Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Oct 1914, p. 1

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Règarding alter sud éon- retof Our te oe ~r Our goods arêtdisfinest qualiti. J., -E.WILLIS mizDicAL ,HA&LL ~~'ek S. * Whàltby. JNO. E. FAREWELL, K.C. Busister, County Crown Attoiney sud Couuty SoIlctor. Ois muth vlng C4urt Houe, Whitb5'. A.,. CHRSteliAN P smer, Séiciter. NetsrY Publie. Etcé Ogce, Bnock St.,y Opp.- Standard Bank. - Moudy to Loan. 'JMES RIiTLEDGE. Bartmoer, Etc. Mouey to Loan on easy tcrmns.- O&ce immediateiy south Royal Hotel, WluîboOnt. G. VOSJNC SMITH, LLB. Issuen o! - MARRIAGE LICENSES -Court House, Whitby, or nesideuce. 0. A. J. SWANSON Barrister, Solicitor, No tary Public,, Conveyaucer, etc., etc. ~"Oshawa, - Ontario 001ce..No. z King St. E, Mackie Block Residence-52 Drew St. Piones,-Office, 321; Residence,. 326. - Marriage Liuenaess toguer o! Marriage T'à *entes Corner druWetore. Whitby Th Rhaltor canada Inmprovoment£ Rel Land Ça... Limitai ReaMtate Deulera, Estates Mansged, Rente Collected, Firet Loanu Arranged, Propertien boîgi aud sold. For termt-apply llesd-Oeice, Brock St. -Bqll Phono 193. md. l>bone 70. Sales Manager., IGUUDSON a RIOHAIPSON, Wbltby. Wl 'OGURT, Pluetoror - 44 pIgtsAve., TORO_ WiII be ,pletteil te give ctuates -on aIl kiaids o!flss&tenng, Latbing, etc. Cbangqs Moderate, Write fer Terme, M AE SHORE PROPERTY. WANTED Sinalt farrn ôr part of a farrn -on Lakeý, with or -without buildings. Write J4DHN PISHER &-Co@ 49Lumsden Bldn TORONTO 0o.INIe o 1Bus toaIl trains. AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE. W." have taken over the 1-DouMion 'Express business, beginnuing Octobar lot. orders carefully attended .Au to. I »eli % phon s-89, 14 sud 74. É Stbles andOffice: sIosK t.I0, WM io!J, ont. uoveulmenij l. taus oZ4rmi L a Toronto morufug paper. L Wihthe plsolug 0of iii.Toronto- Hamilton lShway sebua fuilnte lands of a Cormtüssloà, lb., Provun- cal Gvrmu ds tmsel solifoted - on behaif of a, permanen ng, o1"bet axed-for thiim u ofi roadwa.y from -Torouto to Oshawa, ga.Ouarowsuabt. la advocapy-of whiecb.,adeputation t r- iitin t in t li-tis nebeme appeareCbefore the CabiuMnet n _ oioePovn*.liaoin day., Wh 1 le waiting for legillation ymne épit uwon, wIicIIthe Goermt'&bigh- ~ tr ~ ef fr way fmnprcvement péicywsband, ndýwb egoodroad eUexssdi Hou. F. G. Macd4rmid, Miiter o the prove advautage of military Public WNorks, proifisod that. the De--tansportation as evldeuied by the partmoent of Hlghways would mnake warl uoe au immediate7 survey of 4h. uine end The Pr*nier' was frank in statlng prépare plans so that 'tb. work- can that the present ,Urne was frauglit b. undertaken when the Urne arrives. with,,many difficulties -uineekiug to The requeat of the deputationwe rais. money. T>e GovernméÙutert- for a 16-foot -coucrete road,:wi.tb ly appfoved of!'the.objecte o! 'the gravel shoulders of four teet wide cn seherne. As yet tiiere was no legis- eftlW de.latIon uuider' which »e «wor.k coul.d eThe raieus ! h euttobe'organlzed as propoed. The Good Thlhcoqsistedotfotey mton runRoads program of the Governmeut ,the different munIcipalities along thewolhaetb.cnrhhie u *itas côope, and wliile. truimk unes were rduWe, was supported by a resolution esnil hr eeoÉýcasso psed ta e igo. heïdrInolution k-highways that would have to be con- gore tme go.Theresluton p*.sidered. So far Uie Federal grant ed for an immediate survey, an esti- fo rvnilHgIwy9hdntbe mate of the.'cost .wlth a suggested frPoicilH1wy hdntbe assessment on each muicipality tQ avaiable, but he hoped ere long this dlvi de the coat, with an alternative money would be forthcorning. Iu thée estimate for a macad'amized rosA!. zeantime the'Government would go Mayo Wilisof hity,' aidtheahead wlth îts preparations and take Mayo WIliso! Wltby sad th, 4vantage o! the first change inu cou- Kingston Roadwa aPioneer- high- ditions. way, and the motoriasanad the city-j Hon. P. 0. Macdiarmid concurred of Toronto should pay a siibstantial'1 with, the Premier's- remarks, adding portion towards' l"' construction of ithafthte facilities o! the higbways- the proposed ,impr*nent. ' Branch-,would.be placed ut thie dis This iwas a pioneer road, -declared poal o! the promoters o! the enter- May or Edmondson, of Oshawta, anid prise to carry ou surveys and plans. BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE IN' CONVENTION AT OSHAWA The annual meeting O! the .WhitbY. this departisent o! B. Y. P. U. mc- and 'Lindsay Association of 'Baptist tivity. He made a atnong pleu for Young People's Unions was held in the formation o! Junior Unions, Emanuel Bmptist Cburch, Oshawa, un pointing out, that tbey were tbe Tuesday atternoon and evening. Theri means o! building a more solid found- vas a splendid delegàtion present ation for the cburch. At presenli the rom the vatious Unions, Port Perry Whitby Church ie th. ouly one lu the sending fi! teen, Uxbridge sixteen, Association having a Junior Union, Claremont five, Lindsay one, Whitby but it Is hoped that several others !onty-five, and Oshawa pr&2tlcaliy tue vili be !ormed sbortiy. vimole naembersbip. Other Uynions A con! erence on Junior work fol- were unable to send delegates, owing lowed, in whicb Mn. Hoskius answer- to the long distance, and the incon- ed mnany questions as te the conduct venience of train dunnection. cf the meetings, their organizatiion, The afternoon session opened withletc. devotional exencises led by Rev. .1Jobv Tie meet 1ing adjo'rned af ter a Ford, Port Perry, and vas M~siîde f earty vote -o! thanks to Mn. ilos- over by Rev. G. A. MeLean, -l*htby. ' 5ins and the Oshawa Church. J Mr. Wilkins,' Prcsident o! the Osh-_______ awa Union, welcomed the visitons to Oshawa, and a- nepl -yvas;tmade' by SjlverW.M alIm Miss I. Nott, Vice-President of the W~e5 Vi U Association., ieo urWr"#O "The Practical deoOuWrk vas dealt wlth lu fouritalkes Mn. F. L. Fo*kce, ex-M.P., of Oshawa, teck On Smturday cvening, October 24, the subject. "The Value o! th. îso- Mn. sud Mns. C.A. Good!ellow cele- cial Llte-How to Use it ;" "The Re. brated the 35411 anniversary ef thein creative Side-How to Control it,". manriage. Relatives and friends, one wau the nei opic, by G.M._ Good- for eacb year e! their married life, fellow, of' Whitby ç~ "The Intellec-tual were present frois Toronto, Oshawa, Side aid -HIow te Deveiop il,', wau qd Whltby. Aften dolng justice te deait w'lth-.by Rer. T. R. Sorton, of the edibles provided, toasts !oliowed, Uxbvidge ;- and Mies Ford, of Port Mn. J- F. Goodfellow, o! Midland,- Perry, gave a splendid concluding being toastinaster. The Bride, Can- talk on "The DevoticuaI- Hcw to ada, and The Empire were remeis- Conducl il." These- short tlncwe vre-ered in this way.Thnolwd aIl aioug the lhue o!. wotk ueow bolus sevenal houri o! eld tise games, in doue,by the vunfous unions, aud vers vwhlcb ail hearttly joined, negandies o!, muh beneffl te those f nterested lu o! age. Songs, o! long ugo, as vel t e execut'ive work of lt-, Unions.- as tue latest popular bit. vere swmg, The Whtby Society *preiented a sud an extremely enjoyable e-nening banner té lte Aueodiation, wbich vue spent. The "bride sud groom" vere te be pneseuted te 4h. Union buviug tue recipients o! many beautif ut .11.- the largest perceuluge cf average at ver gifttsuadvanmnest congratula. tendance for tb. fullI.52 meetings o! tious. tbe year. The winuer vas anuounced Out-of-tcwn, gueule vere : Mr..,sud ~luter, sud proved te b. tue Whitby Mrs. Thoq. Wilkins, Mr. sud Mrs. C. Society itseIf, il itavlug an average Q. Frazer, Mrs. J. Mage., Mise M. sîlendauce of 80.8 per cent. o! 44e H. McBelh, Mrs. E. S. Herron, cf membersblp. The. Claremont Society Toronto-ç Mn. and: Mrs.- A. H. Rob- bsd su average o! 76ý per cent.; tir- Ineon, o! Oshava_; Mn. sud Mns. J. bridge 75, Oshawa 67. F. Good!ellov, o!f idand. The visitera ýwere reyally enter- tInet! ut supper by 4he Oshawa So- o clety, a& d4llgbttul repast belug serv À voyage WltDy Bay ed lu 4h. tcbooi-room o! the churci. At the evenIng sessionlb. nomin- We shouid worry about Bnitannis atlug comtuiltee reported, and recois- etiîl , nuliug lthe vavee, vien the moud lie followlug ofilers for te dauntiese spiu£% cf ber sallor sSu ensulng year Iot so muc i n eideuce iu Witby vat- Presideul-Rev. T. R.. Sorton, Ux- ors. BlendiuZ their heuvenly volos bridge, Inu- e rollicklug var-like rsg, they Vîce-Pres.- Rev. H. Wood, ane- seezùi equuîiy at horne, plovtmg lte mont. roliug deep, breatlng the, ilowy Sec.-Treas .-Mius F. McCaw,. Port breulrers, or ridlng lu lte Irauqul PerrY.- calms o!flisydensiore Bay. Notim The recommendîtIon vas accepled, meemus te abaihthorea. No, not evea sud ltese offilcers vere duiy fnstulled. 'the vicions mud-banks o! the lagoon, A roll calvas Iben heid, lu wbleb Witit proverbial tenacity the>' stiel 4h. merubers o! eacit Society . re- 10 f4t, sud Ibere le no gettlug avay spouded, as their name vascalled, trois l, they gel 'luiere, eveny lime. by rlsiug, wblle s short report vas Inspired by lhe exploits o!fiCa#Wioi miade o! their yeans vork. Sbylock and his gqlisut crew, a loas Rev. G. A. MeLean delivered a very lover o! peace bas seul lue tellow- compréheneive sud praclical address tng verse : on ffow We Mey Become Seul Win- "Captaîn Shylock vas a suilor trie, nets," lun vhieb i. emphaslzed lie Thene vas vuter lu bis blood ; need for, a much more Important He tvlsted the helis o! the '.Wsnder- place being giveu't' le Iis aspect o! îug e' the work, sud aise bold bow young Aid Jammend ber lu Ihe muid." people may bé lralued and developed _______ f or Ibis duty.1 Mn. P.' S. licel1dus, o! Hfanilîton, FOR SALE. Superlulendeut of Junior Work, gave Crowu Brilliaut Rester. Apply tc Sa splendid addiess on the value cf Mrs. J. 19. Perry, centre 81,.-t!. 51,11l. Palmëi 47t, S. I4vrme$g ~,, L. J.- Andrew 88, É.ç r*~ Sp'ORMU. . Azthumei-Aq G ol4rIng7 , C Jackson 71, G.. Robý 8 4,' M. Goldriug 58, I.*,Hendero'58, W. Joheoton 50,'-A'. .<emnedy 49; sK.tau 1ck 45 E. Robéîtsou,4S, L. O'Con- non, 40, H. Harrison 36, .ýA.Richard- aou34, H. RolalS, B.,' -keike32fC. Plasket* 81,, G. ;.8hurueef30r, M. Tar- ve 24, H.iArkseV 24, F. Wed 22, M. Buckley 19; D., -,-1>1117; G ,McGilli- vray 13~ ,_-ae . PORM L. Canadian Hi»tory-L. E ubb-elJ 71, C. Qunton 68, D. Braidbury 62, M. Wal-. ters 00, K. Lavery 60,., E. Kemnp 59, L-' Ravin 57-, M. Smithi56,. M. Alla. way 55, ý-: Eidge É4, É. Fisher 49, A.' Goldrmng 45, E. Stephtenson 45, W. O'Connor 44, M. Mclutyre, 41, D. Thomson 38, M. ShuttleWorth $7, G. Mclntyre 32, C. Neill 82, J. Long, 29, P. Stone 28, N. Neill 27, W ii- lis 23, A. Rie. 15. WhàitLy, Distr!ct F. La Converk M'. -Tlhe annual convýi4mop o! thec Ep- worth Leagues %nd Adiait Bible Classes lu tue Whitby District vus held at tue Methodst Churcb, Kin- sale, on Tuesday, Oct. 27. At s short meeting o! the Executive held just before the atternoon session, the folioving offioers were nominated and were later elected by 4he Convention- Hion. President- Rev. M. E. Sex- smith, B.A., LL.B., t2hairman o! the District. Preoddent,-Mr. L. ir. Richardson. lst Vice-Pre.-MXiss1 2nd Vioe-Pres.-Rev." B.A., B.D. 3nd Vice-Pres.-Mrs.1 4th Vc-Pres.-Rev. Ida Buutimg. F. L. G reen. E. W. Row- land. Stb Vioe-Pres.-Miss G. Kemp. 'Sec.-Treaà.-Mr. R. D. Woon., The mftennoon session vas vel at- tended, the church- being -omnfortably filled. Those present viii net sooni forget tue nmany geod thinge said by the speakers, sud -th. presence sud power ef God fclt-br ail. Iu a very fine paper Mise May' Brown gave a partial report o! the great Interna. tional E. L. Convention held iu the city of Buffalo st .July. Then- foi- lowed a pcintedl and practIcal paper by Mr. L. F., Richardson, on "The Church and its relation' te the .L." The Rer. R.A. Whatrlam, e! Onono, gave a vcry able address on " Our Missionaries, sud bey ve support them." Hov te hindi. 4h. "Weekiy Tregnam" vas demit with lu a meet helpful way by Rev. H. W. Foiey, B.A., B.D., e! Brooklin. The evan- gellet, Miss Kathleen Menton, then speke on."Revirais," deaiing with 4h. subject lu such a sympathetic, simple sud yet able manuer, sud.mai- ifesting throngh it -aJI such a lave fer seuls sud se mucjof the Spi-rit of tue Master, th:fa bush setted ever the audience sud erery seul vas breugbt into close touch witb God. lVheu the speaker closed everv one felt 4he occasion toe sacred for appiause, 4111 eue started te sing, "Revive mis again; fil! each heurt with thi' love," in whsch ail joiued heartily. At the close o! the oiug- ing Rer. Gen. .J. Bishop, D.D., Su- perluteiceut of tue Methodist Dem- coness Home and Tnaining -Scboil, conducted a deepli' spiritual couse- cratione Service. From 5 te 7, vas spent lu tbe so- cial heur and refresbments, during viich time the ladies o! Kinsale ex- .celied their already higb, reputallon for entertaniuig. Neyer bave ladies doue themeelves more credil or a District E. L. Convention been bet- ter enliertained. .At -lb. eveniug session« extra seule hàd bo be brougit It lo accommodate lte large galierlng. AMIer lie openi- fIng service lte Presideut elecl vas lutrodiced sud took the. chair. Au aile paper vas given by Mn. D. W. Dyer oun"l'h. Church audfIts. Rels- lon 10 lis B. L-1" Rev. E.W. Row- laid tben gave a midi sppreclated sddreson l"The CiurchIn lu eisîlOn to tbe Couutryý1' The audience *as agafu brougit vcry usar God--sndIn- te lbe bigher, spiritual tiuge ^by au addressand uppeal te eyouug peo- pie, given biy MfsqIMortonlunlier ewn unique way P, sud iy a Bible tsik of a very %Igit order glven hy ReV. Dr. Blsbop, lfur vhlcb lie, spoce of ail 'tuat Jeaus iad doue for unand oened taI The cita1rnaofhe DistrIdt lien spoke 'o! lie itgh spitual toue o1 the C~onvention, aÉs ufflkedal vW11 feit tliey were benefited fe tae 'the rIglil baud, sud baxids veut M ail over lihe , ciumci.lTe tien aske to lte mest suceseful ýcuveutiona ever heldl inte Wldtblr'D s it. Much credit for thitsqsum«pes uue'tbe.Ex.. qcutlve, sund espeçally lte ,Ee-Pre- deutRe. . . Tink, ZAB.. and 4h. LeÂagu aidworkero at Kfà- sale. h~dea Deathof.fe Death removed ouc o! Whiitby's best kuown yoitag mes ou Tuesday o!fibis weeit, vien Frederick Eaton Calver- rley, eldeot son-of Mr. Wm. Cutverley, paesed away. The uews o! ts, death,l was a great surprise aud sho k 40 the residents o! tIre town, and iîsa1ny sympathetic messages vere , .u),e~ed to the sonrovAng famîly. iMr. 'Cal- verloy bad been very active ;sntil a !ew days ugo. He had been m.uing about town as usual until las week aid *as in good heaith, but on*Wci- ue9day was taken with pneuinoffia. was not tbought 40 b. suficiently $0 to* give cause- for undue alarm, but on" Tuesday night a turu for the wonse occurred and almost witbout warnlng b. passed away. The sbock to tue famiiy vas naVinally very greut.. Fortunately a sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Ross, of Winnipeg, was on a visit to ber home, and .as able, to ho with her hmrther betore bis death. gowu-water, eleîricligbt,trnc. àiiusied'on lJrookSt., sopîb, Btý -Purt Wbitby,' a Iargê ot goce vlth 1b ii. dveiling -upon -wbicb sr ? a inuber.o! gpodiluIUid a pi'e trees. There lias1o a sulail- b arn lunge<ld condition. # 25M0. ranse dwelhng), I te service, el.otrie Il it: ilno furnace, eeutrally Iocted luthe tovu o! Wbitby, posssso April lot, 1915 $200.Brck Bemi.detacbed dwel. Jing2 t orles, 9, rooms, good col far god 1e, aud sots, wator cistoru. Trams stable aud dive bouse, lo- cation the buet in the .town of Whitby. - $SM00 Brick veneer-dwelling, 2. stories, ô roonus,,qobd -cellar, tovu miater, e lectrie., ght, ,iiarly new propprty, sicuated lu the towu of Whitby, location good. $3300. Brick vYeneer dwelling, 2 stordes, 7 monis, good cellar, town ,water, 9. plece bath, eloctrie ligbt and turnae. lTbispropert7 is uew and la veli located in the towu of Whitby.ý TOI0 Briek veneer bouse, 6 mrnem,g bath and turnace. --sales IM Rihard con Bell1 Phone 193 Frederick Eatou Calverley wvas born tically ail bis lite, except for a per- IPE EL'~ bod of a fçw years, when* he resided iu Cobalt, where be was very suc- eesstus 'in -the mining business. Of late b. had hein living ait home hene witb ie Flé t Mr. Caivcrley was a moet popular young min among bis friends, arnd on th. occasion of his leaving a !ew years ago the men of; 4h. towu held a banquet and presentation "~iiyou take lu his houer. li. was of a very gen- Autumn Styles. iaI disposttîon, and vas a favorite with ail i ith whom h. came iu con- tact, and h. wiil be greatly missed "There- is a Iast among his friende. H. lu survlved by his father, Mr. Cati and selec Wm. Calverley, two- sisters, Miss Lou, o! Toronto, and Mrs. Ross, of Winnipeg, and one brother,- Frank. Rubbers of eveî The deepest sympathy le f.lt for the sgorrowlng family.PeIs L* The f uneral vili beld on Friday a!- Pel% SIVP ternpon from AIl Saints' Churcb,_________ where eeriuce yul be heid ait two o'clock. Interment wlll take place lu Union cemetery. THE TABERNACLE. Sumday, November 1. Quarterly meetng services wii be lield Sunday morning. The Love Peast aud lPeliowshlp meeting wP1 be lield in the S. S. room trom 10 'to 10.45 a.m. The regular service will open u-t il a.m., at the close o! which the HoIy Sacrameit o! the Lord's Supper will be admlnistered. We earneetly urge every member' to be present. Moruing subject-I"Glory aud Holf- Evening subject - IlThe Bitter Dregs.!" A specinl gatherlug of the S. S. and Organized Classes at 3 p.m. The service at Almonds Is with- drawn, and the S. S. wiIl b. held at 2 pm. We expect a full attendance from Almonds at the quart6riy ser- vice. Robin Hood In order to introduce ibis splen- did Flour w*e wiIl sli, .for the next ten day., flot more than one barrel to any family at $3-20 Pet bag. This Flour is fCirst patent and fully guaranteed. In case It does flot give entire satisfaction, you can use what you waut of it, return the balance and ve yl refund the rnoney. B3RAN $26,00 MWDDLINGS 29M0 iÉ)LLED OATS 32.00 UÎïÃ"IJND FEED. 30.00- , . D wni& o Whitbyo* fitalo -houe id Lig U.2cr"sof 'apple uttes 'walk troiu station, ichool, odhuzeh aud store. An ideal poule try and troÏkflarm. $45.50 acres, taedeln, mrons good oellir, and mrulut spring,'large barn. with stone stab-' Jing., Fraùisnpiement shed &id ho About-3 miles trom 9,rooms, good cell ar outbuillbî only fair, 2 gockdvells and ࣠6ovI' lng aprlng.4 $0000. 100 acres, trame dvvllng' ô roonis. good cellar, 2 w.lle, ban -36 by 80, strav ban 24 by 50, sow stali724 by 30, borne stable 20b f drive bouse, 20 by 24, good stc or grain taris. $0250. P6O aces, goodOôromed dwelli'ng, witb cellar, large barnu,1 pîg peu and heunbouse, bamban $ton@establing, situsted about 2j 'niles trou Wbî:by. , Agood lstock taris $7000. 936 acres, brick wlng 7 roomi, good cellar, trame barn, tramne cow stable, fraune drive shed aud horse stable, atone root celiar. This *rm in situated near the Lake Shore àud about 4 ies trois Whitby, It ln one, M thebeet grain tarinsin. Ontario."' FIENT. Sood large cellar, deep 1 0t; ce & Richards On lad. Ihone 70 e STORE eAN tWPBR YOU Line of- Boots and- Shoos on the Mre tirne 40 glanée over our latest se'ection c4 Vou will gain a manifold advantage by an eariy cl-oice, and leather suited to your individual-needs." -t a pair of good wearing school boots for your boy or girl. ry variety, .ï ore l A Pleasure ,to show goods. Pholig'15l, Wlitby. Buibi Our first shiprnent-has just-arrived. Corne nowj and order while we have a good. assortrnent. Hynciilis, double or single, Tulips, double or single§ Paurot Tulipa Piper White Narcissus Double Von Sion Narcissui Per Doze ZOG soc Au T. LAWLIRl WHITBYe ONTiýý Phones: Bell, No. 47; Independent, No. 47 PRICES of smre articles have advanced- since comuumeucent ot the terrible var la- Europe, but imre articles ot food remua comparatively cbeap'. SALMON TRCIJT AND WRITE JISH are uow as-cheap as they were years ago. We hav e ely shipments -of these deliclous fish. Parties needing them yuil be supplied by leaving thteir ordeis. of choice dry quîlitý nae offered by us at close prices.' PLU.MS and CHERMIES have been failures here but we have been supplying them front the west,. below lait year's prices ot the choiceat quality-beef, laiib, veil, pork ýand tenderloin are furaished At a very srnall margIa of profit. We are nov supplyiug. huckiebearies sud thimblebsrresé- W. B.PRINGLE & 00 WHITBY «ONTAHIV ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO TORONTO p..' ; 'm m- 5110! Bullis S. - m

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