Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Aug 1914, p. 6

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-DI5CUqA4GING 4 TQRPO FROM A BRITi rSH DESTROYER_ SERYIAN KI~'3 GAR~ERtwosons and hisdaughterwnt>f~~ fs *~y R madie hua home- there uutil the mnur- - der of King, Alexander of Servis, EXIILE9 ,,111][111F'R AND RARE, Xune, 1903, -then the Servian Sen- A VONDERFULILY OIGANMZi VET A OPLý sO te umroned himta the throne I>PLl~R. which hie father aud grandifather FIGRiiitIsG BODX. - hati oceixpied-before him. The murder of Alexander was Ritig Peter Fought With Fr.atce inI the direct result of hie leans t- n lntcrtesting Esplanation o! ti the PEituîeo-Prussiau ward Austria-Hungary -andi Peter owed hi-s elevation tg the throue ta oal li ra a 1Sur. b is known Pan4Serb-anti pro-Rus- ehine. King Peter of! ,Servia je the Most sa-sypthesi si acces- The German army of to-day is th pictuf-esque figure amo ng European sihn h as tiligently spread theMotefcntigig a-.alties. From hie yoiut-h until he Pan-Serb propaganda amon the mateffient fi htingOrganizAtii succeeded tu the Servian t-lrons, neighboring peoples o! Serb bl ood la evtia oee r t]. eleven year.-iago, lie wan an 'exile andi thus incurre-d the enmity of the baeredas ma othe or.th front hie niative country' by turne à dual monarchy. j4Sneh aetDtetrn Au etrian, Japanese, Chinese, Tur: an4Older o a onspièatdor. le, leven yeare ago, gervia has doub- iharmies have bec-n organized« oni ýlix abealgpraeinl4Owen. led lui terri .tory and nopulation, bas method cc-pied from the Germai fatheî, Alexander Karageo rgevitch f0light twO taucceseful wars with SyB-rt, aritsane-ffcr !t was Priîc2 cf;Servi, he weut intoe Turkey aud Bulgaria -anti has -be- Onrmanuarm.y.1o h eri hc exile witli bis parents i p 1858. fis co0me the Otrongest kigdom irnhd lat4mer. ion ro Kara Bm~k George, BalIkans. Peter's efforts te extend he atitains hie wnis i.h& r theo &rvian Liiberator, had fallen Sex-b influence have been especiftlly ,,ry maIe German must report t( Io inuch un-cer the influence ofvinaceseful i-n Bosnisansd Herzego mtil fhery autotesedf -hi-s i Austria to -be consideret i sfe- by Îia ic t was there he fought tit fh ent xueibcu bils people. succeedully in 1876-78, anti Austr iao! some physical defec-t lie miii Peter was educated ý'n Hungary never sure o! the liyaity of lher eryve two years if in the infantry anti at the French i nlitary sehool southeru Slnv sulbjecte, le -fearfal of three Years if lu the cavalry or ar - cf St.. Cyr, and at 24, when the the resuits of hie actitites. tillery. For hie services he receivei FyAnO-Pussin wrbean, e jin-a Pittance for pocket-money, cd the French forces as 4,voitinteer Atrm , atrfereti t the tnifi Tîane ,his royal -birth, lhe waa EPCHLRN EL res erves or a perreo iv er allowed a commission. EPCIDE EL rsrefoa ridffv yr, .Peter came through the war. a IIURING HOT WEATHIER During t-hie periot iehois requir& poptlar eroin Fance, Trçeto go through milit-ary training witý -. p pul r er in Fr nt-e. T h e veF r m ot-ler kn ows ho u fa,-al the is reginent a m onth or tw o a cl timnes traptîtreti by the Prussiarfs, LA stmmer nmont-lis 'arr e t aaî-î ýear. thrce times lie escaped anti rejoin- hi ed the Fi-encli aî-inv. His defence, ' ldren. Cholera, infa-niun, diar.- Unie uf Remeri-es. at Viliersexel, o!' an (>1< castle rhoea, dyî-?fltr-v anti stom-wicli trou- 'Now he is passed imto tdie -'Land- agaîust an ove rwlelming -force, won Fî- r.iica hstm~ nictl wehr,' wlere lie remains another laini the legion -c1Ehuînor,' and A ol a precious littie life is ioý-t after five years. Here he is calleti out onîcle,- at 24. He withdréw fhomth - Onlv a few heurs' ilînce. The mc-- for dirill at any timne desired by the army immediately alter peace was t-he-r wito keepe Bxby's Own Table-te iityaut-borit-les, Froîn the irst Made, andi began iu Paris a hie fe i-bhe lieuse ferelasafe. The ccea- dc fto"ader h e exiJav-ag,%c-e and i dssipatio nj ionh use ôf bbc Tabets prevent maxi so the is asse nt the Gec- whiàh touhi broughit-another kind ofet tomnaeh and bowel itroubles, cor if m ontidciere lie stay untilthliec lame. --t-he trouble cornes eidenly-as it oed39. Then heregoes to the-bau Folight ge-nerally does-thcngTabbyssaiel sturm" or final lune -cf reserv-es, ~uîghtAgaîîs Tmrke. bingbab saelythrough. . They- which. is called for service oniy in By 187G lie -was aimoht -bankrîîpt are solti by mcdiciue dealers r byca-o!etrneainl csit 1 ~w-xîte 'iresd seif mail at 25 cenuts a box front The Atrsxynsbsîiiayfr ýzosx-nia and HIerzegoviuO rùse iu re- Dr. Willia-ms'Medicine(Co., Brock- vice crnsx es an n tayfý '-- --Volt'- against TiirkeY-, Peter joinet illf1!, Ont. ie Ms t anndry. nssa> theni. The remuant of hi.s pereQnal i tadn- - 4.niý,o fortune was expended < on military - 600,000 men. Xearly hlaI!of tlh bnpflis, nd he Çargeirgvit.h uxmber pamt out every year aud jrixîce bec-anme the leader o! a biand (LOIIY FOR TR' (1FIlis. ar replaceti by an equal numnbf-r of gierlii, Wo seediv S%-,Ct t1eo6 freeh recruits. The firet 1eserve two provint-e.s cean of Tu ,rkish Snfifl -ihut the Mca lWho consists approximately- cf I,500,ooo o!gorilswh sedi%-'sp tbe e tg - th Abu in4 men, anti the "Landwehr' 4)&t forc s.i -Slathe son of he G rîji ns. o ! 2,200,000 m en . The " 1L andýL'urm '~ - , Miln ! Srs-a.theson', that The Irishi, Weish and t-he Scotch brings up the t4etal te over six mil- "j-lael who lad dibspcssessed can take tome race pritie out ô! the lionls. Peti r' father, wasi fîî-ed into) war fa-ct, that t-he Belgians Whxo have put The unit -of organiza-tion in thie ini- 8 ion u - to i ephie t r li oki tîpn up such a s9plendid fig lt a inst the antry is th, "section,' con s t-in a f:L-Ioi -o hih Pte lîvlbecrn' erruans at Lioge are t-heir blooti of 20 men uînder the- eommandi of af a pepmlar hero,, andiSrîi% regî- kmn. The ethlnologieth leor3- is that 'corporal. Two seetioxîs fortn a- W -r nrmy were cruisieti itîimsia*s the Celtic- race -came into irope up 'SOmi-detaichment" or -40 mn Iliu- tûC utria io t-be r in e'177ss' the -alley o! t-le Danumbe anti down der the commandi cf a sergeant. the ltth ntio fuîmui-tri-riil. but titat of the fIhine, whence they en. Two semni--detn-ehxnet.ag fa--rm a "'de- est-bliýlihed -Milan. who lmnd tîmînrmieti tered thle JBritish Islandis. lu't-hie tachment' cf 80 mnen tndet'- the- t ue <O i -î g h o t he:f B î m j ari s, i rl o n a rtahrus Me c o n tin e n t co m m a nd i o ! a ie itetn n t. T h yle e flote lrml on -be brriet-hi-vleft a colony iu Fianîders, Who tietaclimen-ta fo.rlxi & Company 01 240 ttltfned' jbs d iunr n aprnlytlinot- wîsli to cross the men under a captain.F<rce- Witioît-fatisPeerdr~te t- Mn-sens. These, Who uc-w number be- pau'ieé make a bittalienn'of 960 men fenegr> and became alipensioner of tween 2,000,000 anti 3,000,So0, are untier a major. Three bat-talions * - -- - lrnc -Çeoa. In l1883 lie mar- set-tle- aîomîg the .,uta uhjmborder..in -----a rgilintunra clnl tied Nu-olaS ' datughiter Zorka, andtiBelgium, andtithey have singuîarîy andtitwo regiments forîx biad -, tIe res'i té lus frtn es in'; a- preserveti their race characteristieà under t-eb e o nmand uo a m ajor- tue Jimîteegrm n ineýs azan the flood of Teut-onic races general. The "army corps,', whiciî xlximhîe'sc<n avriedthé rim lîsij 1tîtat have surgeti aroanti andi over is thi» largest milit-ary unit, con- * îsi Ibumt-c-Peter Niels îjlavit-hî lthem. -They are caileti Walioons ssecftw rtlrsdvsos sud a thci eddVcurll- xr-anti are distiniguisheti from their ('miiIuster- S1ix milliouus. ou] iw King of Itaiv. Germanie neiglibors by, theiT physi- i h etalsc h oîia The 410MOIiC, 1 t» 'aihene. '0wa ,cal characteristics of speech andtition o! t-he army bave been workc Tîe en-t -IZnk l S9 wshabit.s. They resemble thbe Freneliotwihscl rciin tla i flleby estraugeineunt;wit4 ht mrethan t-hey do tixeir Dut-ch and mlino-ldeseu b n htsixre -l atlet -ii-aw m!u Pete.r. witlli German neighbore. ..They are miti-anipertifr civ srie -- ~~~ dle:sued, wit-h dark hair, adroit, wtotdlyo ofso rms -active anti impulsive. wtunteairgcnfuonoremi- jThe Walloonà have always ma d erniseîve arefuly are thet a yVltbe 30yar'JIr wa tadlet-ho Iltr m teil diâ Con. lloons- led inu avi war that -eparat- ed ont. Immediately at-r a d- edttho countries into twokinadoma. elàrit-iono!wrthinprags- Ajp tlz ,ngu r, Q us zit. nu mt rod rt egt »t W l- e rm enjt c u d take pom s~ oon o! al oùbé"til, oursh e tbnsbed. ceric -n4 é<I the raiI-W-ys. Theniiiit-ary authbri~ s~~it~ nuzehCn tabiuedcogregations » e -e ao eail htrolling stock and conveniencesof emm- York, whoere the ecm te< ie wow b riex ct ancnty t In ae ilfondin oi llO te aens, aon'y numier of* troops at any given Toatie. peak French, the uicthon tongue o! in Gerrnany for the onveyance of aIl the Pooe .la si very aid Frenchi fruight have been numeeiat words borrowçcl !rcm German a.nd Th uileta pwrwhh Can&flan Poutum Cersa Co" Lt&. Dut-ch. Quit-e a large nuniber, of guide. and.i- confroisthese forces' is Wlindsor. Ont. - t-hem liv. ,acvîou the 'border iu t-le general staff. The generai Fi - - rane.- taff ib nomin&IIY a body of officers jE gd-to, ad ng" «.ë U Sil wib- WekeOut on My eS4 3-rêjymstmded by-,ebeýaS, M»Cq buhatng titat 1 c~tce u redu, ~rr ~lt-boigh~ ~Pmadeo$direni my bair Cam k-nw ha s~Wn~il0 i~~i tor oubtitW frameuitdd ved hM-;ti-.a7 v1aqe ~ lt oLTgcdit . Baeuni'okf vmontlee1eueS oe so o l, se >I et rc dln" n bfo , - ai,à mn-aeaevrdid uoit tiro b ottc c krt1taba1OUi4uotdoý=smuy ad o 1. ,Myîan W I e n e V e n t n l y b r o u i h t î 0 t o ~ b i t i S S B u t O u m n i a i hloopk~1IJ fal'sig 4m, b 1 to 47UM 1 D I ou for SàSmple sugt 1* e ad 1I M d them tt I saw tno e. th * , b e ft e -r 'im a g i e d t h a e m d e è c . ~ > rn n , o I t t m oe gth IjThe surgeon âpd hi a a.admants cutiu Sp a a x f CM O nauaged -to ke-ep hM m live, bût he m t ndi thali cure4 mm .. SiuO) Ma fac e is &:d.isfigiired tàh. ~~P.JMcearney, May g7.1015. kLn<own n thé dstrit'ab the "reach-e otu ar CuMOp d Otatflïî walIah" (bear iman). MMvaluble ln the tresimnt Of «=MUa- TheMOR -xtrori ad ter dieeing eruptionuorfman d Tbe uet xtra>rd-nary fJiing scalp, but neo Mer emoinonts dp aoýmueh about this c-use ia tha,t the unfOr- for P1mple«,blackboulerd,.rùgh W.u; tunate pexsan .WaO, during the tima it Wug mgr@MMdSfldruf, dy, tbIind le he kay in -h c spita l, co nsidered b s pdbande anit elisP f sh ple the frternkVy ta be unele;an,, with Mag s.u d deago r. roeüyh. F&rd Miresait thet is Owra wife wae, Zibera free sampl ocf ewcit with 32-p. bock; t.hriOugh ateWnding ta hbis require- 00114POOmt-cd10PotteiDmugSeChou. mente, thr-Own ont -of 1"caste." crp., DPBot@nU.&A 'li e~au ean la onREAD THIS VERYC AREFULLY.Il OKSXMNlfST CP TURE PARIS. ,h "For yeare 1 was thin and delicate, 1 bast color aud was easliy tireit; a My face we'e.x-nôt oulyimorti-fylng t-o miy feelings, but- bec-anse 1 thought my skin would nOVer look niCe again 1 grew despondent. Thon my appetite falled. 1 grew very weak. Varions remedies, piIIa, tonies sud tablets -I tried without- Permanent benefit. A vîsit-t-o my sîster put- lut- my hands a box of Dr. i{amtlton's PIlle. Sbe placod rollauce upon t-hem sud now that t-bey have matie me a well woman 1 would net- be witbout t-iem what-evor t-bey migiat cost-. i found Dr. Hamil. ton's Pille by their mild yot- searcblng action very suit-abllat-ot-le delicato charate-r of a Wôman's nature. Tiiey nover once gnipe i me, yet t-hey estali. Ilshed regnlarlty. My appet-ite grew keen--my bood ed an sd pume-heavy rings under my eyes disappearecl and to-day my ekin la as cler asudun-, wrinkled ne when I was a girl. Dr. Hamilton's Pille dtd It aIl." The above straigtforward bter from Mrs. .J. Y. To.dd, wife cf s well- known mîller la Ragereville, la proof sufficieut- the.t Dr. Hamilton's Pille are a wondorfut man's medicine. Use no at-ber piliai't Dr. Ilamiltan'ii. 25e.F per box. AIl dealers or The Catarrit. ozone Co., Kingston, Ontario. FA 1111FUIL 1'NTO D EATII. W'onîder! iil 1eroisi ofa 1Young 11; 1 1' . an Grman orders,000 as cos-ertit-le m- lar-e-- us ......mtYv vonn "O ,,- o ! the. raves t -t af I w t- a, n s m 3 t 3 00j n e l --e D m inion. Tim e has'prove l t ne- me-ridtrn -ewoewr"s-djNplo i h remch anmy mnse c-an you by keeplng linnclî a " o f e r l tle A i r c n C v l w a s d iv id e ti in t-o e ig t a r mn y c o rp s on t- e hef th e larg e 50c, fam ily ize Wa,"was t-bat of a yetmg soldier, with Marebal MacMahon commandi- bot-t-le mî rial izer 2e, oib iho w-as probatmy no V over sixteen,. - - -chie , near Strassburg. Em - an ' d a e an w re W e hati thouglt- cf h m as only a fpeoro N apoleon left Pla is July 213 t-to' " ' ' ' bo', athiougla i h went with the take commandi at Metz, anti Aug. 2 An evening cal is prodlurtive -of reg nie t o ai o! lt- m a che , a ti aiser W i-lel mu with Cotint- B is- m uc b pleasure--if not- w hen you leiet ionthil-fiia t-s camnd marck andti outVon Molt-ke t-ook coine, at least when3-ou go-. Ment-s, thM felanthhz. Kinx a lgud'e Lnimant cures DihttitrII. "ne day -til-e-s a fonrce en- - -;Z gag-.mnt.fikth indstof ta~ Saarbruck:aiwas at-tacked anti Mr s t puei t g b r o t s a ' i.T e G a l a n t M a y o r . and i lie felu. O u r co l onel o r cered i F ra n -e w aS irivad e ti b >'t-e G efr man r m a m -l pr ii i î t- u n u men t-o dieniount-, anti& hchimnoîf cruieggt1iv-lit' n I-i. omsa a sprn.ng fromn hi% horse, the boy t-be French under I)ouey at -Weis- ing, e.ittli en e l ta'c- e n auu- ca-lIed c-uit in a w-cak voit--, 'i wilî senbîtrg sudd tre-e t-hem bac-k after s-lsit-lug t-be t-ou'nt-o attend t-be uîn- holti youl borse, colonel!?' a terriffie five-houir flght-, in î1hich veiling o!f a st-atte o! Victori'Ernan- "Stopping lu t-h-e ldst f t-be t-- l bses u'ere heavy on botlusies, - j st-crm o! bullets t-o gaze lu pi-t-y onAi -oidynltr t-ecnwi , M-r t-bus m'xoti I' ii t-e white, boyisb fac e b c clonel jZ rince engagedt h -e Frencl. Thid iî _ _ _ saiti, 'But yoîa ca-n'-t do t-ha-t, lad- t-îme -le met Mat-Mahou's memn- you are dyiug.' Zabe-mu, anti forcedtithem t-c, et-eaueday A TiN "'Je know 1 amn, colonel,' t-h- gal- in disorder, St-einmetz, in thagteze'IA T M E S sa t b oy r p lie t. 'B u t I ca n ho l ti nean atim e, ro u t e ti F ro ssa rd 's C-0 ~~e n e e o to , sun ani a-ch et i . ne l l g e o o en t o u n e r l B îo te reins w-hen m an ead.' at ýSpicheru, driving thîe Friecl- Branches. Pree catalegue ex "Th-- colonel placeti the idue in ba,-k t-cMot-z anti Forbachi. - oi-urses Write for s couy. 1 the rembinghand andwen, fo-enday, Shmaw, Procident iHead Office w rd. W heu t-e fight was cver, lie I _______________rol______St,____nio hurrieti bacek, anti foundthebb boy. Following t-hese tiisamtrouts de-Med 60 iyiug deati, t-le bnidie relus st-il] feats t-le cight Frenchi corps werey -, wrapped tigh.t.y round bi, l-mp consolidatedinlt-o two armýie&, one,. A. CURRY WILSON, B., rigt- a d." utder Bazaine at Metz andt tic:7 t-er unde n M a -ahon at-( h on f l ARCHITECT 0 54 - . ' t w a e e h r t- l y V l e r e a f t- e n t - b a t- t c ý2 c u- 8 v l n A G.ully oQI Assassilatioii Nonthemu part o! Alsace '- a '28honeEet.l575 A- A iman, raton lu hamld. -wai csnght by abaudoneti, wiile t-be French -i ýc PooJt.57 hie wife agiaeenatiuç ot au eem yr, but treated along thoeM oselle, 1_ a corn -what ho needeit was -Putnm's On Aug. 8 t-e cown prince left ' roeSf Cern Extra-iton; it' aafe, pailîloUasdlWort-h t-o puah ou throtîgh t-b atre ail doalenams 'ue e as,25-passes c-f Vosages t-eoNancy. Be n- N Mar'Linuent Curte Garrot iu cowsé at ll ealrsteredth -le eit.y Aug. 16. Inut-ho meantime Steiumetz was-t--e most s o n e m p le a n a k o a lit t le g o a t v i - u t h e m n a r y i -long wa. especial1y a little lie. ative k FintheA ,nt-. ALordA k M A P c Muard'. iietc .e cd.Et..Aug. 9, anti on t-be 14th was mcam - irut clan, up.todate, In disecolora, sud Met-z.. Iu the bat-tle of Colombey- F 01ve. complet.e auimes7 ofco unti Old-Famhiôned. Noully, Ge. Von Moltke preveît- wa',-tht-nt, tregth-Ntvai amd mil - M y folks are to c <ld-fash ioned d th u .-î n c - e tw- -et-- A i=.-<«ive cn dito n ts tt brought- &bouF for my u -e."ing F rench arm ies . p oupa d te -ny part of Ca nada. R eit "W ba t 's t -e m a t te , W illie V , B e t - o n t h e c a p tu re o ! -M t z ,p 0 t # a - m p t o ",The>' sii think t-at- a penny'. Prince Frederick Charles tok paàt iî . .moi enoug b for a ny kidt e - spend at- ee o-1 is arm y v -a Saa-brucken -an ti noom il 5stI., Niho a s ls, Mp $st t- m e -p a r t - t r o u g b S sa a r g e mn u n -d , s d - _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _ tîg, lu drove Bazaine back on Cre- bmrw. Ho wase cefeated on t-he istit and oorn-eeed in t-be fortification4i PeNIN O P" at-M etz . A s N o R 'l'1P Baleof! >.daltprove.! Most D'sru-for 1-When t-ho Prussiane untier Kaiser Wilhelm 1, with Count- Bismarck anti en. Výon Moltke, starteti the movemont- against. 2aris forty-four yeane ago, the erman troopa Met- fiente resistance. 1t-ook hes(Ic.. the cl e t obliz th T ENDS MISERtY 'OF COLDS jPnuissian army was given by Kaiser QU'tw it Kll lgt. W i l h l m , J l y k h , 8 7 0 F r n c e G e t a t - r y o u r c o l d n o w , - t h t s v e r y declareti war -four day-s lat-or. Th-ree minute, befaro It grows dangenons arm ies were put- in t-ho fieldi -by t-ho yen should apply old-time "Nerviline.' Prîts-sians. The firet - ias under Pub -your cheet and tlîroat, - mb -Gen. Von -teinmetz mar Trever, t-em thoroughly with Nerviline. Re- t-e seond iinder Prinice Frederlk le! wll e Immedate. Chale J' te Reinish Palat-inate, Nenviline will save you from lylng ('har es ~u t-beaw ake to-nigli, coughing, choking anti t-be third under C-rown Prince anitsnfferlnig fnomn congestion in t-ho Af Prussia on t-he frontier o! Batien. cheet and acute pain In t-le t-hroat. leift-een 'days a!t-er t-be mobilization Nervilime wiil break upth -at duli enter hsd been given, Prussia hati euralgic- ieadache---w i ktM11 tho cod 50-0,0o0 m en unutci'arm s. and chili at-lie ery- beginmulg--will .save you fnom penhaps a serious 111. Oun Bîlgian Froutier. ness. To take away hoarseness, to breakj A lino 100 miles long lrom Nicunt- up a grippy c-old t-o cure a ecre titroat urt.at te juetio q hemt-ing sa speedy sd effective as lot ttb untin i -i Swis3 Nerviline. For fort-y years It has iîeeu ofle 01 the I-o R - e n wa"s"c-a ians Dec.. 6o 114.u Paig fini i'Ililus lg orps DeeeenProin Algri b Fanceriw,. -e ar Tii. ll're fo urke, 110w iglito' upper and ae, ofntie Tur- trooa, wtha recordf-c r .a nativ euag hfatsbcoths ]rMne aremond nAgra bthe aroun" 1 1 -romth faOUs Z' uave corp sthnie Turco AIgri&vl&be ti France..le er Ither areefureim e TurcofImpur- kos Gat every an o! nthete-a relmietof -re etaieondlacAe,In btl' thieZut,koia the Turco ient- Zosuies o!theImperilveGuard, ai. ware h&v. enuae.thc F ae. ja Gar thablyt ài u-faing the theld ie f ase i-nleace.ina te Crimea01 C'8ieTuro rgimeantsy dgistuthe<j temeels. b hi feiate en prfectiew cipli1nIe d arnLouenduace Tbeyace- ,cdJy lreatly to -the ue i Vh chnt are ao! e-aeuous aiastiy demonstration by the v-ast crcmwd renchi we'e, bhat numbereti liai! a million per- I tsons. 4 DaDgerous Throat Troubles . On Aug. 19 t-e Prussias formeti .a four-- army t-o move rapidIY th-liogh t-e plains of Champgne to Paris. The crown prince o! ý,Saxomy Fw-a placed inl charge of t-lu fount- comùmant. One hundreti aud ,hrythousanti men we-ro couico- t-mat-ad at- 'hains under MaeMalon to defenti Paris.- On Aug. 21 Ma-e Malon movedto Rheins ant, under orders from Paris, a-tt-eipted Vo re- lieve Metz. Ris division waa ct- by the Pmulssiaus At -Sedan, su-'- ouodeti anti overwlelmet. He sur- nendereti Sept. É., beiug ta-ken Pris- E». 4. ISSUE 8514 e.-u Ville Il Coibcrn Tora Comai- BEubinca. III, Col WAR .ATLAS!1 ep ti, date,- of Europe' an4 Word; Tabu. Iatod Riotory pMeont Ores WsrT RtftngUi of nation. inrolved;, use, tweiaty paea wev - by fo rteen, Rig m@flby- MaoiVeritabl,# CeId Mine fer Agents. Bond -tbire.y cento for 'complote sample. Nichole Lmted, Publili.zw, TorntO. OU 3ALE.-TEN PAIEs azeREDINU Fge# Foboeoondenc. aoliclted. IR.ld ANCER& TUMORS. UM1Ps.ET<L. M1te=04i&ad xternal, curait witk.'-, out Panu 1>7 ur bonstreatrnn. WrI., e before too late. ,Pr. Bellman Modica>. ONTARtIO VÉTÉRIN AfY Under thée wntrol of th. e ýparI. ment of Agriculture ef Ontario Ettabilshe 15lut Affhialsi with th.étUniversity of Terontq. Thurdar 1: 't'oiiOOtober.1914, lu th. uaw 001108e ]Euffldiug, 1 -Univei ty Aie., Toronto, ýCanada. E. .A.GR GEV.,tls Team lVonk. "How did you manage to, se. everythiing in Rome inside.o! two ',WelI, yOU ece, w got up early, jmýv wife 'went to the shope, MY daiighter te the picture galleries, - andi 1 took in the restaurants, In the evening we compared1 notes." Aunt-ls it true, Jolin-ny, t1iat you are at the foot <>f îyour class.' Johnny-Nt' quite; il-st 'about the ankie. Xlnà&aGLi niment C=re.Diatemper. Reggie --Caxi notbing induce vou to change your mind and mnarry? Miss Keen-Evidently flot fleggie. Haven't yoit tried and failed? YOUR OWN 4DEUOST WILL TEIL YOIJ Tryý Murine Eye ltemccly fur lRd, Weuk, Watery Byez and Gran uatyii EyeIidu -,No. Swaring- * li un an Ions er.. Madge-He brok'.lier heart. the wretch.e Marie-Did lie jilt, lier? Madge-NO, lie insisted Ol] ber keepin.g lier engagement whien sheo had a better offer. "sber bou, *'W.- t-o Dubcie's ehat-ter, a word ber. aud tht Isu't the kett1e :t ed. -W. have beem a arsfrald iLtf Ce "We are awfui " V'er>," sali Primr f011 hait net waited, "lo9t wsitd fo70- horror, "Wh, ati pienici Wit-houi Yom mn-el W. have-bom i.te-sever lc "'ten Ï lmopeyour LTo the fuilest pic L et imd us o ee Dulcie looked, fretp laoeionabiy.dreceàedp ddsot ftih te ,e ho le noti" - Belturbet laugbed, -Why isn't bei'" h Né Le Rolng t-o t, Wod hlmt about us,' ' Let bimf eay it ii rotortoit Belturhet. b1ave yourself, t-h-ie Phllip pa roce fron wiltcitciee1usd ieen '-What are, yout S- eked. - **Arthur*e downf aI: f.Alter tesar-1nm a wardine cîactly wi -- ber, -sud timen cite -we agalmn." .You are alarming neceffa.nily.-' cait a, mat-rer of fact, Y ibie to tell me- anyi Fou., Re roimsed, et wrhen' we questioned recollecet, wiM t-bat 'Oh. Arthur told :ba-tl-declaredi Jim -11 hope ron -were maictDulcie, sud iool bot " ie,~or xnlrnd. imart dreeo eant i Site extended hem *bod it le true,, but rery neat, aud .the "There le, net vr JIM2 -pointediy. -,- "No,"-.agreedDule Ine. havéeamali hand ThIe fg to eertify t-bat 1 have uaed iiIX. ARD'S Liniment in amy faiy t-or resme. and CÀonsider iLt-the- est liniment on th@ narke't. 1 haîve fouîîd it excellent for meme fleeh. Ibigned) W. 9. -PINita. *Wooilndtls.' Miticleton. N .8. Ilot an od uti. "Every time I see grandfather's sword * want to go tto war,' "But every timne 1 nrLice grand- father's wooden leg I e5uI dowii."# )F~~ EtRP 1beantiful t illutrated. Bise 21 x 29, rie engaged l iteproBant zuropean-Ï tlItit, -.tPpatibni -;Rmrooirh,- Sud ote.jteetn nformatioà. b ttif terriflo confict.,PrIi,, 50 Cents t it by poetal or exprcws order or RRUSON Agente Wanted.' boud eatirnN tt A.M. .. FM. J. 1.00 Lv. BELLIMILLE Ar. 0.1» Lv. -TORONTO Ar.1 9.15 1.48 - PANE, 10.42; OSHAWA 7.52 4,65j Ar.Ar 11.48 COBOURG 8.45 130L-W.k 8.20 Ar. --OTTAWA, Lv. 12.35 r. RE NTON v. ce , -,G nral ttin- E l o c r l . I g h î d C a sh i t un i C & a l e P ar io t C a r s -o n . - T i r o u g h T ri. a î For ttcketa sud ail information apply t-o neareot Passeuger Dept-., Torouto md Mont-real, (INJf. Aient or lenst ex] item isti YET th, Mnost ingredie, if tu qualit-yi your confee ferment, spci sufficieatly sa fiavourlesa. Wit St. ïI -Sugaý reru alw;ays sati St, Lawrence Ex Ib.-, 20 lb... 25 IbL -Odeir s bua c Ilic Mcdi'îtm Site-a ==Z==ZCZý a am W409 JWOI«db Stfi 1 vr Mn Imiliv

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