Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Aug 1914, p. 6

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Yo<tth Ii e tue is t lto lie Lifting Capaolty of 46i DO ,ToIns-Tw foundation Thr health. Ever boy.11 I111 ànd girz l ouldhave >enty ofpure§ Ditinct Types. f Toe ted b~oloo d a troing erves. Witih C-f Iwith 4handicap too great t i afl"ut o e £cClrRl*, M>ay, e, the success and hardIness. -Pure, r'ed Urne ,oemi" when $ho hss1o goonit.he bloo i menus healthful' growtlI, "akk ulit." The aliment may only obroiig rerves, a clhar tirain and a amouât te the need of a fresbcoeatlng good digestion. In a word. ^pure of' paint; or It may b. desfrable to re- blood is the foiundati o f ealth.- move, the accumulation et barnacles The sgna f thn, ipure~h nd aMilrie weedsliom the shtp's bot- tom, whlch have pereeptibly reduced are many and untuistakable. Thse lier 'pa d Or perbapsa a atorm lias pale, irritableiioy or girl. iw+o las bandled br roughl>', and a plate lia no> üppetite, or -ambition, iîs alwaye atarted far below b ler 'waterllu 1 e; or tired out,, melancholy, ehort c i se has run foui of a rock and craolied' bré-ath, anid. who does not grow ln a part of lber steel walls; and lest, stroncr. is the victixn of anaemla, or but not.lease, shot andaboli niay have bloojdlress3nes-the greatest eneiny worked thelr wlcked wlll upon lier BaaYSH. ShePetone, lu Wenders o 'o! vuth.Land and Beai Thero is just oue thing to.do for These repairae au onIy' be effe,'ted these bevc .and girls-build up the by pracii'g the ship lu a dry dock, of b lood with Dr> Williamns' Pink Pille which there. are three distinct types- for Fle People. You oan't afford the excavated, rnas,6nrylined gmrvlng to eKperiMent with ofher rieirfedies dock, the slipway, and the floatiug lor heremust1 dck. he frsttwo are flied strud. forthre us 'e no guesswork in tures, whilst thse Iast-named ean be, the treatinent cf anaemia. Through moved frorn plaoe to place as occasion nêg'Ieet or wronî treatrnent saa- demande, They are undoubtedly the mnia graduà.Ily developg Into the moat Intereatizig of al docks-huge, p ernicious form whieh is practicaT- floating cradles 0f steel, pongeasing a lyincurable. Dr. Wiliia#ms Pitik mass of delicate and wonderful ma- Pill -Wrk dxecIv o -te bloýjchiner>' snd cavable of pickiugk up out Pilla work directlvoo thebod fhwater the largest linersud the giving it juat the elenents 'wlichl heavfeat battleship. ît laeks, In this way these Pille Ia ui 10VasAo sis Floatiugdocksare inVarï'iabi>built oÇther respect&:.,aIon tIse ICOMPlete at the yards snd then towed 'stréats' with, is:'hëad 'lu the ýclouda te, their desti.nationL. rhliouaccaunt sud lii is air at'ireamjing À thse wiud et the enormous distanes tisey bave 1behiud. him. He has, writteu uu£any te travel, sud the storms they eneoun- ponderous booka- (tIse lafeat oi them ter eu route, otten proves excitiug 15 400,000 werdiAosig, suan& contains wark. Meore now they have breken may acsbot usi loose from tise tug ansd oui>' been agre- thlcesabtt ùài captured;with great diMlfut>', while W tee IeRsiu wr e was but'a year or se ago that oee le- aware <M; h. la te be seen 'walking came a wreck où the South Atrican the streets witbi ail sorts of people tout.varying from anarchiste to million- Prom»Great rti huge focatiug aires; he la apt to reply Ïo a simple docks have been towed te Havana. la question in RusÉiau or Chinese. Cuba; to Durban, lu Natal;, to the Thse po' ssr-!cooice la, in West Iudies, Brazil, Bermuda, sud, short, s ver>' striking, a very re- more reeenti>', te Callao, lun Pont, on markable memb-er 'of the unîver- tIse*West coast of South Âmerica. aity Wisat le regarded as the most dar- ? ing towing test ou record was -the -A whole cycle o! legeuds has couveylug of the lloatlug dock Dewey g-re wn up at tIse universit>' witb from IBaltirnore, lu Use United States, "JiMmy," as he ia irrevereut>' to thse Philippine Islands. Tisis un- wlieldycratt made tise Journe>' via tise Suez Canal,,thus coveAiug a distance of 14,000 miles. Durlng. a storrn ln tise II iDuia uD evry rganananeTv inMediterranean she broke loess,sud the bodvt thile developing strong, At firat blttof wood, they were for tIree days was tossed about attise ruggedl boys anà Ig4i. Mies Auna ver>' primitive Iu character. What lis Mercy of thse waves.- ImkGrand F.,rks. B,'.10. sy declared to 'bo the fatlber. af thee ,,LoseikhtbeoetaigD structures wss tise quaint, woodeu,- ~I hin tht -efre n-kug r.barge-shaPed edifice luventud b>' one GENERATJ STOESSEL DYING. Williams' Pink Pih;I was one Of C. Watson, of wicis typ>e q print la3 thse mu.ît miserable girls alive. I atili eitalit, blowing aucis s dock lit- Mate Living SclUIng Tea IVIffle Wife was hsrdly ever f ree frem awful lug thse brig Mercury at Rotherhithe, Be hees tieadaches, wab as pale a5s'a gboi5t, Just over-a lsundred ->'ars ago. etili, Be hees sud could n ot go upstsirs without It wss net until thse end cf thse nine- Generai Steessel, the fa-mous de- rest No sice t.aingteentix century that thxe advantages orftender of Port Arthur su the lns-so- ~tppugt»thse flrating dock became geuerally ne- JaVanese war -of 1004,' is dyîug in the Pilis the headaches have gone, coguized. Jndeed, s0 laie as-thse yearoburt'adwatntIe ite any ppeiteis ood ntiI as eual1897 there were anly 143 lloatlug docks towu of Himelnilk. Pedôolia. - - to alinost auy exertion, and- yen lu existence, whereas to-day there are Atrbssre~e fts ot mn4y be sure I will aiway-s recoin- over 400, wltls, It la estimateci, a total Atrhssredro h ot mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pi-lis." lifting capacît> cf lhait a Million tons. ress thse Genersi w-as court m.ar- ý9 mdicie daler orHait et the dry docks te be feund In tialled on sa Charge of co'warchice ) oi4 by almdcnedaer ~rthse United States sud aise lu German>' and derelietion in duty.. He. was %eûit bv mail, post paid, at 50 cents sud Holsud. are efthtIe floating type. gentenced te ten years impri-con- a box or six boxes for $2.50by b> The moat powertui we have lu Great, muent lu thse fortresof Saints Peter W'ritilig direct to The Dr_ William%' Britalu la that bulit b>' Messrs. Swan, sud Paul, but alter twenty-fAve Medicine Co., Brockville, On-t. Hunter sud Wigham Richardson, Of menths cf confinement he, wa-s re- - _ èb-Wailsenid-on-Tyue, for thse Britishs Ad- leascd. Ris condition n'as puthctic TUE MOUSTACRE BNNI- mirait>', sud now stationed iu the Med- lu1 -way. It bus a lifting capacit>' et 33,000 inth extreme, -for hià sentence de- E1,,iýs Biïhoî,s anîd Judges With tous. prîved hlm of rank, psy and, psu- sion. 'His private menus were ex- PeesrJmsMvr hir1sute-ip Unkncwa, Can Lift Imperator. haustcd se that lie wa-s glad te eke _________________ Rc~torciers ln c-ntinentsl mil-, It là at thse Vulcan sllpyards, Iu eut s mtode-st living by seiiing tes o German>', that we find the meut power- while bis heode wife endeavered to kuown, as thse here of tisen. The italy tservices r egardiug hirsute de- fui of these crsft, thse fioating dock esrn- meuey by brecding chirekens.t authentlcity cf sonie cf thse episodes corations have druwu attention to there having a lifting papaclty etfno -.He is now living ou the -ehari of the "Jimuni3 saga," as one stu- tlie prejtudice against the moustache lois tIssu 46,000 tons. We get an Ides of his former Adiutant, Col. Ksidi, dent cailed it, is not beyond ques- "-hstili sturvives in certain quar- of ber Immense sirength when It Is Who teck bim to'bis Country eï.tate tien, but peop-le Who kuow the-pro- te t-s. stated she raised thse Imperator clean -a vearao hni 99jl_ 2tfso iisyta l h niet litNoa y uicss tis o uspain-thebeaviest oetliuers. Thsis vessel bas ou fth aejh agetadtion te t-le Czar askiug fer a f ull related of hlm might couceivabi>' *Biéd bv bat .u-Xnegixis hopa-lcngth cf 920 feet, a bresdth of 98*feet, pardon n'as rejeûtEd thse old Gener- be truc. 6 ýbaiý- AnEng i d bih)a lielght of 96 feet, aud a displacement ai wus stricken *with a-p6plexy sud lTale cf the Treusers. wtia mtus.1 thu i ~ng unseard et over 50,00-. tons. his heaith has grown stendily werse. There is, for instance thse tale cf of. 'aud Dr% Watts-I>itelifield, wlîen . Thse comparativel>' recent suddea _____the trousers. Prof. Mavor, like a lie wa' apozinted tu thse sec of risc lu popularity et floatiug docks la - od iusny othor men -of deen iearn- Clellfriad tô dil aaY With IL due te tise rapidit>' with whIschtbey WA S FIRST WOMAIN PIYSICI-tN îng, lsauanilluitra-tion cof tihe theory mp fIon man>' yesrs. lin e but, their smail cost compsred 'i that men are,'le1I dressed or flot in 'A niotimtaý,lhed Englsh jîidge is ij with a graving dock, and theîr waudér- ['rou uUen von flebold Obfacd De-, inverse zi4 hi mental capa- rarit>' th-ýug}x Mr-. Justice Philli- fui mobîlity.'.Whereas s floatiug dock Ciy. '-,( . mnort' boldfly defies the prevaililng capable of lifting q modern lier or gce10 esh o.ct s nuq 1 apcedt f» batiehipwcld cs abut$1.0000. -Feinitasholdce!brtethis isIs he solution of a differcut pro- ls-hjon. The moustache of the iph>'- blem u oldcs bu 1,0,0,ýFeinssscul eebaehen >ýst opposite a tailor'8 icvthbugh tirnrool inow, î rvn okwuddîada monthi as the èentengry of the first 1 shop.Ile csi"sse eut ôl his abstrac- rectg N%'- . . E. Russell penditure of, more than double'thIs woman doctor, sàyi the Franldur- tien for a momiegt saw "Exclusive lietcie dOtrbn suff. Then tihe former could lie built tor (Germauy) Zeivung. ft w n'3 ~T" ahctsd le voer ru-,. a mtsahi dco u-In s fen mouths, wbereas'u as iery rouse rings avrie, okd tii 1877. "Evcî-ye'sc, " he - Wnîtes, structure wouîd take ut leust tbree or Jun e, 1814, that a Fi-aulien von dowu ut bis owu nether garmonts, eûcnd'lmned the 'hirstite uppeudagei four years te construct. Sicbold, after studying at Goet- suw that tbey werc begiuning t-o As lîîghly -uuprofessue'ti, and wheyij At Wallseud a fioatiug dcck et 112 tîngen sud Darmstad-t, <>btaiucd lier1 exhibit sigus cf auntiquit>' aud walk-- 1o etille sft'?r th-ý por man fouud 1000-ton lifting capacity wnas cempleted degree and passed tise State exaru-1 ed iu te thse tuiior's s-hep te erder lrs wa y1 iu the iuçiatic asyiurn,! withlu eight montbs et sigaling tIse ination in medic-ine sud surger>'. anwp Ir. n due time thse new tseiboriut ie;-cters c-f thse eider 1 oniract. Untike thse flxed structure, Inl a short time lier fumne spreud treusers arrived home. Tise next ichowol said tht'v wý'x t'v-net sujr- the floutiug dock bas tIse whole werld threugiseut tise landi, aud lu 1877 tise omigteprfsrdoedie Iprîe(l.before It, and sbotxld trade desert eue University' cf Giiessen cenferred uew gurments, aud left tise old eues lu ýc-er;caI cirches, says a Lendan'-port for anotiser, it can esil>' be trans- uipon Iser tise degree cf docto,0on- over the -chair. He départed to '- eS%5s<feredmaîu idete -inýdcwueci causa. Thse next year le was deliver a lecture at collegé. A o! a mouîstache lu ei sert of party rmi de calied te assist the, Duchess Louise member of the fausily came intothe badge. . T0 have a moustache iâ Jfý Two Distinct Types. ofe!Coburg-Gotha, at VIse birtis o! professer's room aud observed tise cidedlv 'Lo'. eu Higli Ciiîrh-1 Thero are two distinct types Of ber finît son, Duke Ernest Il. garmeuts. . A hurnied rush te tise Sa n >haves e-i- grows a beaî-d. I1 these sirsuge craft-tbe'box dock sud Fraulien von Siebold afterwards phone ensuied, and tise followiug nous- a High Chut-ch ceorgymîan wlie] the self-docking pattern. TIse first- fnarnied Staff Sergepu Heidren- conversation teck -place: ehfd$ moustaches- in abhiriteuice .- named is pcrfectly rigid, sud there- relois. Sise died lu 1859. "Hello! Istisat t-le main build- uet- a jiinior uvas iivited 'to take Ifôre thxe strouger cqf tise two. SIsould. ThiF, tise German paper says, dis- ig -of tise universityl ('ould yýou at is liirci.He arn. it ecme ecesay t ceanorrepalr posed efthtie caima thuttise first pieuse hurry sud find Prof Mavor 7" Hîs' 1 .ýer 'up lien' lte L-ofring i the under-wuter portions, IL bas to'be, fentahe physician w-as an Engils-l "Is anythiug wroug at bis lag. k) iudicati-g tiv uo iscfî- --n l ced lu a dry dock.. Tise self-hock- wornau, Elizabeth Blaclcweli, who lieuse 1" came thse repi>'.- ,vii is tgt- M» a -ttLih ifnlgtye n tIse ortbuions o deIf:graduated lu 1849 at Geneva, IX.Y. -"Oh ne! But Isurry! Is bis ap- 4est, said ùt) hjmi: .'Y"îî f,;i sgndtIa I an! 8prtos t itacîf died a fen' years ago at as-pearance unusual 7 eVrtin ut of thse utt'-,-whîere tise>' eau be s- ~vrtigyeu requir -n isle dres- cleaned or repalred. ings. Ecuglaud, aged 90. "Haven't tucard et it. Whv t" -iupbe" Ever.s-t,iig 1-l etru-1 These fioating cradies usay be said -»- -,"iBecanse his ýpants are heme, and 1luirc ipreved te be a razor, a bruas te resemble a huge box WItIsout ends NEW ID EA. we are afrisd that-" i-d a stick--of stiuving seap. Thé-: or top. ' The bottent Consista ot a tank Not nt Home. iiit was f aken.1 or poutoon, or several pontoons se- Hlelped Western Couple. On another occasion so tise legend curely fasteuîed tegetiser; aud It la b>"Itd 1' ayt tiktotlaeymns, Prof. cMavor waa having a Mcitd's LZnimeutt CuIras Dîitheta. llhing tiiese DOntoons with water tisa' t den-pyt tc o ls th~ dock Is suaIt sufficieutly to cuable teoid notions of things. New ideas longhediscuso wxtIx r Flee A desirablr, tling o nw sIs i p whicb requires dockiîîg to be often lead te better fhealths t Ie ate' oue Fen'ie ý!st Lo, sweeten tlue bitters eof life Sated. ever thse poutoons. sud happiness. hom iu tise early heurs o! tiseusomu- with n-ui, k The vessel la thon bauled In be-. ii opeeaie uie ing, and found tisat Ise lad, as« tween the n'alla of tIse dock b>' caps-.forgottn isacke. o taniî fitted on tIse tops efthLie %îlis. rewte theus and stepped UP s rlpeunded ou thede-or for severi B>' Powerful pumiping machiner>', lo.- rounds on the isealtis iadder. TIse minutes. - A head wss thrust out [C [Â ON FACE, jrenived trous tIse Poîtoons, ad s1"evr1 years ago we suflered Mavor is'olit," came the cali. ctei aeeti te dock ai Ises ra fo sufdis: f rosee- Jimyan uatairsowinw. "rof. ( AIUfl Lino tutu tIe sIsip la lifted elean o! lessi nervous, saiîow, weak, aud sud went back to Prof. Fletclier's. - SCM.P I.L4 the' wster. Whie In thse dock tIse shipirtae My iesu iot 1- Prof. Mavor has trsvehed mucis in lU[p A DU N S -et nke lcsu d la further riabe MywfanIbohlv sUpported b>' mecbaulcal side-shores. ed coffee sud theughtit t was a Rusaisa an China, sud an aucientt Cam Of'in caes Ithe Bdly 60 ootLog.bracer." (Delusion-,and tes la "shuba." as sieepskin ceat. -was forer Hadto ie and. Uti Waery lu~desripio ofthedmisît' dckjust as isarruful as coffée, becauseuan'er-eecftssihsote Lhe beh ontis is drgcal- campus. isi ecortomic lectuires and tpe il e- au whhids tte box t-f . were once describcd as s studeta lie Medway, tIse) et ro nd thse world lu 80 minutes." Otflft c r Cured. ud ypailt1es nIdaOf tcs oudenq "F inalle, alter years cf suffeniutg, ___ - tm n Onlletely ue. ad aai ie fteefioatiug cou- w edo otf n h a trivauces. It bas s total longtis et 68o era tPsui u iehrs ~ UOTliaouon. ioa, orote On.-j oot m cnsItaet iv prts nmi ful nouscof coffee, and beiieving that CITY COUNCIL DOINOS My cauust et5L-ed h.4 h1.w%2 1>'. three 1arge ponteous sud two s1 -to irro a-, on.l .,,lA some.asn ten- babYOn My face anadi a-ad Iuenucrtched it It Itcbed ver>' badi>'.à bave MnY handa ied B=crtbuug i face. pimples camine on miy bldte ste>' home fredù - v-aSe. lcaaud us look badi>'. TIse ena terni, appearing eu us uicer. sebail tIsaIte tOuched. My baien h-k 1btck rud to'liegel dareutwlsstcouuld cana »MyNfmottuertrlcd- upeulu ne end'-fornonoi ter but lbi dld lio gouiui - ormsndod Cuticuira& ýIy niother uoed thti 'Icuranuv- nhte 1 rnths hd a M cured,". (SI ned)3 wats. bos laterare16~- .et 1ion te now ideas, we decided to s calp,. 1h SeeMed dry'> tbick, a-ad have a hcIgist oft eor 60 test otm lt, It camseoff la scales j feet. The dock bas au catrauce widt1is otun aud 1 -ras obtîged t eto 113 feet, and a total wit t14.Whes we muci-t ig'ht we- iked ItP 00 au eDiOi t eetTh peteotae ivdeujh Of 144 àsud werc frec o.! iils caused b>' Lfttlbte wa- yliscTe onoos red.ldd it bans ndfâc ad jneoicsthansuxt>' divisions. Ilunnîtsg coffee. Our friends uoticed- thse ii éhoot ton neaniy tivo o cdIsoetthese Ilsa spipe sud aichange-f.reaher ekin, sturdier le face sud luanuts te valve, centrolled trous a centrai pcgi. nenves botter temper, etc, om= teck a ver>' bad jdtin, kown us tise valve h1oua.. Stand-' " Titese cagswn e udu lngthretIe dcksaterknws xat-but i screased as we coutluued te yW fae iii w ttcte e - y -1wbsî valves are-open sud wh ineir hein$ uatumraty abt, sud "eau regulste tise descent sud1 drink sud enjov Postuni, sud we ttàng thinner and woni-asucent et bis 'cnatt ccondîuigl' -lest thse dosine for coffée. Mlte fan out. TIse-dock, ligisted tbreughoût wîthi "1Man>'o! our frieuda did not like ansd -and eloctnicît>.'. It possosses se-l'ral *POw-j Poatus at finit, beesuse they did y tryîng te e set e t- enfuI arc lampa for. use wbon dockîngntlakitrgtBuwenty . 'At lt atfrie roc.on worklug du a ship at nîgIsî. Theren t-rak trgt u hnte §opandOintmmtland are alse aspecîi arrangements te faciîî-I made Pestum accerding- te dires- em. We Sppliedth tate thUse of eiectnl bu-lmp tiens oun.pkg., tisey iiked it 'botter 0 ni>' tacs. huad snd Ou oaeb wall there lsa a miniature rail.t tIss eoffee sud were 'be-aefltod by ita Cu etlcura 8oip wa> ce1wilch us a travellingcra e, Vthe change." ~ csabl etlifing *egbtet evetaU-Namne given 4)37-Cata-dian PoBftllI je I isuconspletel>' tans, n la t iseWlia, -too, are -tise flgC.'Wnsr'Ot.ýàd "h Um ConguStace and sleeping quartera 0 f these gc, WidoO.Red "le 1dwelilng on thse dock.,rs Roîi<lte Weîîville," lu pkg. olutusuat do somah Over 12,000 toua of steel were ueed. Postuan now couses lu tivo orme: os, réd, ro-ag is . d lu tIse construction et thîs dock, R1egular- Poiturn-must ise well Ladruif dry, -thln am while anotiser 2,000 toua were requlsi. bâiie'd. 15eI and 25c packages. ha&,& d hap em 'tioed, for ber varigus acceescnios, Instant Festun-js a soluible pow- * crinnetno te use Tisis dock has raiaed bhattie crulsers of der Md itecp ilslq a Sc.ti- ,the Orlon sud Li6nen csinlutwo sud 'Maei7h u ît,0tý& raOl~~~ese -ahaItheus. - jten-no boiliag. 30c. suýd c. tinp., of encli,; Wittxi32-P. - -Notousit>' In Wa, about he itpr u o bts idai to-ppt m#d > ýd dcklug aeoQrnsodatlcn for a "Thnere'.s a Be&son" for Postum. fléit lu ime of wan la au àaolute ne-- ---sold b>- Grocena. To Put t.hrousl tIse license reduction witl1 require sente Lal hsuething. Mean- time lote of conne 'wKiilie iramped ou- The cure le "Putnam's,' tise old icable con extu'sctor tIsai. las licen curiug.corna and warte for yeane,. -"Putnants tuever fais. 26c. at anl de2nIers. IVis>'Ma Was GIsd. Mra. Kawler (te hosteas' cbild)- Are yen glsd te s-ec me again, Edith-Yes'm, and imaminS '3 glad, tee, -Mrs. Kawler-Is aie? - Ed h--Ye s ; ,he said ase uo'ped youcpcusete'dy aud -have it oer 'w.ith.- The Usuai Codlhints.- Mrn. Fogsrty (in prepoaing tse bnid'S heaîtlh)-An' it's 8mese-lf la ipreud to ay>'1 'ave kuewed Vise bride this fort>' year." tue Bnide-Its a thouderinu' han vou are ,, Fogarty; me heinoniy just turned -tiirty- wau an' a haîf." of us wou]d go- flsling. neWIn vircimc rseimatic joints,- gtvea qlik relief to, thooe tliiobbing pains,, and never burus or even stalua tlie "Rheumatimkept My.'Jointesawollen and 010re for ton Years«, My'riglit knee' Joint ýwas otten toc pajfufl to, show me to walk. - In thlis crlppled* torturedcon- dition.I found Nervihine a bleuing,. Its wsrm, acothing action brcught relief I hâd given up hoplng for. If rubbed on quantities of Nerviline and lmpffroved steadil>', I also took Ferrozque at mealtIme lu orderto purify ahd en- rich my.blood. 1 arn to-day welsud can recommend my treatrnt moat couscientiously. (Slgned) C. PARKS, Prince Albert, Not an ache or pain lu thse muscles or Joints that NervIine won't cure, It's wcuderful for lumbago sud scia- tics; for neuralgla, etlff neck, earachse sud tootliachîé'. Nervilinie, 18 SIMpy a wonder. Best tamil>' liniment 'knowu sud largoly uaed for, the past forty yeara. Sold b>' dealers everywisere, large famlly aize bottle 50c., smal trial size 25c. Refuse, a substîtute, take only "Nerviliue." 4<EWS BT MAIL ABOUT 30131 LtYLL A4Nfils PEOPLP. occurence# in-neTb und Tbal IReigne Suprenîe ln tbo Cern- merdaIoWorhd. Tiselute Mr. Tisomas James Bar- ratt, c'hairnmun cf Peurs, left £400,- OU9 . The set emigration £rom thse Unit- id Kirigdom during thse, lait 30 years aggrcgated 3,408,000. L ondon, in common with the est et tise world, has he-d moat cf hem important bridges -built hy Scots- mna. Tanhill Inn, fleur Brouglilathse highest stianding public bouse lu Bnitain. Iti h 1725 foot a'bov'e son level. Thse Iuke cf Portland -ha been preseuted wit-h thse freedous et Net- tinghamtinu recognition cf bis itivul- ntaishe services t-e thse city. Tise 80th birthday of'Sir Edu-ard Rusýseil, editer of 't-be Livezpool Daiiy« vPeut, wil-l be celebrated ut, a cemplimeustan>' banquet to e, ho hd in Lond-on in Octobem. At the -beginniug o! June in cacis ycar about 300 -organ-grinders icuvie lItai>' dur London. They returu te their native land in October, sud hive n-cil fer thse ncxt eiýg-ht'months, when tise> again astari. or their pl- ive 01 a wt>raauay Worîo itas - oeen igiveu daily to the passengers ounU Most of the- steamslnps -ploughhipg ,HIgl t-ho iteven seas. The Italian irwent- i Lor gava tse.air a fougue.ý Now, ina e the mewonderý-the Marcoiii-Bel-, lini-To i $steom-hias beeadded, literally, 'a wire1 lews- ye. :Thse new device. is- classifled asa "diretion' fluder.' its9duty-is toseek out ail W ire1éos stati6us, vhet her, station- ary or in motion-or in pther wordsX. W. ni on veast lino or high s, wihia radius o f ffty mil es , and, ta midi- j»'r YOt AFrit cste, fer the guidance o! the navi- wrîte IL, gating officers the exact relaiion o! tolbrne thse sipto these in terme of latitude.M W. D, and longitude,, Its, ahere' of use- 1<ýjj -fuiness, even in thse present experi- -O mental stage, is te assiat the cap.- tain duriug, "thick" weathe r, inl Buiisics maintaiùnug a, clear course in the ngomp travelled ocesuané, in pa$sixg- Torbnto. points, aud in -ma king port. Like many inventions, uzelu te- uiankind this wireless finder -la re- F rcxix markable for its iimplicity. AI- JirC.13ot] thougli one of Marconiis engineers, iCANcm 8ig'uor Tufilio 'Ichino, came out ou out ta1n' thse "Royal George'~ to usake the os b!.r tests, its' operation dees not require C. 1Mjl an expert, and any ,f -the bridge of- Aicers can obtain a bearing as eas- ily as with a compasa and just as - conveniently. the instruments be- ing set u-p in the ehart ron. floths the Marconi engineeer, S19- nor Minilio Ichin.o, and the Captain -of the "Royal George," expressed -theniselves on arrivai at Queëbee-as highly pleased with the experiments whieh 'had heen rmade on thse voy- A ag-e. The instrument had been sc- in C curate to a degree in detecting the XI1 ,compass -direction of ot-her sta- C=a pre tions whether on shore-or on o-e oss vessels. Tlsey had been able to -as- Cape Race. Cape Ray, Father Point ami thle ships Columbia, Calgarian and Sicilian. The Columnbia 'had been 68 miles awav, the Cafgarian aud hor 53 and the Sicilian 18. Both mien 'rai were confiden t that neither wind, Dr .J wave or fog would.affect thse accu- racy ef the new wireiess device. The Canadian Northèrn, since the. inauguration of its Atlantic steam- ship service, hua established a re- putation for experimentation with new ideas calculated teo improve ocean -navigation,.lIt was first to employ a "relay" of -operators to secure cont-inuous nirele'ts service. Later it ena!bled Professor Barnes. of Mcaili, Montreal, to test hîs- de- vice for the detection of ice at sea. Since tha-t tiine one of its captaîns lias conceived and developed a hizh 1 [y efficîent device for the launchîng , WE2KJ Trrmu * Fori~ ki, -end igo -s me. or 1 a msy. lie tfia [y day le; ove latilebaru ver ogItC~g JNDALL'S 5PAVIN CURE tIrgsgistsat $1 abottle.8 for $5. aiz-I. UswzIlcure. Thousandsof farmne )rsemen will say 0. Our book ie on the lior e' free.'a r TIS CATAOGU The Dest -Ever issued: Guns, Rifles, Ainmunition, IFishing, 'Tackle, Baseball, Golf, 'Tennis, Lacrosse, Camping Outfits, ail Suinmer and* Winter Sports. w,%ant Eveey Mau grum4ge. - smaà'iî DatS at Ses. iNOW iL is tise WIO Hutts, Fisiseà,,or SirWJohn Swinbuxrne, a retir-ed i arconi-Bellini-Týosi System. 1 plays an'- Outdoor" Il ----+ _ Gante te get our large captais - of tise Ioyal Navy, ani al f ree Catalogue. Piices' cousin cof tise pooL, died lu L onde-a Death Neai'Iv CIaimed nigisî, satisfaction onte 5h i. H as* vasguaranteed. Immenise ond tie isis 1 iy. Ho was &3ten ~stock, prouiptshipmeut oi. i uwsevce.dnngtseteivf rifswick Lady VOn salre oeybgtin Bitruese n-ar in 1852 sud in Ch'ina 1 rii,'b gtls Catalognuio-da>'. 1890. Bii. i 'a eirdl Was Restorecr-to Hon Anxioc-us Family' T. W.Boyd & Son, 1890. I When Hope Had Gone. 2risotreDaeSLWoeu.abofr0a Fire broke ont on tiselotis Jutly St. John, N.B., Dru. 1SSi.---At, e ut thse )remises et F. W. Hewartb, tin te'I was feared thuat Mns. J. Grant, wail-paper manufacturer, Biackley, et 3 ý7isue St., wculd soccumb te thsej- Manchester. Tise promises were doadfl ravages et advauced k iCne>' deomed tfrous the otutset a-dad troublè. "My> finit attucks'of backaclie member o! t-he Anus aiscsses tise a-ad kidue>' trouble begun >'ears ugo. EJod .Adviî-e. adFor six >'earu tisat dm11 gnawing pain- dantage ut between £C9,000;andbas bec-a preseuut. Wlmu'xî1 exerlted MtY-,Tise weil-known Enghish physi- £70,oOW. self It was ternibl>' Iutexxsified. If 1I can, Dr. Lestler, n-us lu bis youth General -Sir Laurence James 011- csugbt cold tise pain wusuneîudurable.c plintdid -t isreudeceluLou- I used meut ever>'thlng, but othxing n otoriortshv wild-ýand as chever as. don on thse OtiJnhy. Generali ý,gave tIsai certain grateful relief lhtIsaOi e 'a -y. phn-bwuws OS yoars of ugo, cause trous Dr. Hamilten's Pilis et Mgn- Oedythese sc'i-juhnaster- ke-pt phant.drake aud Butternut. lusteud of behug youg Lestier àfter scisool, sad served with tise Souda-a Expodition bowcd down witb pai, L-day I amt tahked l1ong sud caruesti" upes vthe lu 18,95, sud iu tise Sentis Afnican strong,,eo> splendid uppetîte, sieep errer cof lia ways. Tise lad shbwed War lun 1901-012, He wus (7cncrui soundhy. Lest pu'operties hsave been - utile itrsada ai h"s Officer Commauding=in-Cisiet, Nor- listîlted ixuto ru> bloed-cbeeks are neet u ila iems theu Comand frni190to ~.ros i>'wII colon, sud I Lhank tisat day ter saî4, sternl, "Young mIain,I ther Comand frm 197*t 11.11.tiat 1 Iseard of so grand a medictue a ssail send a soLe t-t vour f'ather,- - _ i Dr. Hamlton's Pihis." snd -bavýe im ca-Il a îud sec me." As sees as s-rat discovers that Every woman sauld ose these Pis "Oh, don't .do that,"ý said Ise lie is trapped he ]oses ail intorest rsu lal es good orubealtsthas bY. iu tise piece cf cheese thzrt cuused cornes to ail wIso use Dr. Hsmtttou's isematr eeu&d"Ys bis downfall. Mandrake sud Butternut Pis. wih out' father-,hil cone. asud- Minard's Liniment Co., Limite-d. Gentlemen --in Jui. 98, 1 bail mY ]and and wriet bitten and badly mantled by a vtcioue horme. I suffered greatly for se- veral days and the tooth ente rofu'ed to heal until Your agent cave me a boutle of MINARDS LINIMENT, w.bich I began uainir. 'The effert was maical: in five bour-, the vain haît .rased and iu two week.9 tbe wouud« bail <ompletaly bezled and my band aud arm were as well as ever. St. Antoine. P.Q. Yours trul>'. A. E. ROY, Cannissze MaSer. Aged. ",Wiy, look isere," said tý cisaný wlo was in nueed cfj "saren't yen the sause 'bey w in isere a weck agoV" "Yes, sir," said tise appli "I tisought se. Aud didny yen. thon tisai I wasted ai "Ye,sir. Thata why I'-i I'us eider new." JID. 4 ISSUE' 4emer- a 'boy. wise was licaut. 't 1 tel n eider Lucele Heur>' was une of te uild- est ef men. No -ose haC e-ver socs hlm ungi-> or impatient, but w hes bis eid-time neigihor and suurnosed fnienci, Joins Ragland, deiiberately cheated hlm-cuit o! $900, even is kindly spirit n-us ruffled. ",Sometime," le -remankec te bis wife, "l'us goiug te otillthut uman wisat I tisink e! hlm," One day lie came honmîc 'higisi> satisid wiL-h bimiel!. "I 155w Johnu Raglaud t-o-day, sud I told himn straigisi eut w-bat I tisouiglt e! hitu," ho said. "What did you su>' ' -asked bis wife. "I told 1dm I t-hought ise was a ver>' uxreasotable'ma-." Eiuard's LiIiMs $guus Grgetlau ois. C ot Ilis Answer. m back. Counsel-I inulet on su ausw ,er te usy question. Yen have net toii meî sîl tIse conversation. I wausL te know ah tIsat pasîed 'between yen and Mr. Joncs on tise, occasion te which yeu refen. Reluctaxut Witness-Il've told yen everytising of any censequeuce. î "Yen, have toîd use yen aaid -te --hlm, 'Joues, thia case will get ilu-te thse court some day,' Now, 1 waut, te kuow wIsat -le aid lu repî>.'"l- "Well, lie said: 'Brown, thereT î s't anvthiug lin this business Iem-; ashaased of, a-ad if,,-auy anooping, little, yee-ha.wing, four-by-ai'x, gim- 'let-eyed lawyer, withis lf. a pouud- -'o! brama sund sixteen ounces et jaw, ever -wsnts te know what I'vo' been talkiug about, jus-t tellMm.' " ..4.. Ambition la usuaîly tIse vcice that1 42-' 14. invites opportunity te call. 1 see meitto-mornes, - - "I ad-vise you net tej," repiied tise mischievous vouti. " 'But why n t " asked tie. teaci- "Recause My~ father charges flvc Shillings for a visit.," yong et her's fathen waî a pisysician. Few o! us becomhe rotind sheuld6n- cd fi-cm carring thier people's buide-as. - TOUR ObWN, DRUGIST »ILL TELL Yïàt Tu-y buile Eyui leinedy ftonit'deWeai, aieny By>es sud Grasulted Eyellds; N-O Ssuartlug- JutEye comforu. Nrte fur Bek of the Eye Occasîeually a gilaccepýStbe-h band o! -an aged suiter because of w-isst there is lu il. Muaaws tain».sî C ures colas, 310. Tise deaier lu autiqîes wss s iho-w- ing an old viollu te a probable buy- or. "Yes,"' he ss-d, "that la c his' tonical luterest; that is tise '-douti,- cal fladi. Nero'piayed wki.llefome.- ws burning 1" "C'h, that is a, yts"TIse-dealer agneed, Sayv- ing: "Yea-, it la; sand MyLh' anse wasion it, butis th'as got worn'Off.' jà!V 4-4I~l] 4Li 910 aiAVlliv1ýil - wi5Utds are ýa lji-tic lese ra- 'Anw~e'e iLbvoi. 6,,r.", is<d, on a bleak Nol WýrMF.a*and1[became ml oId Prend elJoue utLythini etéecu. slootug imooriand abave sud the es. - C'R5UT-ER XXIX. Ail thrbnurhl tha't bitter -w- iBhaw and I tired orbermit l ra red-tiled roof, colored gol en, and hutig about -wih iyy. Isouse above tIse marches. About our littia sarden ený cd iu by fragments of wbat Roman etrosgisold. thse Kê etx'ayed. btcatiug ini the drivix huddled togetber for waxint ---massive fragments cof tIse ai Dowu below us in tiseus ttghts wiuklcd eut ai. nigl above.- on thec ciest oc!theic doa8of -Uic sîluare-towerec cd med où kSuuday evenings. of food; wcre brought b> hi was no-zoad acrosuiche ami moorlsud to -where tise sncii bered bosse stocd ia cornu sud fer from eni et-her dwe - lxad taken tise bouee for asY accdizngiy ]ipw rental, as thl ont>' toc glad to have l$ 0oc Lime cf the yesr but tIse sur Att day long. -whaever might.'lie. I tooklu ong valk 1 conid net paint. Thee ij - Irough' su excepionatiy ei But had thse skies becs azure, ohune tIsai of Italy' wouid1 smre- -t conid set paint. I inceutive to -wotk. Mouey wà P to me, sud as fer tante--I rinte - as torgotten tIse bul bo Dleseed. Thse"Rose anad Crow-u baud-s, thseNokesea hxavtnr I -iz psy. couseexxety 1 ra -meeting auy aniIsa- wauld an sd rernembei Lilith. 1 took %hoi.naine of tMr- Wrentýha, Item thi prëcaution, it io - that auy cue -woild iavci d- ir,1'e da that clapse hld grown as gray ais tbat ftfty. lIn the eveniugr. I would c tirce&." aud. wbnid it ln trou old-fashioned fireplace. ivatet lus leosrs--ad broiig over itI.14 -ho had vanislucd fret. - the- marsh tain I 1hsd cati. Wrnushaw ezjoycéd the SOM t rustcd luis own ici, sud ha4 women. Madge ivae bis one w 1 eooa-Ldiiscovered -that h1u - irete te ber. About use, of lied bad io mach delicacy -o direct. -but 1 kucw tIsai J* patbizv. Only I did net wai -lie-r symPctýliy. i wauted te, row alloue. Winter' braSe at las-t ini srig nesd asfuius )Mar uwstbhm lu dniviug enow. cold d2ay I hald speut isi-s-c k -ilieurds for tret tambsa-4 anud hl- dcore home late. t numb wviti ccld. toeca-t a li theu ,it and dore aud drex lire. taryr tutiuiru'-but tata I nto tht temnu'uicd hi' the- warmth- an alLer a loue aaud fatfignn. its Mod i-o roufie - isyetan --lu tht ComatoFe etat4e' intii fatten. t liveta gtqin throog i1issd that dav wiinecscd. sai ai-htteeueca lit unden 'a i-aden .uy. ai - y --blampltigit. uhicli cast a1 thtes.i f or-ta0-t m bejteatis the cth-br>'do-nfa ed ourfat. fnt BtanMu- ceonfuz,-ed nie -me that ir-Wxatitfih t'-ui-w iieekine. adud a coiv ot pot4cieeed une a t heue!i b>' the w.îyeude. Tise ciit wore on-- ud i [ gapurisu4d me. LitLth irli s.'eultînz vue.ýî crew .-a etronr'thiu. c1 e sean lier 'plainti1ve voice as and oteet on the wliiuov--pî -'-One i evexi upraur nu ni threw ceu theltte-a rush cf suowilauk,4 wzss dri rocm. sud thse cold air zcemt -brais sund coirvint-e me oetpl before-a1usI se stronglv-rL-a icuelinias. Mi y en -oui, o ut- for my ivife lu forgircun M- e - a ine-ssl trouble, snd miL my Ihein. In tIse uorninig se 1 d>cïd back -te touvuu. and loave fiu) ed te Sud ber. So to>nw a-s ---with the man Fse 1usd pi- êos Jonr would -ueefoiset a t-ne. But sioiuld Aerrow comae uvon-bler.1 i tire 5s back te mo to tell me her trc - aIe used to, do -when 1 iret -at Lythingre uearly tour yeo But l ine uoruinsz it w. came to me. I foud ber1 authin Utcue i-eh <n'er nmv thbe lobtl- sitîson thle bAl. mith cold and iexD4icir-w w- oe- îtua l.. Viciee. puty -iue 1 ified lier sud îe<*a -the warmt4tuiuuwi-r'>m. arid biaaketsiit lber trox'n Iili rd ber pir nmueti-, sud s ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIC TORONTO- ý-7i

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