Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Oct 1914, p. 1

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afle« ad con- rest, of Our té corne. 1here ami Spi. IlCit quallty., end opteclan rAL HALL a Whltby. JNe . LFARIEWEILL9,. ICe B*rrister, Caumty Creva- Atterney aid County Soictor. Office South WIng -Court Hanse, Whitby* A. . CHRIiTIAN s«rls<r, soisc15.r, rNéS.', Public@ etc. Ofice,, »rock St., Opp. Standard Bank. Money te L.esu. AMES RtiTLEDGE, Barrîslter, Etc. \ Money te Loan on easy terrms.' office irnmedimtely south Royal Hetel, G. VOIJNO SMITHP LL. Issméer af MýARRIAGE LICENSES ) Court House, Whitby, or résidence. D. A. J. SWANSON 'Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, i~r Conveyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa, - Ontario OMée-NO 2 King.St. E, Macicie Block Residcncé'-52 Drew st. Phones-Office, 321;,Residence,,326. Issuer of Marriage Li «anas. Corner.'d rug store, Whltby The Greator >Canada Improvemnent Rs' 'Land Go., Llmited Re'rýgtate DealerA, Estites Managed, Ients, Cllected, Firat' aa. Arranged, F Properties bouglu raîîd îold. Fotermea apply Hiead Office, Broek St. 4e,, 1'hous 198, md. FPhone 70, '!1 Sales Managerg, suc.AmISO. a- R!OHAMON, Whtby. Wl. OURT. Ilastor 44 eluingtes As., TORONT9 WiIl b. pîssieu ta give esîlumates on Il kinde of Plaatering, Lthlng, etc. Charges Moderateo. Write for Terms. LAKE SHORE PROPERTY WANTED Sinall farm or part of a farm on Lake, with -or buildings. Write without' JOHN ISHER& eo0 4097 Lumsden, Building TORONTO Bus nd Dray Busuiness Bàs ta ail trains, AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE. W. -have- taken o'ver -the Dom&kion Express businîass, beglnning Oetobw 1Û. ÂII orderos erefùUly tteznd6d to. ,Bell phone"-99 14 and 740. ýStables and. Office: 1rfl 11 I.,11 o, n* fHydro-EIootrIp. Raillay By-laW, t .. m -- ;- f flut pulic ~éi, ~î~té~ ~ Now thit-theaIlng 4,, avér, It Io lisy halg ~ ~ia aged~tô nlectumrra.la,,lt oartovha- a a$aobfgSia agedeletri ralwayla ntaio, h dusmi'alueld 'éxposition- of- the Hy- d " n1ht st' *4 been approved of. Thé e n uufasm dro-Elléctrlc railway proposai., Sut- per conmitted S neé to t for lima project la realizsi whea it in fioe ta say tliai hé upake for over an &tand tralion a charge of.oiurderin&, fitùréd liait te total majorities for' heur, and gave an opportunfty aithéAnton1 Bojumi thé by-law' amunaita o about 2200 closéetfbis. addrésa. for any pérson Chief MaoGrotty 'waz tmi irat wit ta ask questions.' issa as1 o u1v vs voies. Newmarket defeated the Wm.teesi, M.P., Cas.iCandér M. lng. é bld e o Nm. Sith, .P.,Chas. Caler, M. in. lietol totry of liii ut by,-law -by 62 -votés and'Uxbrldge ppÉ. and ]Dr. John-Moare féllowed , çf Mcrabtoansd Rosalia. Thée~s Townshipby 85 votés.,:,in.. addressés àapproving tî l o~oner1had. not acteddr k.-TeChýe thé proposéit -railway., Dr. ML--ooré a omfn éle, uMW *BIGMAJOITY N WHTBY9 weniat elgth into détails, bad discoveréd a' razor h InIasosaa. Timose whmo prédictéit that thé by- and surprlsed théeaàCdonce by thé Whes counsél for'thé ,çi ence Pom-, 1mw would bé saowéd under lu Wii- citent et bis intimate knowiédge of méacéi tot cros-exami ituéWlessr hée, tywr o oo rpe h é sbjet.providéd a comédy l'or.thé court and by wré ot oodprohét. Tére When thése gentlemen had spoken, sPectators. ýHé éxdeaiored to con-' were ihosé Who said, 'tWé'l ,béat bir.'A. W. Jackson askéd Chairman fuse thé ,Chié! by asktng -and repéat- you two ta one," andid *'looked ai: Willis several 'questions regarding thme Ing a numbér of -,quetu "t liaiwere one lime as, If Ibis rnlght corne true.. Whitby 1. énd of thé proposed Uàne, ' e~ nttrely Immaterial. ' Aftér a péerlod Howevér, 'the, meetings limat wére wimch Mr. Laldla-w made answer. Mr. of thilathie, Magistrale becameé im- imld, thé Information imparted, Jackson was not satifleit wlth *teq patient. through. thé press, and thé' work Of answer, and asked. thé privilégé e "Siopý asking foolish questions," hé' the Citizens' CommitteIn canvas- addressing the meeting, which was admozished. "You'zé not getting sing and getting out b1he voté, ré- accorded i,, even though severa9l anythlng and you are wasting my sulted In a victory for thé by-law, persona- wanted to'know why hé dld lime.'? Thé vote by dlions was as fol- not ask hi. questions whlleS'r. Beek Wheréupbn thé. yougln sbsed los;.was preseut. only to break outInl a new place' 1 2 41,s Mr. .Jackson gave bis vlews upon again. For ...53. 40o 36 23-2 lime proposed scieme, and knocked il Thé chief bone of contention ,ap- Agalnst ... 28ý .20 il 17 19-1O)' as'bard as 'hé was able. Peared to bé the factt liat Geo. Sim- - Mayor Willis replied, answering Mr. ondi, a friend of Bontjourni, was act- Maîorlty for........ ....122 Jackson's objection». jing as 4nierpretétr. WHITBY TP. MAJORiTY 123. . On the abovetniap mai' hé seen the Cpuasel for detence ohjeted, and Eac ofthefou polin sudivs-route of the proposed llvdro-l léIcîrîc Lawrence B. Frado, who lias charge Eah ! hofor olin sbdvi-railway. af a commlssary for; R. 1B. St .ewart, Ions la Whitby Township gave a mna SII Au -~, ~ 3r rd ad jarity for the Ihy-law, although inu SUTE 'RD was instaîled. br rd nd Na. 1 thé shave was a close one. iPO~ ms aale itrrtr u h The ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~APRL) toa-aoiis oeewr Teeetrh aoi'e defence stili objected, even though Th votmjte: hwvr ee Teeetrbyamjr f Magistrate Harper gave hlm thé op- 123 Th oe i 2 a 4 d du a lo h 'dr . 'l'portunity ai having a friend af thé cation ta erect a new S 1100ol n. d- accused man as a check *on Frado. For ~ ...... 19 53 78 47"-197 ing in the SoUlli WarI.i Tlu, vott fAithougli hé stitl objectoil thé Mag- Âgls... ... .18 19 28 12--- 74 Iwas as follows: srte.erue im u técs -3 2 3 I 5 ipraoein itl h cs Majority . for -...... ..... 123 For ... ... .. 36 a3 'q39) f)5--1841poe 1TE U1IÂIIS Aganst ...32 23 .18 IWI 1.3-1091 t S;amuàel Sanci practically repeatd OTHE MUNCIPAITIE. 1the ovIdence given by prevlous wit- ForAg.Maj Maoriy fr ........... .. 5.nésses. He Was at thé scene af the For, g. Mj. Mjoriy fo murder, but did not née thé st&b- Resch _Tp . ... ...... 846 68 278 Inu ery polling subdivision a Ilîta bing, as he .had bis back turned, Port Perry ...... ... 153 7 146 jo#ty was givén for the aew buiid- whilé hé was lookiug down thé man- Uxbridgé ........ 217 Ing. ,hale. Hé heard thé exclamation kigade Markham ........ 130 14 1168 AIFE IH HNY ýT yBojunhwvr hntelt Stouffvilll........ 16$385 128 STSID 'IH HNY 'T yBnari aeewé h a, ter called,' "Christo, get Ihet tel- Plckéering Tp.....388 180' 258 SCHOOL. îaw, he's killed Me."' 3Viitchurch 'Lp ... 272 17 255 A majoriy o! ,the electors are sal- Durinu>g the course of this évidence, ?Larkham Tp......608 '19 529 ilied wîth thé présent condition aidfnats one udel icv "crhioro,...........824 185 139 Manrv ' St. . S dfendut scounel sddeny dicov Thé voté by polllng placés lu Pick- erlùg, Réacm aud Uxbridgé waa as follows : Pickerinmg township-Pickering -vil- lage 89 fer, 28 againsl ;, Lîverpool, ô for, 17 agaist ; Rouge, 4 for, 9 s- gainai ; Chcrrywood, 18 for, 10 against ; Kinsale, 88 for, 8 against Pl Brougham, 75 fer, il againtl; Whie- vale, 71 for, 6 agalnt; Claremont, 70 for, 10- againt ; Allons, 87 for, 7 agaînsl; Orangé Hall, 27 for, 1é s- gainaI', Wbstér's, 12ifor, 8 againat; majorlby for, 253. Reach Townshlp-Prlnoé Albert, 85 for, 2 agalusi ; Seagrve, 85 for, .2 XSainsi; Gréénbank, 55 for, 8 agalusir, majority,'for, 168. Uxbrldge Townshp- Glén Major, 1 for, 16 agaiut ; Goodwaod, 5' for, 58 agait ; Slloam, 57 for, 18 againt ; Piné Gravé, 6 for, 4 againstk Wèbb's, 7 for, 21 against ; majority againit SIR ADAM BECK SPEAIeS IN WHITB14 Thé viit o! Sir- Adam Bock ta Wimlby on Thnrsday éevénlng et lait wéek was takén advantagé of by a largo number oet dédora, both ladies sud gentlemén, te listes la tis e n- e@rgello sud' able young ulatesman. That Sir Adam Ia a stalesman his work ou beimalff e mapéople of!n tarie amply proves. Hé bas' bail thé pré-vision le foréelimé posslbllilllé of power distribution aid tbc gréaI bénéfitu limat.would acré e tothé Province bbérefrom.. -Hé as, aIso shown limaI hé poossesthée IntIa-ý ilvé and exécutive sbilhily ,tohé en- trusted.1 wlth limé carrylng eut.et large projéet. Thé,,gréat succesaof thé Power Scime, 'et whleh' Sir Adam'bau bes thé héad, bau gven the Ipublic con:ôdgsce lu ,hia leader- sbip! Ne wnder,limes, tIaI thé ele-' tors wéréesger le hébar hi= . Sr Adam hait, an Thursday lait, bes on tour.' In -thé ýaftéruou hé hait adt- doa"t want il repmlréd at a cost ol $5,000, sud they do't want a new Thé voté went this way for a néw buildipg : 1 For.....29 Aganst ..39 .8 4 25 28 20 41 Mjorliy aganat .... Remodelllng old, building:- 1 2 8 4 For.....28A 28 15 27 Against ....89 85 20 41 18-182 21-156 ....24 21-119 27-1621 Ma rity *agalnst...........8 Il will hé obuerveci biat in every division thoré wasai.' majorlly s- gainaI thé question. Thé people dou't want toapéud ma large *asm u re- paira. lu only ene polllng Placé, No. 8, was Ihére. a majority given for A aéw building# end timoré it was oniy ilvé. Thé elécoru by a majority ai 80ý doamt wait s new Hénry, Stret Thé vote was not a full ballot by suy mneans..ont 0t a possible 800 votes, oly 830 ballots wéré ouet on thé rallway, bylaw. 208 ballots weré Markéd for and againsi limte South ward scimool, 288 for and a- gainti tie new Henry ai'tzeuchool aid 290 fer aid agaînutý repaire. Itla usu nlérestlig péculation as 'ta hOw théeothar 00étora would havé votéil on thé by-law, and ou thé bchool questions. Evldently mail e! them were-so litilé lnlerestéd limat tiéy dld ual Caroe ewa.Y or thé othér how thé questions woeédocld- cd. 13 B."P..ALLY. Thé Whtby énd Lindsay Associa- tien et BaplisI Young Péople', jUn- tenu wilI mt lu Oshawa on-Ttm"sa next,; Octobér 27. A number. et 9dtbYy yeng People are, propalUsg ta Attend.I, 'Rev. Gao'. A. moLean la Président 'for lmé aurrent ymr. ered that bis objection te thé Inter- préter was' beiug disregarded. Hé thereupon raisedl another dlsturb- ance, and- lnsisted thiat bis objection be put dawn. "I've had euough, kéep quiet," said lime Magistrate. !-' haven't," from défencé. "Put dowu my objection?"' &#Weil, put down limât yoù 'won't put It down." Wimreupon Magistrale Harper -lest bis patience, and quélled thé youmg man with, '11 havé you put outInl a minute f you do't stop yeur noise." -Theréatér thé case prooéed- éd wlth mare speéd. Dominique Vidébti was anoîhér wvltness wimo substantlatéd lthe main #tory of thé ciasé and arrest. Hé had net séen thé atabbing, but was called 10 assisi ln cateing thé pris- Thé héarfng waa adjournéd teTrI- day. evcning, but counul fer deféncé dld net put ln aiuppaà ia. Thé évidecc, hawever, had béén suffi- dient tb warrant the committal o! Morabito, mand Magistrale Hlarpér dispénséil with further uiblinga wheu hé se deided. It la probable Ibat Merabibo will havé to remalu In gaol boeé itl néit spring, whéa hé wlll be tied at, thé Asalzcs. ROSANO DISMISSED. Thé Italan Romane, Who was ai- léged le bavé pulîed s.. revolYer' oni thé capturera aof Morabîto, -orderlug tbeM away, was. arraignéd 'on-- TrldaT' événing. Thé défence wus that 'Roasie 115 merely pointéitié nék ofa wbfîkey, Muak at thé men, sud hait f W iaà revolver at.-Alî. Thé men were »t oicérs, of 'the Iaw, sud even bbough Ressao ried la prevend ISeir keep- log Meérabito hé could t, et pri> coddagulmm on that gVbund. PitoBey and D1rantuque Vi- délItwor ee' Usé dMwltuqeff, snd 1w magl.t n0wU.tl4anuasy 1091A, to uamwsubsca'lbers. I Thia lae a splendid oppor- tunlty te, gçt ail the local nosand read theé local *ooeey svlug advertlse u Suirbe ow WLithy Town, Conckil4 Mr. T. Lowes was aI lthe Councilf meeting on Monday night ta suggest te the Council limaI a change migmt hé mad é ln the trunk séwér across Sleep's field, beîweea Brook '8treet' nd the sewerage .d4sposai works. In thme spécificatIons a1 24-lnch concréte pipe is provideil for, but Mr. Lowes considered this unuecessarily large, 4 as a 10Oincli pipe would bold ail thé flow. At thé point just east- of the Brock street bridgé over the G.T.R.4 tracks an inverted sypmon 1,s to bel put lu, which wiIl do away wvith bbc necessfty of going to a very. great depth in certain places, and il is hère limaI Mr. L'owes suggcsted making the change. The différence in price et thé two pipesIs practically il, but thé smaller pipe would make décomposi-f tion less hiable, as tmere would béc much less air lu contact wlth thél sewelage. Thé falleiong motion by Meisrs, Tlîat, having hcard Mr. Lowes te- gardiiig the proposed change in the trunk sewer troin South llrock St. to the disposai works, the engineer Of the seWerage planit be autlîorlzed to change'. the specilications for 1,000 feet of ani nverted syphon froin 2- inch concrete pipe, wlihwudhVe cost the town $990, to a 10O4nch lap welded steel pipe, and that the engineer be authorized to accept the tender of Francis lankin &(Co., of Toronto, for the latter at $9 85, !.o. b. Whitby. An application was made that a sewer be laid on Coîborno atreet up to the old Granger house, niow own- ed by James Smith. Tisa was refer- red to, the Sewerage CJommittee. * Tbe sum of $650 was granted to the Water anil Light 'Commi salon for extension. b lthe electic eligimi sys- tem, as per a résolution passedl at a joint meeting of the Commission and'~ the Fire and Light Conmnttice'oI the- Council. The Mayor and Clerk were authorized to borrow the Said a- Mount. Dr. Warren and-Mr. Colwil intro' duced a motion that the Watér and Light Commission hé requested to place two lgimîs on Byron Streét be tween Trent and Peel Streets. Car- rled. The Streets Committee passéd these 'accouaIs : -los. Heard & Sons... . .$2.00 Jas. McLeod ...............2.00 dohn MacCarl-.............. 88.00 -las. Sawdon ............... 88.40 E. R. Blow .............80.13 Municipal World ............. 684 C. R. Bradbury .*......6.00 Rlobin Hood.. In order to Intrdduce ibis spica. did Flour we "iIl ucli, for the next ten days, flot more than one barrel to any-family at $3.2o peu bag. This Flour» fi firit patent and <ully guaranteed. 1in case it docu flot give entire satisfaction, you cm ustwbat y'ou want cifit, retùrn thé 'balance and we' will irefuud the money. RAW' *26.00 \IDDLENGS 200 DlOLLED'OAT S'.32.00ý OROIJND FEED 30.00, Whitbyl of(etthé choicent1 a- 000 uO tWs are nov sol 'v4J vvmoja ilame otg wun' this dweiling upon, wlicb à.ré a number of geoit plum anmd'apple treoi. Thore à aiso a *mail baru. in gacitcondition. $20.Fiamedwéllmg, litories, 8 omgood eellar, towd water 'servielectrie ligb t and new' fiace imtrally loeated lunthe town of Whitby, posssin pi lut, 1915 eso pi $2000. Brick Semi.detached dwcl- Iing, 2 stories, Ù roonis, Ùocrd elilar good weJli, ud sofi wter ciateru. Frame stable and drive, bouse, lo. eation thé beat ini thé town ai Whiitby. $8300. Brick veneer dwelliug, 2 @tories, 6 rooums, poil cellar, town water, electrie 4lhe, nearly new property, situated mn thé towu -o! Whitby, location goad. $3800. Brick veneer dwéllimg, 2 Mtries, 7 rooms, good cellar, town watcr, 3 piece bath, .electric ligIlI sud furnmce. This property is new and lis well located in the town of Wbitby. auuxuzmawaa;'sur.Au "I dél OU try and truck farm. , #4250. 50 acres haine dwelling,_ A 9f roomi good cefiar, and ruaaing %pring, large'bia nwlth stons-stab. .ng. Frame'impléinent shed andi bo~~n About 3 miles from , 4tC - - , ' $4500.-85. tores. 'fraîne dwelling 9f rooma, good cellar, outimuildinge ?nlyf&iÉ, 2-good wells sand a" iow- mai sprmuig. $000. 100acres, franrédwelliag, k 5 ruois. good celiar, 2 weIIs, haru' 36 by 80, straw baru 24 by 6Ù, co 4 *ta11 24 by 30, horne stable 20 b766, drive. bouse, 20 by 24j god stock or grain farm. $0260e l96Jacres, god 5 rooméit dwelliig, wsth cel!ar, , large barn, Pli Peu and hen bouse, barn basu scoue, stablin , . tuated.-about 2 miles from Whîby. A good -stck $7000. 93J acres, brick dwelling, 7 roomis good cellar, frame barn' frameiécý o tablé,'frame 4rive shed andt borne stab le, atone rooe cellar.ý Timis farm lu situated nearîthe-Lake 1 Shore and about 4 Miles fromn Whltby. ,It la anc of -thé boit1 grain farine in Ontario. TO RElUT. Brick veneer houe, 6 rooms, goad large cellar, deep.lo-t. Maes Manager$ Richarcison & Ric1i Bell Phone 193 PEEL'S' - 511E Ercson mnd. Phone 704 eAN OFFER Yeu Tho' 'FiiesILins of Boots" soiShoos on thé.-Market, W 11 you take timee 10 glance over our latest se'ectiori of Autumn'Styles. Youwiii gain a manifo1d' advantage-by an early c1-okcp. "lThere is a last and leather suit'ed to your individual iieeds." Cali and select a 'pair of gooct wearing school boots for' your boy or girl. Rubbers of every variety. A Pleasure to show good-S.- Our first ship ment has jusi arrived. Canýetnow, and order while we have a good assortment Hyacisth8, double or Single. Tulipa, double or single, Parrot Tulips Paper Whiite ýNarcissus Double VoTon Narcissus per Doz. sot 25C - FAuTu .La WL~IR. WHITBYp 0NT Phones; Beli, No. 47; Independent, No. 47 PRJCE4S ot smre articles bave adlvancedl since 'comménoemcnt of thé terrible vur la Europe# but tmre articles of fod remain comparatively cheap. SALMON TROUD[T ANI) WOITE Pion are no* as chéap as they were years age.. W. havé weekly shipmnents ýf t'heu dèliclouus h, eParties- needing tb.em 'viii hé stipplicil by héaving thir rdOrs, BLUIB BRiRii3sa- ef c b ole. dry quatity areoffereit byns 1at close prie'". pLJ(SaÏd CH 1É -RRIES have been fallures Iere but we havé booms supplying.timem tram thé West# below lait yOarS prices -beéf, lamai,,. véal, park su1 d tenderlein are furnishod at a ARCHIVES 0F -0,N-T s I& I& ÀL I& ÀL ÀL ý& ý&I ý& ÀL ÀL ý& ÀL K .1 Il, -STORE

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