Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Oct 1914, p. 3

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(by Beat Bouquet -ot Sweet Peas.j 1, Effie Adainson, -8$. S. No. Of, Pick #ring ; 2, LonaliIootb, No. il1 3, J Wright, No, 11, f ç, Beat Mîxed Bonuquet froin Homeo MUNICIPALITY OF Garden-1, Myrtle llerr,S. S. No, il, -Pickering ;2ý (iiadyu i )oiphiii,No. 10; 3, - Viola _Sinipson, No. 10.; 4, R Vota IDunhield, -No. 1lb- 5, Franik Car- SOS, No. 13., A By-law to authorize ai (ej Best Plot Asters.-l,, .lJennie Eloctrlc Power Commissionc iupcan, S, S. No. 10, Pickering; 2,- the Township of Whitby, and IVa& lhswatider,' No.li! ;.3,. Clara struction, oquipient ,ad opera Bell, No. S ç- 4, l'orne .1-oes, No. 1.1; Hydro-Electrie Raiiway Ac, 5, Lucy D)awson, No'. 8. 1 Whereas it lu expedient th (b) liest plot Sweet ieas.-l, Lena by and other Municipal Corpo lqoth, 8,. é. No. i1, lPickering; 2, under '$The Hydro-E lectric I Je4ffl Wright, No. 'Ili; 3, 1-*,lie..,dain- power Commission ot Ontari( ton , 'o . 9.; 4, -May liobson, No. 1l1 construction, equipment ando m* V O< Ie eare, No. 7. thrôugh the Municipality o! tt ('LASSIII All'liS 4uicipalitie8, upom, ,he tcrm:; (a) liest Plate o! 5 Spie.-l, Isaac Ions set forti> and contaliied ir Puckrin, '-S, . s.No.-5, IPitkerizig ;-2, according to the routes set fc George l)uiican, 'No. 10 ý 3, Eddie 31i- And whereas the estimated ehel, No. Il ; 4, 3.lay, Mielieil, !N<>. il; is $4,346,938 , and whereas th, 5,Leila Pratt; No. .5. r qimn fteUet eb (b) [lest Plate of 5 Snows.-1, 1% nurheTons ! hep one tbe bs ray Dunheld, S. S. No. 16,Il'ickering; fl! th"e te shi o! Wh i7ti '1. Geo. Duncan, Na. Io ; 3,Ethel ument13"to' nthe si gcm _Wflon No. 10 ; 4, liuby 'bbrd, mven bwethe s('oareeit:c Xo. ; 5, Gtweridolyn D iubhar.d1, po1 edb hes. are~ (0 3 lmst Plate o! Deivît, No.V10; And wherejas the otal ann ~!- 'Ja Nghsandr, * MNo maintenance o! the ralwa,a *46, Pickerinîg 2, .lan Joies \O (th .e operating revenue beingi 13.;3, .ore Pekrrî,~,, ~ , ~ maintenance at $440.554); f~hoNo. Il 5.GC, tleso. And whereas the total ann 5 period o! ten years inimediately (h) (Collec'tiont ofweeds, unounteti aRd wl it 'olîîton iaiiic.- , iDora Mticieht, S-. >4. N.1h, iPickeritng..1 (0 ('olîccioriO! wecd secds %iti' *omllîon uatiu.-l, !'dtttiKaves, S. S. No. (, h'ickeritug g; 2, Gweudohvn lDeuitt, No. 1M; 3, -las. Betts, No. 9- 4, i.éehie Sanudursen, No., m~ Ex niorson Fisiter, No. 9. .(41) tC'llectiion tof 1I tseuttbu aitut tn-. -I,1,I owart l T îve-, S. .S.'u. 1l, iickeritg '2, ElginiMc L-ran, No. IQ ; , :,MdgdKayecs, No.' 1 . Mahî'lJ tudNo. 12; 5, L.loy'd (a) lir.t Iutteud'ch tt'h'encoop .- ., llaren'e (Christie, . . 5. S.. 8, Piç'keriutg , 2, lttsse'll l'îlk'cv, NI). 10; * 3 <;Ç-fd,,VTlîvit t, Nu h0 1; 4, Jas. Crîilin, No. ft fi I.111 'ai e'io-,(11-, .- L, 11a, .S. -No. U," i-'eritig ý2, ,,tatley hhfoeN o. 1l3,(Ce. Dun- can, N .If) t; À 4, eCarter, N.h; 9, Ixiisie I Nît ' o.îî Il. ajil) Laî iof Itti%' made ' lrad.- li F;'a Ihioiutl "-.,S S \( 12, I'ickeritug 2.,hura Michehî, 1il w3 ',l ' E su'i 'or îr No. 1h ; 5, I fa- vci Mid(ilîet\N.lit (lu) I<,Do tîe eklu", i.'tIi' .tchelî, S, .No. 1,IliPckettng ; 2, C wen- *dolyn Jevitt, No. ln ; 3, MIîldrcd Kayvcs,ýNo. 9 ; 4, Ililla hlamt, No. 12, 5 lia7ed Middleton,Ne10 (c> )iuzen Cook-ies, giris tnder 12 years.-l., l-dna Kýa% es, MS. No. 6, P'ickering ' 2, (hu'nîlolynu Uvt-tNo. 10 , 3,I-i Adautîsoî,_ No. 9 ; 4, Dora Micheil, No.lil ; 5, viola simpsou, (d) Layer (Cake.-I, Edria Kayes, S. S.No. if, ickei-ng; 2, Iae un er, No. il ; 3, Mildred Kaves, No. 6; 4, Eflie Adansen, No. 9 ;5, Gladys Doîphin, No. 10. (e) Plain Ilandiséwfrg.-1,- Elsie Ca rter,-.S. S. No. 11, Pickeringt; -2, itabel Flood, No. 12 ; 8, Audrey Phul- lips, No. 10'. Mf) Plain Handsiewing. Girls under 12 years.-1L, Gertrude Badgcrow, S. -%, No. 6, Pickcering ; 2, StIsie Bat-ton, Ni-o. il ; 3, Ghadys Beare, No. 7 r, 4, -Clara 'Bell, No. 5. - (g.) "-PMcmen o!' Fane-y Sewing.-1, Alfdrey Philipe, S. S. No. 10, Pick- * erlng ; 2, Mabel H-amilton, No. 12 ; 3, Gertrude B3adgerow, No. 6 ; 4, Luchla Sîca, No.. 10. -(h) Spe-uçnen o! Needewotk.-1, Lucîla Sica, S. S.- No. 10, Pickering; :2, Olive Beare, No. 7 ; 3, Hilda Ham, i LNo. 12. CLASS XII.- SPECIAL. 2n1d.-No. 6, Pickering. Irit.-No. 11, Pickering. CANADIAN PICTORIAL. Canada's Most Artistîc andi Popular Magazine. Its pictures pertalning b Il.e war are alone wprth tie mono>'. TbiI elegant magazine: delIgius thie e ye, whiîe 14 nstucnts the mlad Con- .omning the pIcturýesque doings o! an Intexesting andi iigiîy entertainIng <world. Eaci issue1lu Ilteraîlly crewted wil 'the higheat quality o! photogravures,. many o! thein worti lranulng. Il is the meutipopuhar 1"Pick-me- ..u"on lie watiag-room tables o! the leadlng doctors tirouglout thie Dominion, and la thc big public lib- raries Il Io iiterally "useti up" b>' 'th m'l uay who are Ittracleti by ils entertaiaîi'and beauliful pages. - ý !t's a "love aI slght" publication, and' it has departimeutal features of! great Interest te the, young Woman! and lie honle.:nlake-r.'t O!fl-,m.%ust' te quote one man's praise - frein "ainong thousandu--thle ate Rt. Hon. Lord Stratîcona, wrote: 'The 'anadian Pictorial' lu a pnb- S lcation which, If I ina>' b.permtted to sa>' so, Io a ct-cdute o Canada." (Signed> STRATHCONA. On trial $0 new subscribers-Twelvo mnoi ts for only 65 ceùits. Tho "Canadian Pictorial" Is -pub- iabdby, THE <'PICTORIAL" PUB- LSïHÎNQ CO, "Witnès" ln ek, kontrcall Canada. Tri' il for a year, hIP OF ##ose@ certain agreement made between the Hydro- o! Ontarioland the Municipal Corporation of à other Municipal Corporations, for the con- ration of an Electrie Railway under "Thé bat the Corporation o! the Township o! Whit- )orations should- enter itito an agreemen' taiLway Act,1914," with Thei Hydro-Electrie o, bereinafter calied the Commission, for the operaion of an Elcctric Railway lin and he Tow nship o! Whitbv and certatl other land conditions and sub.ect to the provis-' in the, agreement set out in Vhs Bv-law, and forth in Scheduie "A" to the said'egreement. I cost o! the work under the saidagreement îe portion of the cost o! construction and )orne by the ('orporation o! the Municipality estima téd at $554,619, as set out in Sched- lnt, FubJect -to adjustmnents aai appartion- ,wi by the Commission from Ltime tb Lime, mi tuai ani',unt estirnae] tô he re«..uired for the apart !rom operatinig expenises, is $138,878 estiniated at $776,400, andi operation and J inual aniounit estiînat-d to he requircl, far 1:11P' ly followitig ite date of issue of the'Bonds lo be lssued under the saj'd Agreement, for intereet on the said Bonds is $217,347 , and tiereafter, for the next euisuirtg !ortv 1'ears, tie annual amount estimated te be required for sinrking fund charges for tic retire- ment of the said bonds Is $43,469, and for interest on the said b6nds $217,347 And whereas tic portion te be borne iv thie Mýuniecipality o! tic Town- sip o! Whitby, o! tie saîd annual anîounts, estlmated te be required for maintenance. ain4cing !und charges and interest is estimated at $44,145 for the fut-st ten years as aforesaid, and thereafler at $49,691 on tie saine basis as -tie portiion o! tie cost o! construction and equipment, as afore- said, subject to adjustmients and apportionment -ibetween the C'orporatios by the Commission !rom,.tîme te time, as prov 'ided by the sald Agre'p- ment ; - i' And wiereas tie amount of the whoie rateahie propertu' o! tie Corpor- atio'n accordlng te tie last Revised Assessment Rollisle$1,644,509, and the amount o! tie debenture deit o! lie Corporation is Nil, o! wiich neither principal nor . Interest lu in art-car. Therefore, tic Municipal Council o! the Corporation of tie Township o! WI',4tiw enai'ts as !ellows: 1. It shah ibc hawful for tie Corporation o! tih-,'T'wnship of Whltby, and lie saiti Corporation is ierehy nutiorizcd, te ent-r jute the* !ellow- lng Agreement with tice1-îydro-Ehectric Power Commtission of!' Ontario and otier Corporation", the said ag"rePnuný being icrebus incorporated in- to n. ormIng .& part o! this 13v-lau', ar.d tic Reeve and ('lerk o! the Corporation. are -hereiv, authorized and îlireched te exerute the -said Agreement upon behalf e! this Corporation and te attaci tic Seal o! tic Corporation thereto.' ' 2* AGRM EEJNT IHEUNBETOR imum 1VX. This Indeature mal. the l e eut- Lord, one ibousand mine huadrel amifsutm Betweenj la- the esr de The H>'dro-Bletric Foyer Cmmissl«m M UM (bwiulatter caflh the "CoiûmlssloW"> eofîe IMMtPart, ami Tic Municipal Corporations oft he. UWwm*lpof Icaborough, the Township o! Markiam, tls Townsip of Whltcburel, the Township e! Pickering, the Township of Uixbridg, il. Townslp c! Witby, lie Township o! Reacb, the Town ot Newmurbst *a eTown o! Uxbrldge, tie Town o! Whitby, tle Village of MarIbsu, 14e Village o! SLouff- ville and tle Village of Port Ferry,(birlmaàt cUroled lb. "Corpot-a- lions") o! the Second Part. Whct-cas putsuait ta Theo Hydro-BleoU'4. Bomoay Acf, 1914, thie Comn- mission was requested te enquire lat, examine, huvestigate and report upon tic' ecoul of constructin.andilopation of aielectric railwy>'or railwnys to -bc constt-ucted througl certain dimilets la ich lic cor- ploatione are sltuated, logether witl île probable revenue tint would resuit frein Lhe operation o! snob nailwa> or ralliars;. Atti whereas tie Commission bas furnishel île corporaîleas vitI sudle a re:uort showlng (1) the total estimatel csi operatiag revenue and îq't'so! tie railwa>' or raihwa>'s, aid (2) île 'proportion o! lie r.'iai cost Lo be borne b>' each e! ils corporation sàa set forth la uh' '"ailacieti lereto; tndwhereas on receipt o! the satd repot île corporations rccuucsted o 'otmission Lo construet, equlp and operale a systein of elecLrlc rail- t hereinafler' calhed tic ralIva>') over tIe routes laid down la * -ile "A" attacheti hereto, upon the terms and conditions andi la tic .r turein set. forth; 'ý.lv.it-reas lhe Commission las agt-ecd wi tith corporations on tf the corporations ho construet, equlp anti operate Lie railwry twc terms and conditions and inlatic manner icrein set forth; but 'itt'eprs condition that Lie Commission shahl notlin an> way t- ttibl by reaucu cf iny error or omission lu auy estîtuates, plans or t autieuts for nny filunucal or otier obligahion or loue whatsoevttr 1;virtute of tis agreement or arising oui o! thc performance of lte t -t thereof-; And wiereas the electors o! caci o! tic corporations have aseenten iii'hs utioriln,,,the corporaLloas toentuer Imb Lue sagreement ý"ît ttc Commussion for tho construction. eqw,'Jment and. operation of t!-ý rallway as lai d dwn lu the saiti sclieduies, eubject tdtie !olloîvluy- t( rins and conditions; And w'tereae the corporations have enchiissueti debenîures for it" iii: -uttuu. srt forft lu echeduhe "B" atînclict hereloa nd have depesîtedthlu s.u!d dclentutres witlitt tu Commission; Nuuu' tîteru-fore titisf Intieuture winsset:- 1. In coruideration o!f(lue prenîlses and o! île agreements o! tie cor 1-rut ionq hieru'n contutineti, and subjecl to tic provisions o! île eaid Act, the Commisnusion agrees wîth tiecocetportalons rcspectivel>'- (a)j 'l' colt strut. equlp anti operale thc raiiway tîrough the cÉstrlets la %lulul' lte corporations are situate on beinîf o! tIe corporations-, t bi To construc-t andi operate the raIlway over thie routes laid dowa la (c) To Issue -bonde. as prov!dcd la paragraph 8 o! this agreement, to cover te cosL o! cotstrucllng andi equtpplag the raiiwny, (d) To furniaJu as fat- as possible firut-c'ass modern and standard equip- mnct fer use on thie t-aiiay, hooperahe thls equlpinent go as to give lie hi-s rt -vice aud accommodation possible, having regard ho the district srer'-d. the type o! construction anti equipmnat adopLeti, aad aIl oîier -;"-airi-uplitinpu;. Oa n e x-rciqeaidu,- ekIli andi diligence eas fo, t'-t- v' "1' e pertion andi service o! tic rnilway consistent (e) To rî'guîgite aitid fix the fares anti rates o! Lol 10b. colleted by - aIwn-,Y for aIl. clasecs o! service; (oTo uilize tle routes andi propert>' Of, theM lva> for all purpuses, frrm which Il lu possible te obtala a profiti (p)> To combine the. propert>' and verko ci *de railwa>' nnd the power fInes o! tie Commission wbere oucl combination Sm teasible and mn>' prove economîcal 10 boti île railva>' and the users o! île power lines; (hu) Te permit andi obtai -haerchaige et tnaMo vith cîher raîîwaym wiet-evet- possible ând profitable; (j) To supplit electricai powor or energn tor operaîeo! ofîte raiiway ai, raies consI1stent wlth thos chargel ho municipal corporations: il) 0 tODppqrtion annally the capital coins and operatlftg Gipenses O &U worke, apparatus and plant used by the rallway lu common-wlth the Commissions transmission Uinos tu a fair manier; havîng rsgard to the service turnlshed by tlie expendlture under-considegatlon; Mlc To apply the revenue dertved 'from operation of the raiws BEY ether. revene derlved from tiii undertaking te lthe paym Operais *xpenses -(including electrieal power), the cost' cf ad tration, and annual charges for Intereut-and sinkîng fund on the leventel, a.nd sueh ether deductions as are herein provlded for; (1) To net aside from' any rayonna thereafter remalnilg an annual oum for, the rewal of any. works l$longing ia whole or In part to the undertaklng; - (in) To pay over anualiy ho the corporations, If deemed advlsable by the Commission In the Interests ot LIe undertaklng, any surplus that may remain -after provlding for the Items above mentioncd. fThc division of aucli surplus between the corporations to be fixcd by the Commission on an equitable basis, having regard la the case of ecd corporation to the capital lnvestcd, Lhe service rendered, the comparative benefits derived, and all other like conditions; (n) To take active steps for tIe purpose of constructing, equlpping and opcrating the rallway aitich earliest possible date after tie execution of tItis agreement by the corporations and tic deposit of thc debentures as' called for under clause 2 (b) lereof and to commence operation of eacli section as soon as possible after its completion. (o) To make suph .extezisions to the rallway dcscrlbed In- selledule «A"~ as may appear advantageous and profitable f rom time ho time. 2. Ta consîderation of thxe premises andi of the agreements herein set forth, each of the corporations for itself, and not one for teohr ag¶ees wih tic Commission:- ,teoir (a) To bear Its share of the cost of constructing, equlpping, opernting, malntalnlng, repalrlng, rcnewlng and lnsuring the railway and Its pro- perty and works as establiled by the Commission, subject to ad'just- mente and apportionment betwecn. thc corporations by thc Commission from time ta tîme; (b) To Issue debentures for the amounts set forth ln echiedule "B" maturlng ln flfty years from the date of Issue thereof, and payable yeariy ah thc Banik, at Toronto, Ontario. Such debentures shahl be deposited with the Commission previous to the issulng o! 'the bonds meatloned above, and may be heid or disposed of from ltime to time by th- Commission, as provlded for ln clause 4 hereof, ln suci antounts, at sudh rates o! discount or premium. and on suci terms and conditions as thc Commission ln Its sole discretion shall deem ta be ln the Interesta of the railway, the proceeds o! sucli debç'ntures bcing used soleiy for the put-poses herein contained. The amo)unt of debentures of eaci cor- poratioui uold or dlsposod kif from tîme to timie shall li sucli proportion s tray bo fixed by the Commission o! the total amount o!. debentures, duc mt-tgrd belbg gis-en to the capital lnveeted, thc servie, 'ndprcd, the comparative revenue derlved. antd ail other equitable conditions; (c) Toax1ike nu agreement or arrangement with. and tro grant no bonus, lcense or otiter inducement to any other railwny or t-tsporta. tion company wlthout the written consent of the Conmis.31on; (d) To keep, observe and perform the covenants, provI-israîl rrndi lions set forth ln titis agreement lntendcd to be kept and ' ;'r l td performned by the corporations, and to execute sucli furtiicr or c:t documents and Le pass suci by-iaws as mny .be r-eqilEsted by ilie C'on- mission for the purpose o! fuliy effectuating Lie obicets inid lateult Uo tbis agreetueni; (e) To furnlsh a free- riglît of Wcay for thc raiway utud for thc power Mued of the Cunîmisslin over any property of te corporations upon being se requebted by tie Commission, and te execute such conveyance thereof or agreement wlit regard thereto as may bu desired by the commission. *3. It siail bee iawfui and tie Commission Is hereby autiorized to crcate o r cause te be created- an issue o! bonds, and te sel. or dispose of te sanme on behaîf o! the corporations. Sucli bonds te be charged upon and aecured by tie railway, and ahl the assets, rights, privileges, revenues, Works, property and effects belonging thereto or held or used la con- necUion with Lie rallway constructed, acquired, operated and malntained by tie Commission under this agreement, and to be for the total amount.s mentioned ln schedule "' hereto attacied; provided that the Commission may, upon obtaining tic consent as horein dellned of Lie maJority of! the corporations, increase the sald bond Issue by any amouai neccssary to cover tie capital cost of extendlng the rallway, and may aiso wiiiouh sucli consent -Increase the said bond Issue 10 cover the cost o! additlonal works or .equipment o! any klnd for use on the rallway to an citent not cxceedlnig ten pet- cedL. (10%) of tic bodids issued from lime to lime. In order te meet and pay such bonds and Interest as the samie beconies duc nnd payable the Commission' shah ln a ciycar after the expiration o! ten years frein thc date o! Lie issue o! the bonds out of tie revenue o! tie railway after payments o! operating expenses. (ircluding clectrIcal power) and thie couL o! administration set asldc a sufficieni suin ho provîde a sinkIng fund for tic purpose of redeemlng tic same at ma- turity. Debenures Issued by tho corporations in compliance witî clause (2b) hereof, shahl, Lu the extent o! the par value o! aay bonds outstandiag from ime. to lime, be ieid or dlsposed of by the Commission ln trust for tic hoiders o! such bonds as coilateral securlty for payment thereof, It bcing understood, and agreed tiat la lie event o!an) Increase o! the said bond Issue cacli corporation shahl, upon the' request of tho Com- miss'on, deposit-wlth the Commission addltional deLr-ntureis as described ln clause 2 (b hereof, to beclield or dlsposed of by the Commission as collateral security for suchIincrease o! Lie said bond Issue, and tînt any debentures heifi by tie Commission la excess o! Lie par value of the oulstàndiaug bonds from time te ime may be hcid or dlsposed o! by tlé Commission te secure paymeni o! any deficit ariaiag !rom the: operation of thc railway. 4. la the event o! the revenue derlved from thc operation of the under- laklng belng Insufficîcut ln any year te meeltich operatiag expenses (inchuding electrical power), the coul of administration aad tie annual charges for Interest and sinking fund on the bonds, and for the renewaî cf-any works beionglag ln whoie or la part to lie raiiway, suci defIcit shahl be paid te the Commission by Lie corporations upon dcmand o! and lu tie proportion adJuMsted by Lie Commission. In thc event o! Ibm failure o! any corporation Le -pay iLs share of suci a deficit as adjusted. b>' Lhe Commission, il siail be Iawfui for the Commission la the manier provided la 'clause 2 (b) ho dispose o! debentures hcld by tic Commission as securit>' for any sudh deficit. An>' arrears b>' an>' corporation shah! bear Intercit at the legal rate. 6. SIould any' corporation fail to perforin an>' o! the obligations te. the Commission under thus agreement,, the Commission may, la addition te ail 011cr remedIes and without notice, discontinue Ile service o! the railway ho such corporation la default until the said obligation las -been fulflled, and no suci disconhinuance of service shall relieve the cOr- poration la dcfaulh froin the performance o! the covenants, proviios andi conditions ici-cia conhained. 6. Ia case the Commission sIln St an>' lime or limes be»,prevented tro-- prat-gli -raîwa -oranypar %-eref b' trîe, oc -ou, i, ma>' «tend lb. rallway upon miel terme and conditions go m#>' appesr eqUltable ta the Commission. No éncb application for, ai uesie o! îflte iailway ita E ui elpallty tle corporation oft whlch' le ot a party toï Ibis agr t ou flbl h lnErlaled l f iu s timatel .by tbe COlirnissien that île cO5t~ot fliO of lhe-Yallwar Io the corporations paMtes berelo *IIs!Ïo la.i oreaaed or-the revenue ahd aemümoedtioi Dé,hnlurtcusly affctel 'wItbOni, tle writîen coapent of the m4oriîy oj Ua poz-pradlons Datu", Il%'e j4 V veat of »Y . differeuci between th.e corporations the Coin. spon applIcation, lix a time and 'Place- to) lhear ail repre. tmay be Éid. by the parties, and Uic Commission shall fferences, and auch' sdlustments shail be final: The Com- bave ail the pcwers thal-znay be utonferred upon a coin. ointed- nder the Act Reapecting MRnquiric, 'Concerninq 14. This agreement shall continue and extend for u period of fifty years trom the date hereof, and at the expiration thereof be subject te reacewai, ,with the consent of the cbrtions f rom Mime to time forIlike periodi ot flfty years, subject ta adjuàtmont and re-apportion ment as hercin pro-, vided for the. purposeof et tIs agreemnent as tbouglh the termse'hereof 1194 net ,xpired. At 1h. _expiration cf ihis agreement -the Commission shan determInne and adjust the rights -of the corporations, 1.aving'regard te the amounti pald or asunmed by thom respectlvely nnder the terme of tbi agreement, and incb other conslderatlons as aîay appear equltabie ta the Commission and are. aPproved by the LleutenantiGoveraor la 15. Th'is agreement shal! net core ne m effeet until iltlias been sanctioned by' lhe Lieutenant-Governorlan Ocuncil. la witneus wher'eof 'the Commission and the Cqo"pcrations have ré» speetiveIy affxed'-their corporale geais and the hands of their propee osfcers, SCHe ULE " A." ROUTES. .Toronto-Utilonville Reclion. Prom tle eastri limité of the City' o! Toroato, Victoria'Park Avinue, 111. will parallel tie Canadian Notthern Raihway on tic souti side to Pharmacy Avenue, thence lake a direct route to Uic soîîitl-enst-coiner of Lot 29, Con. C., Township of Searborougi Crossing thc Kennedy Road, lino wilhlt-un nortier>' about tie centre o! Lot 28, as-far as-Con. 1, town. ship o! Scarboro. i'tom whlci point approxcmmately paraliel 10 Lie Grand Trunk Railwny te' îinioivllle. UnionVtlle-BrooItfn Sect ion., The lin. will cross tle Grind Truak Raiiway on rond allowance ,betweei Lots 10 and 11, Con. V., Township of Markiam. and rtun ou titis Lta on. lI. at whicl point line wil! cross 10 LIot il andi parallel Lie rond le tie neigi- berbood o! Markhanj Village, wlcre It wihh Lut-n northerhy and cross Con. VIII rond soutl o! Grand Trul Railway; continuiug ensteri>'he will rua tlrougi Locuat Hill along or -paraîhel Wli t- o? I ailowance between hots 10 and 11. Froin tie Mnrklarn-Pickering j oNnship Une, Ue iih cros ta the centre o! Con VI, Township o! Pickering, and continue approxi- mai01>' tîrough tic centre of tle Concesgion te Broolçlil, excepting near Greanwood. wherc the lino wyul be deverted. UnionviU-Newmarket Section. The lino wilh rua nortîcr>' tram Unionvilie apiproximatei>' up the centre o! Concession V. Township o! 'Markiam, and 'o! Concession V, Township o! Whitchurch, to or near Lot 5, tience te centre o! Cr"occssi-on IV, Township of Whitcburcl, tho o*ear Lot 27, andti heuce no,.rth-wesherly' te Newmat-ket Stouffv.ZZe unto-Clarcm ont Sectiout. At a point on Unionvllie-Newmarket sction at M.%arkiam-Witchut-cl- Township lino deslgnaed Otauffyllle Juncion, Une wiil rua ensteri>' a shaort dIstance south cf lb. Township lue, tirough StouffviIle'ate e Mfark.lam-Pickering Township line andti lence througtrhLe midle 0f Concession IX,'Towashlp o!ý,Pickeriag, te Claremont. Varsdorf-'Uxbridge Section. Prom Vandor! on the Unionvilc-NewmarketL section-hUne wilh mrn gear rosI alîowance between Lots 15 andi 16, Township of .Whftchurch, bo île norll sideofo!Musselman's LAki-'thence aorti-easterly ho a point about % Mlle seuil cf Sihonin and thence due enst to Uxbridgc, parallching lie goal mlowanie 'Àmile theb.seuil. Vkitby, Section.-" 1&0i vil Iave Port Petr>' a he l.ncigiboriood o! tic Fait- Grounde il rua direct 10 Mancester P.C.., Ilence south te *mccl lie Grand Trual lalva>' nemi' ighpoînt. Lne wlll continue soutien>' a shorh distpnes veat of île Grand Trtunk Rallway, passlng about i'. mile cet o! Ashburn mmd t1lenos thrcugl Lot 24 In tl. Township of Whîtby ho Brookla. ftom'Brooklin tl. liioi yul rn paralcl 10 the road allowance betvems Lits 2S and 29, Township o! Whitby, as fat- seuIl as tic Canadlan 'Pacifie Railwa>', la the Town o! Wihbe. The line wilI thon be duvet-ted 10 Henry, Street and thence ta the lake front. *SCHE.DULE "B." Namc o! Municipa' Corporation, ToU tnt-e rosp die the Cla- Township o! SearbnrotuiJi.............. e.. Township o! Mariht---------- Township of!W11teiUttruhu........ Township o fr' .....------------ Townshîip Mf Uxb"id; ... Townshilp 6! Wltby . . . Township oEtiReaci ............ut Village of .Iarkh-uu......... Village o! Stouffviltc....... Village of Pot-t Perry'--------- Town e! Newmarket-... .. Town o! UxbrIdge ........... Town Of Whitby'.......... c 'ut tai amount o! debea- es ho be lssued b>' the pectivc municipahi- antid depositel yulh eCommission inde'- tuse 2 (b. $565,714,00 803,939 09 488,152 90 578,115900 227,901900 654.619 00 235,722.00 48,762 0 -75,281900 113,30800 263,996 00 2041065 0 193,774 00 Totah amnount o! bonds to- be lm@muentioei In Chause 3 ............ ...... 4,346,930 00 Made, passed and entered this 191. dayof -.. ... <.x..r.wuiuReevé (Mayor>y NOT ICE. TAKE NOTICE tint tie !oregoing 13 a true cep> o! -tle propose BymLaw o! the Corporation o! tie TowneMîp o! Wlitby tor le subiittel to the votes o! the clectors onîlte 1911 day o! October A.D. 1914, be- twen tehe urs of aine o'ciock ln tie forenoon' ant ilfvo o'clock la île s!- ternoon ai the foîlowiag places :.. For Polling Sub-divisioa No. 1- ut Polling Booth, lot 28, con. S. For Polîing Sub-ddvisioa No. 2-at-Couneil romi, Brookla.-_ For Polling'ý Sub-divlsion No. 8-at Mlasonlo Hall, Brookli. For- Polling Snb-dtvIsIon No. 4-at Korr". Hall,- Aillera, Aid tînt île 17th day o!' OctOher A.D. 1914, .ai oie o'clock lainthO i- temoouu aI 'îe CouacS! rom, Broôl in, lthe suil linicipalitY, 185 beu Ilied for the. appointmWet o! porsons te attend ai 'th. pohlIng Pl50, and nt île* inal sumxntng -uP efÎbe votes 'b>' île Cierk. ed, i' at S!f'the asonut o! thb electors in, ôobtained to tle itilpropos"- edBymlaw Il it wile 'talen f mie con sideratioi by the0 Muiciptl' CoUdM o! the said Corporation at-a meeting thioreo t;Ote b 1.1 fýthe île xira- tI on o! oie moiti trom lie date et île flot publication 0f tIlIS @i, and tIai sncb irit publication vas matie on.the.24t1 daY O! Sept«eu, A.D. 1914. TAKE NOTICE- FURTHER thnt a tenait who desires teo vote 'upea saSi pi-opesed by-lav muai dellv ter le île Cherk, not'Inter liai tle *oàlb day bofore il. day 'appointed, ,for'takiîg- île îvote dctaration unler Tbe Canada Evidenco Act, tînt hlu.ma tenant t whose lmm «tnbfmrl une for vhlcî île debl or IHabilite, le tô b.,created, dru viaicI UVn> ey te b.raisel - >' île prop'ýosed By-lnw is payable, «oe'~fr'iis à ty-one yoars, aid that le IWably lb. loeOcovenant edte pay'ail joui* -pal ,taxes i respect cf the preperty e! whlcl 105Io tenant otier lIai1l. cal Imprôvomént rates. D, lQUID TVAV0wt. m -,om

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