabled, "ObviQa41ly, b<dwever,îlt. h*nme lu that respct are M r tIhan dxii. o! a cavaIvy patrel, sud uot ooly la it sur LinË ng tamore vae. of Q e klnid have mmci been buiut or aend attaeiied Vo0tubaiee a Leamn but it la e Us,,cetantht h auy f uWure var. "EspeeWaly muï-t Lt- iho rmsem- bered, luoreover, thet a, Bumopean- war'l isccli a imatter of etormu:ig ,kopies; Franco, Gerpmanansd Aus- tria are liberally -itemrsected with a profusion o! mniWtary moada built lu strtcal hes for uiles sud motor 1o n o f u !every kid bas funl oppem'tumilty for the display o! Lats auperîiuty over the old.Vimenet- BRITISH FOREIGN MINISTER. Sir Edward Grey's IVife--Was 111 od WhiIe Drvilng. t Sir Edward Grey, the. Britiiuh Foreign Minister, La net one <of those sta-tesamen whmo fludsa ay me- ilie£ fromth ue cames o! bis'great of- Ifice lusocial Ilide. ,Mr. Gladstonme vas a gmeet diner-out sud loved thle rthoutre. Ie was in a box ln & the- atre whem-nthe nova o! Gordon'a " aut ss brouglit t'a hlm. Sir Ed- yard Grey La -nevet' ont o! bis own hoerswheu net l i is'office durnug lihe vorkiug days o! thé> veek. But at tbe eand o! tire week, the sport- » saoreti week-end, ho is always Vo ho fouud st a lLtle iron coetae obas buill for himael!f by thers ide o! the stream wvhoe re emay indiigo in bis favorite pa&iîme o! fi*bing without the voicesa t Iwoudd-break la upon bis solitude. - 1 The death e! liii wifé em weweks aftcm ho Imad beem, appoiuted Vo h-la -higb office lait him oua of Vhe loue- >liest sud most aolitary menon uthe würkl. Thers wecs, uubappily, no ehidmea bommi durimg thoso yeams o! perfect corame sip amiJ lve, sud. W-heu Lady Gray died le seemucd Vo close forer Vhs dom cie! is hcuart te ail who wonld intrude as ha kept tcyst witm mem=ory. , 1Tho circurustiances o! Lady Gney's death rwemo Vo hlm a tragedy beyond even ýtho losimg o! ber, She w-as clivîug in the park ou hisestate iu I<arthuinbýerand, whe-n t'he homses "Inamnuch, moreover, as wire is got out of ihancs andi bkted, and she cornîonly used <or obstructive pur- "vasdasthed againît a tree, Sir Bd- poses it is uotewoertihy th-at the cars ward happened to be in Londou on whieh the (lermans use for field staseo affairs, as the tinie, and whc'n work are ftt-te<l wibi çurved e tee he news reaohed hlm he rushed 'to rods on the foreifront. Oneof these Northunb.eriland through the night has a cutting edge, and whenever on pca riol ofn e wire, iB encountered it is caught u unconscious, in which stase she re- by~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~U Mh li o n aedo ,,rained for týwo days, whieu she bthe pttin e dge y whie ot odied. He gave Lt out that be neyer th toinîy edge ywhc t ifr ar-wished any reference made to, lt, à it j knowu that the Germens haveaantaiVhlghsadgamrf used qite, largociale life which would now be un- use qute lrgenumerof this8 bearable without her, and soug7ht in formidable type of vehicle for scout- netap, ing purpos-es. Nothing of the kind, the lutenetapiation Vo lus du- howcver, wait included in t1heorigi- ties distraction that' should pre- nal equ.ipne.nt of the, British gi s, erve his i:oiffe and hbis sa;nity. thouigh it is good t-o read of Com For Lady Grey was one of tihose mnander Samison's recent exploit ini rernarkable woen who, while -pos- the neighborhood o! Amiens, when sessing a&l the charma and fascina- withi a smal arored motor car tions -of social gifts, yet had a brain fore attahedto the naval flingcf untusuýal aptitude for polýitics and crsand made short würk of a affaira. so tliaît, he was lu very Uhlanpatrl. truth hi5 othier FeIl At times of pIeatro. otrca s ) encral ele-otion ishe end he would new thing, and frankly one must mt&rt a i e tenso -scn express fsurnrise that it has ît siiecy, eo that there would be been adopted in large nunibers by two meetings mn every place, one aHke S c iteîf * addreseed by caoh of them, and it every aie peed of 18 el sa ifiult to aay whic éýtn was factor of importance, ,and one which the m~ore popular. places the uîot.or vehiele fer aîhea4 of the horse in respect of recon- Idala vr8000wdw n naisslatce Work at ail events,,. d wnyliars old.0000 io n "Effective offeusivences la in-de wnyeaso. suî'ed by the carrying of a quick- Mr:s. Smithî (ounlier first visit to frin'F gun; the provision of armor Niagara Faeue)-' Ohl, 1l.eginald, plating in conjunction with s'peed finit i'emiinla me' I forgot to turn incre)a.ses theo poesibilitier, o! cscap-.(,ff the water iu the kit-Chen 8ink! EngilighGirl -Vohmteer- Drives Motoreyole Asnblan. - miss NÃŽomuam, o! Fleaut, le &u English girl viretre f-st-lier and broth.ers axe eittre front. Niot Vo be outdone by thon aire effered- lier sorvipeG to tire Biritish (overnnt., and'h as beau detailed n,% a voltinteer "Yto diive lie-rz motoa'ojr cueambnlanceaud Red> Cr<rsesupplies.- ve, euiru, mereîylo u etpSwwawrn. threg11r vg lilgh bréakfast, Md the écipes eaeily c»a b. inerasa for '& ýmany as 'wieh Wj>art&ke. AU measureumento are ldelsiaud e, grad-. ed maîf-pinit eup la ueed. -E ggs for Breakfaat.-ilere in mmo better- brmomrte ,perfect breakfavtl4 than eggs. AM the pmeseiMt tame, - hoeethela' sot La se Ihigh Otiht Veymay have Vo b. thseepètioni raither, thon Vhes me, unles y'OU lear s o. pad your egg diesh,t the man'vith & iewrtuy app~Ve will be eetsfied with oee orat n t eggs at onemisral. Fer the *brain. womker a weil-eooked fmesh egg La o! i more value than tbmee timea its bulk, lu meat- and pot*tôes. The bard worker muay want, soure ballast be- aides bie eggs, and for hlm we must buil1d up sosie attractive dieh and -adrthe Vhseggs Vo give -Vhe neoessary Ilafslcd Fetatees ivith Eggs -_ f Methoti: Hashed potatoes sounda p easy, alnd !ew would thin-k itrieces- S sacy ta give diretionsu how ta pro- a pare Vbem. Howevem, Vhers in a w'romg ais wellas a rigbt way o! l prepaming potatos.. For haebî-ng Il potatoos ihoulti hoeooôked lu the 8 skia and allowed Vo stand at ]"r-ast .1 ono day. Then skin and cinop-dlo noVt griud thmeugih ehopper-the 1:o-n tatees iite $Ma1i, i'tidIes. Now place a. tablespo 1,uof lard and- butter or 1goo butien & aSpi' dem. W-heu bot add ene cupfu-i o! t-be pubatois sand carefully brown on lover side. H1ave ready a little a more s-hortening and as you turu k the potatos slip 1»a'thbe fat; spnin-h kle sait aud peùper aver theni antik suatch to see that tuhey brown equ-al- Y ]y well on bottonu, Wheui well heated through andc a geolden brown on both soides, invert thicm on a bot plato "d place oee-or twc> poached eggs on top, igmtsn; eggs and top off pcutatoes witb a jitbl'e more salt and pepper aud add a. littie c;hop- i ped parsley il on haad. b Saumagettes anîd Toniatocs.-Me- f thtod: like thnee emusll p'ork eau-a sages sud clip lu cold waiter for a few maIui;ea. Now aip off -±imhè sk'in aud form the meat lu-to flat cakces. Fry le a amimuil pan until niceiy browned. Pour off the surplus fat aud iadd ome-dih&f cupful o! left-over tomatose4. a little chopped peppeca, and if mixture is too thin, 'a liVtlc rolsti cracker meal ma.y bLe -added. As oon as bot serve on a leate plate anti mre.-fa ali toast pointa areound edge. Tilngt;Worth Liwlnge Bread asud butter epread witb -chepped daubes niakea excellent school sandwiches. To suice bacon 1pmoperly, silice down Vo tîme ird; dlo nol atte'mpt te slice through thes mmd. To pud thre edges o! Joi1iesý befere rcmbmoidering themn, work thrniniia ca-ars eirhainstiteh. Button loo-ps -wlll be ruucb .stîong.- or if the hie-ps are crocheleti over with s a !e crochethbok . B3roken mie La tu;at wbic-b la si!ted from the higher priced graine, and is e4uairly good ie flavor. Suet nay be kept !esh by chop' pi-n5 roughly and spriukling lb wibh s littIa granulateti sugar. A 1ongý-hand1ledbuttuliook shoulti ho .kept in the laundry ta dlean the l-n- from tube tub outiets. Cohudensed milk i-s clîcaper and as good as !rcsh milk for the making o! cocosp uddiiîuie sud les crean. Boiled or noasted nîcat that la to ho eut colJ shouîld ho wrappd 2l11aa cdean, moi-ei doth. Il wil c m.Ore Itender. - JWhem cuitimng fur, neyer lise Sci' gor; ue araor r vrysharp peu- knifetW eut ýhrcugh the akîn at thée b&c-k.- If ia %-ery light cake is put into a qik even, 'i-t wl l riserapiclly rç>uud tube aid-es, but beave a hob'low iu t-he middulci. Bviled puiddinigs îhould neyer bc turned ont the..,moment they are doue, They are vary likely Vo break if tii le Jonic. Ail milk puddings iutended Vo be 'aten atIilinccin ion uld ho- pro- pared as souon as breakfast thiîîgs are cleared 5wni-. l3ruh t-be luvr c'uîst o! a. pic ave r wit-lî t-ho whitecJ!au egg. This prevonts tlie juico from soak]iug If vege4-ablecs are overcooketi, iîleir texture toutghens, -their flavor is, tomewhn.t d-cstrovcd and bhey are1 ne;t s-;> dig2etib1e.- Cakes slîould nêot be placed lu a1 colti place or at au opefn window te ool. Thcetea.m wi]l condense sudi make Vhem lieravy. - To coan ligh1fcoored satin soe mub thre:satii wità ¶ra flainucî'dipped iÃŽ4 spirits1iofwine, ,turmriugth8 flair- uel -freM insVireto, tne. A nemi-, if I-t las fitM beau stuck in a cake o! qaa'- may -lie e îaaRl tiriven into bard wýood. 'hysni treaitnment apis o Vo ,crew. A'large place 'Of'"à t. Jput irse la!mp wlién filà i-mig up *Vvelvi give a mu-eh briglter -ightsud Vheý wîck. wîll la.sI Be much longer. It Wll notdi Iove lu Paraffine, bu-t1 laaibaavemy ong I o.i To dama .meri-ýo Undemwaar thon- oughly sud aeat1y ,prooure oOM(e white uetting, tack on a suffloient., iize to oover the thin place or bole, addam tà lrough 'the n t~takin. évery other ,hole, basketfas1on'J with-the usuaU-iending wool aid a fine darning needie. Barley watýer la an -excellent drink, for babies,' buý it, de important Vo' prepare Lt propeily. Thrge ,tea-' spoonfuls of, ýearl.blarlfy shouldFbe loewed to &bout thrce haif pints of water,- and boiled s1owly in a tin-, lined (or an énameled5) sacépanU. It should be bodled until reduced'tb abouit a pint, and then straiied. Rt ihouild benmade fresh every day. J{ow many -,eople know this never-failing -litie trkek for taking cut the obstinate kuot or kink V1iaV gets into your bhread when sewiTIg or embroideriug, and especîally ,çyhen you are ' n a - hurry Take a, irm gragp on your thread just' above the knot--thiý la, betwen the knot and the work-with the lt hand, and with the riiht catch ,the knot oun thp, needie. and jerk f.rom you- It will alw.ays corne out. The fo1lowingjs a simple homne test fordirty rniJk Which lb inighti >o welI for hoiieowives of Canadawto apply, A peritrctly clean funneliw , liged with a sniall piece of elean' wire netiting fitteclin the ueek open . ingand a thin layer of cdean cçitton iatting on the wire ýnctting. The' rî:nneîl is gteod ~ a large jar and a quart-or moreof the rnilk filtered Lhroîgh the ecottou. The cotton i4 bhen removed andJ placed on plean white card to dry. If there la! evi-- dence of dirt up-on it the attention- z! the milkmaf inay be1 cal led t'o Lhis direct evidenco of ale hanidlmng-end if -trouble persiFts the local healtdt autho<ri.ti.i'may benot.- IVilÂI'SOLI)IEtS BA'. Eneli NMticît las Its Own Klnd of -Wav IBread. - Every arzny lu timmoof wý1r carýý ries what iii called. war breïad,' whit'h forme a> part of the ditl'nble. rations,, and i.4in utendedti te léecat- en if necessary while ou the. rnsrch. The German soldier roceives for bis wsr -bread s zwieback, in wliich are- mixeti toge ther 100 gramnmes of mais- eJ doîîgh sud auJ ten grammes .of cooketi nice, Vogether wit'h ,sait. Boston eggs- and sugar -are addet t-o the dough lu onden Vo imuprPve is fînvor sud t'a increse the nu'si iug power. Thep.roport-ion.is bÂo - eggs to 1,000 kilogramm-es -of fleur. Finally. potato fîtitir is ised, lt is- saiti, ta pmev ent the brcnd fron grawing stale tee e-asily, amud ctara! way soed gives it the îîicoissà ry Tie Austro-Htingarian s".,di-cns eai-ry -llîeir durable ration or bread - packed lu smnall cotten bags. 1h14 - -breud laslîhaped liko a sau.age, sr.d consiste o!f wv-bot flour, potaho flour, eggs, unskimmeti-niik,_ unît,' cinnamron, nubu.eg sud -ast, Iu France each, soldierr 'ece"VeÃŽ as fieq durable, ration 10,- baves - of bread, oaclî o! "'which la 70 mi1î- metres ilonk, Ob ruilirner&te8 brûaîji aud 25 mili-tetres t-Vick. - iu anur case, 'this bî'ead does flot tast-',b --a geod, nom lu ilts- îotirishiiig as: îlu Austiin brt'sd, for thîe pjýil u-p1)ioijî1, ne the Freucli irfantrrymrani -c e:xî1- eti, nmust bc sarti8fied %witlîa!u whiei le unade, iîLx of, flour. ya aud Nvater. Th1e war bi'ecd -o! bbe, taliall4and lioummanians is s-env srimir tor :]:a: of Frarc.' IL t, th<iîugli, 'l1 what diirker and bas a tt smooth rstilfrr> The .Swis soldier carric-,s h;i4i t bresti with lhiin- i m, li î1:1;À( board, box. Eà eh c)f t'ii-'ý,Hf patckages coîltain.s five milloav'uX wîîich weigh alItogethier O gram'mes. --- île iiglît-coi&ï'ed %vaîru~d thé British je, kepi i goud conti- tionlumalslrdti-bx. The Belgibus give heireedlr a bciread ruade (;! flou-r, ugr aud- eggs,, -eb-- on!lrsMving 40puînc- lue. Helel are -als'o -pierced V-th-reu-glà the Turkish broati, wMich le mude in. round CLsks, lîaîing -a dianeter o! 150 Mil linmetre.q.-arnti La. veythick, 'm~ncut tBlsomi yondertitls me lie-triiste. bis wlfe inrphicitiy lauJ absotey - ibut-'> ý "Well 1" ",wel, I notice ho carnies -his dhange and bis llah, bokg lçoo lu tuee aine pocket.'t l ARCHIVES 0F ONTAI 4 -t - 4" IL -- A 4- 5 I -r ) 3 n1 'el