Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Oct 1914, p. 5

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Ir a. 'I ron 1- .mxwC abd tiolic drillc. XPart - iiLand ,a0 Heat's Deolro,» '(W. BY ett.uXAdj mission 25 cents. TABERNACLE ANNIVE .RSARY.- Tue aitlerialry, services :of ,IL. MIethoîsTabdenaele were h-eld on Sunday, Wheu the sermons wore Preached by 11ev. H.S. Oiborne, B. A.,B.D ' o! B1ridge Street Melibodisl Church, Blelleville. Mr. Oobrne's dîsBcoirses 'were very helpful and were inuch appreclated by the large con- gregation aI botb -services. A chloir o!1 bwenby volces, under tLe direction Of Mns. A. W. Jackson, rendéred ex- Iceptlonally ' fine music. Special thankofferinge were taken up, tbhe to-7 tal eiceeding $50,0. A GENEROUS' DONATION.- Mrs. Jos. King, Secretary o! tIse Whlbby War Relief Society, bas re- ceived a cýheque for $200 to add to the ftnd, the gif t belig sent by Mnr, John Campbsell, of Chicago, on bo- half o! himsel! and brothens. The Campbell famil>' are well lcnown bers ln Whitby, bhey havlng reslded lier. for many years, during wbich Mr. James Campbell, f ather of the don- ors o! tIse 'cheque, carrled- on a suc- cesaful businesb. Il le witb much pleasure that thse-War Relief Society' aclasowledges Ibe recelpt of IbIs handsome gift, aud expresses ils gratefulnees to tIse Camnpbell f amil>'. j BIURIAL OF' THE LATE MES. The lace to Thela c-ner a asheld on Sunday rhe-Pla e t IBU a ateroon ast ofthe late *Mrsj Beàton, wbose body was brougbt here (rom Witla, Alberta.- The, deatb of Mrs. Beaton was from heart trouble. lVhen Mr. Beaton re- '?turnied home from work lie found b is wife lying on the floor dead, and the three oldest children, thinking bhe was asieep, trying to waken ber. The iemains' arrived ins Witby on Saturday, accompanied by Mr. Bea- 3 tton and four children. Rev. R. W. -Allen conducted the (nierai service at- the bouse and the grave,- inter- _________________________ ment being madie lu Union cemetery. W.C. T. U. CONCLUDEri AT LAS T. _______________________ 'Alter dragging along for two months a conclusion was reached en MURDER ANP SUI CIDE. Monday night to the case againit Two -more lives bave paAd thse toi two local hotels, in whieh thse pro- ýcf alcoholie madness. Lying side by' prietors were charged with selling -ide ln gruesome dishevelment, on thse liquor to minors. Mr. D.A.J. Swan- tloo of1h. itcen o thir hmeson acted for thé de! endants. Several thse poliçé tound man and wife. TIsestinahdbuhedeabowhb womau's throat had been cut from had been adjourned!until some futr car o ea. Sh wa qute déd Te date igt.er a littie evidence, bad been ear o er. he as uit dèd. helaiton. Tbe Monday sittlng was the *man lay unconseloxia, llkewlse slash-llîl oe.Magstrate Harper bouniL ed arros e cks huybnd and the proprietor of the Queen's botel- 'Lo -dealli. Betweexut1whe aadadSit fte hre n moe bis wile lay anu uly butcher kpife utyothcaread4m se .*teeped, Iu gore. Skii fine of' $10 and costs. Thse other ThpilsnFrak 01li hcharge agains t 1the- Wiidsor ilote! "buicher, at 707 Qèuen Street west, was dropped. -was hurried to the Western Hospital where - he- dled without recoverIng THE TABERNACLtE. conmcioumineus. The body of hls,*ife,1 Sunday, Oct. 2à, .CÇaroijne, wao fsent to -the Morgue. AsiheEPworth League was organ- JMurder and suicide wu- the deeis- (zed 25 years ago this f ail, Sunday, .,Ionof îLe officers who Investtgated. October 25th.Las been et*asids for * Strong., drink was the cause.-Toron- the celebration of the Silver Jubile.- to Globe, October Mt. tbrotighout tbe U.S.A. and Canada, _______________ lI harmony with tMis arrangement the pastor *111 speak morning and evenilng more Particularîy to Young MoringsertceIl o'elock. Subject LocThe' Epperg: League ad_ t nt],Werk." Eveuing service 7 o'clock. Subject Don't miesethe Patrltlci Show at -"The Folly of Sin." *the Itoyai Theatre on Thursday, Oc- S. S. aud Aduit Classes at 3 p.m. For theb.but galvanizetiroot tor yersilo Co te Ueo. M. Rioe,- WLat do you want te remmber -abouti , tLe &Mst ciOctoben ? Mn. Park«r, "o'*t he Oqverbouse Optical * -Ce., lu asi'Baastt's ljewelry cstore.( Se .N. Burns' bis ativertîsi- -mentIon -page tour, efferlng haitprie. liergalma'dunboots andi clom..Time sAleIO 10 w --on. Cell and Inapeot 4Le stock. Simd your. orders 10 -W. H. Taylor 41'fer tomatmes, ensi, ccub &Me.. Ïrplck%g plcked fresidaM>'. Uer- deu et Juaction et C.P.R. andi port - BARGAIN PRICE. 1$1 wIll psy foras mew subsoription «toltheGazette sud Chronicie frone .-s'0w until .Januar>' 1, 1918. seize lie opportunlty te sund Il te >our 41stai >fnientis, Sus 'eu t stOk et stoves andi ranges. 'Va lave, h ti51iwansd eur pries. are lme Iewest. G60., M.Ries. IEvery- -'OSHAWA TAG DAY. Monday,I)ctober 19, ivas Tag Day for f>e Oshawa Brandi et lb.e Cana- titan Patniotie Fund ., A la- rge num- ber of! young ladies imest the day iltaggin.g"ipeople. ,hInthé eveunj tareraI of! ILem came fo Wibbyj ~vIrrethe?' dispocet eta grealtmnany1 o as and providoti uomo aflnbmn1 orthe. yoimg mmn, ma"of wbom 0F SOLDIERING STrOCK. rUnder bise abave capiton, tIse To- tronbo "Wold" o! Satulrds> Iasat pub- IllSIed a picture of a WMitby boy wbo hr asgone te th. front, wlh the col- ore. TIse Ioll>wiug sketch accompai- fo!ed lecut "Private Cullen H. Penny et lhe 9th Co. Queen's Own Rifles, wlo ar- rlved la Plymouth wltL tLe Canadiau contingent on Wedneiday, le a non et rJ. Ham Perry, .wbe on tise occasion of the. openlng Ã", Whftby Ladies, Col- toge : ad thse distinc tion of saterlain. lng lCing - George, bLeu Prince or Wales, aI Ihe Perry Caille, Whitby. Cullegu Perry, who bas Jusi aitslned bis 2lst bîrbitia', l IL.th youngust a! tLe !am9ly, and iniienîls tnom -his' grandfather, Commodore Perny, a great man>' chsractenletic braite, Previeus te bis deparbure with the Q.O.R., Le was employed I l he at office o! Sterling Bank, Toronto.'*r WILL BE TRIED AT DECEMBER - - ,SESSIONS. Wallen Farewell,'. o! Oshaiya, waa butane Magistrate, Harpir on Menday. on s charge of talînre to ksep a proper set-o! books itLthee latent o! detnaudlng credItors. N. was t e- pnusented b>' D..J. Swanion1 of Oshawa, lu Augut Io! lait year, or lien.- abouts,' Mn. Farewell matie an as- sigument of Lis boot andi shos busi- ness, E, Murndy , or Oushawa, belng Agppolnted assignies. 1fr. Mundy -dis- posed of thr e t ts c108ti tO U settled wlth the cre&trz ioraylyn& 11m-aratuablo amoui. Thr weehoiwever,, ne books produced tany time. for amateurs w emvw nuu europmcw orue. we *gg zucunasors- for-,poultry wr cali.I * * ~~~haie ,cards o -Stdt ay purs.ý Your 'Alet'1 ~rI !Bllerip. -deili Maxib e eleted"from oôver 200. for poultry or cal!. Apply Box' -, olamnples; ,WitL namse ,nd a 9utbe aete Offce Il ths niakes "a xememnbrance ROUSE TO LET. ItIai le at once atirative and lm- Il prsuf o. . Large brick hous e wet of Whiey Il ~(Kingston Road), furulshed or un-. N 9122ZEM GLD. ftilnihbd. Phône, rural mnail, goo sal.Apply at once 10 R.G. Carp for hie use ç but tle mai wluo bought The farm at, the HOU"e Of RefugO 'ruthers, Whtby , thse stock of bâots and shoee also hias produced a field of mangolds bougbt aillie book debtii o! the biusi- that will bear'comparison witb any HOM.7E É'O1-SALE. ness. Accordingly Mr. Mundy settie-d (n thse Province probably. Passersby New frame bouisetoreys, sit wlbL the credibors !rom -1h. amount cap see the large roots lu' great rooms, 3SPiece batL. furnace, eect* recelved fortIse stock, leaving bthe profusion, but their reai qualityt!an- lUgbt. Apply J H. JIAME'ÈS",*. b)ook debîs tb be debermiued anti col-- not be so0 easily seen aI. a glance. bv.-tf. lecteti, if possible, by 'tIse purchaser. 'Làst week a load of record size wa? FOR SALE. Thse Crowu.'s contention was tIsaI taken lu, and one of tIse many large Iproper set of books had not been mangodes fud t wlhnne-JGo0d* linoleum, size 12 ft. by 15 ft, kept. Col. Farewell, Crown Atior- teen pounds. - This le "going some,"In 'one pee. Guruey Oxford Heatler ney, endeavored to have anyboeee oramnod dD.Lvr amst new, wlth bot air pIpes.* produced tIsat i mgI bave been uzed, saIes that tbere are probably more' Brocit -street soutb, Znd bouse forth but Mr. Swanson decllied to Say Wu the field juet as large, If not G.T.R. whetber tbere were auy or' net. Iârger. 'llOUSE TO lIENT. Mr, 081er Wade, o!f Toronto, was a --fOn Base Une. F'ive roonis. ApplyI witness, he Isaving beeni Inspector at At Ibis lime of war tIse new war bo W. BUNI.{, -Whlbby. bhe proceedlngs. Ile wae given ase, carde for Chistma greetings arel OMIS vere cnoes-examlnatîon ut thse haude especially appropriate. We have -RO ES of Mr. Swauson. samples which will immedlately ap- Room wIIh board; for gentleman ln The Magistrale committed Pare- peal to you. (Oct Your orders for Private faml. Apply Gazette sud well for trial at tIse December Ses Christmas cards in'eanly before the Chroilicle offie. .1.SeuiLs. -supply of each kind le exIsausted. C A. Goodfellow & Son. In bwo mouIhs Christmaswill h .a -- om-od aoi ai baud. Ttlsleadvisable te prepare . -ad T lorn for thîs event hetoreliand by orderilig Persona] Mention.- Four Cbristmas carde uow, so tIsat thse beet assonîmeoil will ho avail- Mn. E. W. and Miss Laura Evans- -able. C. A. Good(ellow & Son bave inotored te Toronto ou Tuesday. a splendid assorîment of samples. bine. <,brie. Pratt and little son, o! Come lu and ask to sec thom. Eidmonton, are visitâng Nlrs. Pratt's' mother, Mrs. Jos. Blow. LXTESIO TO TRET LIHT- Mrs. (Rev.) H. H. Bingham, and ING Misses Dorris and Rutis Bingbam, af London;, Miss F. Williamsou and Dr. As n-as reported two weeks ago, Gibson, o! Toronto, motored downto the Water and Ligîl Commission Whilbv on Suiday a!ternoon 'sud aI- made application to tIse Town Couis- tended tise eveuttng service ai tIse cil for sums of money la psy for the' Baptist church. In returnlng to thse* O street llghting extensions put in lasi citv thse same evening 11ev. H. H. sprinig, wheu lise lange double lightsBingbam went witk tIse party, tIsaI were installed on Brock ami Duu- ise migbt be present -at tise Baptiel das Streets, aud algo 10 puy for cer- Convention then lu session lu Toron- tain pnoposed extensions. -The Coun- t.Heetrdtotnon oda- clgrantei $1,000 tb defra> tIse, evening and went home to London on cost ýalrea4y incurred, but autborized Tuesday. the Pire sud LigIsI Committee ta meet %-qth the Commission tb conr. s ider tIse projectedl additions -to tIse Sale Register. system. ,- __ Tuie meeting 'wass Ield lasi week, and a! 1er the usual discussion il was Tuesday, O)clober 2.- EltODOiVO dec ded t a place $650 a i tIe dislpOS.. cti n s le îf , h gra in horsd funn- fi o! the Commission, and lise fol- eseppgha rinodfn- lowlug resolution was passed : ure, tIse properiy of bing. PJ. Cul- "That double lîgisîs on Broek St.le>' & Sons, lot 1, Con. 13-F., I '~k Many monthi of OVerfoaÇ wathOr1 nntIs b. compleMtçd Mary- Street, .nlng. 'Lunch at 11.30, sale ai 12 in Canada, and bisat single ligLîs be placet! 'lck m aw H owe l Then gain-therels next winer- eaoh pole fnom tuat place t b îe CÇà-aucî19n"" and Semi.ready Overcoats are not one- PAR1. on the existing poTeloins. f Thursday, October 2A.- Àuctibff season coats-they're made te wear. 'lstered Cot6wold sbeep, tise7 propent>' o! F. M. sud M. S. ChaPman, lot Whether it'i a stout Tweed at $15 or 12, con. 3, Pickering, Greenwood a lamb'e wool chinchilla at $3o or $4o I HOT D I KS Road, uorth-east o! Pickering tvil- -the'value -is tiser.' always. HOT DR NKS lae.Sale aI n o'clock. Wm.'Maw Botter to'-be comfy inCanada lu a For Cool Weather. and W. B. Powell, auctloneers. Semi.ready Ulster than sgfîcu andi pin.- Satu.rday, October 24.-Auîctlo n in u4r COCQA, e v) L àlé ai go head cf9vearlings and , BOVAILi two-year-olds, te, propet>' o1 OW. For-ours is aàkiltolgaZ:i healtisy TEA Ort COFF!! Attwell, ai Baudet's Hobel, WLltby. wne'cvty sgale gM bon. a'clock sharjY, Wm. Maw intr ciner sis oo t$5.e$5 Served at ail hours. auctioneer. Wam inesuteaI$ 1$ - Afternoon Tes. s specisty~ Tuesday, Noveiber rd.- Auction here. - aIe o! fanmstock, Implements, corn, Cleaning, dyhlng, pressting and né' Chocolates sud Ice Cream. rools, ha>', furnntune, etc., thse prop" pating at moderate pnices. a, the erty o! Wm. Robinson, lot 25, con.,____ 7, Whtby. Sale at 12.30 sharp. Wmn. M aple Leaf àfbaw, Aucioneer.M iin a nh TEA ROOM - id WAR NER! US 1V1ARSAINST 8188N PRICEI Goode uold het. just ae low as in any city store. Wonderful values in Tus. là# 40aud Ne Oholo PImk Salus, 2 for 2ne Fronh Sme Peau, Sfea2k. lEST OF:BUlTER ÂID FREIN lEUS 001111 -GATS TILL8ON'S 0*1 Your business fien d, W.MEEKýER. ot !arm stock and Implementa, PrOPerlY o! W.F. Baye, lob 34,t 4, WhitbY. Sale at 1 o'cloek. Ja BisIsop, aucbloneer. baie bil con:. i dur south Royal U.tul, Whltby, 0sf. Adminisîrator's Notice té Creditots. Notice ilu bo>'giMenpur#uàant t R.S.O. Clapier 121, Secton 56, liai &Il credtoii and cKlt u bavhug claI&m againsl 1h estate of Jace HOMnO, lat i t thTownmhfp o! Wl' by' lu lbe Couaty '0o Otenlo, wldow, dOOeiaeedWho dieti on or about ti 181h day of AugwtI, 1914, are ne- qulredto e md b>' powt, prepti, or dlver te Enneet 1. Ilone, Wblbby, Ontario, the adminlebrat o etiges- tiieo et bmmalti doeeaeed, Ibm Obrittiana imsand surnames, ad- tiruiesand descrptions' wihh funi Purtleulan et their "ame, andthîe ature@eî tehecuriÉt>',if an>', bd b>' themduly eeedd Aid tes trti oice liI tet lhe S1k day et Novemiier, 191,,lie saiti admirdotraton wlllprocet t diridbute the a of the mid de- ceaseti among - lie parties entliti tiieneto, Laving-regard oui>' ote L dlaimetorwhlci e ho an 4huà have Lhad notice,,sud Ibai te sd admia- letrator Wiln it be labié for-tiS sald usels or amy, partlùbeno0 dlstrfbutMd to ay>'personl or persem oi whoee dlaim.lie shalinot lieu have reelved natige. Àdminustritor. b>' Whltb>', bieS olicIta. vatt cd offlm:, 1914. I ig u Vguu §ui poil, Good Morning Ï- We Arç Introduclng A uencan S i t Amenlosu Cashmere Amerlean Cotton-Lisle IiOSWRY They have tooti tIe test. Gve niaI toot coinfont. No mau to rip.- Neyer biconelooseor baggy. Tfie chape le kuit lu-net preseetinl. *UA-RANqTBD foanenese -style, superont>' of ustenjaj an4d wowkaahlp. .Absolutelystaînem. MILI wear O-mothwithouî LoI.., or new ones tree. teo ever>' one sendiqg us 81.00 in oi. reneyyor postal note, to er verc. tising aut sbirplng Changes, we will mendti ait Wlhritteuguaran tee, bCoked bisa five million dollar cempa>, ithei! 3 Poi"soft n. l7c.vous- Amenican 811k Mesiry, OF 4uno U a p sefeurlei .Amenleau Cashmere Hoelpry, Amuuican Catton-Liale HouimrY, Op 0 Pidfr e! ohi sîffosiéy. Giv@e 0e0eeor, cii, and whethen Ladies' or Gent'., hosieris deelred. DON'T 1)ELAY--Oer expires whezi a dealer lis, yaur localit>' je Tho Itoruasaî lulory Go DAYTON, 0H10, U. . .1tf -n ayu ýhr U . - ..Tble DAO Wlp9Y Bel4diug'OPadd1nt Côtton CU$bton Buffles Pers [Lutre Assorted emibroidery -Bedroom Solesj Tailored Waists Towels Art Fringe Lace fflIow CasesSofa PiIlow Covering Night Dresses Sideboard scarfe Ladie' Waita . Chuldren's Flair Bows Tray Clotho Eubroider3ï Ifopo- Dresser Cc-vers Giove cases Centre PecsLitred Cotton PIossi Baby Pillows Shetland IOSS EVERYTHINO uN 'CHINAWARE. Cbildren's Wagons,.Rockers, Wbeelbarrows. -Dolis and'Dol Carrnages. T. G, WIIITPI -EL11 D-rugqist and -Stationer WRITBY, NTRI DIENTAL ANNOUNCES- HIS REMNO VAL .to7his New and Handsomely Appointed Orptical. Parlors in the New Dominion Bank build- ing, 70 YONGE STREET. corner King St., Toron. 0 DorBLF, TRACK ALL TRI WAY 0ORO NTO - CHICG TORONTO - MONTREAL The InternationaI Liited Canala's Train of Suparior Service Leaves Toronto 4.40 p rin. daily, arrives Detroit 9.65 p.M. anti <Jhic&go k.0Oa rm. MORNINO SERVICE Leaves Toronto 8Sar., varrive. vetrciit r.'45 p.r. and Chicago 80 p.p. dally. Lst Train *Obt of Toronto at Noght Leaves Il 35 m, arrives Detroit 8-a.m; and Chicago 3P-.-M.dI ' asuingimportant cônnef. tions wlth principal traînel for Western States and C n a. FOR MONTREAL LeaveàiToronto9o... ., 8.30p i.and Il p.n. #jaily.. Bêrth raservations, etc., at G.T.R. ticket olilces. Pull parttenlare froin agente or write« C.E. HQItEINO, .- Unonation, ro~no. On. E. Eiteblipnidl)n Agent, phone 36, whiLby Th EquitugLITe $ItjrfIqo Ce, W. £a .IIIJ , AJCUiLU , L115L01 1JUmm 5 SJree . Reidne éS4Hi*Trre Oshawa, Lloened Auctloneer. Suc- eusuor to L. Fairbanks. For terme snd dates apply le self or G, Robb, Whllby. W]%. MAW LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. Alikiada of sales promptly attend- ui to. Arrangements for saes en be madie at the Gazette oMe.' Termn easoumable. Bell and- Iadependent phoies. WlIITBY, ONT. Yon cannot do bo tter than attend the BRI TIIN AMERICAN COLLEGE Yo)nge and 3IeOill Ste , Tororito, for a Buou- nase or Shorthand course. Fall Tarru la now open. We ak y ou to write for partfoqlars, Mr.Ti W. Wanehopa, Principal. MONUJMEN TS ofailD&*ugn dilatertai Kept la Stock lb will pay you b Call at our not employa îÉ4b..-Coniequently weJ îavcd its policy halders $zoo,ooo in its can al M4o ashow îe age«s cer-tfinI Icu years 9U business by 'selling 01U ,10' per cent.,- whlch you Will t hem without.prcfits policies, and having ceranly save b>' purcbasing from us. al prêtfiuns paiti direct te heaàd office A Cai islleoted. - fwitiout commissions.- Premium. col. lected were $389,Ã"oo,- instead af $419,- F ourteeu - other Canadian cern- 91818 Du -1 ist ten yeans -muînly rédih- itpQei Offe . sua d Workw polices, ani ç»d in. profits to polic,9, Oppoite tanètd auk Whlby. holders $91,55o, *TkZiV combined ac. -j -U umlated surplus over shareholdere' chtl-buliOni wai $79,707 t the. nd- ef, W a he-rfist ten years. Which loolcs est Jam es W al~kOr 'The Equit 't le -sthe ttal absaia. Pump M anufioturOrs futher particulart. The man Who tudie li owa lsteets mIJi scom eeeoîto 3. W. zvae is etr si The Eqiti Lit. A surance 0m pny irÊen e ante Lite merace. S»OP Duuds Street, Whitby. ýL. W. DUDLEY, - 'm. 4UTMBRCÂN, . lires deers we# t fWbtby Houe.W h ftoVy'O n . Toroee, G nto. ae W@ are prepared to ine tall wood or iran uompe on short notice, &4eo attend ta a1l TH0ROUGI.MS tinds o! repalring. 15 the Key-nat. o! thîe luetît*utîon. Ou 1r Agénà.fr th Onariowin mil, &&o r"ua'#@ the bae i Scranton Coal Ohestnut and Stove per t on $7.50 i Egg per ton Pea Coal per lton At Hsrbor Coal U&'.Th-é'mename guaraltees b. BR, BLOWO For ratea an fouWintormiallouapW., t, i~J. DUF!, MR..A. E. DONO VÀN. Tho M utual irfe nouîê oko Woi:by. 4 f 7.28 O? dgss4f W. J. U:tt 6;25 L ÃŽes50 dents à' and Teaming.' I bave receisty> addsd to mny well- equlpped liver>' stable a hbeav team anti dra>' ton ail kinde of cartagii nd,4 tiaiuig work, aud miii bu 'please& t. receive ondene which willhave prompt asu d C'areful attention.@ - - PHONE 6&-. GARRIAGE TC. MEET ALL-TIAII<. John Gunbfét DUNDAS ST., WE.ST WIUw.. ARCHIVES, 0F ONTA-R We can sel you for so lifte money'just. new,-you would buy -at'éonCè. We are givig Diocount -Of 25 pp eont. on Men'a Watchée and S 3. per ten <on Ladies' and smaller sized Men'sWatches. Every one of these watches la suar'anteed for-'-three'-years .andisanew. Just think, a $12 Watoh for $8, absolutely guaranteed, or a $24 Watch 1for $16. A smali deposit will secure ,one of thèse until Christmas.- BASSETT'S WHiITO3Y 1 -, 1 1

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