Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Sep 1914, p. 3

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jznIrgu4es on reaehmng iuixipe. 62.offioers &and un -M -nu, t&ed Col.- Sam Hughes, Two depot unité of supply of 28 Ibl'Ltr uçf iliti,, is indicated l in-Befers anad men. t-e>sosi ffr a line ofcf<ommUni-ý OforÎs of a.gitancé froni Unitedi eg-ý"O unt, hiiit b as been de $tatas eitiéëus continue Vo pour-intô omd t e wit:h 'ii di vision,- the Dep'artuient cf Miiitie. Onte Tefn l O nulestiôn 'villcern- distnguish'ed 'Anerican a fee PrieIs otl (ý i67 Oficrsand. te provide a'ful corpýsëf 7,000 libnu 86nure, horses, 106 motor cli4tohmen, iu evýery we yskilled in tPu'<nPOrts nd 11 Wsgbons. It 'ilLt.e work. b. 'made up as folie'vs:ý The number of sen in the camp- Oua s upplY el'umn cf1245 officers ai Valcartier is atready mire than eand men aud 5 truplçs, sufficient Vo meeothei.needs of Vhs Ore reserve party cf 271 officerà dntingent, aud 9,000 additi'onal' and men, 358 hrses and 16 v- me .n are no'vow iei<0& 415 g<~ss. 'the. continent. Themen net choeen On.e aminunition parýty cf 471 ofli- for the firet contingent 'vili probe- cern aud men audJ113' uieciia.ule bly be utilized as a reeerve to r.- transport. Lieve the men no'v 4oin- guard duty Twc general hosplta.ls of 328 offi- Mt various points. Bu~~Sin S go-~~man miiser A--despatch froni Berlin sys: as a superior Russian n'aval force The iighit cru ,iser Madgzeburg r au wàs attacking. i'4iore duriug an engagement in a Uxider a heavy fire boreiVh Rus- f oen ii.Ialnd f Oensurg insian fleet a majcrity cf t4e cruls- fog'e GuIslf and f O waurin, rps crew 'vas saved iii*thie Ger- the Guf d Finand win tcman torpedo boat V-26. Seventeen thck :westhvcr other German 'var- mnen 'vere kilied, 25 'vounded and 04Min élis viclnity wcere unitble Vo 85, iuciuding tiie captain, are misa- r4éxIr £mistance,- and ail efforts iug aud are prcbabiy prisoners. t "'float the vessel iiaviug faiied, the The. Madgeburg was bo'vn up. The c4 -tain deoided Le sacrifice his ship survivors readhed Germany to-day. GERMA]N SUC('ESSE$.. Gernians residing lu thiat'city have fled te Cadiz, Sipain. Aiuçtrlan 'Eimperor Coagratulates the Kaiser. EVERY MAN IR NEEDED. A. despateli froni London saya: RianWI Thé Wiroeets Telegrapli Oompany BianWl Require 000,000 or Srec.ived the foliowing Ge-enan of- Mors Men. 'ftuiai -virel'ess de.patch:- A despatch froni bondon aya: i'ýEmperOr William has received "bord Ritchener nee1s ail the men thie folowing teiegram f rom the he an ge," 'vas the. signifleant * I~*i~peer ofAustia: taUtment made by Premier Asquith ~'Victory after victory 1 God is in Vhseflouse of Coniaxiens on W.d- with you, fRe 'ill b.e'vitli uS aise0. neoday. It 'vas nmade in reply to 1mnt siueerely cougratulate ycu, interpellation» as toe i.p ans cf ~'er renaIeti.you hre h ie War Sccretary to adsc 600,000 -you-r detarson, the Crowu Prince, mento-te i army, "It is a mistake sud"the Prince Ruppreciit, as 'veli to think that only 100,000 men are am Vthe iucxnxparably brave G1er- need;,ed," continued Vhe Premier, ;pihuarm.Wr-tai eepeswho, answeriug -other questions, m"~'~htioves me and 'with nme My decaarcd Viiat British volunteers «t.%' vn -tfies. daya of worid's his- wouîd net be conxpelled to go tory, LSJOEP .'" broad. H. added thitneo ousld- l "FRAOISJOiEPH' " eratuiou haa yet been g1ven Vo the. "Field Marshal von Der Goitz, question cf enlistlng muen bet'ven 'vh las es trstd b -hsEm- the ages of Lhirty and forty. aeror. with Vhs administration o! ht- part of Belgiurn in ths posses- sion of Qermnany, fias left for Bel- gium Vto ente-r upon his dutiesasa Governor-Osuerai. The civil ad- mininstration -las Lissa sutrusted teo the FPresideut of V'h .e Governîmnut Baard et Aix-la-Chapelle, Baron von Sandt. HMelwill be knowu aks the -Chief Adrmiistrator. -'"The King of.Bavatria bias left fer fixe western theâtre cf 'war. "Thse former CýnsuI-GeneraI at Tangier Teporte that the bulk of Son of Kilng George 111. A Jespatcxf rom bondon gays.' Prince Abert, King George'. second son, 'vie has been 'vit-h the Nortii Se& fleet, 'vas reoexptiy taken iii wibh apperudici-tis. A s rst aud quiet were necessary, the Prince waa landed at a port in' Scotland. Mis condition cauSes ho auxiety. Prince Albert beenune a rnidsiip- man last year, and -wuafata-ched te the battleship Ceiliugwood DiedBra'olyFor, Thoîr, Coùntry A, Jespatii f rom London says: mourning the Iosdý cf seme of their The Daily Mails Cepeuhzgen cor- metubers. 'Among the silain are respondent telegraphs. that the Ber-* Baron Joachim von Speck, und lin ewsapès ae flle wih .Sternburg, the 20-yearold son cf lin ewsppersare ihle 'vth le late Ambassador nab Washing- et-oîies of how prominent German ton, and young Jagow, a relative o;f officers feli on the battlefields. the German Fûareign Minlîter. 'Prince Frederick of Lippe cried as Lieut. Hans Deliuis and his brother lie felI, 'gra»ping the regimentail Kurt were killed al. Lioge. Their standard, " Save thie flag I' The father auJ another brother are stili ,noblest familles lu Prussia are in the fighting lins. Brion SaodFrenoh Left Wig A deigpatah frein bondon isays : Generai Jo>sepli Joffre, commander- im-eie! of Lthe Freuci forces, un a telegmani te Field Marsial Sir Jôhu 'Trencoi, commander cf Lie British forces, anys, "The- Britikkh army did not hesi- fate, but fhre'v its 'viole strengti ag9aixent forces which had great nu- -merical superien 'it>'. Iu doing se i contributed in a mosT- effective manne-r tW securing the,-1sf t 'ing cfh ti.Frenclu armny. Ih cxiuuited in~ this task (if devotion, renergy and perseverauce. to which 1 nmust now pay my trib4ute-quialities whichî 'vili 'bc shiown again to-mnu'row arnd make certain the triumph of 4our cemmon cause. 7%ç- French army 'vilI never forget the seri'icw ren-1 dered it. Our arnîy is inspired lith the sarne spirit 0f sacr'ifirc and the deterininatien wte Kjccuciter wiich animatcs the Britim!h f4orees. aud wiIl ruake goud te thým its dý(ebt 4)j grat -itu-dc inithe inties cf the near f ii Lure.' Air'Rai OnBritish- Capital? A despatcii frei London says tMons ail favor sucli attbînpts. Ther. ,The attack on Anti#rp by a. Zeppe- is ne reason te supposefthat th, in- jun dirigi bie ballc<onhlas aroused ternational code regarding an at-_ éome a=xety regarding Vue possibiL- tack on an uuf<,tifid city 'vj uld be Wt cf a similar attack -on bondon., respected by üuhe Gerns. .The Daily Telegrapli dilacusses .at "Under favorable conditionsa ýoine lngbh the advîsability of pro- dîtigible f4cm Antwerp couM< resoh vidinig a suitable protecion for Lond<>n in about five heurs. How- Iiondo>n pgainàt esch a raid. cyver, the chances cf dpt'rctjon, "IThere exista Uj1e.dftùot possiýb-il- even by ilighit, areoverwhéeîmin w t>, says bpý e,"ta fiihrêdsZeppelin in orderte fulfi l t r~a1d~o*& siùÉ rntre àbd'on'a mimt4ou would have io fly as lew as e" ecMe. mÀy ho ca.red 15,000 fet, nt which- altitude l y1. ,àle,.i.l a oM owl wit1une the range o1 the ~ ~ condi- crcia rtilicry fire.' FRENCH, WVILLING Te 'FACE DEATU F011 THEIR COUNTRIY., 1 f3wear to Charge German DLriglbles, If Occasion Cal For It. One of the. atrangest and braveast bande of nmen flgiiting in Europe te- day consista ci twelve or fil teei French aimen, ail arm~ avistors, who are beundi togetiier by a insird oath cf patrnott&sm b sacrifice theïï lives in a batüe cf the air'if the. occasion requi-re$ it Vo destroy a Gernisu armiv durglble and kili its cre'v, accordîng te CapV. Horace B. Wiid, the.Chiago e enaut, lunVthe Chicago Sunuy Herald. Their plazn la for the viater Vo take his air, craft-the monoplan. is most popu- bar witii the Frcnchmnen-higii abeve the enemy's greait ballVuen aud thon ouddenly drive hua machine dowu into the big ga8 bag, wre.cking it axidsendingtii. entire orew cf f rom ten Vo twenty-slx nmca te their deatixa. Cai't Fire AIoft. The. Germuan Zeppedin-s lu war tinie. aite equipped wità râapid-ffre guns, but tie gumners cannot ai=n ah *eçy t6rget in Viie air above the bailecon, 'aud oonsequenbly ftxe Frnch avin:ibcrs bebieve that their programmec to destroy tuhe euemy, with -its attenmdant destrucetion, cf thenmIsves, eau be c.rried out, Pro- vided they ou nmanoeuvre as te geb tixer mouoplmuea aboeothe. diri- gible9 before the guns cau lie aimed at themý Capt. Wild, who lias an interna,- tion-ai reputaion as a pioncer and expert ini seronautici, 'vae inspired to tel-I his story cf Viie baud of Frenoix avintors and thoir >ath by blii report eeve-ral damys ago tliat 'Bc- land Garros, the Freuceh aeronaut, liad sacrifleced iLs hf. in a succeas- fui ntkack on a German diaxigible such es l4ms bçen dem'ribed. "W-hether or net flhe report la true,' sàid Capt" nWiId, "jueti suoli a sensatienal incident of self- sacrifice may be leoked for at nny timne if Vie pre-sent 'va-r on Vie Con-4 tinent continuea»E Value of Sacrifice. A Zeppelin ma-hine cost a mil- lion cf francs and requires four mentis te contruct. IL has on board f rom tein to Vwenity m8n, 'viom it has ces-t fie Germian Gev- erumeut Vhousads cf dollars te train at grea-t risk over a long per- led cf Vue, for tnie Zeppelin pi- lota can-not lieccane efficient in tiie scientific nuanoeuvring cf these mt- chines un4il after years cf continu- eus practice.- Geriiany's "Momiters."o rerinanys sky uvy la lielieved to Coxisif0cffifty Zeppelin dirigililes. Therc are five dirigiblie cenatres at >trutegic points, lie-rid.es a nmarve-- lou-set-t at Heigelancl, about 'vhilciabtKilutoely nothing is kn-o'n-. No-n-e but officia-bs are a-ibvwed 'it-- In 1,000 feet cf lt. The latest "air moueters,' 700 feet lonrg, ccxrry a crew-o f t've-uty- four, six quick-firo gune, men tons of explosives, Fcarc'ightis, 'vire- lees appara.tus@, anJ a secret non- inflammable g-as in liquid terni. One cuki ldsaiI over ftie Frenc-h borde r. dynamnite fortifica-ions9 azôuud Paris and rcturu te Ge r- man>' wit.1i4-ut, Ianding. Tii.>' lave;,,- SPLucd cf thirty-five te Sixty miles au hour. The ('rew 's quarters are ieateà. l)iri-giile& goin-g up 6,000 te 8,000 f ezet te clrcp a ue'v explosive havlig tie pr-op.cr-,v offoUneg on fire an>'- thing Ltit uts would look frou tuhe grç,,t nd no bîgge-r t-han a Tootial. - lessi<s ofethîe Allies. A deFpatch froûm London anys: t is au-ouced titat duijng the receu't operarties 'm, Togolaa.d oue Britieli auJ twe Frenchx efficeru-anau 12 Bri- f isi a'-id M. French native trooýs 'vere kiIIeJ. Tlirec ,BriLti s&dtiWo French efficers and 24 Brit-ish sudj 2t3 Frechlînative soldiers 'vere xi, A ~V Ad A.dLIJWAdLAA Wý 1A Y~YL Prencli Routed the Germans on, Soth Side Aftej Pive'Days' Strugglie TO AID UNEMPL5YEý,D. -Haif a Mlillion DoliRra IIII be Spent lu Saskatc'hewan. A despatch from geina says: Emplonien more tban 2,500 nmen in Vhs ares the 'et auJ south-west ef Saskatcheuwan offet- ed by Jrouth 'vill be found durlng the fal liy the. Provincisl High'vays Comimission, whe are spending 8500,000 on rend wcrk auJ bridge eoutru.tlon. Every niarried nman lu Vue districts 'vhicli have suffcred mvilI be given work until he lias earued $115 lun'vages, and every single'man until he has earned $7s. W'hen Vieze sumse have been e-arued the siettlers wll be expeted to ,stand as-ide and allow other m'en te take their places-iu order that thec funds may b. distrirbuted as eveniyj as possible 8('ARCITV 0F CHIEESE. No Shortage cf F-ood Reporteu lnl Otlwr ines ln Britain. A despatii f rom, bondonsanys; Tiiere i.s tili ne scaroity cf food auippl>' Ihefi except for a aliortage cf cheese. Tii. ouI> Canadi-an cheese available às new at a 'six shillings hundredweighit rise, w-hieh is proba- lily permanent, o'viug te 'var ris-k. and hugjher treighVs. Tii. fussian Goverument lhas prohibited the ex- port cf butter, iun'vhich tiiere i. a reguflar 'veeki>' trade te Englnnd, of five thctusnd cakes. Efforts are be- iug made tii-rough Vhe BriLlihGov- ernment te have Vie prohiibition re- mcoved. FRE-NCHI (ROi> I[ARVESTED. Farnlers SelIiiig Thepir Grain at Fair Pries< te (iovernisseit. Paris, Aug. 2.-Tii. mwieat'crop bas been harvespted Virougiiouf France, according to informnatlen ceilscted b>' the Governient. Tii. cutting -cf Vthecatis rop is wel ad- vauced. l3-etr3 are ln. spleidid, con- dition. Tii. uews regarding fixe vin- age i. good, al-t-hough the. vines are somnewhat dainaged by eryptogamlc growtiis. Tiie femera are selling their grain te Gov'ernmenV .genVs. The price of tue whc'at le compara- tiveiy low, theugli that of ents fs higher, A Le«o"n In Moral. Motlîer-"N.ow, W-ialy, you tobd me 'à f&aehood. Do you kaow what Ixappeus te littIs beys Who fell falsehooda " Willy (sheepiiçh- ly)-"No, ma'am. " Mctier - "iWhy, a big -back man 'vith cul>' one eye lu the centre cf hi. fore- iiead cornes along auJ flile. 'ith hlm up te the moon sud inakes hl-m pick sticks for the. balance cf us8 life. No-w, you 'viril neyer teil a falsehoud &gain, 'vilI y'ou? IL is awfubbv wicksd 1" $400,000 Tributs Within an Hef ur. A deatel f rom bondo>n sa>': A Boulogne despntto te iStandard anYs that Lie town -of Tournai, capi- tal of -Lie Depart-net of Hanaut, Belg-ium, ccupied b>' tue German.s, 'vas compelbed te, pay tin indemuit>' cf $400d0O witluin a-m heur, Lie Bur- gomaster ieimg held as a liostege untii tii. moue>"aspad Paris Proparos_-for Possi#blB Siogo,, A despatch froni Paris says: erarent storehouses. The freiffiit Paris is preparing for a possible trains are already being mnade up Slege, acccrding to an official state- at towns in tlie centre cf the agri- ment Th- mtte 'vs dscusedcultural district. ý niet, he-mater aa iscsse .The Governwent is taking pre- by the new Ministèr cf War. Alex'- cautions to send most of th e andre .Millerand, with the subord- wounded ta Souither ndu Western iiates cf his deparbment, and steps France, and a fcw to Paris, Re- were taken to determiine the exact fugees from Belgium and Nortiiern meas .u res to place the eity in a France are not permitted to re- state to witlistand an attack and an main lhere. This ci-ty is shuply a invasion. way &tation towar4s southern and It is expected that witliin 24 western towns. heurs passenger'train service 'vili Americans 'and other foreigners be .PraétidaUly suspended iby a'flood in thecabpital &are beginning -ta un- of freight traffie bringing to the dervgtand.thaàttheir presence iu the capitalt suppliés ta stoýck the Gev- city will cet lie desirable. -I d hurchill Lapiiglu Au1 e er Ileelâriffon f lWar. Wiriton Churchill, Fii st Lord of the Admiraliby,. givarded- by a de-' tective, leAivlng the Adiirnty Offce after the declaratio>n 'cf war. Under his right arm heie lacarryiu g a despatoh- box. A¶TIEMrT TO BLOW Ut' BA4NK. Warning Imsniud ln l'ondonIo leEx- amine Al Botee ory per et cf th&w rspdim tl A deskpatci frein - bondon, Eug- ersrvsaiete epnu e land, says ; "An attempt te îîow -# the. cou to the c.oîors, and tiere up eue of the dixief bondi>n hanks." have 'been rnanX desertions. The says The Evenung News, "has led IA ustrian Em-per'or, it is said, has £oc au offiiai 'varning te al l aulci been kept in. ignorance of tte re- te examine thoroughly upen de-j verses suffered by his troops sund- thern, A lisumbees Iookîng Jeep -- tboxi Il the pape'r continues, "'vas -presented ait a&Lôndon bank for de- Siueeked King Ge orgp. posit lu the stroug reon., A aixarp- - ear oaugiit an mainous ticking, A deepatcx f rom bondon Say8: and an infernal mnachine 'vas dlis- Au Autwerp despatch teo Reuter'. covered lunVthe box." Tebegram x G&isy 8&y.5 tiiat King - Alb-ert cf Beigium huas receieved tiie ÂUSRIÂS 1EÂV LOS. follo'vig ni.esage frein-- King AUSTR A'S EAVY LOS$ ---. G e(rge,. "I arn slocked- 1,olicar f. Forty Per C'eut. of Remervits Fail the danger yen ha-xýe rua f rom tâe te Repoa< te 'aiL - thro'ving cf bomnbs. 1 hope fihat Vho Quleeu anJ tiie childrcen' haýve not A despatcii f rei Rome aYs: suffered. I ami folle'via' with oaI- The Measagero printe a Jespatch miration Vthe great deedis of your f romn Nisi naying that Austriahs.s brave a.rmy. lest oue-Qhird of the soutiieru ami>' iu dead, -vounded or prisoners iu_ Servia, The despat-ciiads that 20,000,000 RUSSIAN ARMY. The Czar's Off icers Are Showing the Japanese Campaign Benef its of 'despatch te the London Poshw hat Itum.ian soldie rs aecom frein Sb. Petersburg conmmenta on pliaSl irlien badly fed and eqî'ipped, kthe excellence cf the Russian armày but under the, condItions of to-day, e SU' fand fighiting in a cause they under- and the inexhaustible -upply cf stand, there is Itýtl-e wonder that men te draw upen;' It says furLher: .tàe Russian soldier Lam proved hlma- "Rusai& 'vilI hbave ne difficulty in self a-mat-oh for the Gernian, finding 20,000,000 men te compiete "The Gerinan .opposition te tiie the work begun by its *trained figlit- Russian advaïnce is broken and de- ing forces. Moreover, this is thé moralized. Konigsberg, wviere th-Tee first time in the xncmory cf inan Gerin arzna' corps have taken re- that the Russian arny has taken f u gi estatdi a asiiyh the field wit'h adequate equipment containeç by an adequate force and a sufficiency cf isupplies, under whiJe thei. Mtof the Russisn army officeers trainod in thue bard lesson passes on into tii. intez'ior cf -Ger- se thCoughly learned l in pJ oPa- m&ny,.aad it-is-doubtfui whether nese campaign. . Germnny has twufficient ergsanized "The history of thiat cauipaigu forces te opposie Vii. ussins.", ANNEX JO NAVAL HOSPIJAL Accepted _Proposai_ as Alternative, For IiosPital Shlpr cheme aide spatch f ro m Lc>ndnh aiiys : It 9are.cfiwha èd 300, quartera of outs h"s-Iùet reach.d Huil f rom IZure, The Mei'eey DockBonr Sf lursa be handled and waro- Ih<iiaed f rea of coie ~denat feu days aÉo tIàe Admire ha- pref4axed te seeept the. m, fled citer ofitube- 'omen ofcf Ce te p'rcvide -aud maintain 1a na: hopital, ratber than a hospital Sb The new hsitlwill b. -supp nxentary t-te iio-ýNa l pital . at .Portsniosbh, , ad 'vii uamed the Canadien Wensa's Pitel ~ and disii5- sllyl air le n- 1 the bait n excep- t J esus s theicbh- -Wierever tii. oyes rd ce2qe iempua- lflsh con- and nçb to the Admnirait>' las, .1 A despaitel from London« says: to Namnur and a French; regiment The follcwing officiali bulletin waÀ which supported it, have joined Our lséiied by the Freh Wa.Office: lines. 1'tii, eVôsges district our 111n the. north &the.Uiit ish have at- troops restised the. offensive and taeked forcs reatly superir in drove back the Germans wiio forced number, and were obliged, after tjbém to retire on the -Saint Pie brilliant resistaxie, t'o wiühdraw a sid e. Little in the rear on tixeir right, "The Germans bomibarded Saint "Our armnies maintained their Die,, whicjx i. ai unfortifled town. positions ini Be]giuni. The arxy of "In the region between the. Vos- Antwerp, by its offensive, lias geg.and Nancy cur offensive move- drawn off and ihedd before it sev- ment lias continuocid uninterruptedly eral Gernian divisions." for five days. Thi e Wusn bses Thse Britlish Bulletin. have been considerable, 2,500 bodies The. Briti". Press Bureau gavq being Iound on a front of three out the. following statement: kil;ometres (about two miles) south- "The French operations of wa-r eaut of Nancy, and 4,500 bodies on over' a distante of omie 2,50 miles a front oý four hilome,res in the -have neeeasitated certain, changffl -regien of Vitrimont. n the position of our troops, who "L1ong<.vy, a very old fortress, the are occupying a strong line te meet garriscn of whiéh consdsted cf only the. German advanee, supported by eue battaJion,' which had been bom- the French army cf both flanks. barded Aug. 3, ha&s capitulated, "Tiie morale ot botb armies ap- after holding out for over 24j days. peairs te 'b. excellent, and there is More than hall the garriseri waa littie doubt that they will give good killed or woundedi. Leut.-Col. accounts cf theiniselves in the posi- Darche, Oýovernor cf ILcngwy, lia tions they now hold." been ucqnnated an officer of the Le- A bullein to tuhe French Wa.r gion cf Menèr' for 'helruic conduct Office says: ini thé defence cf Longwy.' "The events in the region cf-the "On the Mêuse our treops have north have neither imperiled nor repuleed witii great vigor eeveral modified the arrangements made in German' atacks. A German flag view of the future development of was taken. eperations in the reglon between "The Belgisu field army attached Vosgesand Nancy," 1 1 LI 1 1

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