Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Nov 1914, p. 2

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4~ r E~ ish. - 1je3tpit -t tii. bid > tbeir ùginto a, jewekkd rage, the bars' 01 -. ivWhith 'were-,pure gold. But the lit- ?Well, thae spirit i>5 fot un 90tîsibr eea nVaiovyhe ord-j i- on the cwest ide Of tihe Nortinl es. .ed togore mn hegde Leeis thre proolf that a lot Of Eng- flowers. "#Oh, leitmae go 1"ii lead- hmen and wolrifihiare stli utteCaine, hokhe -ed able of kindly feeling torwàrd Ge- iBut Vii. ourince s hok er.h mini," thcugh their country is er "I lov,,e y dounie," aid. th ,war with thre German Fkniire. it ird."you 'would -wish me' Vobe is an appeal froni :a- committe-e ,'hnnP 1 can ne'ver b. 'hawry tài b aed! -yth rIbeIIofÇan tite princesseaiock irer head. terburyi "for thre assistance, cf "iYou are tire amaleat bird in aIT Germa'ns, Auêtrian9; and flungar- K~~ if l ians in distresa" ? nithre Britiosh is- ,were to lot you go,1 you, woulid have W 1 ~no golden ýça«e. Where wo4uld yeoi : mid ehelter-and foodl">, it points out tirat thre are li he "i should find thre open sunlight â~edncgeiand =y Uited Kin6dom many sueh pées oobd sriou13 b. thre, weetw&s of the~ '1ho, "througb no fault of their flowers"e the bird pleade.d.., 4ýVn, ha.ve fallen into acute di8treus "h little 'bird,.yourwould neyer o wing to tire outbreak-' of war.". reltiirn to me V" ~IUres oreiners,"No, eaîàd thre littie- rd1 " se ýoregner " being legally in 4 Th~ e to ic ~l 9 eeue, shourld neyer -corne 'bak, for I do âe potin o laien nemes, noit'love you. you ,bo'nd me wîth a ai#e, it' s4hows, "in a' ýpecul-iarly un- golden cord." hippy psto. They are eut off Mien the. piness thouglit, "If f rm teirowncoutry 0ftenthethe-bird does not love me, 1 will drom heirwn cuntry, Ofen oVe tcee.p it againSt its 1w111. I love mnen have ad tW leave, or are de- no ui ht ihi,~ob rp taineci as prisoflerfi of war. 'Phere- », e 9pifIl. t o it w111 L fere iielp îs aeked for them. loe me a littie in return." So she cut thre coraideVte Eelp îs being giveri, and .by Eng- lb;rd-out into the -wide warld Wheri' lisen.irnmost thoroug1hly convinc-ed thre treeà anid flowers grow. of he ustce f teirc-ontr't Then its happine'ss was as iwide o! Vire justiCe pas theircuir wind. t flitted hither aind cause.- Iii the list of colitributoi'i thither in the sunlight aIl day. [Vts ii noted, for instance, thre sanie -1ittde ferýthers that had ibeen ibrown S;ir A. Conan DoyJe, whose argli- urned înto emerald, and ruby, and si mnent for Erigland against Gemrniafly hit,ýlifld sapphire, and itopaz, w aSlael p ib ihe. A nd no do ubt for thoe- were tire colors of Vthe 0 wasitel pwlised.floiýers tdrat it visited. But ose- we shall'hear inx due tue 'o' sosie day, as it went froin fl«wer to, flow- 0 *sixnlar caring 'for "3lien eneies" er, it came uçpon a, rose. in thre8 ini Germnany.* Certainly we lois heart of the rose there laq a tear w 'hall.that was like crystal.- "Thre prin- W~3 cese paseed this way," said the re. '4SBie mourns because she isc Thre incident illustrates tire folly .nlywtr" o.Ihaekp of tire-prophets who declare that "a her tear to giet o. tthoi7tsàd years of hatee" must b. "Poor princes,") said the ittle the legacV of théewar. Noisuclr.thirig bird, "I do love lier! L'ire gave met m-111 happen. It isrr'V in humari na- thre sunlight and tàe flowers. I will go -,aWk, and I wiil see if I can <om- tare tii go on cherishirrg iurderous br ir Isafis yfedm Irate where there is no personril in- but I shal have lier love." jury. Tire quârrels of nations doe Sotire ittie bird flew iaok Vo the not endure freve7r. princesi. "It cwas your love tirat brought me," said thre bird., "I have been hiappy in the sùn1ight sud A TENYYSON CAlýL TO AtUXS. the. lowirs. See! Wliere 1 have unullLr-dpped into the flçwers, ail the Thé' following litherto nubah feathers about my throAt have b.- -cd poem by -i ebr ensi, cosse enerald, and ruby, and sene- bas bem erirwarded tb tire editor o! th.yst, and sappirire, and topaz, for the Spectator (Londonr, Eng.'> bythe lowers are tire jewels cf!-the viepeetLr ensn lo'ide, -wide world, and I have found reonty uetd ri cfti. he ree their magie." stanzas lutire course cf a op<'hi The prines. did notV bind tire 'ird As Are editor *f'Vhe Spectator re- with golden eord. Itvwas ever a ter marks, thre oem seemsalmocstail~ as free to coure and go as tire wid, it were wrrtten !or the present aud .bot;h the. princess and tirebird - - 'were happy. 0 whre s hathesimpe W, iose da.v when you go into the. O ier .irte ipe>el garden. you way see the littie bird. Who zay's tlrat wars are over. It is the. smallest bird that there is What bloody portent flaohes there in tii. wide, wide world, -and tire Acrs. ireStrit cfDovr 'infeathxers about its tirroat are like aIehredtosn vs je<wels. As tire bird go.. f rom flow- Mary ,eïk te bring us und'er- er Vo ftower, i hum a Song &bout But England lives, and B.tllli' iî tire princes. and her love, and that, live.-, penhap5, is whV it is ca.led -tire For we'll eruoh the. despot yen- hummitig -bird. - Youtl's Com- der. panion. Ï * Are woe ready, Brifons ail, To answer febes with t.liider? BRISE 0-F TUE T1IAINED 'NURSE. * Asi ar,,!r! The Ne-w 'Yovk Eveninoe Post, in Theûrsb enealpatàde cftii.Unlited Arts.foioeaim r ot,London. Tihe ranka sinclude paa'nt,*ri, .cuap$or,.acto»oe ndjounaliets, who have ban-ded itogether for i h homue defenee'-c>f Eà'gland.> Tfae IPiliot a ow , " n . '- v~of itii.parade witli Maj<r-General Sir AMred- Tur-ier-addressing ithe 1es Inluded> lÉtebaêk.a v dnLavrARA, .R eoI ghelaorandmanger an her rnen. .1-6 UI»3 of ents and4'Uere. ITEUNATIONAL LESSON, NOVEMBER S. on*Vl Sowlng andi Reaping- usperanee Suaday) Gai. i. 1-10. Golden Text, Gai. 6.7. erse Ê .Bretlrjen-Paul cornea Vite persoual Vonci. H. r.- tin-s iris own we-akness, irs owin «ger. -He-ueire does-sot arre- e to iisel! asy particular ngvir or migirtiness luniris words warning. I"W. are -al1 bretir- " hireitimates, "net only in profession, but ln our pro-bles 1diffictilties." Hence temperî- nese in judgment, wiii is -tire ,go o! love, is a secessary vîrtue aii dealings cf ose mas w-it-h au- ter. If a mas be overçtaken in -r trespa-u-Tire possibility le rer far s.way fron any man. wiro are spirtual--Only the 'itual- minded eau appre-ciate - meaning o! sinfuiness as well suifer wiVli the sinner. In a îit o! gentleness--NoV showing 'uhnes.. Looking te thysel!, lest >u aiso be tempted-Paui sug- Vts a vivid -picture lier. o!fVire de- rable predicameut o! one wio, tr teef-assurance and a sense ot ;ews iuvulnerability te tempta- >U, adssouisired and judýged îose Io had fallen, and Whro h 'iurseiIf turn -became a prey te t-ire wileî evil. 2. Éar ye one anotirer's burdens, td so funill tire law o! Christ- las le tire very ireart o! tàire gospel. )bear witir ose another's faulM id faiiings re.quires a kind and de- se e! temperance which cas b rawn only froin a close alliainci tir tire Chriat-Swirit. 3. He deceiveth imrsie- Self. eceptien la tire easiest and Ume8 rtful of ail ivarions fornis o! de ptlou. Leil-esteen t-o a certail ctent is necessary. A man wir ates or detiases -iimself will ex apit -a àScrful and depree"atif ttitude toward. all of mnkind. Ti stmate. r-lgitly Vie value o! humai 'e in general a mian muet be a'bli )place the proper worth upcn hi wu tif. ln particular. The dangl ,tis sel!-evaluatiân; however,1 ie intemnperaîte anflsing of ose' ws possessions and powers. J ,as Is very, aptt-o think mse :be sometliing wheu 'ie is notins 4. Prove is cwu work-This is aost difficult task for auy -man. man's Work is good aud appeaý àg, hirelaapt te hay. Voa gres reigirt on Vthe approvingr expre, iofl of otixers. Tire pit!a!l A! th ablie speaker is the prais3e ei W tiditors, a praise often whi-.ir ietier intelligent nor eineeri every mn ougirt t-o satisfy iris ow enscienoe aud 'be his true self, d4 ng.,i work as ire in iresty ani itir a sincere and sseek spirit 1-e t onglit t-o be. dose, unumnd!i ither o! tire praise or the. disai royal o! ut-bers. If Virus to humai ie is true, t-heu shahl ie have I ;lorying in iris work sud tire sati 'actijon tirat cosses f rosi honest e lrt, irrespective o! wirat the. apr reut re-suits mny be. 5. For eaci mnsaahiboni ws burden-That is. every 'anà must do hie own- werk, and lxx t- set estate lie must do it in iris oN way. He, e! course, must develi and' train iisel!. mnkiug use aii iris talents and o-poortuniti L ) 'hane n slflirpatonae, comment os t-ie ceebration o! tire IV is Vire country's nuis. 25tli anuiversary o! Vie- opesisg o! Coime, put tiere igiti mar inluiis tire Joins Hopkihs Hospital, de- place, clares t-aVtirhe whle eountry'die! n And np nov, and he doisg!1 sot contai- lu 1889, outside o!fVire 0 ga-ilaut, galia-ut volunteers io9piîtals, more Vihan ýa !ev hundied in 1xxevery tov a-ne! village, - traîsed nurses. Ncw tiey exceed For Vira- art tigens-flend's, net 100,000 in laumber. Tii. standard me- of tIrm qualifications leetachyl May viol-ate, -burn and !pillage!1 ulsisg. lunVire eso-ac'nel ai Are you re-ady, Britons Ïail hs ucv professon the.-J0ins -Te-> snewe-r focs vit-h 1îiundr j kins THospital eontnlbuted 'povex-- E 'Ami, ami, arn! fuly. IV opened- a training schooelex fer' nuises- simuItaneousiy vitix the il Up, ujt-eutlilnib'd yeomen, eave hotipitalilt-sel!. w- a1ieTfher. coule! hardly be a b ette-r it Thre fatfeulîig o! youn cnt--e- illustrat-ion o!Vire va-y tir. modiem te And! if inde-e! ye willm for pence, wo-id lies ereated uev calainge8,2n P Be ncady for Vhe hatte1 proportion t t e - biiity t-e u-s-a-uh To figlît'tire battI. o! -Vie world, t-hein,Via-n in tiere ise o!-tire trais- I O! progrees and! huma-uit-y, cd sur-se., lu ti. ld day. tir. slck fi in Pe -M !lia eigt iilien lies -man vas taken <are o! by bis 1fau- fi AuJ' basterd Cirnstianity 1 ily by day a-se by "-vatoirers" froxu r .Are ive ready, Buit-osalail, tic neighlborthood by nigit. Ticse - To anewer -feoes wii hthnen j wcre the village t'lacksuuthr-'or o Ansi arxx 'arnm i paint-en, pena-ps a fraVceýnlt-y a-aco-M -Tennyson. -cite mate. . But lie vas inexperi, - -ehScd a-nd poeo'ny irquîipPed- for tirey work. To draft- hlm fou iV vas ne i Two Go8inga From nt On. gg. eailu imposition. But, of course,a 140 lgeinuga have just beau-ire systesi vas ecenoioan sd st-il liat<ried f rom a single egg on ose o! prevails vire. -Vie ra-lsed nurse1 thre farne of Mesrs. Chuve-ns a-s e! ous an extravagance.1 Seus, at lieton, Camrindge, Eng- The wcrld vante a&Uttire traiued1 I-sud. Sucir an eventi î aliiest un nurses fer ites suferers on bcd. e!f pa.eec<ientee!, t-i. bird. f romu double- sickuese tiratitcas -afferd-. W. d1 yolked eggs ueuahly b.isg deioed m.not need vax-e, a-ne! onfaertions, If teti hia-c - &n-t a-ilwiri<ti a-nd *eaxtquakee, a-ne! vlcslor nutIy-tir ea T'hie.t-vie-a-x- dex- te "inae vork." sûpI y ~~ ~ 1 Z ~ ~~~ needsi of VievoI ucra'te &re golu t-o rov u"t"fn elm ! wor ava-ltîisatpefo leredugo ie eg tirit pro-eproper eeO! -thee sîck, -ve have a- -dt tt lW t i b re va-shab -pr od - v lue. oflc oI1I a - aidr e rSc> r out by&*hm vire la devote-d 7Vo 'feveny eslvlized la-nde! fer enera- 05$ b7 -*~5,talons te omm'. lier foster blldresi. - - 'hnExipex- once paie! ,<oipimenit th ie Br't- >s.lie isa luuoiing vltli a, Marine olfe<ên at tulxir ex- W>lI5' by Porte- À ihe>tod' tOaOn~i' *-'lon- the Briotishi Rie>L aie t a-l-round fiihting'm2as lnu. ¶ht ia-s twepty IuVie "Joliesyyare na~ for a cie-iee 01 relnd- aet ! Vre lmzs.aalle. -'W-omen may leéarmn t-o sinoke and! drink." -Botiey.vihII foer ade pt t-ie -habit-oo! get-ting beimn4 a sews- pmper at breakast an«4 coutribut-- ing onIv grinte Vo tiréconversa- .Cireerfmul h-u6bane!, ext.ing tire kitclen isingisg-' 'My love' le like a -red, red rgse--" ife, tooking up Ir4m tire- eIoýe-' Yoa'd look red, toc, if yon'd.been bendingover a irying pan' fox- twenty minutas." to Vire S'i rit #hail oc thre spirit ri eterîa life-.No c6fnfnireni on ûc worgs <an make -t-hem any olea or mare forcibie. T-qea n-odi, ual is given Vie power te lest truth of Pau1'. statessent, for e ose o! us iras expernîe,%Id lu greàte.r'or less degrèe Vie rej o! tiré fleir and-o! tire spirit, - 9. Anxd let ns sot te 'weary well-doing-The tendency i. te boe ih-ause ne' goo di ! eâtl-. doimar appa'uoreltrecaus elire Y aren ae-ngsaaîneor ing. But the, c ia dueosaon nboperVirose vi;ro aint neta.dPesevasn fe hsdwofidliiný1 ncw e seifg rn ng d fpee ain1 gol-od-ihl t"Viinn my d pas.'aTii goter resuitha e i lbeanefThe a higirre andmoc nwiug 'W lettoa 10. eranwe have eortn iy-Thi 10hrAs e e o nply utas1 phos wlieerost iwe aveoppor-s tnnwit f oron ood. ItavI.poiv aundt emoratic auod m.ant ira"tire arid ege o! doing d nte ailth sienis erynwhcî' ng od ualwa mend. s eciywhtoadatiresurta hae o tire houseod !thiefat- axs efte ne inean thera4t h-i memb des oglint iiiatcit-e en timrel ugavoro, tiei !ellw ess- bies and mea busfthin ess r eio besont o!aeaus uin.srluaire oays o!tla rély hriunin.slatre as ofcheers curtinscftiiose who werh ersc nuin fiuo nialter efcare. -Tîi. 1f. of'-.. a- are. t recelve, and abu se and ne- glet! will short-en th ie 1.f any~ mechanmsm. Tire manufacturer le soit repo'nsble fr,tire care, of-tire machinery alfter it I. eoId. This reste entirely with tVie fariner, and as a comslon-e usosinfs Propo- sltion lire elouid Look s! er iisows interests sufficiently t)o ieuse Iris imipiesients and tirpi- ave Vie thon- sands of dollars waated annualy in unnevessary depreciatien. Fado and Faneles. ý7r £ýJ h e w v i Î, 4 -2 5 . J -. w i p ie i'e . A 7 U uz urn wt r t 't~W1&5fleW vltirat tiré trial basbeen made -tire 'ThisQustion s not'nerW! i.iira14 in ténu'e of happ!D.e58 itreen a'sdecd wlienever a" 'whc&o-, fprsprty andpace haî been. lai- iety, 1ke edgitees»'-ir century' mediate and perma~nent. France , ras ben rc ttea witir cor~- Il anrywirere in thê world there rup i on ; w 're nev r a. ba r -bar u s 'in -a re violen ce and n ils ry , it i1w ) n gt stitutiofl, 1 3 -'lavery, bzL& :been bec u e an ' iritianity baf ald -bmi allorwedVo flourish; wirneri, a 85 cétr<.eua oùneÉiri Un ur'own d4sy .W verty ; unenmPIOY' ,-else. 'ee-ydifferent Ifrni Ohristia - mnprison,' abominations, offer" ity,- 13 ulailed. ýflagrant violtion -f tire relIgi o D o f %k ic th e Present W l ,r Fie azree. But. neyer. has taris r quetio. ben rge -tnh srch for exaniple! Here; iri-inly enough, sistenceas to-day, whléu,., war ~la filr cfateshp an ravagng ti. wrld romen& o stndiiig,^alries te saieguard.inter-. eagn D enOttred ' fiabihity of >tInational peace; a failure o! nli- Oýhurch ir to ta~y tinconflit demon" aim-eVri ra eoleiitr strwate itejailmnre asâInagn o!h-virtues ofgentlenezs andironor; à% man 'betternenti I4 it ,noV evident failure cf secret diplomaey te- ýthat Chri@tianity irhasdose nothinkÀ guù%detire'nations in patirs-of axnity to dstry pejuice ,otén enityand coneerd, a failure d, commer- or; basr luet rom te ?tan al intereats Vo biudmaâIkind to- orert ýishW .y netfrankhl-y am tsgetirer 'by thre bonds of- mutinal in - f alland turn o otirer and moretre;afaueo!asclodr promîin'g ieans o! establisiring Vo proope'r on thre ibasis o! force and 1justice and peace upon the eartla 1 hatred. But nowliere is there * Theusul newr t tis 1u'ston ailreo! ehristianity. For whieu Tireusul aswe thi qustin las this religion irad any part in iis thnt riiody can isay whetier or 11 sot Christianity is a failure isince tlie gevernance o! peopIlWirat It Has Neyer Bec" Tried. kings 'have ever ruled in tire epirit o! -ire Carpenter I WiaV statesmen Tis answer is -witty. just te tire ex- have ever deferred the aggrandize- eut that it i. .untrue<!1()hristianty, ment o! nations 'O thi eIIefar»3of iuterpreted as the. simple law o!firumanity? Failure i. here! But- love Vo God and man, bas bèèn it la Vire fWlure, sot of Christia Ûity' tried, at mot tiixes tim'idly and but o! brbarismi, net e! Christ ibYUL half-irearted'Y, but even so suocess- o!f'Caesar, noV o! love hbt o!, bod, fuIIy; on fosie few occaEriong sin- and iront cerely and courageously, and ai- On son'e giad day 'in th, future, ways tins triumpliantly. Jesus "thre ttmult .and tire siouting" cf. tried Ciristianit-y in Palesise, 'lins present horror *wil die-'the with resuits that shook tire world. captains anrd tire kings depart.", St. Francis Vried iV lun Assisi, Da- And tien amid its blod ad ears vid Livingtone in Af rd.c, Teistoy. ad wreckage shall the sad world Whoenetrer.of s ae 'oseoIL arao -Fui h u-sed te tri urny o! tire 1in.Eiussa. '. Âuusnas, o'îme"n anasee tuat fer taeso! the aitir vire re e 'W bradehotirsuit,%. wosief, kiiown a-nd unknown, have i"-Stili stanids This aucient sacori- starenger anud betiter possessed t-ian Win-ged skirts witir aide plaits are orced it andartys g i, ad nye A hnuble and 'a contrite heart."t their !ellows inhrs- a Gowtieone o! Vhe ne-w styles. oe wit otsesl npie lf n latter anx especiai considoration. - Imitationi porcelain flowers air o ai-olyi r-- ie sd -B-ev. John Haynes Hoimes. seen on tire uew sslinery. --________ Tii. military note is'evident 'ii l'ARM MACIIERY. ma-ny o! tire uew fa-suons r "'4 ' ""ýa new pape-r aiouhd ne-ver ibe.pastbed Tricorne and continental sirapea oeraut old ose. This siouid1ah;-. Bulletin From Congervation Cern- are lu fave'r for winter irats .A i ways be re-movczd before-land.-A mission on lt-s Care aad,,;Abuse. Bla-ck enamel jewelry set rvltli H E A17 PryTc&s 'rine-stones lii hîgirfavor. H I.II j Re-oenV investalgatilcus by Vire Con- Luit-ain. large chrecks are trimmed servait-ion Cýninmission reveal Ïi 't bn utn n rîd 'o-<i*,~~.peqie AADA'S FIEE L(VSS. very interestiiig facta regardixxg Long and short hamred zibelines Bites of Animais. Heayy Charge for Replacement tire effect- of cane, or negecot, as thle are among tire favorite clotis. vddFr case my be, upon the life of ma - Sirkbkmn cireviot is une o! tire W-iere -many pets are ke-pV chil- Must Be P'rvddFr chimery on t^ a~~m e-en9 aoit hth o h ue-sit. dren frequently -geV 'bit-ten, tinlee In tire <ompetition of nations for anrd 95 !.arme'dlVde inte tirne. Flne black coats are made witir Virey have been -taught t-o be very Vie trade o! t-le world, any condi- districts, ver. vi&it-ed iu caëi o! military collais and artcilhery capes. gentle and kisd 't-o animais. Tire.tion whici wonld prove- a handicap Vire provinces o! Manitoba, Sas- Tire new net flouncinge ihave von- le al'ways more ai legs danger- frein msust b. carefuhly cousidered, tire katchewas and Aberta. derful de-signe -o! sankling the 'wound ibeing poison-ed 'by t-ie causes invest-ignted and eviry pos- In Saskatchrewan, out o! 94 fn4ým- epanglea. saliva o! tire animal. A dog bit-e, sible endeavor made te secure ens visit-ed hy Vire Commii!,lon'e ne- Some o! tire new dresses Ixave tireugir not se <langerous in Britaîi eltier tireir abselute reuroval -te .presenttve, 76 leave &HI o!tiroir t-hein ekirta eut fuli and #o eover- aslu ot-irr parte o! tire vend,, tire minimum. implements out o! doors. On 73 o!fkit t 'irere irydrctpiobia- is prevahent, Caadalier -present efforts t- tire faims Viere were no lipl nt ir'so! any description. On 21 of Marabou and osiricli are bre- sliouid al-ways receive apecial, care. -aîd' ctbtalniug a- siare c!f tire ex-' Vir fas, ixee lrgeenougi ,quently cornblned in Vie new necir- If a doctor is sot- clos. at li.nu4, ponttrade o! Germa-ny, suifera froni coefaaipartsestirge plents were pieces. 'wasi tire wound -eut wvith ir ieue o! tire muetseriou'A. difficuities !ouuda lu rnofe Vc-. ils eming wee 51k ratine, plaided or -atiped, -iiiacid as tooit as possible, 'but as- luis wit-If wicira nation caucne a buggy or a democrat- but neV on used for chanunipg girdhes sud t-i-m- les a tryiug thing for a motiier V O namely. tiat-of heavy ire leso. oue single fa-nuva-s Vie nmachnery m'1199, do, it- is as weil t-e get somueone eis. Iu the. commercial vend tirree a, 4U rouaed. Net ose farxmer va-c Satin aud ciflfon le a favorite to do iV.,The cax'boll< aeid i la1P -items mJc. - up tire oost of, evsry fountd vio -paiuitxedhis'implemteosbinàt-ion- for thi. dark colored pield vit-i a. maU fplinter of! oeodl, ar.tic1la, riz., naw mat-criai,-lnbor, te protect tiren- from tire wcatirer. -blouse. sinoot-l, 8so ht it IVvilnet injure and overese! éharges. Ptaw ma- is Manitoba onhly 14 eut o! 94 keep Corbeau ibine witir brown -l9a ntire woand. -Sec tliat ev.ry part Id tonial le governed lu price.b'y urar- -tireïr machluery under <over durnng coxubina-tion muci prettier t--ian it tire wound le prcsbed,_ su tiatnt e ket conditions. Ovenhead charges, vint-er, while 44 cia-in te keep a scande. -f--pn tV may escape t-ie causti<c. irowevei, are a factor o! expesise part-e! it inside. On 34 e!fVire Mani- lRed pann~e velvet and red tulle Wnmcdiittely a pesn ebtteiIt5wiichis le lays opesn-'ivetia toba farme ne provision whatever are occaE!ionlhy u-sed for evenixxg as well t-o fastes a ligature arçu iîdo-n. Tire charge agninst Vire ont- le made fer protecting implcmexxts, dresses. thie ami, or tiufb, n short distance put o! a nation consista o! a. great and only four dlaimi te have donc Mdaxy aoftire nev laces are cm- above Vie bite, t-o ireve.ntt-le blood masy individual itemns o! expense; a-ny painting. bnoideied witi golda nd céloréd beiug poisos'ed. WiVir ord-inary prominent among tires is tire cost lu tire tire. districts vis§it-ed ini thiends. bites, vasir velluin waiin atey, o! réplacing pruperty dest-royed by EAberta, mixed fanming ls arriied Long haired creaxu eohoxed plusix contaifling a féïw drops o! carrelil ire. Canada had a ire leslu 1913 -on quit. extensxvely, makixxg more ale useti for eveningw-va-ps and lined acid, and encourage bleodin'g f rein o! 82$6,346,618 or 83.29 per capita, t a-rn nuexu avaihable, s0Virat in-pie- witir brocaded crzpe lxx vivid col- t-ieweund and t-la get ide! the The 'Cz.nsus Brancir allows apprebi- -ment% are more likeyt epo r.pio.0ostne vrntr os imately ive persans t-o a!miy e t-cetce!, lut eves -iere, 37 out Of tire Bosse'o!tire new jackets are made oning is severe thre dector wili lance and, osn t-ils basis, the head e! eve1r 3 92 visittýd heave &Ilma-cimery eut vthblaeoln x rn- but t-ho surrouudixxg flesir and ensti' fml l Cnaa ue rvide 8 -o! doors. 'hidden urider thre jacket in tire back. the escape a! t-ie poison. Suake t$1.45 te psy 'hie share of!Vils ex- Iondititin Ontario virere ' bites sirouhd be aV once treated iti pense. Uaing the Cessus figures o! R l4 - are e sr ii t e every mans !a m nî,m d e tgt 575i203 as t-ie number cf em-p oy "s i 4' arie-i eneviitd, mx - An Unwilliag Thief. sliigturef apphoied t-nd'tire hm-y b. ngtedhimgfathiig uC1 î- iroused iris impIe-ment-s du-ring vin- lgtr ple o1telnbb-eggdii auatrni a. d t-en, altirougir none a! tires. men do Tii. captain o! a steamer wlxo,- twoe-n tire heant- sud t-ire xveund. But ada, and asstxming thnt >eacilo! ýs auy painting. In tVie Ontario dis- wirile loading at Burntislnd, took tire boa-t- viing te do le;t-o apply the tese -cpi - its a famihy o!f fve il t-îlt- visited vire.tire implements on two bande-une, a Kiikcaldy ligature, axud sesd for a docten at-Ipensons, , c. acian manuflaturers - are ijoused, tire average lifee! tire mas Who -was wit-iotit s writ-t-e once. Nothing can ire gained by paid otut, ini 1913, no less thas. $8,- f binder was !eu-nd te b.e betwéen 16 ",ciaracte r," aud sinot-hsr, 'a Duni deisyirîg, sud tisse is o! value. 475,059 t-o provide for replacemnt s and 17 y.ars. Ma-ny bindens vwtxc de mas wiro hd abundasce o! 4l"C- el d proporty destroyed.by -are. Sseen viricir vere in gfeod runuing urnent-ary evideuce as tairis lion- To Disinfect a Room. - Germany, ou tire otirer brad, iras' ei oder a!t-en cut-t'ig twenty a-eason'5 est-y and upnigirtnese. Tire usuai -met-ird employed la t-o L peu capits ia flghs. o! .33, witia L_ It Saskos tcrwn n ani-b, Tleybail sut bes long at ses mm nsul-pirinixaclosed-u-p reoui, 1Imily unit las o! $1.65, sud, on viriest mch ! -le aciiniy~ uhn t-h'y e ntue ogiand t-iis is perhape as effective as t-le basic o! tire nuu'tber o! Canad- isewt- e u doritire mc ieswoatlion, and tire Dundee 5man, any et-heu metiod. F111 a-ny lange ian- manufacturiin enployee,' he tototo o ,teaverage irie uosi, iedck vit-h a ve ' miia n olbucket, or tini ^,pay~s eut $051,075, -I ut-ler vends, 19 o! tirehi-nde-r i% given hy tire-farn- ;irnoketin iris iraxd, vas swept ever- &o, ir ai! fuih o! esi-ti, as t-and! Canada and! Germany woîking aide, rs a-s a-bout 7 yeans, viicisiele-as board, he cikaldy l a t-lu t-ie centre o!-tire reon n i by Bide, aird wit-itire came number, OP ,iniritr-t" t te bide P' viat- md happened, - sud soaglit-old m-et-ahVia-y. Lay n piece of pa- c! einployte'a, Canadia -inmau!nfc- - te-ct-éd fromn thýe- etr .Ma.ny thre cm pi.er on tire top o! tire earti, ane!t-t e must provide Mnvae blude-us do n-ot l-IàV a-% long a-s seven -a yind ix mn'anfi-ne Dun. pour on te tVinsaà-Pounde!o! -ceemon ai e, fer anadditionai ove=iee Sy.a-us. One' !ariýe'r ucarMcs - "Daht eeîggýdi sasr.Vining ateni ilve y- , a-, déel" eligague!sulpirur or îbrin stoi Clo1se al expene of $7,824,014 t-o caver fine a actLon sie. hie hitrder'-afte&i'cia- "Yes," î.le ie ntmî.crtuipled -nciwspapen up Vthe cliii-vt irepatirn- aueqaI - , ting t*ee ier3tý,Oid f6r' $S&,- or %Viat- o!fiil" awl rney, set tire prujecting edges o! th.,,footnai0the odiina-eu rohe 1iitb Weel, lies run awa i e pamer aîight lu sevenal places 80 approxiinately tire saine. - m~érier et iéoô- bueket- "t-ha-V it nxight ignite tire suipirur- Vioxr*t*l7 hligi- pi~s. It lid - ail -Leave tire roî, closing'tire doorFoetRsrv. ~. betu.-weHhrubedud Vie setesrarY 'T'e. Biggesl BOOM. tigirtly. A mat laid on t-ie entside - à- paletalig- a-id- , pairing' Irai!' been - A gentlemn sceeing an adveu:' will pree-ut tire fumes escaping Tire provinceo'i! Quebec las a t- e». epit oee rder. Ou tlsemnent iluhepapl', "A fave- fioni t-irooni. If tihe rocdn le dis- tai -o!, 111,4005,900 acres, cf la-nd set si'a-aie brn amnabinder whiéb roomed bbase toet*eV"' ent té havéiS ifected* alter a serioûs' hlunese aside ns forest reserves. Titto-< ha u ny'ir-&enp; -bt ý rtira làok'at t V'8 jittlesize bre'wn ppie irldbe pa-st-rdover- Val incleudes tire Na-t-louai . a- radbenu14e -e'an! ail5o>d ire wanted, bumt was sdly n-c e ieeg«s o! tire"wiudo*aird <on ,Gse-parka, lu- addition Vo tw«et_ olit o of s -v-eben rea-eNear.H' vent te t-iehent'üo- and left for'twelve hours afterte wnipfetreeesagea- fil te'i.> cçr.p. ire-ansd a new oneu e c. u a idiedd', -àà i: upru a-'rctet.Ata ixxng 67,000acres, -IaOntario'tire -e utnA- - c-aSS ione " ln"n 1bsx ti the. iz a- beul4 ,e ï& ëeýet feri rerves t-et-eh. fl,- - .-'- c~L a ~with -h additio»i12,ý Fitiëribiiù àyýtifai t iecan'nOt aiford -té 'huile! - W iÈd ' 'hé Vruth r., t-lley reialy can not- affoÈd tVo be ,wiVi-ou6«é-e. Aptilt i f -0 ie addi- tibl J ponter neiDefflary Inopera- iQn,, tire depreciaties ou- unirou8'e4 wa-ciiirY opiie erage- le incrmr h-ias Vire é~ -dip- keé dà' nimplement shed. Tire binder vonrke fou sot OulY a -s-hort- tume duning tii. year, virile machin- er euy in a she. onks t-ie viole year tirreugi an - t- puoPorttosateY [net," 'a-ni!tie agent .began co-Unt- ing,'_4Theue'e tire kit-cimes, t-e i.d-- ing-rooni, tVereeceptiosn ouin, a-ne! Vwo bedrooms-tirt's ive, i.as't itl V"ýYes, but- tiere's t-le noosi fou impiovenlt9" sa-Id tire ýpyoePect- ive tenant, ,"ane! trat's bigger t-ian axxy o! t-ie others." Jnd-ge (t-o vozan askin.g ccpafa- iion)-'HlloVIlong Iha-ve. "ôurîn - tions becs unpheasaflti. Won'- Yonr ?Heuoî, imy iel'st-iý,s have al- vaasbeen pleasant; it'sa hie rein tuons t-iat axe the old groucires. tire clera e!mest -' fabules, nue! tirereffore during'any siec.üesse'e! an 'infections nature oViring ine!ldb. Ised l ite va-y e! hangungt, ex- cept suci as cari be dislnf'eted a-se 'Wàshed a-fterwaudse. Al-bdding should ire sent teo a -pio!essioual dis- infeetr. Te -anitaiy or iealtir ant-henities lxx-a te'wn vill geucra-lly give particulais o! - Vis iwrk, a-se -e. tirat it i,. dose. Al 'wallpa-per lu s reom siut ire atnipped off au-e destroyed, s fueir papex- bing' put- «V p liht-s place. Ole! aierlaluit- self a great cause df infectioin, a-se a" otai ieacived ares o! 14-,447,360 acres. ,Net rm Fie. - Hostess <t-party)-"-IDces your mot-hon allov yan tVo have t-vo piecea o! pie virhes you are at- home, WiI- lie r ýWiIlie (vro lias, asked -for a1 sec- ond piece)-ýNo', i nm." "Weil, do you tink s4 vould i k. --oiu t-o have 'tvppieces ee' "Oh," confidéirtfaily, "seâo 1 vculdn't care. - This ls't het pie-i vlsed his late client tei Iii wae not. however, deatb. 'when a 'sealed had been opened. that been informed oi what laie client*s mid. n. in declarîng that be fo smtigmore Iban 'tis a downiright, L hI~-"le bad said ia wîtb. lr. .Bryant; and hadV an,3vwered bMim bit ' tit I. odiinmoral, if 1marnocl i avery ang 1 married tl vt.outinfi itentiore to do Fûo eas-iy nrriagefl, and. met, . sixa' bted my wife of butting at me fer h independent.- 'Vei-curious,' i"fr. "but 31ras. 3Ma.rnoç-k wi woain, mo.t-nusuial,' -I'would rýatlier a t liad forgott(n a-," Jo0 nie bailthe a~r:gc on, his heart- thai-, she last arnical, andi ibi ban iot merety Iheatexi ýcoufesai'dly uxh;aappy ln Vie mert' though't wae to Erxid. hbc-tolil bimet die than u-li er ecicrlkn lchad Fiat a long zti over wi th-'Ur. Plc-ydell view, andrîd i-ily bail b-ut bec-1l miesFitLse 1 f the rmuni-y hail b, it ." lie ,-a4d.'i ,hoe . eerýloi, it iL'aâ note the way in which to go bac-k agnin tout jusit Wtalk <'ver thei If by sinemuaai. 1 l <1-oney c--ui'! cone la h 1-. , hato *îiysicf f-,r tbetsghL." he i-a11 to Il «ca;ofl; -but w c-n a asB1I-am it t' oimiaiy a by the- k1r<riIcdçtc, tat. opinion, but 'wt*ho-ut a 'whuat tlîey mia;ýt. 1 tate lîlelega<-y vert bi1 toremain wit.bli i, 'w4 wouil not inlierit ozuf lle',tCpped gr Lg *,,,0 the firet f ortnight, but thon lie'irote, aniai~ swers .came 4acck te b was. grcîihîg b .-Wrtsr da-te on wlieh b'. mixa vais ,irawing vcry c-uc-t The youbger memiier Pleyl'iU aind!Ckutensi, -Tenderten.lHe ' ,;fci te 31r. Pleydeli, vfo v man ; oee ho vas à weigbte' and flurterc-d Me-nt which ar.- 1,1 brought -ito-to te firtm lir.Tende-rtn-xprofea alyfor .liati Brya married mtbmcf 'idtcciiois oifxthe bilier tment to stand lan lit Teruerten <lad rnotreul Han -Bryant wou!d blo Hle-waci prpxrnred to tak Ll'i.lc ahcrat 1;0 scrifice so acuh ir-ne! ! PTou*lI se,. leI ie nd ail te bis a rtiiera but xxnd naihing biaprriee' derten*e conviction. On tbe.mornîig of t] nit'wbleb Jultan rair' gi~ve 'his deciatýon one wc aouniz man appeared ai del-1- an'd buens alme * wére openeild. - One of the junior clh that nabody lxad4 errli pleydehI vas nior expe aour. fHe asic>dIlir. B Johin refuséîd. Hoes up aud dowtn outeide, iavycr'o office voolci ha r.Teuderien. aligbt uiawi'bim luntce tac o -iightenod hy ýho man thing baild deeloped. Ilisidt'e 'n.gi- bis e-brk tixat-,Ir.ra "Ï, wneari>'aau heur. .Wouldn'ti-ucr. ae about .'onuethtîig. lIeid li' fuit t (,wt'citeM,.à tai lie lad iic-t forcie' bl on tho bet he bail offerý lfr. 'leydc'li vaikt'! s fi.',. and ju,.t a-- lit elo shW11 ut tirs; ihardI>' - _ ou haîv-' Irc'ken Y-cr jau;cantly the lavyer lia' ta deatl yith a max eane. - iComa tInfid#." ho sat; 'c libuïincas bore, 31r, ad bail te obal ou hiko a mi"who -wacc nw) or bis oci etrengta. Wî office air. Pl-..t îiHpl ilh chairiand! t-licyauxug mil agooali. Oh! My lc-d'iie sat paîi je irtaroa." Iu facti licwu_ tr e m i .Yaun arci natitIlxc I -;- n ac-tng sho bad lelut a lïtc-f-r l'r1 Tbo lawy er t" k 1hli 1 'uni you- to fo)rga",- grown ture' ni,'ti ie sivycîu viii uit lit,1oc- 'lau alonc- mixaittiI agieo,With yo, iA an 1e unîmy chars or ithe iburs to work for my-If. To living umm.-do.n't yoýu the r-etucini nu'! fthe tlulng 1 le-iIebali, " but1 I ucit'Worlc. and df will uot t.ry te in'.m les"! t m Lhiac !a ARCHrIVES 0F ONTARIO TORONTO ( - E

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