Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Sep 1914, p. 2

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blood i8 jinipure 1lhe nourisâmont thtreàches the nerves, bans nd mteIKe is tainted with POiSOî àald d:-Isase foUIows. TW-éblood is ao t hee fdium by iwhich -th à bod'y fights w'atery tatis poNver of resiestanre toý dise:,Ëe je weake»ed, Dr. Williams' Pinik 'ill.s build up the blood. They ineaso the abilityof the body tO resist disease. Tteyý strengthen thé nerves, inerease tIi-e appetite,1 cure hieadache , backache, and any di-s-e aieased by thin or- impure --- If you are suffering and your blt>ud iii tàiin or. imîpure, there 15 ai large ýpûcbability that your condi- timit is osaused by the. con~dition of y-fitr blcuod. You Fohould study your ow.il case.- If you ak ambition, are shiort .0, brcath after slight ex-- ertise, ire pae or sàllow, have no -appetite, are noS relreshed by sleep, if vou -have backaeohe or headathe, rheurnaic pains or stomadh trouble, tho trte.ant -with Dr. WiNliamet Pinik Pille for Pale Peeple la, worth hînvestigating. You can get these PiI1' through any meâicine dealer or direct by mail at 50 cents a box Wvil anis' MdcieCo.,Brcil, Ont. 18 TIIE KAISER -M~ADl1 ilus ,Ance<mtors ll1rc Pecuillar, to Say the Least. Tuo-ge t. at tVhrem~arkable chara- * tercf- t.he> Kaiser one, ha»s tu geV be- yond hi,' fatier.' The Enmperor Freerck' lsVwords to bis &on were; "Learn to sufer without cKo.îpIlairing, Lfor that ia the only thing I teaelr you ;" and in hi& first addh'esS to his people alter com3Ing tc> t1i2 throne lié uled these word,- ý(g N4d e aring .for the splendor of great deeds, nrots~triving for glory, I1, bl Ie Matifffied if it b. one, day baid- cf rny ride t-bt it was benefi- cia! ,tu nir peuple, luseful to My oourltry, anid a bI-esting o the Fim- pxr"The Kaiser takes- alter his grandfather. wbýhose own father was cariledoffj11 usat. o!religious rniania,, an-cl' his brotler, as hypo- cIîîtdru~. l! iaî -Iwa afirm bl t'in tl~ioîfallibiility of imon- arci s, lie 'IWIC!aliimentin i cotttempt * lowere ne,.ither ,,oldhiers nur no- bl n-îe fmot oly relxgiousl-y excluded f(Wt î u ourt ueh men, a§ bankers, ruribant., -lawyers, and trade-mpeo)ple,-'but oie Consuls if * Other cut'i-. Witb variationS the Pr-e..x-rt Kiser seeme Vo have stepped intcýp bis siocî. In turu ho has lwn comedian, pýet, musician, yalr arrior, pastor, philosopher. * and fBiblical commenmtator. The miriuclp. É4 Ltail ig nout go' muc1 that lic Lb-huld reg.f hdjimself a-s a miWnir '"cl-nd perbapis flot 5< - muelî ninor after ail-as fat hh eh<old have succeeded in gettiing ail bis peuple to take lm at his ,owT valuation, and persîîaded - tjicým, (c bac£k liiî tli their oWîi lives ùand f4ertunf_'s in a war t.tat threatens (c Sput a n emite 'bil ,i)mwihat co(met_ - . Lke career. Ih lîa,4 haen openly Ot.êîê,id tha't he is mad, and tInt ià b4w 11, bcks from a djjjtn,(e. But otI<eribl* than -1 have hefore now béen thro)wn toj the aie nd te te 1 îE A lt(NING jjjjN, I.Arîe AHIl itIth ii" Aîî-eîtee Clasis. MT- - wlr. a isimple c-lange o! diet bringis back ieath aid lappinegs t- - - - V e sry - i4 b iefiy Void. A lady - Aft4ir beiuîg affhicfed for yearsi wtliîervougiejts aid beart (rouble 1 reeivf4c a t4huck four years n-go -- thai lefS nie inisucît a 'condition - ha - lattiuy lfe -wafidespaircd of. - "I goS uto re-lie! front dotors nor front thbenunibeles beart and nerve feiedies I tried, lècause I cidzi'L kîcw tînat coffee wae d-aily plittiîg -nie ba-cki- uore (h-ai thVe dct4)ns could put me ahead." (Ton,' &W, iss hanni til, Le cause it conlans the e-nie polîsonoufs drug, caffeine, found hin ufee.) --"Finally at t-le suggestion o! a iriend I le!t off cofee aid hegan te uecof Postant, and agantl* y x pectat{i'e-I' gradualîy intproved ini hea th until for tle pnsL 6 or 8 moiths I bave been -entircly free front nervoueneas snd tIosc terrible - unking, weakeiig speils o! ho-art "My (rouble-e aIl came fron thel -j-use #) o!ce!., which I had drunI oieihildhood, and yet (bey disap. peared wben I quit Seffee aid (col up the i'se of P«tunt." Na-nie" by u "riî-eeuiC'. iidsto r hjW,. çlmlSy WJie l as 'ovlilul 7 Europe than Presldeit PaVid &air Jordan of Leland 8tani'fOrd Luni- versity, Caiforals. -«HIe'nay> be de- scrýbed Liwi&i perf ect acc'ur" a 3 an eye4~itûies cg heeventB WhichË have led up to the preseat wr o 6 iaonths he hau been traveiling !i Central and Eastern Europe. Dur- ing May ci (his year l0r. tarr Jor- dan journeve'd(brou-gh th. Bal- kans, clown tihe Danuibe te Bel- grade and acrose the country to Salonika aid Kolva. 'What lie bas to say about . tite devastatioyi wrought in Europe aince. te «out- break of lSe Balkan War, makes a naoviag story lanit&eU." He haa e~ent a good. deal of time ia Qermany lertuiîg en the peace inovement, and visited Paris lor -the sasie pur- pose. HIe has just returied to Ainerica, depre&eed antd saddeaed by the shado'w that has fallen mioai tho European pecsples, write-s a cor- respondent. Whon aoked' to give me 'hie in- pressions of Europe in the ligîht of the pre.sent ipheavali ê eaid tihat1 wiiat had linprea.ed ,hlm aoat Wa the monatroùxe failure of deenocracy- Vo disarri its enemles. '1hrough1 titis f alure thie power of life. andg death bias been ieft in the bands, of mien. 'who have f-ougQt longest againzt the ighits of mxan. Smalli cliques and groupe of mxen, nbine of xnarked âibility -or domntating char- acter, have tihrown 4ite civilizatioi of Europe inte me.lting pot. E'very step in thié rocent affair has been orininal. Great Britain alone has cican bands. I 'have -the deep- e-st. aynipathy wïhiothei people of Germàny, more 'hn 00,000,000 of wboni are opposeed Vo the' poliey 0! their own Goverament .. They have ne means ci! oontrolling te Gev- ernient. I have great sym'pathy' with -the people of France, who are tied to Russa solely'because ro'wer lies dn the hands cf financiers and bureaucrats. The financiers o! Paris lend ntoney te RuGsia. on con- dition that one-hall of it 4hall be spent. on arnianents again.st Ger- m.any, and throtxgh the ag.?itèy of the war traders -of Creusot, of Homicourt, and Catlo-en inentry. The M1ilitary Caste. 'Ii tlis way the several'nationà are respoîsible for (bis war. In Oermany treniendoits efforts havet been macle te swell the Anniy aid navy. The people have no neal con- trol of titeir Government. ISt la iu te liauds cf mien tlterouglily dle- voted te the idea of war, aid dom- lnated iby (lienilitary caste. Their loyalty te the Kaiser bas convinced hlm tat te-- are right inur nging iliat wax- la necèssany in orderital thte expansion e! Germany in Eu- ro'pe -aid over the sea.n cai be se- cured. I have iec(ured li'Gerinauty duriîg last winten (o large audi- onces and received te very lest o!- receptioies 'lThre 'le a gnonS body o! peoffle int Gerraaay w-ho loIt uitoî war wlth alsoluto lier- ror, aid Cb. lest peopld there are thoroi-ghly in <avon of an.under- standing with the bnst peopile ô! otîben nations. But ne opportuniiyv ha% bei given in Germiany, in Rue- egia, on in Frantce for tI-h-se tatiion- al and smtpathetie 'voices to be heard. Evea the. great mnuufactun- ers, traders, aid bankers-men on w-houa tle prosperity of these coun- triesq depeids, and on whose wealtl thie xilitary caste are only para- sites-'have been deuied any kind o!f learing. "I -had several lecture engage- ments -in Austnia in connection witiit te international peace move-nent, which Itave -Iad Vo le canehle.d -be- cause 6fUte war. I &pent four moitIs in Austria last winter aid saw a good ceai. It is a composite nation, divided iby very feaI na- tional aniniesities, aid oily Iield togethir by fean cf Russia and -ly 'business necessities. The san-Il cap- italiste afn le, country and- in (tie provincial teivîs are dependent on- Vienna ad Budapest. The attaek on Servia wea-V Vo a wAnton -ex- ltrenie. As for dipiomacy,, eue o! têhe chie! objecte o!f the Austnian policy lias 'be-on for hlai a century -t6 gain possession of 8ervxa to- -gether witlh -alonika aid- Alibania. il-- The BsalanWare,, - 1 c £ h any people ma-vel at the effecte eaviig off (es. aid coffec ahd ging Postuni, but there le notit- ýa anad eoffeo are destroyeroe--ý kts. <or le f amoes hiei !:=lIbip 11w- "What ha4ve been tho resulte of tbe Balkan Wara I Did yomu pene- (rate actsi' lie aareas devaeted by tînt terrible strugg1el".. "I eouîd tel1 ycu eneugit te flîl a large boook about.tino mueery aud wretçhedieas caused by tibose wars. Notixing ias been 'settled, aid the nations are seetiug - with discoent -,,and 4ae -T'1h.-ea cg, Btiebarest was sitheer robbery, aid aS (lis moment a million peo- pIe are waadering refugeeis, who bave lest ail -their property save -whis t Siy van carry on thoeir bacoks. These. are Bu-Igariais, Tur-ks,, and 'Âlbatiiaas. hIhave meobnië. -My $ourney throuÏh:tSe Balka»s down the Dan#e îÃ"Beîiî'rdesBîowed me mUIdi I paiued (lizougbl 175 miles and did «noôtlMe 'oligle- lieou*' whlol Waale614>unburned. except acoldmut on - o.tokir4 cf since Vie war. lee sg uel are IWreaLV o rI.bIee o <b, fedo 1noti.tfn o aee- th ie trt-ors that Vhreaten -oui wa, &i"om Vhe collective ideal.a ad- experli- ences of the- people. Those -have beea growiag for a long 'ime,, and have. reoeivedaý- terrible alieck by the UnPreCedent e calamity 'lWhichý. .has. fallea upon te 'Western worl. ýW ar 'hie retarded their-,'develop- men-t, but tfhey caa neyer bée killeéd. They will revive -wlaien ' nàtio0, s of Eurdpe (have,.become ïkhaateted' b.y the passions and ravages o! war. Thon the, peoples o!, Europe wili return te those, ideals ow¶iel'are common toal,. true to ail, and good B ISIIOP GOES TO- WAR. The Bishop ef London lRas Gene te the Front. The Bishep o! London -bas ob ta.in- ed te sanction of-hie Metropol!ta;r. Vo go witiit he Li>adoi ffle Brigade whIereby iV xnay b. ealled -over at least- six weeks. Tinte wae, o! courfe, when biehope wsrTe great figh-tiîg moa,' and in-the. w.s ci e Middle Age& tihey -often led arhnlet, espeeia-.Uy ini Geria.y. There have been mome mâtarybishops of ILon- don in pait aleo. Penihape lie meS distinguished case- westhaito! Bishop Compton, who had- been a solder before entesriug the Ohuroit. lai 68, when the Revolutipn oame nid the Princeas Anne deteraniined te fiee frein h-or father'e court Comipton, -who had been her tutor, was suinmonedte guard ber ia ber iight. A liaekney coach wae la waiting. Two mon guarded V-te humble vehiele. One-ocf t(hem wae Contptom. The cuA 4x rove instant- ly to Aldersgabe Street where the thiose-etiff,. sore Muaueçea aid 4rritated neryes that make 'yen dance witli pain,. You'llget almost instant rellef from muscle, sorenes-, tiifnus, -achlug- Joints, lamùeness or ýrheumatisml by -ubbig, with'Nerviiie. It's a scot- inlg liniment, sud -doesn't blister, doesn't burn or even gtala the skia. lit,$ thie mesS barmle cure - la the world for Lumbago, - ack Strala or Sciatica. It takes away the ache at onceaind onde. your mleery qulckly. Now quit eomplaiang-doa't sufer anotiier day-Nerviilne, that good, sootliag old-tIme Uiniment will Ilimber you np mlghty quick; .'- e busy to- day, te large 50e. !amily size bottie la the moat economical; cof course, the trial size cesae but 25e. Any dealer anywhere eau supply « Nerviline. LONDON IN TIMES 0F WAR. Many Transformations Have TM~en Plaec. - Kha.ki-.cl.ad-troope xnareiting 'b (the etrains of the fife and d-urn, are now a fa-mir lghtini PiccadiMly a,nd thie Londucner wbo only reade c such things - would rezelve ashôek and lie lirought t o -te ster-n resluties of war-tinte, - iflie oould aee' once s.gsin the olci faanlar etreets o! iei L.onclont la war-t- ielequite an- other thing te London lante (ino o! poace, ani ne of the Most ne- ticeabîs thi' i oncinwith thie le t'h4 auirmation of the sbocpg. Wherev-er possible (hese have been tra.sfurmed ite stores for military equlprnent, 'and "'mili. 'ary outfit'," ts.ervlce kit»," iéwar maps and aflg," etc., are the chie! articles o! commerce that greM thVe -eye on every -Iand. town rcoÀ.dence o! (Ite IJIShOP0 o. - M.n1ftepbi i oei. Londý,yi then estood. mor-n-t places suifer f roma the nuxaberc It wus deVermined that Aine o! bands that have bec-n ca.fled awayt shouki talce refuge witli- t-be N4rth- te the war. lui the Gen-eral Post orn anurgenêt. Compton whoiiy Office four Vlousand Mi~n had lefV up laid asid-a for -the tinte i sacredo- tfe Xugu st 16, anti a greaitt manyr tai éharacter. IDanger anid confhict more, have efU nco(len t,')jWin teC itad rekrind-led in lin ail tIe military neserves, but -owin-g WthVe f act tha.tt a-rd-or whii ÃŽh le -ad feit tweîîty-eiglt mu-h îeea generai nilitte r is belng( years lefone, whe-n h-e rode lante 1por t- , hi-as not been aecessary te - Li!. . Guards. He prcceded the 'enîymre labor. Princess's carne-g. iii a buif (41at oc Olymipia, nt Siepberd's Bu-i,Ah and iackbo.ots. w-ith a swo(rd ai 1bis that las undergone so maay chiangea siîde andi pi t-oLs inut l u lste-t . in iLs catreer, lhaxnow be-on. (le1 Long before site reacliteti N4tttng- scene o! tIie gre.atest of ail trans-1 ban &lie wa.s surriunded by a body- formnalionii. hast Christmas it wasi guard of gentlemen who had voluti - c<pied by a Gernian Zoo,and now< teeed e eeor lir..They nvted by' thle irony ýo! fate ibiîs beiing used tle Bisbop te net as their cul-,nel, am a bai f-or Germai .prisoune1's. Ai and li c c-nsented witlt an aiac-rity i thte f rolitif tha-.building stan-de a w-hidh gave great - atdal to, rigid sen-î-ry un gua.rdte ý'TInt is another Churclimen, and did tiot. xntch raise rd eid« utépaeu in bis cli-aracten eveut lutthe opinion o -cnemdr t (o the peaow-efln- ï the Wigs.st-extupus (tinos. MostVof(hese pni- sonere are suspects. IV ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n linaIoa uTr 1îthing is p,ticularly nyie With Clîronice BaCkaclie This is thé' fact that notices have onea na-ppeared--i-n rany wiut- - ~dows .nxtiouîeiuîg excursions a&nd There la Trouble Ahead. clîcap tickets&t-lthe varieus seasdie Censtanily on thiar feet, attending reimorts, and t-ho flow o! visltors te tote wants ef a large and exacting t-be puptilar soutit coast dà again in- faniuly, women oflen break dewn I esing, wlulit slows signe ci the with nervous exitaustion.ce. In the stores, factonies, and oui a populaeieturning tg nominl con- farm are weak, aillng wemen. dragged dttions, aid a great c-al o!f(i1t3 ey- down - wlth torturlng backacuxe and teria te belng lived clown. bearing down pains. Perlape nover before In te who1e Sucit eufferuîg ien't natu'rai, but 1V.l histery o! (lte c*untry Ias any ap- daigereus, becauie due te dlseased Pm]. e Orespopdd oa a h kidneys.piipddoaslate The dizzlness, ineeninla, deraîgod Priniee of Wales Xational: Fund. 15 nienses aid other syipienis cf kdutey ba% already -overrun the 810,000,00 complaîxit can't cure theniseivea, îliey ma-rIt, aid le growiig napidly dn.lly. require the assistance of Dr. Hamul- Maiy sehoel teacherst had their ton'a Pille witich go direct te te seat hoia curta-ileci, and bave re- o! te trouble. tduygm Te glve vltality aid pewer te lte titnieY tîtfeir -d- t Rm welve kldneys, to lend aid to te bladder aid days bofore (Soir tinte lad expired. liver, to free the blood cf poisons, This. waasin order titat di xnany 'probably there Io ne remedy soesuc- cases th.ebildren ceuld be ItepS Vo- ceseful as Dr. Hamltoi'a Pille. For gether as -mueh as possible, aid ail womanly Irregularities théIr menit wah coukild e kptoé hm la well kiown. gowat hey eeven hiethe ( Because ec i teir mild, aeothiigaid 50(nVtiywr e hl-hi heallîg eifect, Dr. Hamilton's Pille are fatîters have gene Vo te war.- safe, anid are recemrnended for girls aid women .e! ail ages. 21 cents per B NIN NO JK 1e--at ait -eaiers.uiteruse aNO sue- stitute for Dr. Hamilton's Pilla cf Man- dralce aid Butternut. ÃŽUSTBIA'S ÀAMY SYSTE3I. Dual 3lonarchy liasTotal lField Force ef 820,00. Ati-sti-Hungary, like France, îe divided lito army corps districts. There are 16 o! (ho.. districts. TIie -first lne o!f te armyo! (Sq duel niornrchyity eunden common 'gov.-, ex-ament, anid le known aste ceai- moi ai-uuy. Austnia possesses inde- peedently a Laidwe-hr -and a Laid- turin, aid se does Hungary. I- ciuding the latte-r organlînlion, (le total field force o! AuvtriaI-Hungary la rated at 820,000. Each o!fte- sixteen anouy corps districts la euppos«ed to fur.nish a - complete corps o! two divisions to thie comituon ar'ny, with thne excep- tion e! oie district., w-hi-ch lias hree division-s. An anty -corps includes aboutL 34,000 me-n aid a ea-vaIry di- vtsxicnabout 4,000. Bach corps le conetituted as fol- lows :-.Tw.o divisions o! xnfaxstry, lcounpisig two brigade. of elght rbaittalions, «c; one tegiuit o!, feld artlllery, -ont Puoer buibta- ion, 004 I-lW«ing' oounpaa, - Oiie&. 4zhe~.briade o53ten haMbbries w-U r. --of i*twuâ.brigàdee, wi . 2o e, bx" ttail, in .Au Wr. batbt4eusit augeinte.u t sr guis Net te lte mai Who bas tO movs about, bat a elight 0sPPIÃŽc$tolCi cf"PutnnmWtl 6ofteia Ste tbtckeat iasue sud cures ste bunton quIcklY- Jus as god £or -warte, hUiVs. and caUcUseslatePutnam'e Pain- leM cern Sxtractor. Use ano othier, 26c. ai ail dealens. Avoid interferin# with te -wpan in love. It i» net your luneralt.l -Minardle LIMniminfer -sale erw@ -The Bank of Engiaild. The scarcity e! gold lI the jte- sent criais ra-minda us (bat once in ita in-g caroor the Bank e! Eng- land was contpelled Vo suspen4 cash paymeît-aiiuJtitis withiout causiliS senteus inconveince. TIis was du-ring tIie gneat iwar 'witit France, w'hen se mfucit coin b.d left LIe country fer, the paymnat of! troepe alrogd -and as axiltbidies Vo allies that tine batik began - to feel tue pihà-; AV.-the close of! -he year 1796 theno wene aumerous t-uns on coun- try -banks wikiappll.ed te Vte Bank cg En-gl4nè- fet- belp. This drained the-bakl reutcd-eo (liat at laiVl a et àablat pa.ylug lnsixpeuaçoi. - '11,.Govèn- Sment (lien e spw in- wth au or- 4ehI.éïu WatItONpiJ6teetnds '4'hé.â.uatç,u - s sved, î&pir 1 Mopey TeWged for 22 -yars-, dixde CIhl4t sie £ tWIezi.guinea usually > l 4rlt'àic, mop- of whé. m»irk- ýrýed thaïb (tuey were' w7ell sarved, it 4bebrokée Iitýn wtiat-$at.ort tlhat corne'In e faahes--aud sI am1,et-ween two qu4s*k.-,- Thon silence i9llowed. thexr besotted rmiers give Lii. S!g- nal for c'araa.ge.Aid if -Rusaia were Vo 1imk od setting 'up ani- n-' POexng Siavice sý4atue, audid CocLd'ixx -ail ihe-,*orMli 'l1dow4 tb4ahre'.it, ' se woul-d epeedily fin:Ldthat its .feet were o! dCay. Thte'spirit o! revolu- tien le on-ly slu-mbenins- 'a usia Ematy arwaken any day 1k. e g à refrëesdi. No cite il more keëeiy awareUf (hie titan'tne Russiaji nýl-- ers;'aed tfiey cannot la.iI te dread - t-h. convulIsions, and 'neactions that 4 are sure Vo Se S'een amen-g t-ho Rus-1 sian peüple af-Ler tie 'war le over. In titis ýever-haunting fear ot rovo- lution in Rus-sm. itself (lier. is (lie plainest assurance that the. present attenipt te affriglit by tha tiought1 o! &Blave te-roi-smwitemin. ai Europe ivi11 son disappear 1k. the - ba-geles abrie of a vision. Was ne GuIlty. Georgila Lawyer (Vo coiored pris- oaer>-WeIl, Ras, as you -want nie to defend yeu, have you any ney 1 Rtastues-No; but l'egot amule and a ferw ciikeas, and a hog or towo. --- 'Lawyer-Thosewill do very1 ly. Now, let'a eee-wbst do uie- tlhey1 G. W.D WB z Yricw SEEDiPOTATP28.. - N EW BRUNigWICK UER» pQTrATOE.-, On accouut -etUthewar, tis fan wl ha probably tie best time to bu ' aeed potatdés for next -ea. rte n for t ofielii0 Vérietie.. C 1 Fa'wcettUper Sackville,,N.B. FEMALE HELP. WANýEq._ T DIES TM DO PLAIN AND»LIGUIT E. ewing at horne, whole or aOPars, tlti.; good pay; werk eent-an y dietance; charges prepsld. Send etarnp.for pitrtioU'- lare. National Manufacturiug Ccnwafll. Montreal. irma leL avouse You v01srteaung i 1u ~SÂLE,.-TEN PiESBR Work on the firsL Mormnon empî tla&us-O!h, a xjule and 4a few FL Fozes.Cnesodceolced.el on British soi-i le now well under chi-ekens, aid a hog or two: hBro. obwll, Ont, UP. T. wayin Cardeton, Aiberta, tho Mor- l&C  pai. Tum rai, cIureSwÈ.ET. mcicenitre for Ca"d..The eLruc- o ut painbW our borne treatinent. Wr ta., trewil-l be of gnanite frontheVBitfre- &', ite.Dr BuranIldfsdial toekY -Mountie o! BritishtCoi-uni- C. ,mt olnwn.ot bia. Machinery val.ued at sic,0woo Minards Liniment Ce. Limnied - groue nd, ad otln &Ib. clone ber cf reslt.boa edngeorsait.._ E N T S-- bas~~~~~~~~ beîmuautdo l epery face lor a long titis and tried a nunt- 1 waa -adviaed to -try MII4ÂMsLI-0F NVW OS there e asfma. s te rough mtenial MENT, and afte-r-using laéveri bttles it enab-eel'enctA~seac ex~n . madle a complet. cure, and iL heaîed awil PIGEON, PIGEON,* DAVIS cuan dete i ýàl b lace. nDAVID H1ENDERSON. P Write forer iufêutien the w.11.Belleisie Station, Etuge Co, N.B., Sept. he structure wiî-i c&t at leas( t M31,000, Tlhis money - w-il corne nie-stly f rom tithi-ng sont to head- tors bave\ lille assurance o! (e ho ,,,,. .aid eend It along wflii10c.la dîurchht(hat ail money necded will -LICéesîtamps or coin te P... Box 1240, le ferthl-oming whea a.ske4 for. ',"aid th. temperance mn, Montreal, Que. You 'willneceive Bisitop Nibley, w-ho '3aa.s harge of "sÉtrongly objeot Vo (lhe- custom o! b? neturu mali, pcetpald; a- new thebuinss ff~r o VI Mrmn hristenin-g slips ~witI citant- - and oie pf the. best hcueeheld the usiess ffara f th MomonSpecialties onte markcet, aid Chtch (brougbout thie werld, will pangne." l'îd<n't" replied thie ai Chltmas tune a handeome- have di -ect control o! the wc-rk, but other mai."'i think there'sé a tem- 12 celer Calendar. Titis le te wilI nct be on the grcund. A local perance lemsn in it." 'RHow caiJ~ only time t11e splen did offer wili inîspeeator enid ,suplerintend-ent cf4 thLt tbe " - "Well, immediately appear. Den't misut, If ycu de, consrucionwil dirct lit lo a ater theo first bottle o! wine the > nu wlll enly have youràelt to- activities. slip ta.ltes Vo water, and sticks- to ~lae The Charchh-of Jo-sus Christ -e! lt ever after.01____________ Latter Day Sainte hls no temples LOW CO,ýNIST RATE8I TO' PACIFIC 'Tlhe cutstom 6f piayisig pi-acticai at priesprît outside ,o! thé StaSe of COAST~ VIA CHICACO, UNION PACIFIC jokes on tlie îewl v-wedded- pair U'taIi, where the great Salt Lakte AND NORTH WESTERN LIN!.- is coming Vo 'be regarded as fooliEll, Templestands%. Thé Sait Lakete Vnt- TI,6kets on sale daiiy front sept. z4thi te if acit aotualiy vulgar. -Lven tIi. pie "x~t $4,000,060, and was !orty- ' ,itobe<rLt. tfri-icago te So L e c t1rowdng has ibeen ehaniged t(o Aive years iut building. The oth1r Portland, Tacoma, iSeattle, victoria, Keot- showerin-g confetti or, better stili, ttVab temples, Manti, St. George, amny District atnd Caitedian Nortwe.flwe r petls-if a.riyîliiig mliit 1'o Correepondin,1v leiw ratea f rom caîad- -ro and Logani, oet al (eld about $3,- 1"n Po i..1' rough Tu nstslee and trN 000,000. Material at tIie ine they fyee1rrclininff cair cars fromCliao wepe erected was very costly and evers. Fe full partieulars as te rate«, 5Inard's Liniment RsIleves Neunalgua.' 1transportatione difficult. 1v is »taIted routes _an J liieraturo, write or eall nit - B.Il. h.Bennett. General Agent. 46 Yotngo iby iti-ie authorities to-day that as Si., Toronto, oit. "And you say tliat Jenits- was ogood building can be, don. to-day -cured of a -lad case of iisomutia by for about one-third o! (ho cost. So Happv i-; the muan -w-h) can iforget suggestion F'."Yei; -pirely.. -by it would eeem (Sat Vhe Canadian all die inean thin-gs lie kio4w.about sugeto.Iawf ugtd(a temple will compare favorably witth iseîf. since lie could îot slee-p -le might- ainy o!f the. Ual structures outsidc tnrsLmn ues a- uirf s w-el! 'sit up aid amuse Uhe1iaby. -o! the Great Sait Lake temple. *î3d îlsiCue adu t~ worked like a c'liarm.'- As the Pienie.Dr o s ' JFORMATIé\ -,F011 iNVENýyotOS An eiglit-year-old 'bov welit ùî - 6liarol picnic and, being a favor;te Indian Root- PIUIS Messrs. Pigeo-ýn, Pigeon, & Davis, with the ladies, -had 'beeuî Iilbralv - r aeacodn o -omeuai Montre, ,report tlt(120 Candian suppl.ied with the goodti iiît-s w use mae acrclnt a e-muntathe Patenta wer ud o h eek eat: LaVer in the day 01orl ! the Idal- adlaîdicim them iby ending Auguet 25th, 1914, 79 etf ladies io'ticed tIi. boy eitt'lng utear Dr. Mlorlse. Though repeateti at- w-bld were graited te Xniericans, a streain with a -woe-begonie ex- tonipte have been made, by physi- 18 t Ca-adane 12Vo e~ieit o!prezision on his lace and his hands cians and cermis, h har, bcc fouuxd 18 t Candias, 1 toresdent 01impossible to improvo te formula or Groat Bitain i ad Il te, resideîts clasped over -hie stoniacli. XhY, the pilla. Dr. Morsc's Imdiii Reot of Foreign Counitries. what's 5h. maSter, Wilie 7" site Pilla are a uouschold rcmiedy througit- Of!-(ho Camuadiaus, 7 were reel- veny kiîdly -asked. 1 fl.aven't yot eut- the wor]d 'for Constipation and dents of Ontarigl, 6 o! Quelc, 3 o!fliad enotîglu te eat?" "Oit, yes'Ifl; al Kidncy and Liver troules. They rBritish Coluntb a, and 2 of Mani- eald th. -boy. 1"l'y. -iad enuîgh. act prernply andeifectively, and -p tola. - But I feel as -though I don't wanL t 49e h vgeM -' - ~-:±-~ e~-~-. ~alI-ve got." - - ICe n@ te S se week 760 patent4s were , Wsued, lb ei wbieh w-or-o granied te-. Canadian Inventor%. A man who thin-ks exlrentely w.11 o! iuseif is an egotiet; a mai who cnmake thé w:ortld thiak extreme- Iy well o!fi i a genlus. TOUE OWN nnRUGGISTWILL TELL 10L' .Try Muria eeltcsnrty r R -ci Weuk, Waters Byes asud CrniselEéis~5nrlz insu- le<imfot'. vrte fr'lipok af i toye taY rni',ree. zu rtné â emedy Ceo. clétago The key tc pk'euure de ltonest hard work. All disbes fast e g ood wlth that saucel. mînards Linimifll Cres lurns, Ele. A wag, tfio otbor day denied tînt Bunvan wae t-be author_ o! "Pi- gnim1's rogrees.". Being ,contra- dicteti be.cotiued-"¶ quesâtion-l he even' conte-nbuted te t-be w-rk. for itý de ii-sibê-tiat a bunien coitlid conl ribute tW any pîlgnixn's progroi.". thspailit f~ adatadlasta Ranxsay's Paints are hloiest gooiL-nade o! b=neatra-ls by honesi' 1 e aaiSzehods iad fniwti eti mCeLtt rqute5iffor Whuch -ih Cortetuavl forIeilsurite for it agpint atp"Ue. (5) A. RMSAY& SON- CO. (Estabitd 1842) MONTRAL, ýpQu.. t - JUHYt-fitigoi, nr- se se t . il OVATIN N -QT gpgETIVE AUO. 1914f. -AND YKIRI1AF. 1 oonotijo A f JLiïr Ar.8 TiNTON L N-'. Ier tilueti and #41 inlformation, -n6 ~' asengr.ept, ~ t £ %olà &L.,t ---. ----- , Ogti - - 1I1 j-k t Y -- ,-'- ripe -jývf!che Place i pini -bolier; sUrl 4olves aid de îot bell. feetiy coiýd Cream lu tte freeze PÉî --fine. 4 an Zen mi xt-1.re the cal. (arn very s d-asher and g4.n-eral dxi Pe9eluPta I'oiii oU-a bal - ver (ho el-P Cbopp'cd 1fip o-ther -laye Crumban<x layera unti- tee. la'b,1a -ai q,'liWE3UF --O WÇM hutio and t4a etee n 1 saueezded ýh ,iatar out. JI rubbed on different remedie,, Salve and .OCram but tbey d14no, good. 'Phea 1 saw tbqï adverti ornent, of CuticuraSp aid Oineat aid sn f asil.Igot tand beganualng theit anâ in a weeks Urne I noiiced a changé.. I-1iaaed -te sMple of Cuticura Sop, and Olptini,: and oie box of oCui c lneiî tfrot iehé drussore w1îbthe Cufl1ra soap. In a moath aid a baif the pimples aid baý heada weregoneandIam cornPIeiYcuredv- <Slgned) Misa Lydia, McIlwain, May 23, 'I& A geiatlon of mothem a aafouid no soap 80 Wei sUiied for clcansing and purlfying the skia aid bair of Infants aid chlldre% as CutIcura oap.' Its absolute purlty ad'qre- freshlnq fragrance alone are eiougu to rrmn4 15 Iabove ordlnarysia boaps, bttherearadded iotbesequaHiesdeihiat yet efifrlvo ernoDient properties, derl.vcd from Çuticura Ointmrnn. which rendet- Ii znott valuable la overconIlng à tcidency tW dlatrésslng eruptions and prornoting a îor- rmi condition of skiand ai r bealib. A ainili cake of Cuticura, oap and box ot Cuticur Ointrnent are Oftei sufficeit wben au "aiehbasfsled. Uold by drugglsss; and deaers everywber. Liberal sample of eaCh mafle freS. wtb 32-p. Skia Book. Addrcaspoot-card Potter Drug & CUMin Ccrj,., Dept. D. Booton l. a. A. MIORMON SUINE IN CANADA. Are Building Granite Shriae 'Near .('nAad.nAlbftu*e 1

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