Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Oct 1914, p. 1

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IrHE WAR' Itas advanced the price.of many Ohemicals and Patent Medicinas -mauiufactured in Europe. We are maing no Ch4nge ini price, except li'lies ýirectly. affected by the war. Wc-are looking after and con- ederisn t4e intere st 1of."Our (Patrons, It iilpay you to corne here for your lDruggi Medcînes and SpIces. Our good-9are the finest quial,4y.- j. l. WILLIS D)ruggist and. 0pticIani MEDICAL HALL Brock St. a-Wlultby. Pirotessionala Oards MeNO.E. FAREWELL, K Ce Darriéter, Couuily Crown ,Attorney and County Solicitor. -Office South vink Court House, Whitby. A. E. CHRISTIAN Barlster, sollter. Nesavy Public, Bic. >Office, Brock St., Opp. Standard Bank. Money te Loan. lAMWESB RTLEDGE9 Bapruister, Etc,. Money to Loa oui easy terms. ' Office Immedlately South Royal Hotel, t Whitby, Ont.- 0 e VOUNG SMITH, LLSO. Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES Court House, Wb:tby, or reidence. D# A. I . SWANSON Bgvi'lster, Solicitor, Notary Public, ConVeyanccr, etc., etc. Oshawa, -.Ontario Office-No. 2 King St. E, Mackie Block Residence-52 Drew st. Phones-Office, 321; Residence, 326, Harriage Lîconses. Cornser drugstore. Wbltlvy JAS. BISKOP Oshawa, Liosase Auotlonoer. Suo- ssuor to L. Fairbanks. For tierme aut dates appiy to soif or G. Robb, Wbftby. WH. HXAW LICBNSED AUCTIONBR AND VALUÂTOR. AU Mk»i 01s»Wes romptly 51*snd- ad Io. Aranema.-for sales oua à* mat ta Gausteeons. WtIITB3Y, ONT. LME -SHORE' PROPERTY WANTED0 Smait farm or part of a farm on Lake, with or wi thout buildings. Write JOHN.,PISHER & eode 409 Lumsdeýn Building= .TORONTO Sonoralg slony Bus fand Dray'Business Bus to a11 trains. AUTOÃ"MOBILE FOR HI]eE. W. have taken, over'the Dom,inion Expres busins, beginning October.lot. Ai ordors carefully attendèd, Wo. Bell phonos"99, 14 and 74. - Stables and Office: TIhe Steid- M. G (amble cue, whlch ber eft ivitdusm to testify on. va created a-uch a f uror here over a year lIoua avents and 10 !urUier -9sbta 890go, on wblch^ the iry dIsagreed 1 't tiate the case egainst Gamlâ N eveniber, anid- whieh -was postponedl For the -defence- Gamble 'gave ' el froîn the Assizes Imet sprinig, 'wua dence on bis own behalf,, telling agala re'.opened at the A4utumn As-, vftr plausible, Story of hlia doligs sizes here on Tuesday, bëforè Juidgoa tlue day wheu ho 10Io charged, with 1 Leuinox. jurIng the. ropa. Gamble, It wilf; be reiemberedi *as ý r. Creswlcke addressed the Jui aecused o! havlng damnaged a coU o for4 the Crown, and Mr. Hlaris mac Iope, belonglng to, the' Hamilton' a splendid. appeal for the prisoner. Bridge Co., thereby Iujurifig it to Hie Lordshil's charge was. stroùgl the ïto o! $20 and upwards. The for conviction.' alleged otience took place at the C., -The case had been carried over t P.camp at Ilxie near Cherrywood on JunelB, 1913. Gamble was finan- cial Secretary o! the Structural Iron- workers' Union. Gamble appea red in Court without counsel, pleading 'that he had -no means te retin a lawyer to dafend Uli. Itwa efl)ectfd that H.H-. De- wart would aghin represent hlm, but the prJsoner was alone. With ecun- tY ('rown Attornov Farewell ànd Nlr. Gamible did net seem o have much chance, but 'Mr. W. H. Marris, of Port Ferry, who was li' Court, wait- lng for another case to be ealled, generouslv offered bis services to the prisoner. The case-'was practicalIy a repeti-' tton of that of a year ago. No ne w witnesses were callied. The Crown wituiesses built up around, Gamble -a network o! evidence.that looked con- vincing. Two men had seen 'Gamble ailtli-g oui a coi o!. rope, making niovements writh his hantis, and then tbey saw hlm tous over bhis shoulder sozmething whl ch they took to 'be a bottle. The coil of tope was later discovered to havé been buruit wlth sulphuric acld, and a lask was found nearby which coutalned' traces o! thé acld. If the rope had basa used forC the boaffoldlng for whlch It was la- 9 tended, ~ a serlous acofdent might ]rave7 ocourred. The Crosvn called a numý- 09 V ho eveuilag, muid it vas aleven cl Clock wb(vi the jury retlred. The, vere oit only Vwenty minutes, whei jVbey returuied witi a. verdict o gullty, mlith a recommsuidmtiôn ti mercy. lis Lordship reserved Sen tée i 1 tp, resumptIon o! cou, on Wednesday nxouing, promislng t< give consideratoio V hs jury's plei for lenlency. On Wcednesiay moruiing .Judge 1en- nor signified bis intention o! allow- iuig Gambie Vo go free, a.fter givîng bis owui recognizance te appear foi sentence vienever calîsU oui. (ambi was muci affected by'His LordslÀipE decision, muid expresed -bis thanki, gIviuig assurance that this vas the tiret turne le liad ever appearad tu court, amui IV oulU be the 1meV. The ouily civil case cmlled vas Viat o! Vie Kilbuck Coul Ce. vs. Turner muid Robinson, e! Port'Ferry. Tii ('ouI' Co., a Plttsburg concera, vut repraeeated by Messrs. W.H. Ha.rris, o! Port Ferry, muid A.E. Christian, e! Wbltby. H. L. Ebliels aeted foi the defenants.. Tic Kîlbuck Co. dlaimed a balance due them frem the defandunts, wlio dîsputed the prices. AX ceuitract h bail asadruanup,vhicm te Ktibuck Co. luter wantcd te res- clnd, oviag te Vie Imposslbillty of gettIng a particular grade o! coul. rhey clalmad liaI Turner & Robin- son ugreed te- accept their ncv prîces. HtYDROwELICTRIC RAILWAy( SUBJECT 0F MUCH COMMENT Since the publication -1me vek o!f la bused on-tie actuel recaipîs (esîl-, Vie by-law re Vhs Hydro-Electric Imated) fron thle end o! tie firsI yaar Railway from Toronto td Uxbmldge j vien tie railway do couipbsted auid muid Nevmarket, front Markm Vo eperatîng. Tiercufter tie revenue Broukîtu muid fruan Port Ferry .te f iii rapudly Increase, as_ lis actuel Whitby, tiare bas been a great demi experimmnts o! otiar slecîric ouds e! -discussion amouig8tt'Viseralepayers' has provad. muid considerable fear bas lissa ex-i "The intereet charges oui Vie ieut pressed Viat Vhs, proposai, looks like during ths ine Vhs railwmy 9s undar saddllig Whtby witi an lincrease .to construction muid aIse uuiy dalicit for ber debeuture debt o! $183,774. Whit- Vie iret or second ysar, vîlci lie by debentures Vo. ths amount Muet C'onmmission do noV anticipàte viii lie depoeited witi Vhs Il3'Idro-E.lecVric happen, are iuiluded or provlded li Commission, Vo hc ield b>' tientasi, Vie amount O! lie total capital cosl seeurity, or solU py tViux in suci a- O! coustruetlon. This lu viat lu moumts and at -sirci imes as Vie done liueurîy every prîvuts raiîvuy commîissioni nia> determine if ths no- or corporati on, belng cnnsidered part cessity for sale should arise. jo! Vhs cari Val cost for promotioni The, Comision assures eacb inu-1 expense. Tbe raîlvay cannot lie coin.1 uicipalitv Vl'at te road wyul pay pletad lI oe year _gni portions yl froni Vie star'T' muid tiat Vie nunicî- be built muid operutlng and businessg palities wîlI never he called'upou tVo workad upvwhilîs construction o! Vie1 puy one dollar o! Vhs amnou-ut pledgsd. rest le being fiuilehed.1 TIERE DI-STHE'RRUI.. - "Tii. Commission, viti confidence,j It le one tbing for Vie Commission muid et lie risk o! their prestige muid Vo etimnate ; Vie realîzation o! tisse t Ii-t o! Vhs Ontario Governmnt, me- astimalos le anotiar tliug. - port Vint Vie Couneils are safe li Ca-n 'Vie ratepayers ha couiviuced couidemîag liaI Ibis railvay yl thut Vhe rumd vilI pay, andti tat pay tie iret yeur, vîti a surplus thase debentures s0 issusd vili neyer mud tir no i danger require te lie dispossd of!? I tvhi~at' Visproperty ovuiers wilI ever require some lucld muid conviaclig have to pay a dollar liy rsason o! arguments Vo hanisi Vie fear that th munîcîpalties guaranteeing Vie tiers mnay be some slip lin calculatian bonds. or Viat tie commission bave basa "The Rmilwuy Act states tia't tie too optlmistic l i tiefr estîmates. snto fteOtroGvrmn HOW MR,-BECK EXPLAINS.. metno t von n ! Vhs O te Goaruiman "Tic propsrty ovuiers should clear-cinui te on. Th efoe Ve rment Iy understand that Vlie amounts, set wil mot- autiiorize Vhs Commission out in tie- By-law muid Hydro-Elec- Vuoaed vti tevr ni trie Railwav Agreemenit, for vilihtbey are ssured lb-at ths romd vilI Vie dttqerenti nunicipaltties are re- emdasuÀs. eponsihle, oui their guarmmtec o!flthebemda uce. †.<..' u- < are LLT< CStl- mate4--not for Vhe initial or' ir t co f t!hVe railway-hut the outsi ïe limit of ail Vie capital cost ýo! bui~I ing and, squlppiuig Vhs rallway vian JV shalih, e finnlly finisind and run- uiing muid brougit up Vo a condition equal Vo that o! Vie higie-et standard o! an Electric Rmilway in mny dis- trict lin Vie world siîmilar Vo our To- monlu and North-East district, auid far superior Vo aiy existiuig Electrie Railway lin Ontario. This also applies Vo tie catimates o! Vhs total annual coul -of opermting the railway muid for lIntereet and sinklng funU charges , such estmnates beiuig for te1h.vo'ls railvay vian fulty completsd muid in.fuil operation for all Iraffio vhich îtil aa lie ex- pected Vo imuidîs. -lIn !ct, tiers viii b. no limbillty oui Vie munlcipalîties for tie tirettVeut years, lin respect o! the sinklag funU, 'wbich is Vo be cre- alad by. the Commission for tha re- puymant o! Vhs rallway's borrcivsd capital,wvichisleto be ehtaîned froin Vhe sale o! Vhs Hydro-Electric Coni- mlssion's bonds, vé_ hlch are le b. guarateed by the Ontario Govama- ment us providéd, by lie' Hydro-Elec- trio . Ralvway Act, 1914, pesait by tie Ontario Parlianient. ,Tis yull enuble lie ralvay tbe licel estali- lished before lhe dnking fund is tak- enoit o!fte profits. 4'On the. Qther hmnd, fin far mu re- garde theetimat ' d revenue, user- ts4ned by everY mathod -by wvici It la rcaso>nably pcosible -te airive at samo,'verifiad by 'diDfrenl meheuof cbecking b>" compurisons viti- tie 'reports o! olier- sîmilar roadu and tb teports of, rallw&Y turnlied le -the Dominion Goverament muler th&, Rallway Act, ùtbs eStlmated reveUe a- fil- mJil seil, r r iexr it en ays, not more ran one bareltoan, ,mi 'a $.2 pe bg. Thi Fou ryjOn. Frldmy lait, Seetember 25, an- W ~ is irst pateni and 1uIygaîanteed In case àt does- de' other lon4g-tua. resideat of Whitby P e en.fot pzive entire saî t ion, o onuewat 'ou passed over to the eraat xuajority, f ey aui&S ]iý,3, wantof it, leturn the blneadw iIrfn !Y in the persan eo! .Mary Min Molantyro, eIalnthen mone'lreun wfo!Mchael Grillin. Mrs., Griffa I ta bad been allîig for sainetime, but, Patrick, Mloney, accluscd of as-' - as seriously il] for legs than -two saulttfng and injuring Chas.- Neill,[ BRAN ........... . _$26#00 ET mouiths. Mer deatli was, tharafora, vax last Thbursday unorniing sèntencediD L N S...... 90 'D' net uuiexpected.- bv Judge McGillivray to serve live M D L. ... 01 Mrs. Griffln's nmiden naine vas years li Kinigstonui enitentiary at ROLLED OATS.. . . 32-'00 '1Mary Ana Mclityre. #4-She was bora adlbrn R IN E D . . . .00 l-1n liallantraugh', Covnty Donnagal,1 The case had been adjourned fronuR U I E ... 00 r'lrelanil, seventy-èJx jiarâ ago, muid' Tuda>'. !ierald Cowan,of o!Mse- bo came to Canada wliaue ten yemrs of batik, testlfied un Thursday, moruiig,j 'amga, settling w ith 11r, pÙ~ents i this éusatitn vidence given by uth- mu Viclnity. lui 1852 she "was m arried tuo r witncsses. lI the a! ternoon, . a JfolW N Y C iý H T Y n- Mlichael' GrilLin, and- tliey have liveil youag mman frorn Toronto, who bad _1lui Whitby, evar since that time. 01 beurt at Rosehauik bridge fusltiug oui ig their. family o! five sons anud rive the afternoon o!fJuly' 3l, testified >r daughters, ouIy 'one daughter sur- that hie saw the two men rûiniui le vives, Mrs. D. H. McJiay, 630 Doyer- c. thhrdemi e hmd later ___________________________________ s court Ruad, Toronto. Mrs. Grîffin identi.fie.d. Maloney as the'0one wbo "-- ___ ______ s, was a siater o! Mr. J1. Mclntyre, o! was lui pursuit o! the tirst. ' T-LE SAN E rths town. 1Mmlouiey vae given the upportuuilty on The funieral vas lild trom the late of testifying in bis owa behaif. Me resudence, Mary Streèt, on Monday Vl h tr !'bsvneig tTO RISE.V IDR ýt mornîng, to St. John's It.C. church, soma lpuigth, dealing very îninutely T wliera service vas leb, 11ev. Father witb bis relations witb the accused, *Rya olblating. Ha1v; Father Me- lie strouigly proclmimed bis lnnocence__________________________________ *Grand, o! Toronto, wàaslso present, o! the serjous charge iuiputed to hlm and asistd. Alargenimbr o!altlioug.h ha adinitted having struck I 7'I "'DE frindo a.thed arte nsere obis companion several timles i la mIl1. IIlkE tresfythîrrespecthndeseiem tofiglit vhlch resulted front a quarrai. I liA I S ~I Vtetf d ersetoa ntmata! Judgs McGilllvray lni prouiounelng Mo_________ A_______________q_____Mo%_____ mmed la t. Jwoha's camtery, the - sentence said that the prisouiers pula red e t n 'sMeer J L , teiarguments for his 'Innocence vare' pa. beinre, Lvein Me .Lngr,outvalghed by the circumstantlal ev 1WHEN PURCHASI NG Francis McIntyre, Wilil Mclaityre and dance against hlm. The maximum RN ~ i~f IC~~ D. H. MoKa sentence that could be lmposad vas Pj( L15ANDL .SHOESd~- The huiband muid dauglitar vin ton years, but. lus onor decidad survive have the. 'deapeit syunpathy that five years vas sufficleat. tIe iS P ESM nsW r o! the commualty lni thelr bereave- Maloney, vie ls 48 years o! agoFetFo L P EI). e".W r ment. muid uuimrrled, saldlittat his home Io~ Outing U P E C Boots a la. New Brunswick, and tiat he had U P 'E C WESLEY FREEMAN. been tramping 'Sirice Novambar lait, 'Shoes. Specialty(. wien lie vent on the road for the Mit. Weeley. Freuinan, brother o!ftiret tinte. -His conversatioi-A CaiSlctdPhn 5,W tb. nt Mrs. R.H. Qulton, o! Whltby, vas avaowudlauoon-tetiiCcovlo-________________Phone____1__1,______________Ont_ cullad away on Tueësday or lest week. jten that he led obesaethem iagfo Mr. Freaman imd been visiting hMs ong lim e halu nt a un epar- sistar liera for -three weeks, but had laalongd meam be li ora o! Vi basaunvel. n Moday o! estSons o! Rest. week lis condition becaine suclr tliat sors. it vas thought boat ta romova hlm to Grace Hlospital, Tornate. Daath RIyDY iiS 5ho~ came oui Tuesday, =Yîba funeral N a nS coie4 vas ieldte Newmarket on Tliursday tram the résidence o! a brother in METHODIST TABERNACLE. ______________ Toronto. The lato Mr. Freeman, vie lThe annual Sunday Sehool rally rsidad at Walter's Falls, Ont., vas vas hel d at t 'he morning service. TheQ % ýSdom4i u 42 years o! age, muid leaves a vifs church wae dacorated for te occas-' ad five smaîl cildren. Mr. auid Mrs. tion witb flowers. Tie service, wiich k dwde ce %eC Quinton vers ia Toronto for Vis fu- - vas conducted by the'Sunday Sehool, k h*eut #L w â3 ohf put ciS d neral. j as muet impressive. The echool OF~E CAI MAAwii mstmyI miwm marchid Into the church singiuig thair 1u.d" . wiMOM t de" wo MISS BORROWMAtcira ymn, mud a! ter takïng t ,. e go à. Whthy lest amother o! Its ploneer Vbem. Spla usicgt ou 'edTORONTOqu resideuits whaa Mise Loulsa Maryby varlous uiembers o! the sehool. Borrowman, youngest'daugiter-of the Mr. T. P. I'adgett, o! Torontu, de- WV H IT B Y B R A N C Ili lute -lames Borrovinan, passsd away llvered an address, taklng for bis C. A. MCeilhn», Managfer. on Thursday last. Miss Borrovinan tert, " But une thing le need!ul ; and - Sw« Pbe eowmvmelhla (C A. McCJ.lIaan %mer4,4.e"aoea hadl been ili for about tvo years, but 1îrybthcosnthtbetr atBw s WAJ. P. ea, Manar) Pickeringj Mtdî Fl.;;;. she was noV in a loy condition until ____________nt___________________ a short turne previous ta ber dsatb. jlI the evening 'Mr. P-ad-gett preach- Mer s9ster had beea constantly withaUasro totepen. ber, muid carad for ber vîti Uic ut- e almonad e pS aeyns. hl muet devotion. laThe Aftmnoou.S.Rlywshd Miss Burruwman vas a native o! nteatren Scotiand, but came to.,this country BAPTI-ST CHURCH. m with ber !amily arien quite youmg, The Suaday School rally, held in settliuig at Port Whitby, li 1854. the moruîing, Vook the place o! lie- U R u SL S a She baU ieliele evar since, mand regular service. Thc centre o!fh Sitaslihlyrsetdb encnutn i xri es rm ~ rL S !BL S for a number o! yaars vas a mamber building ývas occupmêd by Vie achool, o! thé 'Public Sciool staff o! lie the Superintenclent and Pastor Mo-1is hp en a utarie. Crenw ail vbo knev ber muid deeply baloved th platiormi., Spaciai music vas and order while we have a good assortmenit. by bier more intimate friende. Miss rendered. by the school. The sohool Borrovman vas an active member o! vas orgunized for ths day aloag Vhsee D z St. Audreýv1s Preebyterian churci, nis of a regiment. Chaplain Mo- PoIoie takfng a deep interesl li aIl phases Lean delivered an addrese 9on "TheI Iyaihdobe r nte50 R v r.AbaawowsMs Worid'e Suuday Schooi Army." Col. R e v. D r. b r a ai n, v i o v a s iss J a m e s , S u p e rin te nd e n t, c a l le o r I I I Parrot Tulips Paper White Nîrcissus Double -Yon Sion Narci$$Q$ co.miug year, muid explaiuied viat' was plauined for Vie 'work. TÉhe ses-, sion was Mcist iuteresting, muid gave; the parents a review o! the varký, being dons b>- the sciool. . 1 The evening service took the form of a Y'oung Peoples ratly. Thes Jun- ior muid Senlor Uniouisvers both reproseuited b>' a large attendance o! mémbsrs, vio wore badges o! Vhe UTnion colore, purple muid gold. The pulpit was decorated with floyers' muid hanuiers in tie same colora, mmd an illuminated sign, "B1.Y.P.U.A."1 huuig over Vie pulpit. Choruses, a trio muid' a quartette/ vers rendered' by iezibers o! the Unions. Rev. G. A. MeLean tien explained lie ohject o! Young People's vork, tojucilag on aIl four sides o! lie subjact, Intel- leclual, social, reereatîve muid spirit- ual.- Tii. Scretary o! the Junior Union reported on lia womk o!f tli y-eut, and lte President oullineul plans for lie future. Tii. Senior Union Secretury 'aid Pr-cIdent . dld C Ilke-wlse, and 'tins' lii.congregation'l vas given a brio! summary, of- thi work of the. young people. At a meeting o!flthe cliî4rcli eld a liter, a liearly vote of appreval an& dl appreclallon e! lie verk o! 1h. Sun- d4ay School auid Young Peoploi', Un- Ions wuu passed. ' 0o ST. ANDREIW'S. AtS. AùdreW's Proubyteilea s'un- dair S9col a rally via hld' ,at th reguuar -achool souten on Sunda.y a!- oi teammo. The taesandanA uikra.,-'Vl TH-lEFAMOUS SCOTCH- TENOR i MR. GEOS NEIL viii eoint at The Pariotic' Cocr THURDAVOCTO Sth under tic auspices o! tic 3. O. TEACHRS' INSTITUTE audrthe METHODIST E. L' FWO HOR8fl NTERNATIONýAL SONGS FLG DRILL, CÀMP SCENE TUO NOURS' - > MNOMVENT I READINGCS >INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC EJ IN IIUIJSC HALL, WHfITB3Y Doors openu t 7.30 p. Concert begin ut 8 P.M. siarp. PROGEED8 FOR 11HE PATRIOTIS FOND Plan ADMISSION.. Rescred'SeAtsp 50 and 35c; OrdhîaYp 25d. o! hall st J. E. Willim'fta stauêm----. -i 25c 30C Au T. LAWLPR -WH:TBYP ONT. Phones; Bell, No. 47; Independent, No. 47 of some articles have ýadvanced siace commencement of, the terrible vu lin Europoi but some articles o! food rtema comparatively cheap. - SAILMON'TRCUTAIiND WRIITB PISRI are.-nov as cheap as they were years ago.. We hav ekyslmnso h elicous mb.Partes éedi~g.them ulb. supplied by leaving theirordurs.- of choice dx7 quallry are offered by us ut close prices. PLUMS and eHEÈiUaS have boom failures bore but we have beem supplyfng thein from the weit, bd.1 lut yuar's puces upua 'nasuraay, 11eV. Srd. a ~j'%LII~,~Ç~ C w Plan . i.. - 1

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