SU ewut-w eftaet-o ioma 1le Yà 'im éw u M o ii« en mz&'aor the ItaiianasOURO. ,lt vas net t , .4a1, iiet aen ay o teh. lt wBI OýdaY thât 13imwn. lniWy.o efr w *D7 1 lysaii for tabe 85 to &ior Iieartsad. turXing #ux>on me vith W.,b min, su tbt 1 zoafl beon tle,< iont:lift e cdoe lii êker'beýolQn"I baorohéil a o beutiftùl 4lieA ~Amba * ~ z ~ os e r Ile te o veber., aiid-ob Mpuif, or- vas ehw.:Inoupmble éf lovng&ifl For iLutaihad extered. lok «à MRwold w&,tbo.ove? Lm .1 afrrllke in ateagown Oet stiu =uoe i1rto be &0= ber t,7om te , ber, eet, ex W . 1MOtimedSM iot il" cauoubt lomsly round th «.aedte*vree vith bilm. g__ eof ehaeed silver. And y7* one dzy. .bortlv alteri v e« m 1 ados'tor w4 eo laid In Para. whe ,1 a ied, -fl<! rnzDii Hor eyea vore i buIn bar oom Iying , trotoilsd UPOn thie thos~an Ve, oxr< y e - on< flo0r w th b ier bande gled -bhnd leb rse r t-- er reeptlon., and eve tLad4s0bbjlnt al thougil or beat vould hnofear LVaie e fo ar. d> Pl Ail 4h. 'lêplanitlol le 'ave, wb*fl asboQnIi Ifdge's ory of,.tarta oauit ber up In msy armie, snd lmplrd niton ere an ndctmefa aa ber to -4.11 me whlart troulyled ber, 'w4a ."0la Vour couair, Ldy ma VasA sue "feit duil vithout. me," and ~eefietivfe ipaaz.d mou bsva ,l ailsand gaiety aga n ya"o' c ne$ Il 0e? san jyhnl'a o &11ns iecsion. a i1 me?, uit dhnra opingsexusione taie OperO. Drthia -time Madm hlad bad atromdiorend & viat-neghe ioeniberrecover aierself. Neyer once h"a rognlzed Nicholaa WI'4 In la cheapo moved 01bareafrm tlts, ~rt e 4h.hou., ên preont~Y s ohé t ail dvanced VoDiOet bernov pari t fHflic oukng vai onl and con. fot olltenena, If vlth CL genilal hlou.s, d betnl a~tyd 00141 d C on-e ..X tbnk I baveseon Mi. H] back IUi ie nd sp1meak e myvis t>e,"sio &l. "00=ob ".mn.. Hsrvo a.nd 1 don't *like ach tb hoult I 1recomnhsed bar photogr~ 'otJier," héo alId --and Vhueiolevm e oof 'I noVbave the plenaunso daeet éacê thar thé botter. Wby donlt ou ip'efêkiflitb loti at Lyinbui5t, In ýae sber to London? It'. net f air te hsr Forait , ratbor MOrO than ~ ei to keeu ber svay from tevn; obs as il. 'The custl6n vas sddrssed U ron vwer. shalned et ber. Uou soO. and at firît llcited ne snewer. That vewo f -the casge %h nôt ooourred to ber lu surprise, I perceived ù, û me,. sud. 'vezed as I wus by bis vords, ber al svoe o olorless,jnd ibat I eav thera migilt ho Somethuntgitheun. uee o etxylnc o sPeals 1 À veok latex vo took poeefflo n of our lips and vorda that vould lot O new >hloe. Lilth vas 1k. a* hld iUdvtai "Yotare noV iii, i197 darlungi al a fréeh toy, ilttttnp about, fulil of delclit, I excaimed7llgppinir mi' &rM-ai dancing f rom one room to another, toc for indeed I tilst tbe vol muoùt -Ieaseod Smd sxced to reqliro Test *,No$ no,", sbo muttered, "notV- ,r--", p4 Byber consent I had Onu' I vas là pussled &nd eVart Tlintw a rfl5baw* vlo w"s vunilii Lady Margraret asad aile knsv ogly poitetoohis nov unttreas; I aW O 1u -spoken to me. l'or I vas 9 ra.neèlamiel, and ongsgeéd a Cook Van Ihat I bid noyer Men ber and -pailor.ýni&d. Wltb so smam an en- "Realy? 1 =net have beon VtallOft, 4as Lilit4ilurged, -oI d al-Vhen," Madge rel.urnod. "Or PRu fardtVo gratfy thue. desîre of! ber heart, bave forgottOi. HaVe YOU eelfr "4,o ride In ber cvii carniage" a as art- LymilurstP? leellyput U.Se he neateet of victorias "«Net mince I vont to ichoul," va. bougt and nstalled i eux Sable, id Lhlith, îaImost naudlblyr, vitl and for a ýtlnxlthe use ecfit PlaCSd Lgiltlihebod and cheeles tiat haîtsdd il, tugeiee'itilbeaven, But fnt faiiy crimson. "Bofore thon 1 mai'11 da,," after IV. arrivai, Lilith and 1 . as I--mxy father-'vO-", vs vwers drlving up Rgnt Sltroet, pasiod sh4o stovved ahort in de" ber old lnatruetress, Kira. Btanhope Moi. and igueslng that silo vas ashaiC land- In a modeet haniem cab. luding te thos old vagrant daye Anà Mo. Stanhopo Morland gave- ua te bar rescus. botâh VQê6,cut direct. 'Lllith uaed teixravel «bout. kst thias, LI-lit. i.vt.h ber useual absence delfrmerlY under ber f atle: of )ride, veut outnlrht thon audthors. ,I ezoined. "but Ehe o vUld ri, In bair PreUy cearniage in -thecrovded bo *ercod to talk about thSeo Street a&nd vilen. we reacilsd homo abs days." veiild fot ho comfortod. "Thmla ejust vwhat I wanted But anether surprise vas In etoe for Lilîtil oxclaimed. vith a gratefui ne- Vat afternnen. Before I had klissd me. my viSes tears avay, a carlla«e droe And voe both lcft Madresini the up 'ho our door, and avisiter vas sh1OWn Thie interview begun tilus Inaý lno ths dravung-roefl.' 1V v@as aconstralned oeson Thle vIit6r va. Lady brargaret Lorimor. Liiit.b vas -On ber boit - aoeke in monosv-liablei vIth r cJHA'rERxiv.afreoted intonation. 'and seomOl nopnions on an>' subjeet.C "Ycu ccainLady Margaret!" crled ddh ra no e aua Vjdill, forgtting e er nbe s -adtilat vas vilen hstalkL ibMent. "*S4e bas actually coule bore to theatres and te the meniti ofj ose us 1 Or. ratiler. te es Yeni. 1 suippoe dancer vwhem ile and I bad lUere va. ne toucil of eithor Jealone>' or PTe bîtternese In ber toneo. only wondermolit "Sue cant dance regali' voll,'ýi' not unmtxod vit-h ave. The latter tIi- =y vife. "ibe, only moves be,, fleion vexod me. should mv vifs ea hoe overvbelmed vlth thxe honor cf a viGt, And, apipighni un, éabs va from my cousin? give an illustration cf ths -et: * 'le bas come teO seo you,' I said has- gâaner n ouestî<o. vilen abc, i t11. "Ladies cal-i upon the lady oft he caulgbt Madre'» -brilant darki bqyue, net the gentleman belonglng te upon ber vlth ose trange an 1 Oyou 'Il have a lot to do teacbiig iii teme, Ab iti tuod me ailthat social tuf," Ltllt.h ob»srvod I- cn' do it mYself, eof cc blactdl.. "But- I caxîtI have ber quiz me otammnered. "Dut any oescan vith tileored syes. Yen talk te ber a mean.', bit untîl 1 come - Dcky, dear, and get ber "IYoeu" dance, thon?" Ma ite a nîce good humer. And dentI talk swoetîi'. toc mtwbh about bhoua happiy vilh me, And Llith, vith a vivldbush for. If yen doeshe la sure te bate me, as Wheî Lad; Margaret left. af salo vas once se iwset on you henseif." tea vîtix us. I aecompanied 1 "Sho broke off our engagement-" deer. Candidli'. I did net va "Oil. -I dais saýr! But yéu vent par- corne again, and I vas both ol umade me.abs vanted te' Remembes', I andi surprised vilen eile assure was undortVaesofatalal that tîmo slo vala earneetiy that silo vant'd teh talking te yeu n lxthe studio that mcm- deai more cf =Y vîfe. nsi- ino, and-anybody could ses vith hait an thoy mchtt become var i end oye abe, vas 4ix love wil-l ue." -Oh! aid oe thung I muet asi1 elle ran olff. iuglsing, te ber dresoing- selle ald. pausing on the tires, teo the dravinir-noom. Tixere vere certain 'nova" expressioncixiLtth- pmade usea--I'exchanxeti a f ev vrds v -or. vhlch, thoiigh neitiler very siangy a Paris theat-me recenti>'; tha nor very 'vulgar, vers sufficiet totejar ~dônt enen knov vilere, hc ie uen Vhsecar ef a sensitIvo pcrsen. And "Whateven Yeu do," ehe said Madge vas critIcal anid sensitive in tixo Iv.'"never asi t bat man te y< eireme. I knsw tilat, anid ltew how MY~ Drop hlm altogetiber. Ils il a. wife's absurd habit of calling me *»Dicky» not a pereon yen sixould let for noc reoon in tue wvend but îhat I eV vaon gehnic tô ba chnistened "'Richard," a - oo Wray is a great a4 ternin- fati-er.' until at the last moement yous- protested; but >tadg< ,mywre.tx.utlcle*, naones wt're subtituted, nie Quite fiercoly. wetld surprise and vox 'ber. -"liii ndmi.sattis le nins "Adrians tee grand. I shall tee moreri "I you have aniy regai like a relation and il equal1 if I cali you ativconoldsnatlen for t.he ber4 'Ilk'"L-llth badl eaid, andi "Dick," or f auuiiy. you -WUl drap the Matia " 1ikv" oer vas te bier. Rer trick "Do you aican tilat lie hai of calliniz every one by niclxnLimVesanus- voi?' I aiketi. aitoniebed ut1 #d nus as dfd nxost et ber ohIldiuîli vaye. ece 'lut tixen te me vh.atever elo titi vas de. tIti vas silent for a moment. lirtful, and 1 vas only appreliensive sald. lest ber Impulsive vvays migilt be un- "-yes. Hoboas insulied me. Ixverably eqm.eîted upon, y he' hs y* regard yen nov as a brethoi percrticat Matigo. ake ycu muet nover mec Ih Aootier reaiai. and eevhich I bard. byi" ly darsd te own even te myselt, matis me CIIAPTER XX VI. iscretivrrgret Madg'a nusit. Sfio vase for anothir. t.bat evsry lina cf ber faced te. ora. if yen put "ee drem vgas'full of meanin',. or tixought, anid'cf 1 mai aven my bead. ta vom1 feshhîs" aid or 9a Ihird. that there wgA reniasme; aid ,trem e--ik a. idlstinetton about ber vwhele bea.rntn fore mv cvi servants. 1Boie te vw-lxch 1 had forrnerY beerà toc Weili stnartI 4about ,ooonnta. Ir à eccu:tornea to Oel54ly em b a<la-t antie, aid 40,îg. ,,king lboy 1 was. and nquiringafaten i180 ii.bat ber oow sa-. Lilithh, betore I1luid lime t e ute t Ivo ltved stmaly enou!rh, vo esso vith beraaib. 1iaied ai al-;fnr lsil-h. cout Papaljee dreadfiilly iil'abe ai& 4onor -hen. preju4!'eL sx.ain itL, tbthe bo ceudt't cons. litaU. he or ha? conshraîn!ied' Aid . wkns 1iard4.y' gos. angwhero iow." amna then.*n"coiu 1*0t-lait-true?" pear st recepuien in 11Otlqý "Thabt Lord Carechêeher 1 aIl d0d Hme-the ony@ pr' 't' cnir tee trile." boî>aehd. 1: you kiov wbat 1 mean. T'hxt bel 1i wâ's.A'erv hii Ndii' - ovuld ba.veo me If ho gould?' 1Me withte oemliao bladore Iestateti.' Ihid boa', iodtsced teainrle. -Weil, j-, ît qute truc." e&hoe drai' ladoge. vhe b ad.eý.er hbi -ted et. logi. "but fh i viibs v-heu hbe couxedUndoub.edy. ehe vas nfflt, te a reieon'ahle tramsetfmmnd.. 19, ,vil1 Bonxd i*t exhibition, et penilt lnx thinkina. tint yen JiltOe, i.pauntixiga vasn es f the ni' a-id broke xny heait.'Now, do i1100# lh1î» '4ûovgtat isaici. aiid DO .ilqndl41y. rev.ured.. but esent thft, er.scqnl ter i.b.~f Looking at e1uîpÈloftIunsold ilen the. * r C'~I dîxet ~a.ç lrilvr, oehael' lore 0c IýX e1,p tili. d1eldif-bfliltnto Iivele itiotii <if ri.4bd'liti. Il ectUt;21iajd1t 'the I 'ite, 'iv'rtâG varions chestelWs, 1k40Fanee a'ho Yoi~r ps a xi1~ab >ad ecenil>' andti ibeatimiral'é egfey1 a&ixhî'ti si er ia 6rls5 thte cure ( lI eentejl tb1q'raeelniahilméfit5. pI.the-xé&ï t a oiyh 'P~aîesîtY V." bs e slrs -but - elon f&-diameids. Wh-rt t.h~roi.~hhing in eos'rd t.he matter. e'w,-ovmn u~s t aa r wil UýZift utduaÃà motuelsn Vlýe brain. LliVh -vatt go bautlfîd I vo 3~b~4 ~XxnaflsIe-eut ber arrar. s60 -py h s54gi Ilerthn Ii&t -intinl-banti poor am ia hi l"oiild refuse kstlot4 b4tf'ibvItil Ver cer - sixîqs1 Motoa refuse bercuok o ---*#lie, bear. 1 itibte a&reau'.,thle d ~e~ huali5brougbitona 'w me <su, think. - e - vJat 1I esst fcr-tbought zaeleC1 uerla si m u aLa > . pom~ aff thie vork, and lu Cusequance I ouad fnet U& of * foo. CU à le4hree iels-0 ar 1111 iebear ho ae ier lookhni¶ at IL. ed, ilowev6e r, M lb. jI't&Oi i5 b ' Féb' ' "1. T b co-'ud) epreveated frow uni eng r o ide!nn&nhed potat<xOe:ei4gg ___________________________ .yO'.an t1 ltI 1icstfbaon.-Sc'. Cà -l'yPo anddryr.thoroe cal aheuld 'ue p4l4&! onf l in un -.bPRhVATi mêtê dripini l bee 4implced'c;nlý' for ex1ûi>tiôn, -&Y an, e ir qMAXOnefrKEKli.. sagnesamee, moontha'- - tbad00dP 1 ro urpoafes. So -far as ho bas provwn Carer l Oe . Caadas ~<> he i.pan'hry to belp fr.ep -the. food Vte bri'o*. Ou t i i a b1 ' viEýlloupil hoiat eoret o 4 vas ~Remarkable Men.. aveot and fice4 . h ceal for 5e'rv:fg. 'av,"<eâ e nyrdsaddie u f 11hb a ' he . 'iatMet Sir MaxAt hOi edhangea once s weok lhItfulmoa-shsladeono'-tean ayresad riesiceaR leed -ken,"- .remiarked a ,certan commer- Ui à lso viee t ave sna rP fp'ete iùtt~ ttl"ren;EGIEÂ n 111.TEAIS 0 nl frplcuebtmn t üPen <ualtra.velle(, 'it vas at- .Tiuro, butter muslins -eighted,,sib saecluwhýV'in te gýmand n'ie eJaORo QVEEJI JiIXïD8. (a, a d fow ret.rienthe,'n4 id -e su--1. i 908.' Misoing uiny ra, I pgorner,,,to m ins ',' ' e - endur ice aid - aaptahility. TIüe '. Frorn 50110' -ad'e11 iih a4ae nt oat uî n 'ho k ,eep ;pà <te'r ý - &e d t r au "n"" o e!1thé -ei4,md "are powerful ere,tures-£oxý deVac lhii ii ublicgardes-'to my SFraik-sproins egéteV-on.:'ei aot -'n- itlte PIgs te I5amaÉi-Ooi'riies are dain loada, as are the Northern rog idth otbeautiful natur;a1.<l ai ggreavetiol'f in'h unnèr bi.c~ S 'à kdad~he 4e an raco-' m id -Cahe a.mIs't tal. ig couple - o!cdtablespoon- -browne.d. Serve ut once. Unrelile nPbi ou asadte rquick and t aret?" park in.Caada.a'. tcoup egorableheoùmoPumblie eveéred Young, ehap there-stranded ,1ke fulis A fiime-a-te are puts ue - '-ighway. Mr. Wungfleld an eapec- myalf-wbo gave his name as W. ecd pintetr M Ilk,1 thée laitker vill --UuciodHnu iaý study of the-Shetl&nd.penyai Ãbe re- .Alke.Fine, large, apeaking .keeçp.,eweet msn oe hni h-Ntsouyh n Àtn .-Wn-h been very auccesful ii breedin but eyfea et greyish blue he,1ad, ,spread ýWou-Id o4herwie-Il the blit ,parts o-f the kibohenfedeAptl House, Bedford, and raisitig thean, Tii.e OMnm.o tp5-welI apat. His firansejehu4 A ici o!bicarýonate of ioda range tr-~lo a e, dpaEngiland-,the la.rgest pnivaezoo ii n také that pdople imke witi the be. orceul pa ipr'esedme. Helwill olten kee.p miflk f rom turnîng elothl in vinegaran rub on tiS he 4-wà rid,, but 'tis niue0f6 ite heepne a o!î h thtItold nme bis age, 27; it wouidn'V soup-,.'-On ne account aiuould dit.. biaikehed p-arts.- too, inasmuch a it- hI the-oliY zoo "o- highiy. -Tho6y requi ,re the -mo.dé ph Dd have urprlaed me had ho iaid là feront lots el milk b. mixed. Rrebrtsbwilen Pourillg that May be caled a riding zoo, for hardy fare, anc[ anythin-gbut, SU4i feNov except fer thedominating stren'gtb -A goot way te ket-p lbtor ceci, bct'frit in -a glafsjar, if the far La Mr. 'Wing4ield has tiained ev'ery tare.ian detnimental . to' the m. igeP ofbisfeatrea I ememer hatira sudawct,.anttlul ii te pla 1à plcd -upona wet oloth whilethe animal in 1V to ridÃng addriving, th ir native islaxds their di laI rurnnni ls headstruckme as being a eize to2e butter on a plate, je Scover fruit La being poured in, itw-iuI-î pre- and ho Tua*y b. seen about-luis oe telOy frug .al, being, chié-iy <>1 - toh e ag e tsaihfirhie u h aen l rpout. Wring a vent its cracking. h -l adriig ubig fat pigs, shaggy uhepneWe, and they ar aorc4V -b-, ~ t.~Ipany<i rorbust. Ii peoe of flannel througsa eold, Perch, brok, 'u, a lzebras,lRa.mas, sa.cned Hin-rokigh t-ieioh' 'aid wrap it round lei flower-pot ail saail f1sh aire bedt f ried. Theà e deo cowe, reindeer, oîtrich, Bar- unaheltere.f r<dýmthe old'and *et.' tt erin ucli a sWay th.t 'hile bole, inthe amalflshehouuld awinu twice, once bary rama etc, Thé: creaturea are Axdin viewof dtila fa xtheï slihe P faim. pot remain.s. uucovered. If the in1 water and once in hotu fat. The se perfectiy trained that they are est pam>rig pi sem and 4wu en.nelbe -me dY, wring -it fatj eai<>ld b>iboiEng hoti)efore ridden daily aîong temà nrad i Bterngpeat;.t 1 n .through cold ater. aga4n. pu ing the fià h in. and arby> mo),ra and M th i r elh . -e oy Sh - Nevex try te fresben meat that Wbhen ceored clot-iing L staa5iod car-iiagos. Th.ey carry Mr. Wing- landsWi an d ha -red toy t he'- r fied orthe këper witheaf and su h.s rpJeduced nthve sioni la stainted; lit iameat inju-rieu- and with mud, lt it dry and bru-si out fteld ortho keen-as ie ,asade~ntesmils fntv pne 11il- dangeoee te de o.. To keo'p mea.t ail youeau. Thon asplly a maixture -ilfg55,adaeasdcl stà a -considerablê degrea.' Mr. mubenmu- u ' huIdb iuglnaco. t atadfer et ' rmain on, herses. Mr. Winifield, nccording Wîngfield hbn-echibited these littAe >ygo2 dark place directsly it cornes Iro>m in a dry place, for a day or twe , atebthCoua hDrsepn atc , prndes i>bios nt many shows. and has îowei' zebra e a here any dyff.d Won Innumerable Prizes. avE been. trhe butcher. te buhof hîlewnle pe i on In ie xiismn f-iwte been. ) b~~~f t ia e b kept very long Br-own flou-r te thicken brown hnh ihssedh ons1H loehbt in fhete nfusion, à - -uough, l'h aiould *ho;eput ite an gravies eau 'bo made by putting s -à raw he ass les rtl ainéd animais et various .agrioi. oti cf 54-, cc-rthenaro ith itoffleur in-a uè oenwt Idt tr hws, and, especia.ily bis tar I came bothewr bowl, evoed pntvih o Vs ed.h swfb tr ih e are- wate, ai ti . ra'ceocf the some coals uffder, and keep atir- oqualllsswif, but MThWingie tI.iraireh h o v eread oth e rigc an.yflide that they are unreliable -on rnsntwokThehveret s crat iFwarter-thing -<lts purey-until IV las dark tepbi odsadrdst e d ean-t deal ef interest. Hi4 l e net c ered wit rameatoanbe brown, but not burn1t.thpulcmdan rie en 4yaiasuhasiszbà ý k-Z eu fr e eadcn, eo h pitbusha'aedidnifonly in lbis grounds» Ris ostriches fîyaias nba i ers > as old kp rs o eea dyee-H-an ruhshv re tf are, however,- amazingly well bre - have been very interest4n'g te peo' 1 to»ay" inthe ottst wtiter. iththe paint dn them, lot thom ken te bnidie aid ca.rriage, aid are ý,e a iue 'bras viildoýubti:esho- loc a-- Bacon can ho kept < rom turning wainieras fewn rut -ii v ea r amore tra.ctable than those crea- have bes n greatly admired &IBO., v rona. -raucid by being-kepl in a weeden wboielias ben. e boguv e dwath usal ae i ath hs is gnon-successea-at leacing shows a »i shdea. tub ansl covered wtsh oak oawdust biîgp»t eeeadws them se wefl trained that woin th lis rare kne-wl-edgeofe animiais shêvaide. d seub ,badf euathoroughly in strong 8câp suds. en-n ride them safely, aid Lady ~ ten&lo, au 'h ",eau b ob a ci dry a l'a.aaare aid vater bdttlss apeinids o f h is iiigeneral, madle him an invaluable. t er bnwil ad toedWn ec>. dr el' Moya O ýbl ie oemme fte odnzooia iy oneavae.Conted with a white crust £rom hlardostniches frequently .Wme tteLetnzooia ni ncepac.citol iy-uncil. -iaiy Boiled ha s a Mont useful and vater hovb clearied by strong Special Carniages Biîilt. 'Lr -Watrfotucldinspi4 a cer tanSr1a tieMPppla umrdsi u ti n- vinegar. Putlt in tihe, water bot- -Lr lerRtshlhI rj a certin Sir___________________M.P_____ la to e lisndy ' w'hi i e Icand shake 1 nround a bit, thon Mr. Wingfield net oniy rides bu-t 'into z-oo at TviningýPark, in Sur- geonin atoed. To gephrvendtdtyhhs, erpr le t IVstand 41-11 the lime la eut, cWives bis eheep aid luogs. He bas rey, but with the exception of- bit ;ýeaMdWide rngeeeAeainggaiedprton eea hnitmyb ase nth sa pecial carniages built for t-be diff- teamo! tour tralned zebras, wbicb uife1iite rate oce appg enIn y 0 v'er thle cut prio vitlu& tdiiin e t-n- o'aledhteuu erent animaIs, and se confident in he ie drives about the -ceuntry litched ringWi lMlvnyqutlto ta a e r tbter, thon 'with a layoe' n-uffed cazlu bsev wt i is bog steeds 4hant lue Perm It- o a ui-hn-nd cen-chluhano yle -of teo lu aend the am il1 cup r adke bte serve vth childnen 'ho drive theni lu a littie Subjected any etfluis animala te a ndIS abou te ho Mulae qotatxoe hat rcae o orpatnidt- u.I* Wag ont only nbout the estate Ë- c.f training for idirg çoS e xid ly mp t, le t old m e iow ue iad ren t-eke p beautiul-ly moiat.scrpak res andle ovy lttng th o " public rendu. The heg s 1niving, a d M n. W ingfield i5 uni- - mp05 o Mi raly met h i e r a nR d y eiard - o F ih aise -tu ras quick -ly n va r a'ok r i said oven i An ho ct k -but on the ystenu -- ndlbig Ci- mly.ein hic atrh 'hiovdel. are drll-lookigcreatures.bhn ei h ei ttî otc mInhsîgethsnamyefluslvyweathher i!l t ls sml trdi c a/ u ntewrda hssr toil vbabu v as iti msto" i emeou he uu - Mon]ct kinds can ho seven or elght minutes,;'lifttout neis. and croate a genuino sonna- thiig. vel îhwth the poet-inovelit fer noverai kept freitou5 i-fi l edwth ake gtun, tplt te aoe-nondt i-a.Tuionsis in Paris a. lady vît go ~aksdday appeciaed.put into a basn i ad vol-I eprinkled e aigti otvtibte In h inter Mn. Wingfleld ddrivesrivs a&e-m ef zebranlu the Bois, dgen.iseti l. "ater, havigben so d'ui at - Place in a hot oven unittey -niffreindeer sledge and aisoi'ides bis driesamyothae1 hm i v h , aing A itke' eint lo ehfd t Aout aqatr fa om e -dare -a delîcate sIbTOwn. neindeer cross - country. Anotlnen aheal bngt rv e ex akie Atkn'srocnat ur ote, fond re fo cok-favorite vinter teamin ladoge, which tsd therses, n ho isae. oi 1e o t'hs hinu c ickiîg away at a typevriten, fore tic fiahislereciuidfo ok____ are nonthern dogapru, ichisea o %ataberti nidlueuntteedquey D off thc salit in lu-kewani pvefu Lmtrs, 1t la a ainething te be seer barreoe an hesntisfied'm nxy v-aiuer strengtb and very beautiful in form, drviîg more bonneg, anid onlyà me vsny at once. 'Insuranco!l' said be. vater. peti~ "hcres alot t crresondnce Vegetables umually kewp f reeli if WATER CLO CRS. Tluey n-no hanenssed toecither siedge spikngpiofgiyanp'zeu :Jdnha, btthegsame. oSanirepolenen ey ara utorfed ina dark corner -or cart, n-cording to -the veatixer. 1ras Nvill serve te n-Un-ct attentioný s I. "Do titannisurn'bm o reome f 9a tone..goooeo'oelar and cover- The Egyîîtiîns aund Chinese Used aid n-ne caýpabee aigg t~espectaclar çoatî et these Af ni' ua an lniuranemenos.Iftar aedeerw adainp clôth. To on- Tlun. speed. j cao anumals fit veilitù tbe achemut crosayan is te ug e crry l'hl ie'sr e- mlepi- belitlvciTer a ls oý Mn. Wiîgfi "ld' s lotfa-s hions of the day, anddn-t cros tey ugh tocarry t; ow' sue tem eepnÉ bsoutt earlyPWit mati stin -ae fund mooyabehanl aed vadmen'tandl-the creatures are as tnactable ai vas Il-1. tht'-vith the brighuteet cf aid trsi, place somne Wtrh iboti st havctse 10unxid mooar e hnIled t ai and geitie -annrgor oncu. l,nelan sandthe-otit imposbete tell time vth <ci Most et themu have been hre-1t-ssusa teîe otclu amulse. I only mention tluat ho- shallov vese1 aid stand disroot ' ' pontib n r iouse. cause sverytluung I've read about end oet hs vegetablesa îl epnn xcton u s eo rda h lc oer Mr. Vnng-1 honte shlow programme will bce nli- i bad mani.the wonderful after fsuëess et Sirinwter. a itbn that bef8nt o hmu'eldsnany ndyreaî's thndeer vor ifs aUlne ~snosesceese fe nvi e-s tbcneiprat ehmfedscr ad-r iitr t id vJveîied bY- the entrics ot zebras, to be - mirr xc 'enl bgsn h ittîner Io keep-pch el ol eV o do se. luhis in gsnity wn-s fect. Ho hamade a close st- - -followed maybe, as the years go on'- n-irr lailoe. F eh ad natluing tie ting a very large piece rt a tîmo, equai t-o the task. Ris einrliest oe , their diet aid habits, nid thus 'i and emui turit ne han tencpin h eitdadwnpi i iadarnp cloth inventions fo>r the meaa,;uremenJ- rjg euabled te keep Vlîem in perfect- . llll lii", slls awaiting me whcn I reached Glace before puttiig it away. trne were the -san d cock aid t-be wndito' H a tnkepr'o, ti for me. Bay wlth my millineny-sarnples- He Cakes andi brea-sbould be st-On- water clock. The' fix'st %vater clock tie lae uding Hindoos, Afni- toge h îd un crn for t- itiece in lairtigluttins, and if a piece et vas an sarthenwane goepe cenas and Arabs,'W M ar exer a insultoei town , aid Velti m e îov a biatli g cut brencl can -h. put ut o en-eh in the bot-tom te Perm it t-h e waieem o their k o wledgc etf carîng for . cor- B l -L- u o ' ej li d er'l ' hat mai ha.d alneady overed the in itvil-I do a gnon-t d en-i t- Pro- cecape ix dnps. That coitivaice tain native animais. - Bely±-u o' ojlid L. Thon abs ground, ,so t-bat every store in the vent ths cake-said bren-d becoiniilg, - a&s used te ueglate tie length of The animale are given a great The p-coron thesoil tic botter Vile tdas pin-ce vas knee-deep i be-nilubon- aae- It-be speaches in tîhe ceints .6f jueice. don-I et treedom -andi exorcise nd crop 'cf wlld cati. fi - ooy ed headgear-'mie than could be BY folIeWiilg these instruxctiofnF-T e gyptians are belÃeved te> are turnd eut ixto the vast- park sIf at om t a lniindt h olîl hi -frG o -used i n o the place for fi .&year. mn-ny h o>îw cather troubles vîîî be have tîseti vater cdocks, aid it is every day to vaiden wlione tîey eik t 'es u'tosavé hlm p siio..'a 'There's only e order lue"didi't n-yeided. Aid surely it is worth Ipsitiely knwî that Vhe Chinese will te grazît froc ly. il le 10 bolth e job devi.-.1 yltviciget,' joked Aitkeî, 'and it mn-y h b ll t o va ith aoyt.hiîg 1 hati tiieni, for there ie a very odl "usRnniîl o - if a mian lias ne sces et humer he i y f hi c. i will ho yeurs-getting the Do- le surea ye ta get fin-ny at the -wrng tIme; bos vh mnin o-itenbydones-ortat spoiliaoun oojeymeot cf ttI 00aillin 'existence in the cltylasu b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t rý à -ilS termle iVs negoudmn o atn.L cit ffoi e- is tue otulcomo -uf Mn. Vingfield's+ eceeeity la tiemtio e ofInvetion,- lx rdly enter- ene teaapeen pickles rmixed vit-h thlat they cause t-e-oouuui o mn-ke- nu cvi six.t Coolik a ihli complete. reyolutioi- auyetr. AVý riee0aner gotWatr W-hot1I1 the ight,. aid- at-nding very clone -- 'S lo baier a .Tho cool vater vithout uln ô1e-te heo'uniaafgee-awe--- Wouavr e asedrgls ettuefi - MiacellanteonDishs.. ling von-ian;<nroîm whcte eyezeVh uw lit a aeer n-p-st« in cm nny drug store. Haji fill t viti vater fnliýs>*in tue ferm ,f et r.BYEPT i 4u about'110xîsnitrate etfammonia. .n-te, fil uýp' 1 ifII au.-o mk - L - a reeepte-#,sur vW hiich -î ith 1vater, cork tightly. -6hak e iubeooii 5&iiCa -- $O44. WW -- d aO eeovfc- DOer' xh fadof11 I gpsi eMflyPO . b-~ttSi n iovd ecm-qun-tened mu.uliroom»c,>"te"o"e 4 a alittie fot-on vhich' regts an.., Sogar 7e rtiPi~ fui te vipe Vile outide et thie Milo b%à .a5e~;su~e gniyohff6mre tathI#-ie mI tubeof- brwn shuejh pqlgiga çe-tiv y marIne dry, in order that&aIl trces o,t!'i.fuifu r v* um1Cj- l wnyforlcr 101býtr susisu î'nah -aWh"oovd PeeAw Si@r o0d V a<n-Us-te raise tefigure 4-t thetop on~~ ~ ii * iieinte * r j - i-*ue 1 ëanbe.naad efo'fCuf thoc'tubhe reeptaele. ,At 'hb m a t ep agxt4 awuen vu aepo fe resh hW, W t4 tlup-gSSHd, or thbe- :in-t the di ,reaches,,the top, 'a i'ivy wMer la rapidly icb4l-Id. Th-di 84rgb'eic<up 5MçIr a çan- valve oes pr ttevtr - h 1tr4e 'et simi-h 8aptsecau-- I>e, of 'euute -"ihte-lvend a fLevu 'hhnouglu the wvatoi4'>wheel, and ~ buglt t ay~ ru stre.Th s mail ellces o! .-onion fer - tiree- caugs tbe colxlnte t'uni one thnee- vnol ena- a fn-r botter way et -coelung wn-a7 i4er !a hpzy.Mot ieta Udèr5Xy.fho eoqto. - ~ns e-,tuai put'hing.le. ini l'. bl -là pt of eb1utt.nhami1 othta'eend-eta- year îis'has A Ve~-'- -- -nauopat ad' 'ddtuv VaioaP0Cui~turnfes comp etèli' round.; At'tVhe ~ P~i5. Lov mny b hlid %t~'fl~ur.Wb. býroww aidsanené, 'héle tuning oet hs vater Lðcddy_ ln bllaFuît n» 5i ýp$Xtti tA te tlue telite, Whels causes -an-othor -valve teopen fioer ,, aai'nd P-~ -iIthe .recpptaCIe ' hlit, th'hIefigures êëYesth'hand canpuko-ýutyou )Ka ~e-~P; i1it1ad n ciilup of its lout l evel, 'hO St4r an another s I wu 4W.. ia-vth' tbereut 99ethtbem.. .oup iatec aid' t'heieon-ïithi a tea- d"i sjotui!iOy.- 4u.eI pur- eaily. t geV you - - -lJ -'14.