Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Aug 1914, p. 7

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Os- Mrs-edtoaPasy f1t~~n1j ay~t-1 ;id psi .a n 1re qeio" Oaffect-ad,ea -sc- r fut fy re t and 7p",$off o.ope thcqvery gatrata -t/lbwagae lueteadi of, 54tioa. mot D:th *sawrittnInllithoa face. lin-bar te dule ÏrtlV wj@O W &» s~n t-it of br nkj 4 Udtii. ddqpae. and eliame. MI the world te.b. euttloio irfs "Il= bra 41(1[ ouralitew-re babblns 1 havent bcd enonsb -t-o set mtata- O7« thle 'as pao&U tArîsu eve Ir, h.asd -1bave been se cold sometîmes Pet lft-lew-If basrnl e hlm 'sudwitiiont a fire, " @hbs aad. I'n1bavsn't led kôltod broad wth iout t-oer ello.ft-er lme, Dtcky. But 1$ iba- * btt -t/etbeho etbr fsllo.the nt nbauthe coid or buuger,hhtbog har a >o'-athd tor ore thewereiard eugnh tu bba7-4a beau bar.,' be f0» itshî mulug aud uvera- in in Ili'.tti1. y ut 18heard <,g 501 andsue preued h b t lit143e bandas t-bIn,. fr ~ ,uie'j afLaiiet ba1iirat-"ltbat'e whre t-b eh- ÙW» ttn»'for - adiittedno hmain Inn as been. cend t-hatlo w-bat lme kili _en n- ipronence but myi man 0 mo O, 1now I amn dylng-Z klsw 15 btWt.uc.à and* Wreub&ia,, and colt-ler of twObd' . dIwa radalfllt them ever entloued My wi te'.Vaane. toedae retc. ad ud t-le tfoulit If Iit AU tiiromshit-hie tiluxeot. teneion, of eid e týdtonu 1 t< hu he ifur #le51IM naliecf beartache, and faset- nfpard ny . ad e ot ouorand- beimr in«« f &50 f vaiu looking sud bitter re- gPt forgiuannetmew-hoorie m M migh Mit, of drudgeri over figures snd ac lien had feu back ou My arux sud abh cOusIs aud cruel humiliation, thbe refradu at-s red for a momentw-iatfüllyinlto thbe cf a- sous boat tbrough ai threbblug gré. bed:"Yon muet not t-alk of fortlvoue,' 1in 4'Mibear. luueed0f re-whievered; -1 have nothinst but love for "My eart inneedof rstîou Inu-MYi iýart--t-ere ta no rooux tbers No longer bopea nor saiens; for any otber feeling. Lie aili sud rt, Wltbcut- wIli wt-out poer, dean: douit tri t-o t-eil me suyt-hln . Tou Fart-ber t-o go or fli; bave coame back to me-thbatJeal.,nta Tae .Me borne t-o t/hi brea, t-o knew." h Ob. valîs>' of. Myfat.hera. She put un hler ba" ud -omiface, and For one heur cf repoce streked Jt w-lt-h a lIttle caressiug gesturs Before -bush i di.' I rememliared wll-remembared with aI otab of infixlte vain. o Wbleu ail wa ovor, snd witb houer t-ar- ..Tf l very sgooct of You, Dck, to be of tilsedadd am#diatr4cd, rip lu i nies tla me sud; toa «k n n oto. But b fortne nd trikenin ear. 1foud =- ][muet t-l euyu co0= t-ingg.. eo -that iou y oel â4ne ithWreohw, tunedte heMay undersiaud, ih faithful, cM servant atud told hlmm ilier votce. w-a yt-lin and weak. Con- plans. -etantIr 1had t-o make ber st-op ln ber ~-wst-leae Ludo su ai t/ice ~ rapld, whlsperlugt tlk to take some re- onl "noI . or -1 ud go omail.er1 hsae cestorative. aud t-o aoftli wl-h,.bendamp eue aewc m. o I hahgo sd.I ou'iforehead sud t-e lift from-off It t-ho luc- Paint-t- mai bo t-bat I lshall neyer paint. ternus hait- w h le looked, lu lt-e glos' icalu. MY day lea ven.- But If ioull bave abundance, patlieticaly full cf 1f. sund the patience t-o put up wibh me, I ki ew visonr aiaînst her w-at-ed cheeka.*, t a loceli aid houne bair-waî np-abill t-a a'1-îknow I bave beu very w-cked" abs th s fo -i ace -IiertbtOberan agaln aftor e pause, "aud I liavfl te eThere. ion and 1, Wrenslîaw-, can îreat-ed Yeu dreadfnliy. But- agmehew al liE hitn quIet- for a tiluniai ieast. unti t-he t.hlngc have been aIlwrngfextbb- wouinds are sa1Iittle ew raw. Willioue u nin. Wen en eto mindte ho-k ie l~ a lady of me. audsunt me t-e MorlandL 'Anivve- owitb vou. air." flouée. I w-as mîserable. Yen se e b girlsw ,.~.sd on ou a bic-ak November dai. auizze'i me sud cîared at me. and I w-s- Wreuébsw sud 1 bocamo lumaiset of/te nut uscd te their Sufe-lady waie.'And I h C1d Fren>Jchuée lit Lyt/hînge, da1 thle couldut bean beinir an-&j sd kept a d steeP sîoplugt mooriand usbove t-he mutrahea prleoner. And then I w-se eIr. very fendI sud tbe ec. -of ion; ion do't- qut. kuow'bow fond I w-se. I t4xlnk. It w-ould bave been ail rîght- GIiAPTER xXIX and d lh ave been quit- onod, if ioud pro-. Ailibrugl tat ittr wnic Wru*mIred te msary me wheu I came ont of si AU trouh tat ittr wnte Wrn- cohool. But-wheu I kuew ion ware geing 0 6hsw sud Ilvnei ut- hermît tife under thb- tumarry Lady Msdge, I feit sort of de- Ic vaest- redtItIled roof, eolored gold w-th lich. imerate te thuuîk lildbave t-o put up w-lth 9i eu. isud -huugr about w-t/tiilvy. of t/he oid tw- eacrq of that acheel. sud t-heu. perliapa o hu.aove libo m ardohencos , al-end In beingr a nursemaid or sa ove n iti gs-encuiour, -al.afieral. And the-I met-hlm or e(ti'ou'y rametéof what w-as eucs a She pauaed sund turned lien ores -from O Roman a t-ongheld. t-ho Keittls&h eheep me t-o t-hetire agrain. A failnt blush crept ea atrayed, bieat-ing lu t-be drivingsapow. and aiowiy over lier Pale obeçkoa, sud deepeued budM1d together -for w-c-ulth agaluet t/b'jad ehe weut ou apeakIngs:b maivo fragments of t-he auîclnt eton- "He feli lu love with me as .oeu a be wonll. aw me. h slitsl. Net-In luo mauiic, Down below us In thse marsh villages, adorîng way. but lu the wai grls lika mef lighto twiukled ont at nishi. sud bihis- 1k.. led malce me slip eut and meet hlmn O abeve. on the croît of t-ho cliff. he w-tu- aud be'd euateh me unplu hie arms sud oe doivaeof t-be aquare-lewerod churcli gleam- kiloas me ae that bo burt me. sud swear i cd red on -Sundai evouluga. Oun supplies sud go on. aaîlug i ed kill bîieilf or m of food wero breught- bi-baud, for moere i 1dîdut mrn aw-s iw-t-h hlm. Aud-aundt- w-e, ne read sot-osae t ilp efugged I was duli sud mtseeable sud Tounenverw meeniand te w-bre the ancleut, balf-ii came-sud three menths after lid gene lu bercd hou..e t/ced lu complte solitude, t-e Morland lieuse I étole off sud married th sud fer from ani ct/ber dwelling-plaee. 1 hlm.' i hlldtacen t-ehobouse for a y est anaux- "Yen marnled hlm I' tb ceedinzli low rentai, a@s i w-uer w-as "..Ibv hna!hv oe ieofte e aglu uthae i- cupied i ujpst-ted front them. Oftcu. after 2 w-sane -lIse o t-o yar ut -hosumer. w-lt-hFon, id take t/hem out ou t/ho sly, Ti AIU day Iong. whst-ever- the weathor sud look at- them. sud t-ell mvelf I b.- migit bc. I t-ook long walks bi -the oea. ieugwed moullu tehlm. enly ho dldn't w-sut I ocunidtnet paint-. The -ilhi w-as bad me ani more. And t-heu I'd <-t-y mye. de tip'ouagh su exceptlonally sevene w-lut-oront neanhi. sud voitwoud fin d me sud t- But hledthe skiesu brousazuire, snd t-ho @un-odrwatbi petm.ad ighne ha ofItlyftwoud ave been t-be kt/d. sud malle me fgt fhlm. Andehe iage- I euld net paint. I ad fnoleu e 'dld love me Jst ai firai, sud lie bat-adni lacnt/ret-ow-e-k Mexc w-a 0 n vane ou because I w-as ce fond of ion, sud t-h St-o me, sud ae for fame--ibe soutier My srould t-el me how- w-e iyon w-r. eujying namne wase frgotten tise better I siuld voumself amous your grand relaioens, sud ai b. pfleceod. The- "Rtose sud Crew-u" baidchangedl makins Lady Margraret laugb ai me. lie i bauds, the' Nokeces bavîng failed tu m e o au4am1 e sud seo astefl-u IPa.Condequentli Iraul no e lk o i l f Iddtsea-'w-lb hlm, you.e Il~w-euld get manrIod sud it trsd of keep- meeting ani one who w-euld r-ecoigize me luts me. sud I sheuld bave tuo becoeoa ln sud remember Lilii, I look t-ebeounes lu servant afier ail. I waa afrald ef hlm ai c- fr t-be came e M, Wrn,h-,'sudmproart-fi rat, but t/heu-thon I-sel te olove hlm, sud I t.a fro tbi pne-oule, I-ve nImrobabre ono morninir 1 rau aw-s f rom achool asudse t-lai ni ue -ond avekuou m. frw-a married t-o hlm iu St. PeierocChut-ch a5 -dut-lus t/h. dais t/bat- elapeed afler I firtt Bristol. And al i Itsi1iw-as yenybappy, al lt-trued that LIliIt/b bad eft me, mi bal: Aft-erw-nd. wheu yen troi ricli, sudlie nc hadl groru as st-ayathai o! s man et w-sut-octt-e geltId cf me sud te net bold lutoein nIw-udcrn u" ocf ioun monei tbreugb me, boeaw-ere î eC ýhe vannirI wuld omeIn "og.w- au't s eai mat-risse, sud t-bai-lieliadit-tu thÉcd,' sudwould oit lu front o! t/be wide, a wif. ait-adi I1 dont knew- if tbst/' sa old.fIasbîoned itepisce, watch ng tise but--'- mus. Ier ise sudI wet-e mannle4, ho ac lus loge,' and broedlug orer my lo-t- LIl- weut sud aaw-MmMuatolaud, sud eslew-se ri ih, w-beliusd vanished tram mi ilfe ike dreadfulli augri at-fit-et, until t-bey su- tu Ilie mat-ah fafni I hadl cailed ber, rauged betw-een t/hem t-bat w-ile hs sud a5 Wreu.hsw- eniesred t-be solitude. lie mIe I lit/oet-oeer about t-be ceunt-y, ion trubntéd'ihie 0w-n iez, aud bated neearsi aIlshould b. decet-ved, ce that- ion mighi coud wese. Msadge w-ses one weak spot., and t-he o me for my educat-tcp ail thbe ame, i 1 eon ldiucovered t-bat lie occassoually Mic.-Meland had haIt, aud w-e biait te eu w-tPe te ben. About me. et coure. sBle ot-ben hundred. Sho w-uc dteadfuIhîy in v haSt hud tee muohi dellcaci te w-Itltu tmeO debi. sud w-e bail ne-Moreye at- al but- hi direct, but- 1 knew- ibat- ,hbewould eym- w-bai I mado hi dancing." li pathîse. Only I did net w-sut te bear e! 'ioacngf- bercimaib.1 w-suie te weut- misut- -"Oh, ios! 1I w-etked awfully hard, sud i mow alouxe. for t/btes mouilis w-e tomneSs lîttIe fit-up de Wiutcmbroke ai. lai lunt-,a, 5 in theatnical compi fet nersansd dsuc- hi fiTn«, sud s fut-loua Mardi came tu, e-,ASl ibrta alwhm os.wathed lu drivlus euow. One bilue-h wers Adning.LacWM rgareat Wsalw mersudet ciIdday I 1usd'cpenl aeau'ching wi-lthtbe toae afcint-wardy how- baet autîtmeIancdna mheiîh<-ds for icai -Jambe smoug tise aew-, tod maewa mi badtee. odncda sud linS came home lite. tireS oui anîd Ad@omwm ubad o. nium i -t-h cold, te est s lit/île food. sud Y u bebnd!" flse1i.iit ud'doze sud dreanu beo/artise Yeo @ ise suew-edfretfuluy, tut-n. c tire, eber head freun aide tua sidc, "Lady Mat--so Wrteîuhaw bail gene ta bcd-lie kepi mîli- gat-et' utet sncb aat-p eeo, sud ce ltnt-vilUN>Vr-but late ilo thlb.nigbî I ctcangit- s glimr>seof hlm aomehow-. She icunle hit-b wanmh ad le Coi,; knew- me agfalu lu a minute wbeu obéehi temic, bythef iihand-, - ro ycame ta sec us lunIencnugon. I cau't un- ti aller a Ionse und atsnusuitdiniit/h. bit--dr. n -u h idllta ayu-t -Ib h.e monnintsao I dec!idecl, 1 wonld gopie. cent-Punit- autd ct-uns. hsck te t-own, anC leave nuic sie.utituru. "ut Le4 naoedy ian know- or aven heurS ar eêi t-Ã"-d lber. sualoriot-as qise was uappy 0nP- oh. protiatud nogai lu-sund ail. "-le of w-lt-bthe man me.blaSi-orfet-ned te me, wu#; an artIsa t Bri,toî,and aaw- ue out 04coOugw-uld.à4he falIt-et oi toi-y Chait.- waulinu w-t/h tise o@010o. lie toi wonder- v.o trie, ut hotld gorow r il-hait t f-vchevet-, but-lho <esn't like wot-klng, bu camle upon ber, 1 fe uit-eMllue woîld s-t-ep'And ho's vr.t-iweil-eduicuedanud w-sa ai- back t/o me t-o telI me bier troîlsîi, itu s w-ut>' teillns MA how ignoranit I was. AnCds wbe ueed ta do wheu 1 Ingr.t met bier ber.- i lortem. wberî bcd be>, drinklniz a at ivtLitbnae fleatli faut- arsao . lttlett-mut-li. lue w-ouiid etrike me sud -But lii the ruorinz il wrtLililli w-io et i 1<00 me iCqwn. But 1 levet i hm ah- came ta mon.1i tounuSber lii ng luddled 5iv5.ten afier 1I saw-l ho tattired of me -w-lt-bm thc-poeih oves' mv dhor-tî'p. 11k'-IAS h uiuue -tl suieutb theI. lestIm on tire hil!uide. half CeaS 1<11e himlm uuw-r wt/h colS and exposrni. w-nspot-C ln a , hvlared luta tise-lt- anC was i -lent. 9'i vwoolea sisawl, w-lu-h t/itlc i-iii lier >ellaw- 1 hiC oui-sed beyand si'if-«uuff(-rlug un tise liait-. bteau-t/ ef nu ourit for lber. Qibc-nwise. liv l at amnst tcuupued lu 1w-o wi'i wudhave t-utrue te t-be heart..usati vity ui4 1 liftdteletaind -Ii-ri-id lueri-t u she lui dt'ifiW. ail lier îiseugsu<s the, w-utmn uluu-- .anid w-eurithot .il iu-î-rtus cet-e fot-tise i-e-at-dIv auId t/f blanlcsualbuit brfraz-itu hum. , ind lilwi-a îetenul riihtnwh1sdtriivi- (A ber î;oor lut/ut' lirqi, oui -haft-d liert- l-l isr- er anud isad s<li eu- ia anut/er fen-uucdfingren-..W - lhuvup!dpd tune loaai-111 l f ,iaib I V w-buithut a word. tu nd 1I i-ltevt- le W:1. . crthiui't lutsi-rumarvitiug ou. aise' --imot um %lad as I w-heitu. -ter Iuuurs a()f-i-it oi. csddeffly ioiig lut-t-slf. "Yen t-are anC. w-:tshinir naud fishuiuug w-îuili ktum1 1'uildit. Ir~ged sud pray" Ilu'm1 deatis, t felt hon nit/rer runuWY arma, uid iO It t- <;,ff. and, sanaway ta Lonidon, as' maw ber oies oen and fix uinislvîtiuajloui vou it kut Adut- . nMrlatîd t-bouprthIL -n, ici tesVUisanli t'i"q-stuiut-ciu ~~ dreadful. t-von tisughi Aie uid ont- .w-t-h tieseauddoît lit/tI liaitcOuile )frt-e- i ainage w-s eteila cl eue. Afterw-std, ar cognitton Iickerîns' lu t/hpm, 1w-esalwayo l easing hlm t/o tae.me back, "I kne yçoiu would lin bore nt tise lto authouiianvouwet-e e kind te me, I Ftrendchflouse. oéh. wislsuusnîd fieebly, feuho w-es m unibusbaud. buS net ion. but "And I kiet- yon w-ulS ho 'Itid tip me. lie irauld but-dIy vétme me, anud alw-ays la -wbatevem naridi Rasid. Au dn i wanted nauey. nt-.neynt/lilasbutienci. -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n 1 w bab'u ýds :nk dan tii t Thon i ladist li eurt-C t iie lad tallen coule lhtome ltod;e." Iiuloto w-t t/ho<inceue cisc sud w-as go- it-rte aru-t- ier. AnS i feu ruite nusd- - hike. urud thatïI ruust gouickat- e ta lm. whatove-isapuîeried. CIL'PTEIt XXX. - -I14a-I ieftt iauianCd-cnùt ta lma. But lie "fva'X de ët' hvesi n l It i tell it/lS ruai ceme. And tise wotaaii ho dlYet.ouhv c t<h"e olwax %with took iuwav tory t-weand moziey.gi L$ilh #sld tli 4ia hie lai tisut- rîght 1 hau1issS a n. ud ir laIdcet u isaIio.nand i i »~p~d bu h uiiiee cu tse etuix y -ise d bS lt-t i>u dScouIC st ic)uemore kdotor b liment se l fr-frol 1t: 'lj 4 li lc-ed nme îas-ni t.cli u hicloveS Jils-'pr I couIC netbear 4hruit-lie wlac 4t-. AndS tluruî1Igui vdry. veny 111, Arsd old det-or trom SHardisuihe 4hlnId #fec tb - tirune1 l ito L ndoui. AnC i tt-led t-np*ssi$uv hoehad ,onsiht- te avert-and ,had tg imvtuÃŽ1.0 h it e -rL gene ai-id t/l i l t firroSnufeed the pst-lent- ta bho ililpÈ resu t Pse -s ald. Aud i w-ttbat-hita ltaie - ê~til Ioet/tiuohs. uae-odisalodsrinore lue sud I1ieed t-o bave, ~*i'~Vu -fu oa4'lkl.eeoeîîuton- ýùd pet-suatled the isndladY fo take me M Ana I but-led i lieb",n4" mî'Qua anid Ïk1 My hopu. lu t-bis =w-orid -t l ins t-lis eurchiard on t4he chiE --over the manias.,<test w-boe abe had t-old me chl w&eu tto 11ï, y"a L«0. lit be ire -onad" aeti nvolope la hd -at-be cartifecate of mammiai btw-eau"LIIItli axon.asSe ateen, cnt- Nichoies Wg*,r.4aked t-lirt--fys" "Ben f>t-at t Wknow-at-haît savt/ug a msu'a 1lifs tàstle boit w-ai te teuhlm tnti a danserons 'enssn."- Wray& word, uetteredcon t-le duy wber 1 came bet--aashln m nSec-ia-on oS suicid.rang lu' mi'am*d the 1.4-u ney I uudertook, t/ut-eut uoàV"ngt/tis1h aed Kilîtas 'hlm,,wast/oc, ood for hlm -but he bcd mrdoiredMLuitb, sud 1 could uat lot hlm lt/vs, Iu Veules 1 met t/le uman face te face at Isaît. Iu t-bs vat dinlu-halu et s dilapi- ulat-eS palace,.lie sud t-le bIsek-hslt-odw- man w-es ,sstdiugat a. bolsienous sap- uen.pant-î, andiomea. boas-lippeS w-omeu. ailLiý iotbs. aud. der mmsw-lihater faces, drack- sud sWang and aiput-e-snd iu t-be mîdet of t-hem Wrey -ilfted hie oies aud sw me lu t-bheatow-ai, w-ait-lus for ili.- I w-se gicd t-o take hlm t bue, w-hIle hoe was enloy-ins lt/te ater hie feeblon, aud 1 w-ait-ad antli w-hIle, w-lt/hh ie >1 tilck ot 1n/u. liedrw ht/st-ail figene t-o lIe null hoight aud dranu t/emi blth,"t/hs iealth, cf an old frlond 1 baie be ex. seettug t-or eoin. ti-l, before excueing thpehf te hie guesieand Joiclus me at, the door. Not a word diS w-e exchauge ntîl- 1 baS foiowed hlm mb bis mcom on t-bs bar abavo, sud beeked t-be deor t-bat w-o mlght i. eecnre ftram interruption. Thon1 t-ook asecesof platoIe frem t-le ocket of mi oerceat, aud laid t-hem ou th. tabhe. "I kuow everit-hins," I said. "For yoen utJuries agaluit me I do net cars. Yen arme sncb a pît-itul bouud as te ho benoatl =y perconal vengeance. But for t-ho la- 'ameaw-lckedueaa et vonrt- teatmeut cf EaIllth. w-boss deatb liees t yeum door, I wili 1111 vou If I eau.' *"You are miglitfr'omtveut- poit/nf ie lw. ue saIS, fangot-lus-t-ho piotol# "sud as I leun4i menu to kiiî ion, Yeu will probabhu kill me. Yen have -alw-aîe bcd tho dovîUc r-n luck b Theood Part of ih le, tbeugh E euvy ion, 1 can't dt/sllbs yon. I ar near- ly fot--oid befere mi time, sud beartili sIch et evenvtilu-von -have taken cens of ieunsolf anS beon s sood boy: vet von ook as thangi h t/hwit w-as off liteo glu- erbt-esd fon von, tee, But we are both if us, saint sud sîncen, mneh tee o-:cd t-e nat--ehorer sa-womaa. Hervai. tuey'*re rot w-crt i-t. Harpie or dragec, band- oome t-lger-cte. bîke thliaiwumin 50wu- t-aira, or littho soullesa tors, 11k. LfIt--" "If icu spesk lier usme I w-ilcheel ion teoes oun udeoed îourue i! lie ahruxued hie ebouldors. -As ion pisesa. LIte lias ne more chm for me. As an aiet, I have lest ail in. pInatlon, sud now t-bat funds at-e ne long- er comnt-n.ntbe camt eunt w'.î îbplay- usi. But w-hetber io onbo ine or net. 1 muet rmInS yen t-bat 1 wa~rned yen from th begînulus w-huitt/he euS W-ould e. t-heu I ico h -at gîtir on dld't w-sutber, anS ah. w-s sisenable w-ber.ebze w-as. By the t-lme I baS ett-t-reSetflier yen w-ors mad about ber. anC aftersm*Il ion marrieS th w-omsu yen w-suIeS, wblh i. aorne- thicsr oureli. Once yen bad set ber, I never eenrsged, ber te corne attet- me. 'lie mîstake-w-as t-skins Lbatlipsetofgirl "I w-lll not loeten w-hile ye nsuht-thie oad.' Iaid. -1 w-lceunt un to@fisud theu-fie.*- "As ion u DiOdOl But outhbe third ceuni Wray t/urneS hie pistoî egaluet birnasf, and aseaavcd me the t-aek et riddinx the w-orld o! s viliain. AIl th-s lappened nearli tw-o icrs age, cnd ths "leng, long t-ras tc keep oe rtm lu winter aud cool luacummot-',ta rsvlug over Lillth'a crsve lu LitLinge chut-cbîard- For fitten -monthi I wat-ched thie cbang.. IsK ssonae ver tho mairsbea, h ut-glus My st-row sud living uapon menuorie. Ten Lt/cii nscountably 'ill, aud t-be w-las ace. of Lythiugs saiS f w-as ma.rsh-teve- nS at-ne, t-be tw-o local mauadîes-It w-as iil eue t-e me w-hat t/bey cahled t/t, for 1 had eo w-lah t-c 11v. But Wrensbaw w-hoase devotian w-as ouli nuaied b>' ht/e btuauy, telegraphed t- Lw- oue Sa>'. unkuowt-iteme, sud t/bt smo uit-bt I w-a carnied off, wiilî-uillî. ct-oaa tise vtell et mea-hand te a can- rIse w-atins -lu tho cant-lrachi, sud se LurneS bi bsck upon t-be French flouse and itta emois fererer. At tle coacàiint- Inn hi t-be crmroads, wbeme IliaS at-aied on mi ft-steit t-e Lvtbiuge. Msdgre bcdlefitber motbo n d suito luet-alled.-tie Dla.mond Quoon, it-le wrt-t cf teuxpers. audibli w-ou4ering w-lai et- Saut-bten could se. lu "thal lauteru- aw-ed cousin et bot-a,' and w-bîho couhda't be ief t t-Odi. t/f-be w-suto t-o"?P She -Wonders t-htstla.t-î ant i uSeSd I w-eu- oer tea. 1 w-onder ut Madgre' tendennieon, ber tact, ber -t/gant/te Patience, sud I w-on- der mei.o! a1i tmy 0wrucald-hcarted. nao. snd aut he absence ft-oumiybout-i of ani trace et t-ho paaioiuutc devalien eut-b a w-oran dSerres, She ut-te. me te paint. and take. hier Ild intet-et l in myw-etk;but uni band ecuns ta have lest its curnint. ouli to-day 1 ew-uedas; muuch ta ber. '.I arn s faihure. Cc-ar, I saiS. "a t-t-si haireS tsi-lune! Yaru w-ct-ealw-ayeimpa- tient e! talînnea. Yeat-o -, ion urged me ta muke 'a name t/hai ion migt-bu unowua.9as s eotantiéa wif,, sud nat 1 as th iseic Lady Mangzancta .hunoliaud. A brauenile-oc-, sbi-oken lit/o, la aIl I have M1OI) Getorge. "George," said t/be wife to ber unerally tinappreciative hiîsband, how do you Jlike my new bat?" 'WelI, my dean," said Geor-ge with t-eut candeur, "to t/ell you Vhs rut-b -' "Stop rigbt thene George r voit're goiug t-o t-alk t/bat way -tout it 1 don't want t/o know, -4i1 Examiîît-uuî inîg FeIIow* "Bliggina is a du-eadful man tu rgîie w-th." "Dos lie lose ha Vtenpen?" "No. He's so beartless t/bat be augbs wherwfhle other feIlow losea iis temIem<f "This plant beicugs t/o t/le bon- ",Ah! And you are takiug care of -t while tluty are a way."p "WVhat de yGu t/hink ia t/be best ýie for agirl to gi-t engaged?" I shotulà.t-lî ink juat beitore shc is. orange g,9im GE.CARRANZA, the new..Diatator- bt ,Mexice, who.lbas boezi estâer of the Conttuttonaflste. BILLEM8 Curlous Old Gamne Played in One Part of England. You may trace the growth of many gaines back hrough the cen- turies, but thie early 'hstory of bbl- Jets defleo research, You can only take it as you find it, and you wilI find if in ýthe Calder Vale, the hefad- quartera of the sport being at Mythôlnuroyd and Hebden' Bridge, says the Yorkshire Post. go far as anyone van learni tiiis curious old folk gaie ha.s survived in no other part oft the world, yet in ths deep ravine it stili flourishes. The most curious thing about thie game is the shape of the.,nissie, or billet. That is something like the Australian -boomeranglu niniature, and lias sone ie of at weird impie- ment's erratic characteristies. The billet is usually about five inches in Iength, a slightly benti cýrinder, with the bend nearer the thick endl, the 'dameter oft which la about three-quarters of an inch, The bil- let tapersaslightly t/o Vh other end. ,So much for thie missle; now for the club, known as the "billeting stick.," The 'head, or etri'king part, is a true cylinder in 'forni,'one and three-fourvhs inches in diameter, and nine inches in length. An inch from thle end a notel isi.eut across it-the sort of a' notch that is eut in a penny whist/le for thie tune to corne out at. A core or plug of to7ugli wood projects &rom thie centre of the other end, and to that is spliced a tapered shaft of springy ash, -the handie of which is thickly wrappecl with soit yarn Vo permit the player to hold the club with a firm grip. The object of thie gamne is, oft course, to hit the billet with the bul- leting stick, and drive it as far as possible; the winner of a match is the man who drives it the jgret&test distance in a certain number of strokes. The usual prize is a eop- per kett.le atid crack -billeters ini the district have soinetime. been the proud possessors oit as many as thirty or forty copper kettles. The marking is by "scores" (of yards), and to lacilitate the scoring the ground is previously pegged out down the côtirsb, twenty yards in- tervening between one row of pegs and the next. Further, the billet- ers always play down the wind, which, when a stifit breeze happens to, be bowing,. proves of material assistance in bringing off a "longi knock." StilI, if we consider thc apparent unsuitability o~f t/be misslip for long-distance hitting, sorne won- derful scores are made. It is flot an unusual thing for the billet toi be driven seven score yards at a knock, and bits (if thirteen score have been made tihder favorable ci rcu m stances. WVhen it cornes w/ his turn, the billeter takes has stand at the striking place, with bhis feet close togethfer. With both banda grip- ging the handle, lie holds tie billet- ing stick almost horizontally beforp him, thbe billet resting acrosa the end of the club in the notch-already mentioned. With a alight t/oaa of the stick, t/he player throws t/he billet a fout or two, into the air, wit/lîa motion that givesi the missle a br-.k head-over-heels spin. Then instant- ]y lie s;wings thle club back and un SiikFislilng Lineo. The familiar leaders for att/adi- ing flshhooks to lines, known as silkwor.m gut, i made. from the caterpillars of silkworms, by plac- ing t/be f reshly-killed worms in vine- gar for several days. The cater- pillar is then pulled apart in sucli a way as tb draw out a gitutînoui thread formed by lthe ailky secre- tion, three feit long,. which is then stretched on boards and dried in the sun. The' silkworm from wlich t/bis kindü f fishlinc is made is a green variety about three inches long. fe eding oun the leaves of the camplior tree. Forty grades o! this produêt are recognized by dealers. the price varying from 30 cents to $6 a pound, 1 for ten or bwelve muinues in s quiek oven, t/le addition of sîîgar~U Vlf .l Olu#*t and flaivening being optia',iah. - 1 Ex' G_ r aLU.5-- ka t 4 S.~iiauâr wafleions ar re'i red. I la put up rit, thi*'i. nyi wi~t- butter. t/le batt-en ouedina 10 Pounld, WThèn you buy t-bm layer iptcoane luaif, t/lse t/ler 2 ëPund, Etr GanlaedSuarin#n cloted over ît sud t-be irons held packages av.en t/be fine ton a. few Minutes, lie- 50 Pound of these'original pcaè'you iug t-urned once dtîîing the- pt-cess.Wn Fo'r t/le mixture puIt Vhrée qîlar- a rd-e. etl he nuine t/ens of -s plat o! flouito - a bew-l 100 Pound-5 w-jt/l hll a toaspoonful oitaa a5fn d auJandonesud ca hall te-aspeon- CohBagig,Ca das f et fui li akiug p9w-dsrndu mix toClh sugar, pure and lean as when atIsut/sblecousiat/tci- witb au egg and lut etth eý be-t/enunp in hait a plutt oit mulk. 2 Poundi i etteRfnrr Cream WVsffiies - Measure siglit olhuces o!f four into a bain witîî a and 5 Pound, It'worth w'hie t insist, on quai-tern o!a t-eaitpoonttîl Ior' fmorei of taIt aud haviug scooped a l,.11.w- eldC rtons the OigiassI £swZI e. ( lu t-he cent-ne work in Bra-t t/w-o tablespoonfula -of iquifled (net Dil- CANADA SUQÂÙGR REFINING CO.# LIMITE%, MOpn7TRAU I g~~ier~. ~ i~0 ed> bu*,eÏ, n4xV a vell. bu.ten egg -BACE ]FOX FAIMIN. j dian* corn or, . Maise Pme, t--c sud flnailIy One bnek steuaiulc0>1 I b~.k It~lIfli o!wheutn flur:8-w Cream>, 1n li edw-lt - hal Phat WsenCnd loue breafa of wcfhLge;one guantity tçif then, beat we'lI. asNw-an ta« P ootn1 fbiribnaet sork iolyaamlia!loW-ace of- ct-sari- Up New Industry - a.nd l a teaspoo 0l i s&.,o r . sailaoble the Proportion co - I Mlk y istinle ofs-e to> -nàdecratel y thickbattor with ca n be increased a«O'C lyfMlW r rep ile tiniudly s bteel'd tw-e brîeaifstcuptuils of crme r5oeIi, - froni t-lVoc etw-lu- inlt-o à t-in greuased with butter, -ronmaForTli Hoe. orlan o the;lreatil;n 18 Ea&kÏefor about Vivent/y minutes in H. , o he<ing. trln f AlbetCv.1zi ,quicki oven, sud. serve hot,. eut An excellent cleanser for a t-ail- home of h ninsdtetrpe4 kniio squares wâth a w-cil bec-ted oréd suit ie dry bran. Fur fa the, upnia adhidi li e ak kuife. Good lard iL mueh betVer than sud silyr grey fxes at-setoi ub Plain ' ohnnycake - Foliow the butter for baseting noa8teci meatand ad<lyendr tuyfxered inarud-l above directions, aubstit-uting mulkIr rfrying. -81]md s unhulekd thow-Z or better stili, .buttermiik for the Br-ead wl uct thinuer aud in12,s Ad-a uhIk he'il creau. fIn both irecipes thbe quantt/ty more even n suest if you turn he 8 QBibe are now being started ofsgrmybe redwied iir alto- hoaf upside do'wn extenaively t-hroughout t-be province, gether ocm$ted, w-hile by many peo- To0stnoot-h an irou, iPlunje , t The "18 la.k fox is .proba.bly the. pIe a ve ry elig-htl swiDet/ened john- whiie bot ituto celd water wth a Most vflluabIe fur bear*ng animatin, ny-cake with a 1cint flavoring of litVie a50in.liit. tie.itety, aup d w-th Vi.ivr&- cinnanuon an otier spice 'la mnch .Eucalyptus col w-Ilreniove greaso lty In h Ws py ith en a t- liked. including machine oil, froni any tainiaî, s aofn st - Jolinny cake -witli Eggs--Beat up fabrie wit/hout injury. ken by- Vhsdlurappero thrce eggs lu a quart oft milk, stir A very ccd wey Vo singe <hick- ssch year bas turned the attention. in eue teacupfuîl of wheateu flour, ens jea o them over a saucer o urmntruhu h etr- w-lthý w-heh aa bec mingled one oit aîcohcdl. There le no sot left provincesc te t-ho possibilities that1 teaspouful cf bicarbonate ci soa then ou the flesh. lie lu the raisfing oit these animnalec and twe teasToonfuls of sait, and Mfualin t-thbing Makes pilow cases in capt-ývity., sprinkîs lu as mucli Indian cern 'whieh are very ittie trouble, cit-her 'Aithough iis'business ci raising meal as je reqîuired Vo mix t-o the Vo niakeer t-o laundar. They black foxes, is by no - mec-ns new, right consiut/eucy, itom fouit-c six Sahotild be left open at bot/h ends hàving bcen camnied ou in Prince, cupituis being t/he approxiniats Varnisbed paiu-V eau lie kept Edward Island for soms twenty amu t, Thesto ?svse- bieh' by soskiag lu w-at-er for sotie yeans, it w-as not until receutly thaï ing and spice is &gain opt/ioiial, t/hettisa cg filled-.with flaxseed, and mec in the western provinces be- bskiug aud senving beiug aýèSm- t/heu using it as ac- lotlit- dean t-be came ýalïve -to the profits thgt exiat plished as above. For thoeo-i paict. in t-bis iudust-ry. do not cane for Vhs flayot- ef inize Stains on flanuels acy bc, resfov- The, influx »of a large nunibet- of mec-I c-niejohunycakei.ezca'de, c- cd by applyiug yalks of egga and bîmycrs from. Ecst-er-uCanada sud follow-s: Measure one brealcfcstcup- glycerine in equal quant-ities, t-he Unitesd States duning t-le sec-- fuI oit wheat-en fleur luto a. borwl Le-ave it for haIt an hotu raud t-heu sons of 1912 and 1913, howeven, w-lt/ oe dessertapo onful oit sauit, w-saliont. st/at-ted a boom. The great number aud if wished adîittie épice.- Rub lu- Fish, w-heu prepared for fnyinîg, oit live foxes brouglit down, from t/e Lt t/w-o ounces oft butter,. add four should be laid on a board aud t-be Northl during t/bat icie and t-hes ounces cf sugan andclf nom tht-se t/e dredged witli four or mntalmixed huge suma pc-id lu many cases for fout- ouncoscrf sugar aud f rom three with sait; w-heu oee ide lu dry, t-leue animals w-heu delWeý-red Vo Vo font- ounces crf semolina previ- dt-edge t-le et/ler. Athabasca Lauding and Edmonton« ous-ly bciled unt/il tender; work Vo a To save tirne on wash day drop inatantly broughit thbe business wide etiffiah, bat-ter iit/lian - egg bes-ton aIl the lit-t-le things like handker- pubuicity up in Vlree-quarVt-erc- breakfast- chiefs into a pilîow-case.a&baped lia-g The ibo'om reached lt/s heiglit dur- cuptul oft milk c-s above, cf mosquito net/ting, and pin thîs te îug Vhs ýsprîng and summer et 1913 Buckwheats (with bakiug pew- ths lins, Duriug Vhs menthe itroni Marèh Vo den>-Bllend one pouud -oi buck- Worn eut breomre cu h ave t-hein Septembher oit hast yean, over hait a wlîcat fleur w-lt-l a fiat teaepoonful straiva cnt-dow-nbal! way and cov- ;million dollars w-cs iuvest-ed in fox of sait ansd a piled oesoai bakiug emed w-lth feIt or est-pet t/e serve as puppies,i auJ grown animas of the powder mix wit/h epid waten t-oc-a.a polisher sitter wax lics ben --bla-ck and silver grey varletues. t4iick smooth bat-ton, pour inu3a pîied. Most etft-bis w-s spent by buyersa t/bmi layer intc a w-el gneased tin Try flavening t/be next bat-ch of f rom Eastern- Canada, althouîgh sud bake iu a sharp ovenuî util fudge with a litt-le ciuinamon exttd illiam H. Kane, repres'ent-ing t-be uîcehy bmow-ued ou bot-h aides, If or- stick c-laanin w-heu it isl coek- fox fat-m oi tt-at nameas a Ogden,, urefent-ed niilk càn be substituVed ing. It wilh prove a pleaiant var- Peunsylvania, teck ont- animais t-o Ïor w-at-en, or t/ho twe can be min-. uet-to the spenennial vanilla. - t/be valus oft $237,000W gled la equaL. prepoious, w-hile a . Paat-e labels ou tlhs inside-ofi glass Ten companies, w-lt/h a combiued, sw-eet-ened buckwheat cake.. s umade Jars itsed Vo o led foo-Isuîpplies, such capital approaching a million dol- by et/utring eue t-sble.spoocituh<of as nies, tapioca, spîces, etc. Thus lara, are ncw operstiug lu the pt-cv- treacle on molas ",, into t-be liquid laibeled, t-le jar can be w-csbed wlt/b- ine. Ranches- bave been startedý employed fou- mi.ýng. lie cakes eut soiling tbe label or pllling it in sevenal districts in Net-t-h sud may aIse be ceeked lu s frying pan, off,. Central Alberta wbere conditions in wbicb case nst/ber a thinner bat.- Fold a- piece ofet nery paper in aste said t-e be ideal iotemthe reaning t/en is reqîîined and is managcd ex- t/be centre aud draw thbe knife of t-lise expensive lit/t/le animais. act/ly like pancakes. - -rapidhy back snd lent/bsevenal t/Imos Toeomtsepn flv lc Bickwheat-s (w-lt/h east)-Miuigle turaing it t/rom aide te aide. Thia foxes during t-be past two yeans did eue bt-eakfcustcupitul oit ailk w-lt/h a, inaniellntt sapneoo prct, however, go unwatched by the similat- qnan-tity cf alisclut - bbil- mt uvs It is aster durng t/be hot weatber goverument. Durîng t/be winter ait- ing w-at/en. at-lt-in ha-li a tea&poou- t-o pa.nboil mny at-tic-les oft foouoti tîg cf t-ha provincial houscf AI- ful or nmorse t fsait-, sud oit/er tbta-te .kp dyMa dlent-s abull w-s pasaed pt-ohbit-ing t-w-o ounces oit bnoun, moisi sugan flhtkaep btte w-hec iupnn d-the/bstakicg cf--e animais frori Apnil - on w- t/b-e-soofue c tne-cI -sait att/en w-ahing w-e l. - Wasb <off t-e November. -'As t/be pîîppies are Wben coolcd t/a abotut Iloaod hec-t w-cIl before caeking. - -wbelpedat t/le latter end of Apnil dissolve oue hllIfounce of yeast utrtitna eon-0uaui u urn u otb !My -i t/be liquid, dredge in by degrees Bte htla.bcrerniin uigtemnho ati as mmch bluîckwbeat flotur lit w-ilhmay lie sweet-eued in the folow-ïgro ha ge es t/hem auficintthe dt/ unake a tlu;ck batitsi-, beat for t-en maniner: MeIt--le butt-er, skim t i-n lreenîg t-o aoi etle ig minutes a d hock t-be baqin - inthlen place c- piece ef ligbtht-rwn, ging otut /procesa, whicbi tela nnp c toast in ht. and in a te-w minutes t-vèycare, ha beien se successt/tlly pac c-hi ot/ e ingi watmt/le toast will have u-bsonbed t/le tun- 1 resent/edte by t/nappent, plae oen uglt. Bako lu thuin pleau'ant t/ast/e sud amell. Permitb îsat lie now secured f nom cakes, dilluting thbe bitter. If nec- the office cf t-hie provincial game esmary, with a lit/t-le w-au-ni wat/en, a 4 warden by people desiring t-o take sall quai-t-s-r o! a teaspeeionftil et Content-ment le What we Need. toxes durng t/be close season. bicarbonate 4)f! soda beinj ý slirred 1Eîor y man la as) big as bis wanIs It is now, aise illegal for .any per- In b3- sorre cooks ut t/be last moment at-e it-le, ut hoe cari gel along ww-hutj son t-o expcmrt luve foxe.s beyonc t-hie a proceding wlich iqa seesislly in- ouher people, et-ber people canntgtbtnîdary o! t/be province w-t/bout dicatted ifthebaterîppeals t-o haelong wIt-hout hlm. Ilflie can flnd am-. first obtainuiîî a permni. The cost îîi -tattou.-pe amusement w-hm bis awu akull c emt nrsetieaiil Sw-set Rys e ofies-Sieve togetb- lhe w-iIIdîscoven entertinmentnluf a e o n ftresec nni et- t-w-obre.uktsstcitpfus-ls encb <>f everyt/hînt sud evet-ywliere, il oe an t-5 un fu aieint/be provitnce fletî n sd rye mentalndud ns t/sa-big book, lîke t-be Bible, lîke Shakes - is $1.5. sud ln thle case et animais saI, ptinluto tlicpeut-e, lea ~lhbt-aty for hlm, lie w-ifl be net t-caretl on t-l i at-nus 100jofr stpconful ofif ,pur hI be toexet/nact profit lnom ail books. 1eiery black 'or ailier fox *export/ed centre eue-bai! ounceo f compt-esaed il sny tt-eefs hbonéfon li s abesui-1 sud $15; for utny et/ler species -t 3-est-t moot/hly blcuded with oes /tIl picture, lie w-ll walk lu a ppetsualI t/li fox farîîily. _Thehue hast twie reg- tec-cuîpftil -of t/epid w-at/et-, t/w-o art gallern. Ilt Isnet wist w-e lacît- ilatiîus lare iiithue way ofetprot/ec-

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