Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Aug 1914, p. 6

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receiving the, pureé, red bl*od of health to giyi it btrengVbh for its work. The fonic trefamient of indigestion by-Dr'.WillimB 1'ilik Pills ior Pale Pe Opie succeeds by building up and n~ihilng the bipoo uUPP1yýîso thÏt tire feeble diges tive, ordafl5 -ar stréngthened, appotite la resVbored anci t"'ne given the whole system. Tlîousands ihave jbro'ved his by per- fional experience, as is shOwn bY t1je following typical instance. Mrs. James Boyle, Darbmoiith, N.S.j - ays: "Fipr ycars I was a aufferei f romf indigestion. -1 could not tak< foo)d without feeling týrriibIe' dis. tress afterwàrds, and in conje auence I was badly rmil <kwn t: ~~1- -t - I - 1 - I The gury -and thxe romance ci war matter u4 *pid cwluaioflra b1o<>dy busineus of long iaié%&±h4' Tr e ne ', th Soinetimes aftcr eating I woutid 'ake mpelîs o! dizziness witil a feel- ng oC.llnumbnems tirrougireut- n'Y btidy',s and at thier tinres r ny heart d myuj Id alpihate 'sa, vielently tint I h faared I would die. Naturally I was doQctor-i'-continui,11 but withiout< getliuîg-bether. Then ta> huasadq go' m" a supply -e! Dr. Wiliams' I iink Pillý, -and before long 1 foundC tirey u-re, heipiîrg rme, anad I con- t tinued - o ake tirem until I was e- btored houirealtir, I was neyer ina bettc'r iraltir tien I am now, and I% ewe il ail te Dr. Wiliams' Pinke Thegr Pilla are aoid by ail med&- cine dealers- or yos crin gel trein .hi itiialhat 50 cents a box or six t boxes fer $2.50 frein The' Dr. Wil- lainm' Medicine -CO,, Brockville, TEETIL AAN D TUE APPLE- £Npwflsive 8w'ects Said te Run the Dr. Simas Wallàce, late dental surgeon te tire Londen,,lHospital, Urges t-ie adoption cf a diet- con- aining a good qusatity o! farina-- ceeous food in s- formnwiiciwil tirntthîte nasticstion-brown read and tire ealing e!of resir fruit witir every me&L, Tire importance e! tire proper came of! teeth durinug cirildirood ta, becom.- tng universs-lly recognized, and, -tie Loandon County Council have es- tablimlicd a centre for tire teatment of dental troubles e! scroolchildren witir X-mays. Ac.cording t-o investigations it was found tipIt about - 39 per cent. o! thbe -rhldren. ofwell-he-de parents hrave bmd teetlr, ais agninat 27.- per cent,; frein poorer homes. Tis is probably aceounted for b> tire fact tint, s-s tire .latter- chlidren es-t roarser food, tireir teeti have more m-ork teucd, and are consequenti> gtronger and çcaner. Tirir 6weeîm are aise fewer, and are mesti> of tire eeap, boiicd. s.ugar varie-t> Tirese-esweehs break, up cleanl> ir tire moutir, wirereas tire caramelF and circolates enhen b> tire childrer nf indutlgent parents ciing tu' -tir' teetir and 1ferment. Boy-s and girlis should- be giver fruitmn preference te isweets. Nul: and aI-1ard fruits encourage mas. tication. -TIre beat fruit for ti- ptrpose is tli&appl-e. Enten ah lin concIîîsioa o! a meal il bcaves the teetIi'sad niouth sw-cet sad cean. m.hxg ersonal herc4m-,,, OYs J I 8t to Ail' Woflin.One qustion 15 to-d&y où ilI lipi: 'laya o!-wif-t decibioi .n rye &sbin-ý pWhs~tý co sell nglad pi rse action,_ it, wouild 'be oo 1,té for eny . yd, n ile O '.shîoUld a 'generaol,,,Eiropean-,w&r Englt1s.,o at,,with any chance 'Pt ribuine- Halifax Soindu OOut a Messâge of )jelp »raçu ~ ~ o ,or1 uve'fe rnebdbe e Never Uaflen A,' Nipole6n, o a elo. ' re o! 0-t Fekrnaseli ciii- f af nte rnce h -Thbela lde- )okig dovn om ahiltop, directigoacoftefnAieàI pte&nth eh.Tlss ,e mvenent o!hi~ ariiy ~ 3, IlU~, N*~, ec,1~.Whe Intr- ion cfcurnational free&nm n i- Ithe shots fired by tire -xustra-Hun-' ) nnsitmanoeuvres under his vîe*ed at her home at 194 A St.e,~ spire, divergeflt . a5wers. t garian 'gun. at Reigrade reverhei Dire. Iaverstock wae quite.wiling to therffore nevem&rY.oconsider I ate across the -Englibh 9eh ve n heplin -below. talk of her veculiarly untortunate case. tecl ihtchaoia a idlisft !'h arwsa The modern general, directins a -1 was always 'i>îue' and depressed,'hcÏ gh fMtre1 adT ,seyoftenro.sa ,1 attie lirie.ib mle ln uc5h as elt weakA-aiiguld and utterly ufit flt rembn'te aking ri+;Z1 I it I i ii i1 ieveribe within sight of bis trýope. disordercd that 1 had no-appetite- iide as to the couep, behépur- atio fe isheselfthretenW heJpnecie fsafWhat 1 dld est disagreed. 1 suffered tonsracued.nttheti5 vas fifteen miles to the rear when ache and teared a nervous breakdown, tiens, like individua'is,. are belyt Fr 1ance wondtraeni 0 ' d o d iy ga'a ' greatlht Upn y frm gziss rcandRad* Atmmet c aperepei n- eurt. eatn vitr iua bi get ati a. fuht po y rggstsreomedtl used Dr IHamîton's PUIS. 71gidied by' thre impulse that- 1$ ately. Even ehould the C4er B G ("Iies feit botter at once. Every day 1 strongest in human beings-,thc in- navy. remain inactive, h ci 5&o 0tICr 0 W're isiae(orir. îproved. In sixz weeks 1 was a well, stinct of self -preservatiof. It is tion of Belgium and Nort 1 Toroi Neyer again will a courier, bear- woman, cured completély affer differ- well that this, shoul] be Bo; fer France by German troopsw ýng orders froin hèadqiiarters te ont phyuicians- had falled to helV iel. none but interests insitinctiveOlY le- striki a crusb-ing biow at Bw, ilid~ustriC, of' E livision and corps commander-s, Iti o hsraonta srnl ognized as vital cen carry a. people security.* We sheuld then uner ihim, as urge sufferers wtt4i stomach or diges- a »roedet tugl.olgd aoeadwihu li àave two herses shot udtive troubles ta use Dr. lRailton's- thrOughalieaddthsrgl. bigaonadwihtalek he daihes ac Jsth -atte rot.pile"of Isolation. bear tire burden cf keeping i 5Di& )rders go out to-day from 'heed-, Dr. HfLin¶lton'a Pilla strengthen the Britishr fleet superior to that of Qerm > utI quarters oVer the field telepho»e stoniach, Improve 'digestion, strength- The firet principle o!fa-Il ,tihand of!anarr my proportdonab wires, i,,ich 'reachi every (brigade en thre nerves and restore debilltated ioreign'policy is recognitionl o! thé atrong. This burden would be.~ ,ommander, as the too, sits in safe- oysieins ta healtir. By cleansing the faut îthat England, thougli n island, eus. ,y ar-bao e!th lhe c fie. blood of long-standing Impurities, b fra atcfErpe. -Forgetfiil' The instinct o! self-preservation, Vt nsiec i rvt !sa Neei aai wlIa ater o f of vigor, they effcctually chase away nessa"o! tis simple f act lias in the whieh is thre str-ongest- factor in na- ture,lie -won faine in his younger Neeld gusga vll aly ite aci, wAariness, depression and disease. past at d disastrous con»equences. tional life, therefere compels us ta dlays as a football player, as an all- wit -thegunerssxtin wih ross-Gcod for young or aid, for men, for Without reverting te tic war O! be ready te strike with all our forceý rouýnd atirle-te, and as a boxer. HRe- with he gnnersSittn ndw ti res women, for, chidren. Ail dealers seli 1870, France te lier fate, allowedhler for aur own safety and for tirat o!ilias seen plcnty o! fighting. As sub - ed-am ntecisosadteD.Hamiltoa's Pilla of Mandrake and te be dismembered, and lias ever our frienda. lieutenant, he was present a-t tic n4antry cheeing their res-cuers.. Butternut. sice paid 'theCcoatin tire growin g"o aftramst Of paindtiatle Modern fleld guns are lecated out tebtl burden o! international armaments 1atewrsto ati o! sight over tire shoulder !ahl,'" it is necessary enly tu emei b iI ol 1~I01 &~11 f Tel-el--Kebir,asa em roft- three miles or more away. Thethpoiinhl yGetBti avlbgd. gunners neyer eVen -got--a sigit o! USE OF BOTII EYES. thetposition held by Ores-t Britain Malta. fev the army lirey are firiug at. Their a-t tire end of the MaoutirverAfn bardate Vicoria, fir isguied y clcuatins ame ApantîtDisanc ti Obeet~i e.war, The pelicy o! the late Lord __Jeo or h itra fir isgudedbycalultios are AparntDisaiepofObj-e.4 e.Salisbury hes been one o! "asplen- AYE!AR'& BUFPERcR CURBO B Y which was rammed by thre Camper- fully made bv an expert niatheina-' pends o» Use of Bath Eycs. did isolation. " When- disaster NEVLE1 ,dw adsntehebtomfte tician, whe site down in a hole in' Mest pol are unaware Mhtteoeto si ot fia w oDro edn hsiedee editerranean, c-arrying down with people tint the oiuresttrokeus in So the f mC w afeNoor ong rediNg t i ed leer mAàmiraI Sir George Tyioen, and- tihegrond nd igues rajctoiesapparent distance- o! an ebjeçt de- were witirout a f riendonteCn- gansirlngfin erag. and urvs ad maes lloafies [ saed rom Nerviline will quickly cure thé more than 600 efficers and men, but and urve andinaes alewacespends upon the use o! bot-h eyes~. tinent ana were on'Yîvd o worst Neumalgia, and Mrs. G. Evans, miracuilously escaped. for wind' pressure. This f net howevem, ean be striking- nttack by a European coalition be- ianlber stmoitg letter written fromn Ruý Indeed, Ïhaving entered tire watsx 3Modems Battle Field. ly shown. Place a pencil se tira-t cause the Emperer o! Ru&sia de- sel Pest office, says, "One- long year, when iis temperatuire waa 1(13, ire two or three inches p ojeet aver clined ta Sanction such a policy, the-longeet of my-life, was almost en- wasfjshe-d eut st tire normnal, 98,, "'Hold your fire until you see the the. edge e! a table. fihn stand and because thre question cf Alsace- timely givezi up ta teating dreadful uete rs'lns;se that it was w'hites of tire eneiny' eyes," is an alongside the table, c se one eye Lorraine, ierinea an insupemable attacks of Neumalia. The agony 1 reeetysidtn ewsbr heric emian ~h il-l neyer be and attempt te knock he pencil off osalst uiayad naval c<- eattacwa singly umeaoftheable. To ta enthanged Ho hewas badly given in a miodern battle. by quickly hitting ti rpojecting operation against us by Germany utase reedis by uthe coal e wtotewounde ngte attmptteR e l aiv Modemn infantry dig ithenislves end with thre tip e! thre forefinger. and France. permanent relief wns mighty'discour 1- the, foreign, legatiensaet Pekinl a nice. deep ditoit. in tie gmcundAlmat inva-iably the person mak- 6SlvidIolton"Rine; At redIoPteYwoaderfl pIn- chiwel ef !aaff&cfadiri o! ths! about two miles -away frein tire frat ing tire attempt- underestinrates tirhen<iioato-"aling. rAt muof ptemy dfa pl n e. twelveofesaoadmieringf as o! tire enemy's linos. To tire pre- distance by an inch -or more, and, Thre policy o! "1splendid isoa- iubduing power t poseeeed and mnd leSrEwrdSyor eev sent day Sioldier the -padei-lotmcr ebssrrsmisses the tion" becamne a niilitary and POlii PY i roeI alal e ler Edard Scym thou, r ev as important as thre gun. Hie gets pencil entirely. Olle-eyed- people, cal impoEsoibility, unies» ive painad, cured theing a Boxer. ung bu llnaet irud t he -oer dow ino he dtchsel that only his accustoined toesetimating distances prepnred se te atmengtirei aur Army tinucus trentment cured me entirelyluNge but m sged te ave rec e eyes and tire top af -ii head -are enly wîth one eye, o! course have and eur Navy as to be able te defy and 1 have ever since stayed well." men, namely, the daugirter o!S' in iglit at ail. And'ire looks acresa ne trouble in hitting tiepn1 a-t aack cr combintO f&- Ms vnscs abtoeo u.Cals0 edo h an ppaenty prfctl emty lai te i-rs trah tacks by land and oea. King Ed- dreda that might be quated. Nlervi- line o! steamers, and is egrded- te wirere in tire dini distance he is Tc M a- apersan tin there are wrdeegnzed tbî facit, and witî Ue la a poin fopain. nerquîckîycues teEgls n oTinnve chnn le w abe hr nyoeral ail e> , l scJiPain tia, lmaglamcuea-s moe respnible Vlan any otirer told tire hostile intinie t'le. theabeswhr olyoe e ce-o! iisMinisters sougit nuaga caia ubglm ep Neyer in a modern iattle pictume exista, have i cross the secon te diminisi tire Iuinber o! dour PO- bnck, neuritis a-nd riroumatiani. Fo Mtyefcer for the marvellous pregres- wil eld ounin of ehnrgin* e finger overtr iacoeirseetita nmies on the Continent. yenrs in use, and to-day the moat in naval gunnery i ieEgii wisie-aiea g, 'wicil lin be men ----- then yst ou h ie a tet& eery nte nls be sliown allying round theirdcher-an teirwma>m besle' Contramy Vo naqV- t rs-ted or mis- widely used liniment ln lte Demi- fieet. wsingle takeneaé'sertionng wheeitirer'ire nomIon. Doa't take anything but "Ne b but dimly througir tire louds e! one in conatittrende!ie Lord Lansdowne ee conceived tirevin,"wchaydae - »- blck soke.twe crossed fingers. Tire illusion eve f ain r i urp can supply la large 60c. faxwl iee rv'TOSI 0VAS ï ~~~~~~is very startling and the persen al- plicy ofakigfreinai . r bottles, or la a amaîl 25c. tramly ie iiiajuHa eoeeoelb t Mapa Ai-Imiportant. meat inva-riably ha-s te be sliewn tires-s apo Seints policy o! a-ggression. E single mamble before ire believes Tire fimtstep n in P'13'lid VERY ILLLONer ORses. Tieeaenfatefas eteei nyoe famabej littie reference te Europe. It Con ;- .Tire nineteentir century has often 'smoereare n eir fari g sunnon'tee n ne ire ea o!abpenils isted in tire Anglè-JnpD-nese Alîr- 'shen Oftentlmes It la Jitat Lacl been called tire "Century o! laven-- gmedern battleflelds. Tire presence or cther small object Me> be use4- nce e!10.B that leie- of Self-Control, tien." As a matter of fs-et, tire ao-f a flag on tire battle line would To test your ability teiniake yeur glo-Japanese Alliancetntld es-I century -of invention did net e instantly reveal ita location te tire muscles work as yot desire, try_ rectly te the Angle-Frencli Entente Do you knew tirst we Mnalte begin until 1820-wiren it was in-i enemy. Snokele-ss powqer iras tak- sliding. tire forefinger o! tire left o! 1904. During 1903 Engls-nd "ps-ck-irorses" of our nerves? W?- augurnted by tire discovery e! pire- n en tire place o! tieold Cloud beldir- lisad backwnrd and !erward along strove, as sire is striviiig now, te loed upon tireintire blame o! irri- tegmapiry--so tirat, as one niight Is ing explosive, and ene 'May look ctire sides e! a table; et tire same prevent war, by urging Russas-te ts-bility, variable tempera and near- aay, it is net finishcd.-yet. Sînce i- eyer a modemn batt]efield witli a time, tnp in tire samne Spot with a ceme to ernis witi Japan. France ly ail - undesimable- conditions. tirat date tirere iras been a -steady s irundred field guna in action and pencil in tire riglit iand se tirst tire aise seuglit te restrain lier slly, He-alti> nerves centribute teward accelemation o! meclianical discov- enet ýbe able te locate one o! -themn. end touches t-he patirtire forefinger lest entanglenient in tire Fa-r Es-st pIes-sure and happiness, and neyer cries, a-nd in this line ne period o! e As for solid 'columns- o! charging folews. At -finat it is extremely -sirouid realdcr Russa incapable o! assert tiremaselve-s except agresabi>; equal lengtir ias been se productivet men-& nmodern infantî'y attack je difficuit- te iake tire pencil tarp in eupponting France in Europe. diseaaed nerves sAend pains tu thie as tire-epening yeana o! tire-twenti- a far cifferent affair. the Sanie spot without hitting the Russian support Was indispensable extreme corners -o! our being, etir century-the most remarkalble On ulnostanymodm -att~fildfinger, but after a littie practice te France,_ whe lied constLa-ntly been therefore pain is a signal a-ad muataceet being the actual, reali- On i nt wib ony d hat ao!teie you wîli frnd tint qiiite the contrarly exposed to diplon'atic and military have attention. ainintepciallygm- 1 yit ilI befoud tat cac oftheis the çnse, for il scon becomes aI- pressure by Gemmany, and had, in Il t-lere la an aching oye, car or chine, -o! what mankind liad corne ,contending part.ies will have in its mstipsil emk h b 17,'nybe ae rn e- hir a sense o! languor or dis- te regard a~s a mere dreai o! tire possession inapa shewîng every jet witir whici tire tnppiag i done man ettack tirmeugirtire int-erven- cem!omt enywire, tire nerves èe- visionary Most minute variation Of! otireisandeuHuan the ort e -e r>.c gron.c. 1 i lielytis-te h' ticsanie forefinger or ary frïmtien o! tie Emperorec Rsistn t>îi.Hu nfigtfrtbeaena- !1 maondr w i haveycopie ch iris ene mespot on tire table. especiali> e! Queca Victoria. Queen S-e trY tu sootire, coinfont artd'complialied fact in 1904. Il must be manded mapa aseis c iis on. Victoria tiren saw Vhst tire undis- strcngthen tirem; te accuse tirèse ridiitted, liom-eveî-, tin.,tt-he idea of amfielnYSaswl s hson puted predoininanceofo Gemmany in faillîful servants every timè One tire aemeplane ia b> no ieans '<' ,One o! the deligirîful featumes o!fIÂPAED - Erpa-dtieprmanent disable- Iocks self-control is the cause o! o ur new. In tire Enrycîciiedia Britaui- - mdem wafar istie centan o!men o Frnce wuldcretefor queruleus complaint or !oolish fear nicas- o! t-irty todd yrars ago will be "'» lret rs Eches n elood ofbuilt- Ic int fmom10iO to 0( projetls pressed in spirits. et-c. Rusai-a is aow derenoine vitadeyulet m ldThen, whle this fre4aat t ih but, lit t hs hinst o f yrac, h î cud toubles, have _ i àdcin dTOiffetwao, utt C OR tinfata try elsupa qud rbecause. since I quit it anad have flussia by alliance, aa tl oetecnr-', awrdt r pli rsi- lt-lad to ini etopaYs. u rie une -US od*a b> tire neceasities o! hem Eurrypy-ou. aI g nie and bent over, Wthéirsditeir tirougir (md for 20 yenra, a-m lessuscephi- situatin e1d1po'tt'al indepen Carn. mua have tire onstitutio t-iretion*,lanstreain.rz- eydbic ' wit eut frfai, oa ta nttoo-<4iri e-P hstuhicir flows te it sra.nybe a<old, hauve gained 0ibs. anad deace, is compelldtesppr Ra i, a * -toed by "Putns-iim' Try u anef %nad aeadvantaSe o! every lit-lithsy to av ipeaed-~ ]nln sbîn >uii- 1. eeut or am.a- ty t 100, witotimc eA iri of ilk. otýyj àfQ vanisired befocre Postuin-" (Tes 15 obligations 1W aide witlt ri nce- reeyyusi.2e.-taldaoe A ia o asiige oo wll~for SîtaS IlîarMfl a$ cofie-ebeCaUse gand RuF c es Viebalance o! - ex cttaigt.ismene cIsthe b u , f ir ly g o cd p ro te c tio n fo r a m a n hl e y 1 ' ' o ti - -h re af - f o r e s kn t-ie c n n n r p e < l c t v b l t s m r l h Ita ~iolisfit n ir ~oi~; e.ivVen - egca-her' vn~g n eebe Ieft 'do your work 1for ,vou. l.ost weath mn> ire rrpi at. cd by mîd-rstm'y. lbit knowledgr' lv ý tudy, <'t irealli b> medicune. huit lbst ýie la goine for ever. minrdao Liniment Cures CatUif, Et. ---HstgsS, srmewIat alarmcd (ho a emaîl guýest wvlrir as-been sîuiffi'rî îrîrstvi.)-"Wirmt's thre natter, Bob- ry-? Aren't >011 wel 7', - BDbbY (tainîlA -ot- very, bu 't (Valiant- ky') 1-11 hiave 1,> ie a loi wjW beforc l'lgive la 1" MINPU&CES Very tchy. When Brus hed, Dan. drufAll Over, tiair Came Outi Great Bunches.' Cuticura Soau and- Cuticura Ointment ,Curei ---ead in-Three Weeks. 15 Il1aliarir St.. Toronto, O.-"Aimou tiseyersag otbodandm'iI! began. My tic gel worse and scairs formcd -on lt whte - msdettbalitplaces. itwz vory ltchy 9,nd gave me -- tenicincy ta scratch t shic o teasre ]My bat wbther ini I ' b iouse aiworcor oui, Wii ever I bi-usheti my bair ft se - tire'dandruff ail over. I baircame ouin gre bunci IbMMWi IVA n iclDarta id yboeu-t.wsat abi tcs-orstIt 5came out roc 111 tied - whI mada It worgo itan jpre.. 1ntpiea..evesi thinas aft5ir that li b~jarctjy aybai rtwhen onedA fit-s a4- taa iqnning ad Niegven by Canadis-n Postuln alone 0 ace a j,clnrnaflt Ger'- 1 bappçn dte-s m the A4vertiSen f 1o<Vien dropping qrk L >dCoWndoOnt. ý]ReQld "Tire mn outieurà Seào> sudebOtmert i tha t S . euikly dug and hllow -embank- Edt e Wellviiie," in pkgs. BlaitSVital lsteri5t. ~~ ~ ments, trey s-dvanée towadtie Potunicomea ia two ferma: O»ntmeet s&md 1 could re enemy'she. i tie thte Regular Poi5tum-mute well AviaBiiiritectitrr- 51ften fiuj theiim esmple I field guna are, fling a nain eof êhmap- boiled. - 5e and 25e packages. fr tsa hsitro &e -in d oà k «92uaoaanabnlover thirThçads. It is trima de- InstastFostuml-îs a soluble pow- twe forma-Vire general intereat o! li-or 0foticur uatmeit.Ini trme Sk"" licate task cd tire gunna'rs 'ýta e t-me dmn e.ponu islesqîk uo eat cuiibriun, whieh -ira ~ j» Jm.d.~ <igud> thir eheis ira Vby a.1l'b~st y i ~CUP of hot water ande with Ùeen cXplainedy aad Vlmm more di- EcamMtieGs 03?Og1I3. KLeedo 90omneir s-irn tlrey me'ýacli -tire aneray"slina- creai a-ndsugar, ma-aea a elicieus ret intercist -of preserTvlii tire il- - îaè pàocetIipi"fODedrorighllftiid1. sand and not before. BIse Vire buliets beverage iastautly. - zoo - 'and 50e dependt'nc (ffHllsad, and par- dry, t-litaMdfà=- g - W4 c- g ttl may kilI their own n nr. tins.' ticulaî4y ilelgmîra. Tieremaieo- tiat lt it à affisU, Mi- -Dotay use,-th= Tire coat per cup o! botir kilIds is Qerman frater intreVge ~wimro. O ~~Of chYftb- --~ - - -about tire sa.e-. -lues been se foriindably fontifled en- 32.p. Iôe-er to POt-w 1>7m --Perha'ps b> hti te tire infanîr> àjoma 6 1 , 0I3 i s . awithin close striking distance cf -0db rcr.-Fecradac ecsiisce i 1EU. 4. 15815E "your -wife ne longer sings or plays the piailo, hOw'--q tîmat?" "Sre uusa'l the time. - We've , lwc' ch~rn " 'Wchll, well -: A!îer al cildrcn are a is'rr vOUR OWpN DttUGi.SW tLL fÉi LkOU EycatAnd Orarili-l yeS1;Nue Su,trtlng- jlt,.t EYe coor rtîe fo'r iio-,k of i,., y by tiait Wree. Mmiine iHyc iowedy C,.,Cia. Tire fellow wlîo trusts t-o lîmek isii't always to -be trubted. - mard-8 .lniment cures Dma.*=Ver. Sire-' How is ià voit w-cie.,net rit tire Jonessgarde-il puar t' "Ee - "I fitayed awriv on rtcount cf ii per- sea nratter." '"'May I ask wirsl il was ï', "WilI ypo î rmise 1w' keep lailéd ta #end' ue,.an invita#tionM, 'ài]=. -Prit Amai -An t-ris-Ilsoldi 1er serviag ie Indis- S0 disýliked 'tire climate t-li iede- cided t * make an effort te get sent humie. With thià objedt lire cclnil7iain- cd -to tire dctdr 1.Iat iris cycasigit wai ba-d. "HUÉw cài yoii pr-ove that lP =,e " 'sa-id t-ha doct-or.- At a los Pa-t lbked round tire room befero -an'wéing "Whidceom'x, 'y-ou seaO tirs-ail la tire W411 " 'Yes,"me piicd tire doctor.-, "(Well," said rat, " a'J D ÇVEZ I NY'< LIi O emnlibemal,- - Comnpany. 18 West -Ad Du ta. -T - Pl Foxes. j Clorc-eevondencef - Betitwell, Ont. &NCEfLs1- TUMORIO. - internat and extemual riais býY eýur haine' trei efm oo late. -Dr. Be' 0 strOI& ]uh RssBut it'sosotlyff youlose Spavin Cure haady. Por thirty-five yeafi bits proved it the mafe, WeIable renmedy for spavin, aplimit, curb,ring- boebny growtits and lainenesu fro ny causes. - Per Rol C 108.Sqiare eî e 8 Regular $2.O06 QuaIILy. ASPHALT FELT ROOFINO M100 pér cent. Saturation Contains lio Taror-. P per- iLowest price- for Government Standard Roofing ever'o-ff ered in Ca'nada. Sale nece.ssitated by business conditions. $end for Free Samsple' THE Âl.liIDAY CO., L TD. Formerly- Stanley Milla, & Co. H1AMILTO'N. (AXD An" Irish priest, who ww4 a' stauneh teetotaler, seeing a num- ber of his flock about tu enteýr a public-hou'se, . reinonstrated ini loud voice f rom the. opposite side -of the street. The mari.. howeyer, went throug'h the swing door, 'taking ni) n-.tice 4d the priesîl amnibni Later in the cliii'tiiese tko fmet rigain, when the priest said: 'I>Iidn',t you hear me wlien 1 eall2d to you this inorningî- -Sie vour honor. I dRi. 'but, 1 on1Yli at the price of one dripk ounime waa Mike's reply. Thiti to bcertiîy thai. fhavei, icud MIN- Al1D'S buittit lnuMY frii]uY (f-- ye-ar4. andi <nsider it tire boti t inimrnt on i tho mnrket. 1 have tourîd iti oreltet fer .herse fieir.1 W. S. pi-'Ee. ",Woodiiiia." M iddlmteit,.s.i v4u- l Il J Duk'if uîodded eJldý Ilove.' -telie t;(eItd Iliirn'evidentl « V1tît" b)uý,eturItit 'Ind~e i.rubbd it ic str' "ifl btrkou 7 - Enr -lnge ?r etthna. 'iuir-j. *we erhtr mau,,,bereîî- a tig -nd'rhuik ycue Oni -orefulyarne.'tiv.-1 eneteda'eainret. knrwou -es.soud int on't biieré îbomme h(- Parhi sancclierapSS asr earwadiney-ouly. dou si tId c odlkiiirbut Duicr. W~' ïnt'O Bt.îWilPoste-k ne.i ,OUf tlre'j') ra l1te t'ararite wiîl tell "0! ce1ii.I ie wzie,"<tOOU.7II n'1 511il bI wetii-< li "Oh. bc l.ui li Do -esi ~MI- ~ ME~EB ~ -1 îi b d 0 r a P% "1 %0

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