Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Oct 1914, p. 3

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s: 2ed. No. '4, Myrtie. lad. No. 6, Spencer. PICKERING. Mm. N. J. Chapinan, who has been very ili for several weeks, Le now elowiy impràvlng. Miss Strickland, formel ly ,f-Dun- barton, who lias been a inindiunary i India for loverai 75àt3, and- who je now on-furlough, visitedl frltr<mls la Pickering one day la.st week. Robt.' Dunloe, iwho has been gaid- sner- for Mr. Rùddy for the past sea- son, beaves to-morrow tor Tcronto, where ho lias secured a position on tbe, Police Force. James O'Connor had the mibsfor- lune -.t lose his driver one day lat week. The animal was tied to a post I fron.t o! the tannery, la Whitby, sud en being frig4itened by the mhut- bing 'of&a gate, bioke the. bridie and rau away. Mr. O'Connor caughtbt1he ganmal by the head, but was forced te lot go for his own safety., The beorse continuedl runnlng until it tfel on_ the cernent aide walk suad unfor- *fuatly br oke Its',shoulder, necessi- tatlg Its beng sbot. This lu th third horse Mr. O'Connor hans but Ms. John Jolinton, of Uxbrdg, boni purohased tbe 83 *acres of band Juil mouth ot thé park Ila in bulMgag t0 Mg .. I. , Cuomb. lo.,: E. Reeslon, No. 5, ,E. Whltby. àad. M. Nesbltt, No,.-1, Whlýtby. rd. Ial.een Moore, No. 3j Whitby. 41h. Gladys flortop, No. 3, Whitby'. 5m . Ita Pascoe, -Ne. 2, W4itby. id) 13et Plot Asters.- lot. B. BaliArd, No. 6, Whitby. 2ld. P'15i West, 'No. 7, Whitby.ý, Brd. R. Stapleton, No. 6, Whiliby. "a.P. Stuttaford, No. 7,- Whitby. Mh D. Lee, No. 4# E. Vwýltby. (d) Hest Plot BSweet Peas- lot. L. Sadlièr, 'ln; 2, Pickering. 2ud. E. Coak, No. 6, E. Whitby. Brd, 1). Lee, No. 4, E. Whitby. 4th . MDryden, No. 1, whitby. ôth. M. Shuttleworth, No.l,Whitby. 1CLASS V111; APPLES, (a>, Best Plate of l"ive Spis- fat. Ji. .ollow, INo.i4. E. Whitby. Brd. M. Reeson, No. 5, E. Whitby. 4th, C. Moore, No. 6, E. Withy. ~5th. W. Cochrane, No. 7, E. Whit6y. (b Best- Plate of 5 Snows- lot. -K. Co»xin, No. 4, E. Whitby. .2ad. E. Iingmiati, No. 2, Wlitby. 3rd.Al. Dryden, No. 11, Whitby. ith, E.. 'Maynard, No. 6, Whitby. Sth. Grant Initis, No. 3, Whtby. (c) liait Plate - o! -anv, other Desir- able Variety- hI.t M. Dryden, No. 1, lVhitby. 2nd. D. Nesbitt,' No. 3, Whitby. &d. W.C. Dyer, No. 6, E. Whtby.' -Ath, I. Hobbs, No. 6, E. Whitby. 5 th Kathleen White. 1 CLASS IX. COLLECTIONS. (b) Collection of Weeds, niounted and with eoninon nanie- .lot-. DA. Hubbell, No. 4, Whitby. Sad. Verna Mackey, -No. 8rd. Ml. O'Bo>ý4e No. 4, Whitby. Uh. L. -Johnson, No. 4, Whltby.- W) Collection o! Weed Seeds, with' common nanie.- lot. W.- Ellins, No. 6, E. Whitby. 244. N.- mois, No. 3, Whtby. 8rq1. C. Tordiff, No. 4, Whltby. 4th. L. Mackey, Un. 2, Pickering. 5th.- G. Trigg, No. 5, Whltby. (d) Collection of Insects, wlth coin- mon naie- Iot. C. Trigg, ýNo. 5, jihitby. Sad. V. Hudglns, No. 4, Whitby. Srd. D. Hubbell, No. 4, Whitby. 4tb.. ?lva Wýilson, No. 4, Whitby. Sth. W. Ellins, No. 6, E. Whtby. (0) Collection of !nsect Inîurles, aamed-«11 lot. EIva Wilson, No. 4, Whitby. *LASS X. MI.SC(ELLANEOUýS. (,a) Honme-ruade Chicken é-oop-. lit. G. Trigg, No. 5, Whitby. Sad. V. Vanest, No. 4, Whitby. 3rd. Gt. White, No. 7, Whitby. fb) Essay, Sr. 111 and over-, lot. Gladys Hiortop, No. 3, Wýhltby. Sad. A. O'Connor, No. 2, Whitby. Saki. E. Hoggarth, No. 3, Whitby. 4th. 0.McCullough, No.7.E. Whtby. Stii. Nora Innis, No. 3, Whitby. tt 6L A-S-,XL G1fiJi Ls,'C(1,A S ES. <M Loaf of Homie-ruade Bread- lot. Lelah «Johnson, No. 4, WVhitby. Znd. E. Stuttaford, No. 7, Whitby. gfd. [R. Leach, No. 7, Wldtby. O1h. 1). I)onsley, No. 2, Whitby. 5*k. E. I.ice, No. 4, 14. Whitby. (b) Dozen (Cookes- lot. E. Moore, No. 3, Whitby. Sd. V. Hepburn, No ' f E Whltby. Sud. Ina IIc.,bhs, No; 6,; E.' Whitby.- .-. P1i . Conliri, No. 4, E. Whitby. Sth.- W. Van\est, No. 4, Whitby. (6) Dozen Cookies. Girl.s under 12.- Ist. M. Bell, Ni>. 8, Whitby. 2ad. E. Moore, No. 3, Whitby. > rd. M. Reeson, No. 5, E. Whitby. 4tý. D. Sonley, No. 2, Whitby. ôth. P. Stuttaford, No. 7, Whtby. (4)~ Layer Cake- lot. F. Hepburn, No. 5, E. Whltby. 2à. Fiole West, No. 7, Whitby. 3M,. M. Verion, No. 4, Whitby. ikopflmUH NYU u L Thls Indentutre ma"etbie4w oi Lord, eue theumuWu niasaiwod ai ob»eq Betveen la tu. Fm la Tire Hyiro-]Ulotuli Paer oemisast«. 011M omntoer acmli thre "Commlmlou) e a*l n Platt The Municipal Corperatlou if t». V« q« au Sorboreugh, lie Township et Markbamt, the TOWO.MiP etWbt&wd th le Township et Plckering, lie Townsip eOf!YXià% tlt*fsi l tWhitlythe Townsbip of Reaci, lie 'revn 09 NOvMarkst 0o TOvu etUnirige, tihe Town et Witby, lhe VIllage4 UWrkmllb.»VIllageOet Steuif- viLe and the Village of Port Fery, (iirduftw e ald lie"Corpera' tiens'") oethe. Second Part. ~ Wlxcrpas pursuant le Th« Kydr.-flisofrb aoufflad., 1914, lire Coms- mision wns requetti te ouquiro lute, uMalue,, favtlgate uni report up.ox lthe cosl et censtroom sue opffsUoi me lutrie railwa>' or railways tg ble coaslmucled tissugi ostial trishs lu viich the cor- rorations are situatel, tegîtber vitli ts prehiuierevemie that weuld rosiîlt tram lire operation etfmai&milWaY or eVMtwh; And wberous lie CommissIon bus fri I ti» eowpmtiolum witb uci a report showing (1) tie tota estimasi eot, ueattng revenue und expenses et the raiiwa>' or rilvay4 i d(2) t»i proportion oethlie capital coslte be berne b>' eaci et lia eerpewtlO» samismolforth lu schedule ""atuic ere; And wbereas en receipt efthle mai report lie eorporatieas.requested tîxe Commission te censtruet, eqîip uni epecati a system et electrie rail- ways (hereinutter ealled tire rullwuy) over the rente. laid iown la scixedube "A" attachei herelo, upon the terma mai conditions undinlathe xntnner Ixeein set forth; And 'wliereas tire Commission bas agreed witi tire corporations on be-kh f of tire corporations te construet, equip uni eperule, tire ruilva>' uipon t!ie teris uni conditions uni la tire manner herela set ,farth; but upon Cieu express condition tiraIlire Commission shah neot la an>' way be liable b>' reason et an>' errer or omission ln- an>' estimates, plans or specif,,"iitons for an>' finaucial or aIrer obligation or- loue wiratsaever by virtiie of tris agreement or arising out o!flire performance o!flthe terns tîxereof;_ .%ri whereas tire eleclors et eairefthtie corporations bave assenteà lu' 'by-laws authorlzing tire corporations te enter' laIe Ibis agreement witb t!ie Commission for thre cà_ntruction, eqef!ýmet aid operation of Cie -railway as laid down lu the Waid, scîxedules, subjeet ta tire followinn - 1<ris andl conditions: Aind wlxreas thxe corporations have each lssueci debentures fert0'- ainnount.4set forth lu ochedule 'S" attacired hiereto, aidhave ieposltei tlir.- Si1ýd d boutures with -tire Commission; Now tîxerefore lis indenture wilnesseti:- 1. lu -)sideratlou of tîxe premises uni o! tire agreementsaoethtie cor- 1irn-'x hrPin coutnined, and subject te the provisions efthtie sali Act, tlie C'o"-nvxbsinii agreco wlth tire corporations reupectiveiy*- (a) To uonîtrui't, equip and opemate tiere alway threngi tins dlstricts lxx wviii-:, h.-. corporations are situate on behaîf oethtie corporations,* fj lx'o construci and operate tire railway over tire routes laid dowa hn st4+cedle "A," (c) To issue bonds, us proviieci la pamagmapir 3 efthIis agreement,-to cover tire cost et construcling und equippiag tire ruilway.. (d) To turnish us tam us possible fimt-c'ass modemrni standard equip'. ment' for use gn tire railway, te operate Ibis equipint se as ta give tire bi st service and accoammodation possible, haviag regard to thre.dsticaI scr'-d. tire type et construction uni equipint adoptei, uni ail other aqîrîtairle conditions, ai-ta exorcise ail duoe u mlaid diligence se as te &-,vitre tire most effective eperation uni service oif the rallway consistent wltlx goond management;- (e) To egulate uni fhx the tares uni 'rates Oetotehiteolie coîhocbci b>' tire railway for aIl claqses ef service; (f) To utilize tire -rontes und propert>'ofet hi. ilvuy for ahI purpuses frein whicir!t Io possible te oblain a profitj <g) To combine tire propert>' uni vomis1eftiesirailvu>' uni lie power' linos of tire Commission , wbeme sncb combinulien luateasiblo uni.,mu>' prove econearical ta boti lie railvay aid tie'users oethle power lines; (h) Te permit uni obts.in Interchange offl*cwlth other railwayu virerever possible ani profitable; (j) To supply, electricul -pover or energy toc eperaîlon oet le 'railwa>' st rates'consistent with tomo ciarged te municipal corporatlons By-law, te authorize a certain, agreement maie betweea tbe Ryro." Electrie Power CemmtiàQaet ofnta rio and the Municipal Corporation 0f 'the To'wnship et Wbitby, ini other Municipal Corporations, for the con- structIon, equipaient and eperatlôn of an hElectric Rallway under f"The Hydro-Ebectrie Railwayl Act, 1914," Wirereas It ib expedibat tiraItthe Corporation o! the Township of Whil.- b>' uni other Municipal Corporations shouli enter, into anaý agreement unier "TIre Hydro-Ehectric Raulway Act, 1914,"l with The Hydro-Electria Power Commission of Ontario, bereinatter caliei tIre Commisoien,,for thre constructioù, equipinani operatitofo an Electric Railway lnanad througi htIe Municipallty of thre Township o! Wbitby ani certain other Munloîpalities, upon tIre terma and coaditions-and 'snbject btirte provis. ions set forth. and containedinlatlie agreement set out iu tins By-law, and aecording btir te routes set forth la Schedule "A" to the said Qgreement. And wirereas the-estimated cost o! the work under thre said, agreement equipinent o! tue iîne 10ho borne b>' the Corporation-,o! the Municipality ni the Township o! Whitby le estima ted at $554,619, as set out ln Scired. nie "1B" to the said agreement, F.ubject bo adjusîments- and appartion- ment between tire Corporrt'iza; by the Commission frein lime to lime, 13 proviiei b>' the said agreeunet.t And whereas, the total annual amount estimated 10 be requlred for the maintenance o! tire railway, apart froru opemating expeases, Is $138,878 ; (tire operating revenue. belng estimat ed ut $776,400, uni operation and maintenance at $440,554); And whereas tire total annuai unieunt estimated b ire requlred, for the perioi o! ton years im4dtehy following the date o! issue of the Bonds Io be issuei unier tire said Agreement, for interest on thre sai Boni» is $317,347 ; uni thereufter, for the next ensuing forty years, thre annuai umpunt estimatei bo be required 'ior sinking f uni charges for the retire- ment o! the said bonds Iu $43,469, uni for Interest on tirs said bonds. $217,847s; Ani whereas tire portion te be borne by tire Municipality of the. Town- shrip of Whitby, o! thre said unnual amounts, estimated te ire reqnlred for maintenance, alnklng f uni charges undiinterest la estlmuted ut $44,145 for tihe firi ten years as utoresai, uni thereafter at $49,691 on tre saine buis m the porti "on ef 'tire coul o! construction uni equipinent, as atore- said, subject te udjustruents uni apportionruent between tire Corporations b>' the Comnmission frein lime 10 lime, us providsi by ,bthe saidAgree- ment ; And wirereas the amonIo! tire w bol rateable property o! tire Corpor- ation accoriing toe tre hast Revised Aseessarent RoliluIo11,844,509, 'uni tue umount oethe debentnre delit of lie Corporation is Nil, et which noither principal nom lirtemest la la arreur. Themetôme, the Muicipal Couneli of tire Corporation efthe Townsip o! Witby enuets ais !olows: I. Itshuhi lie lawful for tirs Corporation o! tire Township of Whltby, uni lie said Corporation Is hereby autrorired, to, enter in tirsh follow- Iag Agreement witi tire Hydro-Electrlc Power Cemisiofn ef Ontario and ether Corporations, tie sai agreement being irereby> incompomuted ia- te ani fomming a part o! Ibis By-lu w, and tire Reeve uni Cieri e! tire C "rporition are irereby authorlzei and directze eeue tiesl Agreement upon boirai! o! Ibis Corporation and te attaci tire Seul. o! tie Corporation threoo 6. Ia case lire Commission shaîl ut an>' lime or limes lie prevealci frein operating tire rallway oruan>' part tiereofb>' atrike, lock-out, riol, fire, Invasion, explosion, met oet Qed, or lthe King,,'s enemies, or an>' other eause reasonall> beyoaditis contrel, thin lie Commission shah! net bu louai Wo operate the ruilvu>' or sich part thereof iurlng suci lime; but the corporations ubaîl net ire relleved from an>' labilit>' or payaxent.under tils agreement, uni ausoon as tho causeoet unci iInterruption lu remeved tle Commission shall, vithout un>' dola>, coninýue full. operution efthli raiiway, soci e fthlie corporations ShM!bu prompt uni diligent lu ieing evecylhIng la ils pover le rimove aidovecoomo any am&iicause or iaues nelrruption. 7. Il sialb. lawtul tor, uni lie ieporatiofls berili>' anlorise lie Commission te unite tie business of the MURulva' ilthtt fau>' clii rm1Iivyý systein operalei la vbole or tu part b>' lie Commission, -ani te «uchange equiprncnt uni eperatcl'5 fcom em sem toe eotier, .proper Provision being maie se lia euh i S>'memlie8»11puy -Is .proportlenalo oanre oethle cool o! an>' equipmiiilmuid lu common.- 8. If ut un>' tue an>' otior muixepal corporaioni apples te the CoM. mission for au extension oethle. uilvsy Inte ts municipaUlith le Cen. mission shuil netit>' lie upplilontaid theicerpora0ens, ina vwlatiuor fà lime uni place te heur ail reprosentatlons that ay bu miad mte lie.: terme ani conditions reiallng te'Mch propoeeiextension. If, ou the riommeqdtiaton efthle CommiWson, sncb extension siAil b., aulierisel, viiehul discrimniIn ataver oethle applicant, as le lie cest lncu rrei or to e Iu l rred fer or bDyc riMU et an>' sucex tension, tie Commissi Maj' entend lie railwa>' upon sncb ternis aid conditions asmn' yappeau' Muitabie te lie Commission. No sncb. applIcation focrau extesi o f the railwayltlc ay uni eipsilty lire corporation ef whichb la 'net a 'party- te lis agrienwait mn -e e ntei 1If itlaisestlmated b>' lie Commission- Liai the ocitservIc of thre -rilway te tir-e -corporations parties berelo viii o be oebps- te. cceseor ii-e revenue uni acma tIonbu Inliuui>'aficted i ibm lie wrltteaconsent oethle muSent>' ,et liorporaullor aties beroo erthle rallway uni ensuis itss ucemu. - là.4n tie event et amy ifecene belween lie corporations the - MIimOn May, upon applicatioa,- fin a lime andi place te heur alil esutatlens lit aI m>'bu. maie b>' the Parties, fiai tire-Commission aijust snob diffeeces, sud duch aijusîments sbaîl be final. Tho ision siall have al l te powers liaI nIa>' be u'onfcrrei upon a issioner uppelalci under tle t, Re8pecting Enquiries 1Concei 14. Thiis agreement shah! continue uni oxteni for a period etf ffty, trom lbé@ date bereof, uniu thle expiration thereot be subjecl te roi viti lie consent oet1he corporations trom, lime te lime forIlike pe of ffI>'Tors, subjeet te uadjUblmeut uni re-apportl'xnmenrt as herein vioi feor Ihe purposel ett lhJmgreemont as tirougx tIre terme bereol eot oxpirei. At the .ezpliatln ethiIs agreement' the Com mission détermine and aiJust lie- rigitofethle corporations, lxairing regai lieameonIs pai er aibdunIb>' hem rospecîlvel>' under thre Ier' tlt -agreemont, unidsûsi. ler eonâiieratioas ;t-s naa>'appear oqu: te thé Commssion sud aw. apprêred- b>' threLieuteriant-Governî 18. Tie agreemena mi ! mt eome imb effect until Il irab been sunet b>' the Lieutenanl-Govituor tu Ceuncil; ILu wilness whereoft le700ômmmhlon uni thre Copporatious bay, opeetivel>' affxei thWelr erperate seulsuni thre banAs oet tIrir p eSfcers. Toronto-V'n<onville Section. i9>f*)e oapertion anznually the capital oos eand operatiag expeziua o1 &Ui works, apparalus and plant used b>' the railway la common wlih te Oem=Msstbns -transmission. fnes la a fair manner, hiavig regard te thé service furnishei 'b> the expenditure-under consideration; ()To appli th. revenue derived from operation of lb. railway and su> qthr revenue derive4 'from the uadertàking te thé payrn f OP6t12gera 'xene (including electrical power),' the coot of adminis- tration, sud ,annual charges -for Inlerest and slnking tuai on the rney lavested, uni such other deductionh as are herein provided for; (1) To net aside from .any. revenue Ihereafler remaiaing an annual sm for the renewval of any works belonging Ia wbole or lu part to tbe undertaklng;' (in) Te pay ovor annually 10 theý corporations, If- deemed advisable b>' the Commission la the Interests of the undertaking, any surplus that mu>' remain' atter providing for the Items above mentionci. The division of such surplus between the corporations to be fixed b>' the Commission on an equitable basis,"hav1ng, regard ln the'case of each corporation to thei capital invested, the service rendered,- the comparative benefits derlyci, und ail other lilce conditions; (n) To taire active oteps for the purpose of éonstructing, equipping and operatinig the rallway aI the eariiest possible dete atter the execution. of tiài agreement by the corporations and the deposit of the debentures as cailedlfor under clause 2 (b) hereof und 10 commence -operution ot each section as soon as possible after its completion. (o) To maire ouch extensions ta th. railway described In ochedube 0£1 as fila> appear aivantageous und profitable from lime te lime. 2. Tn consierulion of the promises andi'ot the agreements herein set forth, each oft1he corporations for Itsoîf, and not one for the boller,- &Crees with the Commission: - (a) To bear ils share ot the coul et constructing, equipping, operating, malptalaing, repairing, renewlng andinlsuring the al!way and Uts pro- -port>' uni worirs as establiose by the Commission, subjecl le admîst- Menti und apportionmna belween the corporations by the Commission. trom Urne to lime; (b) To Issuo debentures for 1h. amounts set forth la ochedule "Bot maturing la fift> years from 1h. date of Issue thereof, and payable yearly ut th. Bank, at Toronto, Ontario. Such debentures shall ho dsposited with lhe Commission previous to 1he- issuiag et the bonis mentienei above, and, may b. held or -isposed of'f mord lime 10 lime by tti<' Commission, as providei for In clause 4 hereof, la sucb amounts, uit iuch rates & iocouint or premlum., .andon such ter-ms and conditions estihe Commissoo n l 11 sole discretion shall deem to be lI he Intereste if lh. railway, the proceedi 6t sncb debeatures being used solely for the purposes herein centaiaed. The amouat eof ébenlures ef each cor- poratioýn sol or dlsposedo&f trom lime 10 lime shaîl b. such proportion et mu>' be fized by 1h. Commission eft1h. total arnount of debeatures, due regard beli given te the captital Invesled, the service readered, the simparatlve revenue detivei, and ahl other equitable -conditions; (c) To muke no agreement or arrangement wilh, and 10 grant ne »onus, license or other inducemeal le an>' other rallway or, transporta. tien compa>' wltbout thre writtea consent of lhe Commission; (4) To keep, observe uni perform the covenants, provisos aid condi- tions sel forth la Ibis agreemuent Intended 10 ho kept and ohserved and pertormed b>' the corporations, and le execute such furîher or other documents undi pas such by-luws as muy be requested b>' the Com-. mission for the purpose et tuil>' effeoluating the objecta andinltent of tbis agreement; We To furnlsh a free rîglit et *&y for the ruilway und for lhe power Unes of the Commission over an>' properl>' ot the corporations upon being se reqneûte4 byr the Commission, uni le execute such conveyance tisereot or -agreement wilbx regard thereto u as u>ble desired b>' the Conimimiion. 3. Il shahlie luwful and the Commission ls bereby uuthorizei Wo croate or cause Wo be crealed an -Issue of bondi, uni le 'sel&\îaeF dispose o! the smre oiq behaif of the corporations. Such bondi 10 b earged upon uni m.cured-b>' 1h. raiiway, und ail the Bisetè, righls, pl'vileges, revenues, werirs, property und effects belonging thereto or held or uned la con- zectien wlth the rallwuy conslrucled, acquirsi, .operated uni mainained by the Commission under Ibis agreement uidte le for the total amounts 'menlloned la sehedule "B" berelo attached; previded-thut the Commission mu>', upon eblaalg lhe consent as herein defi0 f the majoril>' 0f the corporations, Increase the sai bond Issue b>' an>' amopal necessar>' W coter the capital cosl of extending the railway, uni may aise wlthout such consent Increase the sali bond Issue W cever thre cool ef aditienai works or equipment et an>'. hind- for use on the iruilway 10 an extent net exceeding tan per cent. (10%1) oet he bonis isoued frern lime to lime. In ordor tW meet and puy such bonds uni intereit as the same becemes due and payable the Commission shal l eacb Yýear after the expiration eftlen years from the date of the Issue efthtIe bonds out oet-the revenue ofthIe ruiiway afler puymenls of eperuting expeumes (iacluiing electrical power) uni lhe coulet ofuaministration met a4ide a suffcient mura to provide a uinking tuai for the purpose et redeering lhe snme aI ma- lurit'. DeMontures Ismue b>' the corporations la compliance wilh clause (2b) bereof, shail, te tbe extent eftIhe pur value ot an>' bonds aeulslaniing trom ltime te lime, b. held or dispomed otfb>' the Commission In trust for lie boliers et sucb bonds as colluteral secuiIt> for payment tiereof, il beiag'unaderstooi uni agreei laI atite event et un) Increase oftIhe sai bond ienue each corporation, shail, tDon the requeil e thle Cern- nlss'on, depostt with the Commission additional debunlures se Oescribed la clause 2 (b) iereot, te b. heud or disposei! et b>'t1h> Conrfjissei collateral securit>' for sncb Increaseo et »Id.aibond isue,auni d that an>' debentures held b>' lie Commission id excesef tbe par value eft'hoe eutstàaiing bonds from time te lime mu>' b. heu or iisposed etfb>' tbe Commission lesoecurs payment et an>' deficit arLuing trem lhe operatien et the railway. Lots 10 uia ,Cn .-euhp tMrran u nlbi teCon. VL Bt whiicipeint llnb WM aecom te Lot 1 il dpar.allel île roi lli te neigi. berb:oof etMurirham VlÉge, viiera il viii turn norlierl>' ane cross Cou. MII ceai oit th fGcàai Ti'unkRalvay; continuing .castor!>' -lio viii l'nthcougi Locust Xiii aieug or iarâulel Wlti mrori allowunee belvimm lots 10 uni 11. From tbLé Mrar hcnl-Wlekering Tevxr'shlp hlineb lUne vili iet te lie centre et Cen VI, TovigUbpoet Pickering, aid continue approxi- Mtel>' lhrqugi lie centre of ti .Concession tle Brookin, excepllng uel' Ofiueeioo, viete the lins vii bp dlvirtei. - - f. J uiofflW-N.owmrkd tsection. - #Me lino vil rua northeci>'trem Unienville approxîmatel>' np tie qoutre ot Oenemasii Y, -Towuslp of Markhain, uni of, Concession Te Tevuship et-Whiilcuteli, le orÈusai Lot 5. Ihence te centre oe Concessio IV, Tovnsip et Wiitcbgrci. teowsr mia Lt 27, uni thenco- norti-vesterly- t0 NevMarkit trufgle woflon-Oksremoni Section. At a point on Unienffllo-N.vnirireî section aI 'Marirham-Whtcburei -11s30 laideigustsi Stouffullie Tatien, ligîe wil mn easteri>' B Oliet, distance meti ofethfe Tevsip lino, lhrough Stouffville le the Karkhau-Plokerng T6wusp iip n un lience throngh thre midCie et Oonmoe.Mio ITevnitip of Plckering, le Cluremeat. Yandrl-Usbrluge Section. Mrom Vadri on tie Uidoniie-Newmurket section, line will ru- mur ceai milowance baliu Loti' 15 an&-16, Townshrip ef Whitcirurcb, le 1k mit si et dOOfMîelUaaMSW Lako; -lience north-easterly te a point abe*u- IÀ "0i meti et lIoum sund tlSneidue eust te Uxbridge, paralleling the- ffd mlowane U mile tte soutI. - '14 WAi, section. 1&0 e vIMYO veFort Ferry la tb. uoighborirood et tire Puir Orena" Jéu irct te Mancutér P.O.., lhenee senti te meet tire Grand Tmnnk =ynémri1lgipolat, LUi VO icontinue soulherl>' a short distamce. li o te Grand Trus& Railwa>', passig about % mile oust etfdAibur. udth trongi Lot 24 la the. Tovnsip et WiiIb>' te Brooblin. »M rom Delin 1h. lin. Wl!!Mn aParallel te lie roui allowane beWulvi &io 28 aud 29, Township of Wbitby, as tam senti as tire Cunadian PacIfi vaWY, lu lie Town et Wiitby. Tihebine viii lieu lie diverlei te Èina' Oreet und lience toe l uie frent. SCHEDUL]q UB. Nume et Municipal Corporation. Townshrip et Scarboreugh...... Tovnship of Marbiram ,............... Townshrip et Wbitcirurcir..... Township et Pickering ............. Tovnsip et Uxbridge .. ....... Township 'et Whitby ............. Tovnshrip o et acir....,..,,.... Village etf'Varkham .........* Village of touffville....... Village et Port Perry........ Towvn ot Newmarkcî ......... Town ot Uxbridga.......... Town of Witiby................ Tot amount ef debe* ires toe issued b>'thli resective --MUMIa5 lie ComaMson Uudq Clause 2 Mh. $565,714 -00 803,99 00 488,152 0 227,901 00 954,61b CO 235,722 00 75,281.00 113,308 0 266,986 00 204,665 00 193,774 os- Total amotnt ef bonis te be mIeO*& meuîionei la Clause 3...........-86980 Made, passed and entered-this day of .r..rsw.r. Reve(MayorJ ....~..réyunuxaxmCerk.' NOT ICE. TAKE NOTICE tint tre foregeîng le a true copy efthlie. propoac By-Luw o! tre Corporation o! tireTowasMbp o! Wlitby to, ho submittii te tire votes o! tire electors on tire 191ir day o! October A.D. 1914, ib& tweea tire heurs o! aine o'clock la tire forenoonn'uni. five o'cloek la lhe 8ai temnoon ut tire-ollowîng places: For Pohhing- Suli-division No. 1- ut Polliag .0oot, lot 28, conf8,t- à For Polling Sui-division Ne. 2--at Counoil reoin, Brookia. For Polling Sub-divislon NO. S3-at, Mâsonie Hall, 13rooin For Polliag Suli-divislon No. 4-al Kerr's, Hall, Ashburn. And tiraIthetb ay of Ocober A..1914, utone e'cIock lna-tie 5f- teino aut ti?. Council meoin, Broobjin,la tre saii Municipalfty, Nuasbei liei for tire- appointment e!f permins to attend' .it the poliîng Plaoee, uni, ut the final snmmtag UP o!f:thevotes b>'tihe Chemk. And tint If. the. suent ofthe electors le obtainei te bthe' saidPpcedm ed By-law i it i bu akea lato con-sidera«foab>' tie MuiiPaOouffl etflie, salidCorporation ua meeti"ng lismeof to e lh elct aller tie uxpira,. tien e& one menthifrein tie date eft1h.: inI tpublication Oethis ut«oeý uni tint sncb fest publication lwas -maie on -ilre241h in>' Of %ptemberi A.D. 1914. TARKP NOTICE, -FURTHER tînt a touat vie iSSI sali proposei by-law musI deiver tb lie Cierki. net luter day betere. be day appôînted for taking tie vote a .dion Canada, Evidence Act, tint b.- lua Wtenaqnt " vione.-_1à»iai d 1 huie fr wlehtii detorilaili>' s e s rested 6r ln *lalei - o>' t lie uusd bie proepoidBrlaw le payable,-- r ,fo t ýL On. ars, a la b. bas b>' the.lisse coy eaubedi 10 PSY . i N lr u e t__ pal txsI respect 0et1he Propenty t f i b. Jr 1-ai1>1W cal lmprovemeént raIes. -- . - rrr!i"~-"' " .< .D. HOILIDAY-- - ' Prom lte eastlmn limitseofthelietyMofetToronto, Victoria lPamk Avenu% Une wilb purahlel lie Canudian Nertiema RoIlwa>' on thre senti sude te nbamacy Avenue, lieucetube a diret route te lie. oouth-east cerner of loot 29,, Cen.. C. Tewnàsblp et Scarborough Crossing tire Kennedy Roud, Une will mun nortbcerly.about lie centre et Lot 28, as Tam as Cen. 1, Tôwae uip et Scurboro, frein wbicb point upproxlmatehy pxrale. e GiaU4 Tmunk Raiwa>' lne v iJuie 7n cti Tii.uneviicros ti G 4ndTrunk Itailvu>' on roudi allowanm etwe k- 1--.

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