Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Oct 1914, p. 1

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irope- bauge in * directly Ing aftr and ton- lut.ereut et eue illpsy yen l oc boe eMgolio dsIud mSpise. S" du e thifincut qualit>' je l WILLIS, mglst anid Spîllin MEDICAL HALL 41k et. * Whllbv., meG. E. FAREWELLe K. Ce *arrlstir, Ceit>' Creown Attoney anti A, Ceunt>' Soichor. -- iOffmce uuiswlag 'Court Houso, Wiitby. Offce, BrckS~ Opp. Standard Bank. M~~y te Lean., MMES RIWTLEDiSE9 BarreSter, Etc., Mone>' te Loan on cas>'toMaS Office imuxediatel>' seuti Royal Hotel, Wiitby, Ont. G,. VOUNO SUIT09 LL.14 Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES cutHouse, Whitby, or resitienco. Court A. je SWANSON Bmstr Soikiter, Notai>' Public, Conveyancer, etc.,' etc. 0 Osbawa, -Ontario *Office-No. 2 King St. E, Mnckie Block Resideuce-> 2 Drew St. Phones-Office, 321; Resideuce, 3,i6. Mlarriage Lit.enses. -- A. K. ALLIN luecfmarrlage. Li ~ue Corner drsuUtoiC. Whitl'y No W"tesue requifCd. JAS. BISHOP Osiswa, L4osmuotiAuclloneor- Bue- ussr to L Fiiubaukm. For insu. ffd &I PPiTtO amSSorG. inobb, LICBNS5D AUÇTIONE.5R AU 1»ilof aW .prompt!>' attend- Bd to. Aragmmls for "liu oau a& MM& easmableOMM. BRoi adi l.d#epedt phenua. WKIgTBYv, ONT. LAKE, SHORE PROPERTY WANTED Small farm or part of a farm on Lake, with or without *- buildings. Write, j~ J SN FISHER & oe 409.,Lumidén Buiidting * TORONTO - Ou and-Drty BDu Biuste ailtrains. AUTOMOBILE FOR 1 W. bave taken cv ~Domukien xpress bui - cgnnzgOcteber lot ordema cai-efuly-attend " Bon phones-ý-89, 14 sa a ad 1 tIL . I l loin les:. Hydre>-E! ectrie Ra.Uway -By-Law. The quutionas.are,,- 1. Are yoÙ n la faor or building a now tw3v-roorned achool ln the Soïut Wird at ag appreximate MOuof.$##. 'o. Are reu.la faior of building à new_,four-roometi public.sehool on the HenryStret site at at appreximate cost of $11,000? 8. Are you In favori, of renovating andi remodelllng the preseat Henry St. Sehool at an apprexîmale ceai of $5,000 ? The ratepayers may want to knou wiy Vthe Board has auketi that lieus questions be uubmfted te, them., SThe 'Board bas1 matie Ibis . leauss go thatthUce éettors, who bave tc provide thec moxlcy, may bear the rc- uPOU$lblity of deccding whal lo to be donc wlth the. schools. <The Board ta facei th theIensist- cnt demanti of the Education Depart- ment- of the Province.tiaItithepublic schools shall be matie to ceîform to the requirements of the. Department, which they are far- froidc>îng at present. Thc Department, gocu so far as to *ay that unless the schools arc. bteught up to the requirements, the ochool 'grant of about $250 a year wlll be eut off. Last year the grarit wag withbeld because thc repeateti demanda of thc Departrnent hati nil becn met. The grant was ultirnatc)y palti upon the promise bclng <nradehy, Vthe 'Board, endored by thle Town Council, tiatIimprovements would b. matie to tic olti echools, or new schools erectet tis ycar. PUBLIC MEETING 11YDRO..ELE Less than, four, score electors -of' Wýhitby atteiided, tie meeting.- held last Wetinesday night to, bear d.is-' cussed the by-Iak -ncler which, if it' carries', Whithy agrecs tb put up, 1183,000 wý%orth of debentures, as Se-' curity.1 Mayor Willis presideti. On the platform with hlm were mlembers Of the Town Council ; Nr. Bruce, of S.ý York : Mq. Nigi, Reeve of Markham Township ; Mr. A. F. Wilson, of Markhami, secretary o! the railway bomuittîe; Dr. -John Moore, Reeve 01 Whltby Townsbip; and Mr- F.H. Annes, who first suggested that lie I rallwaY migit be ext«ed to Wbit- by- Thé êhatrmftn At îôîneltslngth ai- plained the. proposai before calltgS ubon Mr. iBruce- TELs gentleman said lhe main question witli eIectors' would naturally be, "Will we have te put up any money V' His reply tô that question was NO. The hon,. esty of -the members of the comis- sion was beyondquestion, anti they had -matie an exhaustive stutiy of lie gubject and a vcry.,conservative esti- mate of revenue. They bati plaoet the retimateti cost oi the road, in- cluding o0peralion for the lirst two ycnirs, at a maximum, andi tne pos- sible tevenue much lower than thev hati good groundsu for expectlng il le be. He-was convîncedti attVie nIu- Dilopal.lties would neyer be called upon te make gooti any tieficît, be, cause there weuld $e no deflit. Reeve Nigi was 0, strong support- er of the proposai, sud ixad recoin- niended lbte ohi. pople. Mr. J. B. Laldlaw was s3atlfeti that tice ngineers hati made a cave- lie icheme lu Ilis entlrety. At seme length he revlswedti he stopi load- fig Up te tice presont submluulon ef lie by-law le. Ve electore, Ji overy respet the, roadi iv*Md, b.firat-&la -t"e per cent. grade, 80lb, rails, 8,2 0 0tics to> imlo e b uchés"of rigil of 'way, g6ot staliens, sheltea a jrecguls e toýppng plmsea, pasben- ger cars. of, higiest type. ,Tic ýdebea- tueuto_ e b.isuedare 'to e b. hel m aowurfty, exceept itho ovent o! ade- I t was'expected 'tha tVho Do=,-' tnlýa. Goreramnnt woud boethle roati Vto thi.ent -of $6,400 POr ir.Wl~,of Mevlbam wdati.Iiýt -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . :eTbocprvla,- ~ ip ae~r. o1t, giee ntire Faflqaction, Yeu can use what-% ou mea., .i~iotlng1as jb p1i e MeV jfrein-Tor -alI*ie~ol Want îo f 1 1return the blace and we w'ilI- refund tis year. In coomoquence the achool belew the sm - u~.Te uelesf eév gt husalanas h m ny grail hubas o ylbeen ,pald, ant i lll may .tfel assured, th latnet theu pm-uii7' lucqls$80 o 40 net eunluus sometdslug la donc, snd wIll b. ex"eth~tia ià 'Sà -1, penri letmsànteùaffl. Dow 'Itlu s p tte lb. ders te calj Il la estimatd liai a ic' ew ou- rMeoLean saidtisiumigiway wsB A . . . . . . .$ 60 vister ie~ l i llow .lite roometi sel o l i te Henry Street bbc bacibene of aaty echeme oe! higi- IID IN . . . . ..00 ucheels te roemafin lutîélr pro-Ij site ýWould ceaI .$11,000, anti iould ways improvement lu Ontario. 2-.0 cment unsatistaclory condItion anti bc a moderm building la CvcrY wai. Mr ea ad tiewn tcpeps-ROLLED'OATS.. . . .20 e lois Me scilool grant, or whetiez If a new building.-,vere ceccledti he lion tintt liee ýwho reeivo thc bone. @ they will previtie moue>' fer exten- aild btàlding. culti b. selt, and*,lie lnt frein gooti ronds sieuld pay fer GROIJNO EE ........ 30.00 slve repaIra for new buildings. Iprotceds.applieti onlbe coul odi th té ein., Te lhi cutid Il as prepout«______ g Wtth regakd te tic Houry Street nOV 'building. hoImpose a lx upoea automobiles, Sehool, there are twe questions a*i. Il, migil fairly >be asmumedti lat-the whlch weulti be devoti ,tei up- uIU M V oW I V t e-eune as te repaies, hi tb 0ther ai Board ef Etiucalien, iaviug studicti keep o! lie reatiu. 1.U W LCO sifh D te« a ncw building. 14l't e bvieu§ tie scilool problcm for yaNe'oî D.DelitDOPWsten e icE H r iaI boli, cannol b. answered lu lie- be lu a Position te-ý ad %#se tic dccr- tarte Metor, League, matie a rue>' pnt eaffirmattve. If tic votera mark thidetors lu tis malter. 'Tic Beard' b. nbercstiug speech, drawiug upop ic j ballots "Y.." for tic new buildigliesia faewbidng wcre long experience for mateltal. He tic>' .sioulti mark the otier ballot prollsetifor tic South Warti nexi Oald tic building O! a gooti roati.d__________ "ýNo." If they think il better to year, lie Educalion Departiment tieubledth le value of lic adjoining - -»- * penti S5,OOtYLdn rep&iring the olti woulti îc wiliing te continue' tic landi. Farmees foundti tat wlsen tichTueAI I ibuilding, thcy shoult mark tiat bal- grant. Tic Boarti, ticretore, ativises haît good coude tiey coulti1 market T E N M lot "Yes" andth Ve eue fora new the cleclors te vete for lic uew produce tiat it Would net otierwlse T .N4 N B R building "No." Eaci of lie tircee souti warti achool, andti e lakee lu psy hé e . grow. De. Doolitîle O ,REM B' *ballots siaulti b. markeet iie >' choieaIet te proposais regardîug -th paiti a great compliment tb eisc- or no. Tien Vile Council andthe i.Henry -St. school. eey o! OntarloCount>'. When we gel t Board will kuow lie mnd oe! lie Shouldth le eleclers give a «negative gooti roatis tourists troin across tie=c r: ratepayers upon caci question. vote'-upon ail tire. questions, the lin. will'theong Ibis part of Canada,_ *For yesrs the Boarti of Etiqcation Board of Educalies weuld b. placeti spenduxug large sume ef money freely.f U9uk*ou ba il lbefore'them tuîs vexeti ques- lu suci. an embarraiusg poitPMyo EmotsoL0YOisaat-S m H> , ym i 0a ýtien et how te improve bic scilool liaItitey mligit net decmin Ilatvis- viseti agalust going toe strong lu -accommodation of tic town; Th# able te continue longer te art as a lie taxlng of automobiles. Wien personnel of tic Board bas ciangeti buffer belween tic -Dpartmenb ô! geoti roas ceblt ame i again andi again, anti esci year's Educatien on ticeueisuti and lie waut te use, snobe trucks .lunticWhN PRe{ SN 1Boardi, as' t considers tie situation ratepayers' oethle town ou tic cther, transport o! produce. He ativisetiH N P RC A I t lu ail ils aspects, concludes tint Something must b. ' doue la the tic building of ronds w stictoheO S AN H E sleradical impriovements musI be wayof Improvements ho lie preseul would nol lear up. ' jT5 AN -SH E mati.te tie scicol buildings. uchools or tie ereclion of new one, Mayor Heeken anti Coutrollers Mc- Tic Boardtis e vry ticitily ofethlie an dtihle Board caruestl>' iopes tint Cari>', Simpson antiO'Neill, ef To- Fleet F o, 3LI UFLZ.IX3Men's Work- opinion tint il: woulti be unwlse Vo tihelectors will taie lie opportu- ronto, came down te take part lu lie trys te repaie or iniprove lie Dufferiu uit>' o! deciding once for ali tus in- meeting, anti cacli matiesa short PI 4 S E C ot t.Soo.W belve liaI a new portant question. speecch, favori ug lie lulpeovement o! U P ,E C ot lie Kingston Rond anti promisiug Shoes. Seily Publshi byResolution' of the Board. inanclal aid from tic city. In tie opinion of Conteoller. McCarthy tiers A Cali Solicited.Phn 15, ityO t 1wias not adequate transportation con.__________________________________ DISCUSSES et rallway, wltiout tic consentl 1 e! ccien between Toronto andtihte tic commission,Mr Gaby sai<l liat surroundiug country. We neeti every, .z.CTRIC RAILW~AVY tilewsnet simeti aI any extension avenue O! communication w c câ gel, of existing steam rends, suci as ile saiti. -swibcies or connectîng stub hunes.1 Controller Simpeon saidti laI every wilici le launci lie fluet commis- If, othece unes of raiway were re-, dollar tint was spent on gooti roads sion-operaleti electrie raîlway. Tic qwirct witiin any mllniciPaiv', appli-, came baek in increaseti business. ý«ela$i8imentl-of Ibis rond will en- cation coulti be ma4e b lite, Cern.. Dr. -John Moore, .1.13. Laidlaw andis TN DR able lie Commission te f urnisix pew- mison for il, and if it was founti Reeve Batenian sPeke brie!!>' lu sup- er e uersaîng ie ueat ve>'te be in the public interest, l would port e! the prejeet. reasonable rate and the sale o! pow- nt*b iied h elwn motion wàs unan- e will ielp te reduce the cost et op- Mr. Gaby went aI some lengtlx li t0 imoufly carried : Moved iv F. L. I /A I U i( JT admasu uh erating lie raiîway. rstatistics as te the earnIng pùwees Masoii, seconded b>' t -1.13. . Laidlaw, 1 TLILiJ p"Ma bau&ka 2siu.ti dw om ln tie ca.e of tse power lunes es-, Id îkeîyUestprho at tion ta omitebe appointed te ci tA1MAflA * Cgo &M tablisieti by lie commission, thse es-. would keypo'e profitable. Fie formulate n plan and -te consider a"ua.wddwls Ismte atocoî mti î le a aswcred several questions neketi by waYs anti mens for the construction#je Il a gier ae neyer been excectieti persons in the audience. He said of! permanent roaciway along -tie o ". e e p cini e i" a whlete 'veus ae'lay x 1tint in lie event of there being a Kingston Itoati frein Toronto le Oui- $J" -C, ceeded lie estimùalet rec$ipts. 'rq df tduig y yenr or yenrs, andi awa, andthtith1e commilîce shahl serve tie people is tie object o! ties aprofit in other years, the rurj'uus cousiel of tise Mayors anti Presidenîs T -N rend. îî lis propesedite previcie sidfti- e ercould -be useti te off- of tic Board ef Trade o! Oshawa stutievtetauratiWtbleRvsaniFr-H IT B Y B R A IJC it itop tevers11pmeiles l a i lu isa ieing sarneti as estlmated, this DePutY Reeves of the Townships of Ungr ohn Thomps1oa skd'i p surplus wouîcu be disînsî'uîed umt)'ufn Easit Whiitl>11 Whabiy, 1'Iveringo * 8= uuiluTi sn ssu sforsanw -r heie nullpaities aecozding te lhe Scarboro, the chairmaan oftthe Board tunlty for those In opposition 10 be1 captal iuveste4 and t10 revenuel de- et ]Police TrUStces of Pickering Vil. heard, and - requested that Mr. JYack- rIvedý,rm oleration in the mu&.,c- lage, anid Mayor Hocken 'and Con.-_______ son be allowed ho speak. Mr. Jack- ýpallies. Iroîler McCarthy of Toreuho, Tiat son was aketi by the cisairman to-I was expectedthtit lon. thn le comnîlctte be conveneti by Mayor. addrss he metig, H sad hewasBeck would be present, but lhe deati Willîs, of Wiby, anti report te licir attiret tic e ing. oosaition So! Premier Witney 1usd urevenIs&îîe respective Céuucils. te tic sciene i; il dependeti upen 1 Nla 551er e! Power Ienviiug tie city Aniongel thome present ant inluati-1L S LS whetier sev-eai important questions t dY, owing ta activitï i., tic dition b lihoe mentioneti above as' He tien calleti attention to tse ex- It WaS witiin- a few -nnls of e W. Purvis, -Jas. MoKenzie anti Wae- elusve ower gien b th agre-idnigit wien the mneetinsg adjourru cen Dearbeen, ot East Whitby; j meut te thc Commission, bv whsci etn oot lvrHzlwo they woulti have tie right tb say iTcne;E .Hu>,Oiw; E. îow mucis, il au>' sum, tic munîci- G. Law, Toronto; L.J. Rogers, W.1~ and order while we have a good assorîment. paîiîy inigit have ho pay inu auiylT F. e h ibsob~ Eaton, R. S. MeLaughin, Fred year. Tic agreement aise« prehibit- I o leth ïb$OriFitofi, -.-. B. Rosa, H. A.IP rD . ed-tie grantlng of a railway tran- flona Rose, H. B. Sainclîs, R. W. Dixen, p pD Z chise to an>' otiier Company' wiîî- A Scott, Frank Cliappelle, F. L.1HAits ou l rsfge out'he onsnt f th comisionMa.sou, W.R. Geikie, C. L. Vicier>, ouI1h nosntho is c mmissiwon. PutflNo epresentative Tios. Morris, C. W. Smith, D. M. be tyiug ourselves up for fifty ycars., Meeting -in V hitby. Ted, T. .Micelo!Osiawa ; A. eit double or siiglt e...20 "If tic rond does uotar n sufficuent M. Nichai, Torouto ; W. W. Sparks, tpay all charges, who wlll have-o TP~ickering ; S E. Harris, Bowman Fro #lp ~ pu ntemoue>'71, auketi Mr.e.Jak- hree wekSaga elgit or thneu iville : -John Tracy, l3owmstnvile, tW.' Mc.~~~ leicfneet ime iisato lmpuroveumntolefitiing oethlie bod ti> !a mibeelie --SIILMON' TROUlT AND WHITE PISHJ isaydro-etrie ho'wlher Commso, teKhgtaRet.le C.P.R. Veack almesl' neiirVisof, art now tas cieup as tic>' wore ycars ago. We have weckl y mhipmentieettise Ofuti tintIbwas nTet lie Commtjenais- ..WA#- Mn, Ohairnm 01 théliercing vlîlae. B Dcl' the. oroaei elcdm*h.,Partiesfddigthemwilb.suapplied-by lcaving throrders.-. elo's malwy.TicmuiclalllOnlrl HliwysCommissIon, - waia t Gvm e oe ut "SM the hati~ ~~~~~o apleil i omsl presenl Bd-VU lie- Ou1 ' speaker od>y, anicegnzetdIl à litçf- BUBRHB- ths establishmcent ft Ibs rend. Tse ald.- ae s bIoMiabory oàiôiun.Hssul n 0'uete hic r uli> r fIcdBLUu 1nIEclS rc~pJM ni~I CommIssion iatimae suvepanti isGeo'-endgavelna i ot ol ou roeu,4 n4î. aeOf a ilucahmebu . as we upîln tsinfei ts Wt bI ctiînmate ie on ulth suàstcfrà,lt- ni lt !le otîprov. W tein, -Deati- Vas -probably in'utyas rls-- tifs nfeeatie te ise inlopaîl utlahat i coin. ote shlghwsys taln1u M .-PESIMBi lis. Tie rond VeuMd be- ewiti tilucunieà"iisi ntols leA juas n iluisdeo îcielqaîy-ic, epell uill. cSfoiiled by tise munfcfpalles , oseenie 0f -aOntMe rond.building. viwed Ment is> eenlng. 'Seoe* pre- ë1 thc $nm#, yen!, peck sud A a opmtaife ieemuJp bl y - - cy VI ui e rfi~- - i 0venu «iml>0lo a aBoard o! Dir. iftýic-Ào cirafor th,&neaý 6" à ~Tse. Au-te lthe objeMotgteno-;fran- Tm ;f""oo~- ~ - t iia- w.býÂý l$OA-<uaý hits. coultbe glusmito auy ce uaap sproxrie4 lxemai.TiVbS for lhe COastullea ïo! autis liuomunieS naUJ dede-- S auuleW! "u n ADtIWIVES C

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