Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Sep 1914, p. 4

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the0 Park, -wii0ieO tiey wro glvn :& day o! unalloyed funi. Tliey!-were those wlro seldom or nover ha1e an opportiinity tg enjoy a pienie or a day on the beach, near the water, and If tbheévent made a red letter day. for thom n it la, litti. te ho wonderedý at. The Jadies who undertook. to con duot the proecedinge, had their ,bande zmore than full, but thé trouble was inany times repnld by the satÀs- faction of seelng tho beâming faces Wf the youthtul heliday-jnaketrs. Meals were provlded ln, he, large pa- Svil1iÃ"n,. and-,gaines :woe , playedon the spaclous greensward. The beach, too, was an attraction. Each evoning a- bout six4hlbrty o'clook band wagons brougbt tW heelidren up-town.ý On Tliursday mornîng »ie mothers and their oilîdren came ln for ther turu. RI,'ght dutomrobiles,> bedecked withlago and ôs-treaintrs#, ormed a -procession_ 1o'1h. Park, sud-,aniother, daY oif énioymeut was witneused. Mealu were agala -served in ho 'Pa- villon, asitb#- Fresb Ait HOMe Ceuld net -be obtiuled for u»e. Itla Ihopedi liat, neilyear arrange-1 Missis will b. made: for a longer holi-1 day for the chuîdren. Thie, Vîcloran Order Io doing a -noble work lu iii± w i. 1 the vüansd- -tn torlaté Wb o io'to 4 1f brlngfng thef ctrglvlng the I4eouder fiat o4 a,<., m<thers9 and chlldren a, --ev-to-be Genoera I pjýj forgottien baýPpness. Mnt,.,florib CA NADIAN WRITER FIItST. CANADA'S -INDUýSTRIAÃŽ. ip. Agnes C . Laut, the well-kneown Ca- PORTUNITY. n4dlan wrlter, was the tIrot to , se. h edn;a~tcof'1.li cure publication in -ltheSaturday Collierl 'l'"hé effeot Of the war-, Evening Post et an article trel the. American business," by ilt -I ono'ti-" wax now raging. Can Amerléa Feed lc expert, Isaac pF. iXarcoson, tgeq- Europe? ta its titie, and ita argu- peclally lnterestln é liea o mealý is that Canada, ,wlt h nt this toWn, because of the extraor upnd o State fs che.ly h t epethe dinary advantages posseaaed tbv unfot odae.utusrea h .tly the Whitby for large -irndustrles.leoking benflto! grculureInthi centy- for a favorable location. Caniada wiUl sbare wltlv the UnIted Stateà e the Thé roun on hic théaewcagowondertul opportunities the deatrue.. dispoRAI, worke Arh ýte ha erected was tion of- German and Austianids staked out on Wednesdav. ,The',wark tries opens for manufacturers te sup- wili piobîkblY commence in aý short ply the markets htherto largely tne, as Mr. Fry, contracteor. l1 monbPolized by these two warring auxious 'to.glaà good start1 this European countries' Whitby may ho.- f ail, ;W net complete the contract. come a centre of Induatrial develop itnentas , nidnaJ aua~~5t~. MatrWarren McKenzie, Who had >g il-wle ar bits leg, brokea a few- weeks ýago b ainItcaught-lu the 9Piike'Of a PUTTING ON THE PINISHINGý niilk 'Wagon 'wleel, la reporte« te 1be ",UCXS Jn a serfo-ui condition, complicions Gradually thewr nteTrn~ havngsetlaE88Batera throuÉbh Whitby lo being 1 completed. Last *veek a amaîl build- --ipg was erected at the Intersection of the radial and G.T.R. tracks, wh.re a system oet-levers will ho placed, by c which signais may ho given te ap-E -.proaching trains. It la underotood that conductors on the radiai carsj wlll themaselves be the ones te oper-1 ste the signais as their cars cross IMMthe. trucks. The semaphores have M F 1ý itbeen erected at Points forth and ý1 SSL ý épl"South eft he radiai about one hund- C red yards, at the aide of the G.T.R. WATER AND L1GHT COMMISSIONERS 1. Do yrou kuow of anytbiug else tha ceming down in price for the last few y t bas been steadily ears, except Electrié Light? -The chiet business. ef a Municipal Electrie Dept. i's te furniéh electricity -for light and power Ilat cost" te the 4 inhabitants of the municipality. Owing te reductiens in the price-ot mieters, and te the general in'rease in business, it ha@ been found possible te Iewer the ceat of liglit te the consumer by eliminating meter rents -atter they have been Spai(l threeyears. GET YVOUR l"OUSE - WIFED andliOlp us te reduce the rate stili further, and strike a blow at "the hligh coit et living" by usiug electricity i the home. - GEO. W. P. EVERY, Supt. IHO T WEATHER SA VERSj thing easy to prepare for meal lime. TRY TISE Corned Beef Lunch Tongue Lunch Chieken Cooked Hani, wanting somne- - - 25and 30c tin - 45c tin - - 40c lin Hea-d Cheese, Bologna. Orangeade, Lenionade, Lime Juice, and Grape juice for the summer drinks. BERiqiî3S ARE SHRORT eROPO BUY EARLY. imo. f3. WATIERHOUSH -Phone i WH IITBY Prompt Delivery. DEATTIS. WEBSTER.-In Whltby, ou Satur- day, August lat, 1914, Sarahi Web- ster, roelit of the laIe John Web- Persona] Mention. Mr. and Mra. Hopkinus, of Motreal, vislted wltli Mise Hami. Mr. Adamn Roland bas been visiting relatives at Honey Harbor. Miss Beal, o! Toronto, bas beeu visiting at Mr, Jas. Sawdon's9. Miss Madeline Coinus, of Berlin, îs viing ber uncle, -Mr. A. Bandel. Messrs. George -and Clarence Rioo are at Caesarea, enjoying a week's vacation sheoting. .Mrs. Geo. Ross, et Toronto, bas beeu the gueut ef C. A. sud Mrs. Goodteliew for-a few days. Mr. N.D. Neill, ot Brantford, was in town last week on a visit with --MsDo ULIU,- mr.. jotin NewI. .Mr. Michael Fallon, who bas beau ln New York City aud ,other parts of the United States, bas reburnied te tciwu. Rev. G.A. sud Mrs. MeLean and hblidren returned b btowu on Friday last after an absence of over four weeks. Mra. J. C. Wltersansd son, o! Grimsby Beach, are visitiug with th, former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Augustus. Mn. Samuel Neil, of Guelph, and Mr. JohnFi nu, o! the American Chi- cle Co., Toronto, .visited Mr. John INeil ounMondav. j Mis Annie .Johaston bas gene to the Normal School lu Torouto, aud Mis& Jean Johushon la 'lu charge e! the public school at Baggotsville. Mr. Jermyn, o! Belleville, bas reuI- ed Mr. Walter Buuu's new bungalow on B3yron sbreeb, near bbc Junction Sstation, and bas taken up residence Stherelu. Misses Pearla aud Millie Luke left Sfor Toronto ou Mouday, where Ihey w-i take a six mouths' course aI the Central Business College. Mr. W.J. Luke drove tbem up by auto. Mrs. John Parker, et Toron-to, w-as lu town on Sunday visiting ber tather, Mr. Jas. Worfolk. Ian e- turning home on Monday ah. tojk 'with ber ber ittie 5151er, Miss Char- Mr. John B. Pbilp sud wi!e, of Omaha, Neb., are visiting Mr.ýJ. R. Philp bere. John Is a Whibby old boy, and alhhough young lu _years ho aîtalned bhe distinction et beceming a grandfatier about a month ago. *Misses Lulu Macpberson, Mary Rut- tan, Agnes Kean, IHlda Robertson,' Loule MeIntosb, et Whitby, and Mis Elsie Robinson, o! Brooklinlu, 11on Monday for Peterloro, w-hors lb.> wili attend Normai School fer lb. euauiung ydar. NIGHT MADE BEAUTIFUL. By lie Electnical Decorations ah Ithe Canadian National Exibtilon. Elèctrlity as an oruament wil! ho a strlking', featuno at Ibis year's Ex- hIbition4-Yeu wilil remember a year ago biose littho electnical- bulbe fliok- ernl1k. firoflieý among lie leaves o! the trees. Thal was ouiy a start- or ton a senies of electnie novellies liaI will tuis yoar makb he grounds a vision o! lovellnus by nlght. Above the, putranc, w-Il!1 be lhe Union Jack aud lie Stars and Stnipos en- Iwlued, wl th lie dove et poace fleat. lug over themn, whille a the aides of the enîrnce wil ho twàielectnic Panels, eue embiematte o! Canada and tbe ehhen of lie United States. Tie Grand Plaza bas been. sîrung wibb' a network o! wires and will ho canopi.ed w-lhh twlukllug electrie stars. -These w-ih other deconalions wili inake it E lectrie 'Year as well as Peace >Year at lie Canadian Nation- ai ElxhIbitIon. - x.W4.LÂci= Avx., ooro De. 2ctZ93 "Having been a great sufferer froni Asthms for .a- perlod., of Sfteuyesrs (sometiues having to 0t up st niglit for weiks &t'a turne> I. biegan the use of "Èruit-a-tives". These wouderful tablets, relieved me of Indigestion, and through the contipuc4 use, ! sine, I &Mno21~ gr wlsrse 'viih that 'terribl ' dlaease, Astbmza, thauks ta "fFruts-ivaýew lich a#Xe wortb their l dld. -I would heartlly reco.mnendl thein to, il sufteres frein Asthrna whlch I believe is cauoedorsiggrvatej, b> Idlgetlo". D A. HI1 Por Asthma, for Ray Paver, fo any troublecaumidby cxceasive nervousness due to Impure Blood, faulty bigestio;n or Constipation, take 1 Yruit-a-tives"P sçoc. a box, 6 for $2.5o, trial siz@, 25c. At &U dealers or from Pruit-atives LimItted, Ottawa. DAMPBELL.-In 'Whitby, on Sunday, .August 28rd, te Mr. -and Mns. Mal- thew Camipbell, twin boys. ýUTLER.-In Whitby, on Tuesday, September ist, tb Mr. and Mrs. A. HOPPER.-In Wliiîby, on Monday, August 3lst, te Mr. and Mns. Art. Hopper, a son. - MARRIAGES. GIIEENWOOD-WEL;SH.-In- Wilby, on Friday, Augut 28, 1914, at tie borne e! Mr. and Mns. George Wol- ford, uncle and aunt eftha groom, Ethel Sarah Welcb, ef Churton Burka, Englaud, te Wm. Charles Greenwood, ot Whtby, Rev. R.W. Allen officiatiug.ý' DEATIIS. WORFOLK- In Whitby, on Wednes- day, September 2ud, 1914, Mary N. ('oeledge, beloved wife of! James B Çanadian Exhibition IPEACE yEA Anierica'. Greatest Llvestock Show Acres of Manufactures- 9ihlblts by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Governnient ExZhlblts b> West Indies JGrenadier Guards Band ragoozis' Musical Ride Ato-Polo Matches CAI>Urcus and Hippodrome Dozen Shows ln Single Hour Boy Scouts' Revlew Canada's Blggest Dog Show IBAIBYLON IGreateat Oriental Spectacle ever presented on Continent Painting@ froni Engiand, Scotland, United States and Canada Educational Exhibits Goode ln Procesa of Maklng Athletic Sports Aero-Hydropiane Fllgbts Grand Water Carnival Screo Crè tor a Band Sore o! otheron«»dsý Dozsen B ad oncetsDm Chesapeilak ndShmno Biee Mldwsy eor luItemnatiènal PeaelsTatto 10 Ban* 4Wmusiciau AuLt 2R 1914 Sept. 14 CANADIAN 1 OPENING OF DIRE tT PASSE TORONTO OTT Union Station Central (Grand and VAL.CARTII Effective Auguui 24th, and thei EaMt.l 1et haund stations bound b, a.m.- p.m.p 9.20 Iv. 'TORONTO ar. 9. 151 PlM. 1 î.oo v. BELLEVILLE ar. 5.15a 4. 55 ar. KNSTN ar. 3.3o 5. 1-30 Iv. lv. 4.55 S., 4.40 6.20 Service between Ottawa and Quebeoc 0 cafe parler cari betwe.u Toronto sud Otti cias coachies betwoen <Ottawa- sud Quel, Suuday, and convenient week-end service Trenton, Picton, Belleville, l)eeeronto snd' For rail and steamsahip tickets,;sud al info SMITH-S FALLS- an. OTTAWA 1.45 9. lv. 12,15 10- CANADA i goi-n Snext f&w mont Jutwhat it ýmeans depends largely on iiow we meet the'situation. It miglit mean continued i i i k! i I k! i persist in thinking 'and talking "é6h ardtimes."9 It may, just.as eaonbly, mean prosperity- if the keep our heads and go alter business in rigltpit of agmgressiveness. WVe miglit welJ foJlow the lead set us- by some ýof Our largre ndustrial concerns. - An excellent exampie is furnished by our -three 'l ading automobile manufacturers. One-makîng a high-priced car-lias given instructions'for - the most aggressive selling campaign the company lias ever under. taken'; backed up by a big campaign' of advertising in -the newspapers. Anoîlhr,ý who makes vaious-priced cars of high quality, liad a large announcement of 1915 models i a long list nif Papets. the very week afteir war was deé1hared. A third-a Canadian branch fàoctory of a United States concern niaking a popular-price car, is announcing an important price change -and taking Jarger space tlian ever before in, Canadian newspapers to tell the stoty. And this, be it noted, is the attitude of the thre.e big men ini an inditstry thai the pessimists have been predicting would be s r _uslyaffctedaby tue war Their unsh k . their greater-than..ever 'determination to market Successfuîîy* a iciass of product that is alWays hard to sell, should b an inspira- have tested advertising, and havze confidence i its efiiency -in 1 j stimuiating business in times of war as welJ as in times of peace. linstead'of retrenching, the business mien -of Canada niay il well emulate the action of the motor car nianufacturers, and'go out after business in the most aggressive way possible. - Lg to -I i what it. means to -- wa - icaic gin youÙ read t an.due a &mnue, M. NIC make one qth.guKc the7,thoughts .of finst sign of failin evening reading t TH13EE, There are seveni eye, some of thon time, and-straliî you have not he The object of OUr .meut is, to!su P Glaises, Andp withia teach. p I.Parkê r. op Jeweler ani BROCI ST., The regular meeting -T.U. willte 'held on- ÃŽ ernoon, Sept~br9 -three at the# home of .: ~Delegates wi. -'O thié County Cenven -Albert, Thursdav, Seý -_DRUNK AI -On 'Is kuees betore oIsrnael Bourrett, passenger . in the n ithat led through Coet- 31arch 11th, begged -tf -the shootîng. 111 dicln lbt. I was' drunk,"h -terday !on the verge Of -was bouched, iïnd decl dîd j'iot-cheri4ih hard pe .agafn1st auy ô the (nuti for, shooting--hiiru and stable Bourîhîn-.in tic flourrett -ils deîected Martin ail he 1,n'w of lie willI î)rohahly h-ob'a S witncss at- the trialI when .Joseph Beaucham Foucaulb w-i!stand bes ýdock.-M6ntreal Palir1 r:">-0p Tic Whitby Presbyteî - ire next Tjiursuiay, Sc -Division Court w-ilI <Thursday) morniug art 'Jru. lasî Court w-as- he week iu July. 36. williams lélà-'iC isew repalrnug deparîme inisi, repalnlng aI 10w cVolllns':- \Meadowbroek- Stock F nIUinerof thoroughbi &!onday lobe shown ah N Iational Exhibition af,- W 'earF-y 200 different -Vhr-sisîas card5 hbave Gazette and Clironidle li 'sud lookchhem over *Suit any purse Nawe .Lng Prnmnted3ou inside's] nsd Mrs. JElmer1 -.-Ihome te tii ir r iexti day, "Septeiiil>er 101h, fi -P-M., il bceing te occn 251h annli-crsar~- o i GOD q.AVLI-, Ti Recruits wanted te - Of lbeue whci volunteer, -seas sevce pply il +':;he Aniouies~oi t( 1 I- Go. W.ME-Ie A POSITION FOR FALL AND WINTER. W e have a .und bus ne.,, proosition for a freiable esgetc salesuran *for thi district t, s ell fr i _te . amalfruits, loweringâhrubs, @et. Pay weeiuiy, dittit free, exclusive territory. o!futadOVER 600 ACRES nifutadornaînental stock uner cutivation. We sell through our salesînc direct to the con- sumer and guarantee uelvery oi frshi, hgh grade trees. Our agenci. are vaiable by reaon o the service we give sd the volume of buiness don. Establshed as )eas. Write Pohanu Nursery Go., Toronto, Ont. appilcaut r thu-A wIhing IlurrrO stock __________%___BOx467 WHITtiV Phone 14 DOMIMIONEXPRESS A. CURRY WILSON, BA.Se,= O.H T.H RSY DOMIIN AEPRESSARCHITECT -SUILDER anid COHTp.CTOÉ 28-vlnv. Plans Mlade, and Estinates Given. WHITBY lld orandGeNOY 83 veln Ae., Ail Kinds Of Brick and Concrete Work. aypartof hed fo n dExpvress Je.5275 . TORONTO. Repairs to Chimney Stacica and Boilens a o n n e c t i o n e w i t h . a l p a r t s o f C a n - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a s p e c i a l t y . adé~ and United States. iNs R N E Whtib>t, (Box 9) OnitaioI Bell Phonç 138. Charje romapt n elvr Fire, Life, Live Stock, Plate Glass, Prompt. ~Accident and Automobiles,..FOLS w . L. O ' C O N N O RA gent for the best C anadian, E nglish C e A C O R A D UI D E W. L. O'CONNOR and Amnerican companies. CNrATR Whtb Aen. JAMES IWCCLELLAN PLANS 0F ALL LDESCRIPTION Office in E. R. Blow's Block. BOX 393. Whitby, Ont. Phone 12. FURNISHED. -R esidence, Thornton's Corners Phon41Osa. IUGH GRADE'WATrCH REPAIRIN..41 ENGER SERVICE BETWEEN WATCHMAKER and JEWELER £ A A W A Q IJEB EC Two Doo2r South of Royal otel lTrunk) Station .N.R.Station WtiTaY, ONT,,à Ten Years Experlence in General Work. ER Military Camp. Eitliates Gven. One Yer'a Guarantei. reafter--Daily Except Sunday.RO A LABORH DAY bud stations bonnid Sinigle-fare, good -go'Spt M p.m. a. M. I, H OL SVIOVING PIOTORES. Return limit Spt. 7th. Sp. 7h ,.1 1v. OTTAWA ar. 10.00 Open every evening, Fare and one third, good going Sept. 2-30 JOLIETTE 400 We have i'tleda e5Smpe 6-O7th. Return linuit-Sept. sth. a.m . p.m . m c in ; w ich a ld a ne i p e mahie-whchis absoiutely flickerlesACac .45 SHAWINIGAN JCT. 8.40 and easy on the eyes.Achnet it rno .5o ar. QUEBEC Iv. 5.30 Saturday night, îoc to ail, o iitTrot G35 Iv- ar, 5.20 BAIN PERRIN, Manag Fare and one third, go-od going daiîy 23 ai. VALCARTIER lv. -4.41 , er until Sept. litb, 1914. Reture liintit ,11. p.M. Set eh Special Low Pares on certain date, Nty daily. Eieotric iglited coaches and NCO8N&SLO Ask Agerite. tawa, Standard sleeping cars and tirot - E pFtiuafon ...Tko p.î N ICeH OLo nS OP r l e . x e p N R T ZO P ull o r i c a r r .n i .p y k t i g t o bec City. Double daily evcee t N)RT[ ZI rwrite M.0. M,1trJ%',District 1!lotnpjjr Yarker. Phone WH TB0o orination, appiy tonmearest CNI.agent. I P P T 11(LîIX, Dan MèTaggart, 'o! Senyal herses 11led by lightning. ' lu the shaqie at the lime. standing between tic Iwo t kIlled was unlniured. AUTUMN SESSION à i now open in Central Business Col- loge. Toronto, and in each oftite Six Branches. Free catalogue ex plaina nooures. Write for a copy. W. H. Shaw, Preuident Head 'Offices, 393 had 3 DENTAL rhey were ---- A horse W. ADAMS, Deutist, Orne, 1Dundas' tliat were Street, Rosidee No. .4, the Terraoe CONTRACTORS Je QIOWEL. JAMES Carener, Buildér ad 'Contractur. Plans drawn sud estimstes -îurnished.- IN, LDjijvw> Agent, wnyy j-. j. s w TORONTO .1 4 4 4 4 4 - j ig to lý 71 ÀLý&ÀL.& AL Àk -- 1 fi'nd 7 o-at' wit-hin

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