Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Oct 1914, p. 2

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A By-law te authorize a-eretain agreement made between the, Hydro- Eleetrie Power Commlsston'o! Ontario and théè Municipal Cýorporation o! the Town of Whitby, andi other Municipal Corpor ations, for ýthe con- -.strucitton, equlpmeoat, and operation 'o! an Electric -Ratlway u9der ý1ThP 14ydro3ýIX.ctric Railway Act, 1914."1 Whereass t lu expedient that the-Corporation of! the Town o! Witby aud pilier Municipal Corporag4ons sliouid enter into- an agreemfent, undei "-The Hydro-Electrie Rallway Act, 1914,"1 wltkTheý Hydro-Electrie Pow- e Comrntasfon 'of Ontarip, betinafter oallod the Commission, for the --construction, equipint and operation of an Electric RailwaýT in and Uwrough thes Munilpatty of the. TowI3no01Whti)y :anid certain other Muni- clpalittes, upon the. ternis 'and conditiofis, and subjet to the provisions set forth and contained la the egreement set out in tbis By-law, and se0- cording to the x.oistePe forté Ina ýheduie "A" to the said agreement ; And whertas the eâtlma.ted cost of the work under the said agreemenit la $4,346,938 ç and whereas the. portion of i. the cout of the. construction and equlpinent o! the 1ke. te b. borne. i»,te Corporation of thie !iunicipality of thie lowe,, of Whtby'la estimàtted at .-183',71,4, as set outIn-i ucheduj-e. 11B',' to thie said agreemnent, subjltCi to adjustinents and apportionnm'nt -betweet the Corporations by the Comm:is.ion frrtni otlie spo vided b? thie saïd Agreemientrtne otm,,.spo And whséreas the total annual anount estinxaied to be retiured *for thie maintenance. oftheo railway, -apa-:: fromn operating expcnsecs, is $13l8?- 878; (the op erafIng revenue being estirnated .4t $776,4W. and -o perat4 on and mainieaance at $4401554) i And %vhereas the total airnual ainiount estirnated to be required for thr Pertilo! ten 4ear8 imint.datelrlV IÃ"owins the date of thie 155U# o! tRi Bonds t6~ be issued- undere the said Agreenment, for Interest on the said Bonds Io $217,347 ; aud tjierealter, for thie nest ensulng !orty years, thie annual arnount estimated- to be requ ired for sinking fund charges for the ietreiefnt of thie sald bondS Io $43,469, and for Interest on thie sgid bonds $217847; And whereas the portioR to be borne by the M.%unicipality of the Town ,et Whitby, o! the sald annual arnounts. estfimated Io be requircd for maintenance, sinking !und charges and intercut is estimated at $14,628 for thie int tea yearg,' as aforesald, and thereatter at S18,468 on the sainec basis as-tRie portion of thie cost of construction andi equipm<ent, as afore- Raid, u ubject to adjustmfnts and apportioninent betweep, the (orpora. tions b>' the Comisison froin time te time, as provied by tRie said *Agreement P. Aïdl whereas thie amount of thie % hole rateable property of the Cor- poration accordlng to theie hst llevised :4ssessment R611 is $1,222,308, andth Re. aýnt of tRie debenture debt o! thie Corporation is $173,478,m 99 !wlhn' ther pincipal flot Initerest [s '[n arrear. Thex fpze.e Municipal Couneil of tRe Corporation o! thie Town of * WhltRiy, onacts as follows.: 1. It shahl be lawful for thie Cor poration of thie Town of Witby, andi the- cald Corporation la hereby authorlzed, to enter into the iollowlng Agreement wth thie Hydro-Electric Power Commission o!f Ontario andi other Corporations, the said Agréeemnient being hereby incorporated into -axd forining a part of -this By-law, andi the Mayor and Cierk of tRie Cor- poration are herebe authonlized and dlrected to execute the said Agree- ment upon# behalf of this CorporaýIo a andi to attach the seal o! thie Cor.. D otation therefo,. This hainemade theé - 1-dam o! leur -Lord, oesthoumuni nashxxdred andti ourteen. ln the- venr -, Tise Hydro-Bleeîric Power Commission e! Ontario (Rerenaiter c-aIl J tise "Commission") of the. Fiit Part, and TRie Mualcipal Corporations of thse Township o! Scarborougl', t';e Township o! Markisam,, thie Townshsip e! Whltcîîurcli, tRie To*wnslsj cio Pickering, thse Townsip of Uxbridge, thie Township of Whitby, t: Township of Reacis, tise TownofNwaktthTwnof U:iUlir, theTow ofWhltby, tise Village o! Markharn, tRie Village of Stot;ïT ville adtf Vllg fPotPry hriie cldte*Croâ tions") o! thse Second Part. WRere-as pursuant to The Hydro-Electrîc Railu'ay Art. 1914, t!,e.Ili1 mission wa4suested to enquire -Into, examine. investigate and iii-u Upon thse ,ont et construction anti operation e! an ec rlltay or rallways /0 b. cdýnstructed througis certain districts h liee'o' - poratiens are situateti, together witRi tie probable- mc tlat would - rresult f rom tise openation o! sucis railway or railways;- A nd whefeas thie Commission haî furnished thie corporations with such -a report shiwîg (1) the total estimateti couL, operating revenue anti expenseso!ofLthe raiîway or railways, anti (2) tRie proportion o!fte capital coit th be berne b>' eacis eftRie corporations as net forth In schedule "B" attaciied hiereto; *Anti wiereas on reeeipt of thie saiti report tRie corporations 'requesteti thie Commission te conatruot, equip anti operate a systcm o! electric rail- ways (hereinator cualldtise raihway) over tise rouîtes laid! down ln achedule "À" attacheti iereto, upon tise terres'anti conditions,-anti ln the luanner Rerein set forth; Anti wPlereas tRie Commission Ria agreeti with tise' corporations on beRinîf o! tRie corporations te construet, equip anti operate tise alîway ---upon tRie termes anti conditions anti la Lhe manner bria set forth; but upon tRie' express condition that tise Commission shah net In an>' way be hlable b>' neason o! au>' erreor e-misLjion la aný estimates, plans gr _p ecii"'ations for an>' financial or" ether obligation or ls wRasoevér "'virtue o! tRia agreement or ariting ont o! tise periormuce o! thse fternisthereof. Anti wisreas tis elotors ioreRh c! tise Corporations have asseateti in by-law auathorising lhe, derporation, toenelter inte this agreement wfth the Comission ion tise construction, equipment andi operstion ef thue "alway as laid dovain tisesaii schedules, subjeet toe toiolowiag termes anti conditions; Anti wier-eas tise corporations haveee sueidbnunsfrts s-rntnnts set forth la seisedule t«B" attacheti Rireto, anti have deposîte th ie sald debentures wiLtisth Commission. - Now -therefone tRis Indenture wituesseth:... --- 1. lu consitieration of thse promises anti of thse agreements of thse cor- porations iserein containeti, NMdSUbjbot te tise provisions ofurne Mid ot thse Commission agleos vith thse corperatienis respeetivoy:-.. - ~ (a) T6 contruct, Cquipanud operatte thé aiîway ibrougis the district» in, whicb the corporations are situate on behaif e! theyroa ns Cb) To censtmuet anu- eperate thse rallway over tise routes laid leva la achetiole ~"; Pk (c) ' issua bendi, as previded-i laPragrapis 8 of tiIs agreement te -eover tise eost o! con-struetlns anti eqaîppîn thse nailia>'. -- -(d) To tîi4alsh as for sdupoauîble 91mtciaas modem and tiaaiarêýqUip ÉM e*ot'eM-on tise ilwYteo perate- tRis equhpment se ast. z1vé -tise bt n'e.o mouttOU'- ossOible, h&Isavngregard làte ie-dtistridt th ,c »rcInandi "quliuent adop*d,sud ail otieor tIeôcs li due ikill a d iligonse- io asto- »Off th muteff peraPtton anti service cf theri'~a constatent od ýgieut; - 'i (e) To repiIat eand, Lx tis.farc$ andTial!of OI'teo e UeWby Jth~e ysiJvar' for atu classesOfiservice; r pu th ico uesfandproperty of thse ra%4yay for li purposu St -ýj jc t gpoiabl@ to obtein a profit; -- 1 Mme@ the properti sud woris piftise nailwsy a"d thse ve1 Of es commission -nU ,such combinatlexi -le fissible anti umgy nes , or '& ý#rW& WSTandth ie, ti werlQI. T pf1 d ovfl tweiangeofo!triMes wtis other îaflws1t g eers>' for operaties cf thse rallway. Il ,(1) ITo ot Mide ,frm many. a=m for thse renewal of ýa»y wq , pai'ttion of -tihe railway ami dIeïtïking to thie payment of power).,'the coat of adminis. id- liflkillg fUnli on tRie money hrmprovlded for; ?resfter remaining an saiqus! W )Toc DU oVer annually,,to thé':Corporations, if deemed ativisable by the commission lnthie Interests of thse undertaklng, any surplus tRiat may remain Liter providingfor thse itemsi above mentioned. Thse division of sach surplus between thie corporations to b. Oxei by thie C9mnslon oue au equitable bauts, laving. regard lu the case of cacis corporation'th tRie capital Invested, thse service rendered, tRie comparative beneits dered, and all othèr 1ke conditions; (n) To taise active steps for thse purpose of constructlng, equippiag aIW, op.ratiug the ,i'alway at tRi e aleat possible date acter thie exécution of -this agreement by -tise' corporations andth Re deposit of thie debenture s - eaileti for under clause .2 (b) liereofandi to commence operation of cacha boiston, ausoaon as possible i-fter lt. completlca. (Q) To make suci extensIoýs t the railway tiescribeti ln achetil. -A" as may appear advantaseous ýand -prolltable £rom ime to ime; 2. tn cenaideration ofthte premises and o! the 8gTeeeçnto lierci les forth, eaeéh tf the icorporations for itzolf. and nôt oe for the ether. jii -lthte Connisielon- a)To bear Its- share.eoftthe cost of constructing, equlpplng, operating# mainainngreplnig.. renewing and Insuring thie rai' way and iLs pro. perty andi works as establisliet by the. Commission, .ubject te atijuat. mente 'ad apportlonnient between thie corporations by thie Commission from Urne to time; (b)To Issue' debentures. for the amounts set forth ln acbedule uB" maturing in fifty years from the date of Issue thereof, anti payable yeariy at thie Bank, at Toronto, Ontario. Buch <febentures shall be depositeti with the CommlisIon previous. to -theie ssuing of- the bond» mentioneti above, andi may Rie Reld or dIsposei o!f from -ime to ime by th- Commission, as provlded for ln clause 4 hereof, ln such amouats. at such rates of dliqceunt or- pre-minni, andi on such tex nms anti conditions au the Commission ln its mole discretion shall deeni toaRi ln tUe Interesti' of the railway, thie procee-ds- of sueR debentures being wsed solely fer thie purposes berein containeti TRie nniount o! debentures of each cpi> poration solti or diaptiseti of frem time te tume shall b. such proportion as rnay be fixeti by the Commission of thie total amount o! debeDtures, due regard being given to the capital Invested, the service rendered, thée comparative revenue tieriveti, andi ail other equitable conditions; (c) To malte ne agreement or arrangement with, andti t grant no bonus, license or otiier Inducement to any otRier rallway or transporta. tion company without thie wrltten consent o!'tRie Commilssioa- (6) To kecp. observe and perforni the covenants. provisos anti condi- tions set forth ln this agreement intentiedti 0e ekept anti observed andi Derformed by thie corporations, and te execute such further or ether documents and. te pans. scb by-laws as msy Rie reqîtesteti by thie Com- mission for'tise purpose of fulIy effectuatIng thie objeots and Intent of thâs agreemenit: (e) To furniah a free ight oi way for the raiiway i uti for the power lines.ofethe Commission over any property efth(le <orporations upon bulng 0 refueted by thie Commission, and to execute such convcyance thereof or agreement with regard thereto as may be desireti by thse Commission, 8. IL shalRie iaw!ul andtihRe Commission haoisercis> authonized to crante or'cause te Rie createti an Issue o! bonds, andti t sel. or dispose o!fLise samie on Rihal! o! thse corporations. SucR bonds to Rie chargeti upon anti secureti by -tRie raîlway, ant ialItRie assets, rigis, prIvileges, revenues, wonks, propert>' andi effeets belonging thereto onriselti or useti ln con- nection witR thie alway constmucteti, acquIreti, operateti anti maIntained, by thse Commission untier this agreement, anti to Rie for tRie total amounts mentionei ln sehedule "~B" Rereto attacheti; proviiedthtintheRi Commission may, upon obtaining Lise consent as iscrein tiefinciofethtRe maJont> of thie corporations, Increase tRe saiti bond Issue b>' an>' arount uccessar>' to cever tise capital comt o! extendlng tise railway, &a niaise v itisout sucii consent Increase thie sait! bond Issue te cover tie cost of - atiditional works or equipment o! an>' -klnd for use on tise nailway te an oxtent not exceetilng ten per cent. (10%) oethtRe bonds Issue-ti oztra ime te Ltime. lu ox'der te rmeeLand pa>' such bonds 'anti jneremt as th ise mambecomes due anti payable tRie Commission shaîl ln encis yenr atter tise expiration ef ton yenrs trer tRie date ofthtRe Issue of tRie bonds eut o! tise revenue o! tRie railway after pnyments o! operating expenses (lnclutfing clectnical power) andtihRe coat o! administration set asitie a suficlent u to provitie a sinkIng funt -ion tise purpose o! redeeming tise samig at ma- turity. Debentures lesanet by thie corporations la coMlppiance with onuse (2b) Rereof, shaîl, to the extent o!fLise par value of an>' bonds eutstanding from ime te ime, be hehd er disposet et b>' -tise Commission ln trust for tiseboîtiers o! sncb bonds as colînteral ecunIt>' for paYMent tiseo!, fi being untierstooti anti agreedti tlin Lise evont of an> mneuse of tise, saiti bond Issue cacRi corporation shahl,- upon tise requce tis te Com mission, deposit with thie Commission atiditionsi debentures as desenibe ln clause 2 (b) Rertof. to be Relti or disposeti o! b>'tRie Commission ns eolnatemal securit>' for such Incrense o! tRie sai bond Issue, anti that -any Ace-aLtures RielA b>' the Commission ln excess o! tise par value o! tise outstuntiîng bonds from, ime to ime mn>' be iselti or tilaposei of b>' the Commission Le secure paymcnt o! any deficit arning from tise operation o! Lise railway. 4. In the event o! tRie revenue derived frore tise operation efthtie under- taiIng bclng Insuffielent la any year to meet tise operating expeases (Iuclutiing electrical power), tise coat ef administration andtihtis annual charges for Intercst anti sinking funti on'tise bonds, andi for tise renewal o! an>' worka belonging la whole or ln part to tise ailway, sueR ddficit shial Re pali t tise Commission b>' the corporations -upon tiemanti et sud lu the proportion adjusteti b>'tise Commission. Ia tise event o! tise tailure o! nny corporation te pa> lts sisarc o! suais s dellcit as adjusteti b>' tise Commission, IL shalf b. law!ultfon tise Commission la tise usiner provided inl clause 2 (b) te dispose o!ftiebontunes iselti b>'tise Commission as securit>' for any sucis Astioit. An>' arrears b>' any corporation sisa bear Intereat at tise legal rata. ,6. Sisoulti an>' corporation tai te perform an>' o!tise Obligations te tise Commission unden this agreemeat, tise Commission us>', lu addition te, ail other remetilef ant i vtiout notice, discontigue tise Service c! tis* nsilway to sueR corporation ln detanît until tise salA obligation hmasbeen fulâîleti, anti ne sucis discontinuace of servie shall neieve tise 001b poration ln defanît !rom tise performance e! tise covonants, provisosand conditions herein coutained. -. I.nlacgsetise Commission BRa Bstl mo i timos b.. Pneventei' rM. openatîag thse raîlwa>' on an>' part,--thereof b> ' snk.lock-out. net, fe, Invasion, explosion, set of Goti, or tiseJlr Kin wa umle, or LU>'etises eause' reasouabl> beont I ts centre!, then tise COMMISSIen sisal! nott boun t teoperate the railwa>' or- sueR part tiseneofturing sueh ime; but thecorPoratie ssal! net be rOUeeivifrGM any Ubiity, Or psyment niAit tis sgreemet, ant ias -accu - tise,.Oau5o et01 i-fatrption la remesel thse ýCoMmmlson àsisati,îtisout- any déhar, ecatimefuOeï PMrfLea Ofthse TalWAY, 1<m sieft ftse oorrationï sil! Wprompt msu-d ligant'lu doingeveér>'uing lu Lis poweX-ïo remeveanti overome an>' luch cuse sr cï« f interruption. 7. It ahailW awu frs d it orpMrtions ,iseroby -sutiserjstse a -00et or mlles mission to create tRie most fawoaI,1ionditions for t-b objecta of tht, agreement and-of the saiti ket, andi to of thie railway and engin'. IÇ succe., 13. In thie event or any dllfeience between thie cc mission may.-upen application, fix a tume andi plac sentations that mnay b. 3atie by th Re partie., andtIf adjust suchdifferences, and smciiadiumtientm shail mission shall buxe aIl tRie powers that'may bie o iIssiener appointed under thie Act Respecttnq El :L4. This agreement shah continue anti extenti for a per 1iot ef fifty years tromtUedi date hereof, and- at Lthe expiration thereof be subject te re-newel -witthtRe consent of thie cerpor'ations f-rom, tlme te time for, lise periotis ôf4hfity years, subjeet to aàdjustment anti re-spporti on mcnt- as lièrein pro- v de ti f or pro11s .o! this agreem ent as thougl h tR e r u l re o at net expimeti, At tRieexpiration ot. tRis'agr'eeüent thie CommIssion sîxaîll- determlne anti adJuat tRie riglats..o! (lhe corporations, havtng regard to tRie amounts paîti or assurnet by tise-m iesixectvelly under tRie ternis o! tilla- agr.eement, and. sncb otiser censltiera&stt.i, sr.ay aiope-ar equitable te tise Conmmission anti are approved y thue Lleuter.-ànt.Govemnor 1z-. 15, Th'c cgreemei'ft ubal met corne info C,"-S:i ntil Ii ba% b;ýcn sanctioned by thie LîeLutenant-Governcr ln Ceouncýl. l Ift ' nPgg wiue-reof lu thé ee!'n d 14te ro'oratrs have re- apectively zamked their corçoraze seaB z.La .tj bncat of ~i proper Toronfo- Un fonv;flle Section. - From thc cast,-rn limite of thse Cty -«! Toronto, Victoria Park Avenue, lins will parailel thse Canadian Northern Raiîway on thie aouth aidet o Pharmacy Avenuxe, tisence take a dire-ct roule te thie south.east corner of Lot 29, Con. C., Township et Scarbemougb CrosingtRie K-ennediy Roati, uine wilI mun northcrly about the centre of Lot ' Y, ;t' far ns Con. 1, Town. ship of Sc-arboro, frein whicb Point approxntately ptirallel te thie Grand Truuîi ik iltia>' to Unionville. Tnonville-Broo7elin Section. Thee une «ili cross thie Grand Trunk Railway on roadtillhowance betu'een Lots 10 andi 11, Con. V., Townshilp of Marlduai, anti run on tIius to Con. VI, at wisich point lin. will cross to Lot Il and pamalle tRie rond ln the neigh- borhooti of Mamkham Village, wbere It wJ1l mmmx nortberly ani cross Con. VIII rond south of Grand Trunis Rahlway;, rontinuing eas-erly uIne will - run throtugis Locuat Hiliaiong oýr parailel with rond allowance between lots 10 and Il. From tRie Markham-Pickering Tfownship Une, Une will cross to thie centre of Con VI, Township of Pickering, and vontlnue approi. mately througis the centre o! tRie Concession te Broolin, excepting near Greeniwood, wbere tise Une wil be diverted. - - TSiilnvlle-Xi ewmarket Section. Thée n will run northerly from Unionville aprîroximately up the. centre. o! Concession V, Township o! Mfarkbhani, anti of Concession V, Townisbip of Whitchurch, to or near Lot 5, thence îo centre of Concession IV, Township o! Wiuitchuurch, te or near Lot 27, andti bence north-westeirly, ;0 »eMarket, Stouffville Junetfon-Claremont Setion At a point on Unionville-Newmaricet section at Markhani'Whitcisurch Township Une tiesignateti Sto uffville JunctIon, Une wlll mun easterly a abont distance soutb o! thse Townshsip Uine, thmough Stouffvlle to tise liarkisam-PIckering Township lUno anti thence through thie mitdle of Concession IX, Township of Pickening, to Claremont. - *Vandorf-Vlobridge Section. Prom Vander! on thie Unionvlle-New'market section, Uine wil run near road allowance Ritween Lots 15 ai d1-i-Township o! Wisltcisurcis, to the north aide of Musselman's Lake, tisence north-easterly to a point about U mile sentis o! Siloani anti thence due east te tlzbrIdge, pamallellng tise road allowance 14 Mile té the soutis. - Whitby Section. Une will leave Port Perry ln tise neighbonisoot o! tise Pair Grounde und rul direct te Mancester F.O.., tisence mentis te me-et thie Grand Trunis PIlway near Highpoint. LUne wiil continue southerîy a short disotance 'est of tRie Grand Trnnk Railway, pa.ssing abeut 1,_ mile eat o!f êsRbura aid tisence througb Lot 24 ln tise Township o! Wisitby te Brookl. Prom Brooklin tiselUne wlll Mn panallel te tise rond aîlowance betwrean idots 28 anti 29, Township o! Wisitby,'ag tam south as thie Canadian Pacifie Railway, In tise Town of Whhtby. Tise line wll tise-n Re diverted to Henry utreet andti ience to thie lais. front. iuiles Name o! Municipal Corshp o roron. Township o!fScarbonou..g.............. Township o! Materksam ................ Township o!fWPicrch.............. Township o! Pxieg. ...... Townsip o!fUxbitige................. Townsilp of itb.......... Voipo!eak ........... Village o! Markham..eèo............ Village e!fSPot Pey................ Villagf e o!P r er......... Tewn of Newret......... ........ Town o! Uxibidg....e#............... - Total anisant of bonds to Rie Issueti, mentieneti l anasée ................... $4,346,938 00 Made, passed and cntcred this -day of .......Reeve (ao) - mm.i.w~~. ... . . .. . ...Cerke NOTICE. TAXCE NOTICE tsaltise fcregolng la a true cep>' e! a proposetiby'- <aw cf tise Corporation O! thse Toiio1WhIMtby te be submitted to tise votes O! the. eectoni on ltse lOtis day Of Ootober,AtD.1914, between tise heurs cf aine o'clock Iu tise -lernoon anA!, 6v. o'clock lu tise afternoon at -fise Jellowing places: For Polllng Suis-divIs1on No, i- at *p. J. Jones, s@hop., For Pelhiug Sub-division ýNO. 2-at l!esrd'a iveryoifice, Brook St For ,Polling Suis-division No, S-at-Council Chamber For'Pollin; Sub-divlon No. ý4-at *efoslt dOor wUosi f miOlc ForiPelng. Sui-divisin No. S-'uîWssPesnaon'smNu, ]Brocok St. And fluaitiste sevoÏilteeti0dy f ooRerA.D. 1914, ai it '!c lu tise afinoo at ibtis owuClksoffice la tise sait Xuntcpality bas bee flet or iseapphisueui e pesons te attend, aItie poflug plaai. anA aitishe final -sunung Up of tise voiesb>' tise 015k. And,titisIif 'tise suet-of tise elqotors l5e btain0d te tiese aid pro, pesedf B1Y-Lsw AIt vii be taisen Ato conolderation b>' the Muidolpal CoUl. c1 c tise salA Corporation et a'meetlng tiiereé o, e Wheld!aft thse ex- piration o! one- moisIRfrom tise dateoft- 'thse nsi publcation of ib" notice, suad tisai sua is ns publieaion was m na"i on tissuhý ay0 Septemier, A.D. 1914. -- > o -TAXE3 NOTICÊ,UnI'ITIMR-tisaI a tenant aish e datrest vote Upcu vatt propoueti yquaw munI ASilveru e lr1'ltlaet" 0j1 Ae 41-. A-- - - . .---- s lr e ne ia 1at Total amount o!ftiebea. turcs to e issucti by tise respective municipali. tics anti deposl'teti vith thue Commission Undet Clause 2 (b). $565,714Ã"O 803.939-00 488,152 00 578,115 O0 227,901 00 554,619 00 235,722 OU 48,762 00 75,281 OU 113,308 00 266,986 00 204,665 0 j a u i 4 1J5 A » l a , :5 u. 4 V d . t Pickering '2, Wallace. Ellicott, S., 9- N. 6, Iickcrng r 3, Lorne--Eell,, S.S. No, 5, s Pickering ; 4, K. HastUngs5, S. .5. 'No. 8, Pickering , 5,- Waltde blMM ditonn, S. S. No. 10, 17!ckrnigf; 6 Ç oi.. eg, KS .S No. 9; Pfkeing.. (0% Shef o! Oats 1, Elsie C'arter, S. S No il Pxcerîg ;-2,Waker M itiilet n,- , N o . 10, P ick@4imi . 3. Glads MiddletonF -N-67. . M.10, Pickering, ; 4, . hazel Tuner 9. 'S. ~No. 11, ILL -rin 5, G orion m al.-, o i i S X o 1 . P i e k r i m g .- J c)(are of I'ot,-I, fHarold flor il Shaw, S. S. No. 1l 'çeig .~ . 1cs l .SM SI. N.A, 11 U g. (a) '1I,îreshed grain fremi plot.- i, Llo0yd Jh , S'.No, le, IPiek- eîring;2. JIarold 3'iright. Ne-ilý; 3, George GOray, N'0. 11 ; 4, G-grdo Mal-- c o l m , N o ., i l1 ; f, J h i i a a t l b c *(b) .Sbeaf of iharley.-I, !}.ddit Mtýt- cRiel-IlS. S. No. 11, Pickerir 2, May 'Miche-l, No. il , 3, CJordfonMacI No. 11 ,;4, Lloyd l ohrason, No.-3 (C'>)('are c!PltI(jhnB; nî,. .NO. fi, l'(kerin' ,;2, Tr olti Wrigt . o. 1 *;, goro, I1 cclini, No. il. (a) île-St -Sixars.-l.I, lazel Turn- e-r, S. -S. NO. 11, i'icke-ritig4 2, Ls ter Fumrier, No, Il ;3, Ilalph Carter, ,No. à , 4, Leta Pukrn, No. 5 , ,W. 13811 -No. 5,6, Ernesut Trimable N.O (ble-st .3 Stalks With Ear..- 1,ý Ih-la zel lu rn er, . . .5 N o ], H k er- - ling 2, lalil C.arteç NoÃ" 5 ; 3, Le- jter Ferrier, N o0.11 . 4, W li el No. 5; 5, Vera I)unhelti, NK. le lidna Kaves, No. 6t, hIe, -S; -S.- No. , ickering - 2, (iladvs licare, No. 7 ;:4l 'le-nrf WrigRi$, No. il t 4, Fred SitNo. m ;5,.1 Bell, No. à f i, ],riiest Smitb, No, S CASIV. MANGEIw-4 L.S ÂiUOTS (a) Be-st 6 'Mangel1, 'Grant Arnot- -S. -S. - No. 7, Pickering,, 2, (ilnord Wmight, N, 11 f; 3, Lorne Puckmit, - No ,Lefilie Sanderson, No., g, (b i-tO('arrots-1, Lloyd Mil- son, -.S. No. 9, P'ickering ý 2, ÊSu, Sie Bartein, No. il ; 3, TRico. ,PhuIjLp, No. 10 , 4, Alice MdltxN.9 C) Care o! plot f M ang - ls- , G Arnot , .. No. 7, picktn1ng, 2, L. BeIl, No-. 5 -;.3, Clordon Malcolm, No. 11 -, 4. %Willie Ackfrrmd, No . (d) Be-st Plot o! Carrots.-1, .susie flarton, S. S. No. il, pickering; , GCe-rirude Ilornshnw, NO, Il ; .3,Editis AckMord, No, 6 t, 4, Eîîm jn iher, C'LASS V. POTATOE S. -Schools Nos. 6, t0, 7, 9 ad10,Pi- ering. (a) Best Peck I>otatoes.-1, Susie-- Bell S. -S. No. .5, lPickerinîg ; 2, IHar- - v 1 loney, 'Ne. 7 . 3- Fred SxnitRi,No. 5; 4,, Harold Ilornshaw, No. Il ; 5, Isaac Puckrin, No. 5 ; 6, JDavid M-an-. son, No. 10, (b) Bestl12 .-otàtoes.-l, Sûsie Bel, S S.No.5, P'ickering ;2, W. Elhicot, No. 6 t; 3, David Daw$on,* No.- 8 , 4, loward, Be-are, No. 7 ; 5-, TRios. P11111p, No. 10 PJe-arl Philp, No. 10. -(e) Care o! Plot.-1, Emnie Trini- hIe, S. S. No. 9, Pickering; 2, Lçila Pratt, No. 5 -;3, Albert Hohhis, No. R; 4, Susnn Bell, No. 5; 5, George Squires, No. 6. -Sehools 'N"Os. 8 112, U. anti'16,- P'ickering, Mb)Beet 12 Potatees. -1, Alfred-- MicRill, S. S. NO. 11, fINckoningf, 2, -- .Jack Fuller.,'No. 10 _ a, Vyr tle Prc 11. S VI P *OL-Y (a) Begt- Flock cf ChIickens-î, Squires 1 S. S. No., 5, Pckering ; 2, Russe. Puise>', NO 5 138, Effile Adaun.- son, Ne. 9 ; 4,, Rota Hioover, No, 181, 5, FrTed .Bealis>, No. 'o ; 6, Elàî Cr -ter, No,. eCr (b) Be-st Cockerel.-.., Mabeil ens- ilIon, 8S. -NO. 1it Pickrering; 2, Rota Hoover5NO.îê; 3, Geo. cvii, NO. % At George Squl-res, No- 5 ; 5, E. Mid., dIeton, 'Ne. 9;O Clareucëc Cnuti î" iS. S. No. ,p IAdamson, No. 9 No. 12 ç 4, Rets Éned Bealby, No. 'Pickering; 2, -Glad, O3, Viola simpso 14.13. SijeNt Plot Astl N -I No, 5 s ,; . (T)lBýest plot .S%%eet Booth, S, à;, \O, il; Jean i h.N.i SiOn, o9 1, M ay Ili 5,, Ofive 11earv, No. 7. CLASS V111. A (a) jies*,lteo Geoirge DuIKéaIL, o, 1 5, l-lia P~rat;t, N( 5, -(bp I-est i>lte o rny Dunheld, s, .5 G, GPo, liîean.NM No: Ilkrn~~ i f1oi~on, Ni i . J st ad iit1C - oI n:îîtflî 1 l'an No. <,1'ike(à ~ x 4. Mî? ahe. l'*, l. 4 NlieA-1 lerson. * norson DFiii, N a, - 'c-it) ('clei hn <th (de-Ian No.iiC :e-1.~ 4,'Efie Mahel Jn, N loixson.N.-10, I(ePlanc(h1.tc CrterS, IIado lian.s. No. o. St anlc s.)a-J, -Ge .trId Pax N. i ; i i ;s2 Clara e lltN. 5. Gertrue Badro-, Kha sNoq 101. - yea sI, luîaN 2. O Elie .arn 7n n No. 12,~ (111o. 0, l'xî FI. 1.1-1 e ,-r, No . ;:4 ictie DopinN ilJ, P -e CANAPIANI'PU Cunada's Mout Antis - Magazi Its pictures, pertai are alone- worth tht TRbis elpgattnuagu_ cys, while it insruc ---semning the picturesq Lntereating anti hig1 ,worlti.---p -Rachs issue, is litera tRio- Righest qualits iman>' 01 thern wonl] IL is thie Mostp .-Up fionx tce waittnîg thie eading doctors Dominiion, anti in ti taie It rniisiltemall tRie man>' *ho -area e-ntertaining anti-bea e< It's a "love-at si anti - it las lepartîti great inteyest te ti --and thie - luotie-mak-er 0fit-.iust (o -q; prase- Iroxx artong -late Rt. Ion. I * "Thie 'Canadian P lication wisichs if I * - sa>' go, -lu a cru -(Signeti) STRATH( 1

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