Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Sep 1914, p. 1

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'ns.' PETATI.BUG FINIS -Rea4y for st-e dry. Ne-mli retied. E'ýt!cks tp tue vinée levt~and kii ail the insects potato bugs wýth one applicati Tiie- only safe u'ay lt, use a str, poison. I Worth its cos&,aà a fertili: Dees net injure the plant. S10 Ibs. fe-25,0. je Es WLLIS Dragglst and Optieli MEDICAL HALL« St. a Whitl uP.si.mv4 Cal *NO. E. FAREWELL, K. C "Biiter, County: Crown Attorne, County Solicitor. Office south wing Court House, Wl A. E. CHRISTIAN Bittistr, SoIigt.ri NoWsayPublic, E .C!8e., Brock St., Opp. Standard1 Money to Loan. JAMES RUTLIEDGE, Barristes' 'Money to LWan on easy terms. 'O.Rce lmmedlateey south, Royal IH .Whitby, Ont. 0. VOIJNG SMITH, -LLI. lsuer of * MARRIAGE LICENSES Court House, Whitby, or resideri D. X. Je SWANSON Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publi __ -Conveyancer, etc., etc,. Oshawa, Ontario Office- NO. 2.King St. E, Mackie B Residence-52 Drew St. Phones-Office,. 321; Residence. Harriage Lîcensez Aý . A. LLU14 Iosuer of Mar age Lt !erses - Corner dtrs.tore. Whi NO Witnei e~requit-ad. JAS. BISHOP Osbawa, Lioensed Auctioneer. cssor to L. Fairbanks. For ti end, dates apply to self or G. R, WM., MAW -LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. A-1l kinds or sales promptly att e4 to. Arrangements for sales bu made t the Gazette office. Terms reamonabis. 9.11 and Indepeadent phon4s. WIIITBY, ONT. Bus and Dray BusInosi Bus to ail trains. AUITOMOBILE FOR HIRE; ,so Hacks,Ekrriages and Rigs of ail kinds DAY OR NLGHT. Bell Phones-39, 14 and 74 Stables and Office: Ioici 81. I., Ilipgofli - thevery confidencehali we - uts. - T O s! ~hav* snob a route lno <ur minds, andDMIONSW DY PASTORA7TECONCLUDED AIOE OFR IEND d, W hv K,..fetnh o httuebl g. "1ehe ot ar e aisU? s Rev. Dr. ?Abrabam Retires ftron Active Service. -Ate th, 'Nfe-1enthu of th ret tu e-elongawehrw r tercl.teL -- - L ), nu -of-Wboleo eSoi-t hOP9I;ttePesn in, non subsldy 'asd fràsn -~~ - - ~ :, tbit, ve have neofear' as to the, feasi- (vea ><n llt !etrn Traôadw Anrw rmyenCiich,, the roll 85 .years ago only 16 re-f.- The WÈitby Chah, biôCl b el; og Plunge (Il -entries), , C. bave no fearo iépr !~a uud n tA y~ l todaywitouta peto. man.~Dursg h~ 5 yars 490was înaugurated sOmn-»iX weeksaoHodp; 2nd, W. Smith ; 8rd, -El- -of Toronto.- Ift îey are given an op- nral ner~db teapy On Sunclay even1ng 1"~t Rev. - Dr. f members have yers, orded, 178 by xiing- Abraham pteached his, laît s"rrnc.n hs certiflcate and 317 by - profession~ of andi WhIch ha enOyýUe, us the - oo Hndrsn.-oftuft't!heoin n ha- os ri srudbt-a .' th an thesé*words, "Wheni I descead thee ad29mrigs 9 ae ae ee vacai-ng gi. an evelng te'on and ý J.?. Hornsby each 4; J.S. cheapenlng -the.foodi stuifs. ef'theon with.the ràilaI t aa.go nd40 ans aeColg vcton af neenn oPlin and, W. -Waiters each 8. people of tii. clty." 'thlng 'to bavethtudrtnn. ion. i pulpit stéps to-night I $hall',bave1 been removed. ro-tfronth . tror tehe au 4dy.Ti.tik-, or enth'acr-ut'ea, . i Aamuttd ha Aicerts .w nlettbil te alwy nhs cg ceaued te be your mniaster," tlhe tIe-- 362 dlsmissed te othr congregations tint hmd: beund pastex and .pe3ople toeI and 128 deathe. There-have probably, ets; anaounCed a. "gak4,night," and if Smiith 2nd heéat, W. Wie 8r hr !te $4,300ffloo was $20,000,. w. get that subuî,o unes w - Ibt-J. T. Herasby;> final, J. T. and pelnted etthmte ieutant'ar atsied . we c ak e ra ier. gether througi thirty-flve yearu o,.ft ihben betweea 800 and 400 non-cern- that -meant au eveubtg et unaduiter- b ' I creast t ha reet e the d-suce sats wtet'h us . T sunuhinead cloud wass rolaimed #acns ad t r1 uln i-aed en woeoîesot HeiiI Dsbaceude. tr<9eire n rct euldhdiscounttiaintheis.îly Goeram.eat h4l t ise'nod seee.samne- perlod.; Death. bau eatered gala aightit 'was. Mcmbers and vis- lut, J. S iuý njEwo e&mn ge vr ,I-oni nbi Threugh three and a hait dec4des, many..bornes, and tiiere are many who S ia nEwolHn-mn *e vr -'. nCucleahn i.Ca.Iso et, le-ing,, helpui ministry the a lL O , Oh fr ti. t u h et a as- itor, lier. ýmust avé -been a hu- erson i. 3rd, R. Tupper., te brro w the m onyals i.r a tef arad people for eache d ad h or e o dred and ifty.,or t vquadred i> GodîhtRie-Itheat,. - Clar- ILPYpasUeneth 1Idhn n he'o favoc lW enguaranteeing tuebod.é1peu1a. éteretaser cementiagsonto lnW't atlu til." he eGongt,~o.îtWL L.pybcseteGvrret r other bauw beelneill11Th serene mxan-seslatedne ' ence Hodge ; 2nid beat, J.T. Heras- " .mn te fly when we get Iy, as a member e h oeuet It Ès a wreach of beart lcords tot ner la wbich maay have met. tue îast Dr..Hare, Principat et tithe Cellege, by; final, C. Hedge.' going," hie ceatlnued. -"We, will have will' gîve you an' ssrnc titàu part, the one fromthie éther. great eneiuy bas h-een a grand test!- was accorded tehnrv r~iigikmu interesting and excitlng safety ln mmnd. W, have empIoyed Gevernment will ntauheie1b * ~ For xnçnths.tii. blowthat bas rail-,m y'4 h eiin tJssCrs.a hairman. Ia &trodiicing the pro- -game 'et water polo wau played 'by the.beuteignes ate dlg etCm suo tegohadwh te ea bas threateaed. Latt .1anuary ' ulgl.3 er !bspuo-~mh xpresued hià pleasure that teams oci lve men eacb, knowa - au the cars, boti as for upeed and comn-werk until wegtte uld'ou- Dr. ,Abraham anaouneed te bis *peo- ,ate,,Dr. Abrahiam said, wile there theColiege bailbeen able ta -cni- t Èeredu ,and the, whiteu. la the.firut fort. We den't want and won't haire tii we are -asuur.d ta h odw b>'. pieis Intention te retire, and hdbe.aydscuaeetteebýte te the enjoymet and henefit r' O hall et play the. whites, trom :the,' any car whlci, If It topples ov:ba ucs.S I-epwth ha though tiiere tollowed a pressing ap- jhad aise been much joy and uatiufab- the youag Men of tbe,!t0wn1'ly afrrd- shallow end etftthe pool, won two the banku, wil i l teL piP,1,8e and ki.*l -understandlng you wl êet ar peal fer a reconsideration. Dr. Abra- tien.Mn ffele a ogdfr19 %ch»fI cistebmaw bai w e last I t h e congre , gat c a s te M ore fruit et is m lastry; longed for sw im m ing -pool. H e eom pllm ented G . 1 ithe ends ,w ere change4, the red u m ade _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dwn stie tecogéatorte ly1 r e> fromnt tose ,who could have M, Goodfeliew and Dr. Sissôn upon 'the uame score, two te ene, tht. game r d o t he b.ul eftin e Presbytey. epeAbutldlîte.Hwee, etheir thoughtiulness la suggesting the' ending a tie. wic iretauT E N M reigna tin gasfac epted te takeiet-sthaaed wbt id aile.s seul -t ie m-formation cf the club, and the. use Oet1A relay race, i hchlae tan T E N M tectnaftti , as ct Sud t ay in A- bers, for numberless klndneses the. pool, and upon-theïr successtul cf five men each competed, preved usct.atrth at- uduinAg hown hlm. H. mad neyer trled te carrying eut ofthte idea. He iiad "'aa intereutiag item eoftth. prograniT EM M E Us.obtaii tthe god wil eof anyone by suggested te the. prmoters the. ad-1 W. Walters gave an exhibttieaet-TO REofN BE an' FAREWEjL SERMON. sacrfcng bis princples at any time visabilty et seuring an Instructor, crawl swmming, which was liberally ThoughdDr.rAbrahm's ministryeteand et comblnlng pleasure witb l- ,applauded. duringD. Abahs'&pasterate.stucton.This hmd been adopted, 1 A display ef graceful and disgrace- iiitby. 'thecocngrégation oet St. Andrews did "Wh-at efthte future ?11 Dr. Abra- and tii. gatherlng on tuis occasion'fui diiing, in wi*h ail the, centest-E net termînat. till Sunday eveaîag - ham aaked. "No one can tell. May 1 iimi been made possible tierehy. ants teck part was greatly enjoyed, E U 8 1 E - TR tic merning servAce was ciiosenas~ plead with you te continue 7our love SwIm.ming wis an acceomplisiimeat:aIl both by tiem and by the. audience. PE being i the meut suitable, fer islsare- and leyalty te titis churcii and te hlm voung- Peéopîe- siiould'-acquire. Evi-I Last et ail came an exhibition etf- Etc. well sermon. The citurcli was weîî wiio wlll be sent te yen as pýtstor. dences et tis usefuiness in times ot tancy swimming by Mr. Alex BetV,- Bank. filled by the congregation and frlendu Heip blmi as you have belped Mei.acietote wtrwren e- eisrutrM.Beli as- -WH N P R H S G frm tierchrcis la tewn. TiecDongwhat ou a e n the raketus us, tiie sinking eftiie Emprosu ef pcrb swimmer, and delighted lie aud- choir was agFnented fo the lie crOf< Ireiand belng referred te-, ýwien two ieace by an exiiio fus m ,Etc; the préence ofvctse rorn 'ther theLord, andI te scnd tic '"' ipel te ladies were saved by beîng able te -accnpshmenhts 130TetANDnany cengregations whose assistance bad ail the werld." swlm. When lie md emerged trem tie pool Hotel, been secured. Mr. Arthur Lynde ren- CONGREGATIONAL SOCIAL. Dr. Hare tien banded the. pregram, lhe was surprised by being made lhe Fleet Fc ot SLIrrI RS'MnsW r vie.e a fine.-solo at the. mornîng ser- OnTody.valgti og ega r tte arousJ. King, who calied for'reciplent et a h4ndsome club bag, E C ot vice OnTuedayevenng he ongega-thevareusevents andi anneunoed the, tic guiftf the club, as a "ecegnition 'Outing fl1IQ tIc, - Fer fils scripture lesens Dr. Abra.- tIen et St. Andrews church held a winners. of their appréciation etis services P àviJ bai read tie 23rd; Psalim and a per- social ia the school-reem, the prim- as nstructor. Dr. Hare, on behait Shoes.,SeiIy tien et the l7th chapter et -John'su« ary ebject et whlch was te take WINN19U 'S. et1tthe club, made a neat prelimlnary gospel. Tii. text was 1 Cor. 15 : 1,Z2fermai farewell et Dr. Abrahiam. The Learners' Race (one" lengtb etftii. speech, voicing tego iIadA Cail Solicited. Phone ', 1,b, nt ice. - Moreever, bretiren, I deciare un- schoeî-room was weil fluied, amoaguttank).lut heat, L. -Cormack; 2nd gratitude eoftth. beys. ___________________________________ - t yo ti. gspf wiciI peacedtiose present belag representative heat, Ivan Ross ; fiaah heat, L. Cor- Thus was cencluded an eveaing ef tit uno ye, wbicb also you have r.- of every Protestant churcit, in town . mack.,wiolesome and mucii êéppreclated lic ceived, and wierein. ye stand by An- eajoyable programNof seags, read: f Open. Race (two iengtis ef tank)- sport. whe loye àre saved, If y. keep ig -e addresues was givea, and lut heat, - J. T. Hornsby;',2ad heat, Ms. J. J. King aeted as- master eft5 T E sAam ln mernory whal 1 preacbed untô he D. Abrahamn was asked te ste'W. Walters ;Brd heat', C. Blanchard; cérémonies, witi .J. H. James and gl Block Yeu1,unl1ess yc have believed la vain.." forward. On. behlaît et the cuega- 4thiheat, James -F0L't fi4a heat, J. C. A. Gocdfellôw as judges, ancj A.- Z Wlth wonderful control siebrpeetdhm wt ver volée tien Miss Donaldsen, on. te o - T. Hernsby'. '-iett as officiai stan r.TH 326.andemoion Dr Ababa bean nd etifie cheefr one thuad -26 cantion Drbi brahiiaddres t ansdolars. udgeqe fMcîne i sndtw people. H. confessed that it w n:aword,îs ld of the. sponlaneous, H !I ~ D N et bard' and difficult lhing -te say good' heartxvolnâymne n hc O ' D M BF'CK OC N C!EcpRllYfor bothpap ad bye nnd iay down the work which for' - ,giftltiar3an n e î nec-IDJJ i[It , îéerest is the firieet alcn 3 es eia arronwithioutIand ail gladly contributing to this- ath abreak. île bad corne 'to tire confl oken oi esteem and affection. HY D O E[\T. quYOick leen d. thethese gregation, lhe said, a voiuLni-man witlîh r . rhadai ta bstoge this n k i s m ie asute is uti awt ndlanv n i it nev 1cs rvniwsed I ta ut thc D'viings ofhisProposed [me IoCosi $4>3000,000'. dor rtJudged,.,B er bad any i'gîîhjlts ,mr tiîniditv, as t(V ,f the Cor ::'gatiori. l xvas, lie feit, 1lO ~ T th e m essage 1IP, hr-rught Io the co - 1uîrd eec l. li t- no mn ke îrieîîds A m tng in te i nterests oif 1ie B ek quote i an e'am pT ORnO N TOtat SUC- gregation. Ilis frst ext acs astnrl pr's ldoEeare Rai1% o PPi b t ('unt in nu bc 1 e asili,, lbut when lie (]id he c]ung t,îroI e ydo fecri à'wai ane, wlze a 2.5 power utedrtW -II"B Y .A i .- i teriswa, ' Cri;tin :o1 lleho)e oÃŽtheni. li i holme ila Taranto woultl, was beld recentli nI Agincourt,%vlien rnad had heen convcrted into a lty . A. ICleYanBMR Atr lobb, glort- . Tbf' nie5'sge li. bari, l uiais be apen toa ni- person troin-nSir Adam ier- was the chief speal- dro powier concern , witl a resuiting Desie I.a onavleBki C. A. Mn.le.r.- Nci preached coiif dtt1r '. Whiie lie lima-' Whitby, and wlbon soirr.' n-rc1av -.'Flite ilowing are cxtracts troit- saîigu ta i $lS000 OrnoaaBw J P Oe nCA. ng-r,-cke1*,,7ý . - el ad proiuaiîuý failed in rnany borne of the congregation of .A"h is address nLAD GRC TUE ways, the Gospel bad neyer failed, drcws, if lie knew it, b.e wouid corne "<ntarios 1Hidro Eletrie policy andhebni onclntiusy ndnvr-and shed a tear witb those berea-cul having beem proved a succcss,, the r "Anotier view tbal we have la iid te be faitlifuii. The great work of He expressed bis thannks for- tbe peoitie of lbe province are now arix- constructing Ibis road," lie continu- aOn prearher was te preach the Gospel, numberless kindnesses show-n to Mrs. tous to stili further eniarge lte cd, "lu tie etiect it wiil have la sup. tn-and he could lrulv sav in the wordsj Abrahamn throughout the years, and greates-t pubiic-owned eiectric -work plying publicly ewned eiectriciîy in- 1S ea fthle texl. "I bave' preached tinte cspeciaiiy during limes ofilîlness. on Ibis continent bv the construction Ibis district, lrem- Newmarket on yen the Gospel" In looklng bnck- Dr. McGiliivray, wlio presidcd, tien of a Hydro-Electric Radial Raiiwav tic North te Wiitby on lie East, ________ ** ~ ________ ward over ils xinntry hé could say calied uPon Rev. R.W. Allen, Rev. Ssteîîî." and tbe assistance liaItie rend il C H uO * C E liat tlb. only prslacblng tint hmd G.A. MeLean, Res-. Dr. I'Tarc, Rev. To' these words Sir Adamn expiained give you la marketing yeur productu dene imself good was titi decla ra- j05. Fletcher, and Mrt. GIo ver <.îù- the objeet oethte meeting Iben ieing in Toronto, Il wiil aise have the - tien etftth. Gosperfo Christ. H. mad dent la charge et St. -Jobn's), al et heid, and ef cîbers te bé ield tendency et epening up much ofthtieT 5 b EQ (,trIed ail his mlntstry te be truc te whom speke very klndly et Dr. Ab- througbout tis district. land for dalry purpeses.O i Am - ___ e.tht s key note. mndrgetdrubisea-TEF STSAIGO SPLYC T- -- - _ _ '4 r 4 r, 4 k. We SeIl Fermes ald**Il. classes country real ,estate I >HIN PSE &eo Lumsden. Building -TORONTO Worfolki. Au accident with a fatal termina- tien befeil Mss. James Wortolk cf this tcwa on Wedaesday, Augut 26. Mrss Wortoik essayed toekickmre crab appies, standing on a ladder evesai teet trom lie greund. la éome way mie fel, suslaIaing a compound fracture etftth. right arm juil above 'tb. wrlst. The lnj-uzy was a, very palatul one, and early tuis weeikMss. Wortelk siowed s!gno of icck jaw. Her coendition becarne critîcai on îWedaesday merning, and deatb carne uuddenly on 'Wedncsday atternoon. Te add te tithe sadness et the fatality, Mrs. Worfolk expectcd te b. cenflaed withbl a fewý weekm. Two mrail cidren, One about tea years and lie ether two and a hait yearm, are lett wlthout a mothier', love and case, 'While Ms. Wertclk ln iett desolale and Ionely. Mss. Worfolk was'a bright, ener- gelA. Young woman, whom ne nuek os danger would. datait, and whe et t- en hook riaks whIch a legs fealles pesson would neyer encounter. Shle ,was a member oet he Baptisi Chiureh. The. fumerai wllI be -bcld on Fslday atternoon ho Union cemetery. "Hoch Der Kaiser."t To tbe Editor efthle Gazette. Deas Sfr,-The eneloued verses $rst appearefi about the lime eoftiieBoeer va, vien hbey were reclted, at a banquet lan?4etyYosk. by'Capteiný Coghlan, of!1the Rahofgh. They, %Ã"ý getier witii lie speech wMhi.a=em- paniedthem, gave great éoffe1 té' Garmany ai lU. %%ne. -1-Xeny of ur fore, and as tiey are particularly apropes at the. preseat tlmeI tieugit tiem tee goed te keep. E. L. PROCTER. Der Kaiser ton das Faterland,- Unad Gott und I ail ding. command. We lwo, ach, don't yen uaderslandl MEINSELF-und Gott. Vile @mo men sing der -bower divine, Mela beidiers Bingi "De Washt arn Uad drink des heahituA Rhealsh Of NE -und Gott. Tiior.'s l'raaSe, the swagg.rs ah aS- rounLd; I She'. aus-eopielt, she's ne aggound; Te rnueh, w.6 dinks, the dont amound- MEINSELF -und Goît.ý Sb@ will net dare le filgbt agala, But> It she sheuldd 1,11show, her hiala Dat Elsaui und '<An French) Lorraine Are MEIN-by Goît. Dere's Graadma, dinks s be's 'nicht ochmali bier, Mit Boers asu ch shminterferel', Sbe'il leara none owns dis hemis- .Phare- But MEP-und Goît.- Siie dinks, goôod trau, some ships sbe's got, 1 Und seldiers muit the. scariet gosl. Ach 1 We ceuld hnock 'em-poof-uke dot- MEINSULF-Mlt Goit. Ia dAmmsOf poeS brebare for wars, 1 bear der belrn- and isbpesr or1Mars, Und gare not for den dousand Czars- MEINSBLF-und Gott. In fi4, 'l humour every vhlm, Mt-aspect dark and visage grini- Gott puUllutX?-isud .1,umt lu-m.* MEINBELF-4nd GotI. roule, and tacts and figures have been acquired by the engineers efthle commilssion, settiag forth the coul ef construction, revenue, operating ex- penssand the 'respective share et each munlclpallty whlch A-to reoeive the benefit efthte lino. ' NET REVENUE $20,000. It was expiaiaed by Sir Adum Beck that tis line,, which -lu known as the. Toronto, Port Perry, Markiiam and Newmarket Hydre Radial Railway, wil traverse a distance o! 105 miles, wIil coit In construction $4,800,000; the operatlngxervenue ta estimated at $770,000, operatlng expomnsare oui- matei at $489,000, leaving a profit o! $807,000 ; the. annual charges, An- ehudiag ntereat on bonds An placed at Sâ87,000, sand the. net revenue for the firet year of operatIonwould bO estimated àt nearly $209000.1 "hl lu -twelve years ago sino the people - oethe Province first concelev tue ides pf dlstributlag electricity1 on thiiel owa accouat," said1 i 'Adam Bock. it was a long rond and 'a varled one,. as -fax as. obstacles were-S-aceaeèd, but tbe public utocd steatifait, the ,,nmleipaRties stocd sheulder te, mboulder. There wasn't a 'waveslag munlipallty, . and al- ttough tndividuals - did objecitet csrylng eut the will etthe people, Yet the wifl 0! the people prevalled lunMe end. "1It in tii:e or four yanis Miice 1 Wpoke st Brattord, wbea I ývMentiu te predlcottht, beap bydo-éle1rAc P9ver Would *mn ébaâ.1. "d . wruùiA --y--- ation lia t a n oee- .un mueli 'ihaanr li s ham -with 200 i.p.,-on tie'same bas- is as otier tewns et Us sire are gAr- en pewer i, but in conoction witii Ibis railrcad we can supply .Markiam witi lie same ameunt et power for $27.611, ms about $18 i.p. cheaper wltiout the~ railread. 150 b.p. wcuid coul Stouffvllle $41, but wlth the, radial rallway w. can suppIy tbls village for $32.44 ; and Unienvylhe would cest $43 wthoul lie raiiroad, or $25.85 wlth Il. The construction et the rnllroad menas a savlng of an average ot $18 la the. coat cf supply- ing the. villages tirough wiilchii t Ase te rua. Tiie lino would be 4,400 voit power, suffildent for a lftteen mAie A MODERN RAILROAD. SAs Adam utated tinttheii.lway weuld ire the ordinary troiiy cas sys- tem, -sncb as was ia existence An tue province already., Il wouid be s first-cIass, up-to-daté modern rond, ai railwny, equal Af not superlor ho the 'transcontinental C.P.R. An hies, p4ies, rails sud rates, a râpld transit sys- tem and a conufortabie on. 11 do net think tint we w'All erceed the estmated ceut t $840,000 a mile to gAve yen on.etotute best elechric- ral- ways that bas.ever been censtructed ýon- thii continent orny ohi con- tinent," sfated Sir Adam Bock. TO. TORON TO'S HNCART. "gWhat bas,.,Toronto done? 1 arn notcensuring sayene tatit cslty for being lai1 becauoe 1 hlnk the Toron- to. Goverament bas At bauds -<falrly woit fllled, sud tiiey look ho us for information-l',do not may tbey wll aceept lt-as to hoy we wlll enter Toronto, beesuse hum wbols nbeme Jun'h-vortii a button unless TUo a 25c. PER BA8KET. Au T.LAWLER WHITBY, ONT. Phones,; Bell, No. 47; Indepenclent, No.-47 PRICIE~S 1of some articles bave advanced since commencement of the- terrible war la Europe, ibut some articles of, food remain comparativel y cheap. SALMCeN TROUT AND) WHITE PISH are now as cheapas they wvere years ago.i We have weekly shipments of these deicious fish, Parties ueedzng them wilI be àuPpliedb evn hi rea of cholce dry q'uality are- oifered by us at CIOse prices. PLIMS and CHERRIES have been failures here but we have been supplying themi from the wMst, l1o 14st year's prlcés FRBSH MISATS of the cholcest-qual4t-bee f, lamb, veal, pork and tenderloin are futillse4,ag ' very small magin of profit. We'rnow supplyfng huckieberries and thlmbleberries. Wu B. PRiNOLE rZ

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